Ground Movement and Tunnel Stability When Tunnelin
Ground Movement and Tunnel Stability When Tunnelin
Ground Movement and Tunnel Stability When Tunnelin
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3 authors, including:
Chung-Jung Lee
National Central University
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Tunneling may cause ground movements and damage to adjacent buildings and
overlying facilities. In this study, the failure mechanism and ground movement
behavior around tunnels embedded in sandy soil below the water table were investi-
gated in a series of model tunnel tests in a centrifuge. The magnitudes and extents of
the surface settlement troughs for the cases of various ground loss for tunnels buried
at various depths are provided. A new failure mechanism is proposed and validated
by comparison with the test results. The proposed mechanism enables accurate pre-
diction of two of the key quantities in the design of linings for tunnels embedded in
sandy soils, namely the minimum supporting pressure needed to retain tunnel stabil-
ity and the vertical soil pressure acting on the tunnel crown.
1.0 LVDT42
LVDT43 6.5 4.5 4 4 4.5 6.5
LVDT48 unit: m 12
2.0 PM5
2.0 6
Tunnel deformation, (m)
1.5 Gage1
1.0 Gage4
Gage4 Gage2
0.0 Gage3
300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Supporting pressure (kPa)
Eq. (3)
STEST4 Peck (1969)
0.005 (C/D=2) 1 peck (1969)
Eq. (5)
0.010 Eq. (7) in the study
Pi LF Eq. (6)
308.03 kPa 0.5 2 Chang et al. (1997)
0.015 288.41 kPa 0.6 measured in the study
and Schmidt (1981) suggested the empirical relation Fig. 7 Relations of the width of the settlement trough and the
in clay tunnel depth
2i = ( z ) 0.8 (4)
D D embedded in soft clayey soils:
Atkinson and Potts (1977) derived the following em-
2i = 1 + 0.58( z ) (6)
pirical equation from centrifuge model tests on a tun- D D
nel buried in dry sand
Figure 7 shows the above empirical relations be-
i=0.25(C+D) (5) tween the tunnel depth and the width of the settle-
ment trough [i.e., Eqs. (3), (4), (5), and (6)] along
and Lee et al. (1999) derived yet another empirical with the test results obtained in the present study
relation from centrifuge model tests on a tunnel (solid circles). Also shown in this figure are the
1026 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)
Smax/δ c
STEST4 (C/D=2)
Smax/D, δ c/D
Smax/D 0.2
δ c/D
0 1 2 3 4
0.025 Cover-to-diameter ratio, C/D
Fig. 8 Load factor versus S max /D and δ c/D Fig. 9 Relation of S max / δ c and cover-to-diameter ratios
curves derived by Peck (1969), who obtained the factor of 0.6, which corresponds to a safety factor of
value of i from field observations of settlement caused 1.7. However, on further increase of the load factor,
by tunneling in a variety of soils, and related these the values of both S max/D and δ c /D measured in sandy
values empirically to the burial depth and the soil soil increase faster than has been previously observed
type. The i values measured in the present study lie in experiments on model tunnels embedded in clayey
above the upper bound for clayey soils suggested by soils (Lee et al., 1999). Similar findings were ob-
Peck, indicating that the settlement trough of a tun- tained in model tests on tunnels with different cover-
nel embedded in sandy ground below the water table to-diameter ratios. Fig. 9 shows the variation of the
is wider than that in clayey soils. On the basis of the ratio of S max to δ c in a tunnel with changing cover-to-
measurements reported here, we developed the fol- diameter ratio obtained from the model tests. The
lowing empirical relation for the settlement trough measured data are well fitted by the expression:
width of tunnels embedded in sandy soils below the
water table: S max
= 0.29 + 0.97 × exp(– 0.50 × C ) (8)
δc D
( 2i ) = 1.602( z ) 0.6113 (7) Comparison of the present results with those obtained
by other researchers (Lee, et al., 1999; Atkinson and
This empirical relation shows good agreement with Potts, 1977), which are also shown in Fig. 9, reveals
field data (represented by hollow squares in Fig. 7) that the sandy soil considered here gives larger values
measured at Contracts CH218, CT210, and CH221 of Smax/ δc. This indicates that the closure of tail voids
of the Taipei MRT project (Chang et al., 1997; Ou et in a tunnel embedded in sandy ground below the wa-
al., 1998), where the tunnels were mainly driven ter table produces a greater degree of surface settle-
through sandy ground. This agreement confirms that ment than in a tunnel embedded in other soil types.
the proposed relationship can be used to predict the The magnitude of δ c depends on many factors,
width of surface settlement troughs in sandy ground including the volume of the tail voids, construction
below the water table in engineering practice. method, quality of workmanship, the presence or lack
of back grouting, and the time delay of grouting op-
2. Maximum Surface Settlement and Crown De- erations. However, the crown settlement may be more
formation difficult to evaluate in engineering practice than in
the model tests. Instead, contractors can estimate the
The maximum surface settlement, S max, and the ground loss in advance by taking into account past
crown deformation, δ c , were continuously measured experience and the tunneling method used. In fact,
during the model tests. The measured crown settle- designers often use the ground loss, V t, in place of
ment can be taken as a measure of the annulus clear- δ c. The ground loss is defined as the ratio of the soil
ance between the cutting surface and the lining dur- volume flowing into the tunnel, ∆ V, during tunneling
ing tunneling. The closure of the clearance (tail voids) divided by the volume of the tunnel per unit tunnel
was the primary cause of ground movement. Fig. 8 length, V, expressed as a percentage. Prior to tunnel
shows the dependence of S max/D and δ c/D on the load collapse, the magnitude of δ c is relatively small com-
factor for STEST4 (C/D=2). Both S max/D and δ c/D pared with the tunnel diameter; therefore, V t can be
vary linearly with increasing load factor up to a load written as:
C. J. Lee et al.: Ground Movement and Tunnel Stability When Tunneling in Sandy Ground 1027
Load factor, LF
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.020
0 CH218 (Ou et al., 1998) Vt=0.5%
CH221 (Chu, 1995) Vt=1%
CT201 (Chang et al., 1997) Vt=2%
Ground loss, Vt (%)
STEST5 (C/D=4) 0.010
6 (2.20%)
STEST3 (C/D=3)
STEST1 (C/D=1) (1.73%) (2.38%)
0.005 (1.64%) (1.35%)
10 (0.799%)
Table 3 Stability numbers and supporting pressures at collapse under the different experimental condi-
Test pc pw pc′ Ns Ns
C/D Ns*
No. (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (measured) Eq. (18)
STEST1 1 89.1 60.7 28.4 0.48 0.36 0.64
PTEST2 1 89.5 60.7 28.8 0.48 0.36 0.64
STEST4 2 155.1 117.6 37.5 0.32 0.28 0.44
PTEST3 2 154.6 117.6 37 0.31 0.28 0.44
STEST3 3 210.1 176.4 33.7 0.19 0.23 0.32
PTEST6 3 212.8 176.4 36.4 0.20 0.23 0.32
STEST5 4 274.9 235.2 39.7 0.17 0.19 0.25
The values of N s were calculated by substituting the effective supporting pressure at collapse into Eq. (11-a).
Stability number, Ns
0.2 Ns (meaured)
Ns (predicted with Eq. (24))
0.1 Ns (predicted with Eq. (18))
Ns=0.095+0.7198exp(-0.6234C/D) R2=0.99
0 1 2 3 4
Cover-to-diameter ratio, C/D
Horizontal distance from tunnel center, (m) Horizontal distance from tunnel center, (m)
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
0 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
Elevation, (m)
-15 -15
-20 -20
-25 -25
-30 -30
-5 -5
Elevation, (m)
-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
-25 -25
-30 -30
(b) C/D=2 (d) C/D=4
20 scale: 1m
Fig. 16 Profile containing the colored sand layers and the im- 30
planted spaghetti for a model tunnel buried at the depth of
C/D=4 Fig. 17 Velocity field of soil around a tunnel (C/D=4). Dashed
line marks the region within which the velocity vectors
are predominantly directed downwards
∠dfn is equal to 45°+1/2φ and the length of ed can be
expressed as
with an effective friction angle of 38°, the length of
B1 = ed = D (13) ed is 4.80 m according to Eq. (13). This value is rea-
2tan( + 1 φ) sonably consistent with the measured value of 5 m.
8 4
The effective vertical stress on a horizontal section
For a 6 m diameter tunnel embedded in sandy soil (Element ijkl in Fig. 18) at any depth z below the
1030 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)
B1 γ ′
σ v′ = (1 – e – kz/B1tanφ ) (16)
k tanφ
Fig. 18 Failure mechanism for a tunnel buried in sandy ground The effective vertical pressure (loosening earth pres-
sure) on the elevation of the crown for a tunnel with
a cover thickness of C is given by
surface is σ v′ , and the corresponding effective normal B1 γ ′
(σ v′ ) z = C = (1 – e – kC/B1tanφ ) (17)
stress on the vertical sliding surface (interfaces ab k tanφ
and cd) is
This pressure can be regarded as the minimum sup-
σ h′ = kσ v′ (14) porting pressure needed to retain tunnel stability or
as the loosening soil pressure acting on the tunnel
where k is the ratio between the effective horizontal crown. By substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (11-a), the
and the effective vertical pressures. stability number of the tunnel can be expressed as:
The weight of Element ijkl with a thickness dz
at a depth z is 2B 1 γ ′dz per unit of length perpendicu- (σ v′ ) z = C B1
Ns = = (1 – e – kC/B1tanφ ) (18)
lar to the plane of the drawing. The forces acting on γ ′C Ck tanφ
Element ijkl are indicated in Fig. 18. Invoking the
condition that the sum of the vertical components of Terzaghi (1943) suggested that k has a value of
the forces acting on Element ijkl must equal zero 1. However, the estimates of Ns as a function of tunnel
yields the expression burial depth (square symbols in Fig. 12) obtained from
Eq. (18) using k=1 differ considerably from the values
2B1γ ′dz = 2B1(σ v′ + dσ v′ ) – 2B1σ v′ + 2kσ v′ dz tanφ obtained in the model tests. This discrepancy prompted
us to develop a new approach to derive the stability
(15-a) number for the case of sandy ground based on analysis
or of the failure modes in the system shown in Fig. 18.
First, we examine the importance of the ratio k
dσ v′ tanφ in the evaluation of the stability number. The shear-
= γ ′ – kσ v′ (15-b)
dz B1 ing resistances are fully mobilized on the interfaces
ab and cd; thus, the stress state of a soil element on
If the sliding surfaces (ab and cd) that develop dur- the vertical plane along the interfaces ab and cd would
ing tunnel collapse reach the ground surface, as oc- be on the Mohr-Coulomb failure line, as shown in
curs for shallow tunnels, the effective vertical pres- Fig. 19. Hence the ratio k can be expressed as:
sure on the surface is equal to zero, i.e.,
k= (19)
σ v′ =0 for z=0 2tanφ – sinφcosφ
C. J. Lee et al.: Ground Movement and Tunnel Stability When Tunneling in Sandy Ground 1031
B12γ ′ W
N = (σ v′ ) z = C × B1 = (1 – e – kC/B1tanφ ) (20)
k tanφ D
P = pc′D sin(67.5 – 1/4 φ) (21) Fig. 20 Forces acting on the wedge edfm
π (135 – 1/2φ)
W = 1 γ ′D 2[cot(π /8 + 1/4φ) – ] (22)
4 360
resulting stability numbers are listed in Table 3. As
T 1=N 1tan φ (23) indicated in Fig. 12, the stability numbers obtained
from Eq. (26) (hollow circles in Fig. 12) are in rea-
where N is the vertical force acting on the interface sonable agreement with those measured in the model
cd, W is the submerged weight of soil of Wedge edfm, tests. Thus, the proposed failure mechanism provides
P is the force provided by the supporting pressure at a viable method for estimating the supporting pres-
collapse, N 1 is the normal force acting on the sliding sure at collapse and the stability number when
surface fd, and T 1 is the frictional force mobilized on tunneling in sandy soils.
the sliding surface fd.
The force equilibrium equations for the vertical IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
and horizontal directions are expressed as
The ground movement behavior around tunnels
W+N=Psin(22.5+1/4 φ )+N 1cos(45+1/2 φ ) embedded in sandy soils below the ground water ta-
+T 1 sin(45+1/2 φ ) (24-a) ble was investigated in a series of model tunnel tests
in a centrifuge. The degree of ground movement was
Pcos(22.5+1/4 φ )+T 1cos(45+1/2 φ ) closely related to the load factor and increased dra-
matically when the load factor exceeded 0.7. The
=N 1sin(45+1/2 φ )] (24-b) relation between i and the ratio C/D was derived by
regression of the centrifuge model test data; this re-
Substituting Eq. (23) into Eqs. (24-a and 24-b), we lation can be used to estimate the width of the sur-
obtain the following two equations with two un- face settlement trough for a tunnel of a particular
knowns (P and N 1): depth. The maximum surface settlement can be evalu-
ated using the proposed relations of S max/D and C/D
Psin(22.5+1/4 φ )+N 1[cos(45+1/2 φ ) ratio at various ground loss. Importantly, the pro-
+tan φ sin(45+1/2 φ )]=W+N (25-a) posed relations are simple and easy to use in engi-
neering practice. A new failure mechanism was also
Pcos(22.5+1/4 φ )+N 1 [tan φ cos(45+1/2 φ ) proposed and validated by comparison with the test
results. The proposed failure mechanism enables ac-
–sin(45+1/2 φ )]=0 (25-b) curate prediction of two of the key quantities in the
design of linings for tunnels embedded in sandy soils,
After solving for the unknown P, the effective sup- namely the minimum supporting pressure needed to
porting pressure at collapse, pc′, is retain tunnel stability and the vertical soil pressure
acting on the tunnel crown.
pc′ = (26)
D sin(67.5 – 1/4 φ)
Finally the stability numbers can be found by
substituting this estimate for pc′ into Eq. (11-a); the The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
1032 Journal of the Chiness Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7 (2004)
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lic of China (Grant NSC 89-2211-E-008-101). cal Report, Sinotech Engineering Consultants,
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