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Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

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Original Article

Role of medicinal plants in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 and in the management

of post-COVID-19 complications
Pulok K Mukherjee a, c, *, Thomas Efferth b, Bhaskar Das c, Amit Kar a, Suparna Ghosh c,
Seha Singha c, Pradip Debnath c, Nanaocha Sharma a, Pardeep Kumar Bhardwaj a,
Pallab Kanti Haldar c
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Imphal-795001, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
School of Natural Product Studies, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata -700 032, India


Keywords: Background: The worldwide corona virus disease outbreak, generally known as COVID-19 pandemic outbreak
SARS-CoV-2 resulted in a major health crisis globally. The morbidity and transmission modality of COVID-19 appear more
COVID-19 severe and uncontrollable. The respiratory failure and following cardiovascular complications are the main
Traditional system of medicine
pathophysiology of this deadly disease. Several therapeutic strategies are put forward for the development of safe
Inflammatory cytokines
and effective treatment against SARS-CoV-2 virus from the pharmacological view point but till date there are no
Phytochemicals specific treatment regimen developed for this viral infection.
Purpose: The present review emphasizes the role of herbs and herbs-derived secondary metabolites in inhibiting
SARS-CoV-2 virus and also for the management of post-COVID-19 related complications. This approach will
foster and ensure the safeguards of using medicinal plant resources to support the healthcare system. Plant-
derived phytochemicals have already been reported to prevent the viral infection and to overcome the post-
COVID complications like parkinsonism, kidney and heart failure, liver and lungs injury and mental problems.
In this review, we explored mechanistic approaches of herbal medicines and their phytocomponenets as antiviral
and post-COVID complications by modulating the immunological and inflammatory states.
Study design: Studies related to diagnosis and treatment guidelines issued for COVID-19 by different traditional
system of medicine were included. The information was gathered from pharmacological or non-pharmacological
interventions approaches. The gathered information sorted based on therapeutic application of herbs and their
components against SARSCoV-2 and COVID-19 related complications.
Methods: A systemic search of published literature was conducted from 2003 to 2021 using different literature
database like Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and Web of Science to emphasize relevant articles
on medicinal plants against SARS-CoV-2 viral infection and Post-COVID related complications.
Results: Collected published literature from 2003 onwards yielded with total 625 articles, from more than 18
countries. Among these 625 articles, more than 95 medicinal plants and 25 active phytomolecules belong to 48
plant families. Reports on the therapeutic activity of the medicinal plants belong to the Lamiaceae family (11
reports), which was found to be maximum reported from 4 different countries including India, China, Australia,
and Morocco. Other reports on the medicinal plant of Asteraceae (7 reports), Fabaceae (8 reports), Piperaceae (3
reports), Zingiberaceae (3 reports), Ranunculaceae (3 reports), Meliaceae (4 reports) were found, which can be
explored for the development of safe and efficacious products targeting COVID-19.

Abbreviations: 3CL, Pro-3-chymotrypsin-like protease; ACE-2, Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; AYUSH, Ayurveda, yoga & naturopathy, unani, siddha and
homeopathy; Bcl-xL, B-cell lymphoma-extra large; BH3, Bcl-2 homology 3; CD, Cluster of differentiation; CFR, Case fatality rate; COVID-19, Coronavirus disease
2019; CSIR, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid; FDA, Food and Drug Administration, IFNγ, Interferon gamma, IL, Interleukin;
IP10, Inducible protein 10; MCP1, Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; NF-κB, Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; PLpro, Papain-like
protease; RdRp, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; RNA, Ribonucleic acid; SARS-CoV, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; TCM, Traditional Chinese
medicine; Th1, T helper type 1; WHO, World Health Organization.
* Corresponding author at: Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India,
Takyelpat, Imphal-795001, India, Tele-Fax: +91 385 2446121
E-mail addresses: naturalproductm@gmail.com, director.ibsd@nic.in (P.K. Mukherjee).

Received 3 October 2021; Received in revised form 30 December 2021; Accepted 3 January 2022
Available online 5 January 2022
0944-7113/© 2022 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Conclusion: Keeping in mind that the natural alternatives are in the priority for the management and prevention
of the COVID-19, the present review may help to develop an alternative approach for the management of COVID-
19 viral infection and post-COVID complications from a mechanistic point of view.

Introduction Beijing Institute of Biological Products developed inactivated Chinese

Corona Virus (CVC) vaccine and BBIBP‑CorV, EpiVacCorona by a
In 2002-2003, a surveillance definition was established following the Russian company named Federal Budgetary Research Institution State
outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. At the end of December 2019, a pneumonia Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, China. Covaxin
patient with unidentified etiology was found positive for pan-β-coro­ (BBV152) was developed by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the
navirus which has the closest resemblance to another coronavirus, Bat Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and National Institute of
CoV-RaTG13 (Zhou et al., 2020). This new virus was termed Virology (NIV). Sputnik V is a viral vector COVID-19 vaccine developed
SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes was termed coronavirus disease by the Russian Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and
2019 (COVID-19). Whole genome sequencing analysis of clinical Microbiology (Logunov et al., 2021; Mishra and Tripathi, 2021). Still
SARS-CoV-2 isolates from COVID-19 patients revealed a total of 104 there are many vaccine candidates under clinical investigation.
different viral strains as of yet (Hu et al., 2021). It generally is trans­ JNJ‑78436735 formerly known as Ad26.COV2.S was developed by
mitted during close unprotected contact with infected persons via Johnson & Johnson, CanSino Biologics developed a recombinant vac­
virus-loaded droplets and aerosoles. Due to its novel nature, there is no cine called Ad5‑nCoV and NVX‑CoV2373 was developed by Novavax
immune defence present in host. Globally 178,202,610 confirmed cases (Kashte et al., 2021).
of COVID-19 were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO)
including 3,865,738 deaths as of June 21, 2021 (Anonymus 2021, WHO Methodology
coronavirus disease COVID-19 Dashboard 2021).
The symptoms of COVID-19 are non-specific and can be asymp­ Specific information on the topic was collected from the literature
tomatic to severe pneumonia characterized by fever, coughing, short­ available from search engines such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Science
ness of breathing and also death. Headache, fatigue, anosmia, sore Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science for retrieving published data (from
throat, increased sputum production, rhinorrhea, anorexia, dyspnea, 2003 to 2021) using different combination of keywords i.e., COVID-19/
pleurisy, skin sensitivity, hemoptysis, myalgias, and diarrhea can be SARS-CoV-2, diagnosis/treatment guideline issued for COVID-19, cyto­
developed as COVID-19 symptoms (Anaya et al., 2021; Rehman et al., kine storm, immunomodulation/anti-inflammatory/antiviral, post-
2021). On a mean incubation period of 5-6 days after infection, an COVID complications etc. The inclusion criteria limited to full text ar­
infected person may develop pathological symptoms such as mild res­ ticles on pharmacological or therapeutic approaches for COVID-19
piratory complications with fever. Many case reports showed that the based on in-vivo, in-vitro, and in-silico and clinical trial reports on herb­
mortality rate increases with age, people over 80 years of age having al drugs. News reports, editorial, peer review articles were also retrieved
highest mortality rate and people over 60 years of age with other dis­ to and recent updates were included. The collected literature was elec­
orders including diabetes, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, tronically checked for duplicates using EndNote software. On the con­
cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The case fatality rate (CFR) is also trary, the exclusion criteria for the collected literature include,
higher among males compared to female individuals at any age predatory journals source, non-english language.
(Anonymous, 2020a; Lee et al., 2021; Report of the WHO-China Joint
Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019). Guidelines from different traditional system of medicine to
With the outbreak of COVID-19, the uses of medicinal plant and their combat COVID-19
product or traditional herbal preparation increased dramatically around
the world (Peng et al., 2020). Based on preliminary clinical reports, FDA The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes initiatives to
approved chloroquine sulfate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate as develop COVID-19 therapies, including drug repositioning and tradi­
first-line treatment (Gao et al., 2020; Gautret et al., 2020; Naserghandi tional medicines. In many countries, traditional medicine has a long
et al., 2020). Unfortunately, these conventional drugs are not as effec­ history and plays an important role in healthcare. Nowadays, WHO in
tive against COVID-19 infection as expected (Cao et al., 2020; Ferner collaboration with several research institutions is working on the me­
and Aronson, 2020). dicinal plant-based products used in traditional medicinal systems, in
Antiviral drugs such as favipiravir, remdesivir and kaletra (lopinavir order to explore their scientific and clinical potential for the treatment
and ritonavir combination drug) have also been put forward to improve and management of COVID-19. In many countries, WHO provided
the condition of COVID-19 patients (Guo, 2020; Mifsud et al., 2019; support to perform clinical COVID-19 trials for traditional medicinal
Sheahan et al., 2020). Drug Controller General of India approved products (Anonymous 2020b), WHO, Africa CDC push for COVID-19
2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) for emergency use as add-on therapy in traditional medicine research in Africa). The disease is almost
moderate to severe coronavirus patients (Balkrishna et al., 2020a; controlled in China (Salzberger et al., 2020), but still widespread in
Verma et al., 2020). However, the outcome of large randomized clinical Europe, USA, India, Brazil and other countries, which have emerged as
trials was not very encouraging (Tu et al., 2020). The most common new epicentres of COVID-19 (Grasselli et al., 2020). TCM is playing an
preventive and effective approach to combat the COVID-19 pandemic is important role to control the death rate. Along with TCM, Ayurveda
the use of vaccines (Khodadadi et al., 2020). Approximately, 78 vaccine might also help to manage COVID-19 (Sawarkar and Sawarkar, 2020;
candidates have already been developed worldwide and are at different Patwardhan et al., 2020). However, there is not much solid evidence yet
stages of clinical evaluation (Liu et al., 2020; Thanh Le et al., 2020). Up to prove this hypothesis. One may critically ask, why is the outbreak not
to now, several vaccine candidates are approved through Emergency under control in India, if Ayurveda would really help. The same is true
Use Authorization (EUA) including the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty for all other traditional medicines worldwide in a similar manner.
vaccine (BNT162b2), the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine Currently the data from www.clinicaltrials.gov and http://www.chictr.
(AZD1222) sold under brand name Covishield, the Moderna (mRNA org.cn include 46 plant-derived phytomolecules and 64 traditional
1273) vaccine by the American Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Chinese medicinal preparations are under clinical investigations tar­
Company, CoronaVac by a Chinese company named Sinovac Biotech. geting both management and prevention of COVID-19 viral infection
Sinopharm in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and (Jin et al., 2020). But still, it requires reliable and high-quality clinical

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

evidence due to small sample size and long time line (Luo et al., 2020; the world (Ang et al., 2020; Benarba and Pandiella, 2020; Mani et al.,
Nile and Kai, 2021; Pang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021; Wei et al., 2020; 2020; Mukherjee, 2019; Paudyal et al., 2021).
Xu et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2020). Randomized clinical trials, which The exploration of herbs and herbal preparations used in traditional
reach international visibility and recognition concerning this issue, are medicine, followed by bioassay-guided isolation of lead compounds
urgently required to answer this question. The Ministry of AYUSH has from medicinal herbs, represent an attractive approach in combat this
come up with several preventive measures against COVID-19 infection. pandemic (Tahir et al., 2020). In several African countries, home rem­
These preventive measures are published officially as Guidelines for edies are used as alternative healthcare remedies to manage COVID-19.
Practitioners in Naturopathy, Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Natural spices and leaves of medicinal plants having the antioxidant and
Yoga and for Public Health and Health care Practitioners for COVID-19 anti-inflammatory properties were reported to be effective (Orisakwe
(AYUSH Guidelines for COVID-19 2020)AYUSH Guidelines for et al., 2020).
COVID-19) (Interdisciplinary committee for integration of ayurveda and Many natural products have broad-spectrum antiviral activity, may
yoga interventions in the ’National clinical management protocol: inhibit multiple steps in viral infection and replication and have been
COVID-19′ 2020). The Unani system of medicine may offer potential used in the treatment of SARS, MERS, influenza, and dengue virus. Fig. 1
candidates for controlling the disease burden. The textbooks of Unani represents the chemical structures of the bioactive phytomolecules to be
medicine focused explicitly on air-borne respiratory infections. In Unani useful for the management of COVID-19 related complications. More­
medicine, epidemics and pandemics were described with the common over, they have been reported as immunomodulators, inhibiting in­
term waba, which means diseases affecting a large geographical area. flammatory effect concerned for the significant morbidity and mortality
Most of the Unani herbal drugs are cheap, easy to administer and easily of COVID-19 infection (Khan and Al-Balushi, 2021; McKee et al., 2020)
available. As an example, vinegar is recommended made from Saccha­ (Tables 1–3). Medicinal plants that showed to be effective in the man­
rum officinarum L., Rosa damascena Herrm., Tamarindus indica L., Rheum agement of post-COVID related complications have been tabulated in
austral D. Don, Viola odorata L., Terminalia chebula Retz., Cassia fistula L. Table 4. Fig. 2 represents the probable inhibition mechanism of me­
and Punica granatum L. (Nikhat and Fazil, 2020). dicinal plants/products against SARS-CoV-2 viral replication. However,
Ayurveda can prevent the disease progression by regulating the the phytochemicals could be toxic at certain levels, and hence in vitro
immune-inflammation state in COVID-19 patients. The Ministry of and in vivo researches are needed to evaluate the safe and therapeutic
AYUSH, India, recommended different preventive measures to improve levels for each natural compound before human clinical studies can be
the quality of life of individual patients. Daily practice of Yoga, Dhyana, conducted (Mani et al., 2020). Infusino et al., (2020) focuses the possible
and Pranayaam practices may help to withstand psychological pertur­ role of supplements, probiotics, and nutraceuticals in reducing the risk
bations in COVID-19 patients (Tillu et al., 2020). The use of spices such of SARS-CoV-2 infection or mitigating the symptoms of COVID-19 in
as Curcuma longa L., Cuminum cyminum L., Coriandrum sativum L., and their study.
Allium sativum L. is recommended for daily use. Consuming herbal de­ In this Review, the importance of medicinal herbs from different
coctions of Ocimum sanctum L., Piper nigrum L., Zingiber officinale Roscoe, traditional medicine systems together with herbs-derived secondary
Cinnamomum verum J. Presl, Vitis vinifera L. are also recommended as metabolites are summarized based on the mechanistic point of view for
teas to improve the immunity in COVID-19 patients. Taking Emblica post-COVID related complications.
officinalis Gaertn., Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers and Tribulus ter­
restris L. in equal ratio with honey suggested having benefits in Herbal formulae from different traditional systems of medicine
post-COVID related complications. Daily consumption of ashwagandha
(Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) also having benefits in prophylactic care. During the first outbreak of SARS in China (2002-2003), TCM
An ayurvedic herbo-mineral preparation known as Chyawanprasha is showed a great potency in reducing the fatality rate (Yang et al., 2021;
also recommended due to its immunoboosting properties and in the Chen and Nakamura, 2004; Yang et al., 2020). After the outbreak of
management of post-COVID related complications. Patients with sore COVID-19, several TCM formulations have been frequently prescribed,
throat and cough are advised as steam inhalation with Mentha arvensis L. e.g., Lianhua Qingwen capsule, Yu Ping Feng San decoction, Guizhi-and-­
or Trachyspermum ammi L. with Syzigium aromaticum L. powder (Gupta Mahuang decoction, Shuang-Huang-Lian, Sang Ju Yin and Yu Ping Feng
et al., 2021a; Gupta et al., 2021b). San, Dang Gui Long Hui pill, Shufeng Jiedu capsule, Qingfei Paidu decoc­
Based on the traditional and scientific evidence, the Ministry of tion, Huashi Baidu decoction, Huoxiang Zhengqi, Jinhua Qinggan granules,
AYUSH recommended the consumption of a poly-herbal decoction Xuebijing injection, Reduning injection, Tanreqing injection, Shufeng Jiedu
(Kadha) containing five different herbs namely, Tulsi (Ocimum tenui­ capsule, Xuanfei Baidu decoction, Shenmai injection and Ma Xin Gan Shi
florum L.), Dalchini (C. verum), Kalimirch (P. nigrum), Shunthi (Z. offici­ Tang etc (Table 2). These herbal formulations have significant antiviral,
nale) and Munakka (V. vinifera) for boosting immunity. The network anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity to combat
pharmacology analysis data of this immunomodulatory formulation COVID-19 (Chan et al., 2018; Ding et al., 2017; Du et al., 2014; Fu et al.,
showed to modulate several signaling pathways involved in the regu­ 2018; Gao et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2020; ;(Liu et al., 2015) Liu, 2020;
lation of immunity in biological systems such as HIF-1, Estrogen, Rap1, Poon et al., 2006; Runfeng et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020).
p53, PI3K-Akt, Toll-like receptor, MAPK, cAMP, Ras, Wnt, Adipocyto­ Based on recent updates, several herbs and isolated phytomolecules
kine, NOD-like receptor, Chemokine, NF-κB, IL-17, TNF, Sphingolipid, were found to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 viral infection through different
and cGMP-PKG. Along with Kadha, it is also recommended to take raisins mechanisms (Table 3). Through the binding between SARS-CoV-2 spike
(dried Munakka) and golden milk (C. longa powder in hot milk) as a protein and Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptor of the
prophylactic against COVID-19 to boost immunity in the subjects with host is the major reason of viral entry into the cells of the nasal and
compromised immunity (Khanal et al., 2020; Schuster et al., 2017). bronchial epithelium. SARS-CoV-2 virus ingestion, replication can easily
be inhibited by inhibiting human ACE-2 receptor (Galani and Andrea­
Global perspective of herbs and herbal formulae from different kos, 2021). Weng et al., (2019) showed that the phenol-rich extract of
traditional systems of medicine to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 virus Sambucus formosana Nakai inhibited viral replication of human coro­
navirus NL63. Triterpenoids and flavonoid glycosides isolated from the
Soon after the outbreak of COVID-19, the National Health Commis­ ethanolic extract of Euphorbia neriifolia L. exhibited antiviral activity
sion of the People’s Republic of China announced a combination of TCM against human coronavirus. The molecular docking study of isolated
and commercial medicines to treat COVID-19 patients (Lin and Li, 3β-friedelanol showed that the friedelane skeleton could be a potential
2020). After the global spread of COVID-19, rushes for traditional herbal scaffold for developing new anti-HCoV-229E drugs (Chang et al., 2012).
medications against COVID-19 have been reported in different parts of In another study, the methanol extract of Strobilanthes cusia (Nees)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of the compounds found to be active against COVID-19 virus.

Kuntze blocked the cytopathic effect of HCoV-NL63-infected cells (Tsai Based on a clinical trial on patients with bronchial asthma, the poly­
et al., 2020). Mechanism based inhibition of medicinal plants/products herbal formulation DCBT4567-Astha-15 reduced clinical symptoms
through regulation of cytokine storm in SARS CoV-2 infection has been such as dyspnoea, wheezing, cough, expectoration, disability, and sleep
represented in Fig. 3Figure 3. disturbances (Murali et al., 2006). This formulation is under clinical
The Ministry of AYUSH in collaboration with the CSIR started clin­ investigation to be used against COVID-19.
ical trials of four ayurvedic herbs with immunoboosting properties to
alleviate the symptoms caused by SARS-CoV-2. These are W. somnifera,
T. cordifolia, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and Piper longum L. with AYUSH-64.
This polyherbal formulation is used against malaria-related fever
(Vishamjvara), inflammation and joint pains (Gundeti et al., 2020).

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Fig. 1. (continued).

Role of natural products in the management of post-COVID in the innate immune response and acts as inhibitor of viral RNA and
complications growth in neurons (Chana-Cuevas et al., 2020; McCann et al., 2014).
Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. reduced dopaminergic neuro­
Parkinsonism degeneration by decreasing α-synuclein aggregation and might, thus, be
used as a potent anti-parkinsonian agent (Jadiya et al., 2011). Cinna­
SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in the brain and it has been also momum zeylanicum Blume bark and Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. leaves
isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of affected patients (Papa et al., extract inhibit α-synuclein aggregation, stabilized and disintegrate the
2020). The dynamic pro-inflammatory state of COVID-19 accompanies oligomers and fibrils (Berrocal et al., 2014; Khotimah et al., 2015;
abnormal accumulation of α-synuclein in nerve fibres, neurons and glial Shaltiel-Karyo et al., 2012). The flower petals of Carthamus tinctorius L.
cells, which leads to increased oxidative stress and causes improved the behavioral dysfunction in a Parkinson’s induced rat model
neuro-inflammation (Stefanis, 2012; Achbani et al., 2020) and Parkin­ by inhibiting α-synuclein aggregation and astrogliosis (Ren et al., 2016).
son’s disease symptoms. During viral infections, α-synuclein participates The stigma of Crocus sativus L. inhibited the fibril dissociation and

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Fig. 1. (continued).

α-synuclein aggregation (Inoue et al., 2018). Crocin-1, crocin-2, and Scutellaria pinnatifida A.Ham. also attenuated α-synuclein aggregation
crocetin present in the extract were the major components responsible (Sashourpour et al., 2017). Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim., Prunus
for the anti-Parkinson’s effect. Leaves of Corema album (L.) D.Don ex japonica Thunb., Perillae Ramulus, Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. and
Steud. promoted the formation of non-toxic α-synuclein species in vitro Cuscuta chinensis Lam. displayed detoxification effects on α-
and inhibited its toxicity and aggregation in cells, by promoting the synuclein-induced damage in a yeast model of Parkinson’s disease (Fu
autophagic flux and reducing oxidative stress (Macedo et al., 2015). et al., 2014; Sohn et al., 2012). The alkaloid acetylcorynoline from
Geum urbanum L. inhibited α-synuclein fibrillation in a Corydalis bungeana Turcz. reduced α-synuclein aggregation leading to
concentration-dependent way and partly disintegrated α-synuclein fi­ decreased lipid peroxidation which also maintained efficient cellular
brils (Lobbens et al., 2016). The root of Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. pre­ signaling (Follmer, 2020). Curcuminoids prevented neuroinflammation
vented dopaminergic loss by attenuating α-synuclein aggregation, by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine levels (Ojha et al., 2012). Me­
microgliosis and apoptosis (Van Kampen et al., 2003). The root of dicinal plants that showed to be effective for the mangement of

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 1
. Herbs found to be effective against COVID-19 through in-vivo/ in-vitro analysis
Plant Family Plant name Antiviral Anti-inflammatory Immunomodulation References
Acanthaceae Andrographis Binding potential with active Andrographolide reduces the Andrographolide significantly Lu et al., 2019; Wang
paniculata (Burm. residues of ACE2 that mediate levels of inflammatory cytokines stimulate the immune response, et al., 2010; Varma
f.) Nees host viral interface TNFα, IL-12, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-18 in regulate the production of NK cells et al., 2011; (Zou et al.,
LPS/ IL-4-activated murine and 2016)Dhanasekaran and
macrophages cytokines and stimulate the Pradeep, 2020
production of cytotoxic T-
Amaryllidaceae Allium sativum L. Aqueous bulb extracts and Allicin inhibit of TNF-induced Crushed garlic extract increase the Mohammadi and
essential oils restrained viral secretion of IL-1β, CXCL8 and production of IFNγ and expansion Shaghaghi, 2020; Lang
protease enzyme by inhibiting IP10 of CD4+ T-cells et al., 2004;
amino acid synthesis Arreola et al., 2015
Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis Ethanol extract of gall having the Aqueous extract inhibits the Aqueous extract inhibits IL-10 Yi et al., 2004; Djakpo
Mill. inhibitiory activity of SARS-CoV production of inflammatory expression and act as and Yao, 2010; Sun
virus into host cell and prevented cytokine IL-6 in-vivo immunomodulator et al., 2018b
virus replication
showed to inhibit SARS CoV
Asteraceae Echinacea Herb and roots ethanol extract Unpurified fresh pressed juice Crude polysaccharides act as Sharma et al., 2009;
purpurea act against some viruses with a mediated the increased release of immunostimulator Burger et al., 1997
L. membrane through direct various cytokines, including IL-1,
virucidal activity IL-10,and TNF-α by macrophages
Brassicaceae Isatis indigotica Methanol root extract exhibited Tryptanthrin was found to have Polysaccharides fraction promoted b;(Chang et al., 2012)
Fortune ex Lindl. antiviral activity against anti-inflammatory activity. humoral immune response of the Shan et al., 2015; Chen
Japanese encephalitis virus. An Topical administration of body and produces immune effect et al., 2021; Ho and
arabinogalactan isolated from extracts significantly inhibited on KM and Balb/c mice Chang, 2002;
the root showed antiviral the ear oedema and paw oedema respectively Hamburger, 2002
activity against H1N1 influenza induced by carrageenan
vaccine or hepatitis B surface
Caesalpinaceae Cassia tora L. Ethanol seed extract inhibits 3CL Ethanol seed extract induces Islam et al., 2020; Wen
protease and SARS CoV expression of phosphorylated et al., 2011
replication. The anti-viral cAMP response
activity measured by cell-based
on Vero E6 cells
Calophyllaceae Calophyllum Blancoxanthone and Extracts from leaves and roots Shen et al., 2005; Filho
blancoi Planch. pyranojacareubin from the root showed anti-inflammatory and et al., 2009
exhibited antiviral activity anti-nociceptive activity in mice
against HCoV 229E virus model
Celastraceae Tripterygium Triptofordin C-2 showed Dichioromethane and ethyl Tripterygiumine I and Hayashi et al., 1996;
regelii Sprague antiviral activity against HSV-1, acetate fractions of herbs induced tripterygiumine Q isolated from Lee et al., 1995; Lv
HCMV, measles virus and IL-8 in LPS-activated rat root extract exhibited et al., 2019
influenza A virus macrophages immunosuppressive activity
against human peripheral
mononuclear cells
Cibotiaceae Cibotium barometz Methanol and ethanol extract of The methanol extract of rhizome Wen et al., 2011; Wu
(L.) J. Sm. dried rhizome inhibit viral suppressed NO and IL-6 and also and Yang. 2009
replication, levels of spike decreased iNOS and COX-2
protein and SARS-CoV 3CL expression
protease activity
Compositae Chrysanthemum The herb found to inhibitory Flower and bud ethanol extract Inflorescence or bud ethanol Kwong et al., 2020; Lee
indicum L. SARS CoV-2 virus reduced TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β extract significantly increased et al., 2009; Cheng
production delayed-type hypersensitivity et al., 2005
reaction, enhanced antibody
generation by splenic cells and IgG
and IgM levels
Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris crassi It clear heat and detoxify, Ethanol root extract diminishes Bioactive compound of isolated Yang et al., 2020; Yang
rhizoma Nakai removes lung hotness and having the production of NO and PGE2, from rhizome extract exhibit et al., 2013; Cheng et al.,
potent against SARS CoV-2 down regulate the iNO synthase, immunomodulatory activity by 2016
COX-2, and TNF-a mRNA replicating IL-1β, TNF-α
expression and also decrease the
level of IL-6
Fabaceae Mucuna pruriens Peptide fraction has been Essential oil from leaf and The bean extract showed Taghizadeh et al., 2021;
(L.) DC. reported in the treatment of to flavonoids from seed powder immunomodulatory activity by Avoseh et al., 2020;
liver cancer, HCV, and high showed anti-inflammatory modulating TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-l, IL- Javed et al., 2011;
activities of protecting DNA 1b, iNOS and IL-2 level in the CNS Mallurwar et al., 2006;
damages and also enhanced the activity of Rai et al., 2017
the transcription factor NF-kB
Glycyrrhiza glabra Glycyrrhizin (i) was shown to Glycyrrhizic acid, liquiritin and Glycyrrhizin enhanced Cinatl et al., 2003;
L. inhibit SARS-coronavirus (SARS- liquiritigenin inhibited iNOS, proliferation of allogenic T cells Hoever et al., 2005;
CoV) replication COX-2, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6. along with the production of IFN-γ Fiore et al., 2008;
The root extract also inhibited and IL-10 and reduced IL-4 Bordbar et al., 2012
the expression levels of TNF-α, IL- production
1β and IL-6
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 1 (continued )
Gentianacee Gentiana scabra n-hexane extract of rhizome Chloroform and methanol extract Polysaccharide fraction the Yang et al., 2010; Wen
Bunge inhibited SARS-CoV replication of rhizomes and roots inhibit aqueous root extract increased et al., 2011; Wang et al.,
in cell-based cytopathogenic production of IL-6 and NO lymphocyte proliferation 2014; He et al., 2015
Lamiaceae Hyptis atrorubens Methyl rosmarinates inhibited Suaveolol and methyl suaveolate Qamar et al., 2020;
Poit. 3CLpro of SARS-CoV-2 virus isolated from the methanol leaf Grassi et al., 2006
extract showed anti-
inflammatory activity in croton
oil ear edema model
Salvia miltiorrhiza Ethyl acetate and water extract The polysaccharides extract Polysaccharides extract enhanced Liu et al., 2013; Chen
Bunge of root showed antiviral activity inhibited mRNA transcriptions of expression of IL-4, IL-6,and IFN-γ et al., 2017; Han et al.,
against enterovirus 71by TNF-α, IL-6, iNOS, and COX-2 2018; Wu et al., 2007
interrupting viral RNA synthesis and protein expressions of NF-κB,
and viral entry p-p65, and p-IκBa in LPS
stimulated RAW264.7 cells
Salvia officinalis L. Essential oils from fruits was Flavonoids isolated from fresh The polysaccharide fractions Loizzo et al., 2008;
found to be active against SARS- leaves and flowers reduce showed immunomodulatory Ghorbani and
CoV and HSV-1 replication inflammation in the mouse activity Esmaeilizadeh, 2017;
carrageenan model. It’s major Capek et al., 2003
constituent caffeic acid decrease
the IL-6 level
Scutellaria Baicalein (iv) inhibits 3CLpro, The root aqueous extract Baicalin suppresses TNF-α, IL-6 and Liu et al., 2021; Wu
baicalensis Georgi PLpro activity, RdRp and SARS- inhibited the production of NO, IL-12p70 secretion and expressions et al., 2020; Yoon et al.,
CoV-2 replication. IL-3, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-17, of CD80, CD86 and MHC II 2009; Lin et al., 2017(
Chrysin (v) inhibited PLpro IP-10 Chen et al., 2018)
Cosmosiin inhibited 3CLPro
Scutellaria barbata Flavon rich extract and aqueous In lipopolysaccharides In Lewis-bearing C57BL/6 mice Liu et al., 2018; Guo
D. Don root inhibit parainfluenza-virus- stimulated RAW264.7 cells the model aqueous root extract et al., 2009; Gong et al.,
type-1 infection and respiratory ethanol and ethyl acetate root decreased levels of IL-17, IL-10, 2015; Shang et al., 2010
syncytial virus extracts inhibit the production of FOXP3, TGF-β1, RORγt, and IL-6 (Chen et al., 2020)
iNO, PGE2, IL-6, and IL-1β and increasing the levels of IL-2
and IFN-γ
Lauraceae Cinnamomum Butanol extract of bark inhibited Methanol bark extract showed Polyphenolic fractions of bark Zhuang et al., 2009;
zeylanicum L. SARS CoV virus anti-inflammatory activity in in- extract stimulate lymphocytes Kubo et al., 1996;
vivo animal models proliferation, immunoglobulin Balekar et al., 2014
production and IL-1β production.
The oil and bark extract having
immunosuppressive potential
Laurus nobilis L. Essential oils inhibited SARS- Hydro-alcoholic extracts of Essential oils of leaves shows Loizzo et al., 2008; Esra
CoV and HSV-1 replication in leaves and seeds showed anti- immune stimulatory activity by et al., 2007
vitro inflammatory activity in mice decrease in the hematocrites: HCT,
hemoglobin (HGB) and increase the
level of white blood cells
Leguminosae Psoralea Ethanol seed extract inhibit Bakuchiol inhibited the Ethanol seed extract having Mohamed et al., 2017;
corylifolia L. SARS virus replication acting on expression of iNOS in RAW 264.7 immunostimulant activity and Pae et al., 2001; Kim
papain-like protease (PLpro) macrophages cells increases cell mediated and et al., 2014
humoral immune responses
Lessoniaceae Ecklonia cava Phlorotannins from ethanol In LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 In an in-vivo model the enzymatic Kwon et al., 2013
extract exhibited antiviral cells ethanol extract of reduced extract having immunomodulatory Cho et al., 2019
property against porcine NO, PGE2 level and effect by enhancing the mRNA Kim et al., 2019
epidemic diarrhea virus, downregulated TNF-α, IL-1β, and expression and production IL-4 and Ahn et al., 2008
influenza A viral strains (H1N1 IL-6 gene expressions IL-1. It also reduced TNF-α and IFN-
and H9N2) γ level
Loranthaceae Taxillus chinensis Stem and leaf hexane extract Aqueous stem extract inhibits the Polysaccharide fraction enhanced Zhang et al., 2013; Wen
(DC.) inhibit viral replication in SARS- production of NO and TNF-α and TNF-α and NO production et al., 2011; Wen et al.,
CoV-infected Vero E6 cells possesses anti-inflammatory 2011; Ding et al., 2013
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Nimboloid (terpenoid lactone) is Quercetin (i) from leaf methanol Flowers aqueous stimulated both Shetty et al., 2020;
A. Juss effective in regulating the ARDS, extract showed anti- specific and non-specific immune Schumacher et al., 2011;
is a key pathological feature of inflammatory activity by the responses, humoral and cell Shah et al., 2009; Das,
COVID-19 inhibition of TNF-α mediated response 2021
Nimbin (constituent of neem oil)
exhibited immunomodulatory
activity by potentiate phagocytic
activity, antigen-presenting ability
of macrophages and enhances IL-1,
IFN-Γ, and TNF-α production
Toona sinensis The leaf aqueous extract inhibit The aqueous leaf extract Aqueous leaf extract promotes Wang and Liu, 2014;
(Juss.) M.Roem. cellular entry of SARS CoV virus suppresses NF-κB pathway and immune responses Peng et al., 2019;(Lim
also reduce IL-6 production in et al., 2020) Yang et al.,
LPS-treated RAW264.7 cells 2017
Moraceae Broussonetia Polyphenols from ethanol root Broussochalcone A inhibits iNOS, The plant root ethanol extract Park et al., 2017;(Ryu
papyrifera (L.) extract markedly inhibited 3CL by suppression of IkBα reduced IgE-dependent passive et al., 2019) Wang et al.,
L’Her. ex Vent and PL CoV proteases. The phosphorylation, IkBa cutaneous anaphylaxis 2012
isolated compounds exerted degradation, NF-kB activation
significant SARS-CoV PLpro and iNOS expression. Flavonoid
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 1 (continued )
inhibitory activity through rich fraction inhibit the
noncompetitive inhibition production of TNF-α and IL-6
Myrtaceae Syzygium Higher binding affinity with Eugenol prevent increase in IL-4, Eugenol found immunomodulatory Maurya and Sharma,
aromaticum (L.) viral and host macromolecular IL-5 and the down regulation of activity 2020; Bachiega et al.,
Merr. targets and other human proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 2012; Barboza et al.,
proinflammatory mediators, and TNFα 2018; Pramod et al.,
SARSCoV-2 main proteases, 2010; Dibazar et al.,
spike, human ACE2 and furin 2015
Paulowniaceae Paulownia Apigenin from methanol flower Stem bark methanol extract The flower polysaccharides Ji et al., 2015; Jo and
tomentosa Steud. extract suppressed Enterovirus reduced the production of IL-6 extracts enhanced lymphocyte Kim, 2019; Lee et al.,
71 replication by targeting the and TNF- α in LPS-stimulated proliferation, serum antibody titer 2018; Yang et al., 2019
transacting factors RAW264.7 cells and serum IFN-γ concentrations
Piperaceae Piper nigrum L. Higher binding affinity with Piperine inhibits the production It act as immunomodulator Maurya and Sharma,
viral and host macromolecular of pro-inflammatory cytokines 2020; Dzoyem et al.,
targets IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 2017;
and other human and TNFα by inhibiting NF-κB Gorgani et al., 2017
proinflammatory mediators, activation
SARSCoV-2 main proteases,
spike, human ACE2 and furin
Ranunculaceae Cimicifuga Rhizome methanol extract Root ethanol extract inhibited IL- The triterpenoid saponins possesses Kim et al., 2008; Guo
racemosa (L.) inhibit corona virus replication. 6, IL-23 and TNF-α mRNA immunosuppressive et al., 2017; Li and Yu,
Nutt. Cimicifugin (iii) showed expression 2006
antiviral effect against human
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Rutaceae Phellodendron The methanol plant extract Methanol extract reduces release Polysaccharides from aqueous Kim et al., 2008; Sun
chinense C.K. inhibit coronavirus specific of TNF-α and IL-1β from extract stimulate humoral et al., 2019;
Schneid porcine epidemic diarrhea virus microglia. immunity, macrophages and NK
In LPS-induced in-vivo model it cells
decreases MCP-1and IL-6 in
serum. It also inhibited nitric
oxide synthase (iNOS), activated
nuclear factor (NF)-κB and
phosphorylated IκBα, and
attenuated phosphorylation of
mitogen-activated protein
kinases (MAPKs; ERK 1/2, p38
and JNK) in-vivo
Toddalia asiatica 5,6-Dihydronitidine inhibit Methylene chloride and Ethanol root extract showed Gyebi et al., 2021;
(L.) Lam. 3CLpro Methanol (1:1) root extract immunomodulatory activity by Kariuki et al., 2013;
reduces carrageenin-induced inhibiting Proinflammatory Martel et al., 2017
acute inflammation paw oedema cytokines
Theaceae Camellia sinensis Hydrolysable tannins from leaf In RAW 264.7 cells the ethanol In immunocompromised rats Rahayu et al., 2018;
(L.) Kuntze ethanol extract having antiviral leaf extract decreased the levels aqueous leaf extract increased the Chattopadhyay et al.,
property against influenza A by of NO, COX-2, IL-6, IL-1b, and level of IL-17A, IL-8, and HBD-2 2012; Gomes et al.,
blocked the viral replication and TNF-α 2014; Novilla et al.,
RNA-dependent RNA 2017; Mahmood et al.,
polymerase 2016
Urtiaceae Urtica dioica L. Lectin inhibit Hydro alcoholic extract of aerial Flavonoid fraction and flavonoid Day et al., 2009;
SARS-CoV infection by targeting part decreased IL-6 and High glycosides from methanol extract Semalty et al., 2017;
early stages of the replication Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hs- of aerial part showed Akbay et al., 2003
cycle or penetration and CRP). immunostimulatory activity
neutralizes the virus infectivity
Zingiberaceae Curcuma longa L. A combination of vitamin C, Curcuminoids prevent Aqueous extract increased NO, Chen et al., 2020;
curcumin and glycyrrhizic acid leukotriene’s, prostaglandins, IL‑2, IL‑6, IL‑10, IL‑12, IFN-γ, TNF- Ashraf, 2018;
exhibited COVID-19 Mpro interferon-inducible protein, α Chandrasekaran et al.,
inhibitions. TNF, IL-12 and IL-6 2013
Cucrcumin inhibited human
respiratory syncytial virus
replication and budding
Zingiber Officinale 6-gingerol binds at active sites of 6-gingerol inhibits the 6-gingerol possess Rathinavel et al., 2020;
Roscoe R7Y COVID-19, main production of proinflammatory immunomodulatory properties Tripathi et al., 2007;
protease essential for replication cytokines IL-1β, IL-12, TNFα Sharifi-Rad et al., 2017
and reproduction of SARS-Cov-2
Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris Methanol fruit extracts showed Tribulusamide D isolated from Saponins isolated from the aqueous Tilwari et al., 2011.
L. in vivo antiviral potential on the hydroalcoholic extract of T. fruit extract exhbited increasing Lee et al., 2017.
newcastle disease virus terrestris exhibited anti- phagocytosis, stimulation of Malik et al., 2018
Haemagglutination titer in vivo inflammatory effect on nonspecific immune response in a
vero cell line culture. The extract lipopolysaccharide stimulated dose-dependent manner. Alcoholic
exhibited enormous anti RAW 264.7 macrophages. The extract of the whole plant having
Newcastle disease virus effect in phytomolecule inhibited the the effect to increase in humoral
vero cell line production of LPS induced nitric antibody titre and delayed type
oxide and prostaglandin E2, by hypersensitivity response in a dose-
reducing the expression of dependent manner that indicating
inducible nitric oxide synthase increased immune response
and cyclooxygenase 2 expression

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 2
: Herbs derived secondary metabolites found to be effective against COVID-19 through molecular docking analysis.
Plant Family Plant name Antiviral Anti-inflammatory Immunomodulation References
docking study
Apocynaceae Nerium oleander Digitoxigenine (ix) and Calarene The flower aqueous extract Stimulate the cell-mediated and Aanouz et al., 2021; Atay
L. (x) interact with Coronavirus inhibited NO production and the humoral mediated immune Balkan et al., 2018; Manna
spike protein. ERK phosphorylation. systems, specifically stimulates T et al., 2000;
Oleandrin blocked TNF-α and B lymphocytes.
induced activation of NF-kB.
Acantahaceae Andrographis Andrographolide (xxvi) inhibthe Andrographolide significantly Andrographolide was reported to Enmozhi et al., 2021
paniculata main protease of SARS-COV-2 reduced production of IL-1β, IL- stimulate an innate immune Shen et al., 2002; Puri et al.,
(Burm. f.) Wall. (Mpro) through in silico studies 6, CXCL-1, MCP-1 response in in-vivo model. 1993;(Banerjee et al., 2021)
ex Nees Ethanol extract induced Churiyah et al., 2015
phagocytic activity and peritoneal
macrophages and Increases
lymphocytes cell proliferation

Amaranthaceae Amaranthus Amaranthin (xxiv) may inhibit The hydroalcohol extract of Ul-Qamar et al., 2020;
tricolor L. SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro activity and leaves showed anti- Bihani et al., 2013;
hence virus replication inflammatory activity in in-vivo Srivastava, 2017
Amaryllidaceae Allium sativum Allyl disulfide, allyl trisulfide, DMSO extract of Garlic powder Aqueous extract of Garlic powder Thuy et al., 2020;
L. allyl (E)-1-propenyl disulfide, reduced NF-κB, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF- increases the nucleolar activity Khaerunnisa et al., 2020;
allyl methyl trisulfide, diallyl α and diallydisulfide also and lymphocyte proliferation Keiss et al., 2003; Zamani
tetrasulfide, 1,2-dithiole, allyl significantly reduced IL-1β and et al., 2011
(Z)-1-propenyl disulfide, 2- TNF-α
vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiine, 3-vinyl-
carvone, trisulfide, 2-propenyl
propyl, methyl allyl disulfide,
diacetonalcohol, trisulfide, (1E)-
1-propenyl 2-propenyl, allyl
sulfide, 1-propenyl methyl
disulfide, trisulfide, (1Z)-1-
propenyl 2-propenyl showed
inhibition of the ACE2 protein
Allicin (xxv) may act as potential
inhibitors of the COVID-19 Mpro
Apiaceae Angelica keiskei Nine alkylated chalcones and The n-hexane bark extract down Xanthoangelol B, xanthoangelol Islam et al., 2021; Caesar
(Miq.) Koidz. four coumarins exhibited regulate NF-κB-dependent gene C, and xanthoangelol E are and Cech, 2016; Kil et al.,
3CLpro and PLpro inhibitory products. Compounds present in immunological stimulators. 2017
activity in a dose dependent the plant showed potent *Selinidin suppress LTC4
manner inhibition of IL-6 production in synthesis and TNF-α production
TNF-α-stimulated MG-63 cell.
Asteraceae Aster tataricus L. The phytomolecules may inhibit Ethanol root extract decreased Zhang et al., 2020d;
3CLpro or viral entry through IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α level. Rho et al., 2020
binding with spike protein
Asteraceae Erigeron The phytomolecules may inhibit Scutellarin reduced IL-18, and Zhang et al., 2020d;
breviscapus 3CLpro or viral entry through IL-1β. Breviscapine down- Zhu et al., 2018
(Vaniot) Hand.- binding with spike protein regulated IL-6 In-vivo
Betulaceae Alnus japonica Diarylheptanoids (Hirsutenone) Ethanol bark extract inhibit NO Ethanolic extract of leaves and Demeke et al., 2021; Choi
(Thunb.) Steud. inhibited replication of SARS- and COX-2 production. barks of A. japonica possesses et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2005
CoV PLpro by inhibiting Papain Triterpenoid present in the immunomodulatory activity
like protease. plant inhibit IL-1β and IL-6
levels induced by LPS in
macrophage cells.
Brassicaceae Isatis indigotica Indigo, sinigrin, aloe emodin Root methanol extract inhibited The root aqueous extract with Liang et al., 2020;
Fortune (xxiii) and hesperetin blocked TNF-α, IL-1 or IL-6 production DNA vaccine has adjuvant effect Meng et al., 2017; Lin et al.,
the cleavage processing of the on the immune response against 2005;
3CLpro foot-and-mouth-disease-virus Chen et al., 2012
Celastraceae Tripterygium Quinone-methide triterpenes (Ryu et al., 2010)b
regelii Sprague celastrol, pristimerin, tingenone,
& Takeda iguesterin and dihydrocelastrol
showed potent inhibitory
activities against SARS-CoV
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus Phyllaemblicin B (xiv) and The aqueous fruit extract The aqueous fruit extract enhance Yin et al., 2021; Wu et al.,
emblica L. phyllaemblinol showed binding suppress COX-2, iNOS, IL-16, IL- NK cell activity and antibody 2020; ; (Wang et al., 2017)
affinity to Helicase (Nsp13). 6 and reduced TNF-α, IL-1β dependent cellular cytotoxicity Suresh and Vasudevan, 1994
Phyllaemblicin G7 showed
binding affinity to Spike protein,
ACE2 protein
Phyllaemblinol exhibited
binding affinity to 3CLpro.
Phyllaemblicin B found to
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 2 (continued )
inhibit RNA-dependent RNA
Legumes Phaseolus 3,5,7,3′ ,4′ ,5′ -hexahydroxy The navy bean or black bean The lectin crude extract has Ul-Qamar et al., 2020; Joshi
vulgaris L. flavanone-3-O-beta-D- flour-containing diet immunomodulatory effect et al., 2020; Chaki and
glucopyranoside have potential significantly reduced IL-1β, Bhattacharjee, 2016
anti- SARS-CoV-2 property. TNFα, IFNγ, IL-17A, and IL-9.
glucoside, Quercetin 3-viciano­
side, Schaftoside, Chrysoeriol 8-
C-glucoside, Isosakuranetin 7-O-
neohesperidoside, Delphinidin
3-O-glucoside, Petunidin 3-O-
glucoside found to bind with
Mpro and ACE2 receptors.

Magnoliaceae Magnolia Magnolol (xvi) showed potential Honokiol and magnolol inhibit polyphenol rich aqueous extract Wu et al., 2020; Lin et al.,
officinalis PLpro inhibition. PGD2, PGE2, leukotriene C4, from bark reduced serum NO, IL-6 2007; Wu et al., 2011
Rehder & LTB4, and thromboxane B2. and TNF-α, inhibiting pneumonia,
EHWilson Bark extracts inhibit the decreasing lung viral titers and
production of IL-6 in HGF-1 sensitizing IVA-induced apoptosis
Menispermaceae Tinospora Berberine (xxi), isocolumbin, Chloroform stem extract Aqueous and methanolic stem Alsuhaibani and Khan,
cordifolia magnoflorine (xxii) and prevented IL-6, IL-1β and PGE2 extract stimulate production of 2017; Sagar and Kumar,
(Willd.) Miers tinocordiside interfere with the IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-1β 2020; Vellingiri et al., 2020;
viral attachment and replication Cordifolioside A and syringin Sharma et al., 2012; Philip
due to binding efficacy against possess immunomodulatory et al., 2018
surface glycoprotein and activity
receptor binding domain and
main protease
Myricaceae Myrica cerifera Myricitrin (xi) showed good Myricanone down-regule the Ul-Qamar et al., 2020; Paul
L. interaction potential with SARS- NF-κB et al., 2013;
CoV-2 3CLpro receptor.
Oleaceae Olea Europaea L. Luteolin-7-glucoside (xii) and Oleuropein inhibit IL-1β The hydroalcohol leaf extract Khaerunnisa et al., 2020;
Oleuropein (xiii) appeared to production and down regulated reduced IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8,TNF-α Nediani et al., 2019; Vezza
have potential to act as COVID- iNOS, COX-2, NFKB, and JNK, and iNOS expression et al., 2017
19 Mpro inhibitors. and IL-6 and IL-1β
Oxalidaceae Averrhoa bilimbi It possesses potential inhibition The methanol fruit extract Methanol fruit extracts Khaerunnisa et al., 2020;
Linn. of Main Protease (Mpro) by decreased IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a significantly inhibited the CD18/ Harun et al., 2015
Molecular docking study levels 11a expression
Piperaceae Piper longum L. Piperolactam A (xv) interacts Dichloromethane fraction Piperine having anti-apoptotic Wang et al., 2017; Joshi
with Mpro and ACE2 enzyme. suppress IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α. and restorative ability against et al., 2020; Pathak and
Fruits inhibited the release of splenic B and T cell population Khandelwal, 2007;
cytokines, eosinophil and IL-2 and gamma-Interferon
infiltration in lungs. release
Ranunculaceae Nigella sativa L. Nigellidine (vii) and α- Hederin The fixed oil and thymoquinone The aqueous seed extract Salim and Noureddine,
(viii) showed to inhibit 3clpro/ both found to down-regulate improves both cellular immunity 2020; (Majdalawieh and
Mpro COVID-19 and 3clpro/ COX, 5-LO, 5-HETE and and humoral immunity by Fayyad, 2015
Mpro SARS-coronavirus in an in- suppresses IL-6, TNFα, and NO stimulating CD4+
silico study. production
Solanaceae Withania Withanone (xviii) block or Aqueous root extract inhibited A herbo mineral formulation Balkrishna et al., 2020b;
somnifera (L.) weaken COVID-19 entry and its IL -8, IL‑6, TNF‑α, IL‑1β and containing aswagandha Gupta and Singh, 2014;
Dunal subsequent infectivity IL‑12 significantly increased the CD4+ Chandra et al., 2012;
Steroidal lactones and quercetin and CD8+. Sikandan et al., 2018; Davis
potentially inhibited SARS COV and Kuttan, 2000; Gupta
PLpro and 3CLpro et al., 2006; Trivedi et al.,
2017; Das et al., 2021
Taxaceae Torreya nucifera Biflavone (xix), amentoflavone The leaves reduced secretion of Ryu et al., 2010a;
(L.) Siebold & (xx) showed 3CLpro inhibitory IL-1β, IL-6, NO and PGE2 (Yoon et al., 2009)
Zucc. effect

Theaceae Camellia sinensis Theaflavin-3’-gallate, Ethanol leaf extract and Hot water extract of leaves Chen et al., 2005; Novilla
(L.) Kuntze Theaflavin-3,3’-digallate and epigallocatechin gallate significantly increased blood et al., 2017; Gomes et al.,
tannic acid are effective against suppressed the production of leucocyte, lymphocyte count, 2014; Sharangi, 2009;
3CLPro NO, COX-2, IL-6, IL-1β, and peritoneal macrophages, spleen Islam et al., 2021
Isolated Theaflavin from leaves TNF-α and thymic lymphocytes count,
of C. sinensis exhibited lung macrophages count
inhibitory activity against SARS-
COV-2 virus through binding to
RNA dependent RNA
Zingiberaceae Zingiber 6-gingerol (xvii) showed Rhizome supplement reduced Ginger essential oil recovered the Chang et al., 2013;
officinale Roscoe interaction with viral proteases, TNF-α, IL-6 level. humoral immune response Rathinavel et al., 2020;
RNA binding protein, Spike Maged et al., 2013; Penna
protein et al., 2003; Carrasco et al.,
Hot water extracts of fresh 2010
rhizomes inhibited viral
attachment of human
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 2 (continued )
respiratory syncytial virus
Zygophyllaceae Tribulus Cinnamic amides and ferulic Tribulusamide D inhibited the Seed aqueous and ethanol Song et al., 2014; Wu et al.,
terrestris L. acid showed inhibitory activity production of iNOS, PGE2 and extracts increases IL-6 level 1999; Lee et al., 2017;
against PLpro. reduced the expression of IL-6, Abdelrazek et al., 2018
IL-10 and TNF- α

Table 3
. SARS-CoV-2 inhibition potential of herbs from traditional formulation through evidence based approaches
Plant Family Plant name Antiviral Anti-inflammatory Immunomodulation References
Herbs used in
Fabaceae Astragalus Used as an ingredient in Isoliquiritigenin and liquiritigenin Aqueous root extract enhances IL-1α Lee et al., 2003; Gong et al.,
propinquus Yu Ping Feng San for the inhibited IL-6 and IL-12 productions and IL-12 expression 2018; Li et al., 2014
Schischkin treatment of SARS-CoV Polysaccharide-enriched fraction The plant extract capable of
infection suppressed IL-1β, IL-6 expression diminishing the levels of TNF-α and IL-
and TNF-α level in LPS-induced 1β, and P-selectin and ICAM-1
Glycyrrhiza Used as an ingredient in Isoliquiritigenin, iso-liquiritin, and Polysaccharides from hydroalcohol Yang et al., 2020; Tanaka
uralensis Fisch. Lian Hua Qing Wen liquiritigenin decreased the mRNA root extract activate CD4+ and CD8+ et al., 2008; Tanemoto
Capsule used for the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 immune cells population and increased et al., 2015; Ayeka et al.,
Treatment of SARS-CoV production of IL-2, IL-6, IL-7 levels and 2017
infection. decreased TNFα levels
Labiateae Schizonepeta Used as an ingredient in The ethanol extract of the aerial part Aqueous extract of the aerial part Lin et al., 2018; ; (Wang
tenuifolia yin qiao san used as an significantly decreased COX-2, suppressed IFN-α, TNF-y, IL-4, IL-6 and et al., 2011)Byun, 2014(
(Benth.) Briq. anti-SARS-CoV drug PGE2 and NO production by IL-10 Chen et al., 2017); Yang
inhibiting the production of TNF- α, et al., 2020
IL-1β, IL-6
Lamiaceae Mentha Used as an ingredient Lian Phenolic fraction and linarin from The ethanol extract of aerial part Yang et al., 2020; Lee et al.,
haplocalyx Hua Qing Wen Capsule for ethanol extract of aerial part inhibited Ig- E, IL-4 and IL-5 2011; Zhang et al., 2015;
Briq. the Treatment of SARS- decreased NO, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL- production Chen et al., 2017
CoV infection 6 production and suppress mRNA
expression levels of iNOS, TNF-α, IL-
1β, and IL-6
Moraceae Morus alba L. Used as ingredient for the The aqueous and ethanol root bark Polysaccharidesfrom aqueous root Kwong et al., 2020; Yan
formulation, Shashen extract suppressed the expression of bark extract increased lymphocyte et al., 2020; Zhang et al.,
Maidong Tang and Xie Bai TNF-α, c-Fos, p-p38, and pNF-κB proliferation and decreased antibody 2020; Bayazid et al., 2020;
San, for treating recovery p65. Restored iNOS, COX-2, IL-10, production from B cells Kavitha and Geetha, 2018;
stage patients with and IL-1β expression Kim et al., 2000
COVID-19 Kuwanon G significantly decreased
In an in-silico study the levels of IgE and IL-4, IL-5, and
morusin (vi) was IL-13 in the sera and BAL fluids
identified as potential M
protease inhibitors
Rosaceae Armeniaca Aqueous seed extract used The methanol seed extract able to Erdogan-Orhan and Kartal,
sibirica (L.) as an ingredient in Lian suppress PGE2 and NO production 2011; Yang et al., 2020;
Lam. Hua Qing Wen Capsule Chang et al., 2005
used for the Treatment of
SARS-CoV infection

post-COVID complications have been represented in Table 4. Czeisler et al., 2020; Roy et al., 2021; Schäfer et al., 2020). The demy­
Olfactory dysfunctions are very common among COVID-19 patients. elination syndrome troubles COVID-19 patients, in which the protective
A considerable portion of patients experienced with the loss of smell and coating of nerve cells is attacked by the immune system. This is an
taste, while one third additionally suffered from rhinitis. Hyposmia is a autoimmune disease causing weakness, numbness, tingling, spurring
common non-motor symptom of early stages of Parkinson’s disease psychosis and also hallucinations (Coony, 2020).
(Bocksberger et al., 2020; Xiao et al., 2014). Hyposmia without nasal COVID-19 patients are challenged by severe stressors, including fear
dysfunction and rhinorrhea was also documented (Giacomelli et al., of death from life-threatening illness, pain from medical interventions,
2020; Lechien et al., 2020; Lovato and Filippis, 2020). endotracheal intubation, limited ability to communicate, and the feeling
to loose control (Kaseda and Levine, 2020). The Chicago medical center
reported that more than 40% of COVID-19 patients exhibited neurologic
Mental problems manifestations and more than 30% of those had impaired cognition.
Sometimes, the neurological manifestations can be calamitous and can
SARS-CoV-2 can appear as being both neuro-invasive and neuro- even lead to death.
virulent. One in every three patients recovering from COVID-19 suf­ Implementation of Indian herbs and herbal formulations such as
fers from neuropsychological problems ranging from headache, dizzi­ Brahmi (B. monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus prostratus Forssk.),
ness, memory disorder, seizures, depression and lingering loss of smell Giloy (T. cordifolia), Malkangni (Celastrus paniculatus Willd.), Tulsi (O.
or taste to mood disorders and deeper cognitive impairment. Those tenuiflorum), Ashwagandha (W. somnifera) etc. can help managing
patients with insomnia feature stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, psychological post-COVID conditions. Bacoside from B. monnieri
denial, anger, mental breakdown, and those with pre-existing mental induced an antioxidant environment in brain, and its neuroprotective
illness experience worsening of their conditions (Anaya et al., 2021;

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 4
. Medicinal plants to be useful for the management of post-COVID complications
Family Name Plant Name Mechanism of Action Disease Reference
Acanthaceae Andrographis paniculata Andrographolide improved cell apoptosis, collagen deposition and epithelial- Kidney (Liu et al., 2021)
(Burm.f.) Nees mesenchymal transition in HK-2 cell line. It also improved renal tubular cell complications
apoptosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition,
NLRP3 inflammasome activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in high
glucose treated rats
Hydroalcohol extract improved lung injury condition by enriching the Lung related Yao et al., 2021
inflammatory response, NF-κB p65 protein expression and nuclear complications
translocation, and phosphorylation of IκBα in male Wistar rats
Water extract of whole plant improved myocardial inflammation pathway, Cardiac Hsieh et al., 2016
reduced the chances of cardiac hypertrophy and myocardial apoptosis in high complications
fat diet obsessed mice
Andrographolide improved GSK-3β activity, β-catenin and NeuroD1 levels in- Mental Problem Varela-Nallar et al., 2015
vivo. Thus, it can be used to improve depression like behaviours
Hydroalcohol extract of aerial parts restored glutamate oxaloacetate Liver related Nagalekshmi et al., 2011
transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, problem
superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and lipid peroxides level in
paracetamol treated rat liver
Androgrpholide reported to protect mesencephalic neurons by reducing Parkinsonism Wang et al., 2004
dopaminergic neurodegenaration in-vitro and also inhibited in-vivo microglial
inhibition, ROS and pro-inflammatory cytokine production in
lipopolysaccharide treated rats
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus tricolor L. Leave extracts with organic solvents (methanol, petroleum ether, Parkinsonism Amornrit and Santiyanont,
dichloromethane) improved gene expression of the pro-inflammatory 2015
cytokines, TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 in AGEs-induced oxidative stress and
neuroinflammation associated with the risk of brain aging and developing
Parkinson’s disease
Ethanol leaves extract improved serum GOT, GPT, GGT, ALP, bilirubin, and Liver related Al-Dosari, 2010
MDA level in CCl4 treated rats problem
Amaryllidaceae Allium sativum L. Allicin isolated from bulbs improved acute lung injury and inflammation, Lung related Villena-Tajeda et al., 2021
oxidative stress, apoptosis condition in lipopolysaccharide treated neonatal complications Wang et al., 2018
rats and as a traditional medicine in Peru it used to treat cough, cold and sore
Diallyl trisulfide improved liver injury by reducing the serum aspartate Liver related Chen et al., 2016
transaminase, alanine aminotransferase levels, sterol regulatory element problem
binding protein and cell apoptosis in ethanol treated rat
Ethanol extract of bulb improved renal failure by restoring antioxidant and Kidney Anusuya et al., 2013
serum biomarker levels in cisplatin treated rats complications
Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis Mill. Aqueous extract of fruit pulp reduced calcium oxalate crystal formation, Kidney Heirangkhongjam and
aggregation and crystal density in in-vitro calcium oxalate crystallization complications Ngaseppam, 2021
Dammarane-type triterpenoids isolated from the root extract prevented heart Cardiac Ye et al., 2020
failure in zebra fish by enhancing heart dilatation, venous congestion, cardiac complications
output, blood flow velocity and heart rate
Phenolic compound of fruit extract improved serum lipid level, steatosis and Liver related Wu et al., 2019
liver damage in high-fat and ethanol treated rat model problem
Apiaceae Angelica keiskei (Miq.) Ethanol extract of aerial parts its active principle, 4-hydroxyderricin improved Cardiac Kweon et al., 2019
Koidz. myosin heavy chain degradation by suppressing expressions of MAFbx, MuRF- complications
1 and myostatin
Ethanol extract of aerial parts improved apoptosis via intrinsic and extrinsic Liver related Choi et al., 2017
pathways against AAP treated hepatotoxicity problem
Xanthoangelol isolated from the hydroalcohol extract of aerial parts (1) Mental problem Kim et al., 2013
inhibited monoamine oxidase and dopamine β-hydroxylase in rats
Asteraceae Echinacea purpurea L. A double blind, placebo-controlled study (clinical study) decreased anxiety Mental problem Haller et al., 2019
Moench conditions
Hydroalcohol extract of aerial part decreased serum AST, BUN, total and Kidney Rezaie et al., 2013
direct bilirubin content and improved histopatholgical changes of kidney complications
tissue by early fibrosis and proliferation
Alk-8/9 isolated from the root showed good hepatoprotective activity against Liver related Hou et al., 2011
acute fulminant hepatitis condition in-vivo by increasing the expression of problem
heme oxygenase (HO)-1 protein lipopolysaccharide/ D-galactosamine treated
Erigeron breviscapus Scutellarin showed potent hepatoprotective effects by improving CYP2E1 and Liver related Miao et al., 2021
(Vaniot) Hand.-Mazz IκBα/NF-κB signaling pathways in carbon tetrachloride treated mice problem
Scutellarin improved lung damage due to its antioxidant, antinflammatory Lung related Ibrahim et al., 2019
and antiapoptotic effects in a bilateral hind limb ischemia–reperfusion rat complications
Scutellarin improved renal function by reducing serum creatinine, blood urea Kidney Wu et al., 2018
nitrogen, urine total protein and microglobulin content complications
Ethanol whole plant extract, ethyl acetate and aqueous fraction potently and Parkinsonism Tao et al., 2008
noncompetitively inhibited GABA transaminase and succinic semialdehyde
dehydrogenase enzymes in in-vitro assay due to the presence of flavonoids
Brassicaceae Isatis indigotica Fortune Erucic acid isolated from the ethanol extract improved lung injured condition Lung related Liang et al., 2020
ex Lindl. by reducing CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte, pro-apoptotic, hyperactivity complications
signalling pathways and the immune inflammation
Caesalpinaceae Cassia tora L. Mental Problem Shrivastava et al., 2020
(continued on next page)

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Table 4 (continued )
Hydroalcohol seed extract improved anxiolytic and antidepressant condition
in Swiss mice model by reducing the locomotor activity and convulsion
Seed extract improved renal reperfusion injury in rats by reducing blood urea Kidney (Park et al., 2019)
nitrogen and serum creatinine level and increasing the catalase, superoxide complications
dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, antioxidant, and nitric oxide expression
Traditionally the leaves and seeds possess cardiotonic and cardioprotective Cardiac Awasthi et al., 2015
activity complications
The plant exhibited improved lung metastasis condition in BALB/c mice Lung related Zhao et al., 2013
bearing 26-M3.1 colon carcinoma cell tumours complications
Ethanol seed extract reduced plasma lipid levels, hepatic lipid accumulation Liver related Tzeng et al., 2013
and improved hepatic histological lesions by enhancing the phosphorylation problem
of AMP-activated protein kinase enzyme in high fat diet treated rat
Petroleum ether, methanol and ethyl acetate extract improved in Parkinsonism Suryawanshi et al., 2009
oxotremorine treated mice
Celastraceae Tripterygium regelii Methanol extract of leaves may prevent Parkinson’s disease by increasing Bax, Parkinsonism Choi et al., 2010
Sprague tyrosine hydroxylase, caspase-3, caspase-9 level, brain-derived neurotrophic
factor and by decreasing Bcl-2 in SH-SY5Y cells
Cibotiaceae Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Hemiterpene glycosides isolated from hydroalcohol extract of rhizome Liver related Xie et al., 2017
Sm. showed hepatoprotective activity against acetaminophen induced HepG2 cell problem
Compositae Chrysanthemum indicum Ethanol flower extract showed cardio-protective activity by inhibiting Cardiac Sravanthi and Shakir, 2017
L. atherosclerosis and decreased serum lipid level in high fat diet treated rats complications
Ethanol extract improved p53 expression in porcine kidney cell line and also Kidney Kim et al., 2015
improved histopathological alterations and apoptosis in cisplatin treated rats complications
Aqueous flower extract showed hepatoprotective activity by decreasing Liver related Jeong et al., 2013
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and pyruvic transaminase level in problem
hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Aqueous extract of flowers improved anxiolytic activity in mice mediated by Mental Problem Hong et al., 2012
the GABAA receptor and the 5-HT1A receptor
Methanol extract possessed protective effect against cytotoxicity in Parkinsonism Kim et al., 2011
Parkinson’s disease induced cell model by inhibiting cell loss, IκB-α
degradation, NF-κB p65 and production of reactive oxygen species and
prostaglandin E (2) expression
Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris crassirhizoma Ethanol extract improved in-vivo allergic asthma condition and airway Lung related Piao et al., 2020
Nakai inflammation by inhibiting the activation of NF-κB signalling complications
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus emblica L. Ethanol fruit extract suppressed neuroinflammation in Microglia and Parkinsonism Phochantachinda et al.,
promoted neurite outgrowth in Neuro2a cells 2021
Aqueous fruit extract improved endothelial function, decreasing reflection Cardiac Usharani et al., 2019
index, and malondialdehyde level and increased nitric oxide, glutathione complications
activity in a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled clinical study
Aqueous fruit extract prevented precancerous lung lesions through regulating Lung related Wang et al., 2017
the IL-1β/miR-i101/Lin28B signaling pathway in benzopyran treated mice complications
Aqueous fruit extract improved in-vivo high fat diet (HFD)-induced Liver related Huang et al., 2017
dyslipidaemia, hepatosteatosis, and oxidative stress and significantly reduce problem
body weight, enhance the antioxidant enzyme activities, and improve
steatosis through elevating adiponectin in adipocytes and PPAR-α in the liver
Ethanol fruit extract improved SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, GSR, GSH, GST and TBARS Mental Problem Uddin et al., 2016
level and decreased AChE activity in brain tissue homogenates
Aqueous fruit extract improved malondialdehyde level, total antioxidant Kidney Tasanarong et al., 2014
capacity, superoxide dismutase and catalase activity in contrast induced complications
kidney injured rat
Fabaceae Astragalus propinquus Astragaloside IV (AS-IV) inhibited apoptosis and inflammation via activating Parkinsonism Xu et al., 2021
Schischkin the JAK2/STAT3 signalling pathway
Aqueous extract of the plant inhibited TNF-α and IL-6 production and down Lung related Qin et al., 2018
regulated the protein and mRNA expression of toll-like receptors 4, IL-1 complications
receptor-associated kinase-1 and NF-κB/p65 in lipopolysaccharide treated rats
The plant prevented Ca2+ current remodelling in heart failure by down Cardiac Li et al., 2017
regulating CaMKII complications
The renal protective effects mediated through suppression of transforming Kidney Lui et al., 2015
growth factor beta expression and enhance nitric oxide production in Patients complications
on Peritoneal Dialysis
Aqueous extract suppressed tyrosine hydroxylase and acetylcholine Mental Problem Park et al., 2009
transferase expression in the brain of repeated stress treated depressed rats
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Methanol extract exhibited protective action against pulmonary fibrosis lung Lung related Fekri et al., 2021
of rats. The extract decreased hydroxyproline level in pulmonary tissue complications
Glycyrrhizin reduced thrombin-fibrinogen clotting time, thrombin-induced Cardiac Hasan et al., 2021
platelet aggregation and improved plasma recalcification duration complications
Glycyrrhizin isolated from the aqueous root extract possessed anti-depressant Mental Problem Hasan et al., 2021
activity in mice model
A clinical study suggested oral administration of root syrup prepared with Parkinsonism Petramfar et al., 2020
sugar, citric acid and gelling agent showed good symptomatic relief from
Parkinson’s disease
Glycyrrhizic acid, liquiritin and liquiritigenin isolated from fermented root Liver related Jung et al., 2016
extract showed hepatoprotective activity in alcohol treated mice by problem
decreasing lipid accumulation and increasing the hepatic glutathione level
Glycyrrhetinic acid isolated from the plant reduced the serum potassium Kidney Ferrari, 2009
concentration and hyperkalemia in hemodialysis patient complications
(continued on next page)

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Table 4 (continued )
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Gancaonin N improved inflammatory response by inactivating the MAPK and Lung related Ko et al., 2021
Fisch. NF-κB signaling pathways in acute pneumonia induced in-vitro model complications
Isoliquiritigenin exhibit protective effect on dopaminergic cell under Parkinsonism Hwang and Chun, 2012
oxidative stress conditions by regulating the apoptotic process
Liquiritin isolated from aqueous extract of root improved superoxide Mental Problem Zhao et al., 2008
dismutase activity and plasma malondialdehyde level in chronic variable
stress treated depressed rats
Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Aqueous seed extract improved protection of kidney by decreasing serum ALT Kidney Concessao et al., 2020
and other kidney enzyme levels in arsenic treated rats complications
Hydralcohol extract of leaves improved serum ALT, AST, ALP, and bilirubin Liver related Obogwu et al., 2014
levels in isoniazid-rifampicin treated rats problem
Hydroalcohol seed extract improved anti-depressant activity by reducing Mental problem Rana and Galani, 2014
immobility time and showed potent activity against chronic unpredictable
mild stress in rats
Seed powder can improve long term management of Parkinson’s disease and Parkinsonism Katzenschlager et al., 2004
provide symptomatic relieve from PD
Gentianaceae Gentiana scabra Bunge Polyphenolic compounds isolated from aqueous extract exhibited Liver related Ko et al., 2011
hepatoprotective activity in CCl4 induced mice model by reducing oxidative problem
stress and liver injury
Gentiacaulein isolated from the plant possessed antidepressant activity by Mental problem Yang et al., 2010
inhibiting Monoamine oxidase
Labiateae Schizonepeta tenuifolia Hydroalcohol extract inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative Lung related Lee et al., 2021
(Benth.) Briq. stress, and activated the Nrf2-HO-1 axis in lipopolysaccharide treated mice complications
Lamiaceae Mentha haplocalyx Briq. In TCM system Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule containing the plant along with Lung related Yang et al., 2020
some other plant clear heat and relaxes lung complications
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Aqueous extract of the plant improved lung injured condition by inhibiting the Lung related Qin et al., 2018(Chen et al.,
production of TNF-α, IL-6 and the protein and mRNA expression of toll-like complications 2017)
receptors 4, nuclear factor-ΚB, IL-1 receptor-associated kinase-1
Essential oil from the aerial parts showed improved anxiolytic condition by Mental Problem Liu et al., 2015
increasing the intracellular Cl- concentration in in-vitro cell culture and also
improved the anxiolytic effect and social interaction in in-vivo model
Cryptotanshinone isolated showed prevention of TNF-α, GalN/LPS-induced Liver related Jin et al., 2014
apoptosis, caspase-3, -8, -9 and cytochrome c activation. It also prevented the problem
JNK, ERK and p38 phosphorylation and pro-inflammatory cytokine
production in d-galactosamine (GalN)/lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treated mice
Intraperitoneal injection of aqueous root extract improved kidney iron, blood Kidney Guan et al., 2013
urea nitrogen, malondialdehyde and creatinine level complications
Salvanolic acid B from the aqueous extract of aerial part improved caspase-3 Parkinsonism Tian et al., 2008
activity, and cytochrome C translocation from mitochondria to the cytosol. It
also decreased the extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation and
activated 6-hydroxydopamine-suppressed protein kinase C
Salvia officinalis L. Leaves extract showed hepatoprotective activity in oestrogen deficient Liver related Koubaa-Ghobrel et al.,
ovariectomized rats by altered plasma transaminases and lipid profile problem 2020a
activities of liver
Essential oils improved liver biochemical marker, cholesterol, body weight Kidney Koubaa-Ghobrel et al.,
and renal dysfunction in high fat diet treated rat complications 2020b
Essential oils potentially reduced aspartate transaminase, alanine Cardiac Koubaa-Ghobrel et al.,
transaminase, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase and lactate dehydrogenase activities complications 2020b
and total cholesterol, triglycerides, total lipids, and low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol level in high fat diet induced mice
Leave infusion inhibited lung fibrosis in rats and normalized lipid Lung related Bahri et al., 2020
peroxidation, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities complications
In a clinical study the ethanol extract of dried leave improved anxiety, Mental problem Kennedy et al., 2005
alertness, calmness and contentedness on the Bond–Lader mood scales
Scutellaria barbata D. Don Wogonin (flavonoid) exhibited protective effect against atherosclerosis and Cardiac Chen et al., 2020
restenosis by suppressing the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cell and complication
inhibited MMP-9 secretion
Pre-treatment of aqueous root extract improved in-vivo renal dysfunction by Kidney Lee et al., 2010
reducing the pro-inflammatory cytokine level, tubular injury and toxic effects complications
in cisplatin treated mice
Wogonin isolated from the ethanol root extract showed anxiolytic activity in Mental problem Hui et al., 2002
in-vivo elevated plus maze test
Lauraceae Cinnamomum zeylanicum Bark extract increased latency period and possessed anxiolytic activity in in- Mental Problem Jain and Gupta, 2019
L. vivo models
Aqueous bark extract improved serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate Kidney Hussain et al., 2019
aminotransferase, creatinine, urea level in-vivo and reduced histological complications
alterations in acetaminophen treated mice
Aqueous bark extract showed hepatoprotective activity against Liver related Hussain et al., 2019
acetaminophen treated hepatotoxicity by decreasing the serum alanine problem
aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine, urea levels and
histological alterations in liver
Bark extract inhibited catalepsy in Parkinson’s disease induced mice model Parkinsonism Moazedi and Parham, 2018
Methanol bark extract showed cardio-protective activity by controlling blood Cardiac Ranjini et al., 2016
pressure and inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme in Sheep tissues complications
Methanol bark extract improved lung condition by inhibiting angiotensin- Lung related Ranjini et al., 2016
converting enzyme in Sheep tissues complications
Laurus nobilis L. Lee et al., 2018
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 4 (continued )
Ethanol extract of leaves reduced the level of liver biomarkers including pro- Lung related
inflammatory cytokine production, NLRP3 inflammasome activation, complications
interleukin-1β secretion and caspase-1 activation in an in-vivo acute lung
infection model
Ethanol leaf extract reduced liver biomarkers level such as alanine Liver related Gasparyan et al., 2015
aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, γ problem
-glutamiltransferase, bilirubin, urea, albumin, glucose, cholesterol,
triacylglycerides in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in-vivo model
Spirafolide isolated from the methanol leave extract improved dopaminergic Parkinsonism Ham et al., 2010
toxic condition by increasing cell survival rate and decreasing intracellular
ROS levels
Leguminosae Psoralea corylifolia L. Corylin isolated from the whole plant extract reduced LPS-induced pro- Lung related Chen et al., 2021
inflammatory IL-6 and TNF-α production in human bronchial epithelial cells complications
and in mice. It also inhibited the mitogen-activated protein kinase
D3, 2-hydroxybakuchiol (BU) isolated from the hydroalcohol seed extract Parkinsonism Zhao et al., 2009
inhibited dopamine uptake in dopamine transporter transfected Chinese
hamster ovary cells and blocked dopamine reuptake
Psoralidin from the seed extract improved 5-HT, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid Mental Problem Yi et al., 2008
and dopamine secretion in mice brain and also improved the stress condition
by improving the release of adrenal corticotropin hormone, corticosterone and
serum corticotropin-releasing factor
Bakuchiol, bakuchicin and psoralen isolated from the aqueous seed extract Liver related Cho et al., 2001
showed protective effect against tacrine treated cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells problem
Lessoniaceae Ecklonia cava Dieckol isolated from the hydroalcohol extract improved calcium Signaling, Cardiac Lu et al., 2021
PI3K/AKT/eNOS Pathway and vasodilation in in-vitro endothelial cell and in- complications
vivo zebrafish models
Ethanol extract improved cognitive function in-vivo by reducing the Mental problem Park et al., 2019
production of Aβ and tau-hyperphosphorylation
Dieckol-rich phlorotannins from the aqueous extract showed potent Liver related Kang et al., 2012
hepatoprotective activity by decreasing the liver enzymes and the problem
histopathological changes in ethanol treated mice
Phlorotannins, triphlorethol-A, phloroglucinol, eckstolono, eckol and dieckol Lung related Wijesinghe et al., 2011
isolated from the ethanol extract of the plant showed potent ACE inhibition complications
Loranthaceae Taxillus chinensis (DC.) The plant found to protect the liver function by improving glucose Liver related Ping et al., 2019
metabolism, lipid and anti-hepatic injury and cell apoptosis in diabetic problem
induced rat
Plant extract present in the Chinese herbal formulation Tian-ma-gouteng-yin Mental Problem Chang et al., 2016
improved headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision and a sensation
of heat rushing towards the head
Magnoliaceae Magnolia officinalis Magnolia extract improved kidney inflammation and oxidative stress by Kidney Cui et al., 2013
Rehder & E.H.Wilson increasing PGC-1α-mediated various antioxidative protein expressions in high complications
fat diet treated mice
Magnolol improved dopamine transporter and tyrosine hydroxylase protein Parkinsonism Muroyama et al., 2012
levels in the striatum
Magnolol improved the number of total cells, neutrophils, macrophages in the Lung related Yunhe et al., 2012
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and down-regulated TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 levels. complications
It also inhibited the phosphorylation of IκB-α, NF-κB p65 and expression of
TLR4 lipopolysaccharide treated mice
Aqueous bark extract improved hippocampal ACH release and central Mental Problem Nakazawa et al., 2003
serotonergic activity in rat and human model
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica A. Ethyl acetate fraction of bark improved sedative and anxiolytic effect on adult Mental Problem Silva et al., 2020
Juss. zebrafish through serotonergic and GABAergic systems due to its phenolic and
flavonoid content
Bark extract decreased rotational behavior condition and improved Parkinsonism Xiang et al., 2018
glutathione peroxidase, iNOS activity in 6-hydroxydopamine treated rat
Aqueous leaves extract showed protective effects against cigarette smoke, Lung related Lee et al., 2017
lipopolysaccharide induced pulmonary inflammation and improved complications
infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Aqueous leaves extract improved renal injury in Plasmodium berghei treated Kidney Somsak et al., 2015
renal injured mice complications
Aqueous leaf extract exhibited potent cardioprotective effect in isolated Cardiac Khosla et al., 2002
perfused frog and rabbit heart complications
Aqueous leave extract reduced serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine Liver related Bhanwra et al., 2000
aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase levels in paracetamol problem
treated rat
Toona sinensis (Juss.)M. Polyphenols present in seed extract inhibited Parkinson’s disease by reducing Parkinsonism Zhuang et al., 2019
Roem. neuroinflammation and inhibiting p38MAPK signaling pathway in rat model
n-butanol seed extract showed anti-diabetic potential in rat model by reducing Kidney Li et al., 2016
the blood glucose, urinary albumin, renal index, oxidative stress index, serum complications
creatinine, urea, nitrogen levels and increasing the TGF-b1, collagen IV, and
CTGF level
Leaves extract showed hepatoprotective activity by reducing liver fibrosis, Liver related Fan et al., 2007
TGFbeta1 and collagen in thioacetamide treated rat problem
Menispermaceae Tinospora cordifolia Ethanol extract of aerial parts protected dopaminergic neurons and reduced Parkinsonism Kosaraju et al., 2014
(Willd.) Miers iron accumulation in brain
(continued on next page)

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Table 4 (continued )
Ethanol extract of stem improved COX-2, iNOS, ICAM-1, pro-inflammatory Lung related Tiwari et al., 2014
cytokines levels in asthma induced mice complications
Consumption of stem extract modulates changes in kidney chondroitin Kidney Joladarashi et al., 2012
sulphate or dermatan sulphate in diabetes induced animal model complications
Aqueous extract of stem and leaves improved superoxide dismutase, catalase, Liver related Sharma and Pandey, 2010
aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, problem
and acid phosphatase level
Moraceae Broussonetia papyrifera Root bark extract showed hepatoprotective effect by prevention of hepatic Liver related Lee et al., 2021
(L.) L’Her. ex Vent steatosis in high fat diet treated mice problem
Traditionally the fruit extract used to treat various ailments related to heart Cardiac Zhang et al., 2020c
The plant along with L. japonica reduced in-vivo septic inflammation and TNF- Lung related Ko et al., 2013
α, IFN-g, IL-1b levels and also inhibited cell recruitment in bronchoalveolar complications
lavage fluid
Chloroform extract of twigs possessed improved Parkinson’s condition in Parkinsonism Zheng et al., 2008
mushroom tyrosinase
Morus alba L. Ethanol extract of root bark prevented endothelial dysfunction in rat aorta Cardiac Panth et al., 2018
Root bark extract improved depression like behaviour condition in high fat Mental Problem Ye et al., 2017
diet treated rats and also reduced brain-derived neurotrophic factor
expression and extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation
Flavonoid fraction from leaves showed potent nephroprotective activity by Kidney Nematbakhsh et al., 2013
reducing the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentration induced in complications
cisplatin treated rats
Ethanol extract of root barks inhibited production of pro inflammatory Lung related Lim et al., 2013
cytokines IL-6, TNF-α, infiltration of inflammatory cells in lung epithelial cells complications
and NO production in lung macrophages
Hydroalcohol fruit extract protected dopaminergic neurons in in-vitro cells. In- Parkinsonism Kim et al., 2010
vivo treatment of the extract protected brain from bradykinesia dopaminergic
neuronal damage
Alcohol and water extract of leaves improved serum glutamate pyruvate Liver related Hogade et al., 2010
transaminase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, alanine phosphatase and problem
bilirubin and histological changes in carbon tetrachloride treated rats
Myricaceae Myrica cerifera L. Myricetin increased glutathione, monoamine oxidase, glutathione-S- Parkinsonism Ara et al., 2017
transferase, protein carbonyl content and lipid peroxidation
Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Hydroalcohol extract of buds improved acute kidney injury by ameliorating Kidney Nasri et al., 2020
Merr. & L.M.Perry necrosis, degeneration, dilatation and flattening in rats complications
Essential oil isolated from the buds showed potent in-vivo anticonvulsant Parkinsonism Avanthi et al., 2015
activity by improving the threshold of clonic seizures in chemical treated rats
Essential oil from the buds reduced anxiety, depression and locomotor Mental Problem Adli et al., 2014
hyperactivity in in-vivo model
Aqueous flower bud extract of the plant improved in-vivo hepatic injury, liver Liver related Prasad et al., 2010
serum biochemical parameters and oxidative stress in thioacetamide treated problem
Oleaceae Olea Europaea L. Leaf extract decreased IL-6, IL-8 and TNFα in hypertensive patients Kidney Javadi et al., 2019
Oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol decreased NF-κB and TNF-α expression by p38 Liver related Mahmoudi et al., 2018
signaling pathway in bisphenol A-treated rats problem
Olive oil reduced behavioral deficits via altering 5-HT and DA metabolism Mental problem Parveen et al., 2013
level in in-vivo models on Wistar rats
Paulowniaceae Paulownia tomentosa Chloroform fruit extract and ursolic acid showed potent hepatoprotective Liver related Ali et al., 2019
Steud. activity against hepatocarcinogenesis on MCF-7 and HepG2 cell line and problem
restored various biochemical parameters
Methanol extract of stem bark reduced the production of pro-inflammatory Lung related Lee et al., 2018
cytokine IL-6, TNF-α in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. It also complications
reduced in-vivo neutrophils, macrophages, nitric oxide and inducible nitric
oxide synthase levels, inflammatory cells infiltration and monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1 in lipopolysaccharide treated mice
Piperaceae Piper longum L. Piperine improved plasma concentrations of creatinine, urea-nitrogen, Kidney Mohammadi et al., 2019
expression of pro-inflammatory factors, oxidative stress and renal complications
histopathological injuries in ischemia-reperfusion rat
Piperine potentially reduced activation of microglia and blocked release of Parkinsonism He et al., 2016
proinflammatory cytokines thus, protected dopaminergic neurons damage
Methanol extract of fruits inhibited monoamine oxidase activity and increased Mental Problem Hritcu et al., 2015
monoamine neurotransmitters levels in β-amyloid treated rat
Alcohol fruit extract inhibited bronchospasm and blocked the release of Lung related Kaushik et al., 2012
histamine in in-vitro guinea-pig ileum preparation and histamine treated complications
Piperine showed negative inotropic and negative chronotropic effect by Cardiac Lokhande et al., 2006
blocking the action of adrenalin in isolated frog heart complications
Piperine improved glutathione and peroxide level in the liver cell in tert-butyl Liver related Koul and Kapil, 1993
hydroperoxide and carbon tetrachloride treated mice problem
Piper nigrum L. Essential oil from fruits showed anxiolytic and antidepressant activity and Mental Problem Ghosh et al., 2021
improved behavioural changes in depressed mice model
Ethanol extract of seed showed nephroprotective activity by improving serum Kidney Gaikwad and Zodape, 2019
biochemical parameter and histopathological changes in para-amino salicylic complications
acid treated rats
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 4 (continued )
Piperine improved in-vivo cardiac injury and cardiac function including Cardiac Yan et al., 2019
myocardial oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation in doxorubicin complications
treated mice
Ethanol extract of the seed showed hepatoprotective activity in para-amino Liver related Zodape and Gaikwad, 2019
salicylic acid and ethinoamide treated rat liver and restored the biochemical problem
Alkaloids from seed hydroalcohol extract increased total movement time, Parkinsonism Bi et al., 2015
distance, dopaminergic neuron level, and glutathione and superoxide
dismutase activity
Ranunculaceae Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Consumption of the plant decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure and Cardiac Gorach, 2018
Nutt. inhibited arterial hypertension in perimenopausal women complications
Nigella sativa L. Thymoquinone induced a significant positive baseline inotropic effect in the Cardiac Asoom and Al-Hariri, 2019
rat heart complications
Quercetin-3-O-α-L rhamnopyranoside, quercetin-7-O-β-D gluco pyranoside, Mental Problem Elkhayat et al., 2016
tauroside E, and sapindoside B isolated from hydroalcohol extract of seeds
improved antidepressant condition by inhibiting the uptake of
norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in mice
Thymoquinone afford neuroprotection against 6-OHDA neurotoxicity in Parkinsonism Sedaghat et al., 2014
neurodegenerative disorders
Thymoquinone decreased serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, Kidney Sayed-Ahmed and Nagi,
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, total nitrate/nitrite level and complications 2007
increased glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and ATP levels in
kidney tissues in gentamicin treated rats
Nigellon improved airway obstruction and blocked the release of histamine Lung related Gilani et al., 2004
Thymoquinone improved ratio of helper to suppressor T cells, natural killer Liver related Daba and Abdel-Rahman,
cell activity and production of IL-3 in isolated rat hepatocytes problem 1998
Rosaceae Armeniaca sibirica (L.) Hydroalcohol leaf extract improved sGOT, sGPT, sALP, TBARS, GGT, LDH TP, Liver related Raj et al., 2016
Lam. Albumin and sB levels in paracetamol treated rats problem
Ethanol extract significantly increased catalase, superoxide dismutase, and Kidney Vardi et al., 2013
glutathione levels in methotrexate treated rats complications
Rutaceae Phellodendron cortex Alkaloids derived from the plant improved mental depression condition, Mental Problem Kong et al., 2019
noradrenaline, dopamine and monoamine oxidase-A levels and provide
protection against Alzheimer’s disease
Quercetin reduced the symptoms of heart failure and improved coronary heart Cardiac Sun et al., 2019
disease condition complications
Berberine isolated from n-butyl alcohol extract showed bronchodilation effect Lung related Jiang et al., 2016
by inhibiting high K+- and acetylcholine-induced precontraction of airway complications
smooth muscle in tracheal rings and lung slices
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Plant extract inhibited calcium influx, controlled blood pressure of Cardiac Zeng et al., 2021
Lam. anesthetized rats and relaxed the contractile smooth muscle complications
Solanaceae Withania somnifera (L.) Aqueous root extract showed hepatoprotective activity by the antioxidant Liver related Sharma et al., 2021
Dunal activity in CCl4 treated rats problem
Withaferin A improved lung inflammation by blocking NF-κB and nuclear Lung related Logie and Vanden Berghe,
factor erythroid2 related factor 2 signalling pathway complications 2020
Root extract increased dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylacetic acid, Parkinsonism Raja Sankar et al., 2009
homovanillic acid, lipid peroxidation marker level in the corpus striatum
Root extract exhibited nephroprotective effect by improving antioxidant Kidney Jeyanthi and
activity in gentamicin treated animal complications Subramanian, 2009
Taxaceae Torreya nucifera (L.) Arctigenin, traxillagenin, and 49-demethyltraxillagenin improved Liver related Kim et al., 2003
Siebold & Zucc. hepatocytes condition by maintaining the GSH level CCl4 treated rats problem
Theaceae Camellia sinensis (L.) In repeated stress induced rats model the hydroalcohol leaf extract elevated Mental Problem Ye et al., 2019
Kuntze depression condition, improve immobility condition, oestrogen level and
glucose metabolism in brain
Pre-treatment of aqueous leave extract significantly reduced oxidative Kidney Saad et al., 2019
damage, urea, uric acid and creatinine level and showed good antioxidant complications
effect in nicotine treated rats
Leaves and its major phytoconstituents such as, catechin, epicatechin and Parkinsonism Pinto et al., 2015
epigallocatechin gallate improved Parkinson’s disease condition in in-vivo
Aqueous leaf extract showed reduction of enzyme and non-enzyme levels of Liver related Hy and Ira, 2015
liver tissues and lipid peroxidation in CCl4 treated rat problem
Consumption of the plant effectively could manage cardiovascular risk factors Cardiac Deka and Vita, 2011
Extract of the plant increased NO, TNF-α level, reduced the degree of injury Lung related Paola et al., 2005
and infiltration of neutrophil tissues in carrageenan-treated mice complications
Urtiaceae Urtica dioica L. Hydroalcohol leave extract improved anti-depressant and anxiolytic condition Mental Problem Patel et al., 2018
in-vivo study.
Hydroalcohol extract improved motor function, mito-oxidative defense Parkinsonism Bisht et al., 2017
alteration in Parkinson’s disease induced rat model
Aqueous extract inhibited eosinophilia, leucocytes, lymphocytes levels and Lung related Zemmouri et al., 2017
lipid peroxidation in BALF in asthmatic rats complications
Ethanol extract improved nephrotoxic condition by decreasing serum Kidney Salih, 2015
creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level in nephrotoxic rabbit model complications
Essential oil from the plant showed hepatoprotective activity in biliary Liver related Oguz et al., 2013
obstruction induced rat model by reducing α-smooth muscle actin, problem
(continued on next page)

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Table 4 (continued )
cytokeratin-positive ductular proliferation and terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase dUTP nick end labelling activity
Aqueous plant extract showed cardioprotective in isolated Langendorff Cardiac Legssyer et al., 2002
perfused rat heart by decreasing heart rate and increasing left ventricular complications
Zingiberaceae Curcuma longa L. Curcumin showed hepatoprotective activity against alcohol induced liver Liver related Farzaei et al., 2018
disease by preventing apoptosis and inhibition of NF-κB in in-vivo models problem
Curcumin improved anti-immobility action in forced swim test and also Mental Problem Kulkarni and Dhar, 2010
enhanced the anti-immobility effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitors such as
tranylcypromine, selegiline
Curcumin improved loss of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease Parkinsonism Aggarwal and Harikumar,
induced rat model 2009
Curcumin improved renal ischemia reperfusion injury and antioxidant gene Kidney Aggarwal and Harikumar,
expression in in-vivo model complications 2009
Curcumin protected rats from adriamycin-induced myocardial toxicity and Cardiac Aggarwal and Harikumar,
inhibited the development of atherosclerosis in apoE/LDLR-double knockout complications 2009
Curcumin inhibited in-vitro allergen-induced lymphocyte, proliferation and Lung related Aggarwal and Harikumar,
production of IL-2, IL-5, GM-CSF, IL-4 model and also reduced airway complications 2009
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Hydroalcohol extract of rhizome showed potent anxiolytic activity in mice Mental Problem Kumar et al., 2020
Ethanol extract of rhizome improved renal dysfunction, kidney tissue damage Kidney Gabr et al., 2019
and oxidative damage by increasing serum creatinine, urea level and complications
decreasing the creatinine clearance and reabsorption of urine albumin. It also
decreased total antioxidant status and DNA content in cadmium treated rats
Pre-treatment with aqueous ethanol extract of rhizome decreased cardiac Cardiac Amran et al., 2015
enzyme troponin, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, alanine complications
transaminase and aspartate transaminase activity thus improved myocardial
injury in isoproterenol treated rats
6-shogaol isolated from rhizome showed improved Parkinson’s disease Parkinsonism Park et al., 2013
condition in rat mesencephalic cell culture. In-vivo treatment of 6-shogaol
inhibited bradykinesia and restored MPTP-induced changes in motor
Ethanol extract of rhizome showed protective hepatotoxic activity against Liver related Bardi et al., 2013
thioacetamide-treated rat and Hep-G2 cells problem
Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris L. Methanol extract of the fruit improved muscular strength, catatonia, Parkinsonism Saleem et al., 2020
locomotor functions and also restored the levels of CAT, SOD, GSH, and GPx. It
also reduced the mRNA expression and IL-1β, α -synuclein, TNF-α, and AChE
Oral administration of the hydroalcohol extract of root improved renal injury Kidney Yadav et al., 2019
in mercuric chloride treated rats and decreased the accumulation of mercury complications
in kidney tissue
Whole plant methanol extract exerted potent activity against cardiac ischemia Cardiac Reshma et al., 2019
by improving various cardiac biomarker levels like serum creatinine kinase, complications
serum lactate dehydrogenase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase,
serum creatinine kinase, myocardial B fraction, serum glutamic pyruvic
transaminase in both in-vitro and in-vivo models
Terrestrosin D isolated from the plant reduced in-vivo inflammatory cell Lung related Qiu et al., 2019
infiltration, macrophages number, neutrophils, lymphocytes and percentage complications
of macrophages in the monocyte-macrophage system. It also reduced the
production of TNF-α and pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6, IL-8, TGF-β1, PDGF-
Saponins extracted showed significant antidepressant activity and increased Mental Problem Wang et al., 2013
the cortisol and corticotropin-releasing factor levels in stress induced rats
Hydroethanol extract of the plant showed potent hepatotoxic activity in Liver related Kavitha et al., 2011
acetaminophen treated rat problem

activity was attributed to the regulation of mRNA translation and sur­ G. Dazao decoction was used to treat hysteria, whose symptoms were
face expression of AMPA, NMDA and GABA neuroreceptors in the brain. sadness, crying, mood disorders, and abnormal behaviour. It is
Acorus calamus L. is another plant, which is used as nerve tonic, tran­ composed of G. glabra, Triticum aestivum L. and Ziziphus jujuba Mill.
quilizer, sedative etc. by reducing AChE levels and interaction with According to the TCM theory, this decoction nourishes Yin of heart and
GABA receptors. It showed antidepressant properties by induction of α1, calms mind (Ma et al., 2020). G. Dazao decoction combined with Lily
α2 and 5-HT1A receptors. Flowers of Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy bulb and Rhizoma Anemarrhena decoction is also used to treat depres­
showed anxiolytic activity and are also used as brain tonic in mental sion, which effectively reduced the depression symptoms of patients and
aberration and neurosis. The plant possesses strong antioxidant activity improved their sleep status. This modified G. Dazao decoction is clini­
towards brain cells. It also inhibited AChE and 5-LOX, which are cally efficient and safe in the treatment of perimenopausal patients with
involved in neurodegenerative disorders. The seed oil of C. paniculatus severe depression, because of the regulation of monoamines and ami­
exhibited significant antidepressant-like effects by interaction with noacid neurotransmitters, regulation of immune inflammation, and also
dopamine D2 receptors, serotonergic and GABAB receptors. It also the reduction of the level of inflammatory factors (Li and Gao, 2014).
inhibited MAO-A and caused reduction in plasma corticosterone levels Suanzaoren decoction, Huang lian E jiao secoction, Zhizi Chi decoction
(Joshi and Pandya, 2020). were also incorporated in the drug treasure trove to treat the anxiety of
TCM plants including Lily bulb, Rehmannia, Anemarrhenae and internal heat and Yin deficiency syndrome. Suanzaoren decoction is
Ganmai Dazao decoctions were incorporated to treat depression. made from Ziziphus spinosa Hu, liquorice root, R. Anemarrhena, Poria

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Fig. 2. Probable inhibition mechanism of medicinal plants/product against SARS CoV-2 viral replication.

cocos (Schw.) and Chuanxiong Rhizoma. Huang lian E jiao decoction is illnesses) (Alberici et al., 2020; Su et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020). The main
composed of Coptidis Rhizoma, Scutellariae Radix, Paeoniae Radix Alba, binding site for SARS-CoV-2 is the ACE2 protein, which is expressed in
Colla Corii Asini and fresh egg yolk. The anti-anxiety properties of the the kidney much more than the lungs (Serfozo et al., 2020; Ye et al.,
Suanzaoren decoction was related to an increased NO concentration in 2006). Targeting of ACE2 by SARS-CoV-2 results in angiotensin dysre­
the blood and the decrease of IL-1β and TNF-α level in serum (Wang and gulation, innate and adaptive immune pathway activation, and
Xie, 2004; Liu, 2018). In another study, the combination of Suanzaoren hyper-coagulation to result in organ injury and AKI associated with
decoction and Zhizi Chi decoction was significantly improved COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 might cause tubular damage through infil­
anxiety-related insomnia (Liu et al., 2014). The anti-anxiety activity of trating renal parenchyma by an exaggerated and often uncontrolled
Suanzaoren decoction and Huanglian E jiao decoction was related to surge of plasma pro-inflammatory factors (IL2, IL7, IL- 10, GSCF, IP-10,
elevated γ-GABA levels (Zhao, 2012). Lily bulb, Rehmannia decoction MCP-1, MIP1A and TNF-α) known as ‘‘cytokine storm’’ (Wen et al.,
and Guilu Erxian decoction were useful against post-traumatic stress 2020). Inflammatory cells such as CD68+ macrophages, CD4+ T cells,
disorder (PTSD; internal heat and Yin deficiency syndrome) by regu­ and CD56+ natural killer cells can be present in tubulointerstitium of
lating synaptic plasticity, anti-apoptosis, anti-inflammation and affected patients. The hyper-activation of these immune cells may
reducing fear memory (Li et al., 2020). eventually promote fibrosis, induce epithelial cell apoptosis, and cause
microvasculature change. Moreover, C5b-9 complex expression and
Kidney failure disposition on tubular cells causes renal interstitial damage (Diao et al.,
2021; Rodríguez et al., 2018; Saffarzadeh et al., 2012).
The CDC reported that of the adults hospitalized for COVID-19 with Thirty-eight patients with moderate chronic renal failure were
underlying conditions in USA, 74.8% had chronic renal disease, but treated with 1 g Rheum palmatum L. (Chinese rhubarb) root extract per
patients with chronic renal disease consisted of only 3% of the total cases day, which led to significant decreases in serum BUN and creatinine
(Abbott, 2020). A recent clinical study with 701 patients from a hospital level (Sanada, 1996). Tincture of lespedeza (Lespedeza capitata Michx.)
in Wuhan found that 5.1% of patients admitted for COVID-19 developed showed beneficial effect in patients with acute and chronic renal failure
acute kidney injury (Cheng et al., 2020). During the infection, the virus (Yarnell and Abascal, 2007). The effect may be due to the compound
circulated in the blood to reach the kidney and caused damage to renal proanthocyanidins present in the plant extract showing
resident cells, which was manifested by proteinuria, hematuria, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition effects (Wagner and
elevated levels of blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, uric acid as well Elbl, 1992). A study showed that Urtica dioica L. seed might be an
as D-dimer (Cheng et al., 2020; Henry and Lippi, 2020; Li et al., 2020). effective herbal treatment for renal failure patients, as it lowers the
The mortality rate of COVID-19 patients with AKI was significantly serum creatinine levels and also reduces the symptoms (Treasure, 2003).
higher (5.3 times higher in acute kidney injury than 1.5 times in chronic Roots of Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees significantly reduced

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

Fig. 3. Mechanism based inhibition of medicinal plants/product through regulation of cytokine storm in SARS CoV-2 infection.

blood proteinemia and uremia (Rao, 2006). Rheum officinale Baill. improves the cardiac health of patients (Rastogi et al., 2020). Cucurmin
combined with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or from C. longa blocked cytokine release, specifically IL-1, IL-6,
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and and Chinese patented medi­ pro-inflammatory cytokines and TNF-α possesses anti-inflammatory
cine Rheum (CPM-Rheum) might be used to improve the condition of activity in COVID-19 patients (Khanna et al., 2021). Naringin, nar­
impaired renal function (Yang et al., 2018). ingenin and hesperidin present in Citrus sp. inhibited the expression of
pro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages, restrained cytokines via
inhibiting HMGB1 expression and obstructed binding affinity of the ACE
Heart failure 2 receptor to the coronavirus (Cheng et al., 2020). G. glabra root also
exhibited anti-inflammatory properties, which induces interferon pro­
Some patients having problems related to heart even exhibited signs duction in the body and prevents heart disease. Cannabis sativa L. shows
related to mild to severe heart damage in post-COVID infection due to an anti-inflammatory actions by modulation of expression of ACE2 and the
overactive immune response with abnormal heart rhythms, heart muscle serine protease TMPRSS2, which is a pre-requisite for SARS-CoV-2 in­
disease and also heart failure in severe cases of myocarditis (Sharma, vasion into host cells. Triterpenoids and flavonoids in Glycyrrhizae radix
2020). A report of the University of Frankfurt in Germany showed that is used as anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective drug. Aconiti lateralis
more than 78% patients exhibited cardiac issue and 60% patients, who radix praeparata was widely used to treat heart failure in COVID-19
had COVID-19, exhibited cardiac inflammation (Puntmann et al., 2020). patients (Ang et al., 2020). For cardiovascular and circulatory disor­
In severe cases, elevated troponin levels in the blood were seen in ders, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge and T. terrestris can be used in infected and
infected patients. Multi-drug therapy may cause serious cardiovascular recovered patients (Benarba and Pandiella, 2020). Uncaria tomentosa
complications due to drug-drug interactions. The antiviral drug (Willd. ex Schult.) DC. exhibited immunostimulating and cardiovascular
remdesivir reduced blood pressure and caused unusual heart rhythm protective activity. Uncaria rhynchophylla (Miq.) Miq. ex Havil. possesses
(Citroner, 2020; Healthline.com; https://www.healthline.com/health- anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects by inhibition of the
news/how-covid-19-may-damage-your-heart). TLR4/NF-kB/NLRP3 pathway in murine alveolar macrophages (Fire­
The ACE2 receptor plays an important role in regulating blood vessel nzuoli et al., 2020). P. longum contains phenanthrenes, phenylpropanoic
dilation and blood pressure. The anti-hypertensive therapy could raise acids, diarylheptanoids, piperidines, oxanes showing cardioprotective
the number of ACE2 receptors expressed on cells, generating more activity. T. cordifolia is well known for its cardiotonic activity and is used
molecular gates for SARS-CoV-2 to enter (Pesheva, 2020). In Ayurveda, to treat heart diseases (First Report and Reccomendation, 2020, ayush.
Rasayana acts as antioxidant, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory drug and

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

gov.in). hypercoagulable states and microthrombosis (Klok et al., 2020; Tang

et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020c). Several signal transduction pathways
Liver injury such as NF-κB, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK),
nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine-rich repeat and
Some studies reported higher serum pro-inflammatory cytokine and pyrin domain-containing 3 (NLRP3), toll like receptors (TLRs), adren­
chemokine levels in infected patients with abnormal liver function ergic receptors and JAK/STAT signaling pathways are involved in this
(Duan et al., 2003; Feng et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020). inflammatory process (Chang et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019; Sun et al.,
Hepatic cells can be directly infected due to the ACE2 expression in the 2018a). Hence, it can be stated that the COVID-19-associated cytokine
liver, bile duct cells and cholangiocytes, which may explain dysregu­ release syndrome may be the catalyst of two parallel inflammatory
lated liver function in COVID-19 patients (Chai et al., 2020; Hamming pathways: one promoting parenchymal lung injury and another one
et al., 2004). Liver biopsies in infected patients showed a significant facilitating thromboembolic phenomena, resulting in a “dual-hit” lung
increase in mitotic cells and ballooned hepatocytes, causing apoptosis of injury (Fraissé et al., 2020; Hékimian et al., 2021; Menter et al., 2020).
liver cells (Chau et al., 2004). The SARS-CoV-specific protein 7a affects Another cause is lung edema and lung dilatation due excess production
the liver tissue by inducing apoptosis via a caspase-dependent pathway of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause damage to the cell
(Tan et al., 2004). membrane by unsaturated fatty acids (Fu et al., 2017; Imai et al., 2008).
Besides, application of high-dose antibiotics along with hepatotoxic Several plant-derived phytomolecules were reported to be effective in
antiviral drugs and steroids led to liver abnormalities and liver injury in acute lung infection through modulation of NF-κB, MAPK and Nrf2
76% of COVID-19 patients (Ali, 2020), as documented by elevated signaling pathways owing to their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
serum levels of ALT, AST, GGT, and TB (Cai et al., 2020; Guan et al., activities (He et al., 2021).
2020; Zhang et al., 2020b Zhao et al., 2020). Pre-existing liver disease
among COVID-19 patients showing comorbidities such as hypertension Discussion
(68%) and diabetes (48%) increased the risk of mortality (Singh and
Khan, 2020; Zhang et al., 2020a). Traditionally used Indian medicinal herbs/herbal preparations are
T. cordifolia (leaf, stem and root), Momordica charantia L. (fruit), M. promising candidates for the treatment and management of various ill­
arvensis (leaves), Lawsonia inermis L. (leaves), E. officinalis, Eclipta nesses through rejuvenating human wealth (Gomathi et al., 2020;
alba (L.) Hassk. (leaves), Clitoria ternatea L. (leaves), Cassia angustifolia Mukherjee et al., 2017). Ayurveda and Siddha practices are still widely
M. Vahl (leaves), Argemone mexicana L. (leaves), Abrus precatorius L. used among the Indian population for maintaining human well-being
(seeds) normalized elevated levels of AST, ALT, ALP and bilirubin in vivo (Mukherjee et al., 2019). By identifying certain phytocompounds, it is
(Battua and Kumara, 2009; Beedimani and shetkar, 2015; Bhuva­ possible to effectively characterize medicinal herbs that could help to
neswari et al., 2014; Kavitha and Geetha, 2018; Kowti et al., 2013; alleviate the SARS-CoV-2 viral infection. Hence, by repurposing Indian
Mohamed et al., 2017; Nithianantham et al., 2011; Shanmugasundaram medicinal plants, more innovative treatment options can be penned
et al., 2010; Sourabié et al., 2012; Zahra et al., 2012). The fruits of So­ down to defeat this viral pandemic and post-COVID related complica­
lanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & H. Wendl. normalized the serum pa­ tions (Balachandar et al., 2020). In this review, we systematically
rameters (SGOT, SGPT, ALP, TB) better than Juniperus communis L. summarized and analyzed the pharmacological importance of herbs and
fruit in paracetamol- and azithromycin-induced liver toxicity in rats herbs-derived secondary metabolites which may be effective against
(Singh et al., 2015). COVID-19 related infections and by the traditional practice recom­
mended by all available guidelines.
Lung injury Several therapeutic strategies were put forward for the development
of treatments against COVID-19 from the pharmacological point of view
The heterogeneity of the clinical COVID-19 presentation has such as antivirals (e.g., ribavirin, sofosbuvir, lopinavir/ritonavir, remi­
prompted the conceptualization of novel paradigms to individualize desivir, favipiravir etc.) (Clercq, 2007) and antimalarials (hydroxy­
clinical management of COVID-19 (Gattinoni et al., 2020). The Berlin chloroquine) (De Clercq, 2009), anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g.,
Criteria define the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) by acute baricitinib) (Stebbing et al., 2020), and monoclonal antibodies (Zheng
hypoxaemic respiratory failure following an acute event (such as viral and Song, 2020). In China, three patent herbal drugs, Lianhuaqingwen
respiratory infection) that presents as bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on capsules and Jinhuaqinggan granules for mild conditions and Xuebijing
lung imaging in the absence of a purely cardiogenic or hydrostatic eti­ (injectable) for severe conditions were approved to treat COVID-19
ology (Definition Task Force et al., 2012). Nevertheless, a recent cohort symptoms. These herbal formulations can effectively relieve symp­
study reported that 85% ICU patients with COVID-19 meet the Berlin toms, such as fever, cough, and fatigue, and reduce the probability of
Criteria definition of ARDS and that is a well-established supportive patients developing severe conditions (A report by National Health
intervention for ARDS, such as low tidal volumes and prone ventilation, Commission of Chinese). Glycyrrhizin from liquorice root is the most
resulted in significant improvement in oxygenation and lung compliance frequently used Chinese herb, which inhibited the replication of clinical
(Ziehr et al., 2020). Mortality attributable to SARS-CoV-2 infection oc­ isolates of the SARS virus (Cinatl et al., 2003). T. cordifolia aqueous
curs mainly through the development of viral pneumonia-induced extract twice a day for 15 days can be effective against chronic fever,
ARDS. provided by AYUSH, Government of India as therapeutic approach
The virus could cause lung parenchymal injury resulting in pneu­ against COVID-19 (Vellingiri et al., 2020). AYUSH also suggested that
monitis barring interstitial lung and/or alveolar inflammation features. the extract of Eupatorium perfoliatum L. may be helpful to treat
Also, the virus could directly bind to the ACE-2 receptors facilitating COVID-19-related respiratory symptoms (Vellingiri et al., 2020). After
endothelial dysfunction. The deregulated inflammatory response of cells the acute phase of COVID-19, majority of the patients developed
(e.g., polymorphonuclear neutrophils, macrophages, vascular endothe­ persistent and prolonged clinically significant physical and mental
lial cells and alveolar epithelial cells) activated the production of pro- adverse outcomes affecting the quality of life. It was observed that such
inflammatory factors (e.g., TNF-α, IL-1, IL-9 and IL-8), inflammatory adverse outcomes were not confined; rather it is recognized as a
mediators (e.g., elastin, cathepsins, collagenases and gelatinases, cyto­ multi-organ disease and increased risk of indolent death (Oronsky et al.,
kines, chemokines) and other inflammatory transmitters, which cause 2021). The reviewed data shows that A. paniculata, Cassia tora L.,
damage to the alveolar epithelial cells. The associated cytokine release Phyllanthus emblica L., G. glabra, Azadirachta indica A.Juss., Morus alba
syndrome could exacerbate both lung parenchymal and microvascular L., P. longum, Nigella sativa L., Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze, U. dioica, C.
inflammation, promoting refractory forms of ARDS with associated longa, T. terrestris, Chrysanthemum indicum Thunb., Astragalus propinquus

P.K. Mukherjee et al. Phytomedicine 98 (2022) 153930

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