Nptel Week 9
Nptel Week 9
Nptel Week 9
A. Labeled data
B. Unlabeled data
C. Numerical data
D. Categorical data
6. Which of the following is a method of choosing the optimal number of clusters for k-
means? (1 Mark)
A. Shadow method
B. the silhouette method
C. the elbow method
D. B and C
7. Which of the following statements best describes the goal of SMOTE preprocessing
technique? (1 Mark)
a) Reduce the dimensionality of the data
b) Balance the class distribution in imbalanced datasets
c) Improve the interpretability of a machine learning model
d) Detect outliers in the data
11. In a 3-dimensional space represented by coordinates (x, y, z), two cluster centroids,
A and B, have coordinates A(2, 4, 6) and B(5, 1, 3) respectively. What is the precise
Euclidean distance between these centroids, denoting their dissimilarity in the cluster
space? (1 Mark)
A) 5.20 units
B) 3.00 units
C) 4.36 units
D) 6.48 units
Answer: A) 5.20 units
12. In K-means clustering, what is the purpose of the "elbow method"? (1 Mark)
A. To determine the optimal number of clusters
B. To identify the best distance metric
C. To select the best initialization method
D. To determine the convergence criteria
13. Suppose that a customer transaction table contains 9 items and 3 customers. What
is the Jaccard coefficient (similarity measure for asymmetric binary variables) for C1
and C2? (1 Mark)
a) 0.75
b) 0.25
c) 0.35
d) 0.85
Ans: b. 0.25
14. In the figure below, if you draw a horizontal line on the y-axis for y=2. What will be
the number of clusters formed? (1 Mark)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Solution: (B)
15. Assume you want to cluster 7 observations into 3 clusters using the K-Means
clustering algorithm. After first iteration, clusters C1, C2, C3 have following
A. 10
B. 5* sqrt (2)
C. 13*sqrt (2)
D. None of these
Solution: (A)