Unit 13

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We will begin this unit by analysing the evolution and

Five hundred years ago, Latin was the most studied language in the The system was of German origin and was in common use for
history of language teaching.
world. about 100 years, from 1840-1940. This method involves two
The origins of modern language education has its roots in Latin was taught in the monastic schools through the rote learning of components: explicit study of grammatical rules and
the study and teaching of Latin. The study of modern grammar rules and translation. vocabulary and use of translation.
languages did not become part of the curriculum of The main advantage of Latin was that it gave access to classics.
The main objective of this method was to enable students to
European schools until the 18th century. However, English became more used as a result of the political changes
in Europe and Latin gradually became displaced. The need to teach and read literature in the target language, so the attention was
The second part of the unit deals with communicative
learn foreign languages has always existed but the methods used have paid to speaking. The teacher explains the grammatical rules
approaches to language teaching innovation in foreign
changed considerably, especially over the last two or three decades. to his pupils who must memorise and apply them.
language teaching began in the 19th century and, very
Early teaching methods came from Latin and French. Naturally, this A typical exercise in this method consists of translating
rapidly, in the 20th century, leading to a number of changed dramatically from the fifteenth and sixteenth. If we examine sentences from the target language to the mother tongue.
different methodologies. language teaching from a historical perspective, we find that for many The result of this approach is usually an inability on the part
After these important points, we move forward to centuries the dominant method was what has always been referred to of the student to use the language for communication.
methods used along the history in second language as Grammar Translation.
teaching. 2.2. THE GOUIN SERIES.
2.5. METHODS WITHIN THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TRADITION UNIT 13. DEVELOPMENTS IN LANGUAGE Gouin’s (1831 1896) proposals for the methodology of second language teaching
The 20th century saw the birth of new approaches as a TEACHING. RECENT TENDENCES IN TEACHING were based on the observation of first language acquisition.
response to already existing ones. As Psychology become ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. In his method, there is a regular use of the L2, which encourages direct thinking
more and more important it was also applied to language COMMUNICATIVE APPROACHES. on the part of the students. The verbal expression is linked to real events,
teaching. expressed through chains of verbal sequences. Although it is clearly still a
2.5.2. COGNITIVE CODE LEARNING. mechanical method.
This method is based on Gestalt psychology and In addition to this, Gouin's method is attractive for its emphasis on actions and
This method is the successor to the Direct gestures in order to convey the meaning of the utterances This, then seems to
transformational grammar, and it was developed in the 60's
Method but adds features from Saussure's have been a big step on the road to the Communicative Approach.
as a reaction against some of the characteristics of the
Audiolingual Method. Its aim is to emphasize language learning 2.3. THE DIRECT METHOD.
It was developed throughout the forties, fifties,
as an active, rule-seeking process in which learners are This method was popular from 1860 until 1920 Sauver and Berlitz, as a reaction
and sixties. Language is seen as a process of
encouraged to discuss the way the target language works. against the Grammar Translation, developed it. Its main aim was to emphasise the
habit formation
The student is responsible for his/her own learning. learning of the L2 communicatively, acquiring meaning in an environmental context.
The objective of this method is to make students
There is less emphasis on pronunciation. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized, the instructions are given in
to be able to use the second language
Reading and writing are, once again, as important as the target language and the culture of the target language is also learnt through
communicatively, using it in the same way they
speaking and understanding. induction. There are some features within this method to bear in mind. Some are:
use the first language, without a thinking
Errors are considered as unavoidable. They are necessary To learn grammar through induction.
process. Nowadays it is less popular because of
in the teaching learning process. The acquiring of meaning takes place through the environmental context
its reliance on drills which are found boring by
The teacher's role consists of helping the students to The four skills are worked from the beginning using a plan consisting of oral
students. Some of the features are:
improve the mastering of language. practice, question, and answer exchanges and reading-writing.
Lessons start with dialogues, about everyday
It stresses the social nature of language. The learner is
situations. 2.4. READING METHOD.
supposed to become familiar with everyday language.
These dialogues are imitated and drilled until Its main aim was to emphasise the learning of reading in the foreign language.
Its objective is to teach everyday language at the early stage
the pupil's responses became automatic. This method appeared in the United States. Besides, teachers’ knowledge was
of second language learning. The problem with this method is
Language work is first heard, then practised not good enough to teach through the "Direct Method". Translation is used
that it doesn't really allow for the creative use of language.
orally before being seen and used in the here as a typical exercise to improve reading skills.
written form.
During the 1970's there was a reaction against methods HUMANISTIC APPROACH) Developed by Caleb Gattegno in 1972. It takes its name from the fact that there is
that stressed the teaching of grammatical forms and paid more silence than usual during the class. The teacher is nearly always silent.
no attention to the most important element of language This is a reaction against the general lack of The teacher, therefore, does not provide sentences for the students to imitate. It is
affective aspects in the Audiolingual and
learning: the ability to communicate. the student who must provide the speech input. The teacher may provide corrective
Cognitive methods. Humanistic approaches
For this reason, many methods have been developed in consider the following principles to be feedback in the form of headshakes or hand movements. Its aim is to provide an
order to achieve this, culminating in the method that is important: environment which keeps the amount of teaching to a minimum and encourages
currently known as the Communicative Approach. The development of human values. learners to develop their own ways of using the elements of the language.
Growth in self-awareness and in the
understanding of others.
It was born in India. It is an approach where learners Sensitivity to human feelings and It was developed by Giorgi Lozanov. Teaching involves the presentation of
carry out tasks such as solving a problem or planning an emotions. dialogues and vocabulary which the student is to study and memorise. Once the
activity. The pupil's own experience is particularly Active student involvement in learning pupils have memorised, communication appears. The emphasis is, then, on
important. The aim of the class activities would be to and in the way, learning takes place. informal communication; no attention is drawn to grammatical errors. Its aim is
reason, to inform, logic operations... to accelerate the process by which students learn a foreign language.
It consists of a trial. The teacher does it in the class. UNIT 13. DEVELOPMENTS IN LANGUAGE 3.1.3. COMMUNITY LANGUAGE TEACHING.
When most of the students have understood it, the TEACHING. RECENT TENDENCES IN TEACHING This method was developed by Curran. The teacher takes the role of a counsellor
teacher goes on with the task. ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. while the learner takes the role of a client. The language-counselling relationship
Task: COMMUNICATIVE APPROACHES. begins with the client's linguistic confusion and conflict. The learners talk
It is the pupil's individual work. The teacher presents
naturally in their language and take from their foreign language teacher what
the information to carry out the task. In the process of
teaching-learning, the elements that the pupil already 3.3. FUNCTIONAL APPROACH they want to say.
knows can be repeated. The pupil can turn to the mother The main idea is based on the use that 3.1.4. NATURAL APPROACH.
tongue if necessary, or even turn to making gestures. students are going to need of the language. It emphasises the role of natural language acquisition. It stresses the importance
3.6. PROCESS SYLLABUS. In this sense, careful work is done in order to of emotional rather than cognitive factors in learning. It stresses mastering
estimate the student's needs. vocabulary rather than grammatical rules.
It was born at the University of Lancaster (UK). Its
ideology was to create critical citizens. Acquisition
3.4. PROJECT WORK. The aim is to establish an ability to understand the basic content of a
theory: Its main aim is to give the pupil opportunities communication in an informal setting.
Not everybody learns it in the same order. in order to use the known language in a
The syllabus must be made between the teacher and natural context.
the pupil. This method considers the pupil as the centre It was developed by James Asher, and it is based on the internalisation of the
Each class builds up its own programme. of the method language code through commands. As it is an excellent way of encouraging them to
Taking part in these decisions leads to learning. We could say that this method is the mixture participate, so encouraging motivation.
Language can be learnt but it cannot be taught. of the humanistic method and the
communicative method 3.2. SITUATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING.
There are several kinds of projects: This method places special emphasis on contextualising the language, one of the main
Information and research projects.
features of the Communicative Approach. There is a vocabulary selection, used in
Learning projects.
Production projects. listening and speaking first, followed by reading and writing. Normally, the oral
Organisation projects. practice is based on guided repetitions, controlled oral tasks, chorus repetitions, drills
and a written practice mainly focusing on dictations.
3.5. TASK-BASED SYLLABUS. Reading: we read in order to get information, that is to say, we read
Linguistic skills: with a purpose
3.7. Communicative Approach
The Communicative Approach refuses the There are several reading techniques which Pugh has named: Spotting, Scanning,
During the 1970s there was a widespread reaction
against non-communicative methods. practice of the different skills in an isolated Search reading, Skimming, Receptive reading and Responsive reading.
Teacher's role: He/she is not the centre of the way. When using a language, we need the Writing the purpose of writing is to transmit information. Techniques
activity. He becomes an adviser, a consultant. knowledge of the four skills (reading, writing, that can be used: information gap or jigsaw.
Student's role: He/she is the real subject of the speaking, and listening). When writing we must work with paragraphs instead of sentences. Any written
communicative activity. Students work in pairs and Speaking: the communicative approach activity must be accompanied with comprehensive readings as they are useful as
groups. pays attention to the use of language a way of support.
Principles on which this approach is based. and not to the rules
To know what is done and what it is done for.
Listening a message cannot be The Decree 81/2022 which establishes the curriculum for the Primary Education
The whole is more than the addition of the
parts. communicated if there is nobody to stage in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha, includes eight main
Three techniques are used: Information Gap, receive it. key competences that every student should accomplish at the end of this stage.
feedback and the information transfer. These key competences are:
1. Linguistic communicative competence.
UNIT 13. DEVELOPMENTS IN LANGUAGE 2. Multilingual competence.
TEACHING. RECENT TENDENCES IN TEACHING 3. Science, Technology, and engineering.
Active methodologies have become increasingly popular ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. 4. Digital competence.
in English primary classes as they provide a more
COMMUNICATIVE APPROACHES. 5. Personal, social, and learning to learn competence.
engaging and effective way of learning. These
methodologies focus on student-centred learning, 6. Citizen competence.
where students are encouraged to take ownership of 7. Entrepreneurial competence.
their knowledge and become active participants in the 8. Cultural Awareness and expression competence.
classroom. One of the main competences to be developed in our foreign language area is the
Project work is an active methodology involving one related to the multilingual competence
students in a long-term project, where they must 5. CONCLUSION.
plan, research, and present their work
Cooperative work is another active methodology As a conclusion we have seen the evolution and changes that have
that emphasizes collaboration and teamwork occurred in different language teaching methods throughout
Flipped classroom: This methodology involves history. It is clear that there is not a single formula which can
students watching pre-recorded lectures or videos satisfy all expectations and needs of the teachers and learners.
at home and then using class time to complete In fact, teaching is not an exact science, so we must take the best
activities, assignments, and projects related to the of all teaching approaches, techniques, and ideas.
material covered in the videos
Obviously, we can observe the Communicative approach seems to
Service learning is an active methodology that
be more used nowadays. No doubt the search for a greater
combines community service with academic learning.
Mobile learning is an active methodology that uses understanding of language learning, and more effective language
mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to teaching will continue.
support learning outside the classroom

In conclusion, these methodologies can benefit students in their academic pursuits.

By incorporating these methodologies into their teaching practices, teachers can
create a more student-cantered and meaningful learning environment that fosters
creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

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