Netherlands - Diplomun

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Committee: United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

Country: Netherlands
Topic: Safeguarding the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Conflict
Zones: Enhancing International Cooperation for Sustainable Solution
Delegate: Adriena Duthsanee

As 2022 comes to an end, 71.1 million people have been internally displaced as a result
of conflict, violence, and disasters, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
(IDMC).1 The Netherlands has a long history of advocating for the protection of human rights,
and the plight of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) is no exception. Since the adoption of the
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement in 1998, the Netherlands has actively supported
the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in its role as the leading international
body for promoting and protecting human rights for all. We recognize the specific
vulnerabilities faced by IDPs caught in the crossfire of conflict and commend the UNHRC's
efforts to establish the Guiding Principles. The Netherlands believes that the existing
framework offers valuable guidance, however, the international community should do more to
effectively address the growing number of IDPs facing protracted displacement. We advocate
for the international community, including the UNHRC to tackle the root causes of this matter,
such as poverty, inequality, and political instability.

Throughout the year, the Netherlands has consistently championed the rights of IDPs
on the international stage. Recognizing the rights of the IDPs, we have provided significant
financial contributions to support humanitarian assistance for IDPs all around the world. In
2024, the Netherlands, through the PROSPECTS Partnership, allocated EUR 48 million to
support education programs and skills training, employment, protection, and host communities
in Iraq.2 To stay committed, the Netherlands also played a leading role in establishing the UN
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Internal Displacement Division.
Recognizing the rights of the IDPs, we have provided significant financial contributions to
support humanitarian assistance for IDPs all around the world.

The existing humanitarian assistance is on a satisfactory level, nonetheless, the

Netherlands proposes a focus on livelihood projects for IDPs. To safeguard their human rights,
we believe this effort will empower the IDPs with income-generating opportunities, foster self-
resilience, dignity, and contribute to the economic recovery of the host community itself. This

“Internally Displaced People.” UNHCR. Accessed March 13, 2024.
“The Netherlands Allocates €48 Million to Support Forcibly Displaced People and Host
Communities in Iraq through the Prospects Partnership [En/Ar/Ku] - Iraq.” ReliefWeb,
January 9, 2024.
approach requires collaboration between the UNHRC, humanitarian and development
agencies, as well as private sectors. The UNHRC can organize training programs that equip
IDPs with marketable skills relevant to local contexts. In addition, the Netherlands believes
that collaboration with private sectors can create more opportunities for IDPs to integrate into
local markets and sell their products or services.

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