Brochure - E-RTG Electrification
Brochure - E-RTG Electrification
Brochure - E-RTG Electrification
RTG Electrification
E-RTGTM Systems from Conductix-Wampfler
We add the “E“ to your RTG
Electrification of Rubber-Tired Gantries
RTGs will remain the primary directly from the power grid. The remaining diesel engines are only
machines for moving containers The E-RTGTM conversion can be used to transfer of the RTG from one
in terminal yards worldwide accomplished with one of two different container lane to another or from the
unique electric power supply systems container lane to the maintenance
RTGs represent more than 50% developed by Conductix-Wampfler: area. During normal operation they
of the total fuel consumption at Motor Driven Cable Reel System remain switched off, which drastically
a typical port or Conductor Rail System. reduces the emission of greenhouse
gases such as CO2 or NOx into the port
Conventional rubber-tired gantry environment.
cranes (RTGs) are equipped with E-RTGTM : A Crucial Contribution
diesel gensets that transform diesel to Fuel Savings and Clean Ports! Conductix-Wampfler’s core compe-
fuel into electrical energy. This energy tency is in the development, pro-
powers the electric motors that are Low energy costs and minimal envir- duction, consulting, and installation
necessary for the movement and onmental impact are key concerns of tailor made, engineered solutions
positioning of containers in the port. of modern port logistics. With the con- that provide energy supply and data
sumption of many liters of diesel fuel transmission for our customers‘
per day and rising diesel fuel prices, moving machinery.
Electrification of the RTG powering of RTGs represents a sub-
stantial cost factor for port operators. If you seek a turnkey solution to add
Converting a conventional RTG into the “E“ to your RTG, look no further
a fully electric RTG (E-RTGTM) means The conversion of diesel to electric than Conductix-Wampfler – we have
shutting down the diesel genset and powered RTGs results in a reduction in the answers!
powering the RTG with electric power diesel fuel consumption of about 95%.
• Modular Motorized
Cable Reels with Permanent
Magnetic Couplers
Conductix-Wampfler offers a unique
“plug & play” system based on
interchangeable electrical and
mechanical components.
• Frequency Controlled
Motorized Cable Reels
Conductix-Wampfler offers an extensive
array of control units. We can supply
pre-programmed hardware controls
mounted on a panel or in a control
cabinet. We can also supply a software
program designed to integrate with
existing PLC units.
Since there are no guiding beams, Yard Junction Box with circuit
two optical sensors, one on each breaker protection, providing the
side of the trench, control the travel interface to connect the cable reel to
deviation of the crane the yard power supply
Plug-In Solution
Reliability for the E-RTGTM
E-RTGTM Systems from Conductix-Wampfler
Steel structure and conductor rails for Steel structure and conductor rails
one container block to provide the for two container blocks to provide
electrical current – the 2+2 version the electrical current – the 4 parallel
Drive-In L Solution
High Flexibility for the E-RTGTM
E-RTGTM Systems from Conductix-Wampfler
The unique track profile serves as The very compact system is the
the running beam for the collector lightest system on the market and
trolley and also carries the conductor suitable for any kind of RTG
rail system, thus allowing full control
of tolerances
The short Drive-In zone allows the The Drive-In L provides the highest
E-RTG to run with electrical power compensation of RTG working
from the very first container row. It tolerances
only takes 20-30 seconds to drive
in or drive out.
Conductix-Wampfler E-RTGTM Service
Custom Services!
Conductix-Wampfler’s specialists
provide complete support from
the initial programming and design
to the final assembly on site
– worldwide!
The Turnkey Solution contactless data transmission with Planning and Development
our iDATPlus system.
As a system supplier, Conductix- • Definition of the application
Wampfler offers a complete turnkey Important elements of Conductix- parameters
solution to all customers. This includes Wampfler‘s business activities
the delivery of all necessary parts to include qualified consulting, project • Selection of the right components
complete the project. engineering of the complete system, for the required system – optimized
the choice and selection of the to fulfill our customers‘ requirements,
We can also provide auto-steering right components, optimizing the application parameters, and
technology for RTGs as well as data accessories, the adequate logistic environmental targets
transmission via fiber optic cable or concept, and commissioning on site.
• Selection of the optimum energy
supply solution in cooperation with
our customers, considering cost,
service life, operating parameters,
Motor Driven
Cable Reel installation, and site conditions
Reel Final Assembly
• Supervision of construction,
assembly, and mounting on site, or
Service Agreement
• Conductix-Wampfler service
agreements: The “Worry-Free
10 RTG Modification Yard Modification Package”
Conductix-Wampfler the complete program
Spring driven cable reels Slip ring assemblies Energy guiding chains Inductive Power Transfer IPT®
We have 60 years experience and Whenever powered machinery needs The “Jack of all Trades“ when it comes The contact-less system for
trusted brands such as Insul-8, to rotate 3600, field proven slip ring to managing energy and data cables transferring energy and data. For all
Wampfler, and IER. We offer small assemblies by Conductix-Wampfler and air and fluid hoses. A wide range of tasks that depend on high speeds and
cord reels all the way to large can flawlessly transfer energy and energy guiding chains are available for absolute resistance to wear.
multi-motor units, a wide range of data. Here, everything revolves many industrial applications.
accessories, and hazardous location around flexibility and reliability.
Conductor bar Cable Festoon systems Push Button Pendants Radio remote controls
Whether they are enclosed conductor It‘s hard to imagine Conductix- Our ergonomic pendants are Safe, secure, and reliable radios
rails or expandable single-pole bar Wampfler cable trolleys not being ideally suited for industrial control use the latest in microprocessor
systems, Conductix-Wampfler‘s used in virtually every industrial applications. They are available in technology. Available in several
conductor bar is the proven solution application. They are reliable and a wide range of configurations for models for overhead crane control
to reliably move people and material. robust and available in an enormous overhead cranes and other machinery. and othe types of machinery.
variety of sizes and models.
Workstation equipment Air hoists and balancers Bumpers Spring balancers and retractors
Complete with tool transporters, reels, ENDO Air hoists accurately place Conductix-Wampfler offers a ENDO spring balancers by Conductix-
or an entire air and electric supply delicate loads and continuously vary complete range of bumpers for the Wampfler are rugged, reliable
system. Workstation equipment the speed for precise positioning. auto industry, cranes, and heavy high-precision positioning devices that
provides safety and flexibility for They run cool in continuous machinery. These include rubber, reduce operator fatigue and assist
difficult tasks. operations. rubber/metal, and cellular types. with accurate tool placement.
10102 F Street 175 Blvd JF Kennedy Calle Treviño 983-C Rua Luiz Pionti, LT 05, QD.
Omaha, NE 68127 St. Jerome, QC J7Y 4B5 Zona Centro L - Vila Progresso
Apodaca, NL México 66600 Itu, São Paulo, Brasil
CEP: 13.313-534
Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support
Phone +1-800-521-4888 Phone +1-800-667-2487 Phone (+52 81) 1090 9519 Phone (+55 11) 4813 7330
Fax +1-800-780-8329 Fax +1-800-442-9817 (+52 81) 1090 9025
(+52 81) 1090 9013
Phone +1-402-339-9300 Phone +1-450-565-9900
Fax +1-402-339-9627 Fax +1-450-432-6985 Fax (+52 81) 1090 9014 Fax (+55 11) 4813 7330