DeltaOHM HD30.1 Spectroradiometer
DeltaOHM HD30.1 Spectroradiometer
DeltaOHM HD30.1 Spectroradiometer
Fig. 3
The sensor HD30.S2 analyzes the ultraviolet spectral band (220 nm-400 nm) and
calculates the following radiometric quantities:
UVA irradiance (W / m2), UVB irradiance (W / m2) and UVC irradiation (W / m2)
Fig. 4
Both sensors have an optical input equipped with a new generation diffuser that op-
timizes the response according to the cosine law and does not introduce any spectral
HD30.1 The data relating to the calibration of each probe are stored in the permanent memory
and are read by the indicator.
The HD30.1 is an instrument made by Delta Ohm for the spectral analysis of light in
the visible range and ultraviolet. The system works with internal batteries (rechargeable, 3.7V, 6.6Ah) or connected to
The instrument has been designed by combining the maximum flexibility of use, cost the external power supply (SWD06), which has the dual function of powering the unit
reduction and ease of use. and charging the battery.
It consists of two elements connected together by a cable: the data logger-indicator The battery life while the instrument is working is approximately 10 hours, which may
HD30.1 (fig. 1) and the measurement sensors (fig. 2) HD30.S1 (spectral range be- increase in particular conditions of use.
tween 380nm-780nm) and HD30.S2 (spectral range between 220nm-400nm).
The main quantities of photo-radiometric interest are calculated from the HD30.1 by
the supplied software.
The analyzed spectral range varies depending on the sensor used to measure:
Visible spectral region (380nm-780nm) by means of the sensor HD30.S1,
Ultraviolet spectral region (220nm-400nm) by means of the sensor HD30.S2.
The measuring sensors are interchangeable and calibrated (the calibration file is
stored within each probe).
The sensor HD30.S1 analyzes the visible spectral range (380nm-780nm) and calcu-
lates the following photo-colorimetric quantities: USB MicroSD Card
Illuminance [lux], Correlated Color Temperature CCT [K], Trichromatic Coordi-
nates [x,y] (CIE 1931) or [u’,v’](CIE1978), CRI (color rendering index, R1…R14, Ra)
, PAR [µmolfot/sm2].
Imput probe HD30.S1- HD30.S2 ON/OFF MiniUSB Ethernet Battery charger power supply
Appilications Data logger-indicator HD30.1 with the probe HD30.S2 (ultraviolet):
Data logger-indicator HD30.1 with the probe HD30.S1 (visible): The ultraviolet light is used in the most various industrial and civil sectors. Quite often
In recent years in the lighting field, we are witnessing the advent of LED lighting. The it is not enough to know the total emission of the source, but it is crucial to know how
advantages from the point of view of energy compared to conventional systems is not this light is distributed in the spectrum. This is because many processes (sterilization,
in doubt, even if the performance in terms of color rendering (CRI) are not uniform be- polymerization and others) are very sensitive to the wavelength of the incident light
tween different production batches and may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. and not only to its intensity.
With traditional light meters you can just check the level of illuminance [lux] but not In the medical field, some diseases of the skin are treated with the use of UV lamps
the quality of the illumination produced. (UVB), also in this case not only the intensity of light that reaches the skin is important
Therefore it is necessary to accurately control the colorimetric characteristics of the but also its wavelength.
sources installed in order to evaluate not only the quantity but also the quality.
In the industrial environment, a high color rendering reduces the fatigue of visual
field and, in cosmetics, a high color rendering is needed to enhance the quality of
the exhibits.
Even more important is the control of the spectrum of the sources installed in the
museum environment where the quality of lighting has the dual task of ensuring the
optimum viewing of the exhibits (high CRI) and a low emission of blue-violet light that
may degrade the materials of the exhibits.
Some neonatal therapies are based on lamps that emit blue light, the appropriate
level of radiation can be measured by using the HD30.1. In this case, the light emitted
out of the useful spectral band not only decreases the effectiveness of the therapy
but can be harmful.
HD30.1 + probe HD30.S1: Datalogger-indicator HD30.1 equipped with the HD30.
S1 probe for measuring the visible spectral band (380nm-780nm), 4GB micro
SD card, power supply/battery charger SWD06, plastic case and CD with Us-
er’s Manual and Calibration Report.
HD30.S2: HD30.S1 probe for measuring the ultraviolet spectral range (220nm-
SWD06: power supply/battery charger for HD30.1
BAT30: 6600mA, 3.3V replacement battery for HD30.1,
Micro SD: 4GB Micro SD card
HD30S: Additional copy of the software
VTRAP: Tripod to be fixed to instrument, max height 280mm
VCERT-L27: Calibration of spectral irradiance between 380 nm and 800 nm, carried
out by measuring the irradiance produced by a reference halogen lamp.
VCERT-L28: Calibration of spectral irradiance between 200 nm and 400 nm, carried
out by measuring the irradiance produced by a reference deuterium lamp.
VCERT-L29: Calibration of spectral radiance between 300 nm and 800 nm, carried
out by measuring the radiance generated by a reference integrating sphere.