RWhiteboard 5 Apr 2024

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4 In this question a and b are integers. é 324 1125 240%. Find the values ofaand (ea) arb 71 “Three terms in the expansion of (2+ an)"(1+ bx} arg carb)"= a” + (Pea) at be Cor ot epee) Pao 92+ (Fede ior) + Cc) got (aempeas) + cence? * (324 Boon FE Qo? CO Mthe) 32 spade ode + [Boat ifroaes + Saba e gab +ds = Ne 2 (SOab+¢ Vou? = -29) 366 ab+Sa>= WR) abrsuay \ ab tar <3 be- Qb= I-Sa bo 1-S = -8 qe) 242 = a i ji $ . Pou por e3 2 aa30 = - 6-2 ~3qr+ 7 670 © YCLES 2025 Monae 5 Inthis question p ana g are-constanis. The normal to the curve v=-4+5Sx—2. atthe point where x = | has equation y=—x+q tnd the values of o anda. 2 > ~Sp5"-% Ge Pre -348 me Si = - 2pm + =t | ol. M2=— 245 Sept 1 -2pré OUCLES 2023, 606/21 ANS [Dare _10 is a tangent to ting ey, 6 Find he value of the 200° yaar 5x4? ye daw te wxnele ee Oe oni? nr pan cee A? ae pout! yee e (ase 2 (eet De ele OL E70 ax - (nat be pr -tae = 0 C toate} cenryre ee eee (de 69 (Lae neta fort (def lant tet 12a 4367 Vr0.20 fa? 3 Pa F650 ae fr 03 6 620M : SASS se Cs o “3 ° 9 a 7 vms7!, isgiven by v= 10sin2/—6eos2r, (@ Findan eS epee ET for the acceleratign of the marti, as (a eget Ce TO dw = O8) cood+ — neces p= ey ieee sir) > {) Find the first time at which the acceleration is zero. (20 wsrH ele ae tandt = 2 yocs2t => (rela at ae = ote = (+03 Zp "Gas? les an! (4) 54° Ou 1 1a) Find the displacement of the particle between t= 4 and try 5. @ ae sin not ~ Glosat ee ys ye o) Cosi é 6 gin et “heen & ae at 2 OS 7 [poco gL)— gone) | 3 ) osgni21/00N23 SUctES 2029 = ee coe £9. cate Hd Sin te A partite maves in a straight Tine, AL time ¢ sceonds after passing through a fixed point O, its velocity, its veloci 3 Cae as Say az G20 Cosit + (2919 S40u (b) Find the acceleration when ¢ = &Z. 3] =O. - (g0- by -oy SHI, a\n O95 -an wo 3b0 - S404 0 IN. 8 DONOT USE ACALCULATOR IN THIS QUESTION giving form gb 1 ji the your answers i7 Solve the equation (2—VT0)x¢ +x+2+¥T0) = % 2 where a and d arc rational. Tet pe Pda ee 20 we 21 Ce Foun) 4- NTS = = (i Tyowneex + =A t= Gece) >- fo TAV= L43U~j03 S Stes Y-2ffe ul Y x(44F2I) (4?) ~(2t%0)” (t 1e+8% l6-Yo " (G48 {To = ie 4510 ay “y - 2 _l1fa aco CLES 2023 nies " 9 The functions f and g are defined as follows, for all eal values of x sx)=2e —1 g(xi=e*+! fa) Solve the eaustion fora = § aCeny® -1=8 ao (as) H = 0-752 ~ by) For each of the functions fand g, either explain why \h does notexist or find t averse function. stating its domain. & { An| 3 = = An 3- Jaf fay = 2x" | wl - gud 2 ras wr Rack yee (Tura ¢ oeLes 203 Ince-O <9 CK) jn conten’ ection all lengus => centr 10 Inthis qu oe & 8 ‘The diagram shows a circle centre 0 with radius 6. ‘The line AB is @ tangent to the circle at th Je such that AOC is straight line. AB = 8. © Point § The point C lies on the ciel (a) Find the perimeter of the shaided region: i) gat Bes Ge 2 (898 2 On eh Gt ye = fd feng = G p =~ oa 0-4 = 0-43%6 y SGor al 13.95 - 5-56 = 1b 2444+ GFot = 3] 24 Our ot ucts 203 ‘p) Find the area of the shaded region A~O.93 ° = 2-2brad “f Me pal 3ce ¢ } = 37-75 nOx8 = OY 4. 18 427= cs. 180 buy vs 69622110123 — ” sl ia te “ AL (a) Showthst -15, “115-288 320 5 r+ 5y ODA eam cy ce, "0% | a ca #e% t T3380 LOPS ) sh ye 15; (Car 75 ek yoke 0 pb & (06062110.N2"

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