The document discusses reversing safely and tips to reduce risks when reversing a vehicle. It notes that reversing collisions are a major cause of insurance claims and can be preventable. It provides considerations for assessing reversing risks and lists tips like checking visibility, reversing slowly, and using guides when necessary.
The document discusses reversing safely and tips to reduce risks when reversing a vehicle. It notes that reversing collisions are a major cause of insurance claims and can be preventable. It provides considerations for assessing reversing risks and lists tips like checking visibility, reversing slowly, and using guides when necessary.
The document discusses reversing safely and tips to reduce risks when reversing a vehicle. It notes that reversing collisions are a major cause of insurance claims and can be preventable. It provides considerations for assessing reversing risks and lists tips like checking visibility, reversing slowly, and using guides when necessary.
The document discusses reversing safely and tips to reduce risks when reversing a vehicle. It notes that reversing collisions are a major cause of insurance claims and can be preventable. It provides considerations for assessing reversing risks and lists tips like checking visibility, reversing slowly, and using guides when necessary.
amount of their driving time in reverse gear, but Reversing collisions the vehicle damage which occurs while reversing Many of the collisions are contributed to by poor is one of the largest contributors to motor vehicle reversing visibility and by the driver’s failure to insurance claims in terms of both the frequency compensate. The majority of reversing collisions of collisions and the total cost of the repairs. occur at low speed and would be preventable if The damage usually results from the insured drivers took some very simple safety precautions vehicle being reversed into an object, a building and modified their driving behavior. or another vehicle. In the very worst cases a Considerations child or other pedestrian could be the victim. Some of the issues to consider when Reversing and the law assessing the risks associated with reversing include: A driver who does not reverse a vehicle • Can the need to reverse be avoided? safely is breaking the law: • Is there enough space to reverse safely? Transport Operations • Is there a need to highlight objects or (Road Use Management hazards with high visibility paint or other — Road Rules) Regulation 2009 Part 18 coatings to make them more visible? Miscellaneous road rules • Is the size of the vehicle contributing to the risk? 296 Driving a vehicle in reverse • Would a smaller vehicle reduce the risk? (1) The driver of a vehicle must not • Is it safer to reverse into a parking space so reverse the vehicle unless the driver can do that the vehicle can drive out forwards? so safely. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units. • Is there a need to separate pedestrians from (2) The driver of a vehicle must not reversing vehicles? reverse the vehicle further than is • Does the vehicle have restricted rear vision? reasonable in the circumstances. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units. • Would a vehicle with a better Reversing Visibility Index reduce the risk? Employers also have obligations under the Work • Is a guide needed to assist the driver with Health and Safety Act 2011. If drivers are reverse parking? regularly having collisions while reversing a work vehicle there is a requirement for a risk • Is there a requirement for training, instruction assessment to be carried out to identify the and supervision? measures needed to minimise the risk. • Is there a requirement for in-vehicle parking aids such as reverse parking sensors or reversing cameras? QFleet driver safety fact sheet: Reversing safely
Tips for safer reversing • If driving an unfamiliar vehicle, practice
reversing to become aware of the vehicles The following tips may be useful to reduce rear visibility, turning circle and potential blind the risk associated with reversing vehicles: spots. • Is it safe and necessary to reverse? • Select smaller vehicles for the best fit and • Ensure that the vehicle’s rear vision mirrors easier parking in cramped parking conditions. are clean and properly adjusted to maximise • Select vehicles which have a high Reversing rear vision. Visibility Index rating. • Consider fitting blind spot mirrors or “fish eye” mirrors to increase rear and side vision. The Reversing Visibility Index Some Australian motoring organisations have • Avoid reversing over a long distance. It may tested the visibility to the rear of many popular be safer and easier to turn around or drive new vehicles and have published the results in a around the block. Reversing Visibility Index. • Visually check for obstacles on approach to a reverse parking area. It measures how well a driver can see out of the back of a car. A rating system has been devised • Always aim to enter and leave any road in a to allow comparisons to be made between forward direction. vehicles. • Never reverse from a minor road onto a major road. This system takes into account both the visible area and visible distance across the rear of the • If reversing across an obscured footpath or vehicle. Results are rated on a scale of 0 - 5, other area where there may be pedestrians, with a rating of five indicating the best rearward use the vehicle’s horn to warn them. vision. • Give way to pedestrians if entering a roadway from a driveway. • Reverse slowly, use the mirrors and check For the full suite of QFleet both sides. Look back and continue to look back whilst moving in reverse. driver safety fact sheets • If it’s difficult to look back while reversing, the visit seatbelt may be removed. Seatbelts are not required to be worn when reversing. • Reversing vehicles have no right of way. If a vehicle approaches from behind, remain stationary and GIVE WAY until it passes. • If there is uncertainty that the way is clear because of blind spots, someone may be able to guide the driver. Otherwise the driver should get out and check for obstacles • Don’t be too proud or shy to ask someone to guide while reversing. It’s less embarrassing to use a guide than to crash a vehicle. • Walk around the vehicle and check for hazards before reversing from a parking area with restricted rear vision. • Get into the habit of reverse parking where vision is obscured. Reversing into a parking spot will allow the vehicle to drive out with better vision.