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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

Version 7.1.1

Data Protection for VMware User's


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments
Version 7.1.1

Data Protection for VMware User's


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 197.

Second edition (September 2014)

This edition applies to version 7, release 1, modification 1 of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments
(product number 5725-A44) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication . . . . . . . . v Chapter 5. Recovery Agent
Who should read this publication . . . . . . . v command-line interface . . . . . . . 79
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Starting the Recovery Agent command-line interface 79
Recovery Agent command-line interface overview 79
| New for Tivoli Storage Manager for Mount command . . . . . . . . . . . 81
| Virtual Environments Version 7.1.1. . . vii Set_connection command . . . . . . . . . 84
Help command . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Recovery Agent command-line interface return
Chapter 1. Tivoli Storage Manager for
codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Virtual Environments overview . . . . . 1
Documentation resources . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 6. Backup scenarios . . . . . 87
Backup and restore types . . . . . . . . . . 6
vCloud environment backup scenarios . . . . . 87
| VMware vCenter Server user privilege requirements 8
vSphere environment backup scenario . . . . . 88
Data Protection for VMware GUI registration keys 12
Incremental forever backup scenario . . . . . . 89
How Tivoli Storage Manager nodes are used in a
Fine-tuning Tivoli Storage Manager server
virtual environment . . . . . . . . . . . 13
database scalability . . . . . . . . . . . 89
| Mount proxy node and data mover node
Periodic full backup scenario . . . . . . . . 92
| requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Include scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Incremental forever backup strategy . . . . . . 19
Management class scenarios . . . . . . . . . 94
Periodic full backup strategy . . . . . . . . 20
Controlling disk scenarios . . . . . . . . . 96
Controlling which disks are processed . . . . . 21
Controlling disks used by Tivoli Storage Manager
VM templates and vApps in a vSphere environment 21
Data Protection applications . . . . . . . . 100
Automated client failover. . . . . . . . . . 22
Cluster and data store backup scenarios . . . . 101
Full VM instant restore environment requirements 23
Parallel backup processing . . . . . . . . . 103
Full VM instant restore iSCSI network
Active Directory domain controller protection
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Chapter 2. File-level restore . . . . . . 27

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios . . . . 109
| File-level restore environment requirements . . . 35
| Restoring a file from a virtual machine backup . . 109
vCloud environment restore scenario . . . . . 111
Chapter 3. Self-contained application vSphere environment restore scenario . . . . . 112
protection overview . . . . . . . . . 37 Full VM instant restore scenarios . . . . . . . 113
Application protection for Microsoft Exchange Full VM instant restore cleanup and repair
Server and SQL Server. . . . . . . . . . . 37 scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Configuring self-contained application protection . . 39 Full VM instant restore integrity validation
Verifying that self-contained application protection scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
is working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Full VM recovery with application protection. . . 117
Application protection for Active Directory domain Recover a Microsoft Exchange mailbox item
controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 from a VM backup . . . . . . . . . . 117
Recover individual Microsoft SQL databases
Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware from a VM backup . . . . . . . . . . 118
command-line interface . . . . . . . 43 Restoring SQL databases from virtual machine
Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 snapshots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Verifying that the Active Directory Domain
Inquire_config . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Controller replicated successfully . . . . . . . 121
Inquire_detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Restoring files and instant restore of volumes with
Set_domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent . . . 124
Set_mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Set_option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Appendix A. Troubleshooting . . . . 125
Set_password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Get_password_info . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore,
Start_guest_scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 and instant restore of volumes
Profile parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Mounting snapshots overview. . . . . . . . 135

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 iii

Mounting snapshot guidelines for Windows Privacy policy considerations . . . . . . . . 199
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Mounting snapshot guidelines for Linux Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
File-level restore overview . . . . . . . . . 137
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
File-level restore guidelines for Windows
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
File-level restore guidelines for Linux systems 139
Instant restore overview . . . . . . . . . . 140
Instant restore guidelines for Windows systems 141
Instant restore guidelines for Linux systems . . 142
Restoring files and instant restore of volumes with
the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent . . . 143
Restoring files (Windows) . . . . . . . . 143
Instant restore of volumes (Windows) . . . . 144
Restoring files (Linux) . . . . . . . . . 146
Instant restore of volumes (Linux) . . . . . 147

Appendix C. Data Protection for

VMware vSphere GUI and Data
Protection for VMware vCloud GUI
messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager

recovery agent messages . . . . . . 171

Appendix E. Accessibility features for

the Tivoli Storage Manager product
family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

iv IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
About this publication
This publication provides overview, planning, and user instructions for Data
Protection for VMware.

Who should read this publication

This publication is intended for administrators and users who are responsible for
implementing a backup solution with IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager for Virtual
Environments in one of the supported environments.

In this publication, it is assumed that you have an understanding of the following

v Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client
v Tivoli Storage Manager server
v VMware vSphere or vCloud Director

The Tivoli Storage Manager product family includes IBM Tivoli Storage
FlashCopy® Manager, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management, IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases, and several other storage management
products from IBM Tivoli.

To view IBM product documentation, see http://www.ibm.com/support/


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 v

vi IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

| New for Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

| Version 7.1.1
| The Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments product compliments other
| Tivoli Storage Manager products.

| The following features are new for the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
| Environments V7.1.1: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide:
| Mount a backed up virtual machine disk for file-level restore with the Data
| Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
| Mount a backed up virtual machine disk and export the mounted virtual
| machine volumes to a user for file-level restore.
| Create nodes for a mount operation with the Data Protection for VMware
| vSphere GUI configuration wizard
| Mount proxy nodes enable the file systems on the mounted virtual
| machine disks to be accessible as mount points.
| Access virtual machines in your vSphere Web Client with the IBM Data
| Protection extension
| Connect to a GUI web server to restore virtual machines from IBM storage.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 vii

viii IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Chapter 1. Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments (referred to as Data
Protection for VMware) provides a comprehensive solution for protecting VMs.

Data Protection for VMware eliminates the impact of running backups on a VM by

offloading backup workloads from a VMware ESX or ESXi-based host to a
vStorage Backup server. Data Protection for VMware works with the Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client (installed on the vStorage Backup server) to
complete full and incremental backups of VMs. The client node installed on the
vStorage Backup server is called the data mover node. This node "moves" the data
to the Tivoli Storage Manager server for storage, and for VM image-level restore at
a later time. Instant restore is available at the disk volume level and full VM level.
In addition, protection of vApps and organization vDCs in a vCloud Director
environment is also available.

The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client is a separately licensed

component that contains its own user interfaces and documentation. Familiarity
with this product and its documentation is necessary in order to adequately
integrate a comprehensive plan for protecting your VMs with Data Protection for
VMware. Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments V7.1.1 for Microsoft
Windows 64-bit includes the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client data
mover features on the product DVD or download package.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 1

IBM Data Protection
(in VMware vSphere
Web Client)

Data Protection
for VMware
vSphere GUI
vSphere plug-in

Web browser
vStorage API
(VADP) Data Protection for
Proxy VMware vSphere
vCenter GUI
Data Protection for
VMware CLI
Data mover Manager
(Tivoli Storage API
Guest client)
machines Tivoli Storage
Recovery Agent
Host machines Storage
(ESX, ESXi) Manager

NAS/local vStorage
SAN backup server

Datastore Datastore Datastore

Storage hierarchy

Figure 1. Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments system components in a VMware vSphere user environment

Data Protection for VMware provides several components to assist with protecting
your VMs.

| IBM Data Protection extension

| This component is a vSphere Web Client extension that connects to a Data

| Protection for VMware vSphere GUI (web GUI) to restore virtual machines in IBM
| storage. It provides the basic virtual machine restore functionality that is available
| in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI. For example, you can restore
| virtual machines from Tivoli Storage Manager server storage to their original (or
| alternate) location. When Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for VMware is
| available, you can restore your virtual machines from local disk storage.

2 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| To access the IBM Data Protection extension function, click Register the vSphere
| Web Client extension. during installation.

Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI

This component is a graphical user interface (GUI) that accesses VM data on the
VMware vCenter Server. This GUI is accessed by the following methods:
v A plug-in that integrates with the VMware vSphere Client. This plug-in is
accessed as a vCenter Server extension in the Solutions and Applications panel
of your vCenter Server System.
v A stand-alone web browser GUI. This GUI is accessed through a URL bookmark
to the GUI web server. For example:
| v A vSphere Web Client extension that connects to a GUI web server to access
| virtual machines in IBM storage (referred to as the IBM Data Protection
| extension). The content is a subset of what is provided in the plug-in and web
| browser GUI.
You can specify one or more access methods during installation.

The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is the primary interface from which
to complete these tasks:
v Initiate a backup of your VMs to a Tivoli Storage Manager server, or schedule a
backup for a later time.
v Initiate a full recovery of your VMs from a Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v Issue reports about the progress of your tasks, the most recent events that
completed, backup status, and space usage. This information can help you
troubleshoot your backups.

Important: Information about how to complete tasks with the Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI is provided in the online help that is installed with the GUI.
Click Learn More in any of the GUI windows to open the online help for task

The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI can be installed on any system that
meets the operating system prerequisites. The Data Protection for VMware vSphere
GUI resource requirements are minimal as it does not process I/O data transfers.
Installing the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI on the vStorage Backup
Server is the most common configuration.

You can register multiple Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUIs to a single
vCenter Server. This scenario reduces the number of datacenters (and their VM
guest backups) that are managed by a single VMware Data Protection for VMware
vSphere GUI. Each plug-in can then manage a subset of the total number of
datacenters that are defined on the vCenter Server. For each plug-in that is
registered to the vCenter Server, one Data Protection for VMware package must be
installed on a separate host. To update the managed datacenters, go to
Configuration > Edit Configuration. In the Plug-in Domain page, reduce the list
of datacenters that are managed by the plug-in. Managing a subset of all available
datacenters reduces the query and processing time that is required by the plug-in
to complete operations.

When you register multiple Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUIs to a single
vCenter Server, the following guidelines apply:

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 3

v Each datacenter can be managed by only one installed Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI.
v A unique VMCLI node name is required for each installed Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI.
v Using unique data mover node names for each installed Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI simplifies managing the nodes.

The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI must have network connectivity to
the following systems:
v vStorage Backup Server
v Tivoli Storage Manager server
v vCenter Server
In addition, ports for the Derby Database (default 1527) and GUI web server
(default 9081) must be available.

Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent

This service enables the mounting of any snapshot volume from the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. You can view the snapshot locally, with read-only access, on the
client system, or use an iSCSI protocol to access the snapshot from a remote
computer. In addition, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent provides the
instant restore function. A volume used in instant restore processing remains
available while the restore process proceeds in the background. The Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent is accessed with the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent GUI or command-line interface.

The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent command-line interface is installed on

a Windows system to perform the following tasks from a remote machine:
v Gather information about available restorable data, including lists of:
– Backed-up VMs
– Snapshots available for a backed-up machine
– Partitions available in a specific snapshot
v Mount a snapshot as a virtual device.
v Get a list of virtual devices.
v Remove a virtual device.

For detailed information regarding tasks, scenarios, and guidelines, see Chapter 2,
“File-level restore,” on page 27.

For detailed information regarding commands, parameters, and return codes, see
Chapter 5, “Recovery Agent command-line interface,” on page 79.

Data Protection for VMware command-line interface

The Data Protection for VMware CLI is a full-function command-line interface that
is installed with the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI. You can use the
Data Protection for VMware CLI to complete these tasks:
v Initiate® a backup of your VMs to a Tivoli Storage Manager server, or schedule a
backup for a later time.
v Initiate a full recovery of your VMs, VM files, or VM Disks (VMDKs) from a
Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v View configuration information about the backup database and environment.

4 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Although the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is the primary task
interface, the Data Protection for VMware CLI provides a useful secondary
interface. For example, the Data Protection for VMware CLI can be used to
implement a scheduling mechanism different from the one implemented by the
Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI. Also, the Data Protection for VMware
CLI is useful when evaluating automation results with scripts.

For detailed information regarding available commands, see Chapter 4, “Data

Protection for VMware command-line interface,” on page 43.

Data Protection for

VMware vCloud GUI
Data Protection for
VMware CLI

GUI web Derby Tivoli Storage

server Database Manager server

vCloud vApps Service VMs
Data mover
(Tivoli Storage Data Protection
Manager for VMware
backup-archive Recovery Agent
vCloud vCloud client)
vSphere VMs

vShield vCenter

Storage hierarchy
Physical resources

Data mover
(Tivoli Storage
Data Protection
Manager for VMware
backup-archive Recovery Agent
Network DataStores ESXi servers

Figure 2. Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments system components in a VMware vCloud Director user

Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI

This component is a GUI that protects vApps and organization vDCs in a vCloud
Director environment. This GUI is accessed through a URL bookmark to the GUI
web server. For example:

The Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI is the primary interface from which
to complete these tasks:

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 5

v Run immediate or schedule incremental forever backups of specific vApps, or
vApps contained in an organization vDC to Tivoli Storage Manager server
v Restore single or multiple vApps.
v Generate reports to display progress information about your tasks and space
usage information about your backups.
v Display information about the progress of your tasks, the most recent events that
completed, the backup status of your vApps, and space usage. This information
can help you troubleshoot errors that occurred in backup processing.

Important: Information about how to complete tasks with the Data Protection for
VMware vCloud GUI is provided in the online help that is installed with the GUI.
Click Learn More in any of the GUI windows to open the online help for task

Documentation resources
Data Protection for VMware provides several components to assist with protecting
your VMs, vApps, and organization vDCs. As a result, multiple documentation
resources are provided to assist with specific tasks.
Table 1. Available documentation resources for Data Protection for VMware
Documentation Contents Location
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Installation, upgrade, and IBM Knowledge Center at Installing
Environments Version 7.1.1: Data configuration tasks. Data Protection for VMware
Protection for VMware Installation (http://www.ibm.com/support/
Guide knowledgecenter/SS8TDQ_7.1.1/
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Overview information, strategy IBM Knowledge Center at Data
Environments Version 7.1.1: Data planning, back up and restore Protection for VMware
Protection for VMware User's Guide scenarios, command-line reference, (http://www.ibm.com/support/
and error messages. knowledgecenter/SS8TDQ_7.1.1/
IBM Tivoli Data Protection for VMware Back up and restore tasks related to Click Learn More in any of the GUI
Online Help VM data in a vSphere or vCloud windows to open for task assistance.
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent Mount, file-level restore, and instant Click Help in the Tivoli Storage
Version 7.1.1 GUI Online Help restore of volumes overview, Manager recovery agent Version 7.1.1
configuration, and task information. GUI to open for task assistance.

Backup and restore types

Data Protection for VMware provides the following types of backup and restore

Full VM backups

Back up an entire VM in your VMware vCenter to Tivoli Storage Manager storage.

This is an entire VM image snapshot, which is a single snapshot that contains all of
the VM disks. All data is backed up at the disk block level. The data can then be
restored to a disk, or mounted as a virtual volume for an individual file restore.

6 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
These backups are managed and retained according to storage policies set up by
the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator.

Incremental VM backups

Back up only the VM data that has changed since the last full backup completed.
All data is backed up at the disk block level. When a full backup has not been
issued for the VM, Data Protection for VMware issues a full backup by default.

You can also use Data Protection for VMware to interface with the Windows
backup-archive client in order to use the Change Block Tracking capabilities
provided by the vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP).

File level restore

File level restore can be performed in-guest or off-host on supported Windows and
Linux machines. Mount the volumes of the VM backup as a virtual volume. Then,
copy the files that you want to restore using tools such as Windows Explorer or
system commands. File restore is done from a backup-archive client full or
incremental VM backup. The recovery point represented by either a full or
incremental backup can be mounted. Although the mounted volume is read only
by default, write permissions are also available.

Instant restore

With instant restore, you can restore the content of a single volume from a
snapshot. This restore uses the snapshot data that is generated by the
backup-archive client. Instant restore can be done from a full or incremental VM
backup. You can use the volume immediately, while the restore process continues
in the background. Instant restore requires an in-guest installation.

Full VM restore

Restore a full or incremental VM backup. The entire VM is restored to the state it

existed in when originally backed up.

Full VM instant restore

Before this version of Data Protection for VMware, instant restore operations
include non-operating system volumes that run inside a guest VM only. In
addition to this existing restore function, Data Protection for VMware 7.1 provides
instant restore for the entire VM. This type of restore is referred to as a full VM
instant restore. The restored VM becomes available for instant use, either for
validating the backed up VM or for restoring the VM to permanent storage. The
restored VM is available for instant use in read/write mode.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 7

| VMware vCenter Server user privilege requirements
| Certain VMware vCenter Server privileges are required to run Data Protection for
| VMware operations.

| vCenter Server privileges required for installation

| To install the Data Protection for VMware vSphere Client plug-in, the vSphere user
| requires the Extension > Register extension, Unregister extension, Update
| extension privileges. From the VMware vSphere client, you can create a role and
| add to the role the extension set of associated privileges. You must then assign this
| role to the vCenter object in the VMware vCenter Server hierarchy for the user ID
| that you plan to use during the installation process. You must enter this user ID
| when prompted for the vCenter user name on the Plug-in Registration vCenter
| page during the installation.

| Tip: Alternatively, rather than creating a specific role for the installation, you can
| enter the administrator user name when prompted for the vCenter user name.

| vCenter Server privileges required to protect VMware

| datacenters with the Data Protection for VMware GUI

| The phrase "Data Protection for VMware GUI" applies to the following GUIs:
| v Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI accessed in a web browser
| v Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI accessed as a plug-in from either of
| the vSphere GUIs

| The vCenter Server user ID that signs in to the Data Protection for VMware GUI
| must have sufficient VMware privileges to view content for a datacenter that is
| managed by the Data Protection for VMware GUI.

| For example, a VMware vSphere environment contains five datacenters. A user,

| "jenn", has sufficient privileges for only two of those datacenters. As a result, only
| those two datacenters where sufficient privileges exist are visible to "jenn" in the
| Data Protection for VMware GUI. The other three datacenters (where "jenn" does
| not have privileges) are not visible to the user "jenn".

| The VMware vCenter Server defines a set of privileges collectively as a role. A role
| is applied to an object for a specified user or group to create a privilege. From the
| VMware vSphere web client, you must create a role with a set of privileges. To
| create a vCenter Server role for backup and restore operations, use the VMware
| vSphere Client Add a Role function. You must assign this role to a user ID for a
| specified vCenter Server or datacenter. If you want to propagate the privileges to
| all datacenters within the vCenter, specify the vCenter Server and select the
| propagate to children check box. Otherwise, you can limit the permissions if you
| assign the role to the required datacenters only with the propagate to children
| check box selected. Data Protection for VMware GUI enforcement is at the
| datacenter level.

| The following example shows how to control access to datacenters for two
| VMware user groups. First, create a role that contains all of the privileges defined
| in Table 2 on page 9. The set of privileges in this example are identified by the role
| named “TDPVMwareRestore”. Group 1 requires access to restore virtual machines
| for the Primary1_DC and Primary2_DC datacenters. Group 2 requires access to
| restore virtual machines for the Secondary1_DC and Secondary2_DC datacenters.

8 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| For Group 1, assign the “TDPVMwareRestore” role to the Primary1_DC and
| Primary2_DC datacenters. For Group 2, assign the “TDPVMwareRestore” role to the
| Secondary1_DC and Secondary2_DC datacenters.

| The users in each VMware user group can use the Data Protection for VMware
| GUI to restore virtual machines in their respective datacenters only.

| The following table shows the privileges for the role that is associated with the
| user ID that you plan to use to authenticate to the vCenter Server. The Tivoli
| Storage Manager backup-archive client VMCUser option requires these same
| privileges.
| Table 2. Required privileges vCenter Server user ID and data mover
| vCenter Server objects Associated privileges that are required
| Datastore Allocate space, Browse datastore, Configure
| datastore, Low-level file operations, Move
| datastore, Remove datastore, Rename datastore,
| Update virtual machine files
| Folder Create folder, Delete folder, Rename folder
| Global Licenses, Log Event, Cancel Task
| Host configuration Storage partition configuration, System
| Management, System resources
| Network Assign network
| Resource Assign virtual machine to resource pool
| Tasks Create Task, Update Task
| vApp Add virtual machine, Assign resource pool, Create
| Virtual machine configuration Add new disk, Add or remove device, Advanced,
| Change CPU count, Change resource, Disk change
| tracking, Disk Lease, Host USB device, Memory,
| Modify device setting, Raw device, Reload from
| path, Remove disk, Rename, Reset guest
| information, Settings, Swap file placement,
| Upgrade virtual hardware
| Virtual machine guest operations Guest Operation Modifications, Guest Operation
| Program Execution, Guest Operation Queries
| Virtual machine interaction Answer question, Back up operation on virtual
| machine, Power off, Power on, Reset, Suspend
| Virtual machine inventory Create new, Register, Remove, Unregister
| Virtual machine provisioning Allow disk access, Allow read-only disk access,
| Allow virtual machine download, Allow virtual
| machine files upload
| Virtual machine snapshot management Create snapshot, Remove snapshot, Revert to
| state snapshot

| Tip: When you create a role, consider adding extra privileges to the role that you
| might need later to complete other tasks on objects.

| vCenter Server privileges required to use the data mover

| The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client that is installed on the vStorage
| Backup server (the data mover node) requires the VMCUser and VMCPw options. The
| VMCUser option specifies the user ID of the vCenter or ESX server that you want to

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 9

| back up, restore, or query. The required privileges that are assigned to this user ID
| (VMCUser) ensure that the client can run operations on the virtual machine and the
| VMware environment. This user ID must have the same VMware privileges as the
| vCenter Server user ID that signs in to the Data Protection for VMware GUI (as
| described in Table 2 on page 9).

| In addition, this user ID (VMCUser) requires certain privileges that enable custom
| Tivoli Storage Manager backup and restore virtual machine tasks to display in
| vSphere Clients. These tasks provide information about operation progress, event
| messages, and the ability to cancel an operation from the vSphere Client.
| v These privileges are required to install the Tivoli Storage Manager vSphere Tasks
| Extension:
| – Extension→Register extension
| – Extension→Unregister extension
| – Extension→Update extension
| v These privileges are required to create a task:
| – Tasks→Create Task
| – Tasks→Update Task
| – Global→Log Event
| v These privileges are required to cancel a task:
| – Global→Cancel Task

| To create a vCenter Server role for backup and restore operations, use the VMware
| vSphere Client Add a Role function. You must select the propagate to children
| option when you add privileges for this user ID (VMCUser). In addition, consider
| adding other privileges to this role for tasks other than backup and restore. For the
| VMCUser option, enforcement is at the top-level object.

| vCenter Server privileges required to use the IBM Data

| Protection extension

| The IBM Data Protection extension is a vSphere web client extension that connects
| to a Data Protection for VMware GUI web server. You can use this extension to
| restore virtual machines in IBM storage. It provides the basic virtual machine
| restore function that is available in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI.
| For example, you can restore virtual machines from Tivoli Storage Manager server
| storage to their original (or alternative) location. When Tivoli Storage FlashCopy
| Manager for VMware is available, you can restore your virtual machines from local
| disk storage. IBM Data Protection extension requires a set of privileges that are
| separate from the privileges that are required to sign in to the Data Protection for
| VMware vSphere GUI (web GUI).

| During the installation the following custom privileges are created for the IBM
| Data Protection extension:
| v Datacenter > IBM Data Protection
| v Global > IBM Data Protection

| Custom privileges that are required for the IBM Data Protection extension are
| registered as a separate extension. The privileges extension key is
| com.ibm.tsm.tdpvmware.IBMDataProtection.privileges.

| These privileges allow the VMware administrator to enable and disable access to
| IBM Data Protection extension content. Only users with these custom privileges on

10 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| the required VMware object can access the IBM Data Protection extension content.
| One IBM Data Protection extension is registered for each vCenter Server and is
| shared by all GUI hosts that are configured to support the vCenter Server.

| From the VMware vSphere web client, you must create a role for users that can
| restore virtual machines by using the IBM Data Protection extension. For this role,
| in addition to the standard virtual machine administrator role privileges required
| by the web client, you must specify the Datacenter > IBM Data Protection
| privilege. For each datacenter, assign this role for each user or user group where
| you want to grant permission for the user to restore virtual machines.

| The Global > IBM Data Protection privilege is required for the user at the vCenter
| level. This privilege allows the user to manage, edit, or clear the connection
| between the vCenter Server and the web GUI host. Assign this privilege to
| administrators that are familiar with the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
| (web GUI) that protects their respective vCenter Server. Manage your IBM Data
| Protection extension connections in the Connections page.

| The following example shows how to control access to datacenters for two user
| groups. Group 1 requires access to restore virtual machines for the NewYork _DC
| and Boston_DC datacenters. Group 2 requires access to restore virtual machines for
| the LosAngeles_DC and SanFranciso_DC datacenters.

| From the VMware vSphere client, create for example the “IBMDataProtectRestore”
| role, assign the standard virtual machine administrator role privileges and also the
| Datacenter > IBM Data Protection privilege.

| For Group 1, assign the “IBMDataProtectRestore” role to the NewYork _DC and
| Boston_DC datacenters. For Group 2, assign the “IBMDataProtectRestore” role to the
| LosAngeles_DC and SanFranciso_DC datacenters.

| The users in each group can use the IBM Data Protection extension in the vSphere
| web client to restore virtual machines in their respective datacenters only.

| Issues related to insufficient permissions

| When the Data Protection for VMware GUI user does not have sufficient
| permissions for any datacenter, access to the Data Protection for VMware GUI is
| blocked. Instead, the Data Protection for VMware GUI issues error message
| GVM2013E to advise that the user is not authorized to access any managed
| datacenters due to insufficient permissions. Other new messages are also available
| that inform users of issues that result from insufficient permissions. To resolve any
| permissions-related issues, make sure that the user role is set up as described in
| the previous sections. The user role must have all privileges that are identified in
| Table 2 on page 9, and these privileges must be applied at the datacenter level with
| the propagate to children check box.

| When the Tivoli Storage Manager user ID (specified by the VMCUser option)
| contains insufficient permissions for a backup and restore operation, the following
| message is shown:
| ANS9365E VMware vStorage API error.
| "Permission to perform this operation was denied."

| When the Tivoli Storage Manager user ID contains insufficient permissions to view
| a machine, the following messages are shown:

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 11

| Backup VM command started. Total number of virtual machines to process: 1
| ANS4155E Virtual Machine ’tango’ could not be found on VMware server.
| ANS4148E Full VM backup of Virtual Machine ’foxtrot’ failed with RC 4390

| To retrieve log information through the VMware Virtual Center Server for
| permission problems, complete these steps:
| 1. In vCenter Server Settings, select Logging Options and set "vCenter Logging to
| Trivia (Trivia).
| 2. Re-create the permission error.
| 3. Reset vCenter Logging to its previous value prevent recording excessive log
| information.
| 4. In System Logs, look for the most current vCenter Server log (vpxd-wxyz.log)
| and search for the string NoPermission. For example:
| [2011-04-27 15:15:35.955 03756 verbose ’App’] [VpxVmomi] Invoke error:
| vim.VirtualMachine.createSnapshot session: 92324BE3-CD53-4B5A-B7F5-96C5FAB3F0EE
| Throw: vim.fault.NoPermission

| This log message indicates that the user ID did not contain sufficient
| permissions to create a snapshot (createSnapshot).
Data Protection for VMware GUI registration keys
Depending on the options you select during installation, you can access the Data
Protection for VMware GUI by using different methods. Registration keys are
created for the Data Protection for VMware GUIs.

The phrase "Data Protection for VMware GUI" applies to the following GUIs:
v Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI accessed in a web browser
v Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI accessed as a plug-in from either of
the vSphere GUIs
v IBM Data Protection extension in the vSphere Web Client GUI

The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI plug-in registration key is
com.ibm.tsm.tdpvmware@hostname. This key is registered when you select the
Register GUI as vCenter plug-in check box during the installation. A separate key
is registered for each web GUI host. When multiple web GUI hosts exist, then
multiple instances of the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI plug-in are

IBM Data Protection extension registration key is

com.ibm.tsm.tdpvmware.IBMDataProtection. This key is registered when you select
the Register the vSphere Web Client extension check box during the installation.
A single instance of the IBM Data Protection extension is registered per vCenter

A registration key is not created for the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
that is accessed in a web browser.

To view the registration keys, log in to the VMware Managed Object Browser
(MOB). After you log in to the MOB, go to Content→Extension Manager to view
the registration keys.

12 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
How Tivoli Storage Manager nodes are used in a virtual environment
Data Protection for VMware communicates to VMs during backup, restore, and
mount operations through Tivoli Storage Manager nodes.

A node represents a system on which the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive

client, Data Protection for VMware, or other application client is installed. This
system is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Each node has a unique
name (node name) that is used to identify the system to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. Communication, storage policy, authority, and access to VM data
are defined based on a node.

In a Data Protection for VMware vSphere production environment, the most basic
node is the data mover node. This node represents a specific Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client (data mover) that "moves data" from one system to
another. In a basic vSphere environment, where VMs are backed up by a single
client, the VM data is stored directly under the data mover node.

In some scenarios, several data movers are used to back up a complete virtual
environment, such as a VMware datacenter. In this scenario, since the backup work
is distributed among multiple data movers, the VM data is stored in a shared node
(instead of a specific data mover node). This shared node is called the datacenter
node. Thus, in this large system vSphere environment, the data mover nodes store
VM data into the datacenter node.

In a large vSphere virtual environment, where multiple data movers and

datacenters are operative, a third node is used to communicate among the nodes
and Tivoli Storage Manager server. This node is the VMCLI node.

| A mount proxy node represents the Linux or Windows proxy system that accesses
| the mounted VM disks through an iSCSI connection. These nodes enable the file
| systems on the mounted VM disks to be accessible as mount points on the proxy
| system. You can then retrieve the files by copying them from the mount points to
| your local disk. Mount proxy nodes are created in pairs and are required by the
| datacenter node for each Windows or Linux system that serves as a proxy. To
| increase the number of available mount points, you can configure a datacenter
| node to have multiple pairs of mount proxy nodes.

Use the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI configuration wizard or
configuration notebook to set these nodes in a vSphere environment.
Table 3. Tivoli Storage Manager nodes in a vSphere environment
Node Description
vCenter node The virtual node that represents a vCenter.
datacenter node The virtual node that maps to a data center. The datacenter
nodes hold the data.
VMCLI node The node that connects the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager server
and the data mover node. Unlike the data mover node, the
VMCLI node does not require its own Tivoli Storage Manager
client acceptor or scheduler service.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 13

Table 3. Tivoli Storage Manager nodes in a vSphere environment (continued)
Node Description
data mover node The node name for the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
client that is installed on the vStorage Backup Server. This node
performs the data movement. Each data mover node requires its
own Tivoli Storage Manager client acceptor and scheduler
Important: Data Protection for VMware stores sensitive
information locally on the data mover, and the data mover
might also have direct access to VM storage. Access to the data
mover must be protected. Allow only trusted users access to the
data mover system.
| mount proxy node This node represents the Linux or Windows proxy system that
| accesses the mounted VM disks through an iSCSI connection.
| These nodes enable the file systems on the mounted VM disks
| to be accessible as mount points.

14 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Guest machines

vStorage Tivoli Storage Disk storage pool

Backup Server Manager server

Host Machine

DataStore DB2
Backup-archive client
Organization of virtual machines in
instances running on
VC1_DC1_DM2 vStorage Backup Server
Tivoli Storage Manager database

Guest machines dsm/dsmc Filespaces for

VM4 VM5 VM6 asnode=VC1_DC1_DM1 VC1_DC1
vmchost=ESX1 VM1
dsm/dsmc VM3
vmchost=ESX2 VM5
Host Machine


Figure 3. Node relationships and applications in a vSphere production environment that contains one VMware data
center and two data mover nodes.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 15


Data center Data Protection for VMware CLI Data center

(VC1_DC1) (VC1_VCLI1) (VC1_DC2)

Tivoli Storage Manager data mover agent Tivoli Storage Manager data mover agent
(VC1_DC1_DM1) (VC1_DC2_DM1)

Figure 4. Proxy relationships among the nodes in a vSphere environment that uses two VMware datacenters. The
arrows point from the proxy agent node to the proxy target node.

In a Data Protection for VMware vCloud Director production environment, several

types of nodes are employed. Some nodes are used to represent vCloud entities
and other nodes represent Tivoli Storage Manager entities.

The first node is the vCloud director node, which, as its name implies, represents
the vCloud director. This node is the topmost node in the system. Next, vCloud
provider virtual data centers (provider vDCs) are represented by corresponding
provider vDC nodes. vCloud organization virtual data centers (organization vDCs)
are represented by organization vDC nodes. The backup data for vApps (contained
in a virtual data center) is stored in the corresponding organization vDC node.

On the Tivoli Storage Manager side, a data mover node represents a specific Tivoli
Storage Manager backup-archive client (data mover). This node "moves" data
between the vCloud environment and the various data-storing organization vDC
nodes. Each data mover node is associated with a single provider virtual data
center (provider vDC) node, and moves data only for organization vDCs allocated
from its provider. A provider vDC can have one or more data mover nodes that
move data for its organization vDCs.

Finally, a central node is used to communicate among the nodes and the Data
Protection for VMware vCloud GUI. This node is the VMCLI node.

Use the Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI configuration wizard or
configuration notebook to set these nodes in a vCloud Director environment.
Table 4. Tivoli Storage Manager nodes in a vCloud Director environment
Node Description Example
vCloud Director This node represents the vCloud This node typically contains the
Node Director and is the top-level node. prefix VCD_ in its name.
Provider VDC This node represents a provider vDC This node typically contains the
Node in your vCloud environment. prefix PVDC_ in its name.

16 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Table 4. Tivoli Storage Manager nodes in a vCloud Director environment (continued)
Node Description Example
Organization This node represents an organization This node holds the data and
VDC Node vDC in your vCloud environment. typically contains the prefix
OVDC_ in its name.
Data Mover This node represents a This node typically contains the
Node backup-archive client and is prefix DM_ in its name.
associated with a single provider
vDC and all of its organization vDCs.
It is authorized to do operations for
all organization vDCs that belong to
the provider vDC.
VMCLI Node This node connects the Data This node typically contains the
Protection for VMware vCloud GUI prefix VMCLI_ in its name.
to the Tivoli Storage Manager server
and the other nodes.

| Mount proxy node and data mover node requirements

| Operations require specific node types and certain environment settings.

| Consider these Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments node

| requirements before you attempt any tasks:
| v Data mover nodes are required for the following operations:
| – Incremental forever backup
| – Periodic full backup
| – Full VM restore
| v Mount proxy nodes are required for the following operations:
| – Full VM instant access
| – Full VM instant restore
| – Mount
| v A mount operation accesses a Windows system and a Linux system that function
| as mount proxy systems. Each proxy system requires its own mount proxy node
| and client acceptor. The Windows proxy system also requires the Tivoli Storage
| Manager recovery agent to be installed. These two mount proxy nodes function
| together during a mount operation. Mount proxy nodes are created in pairs and
| are required by the datacenter node for each Windows or Linux system that
| serves as a proxy.
| v Only one mount proxy node is allowed for each physical or virtual Windows
| mount proxy system. If you want to use multiple mount proxy node pairs, you
| must install each Windows mount proxy node on a separate system, along with
| its own client acceptor and Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.
| v You cannot mount the backup of a Windows mount proxy node or Linux mount
| proxy node to itself.

| The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is restricted to one node assignment.
| This node must be a mount proxy node. Although a Windows system might
| contain multiple data mover nodes, only one mount proxy node is allowed for the
| Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to use. As a result, operations that use the
| Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent fail when you attempt to connect to a
| system with a node that is not assigned to the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
| agent.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 17

| These examples show types of operations that fail when a node that is not
| assigned to the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is used:
| Mount operations
| When you run a mount operation with the mount proxy node from
| VMware datacenter DC1, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent
| connects to that mount proxy node. Because that connection to the mount
| proxy node is the only correct connection, the Tivoli Storage Manager
| recovery agent does not use another mount operation with any other
| nodes on that mount proxy system. As a result, the mount operation fails
| when you use a mount proxy node from VMware datacenter DC2.
| Instant access or instant restore operations
| You attempt to run an instant access or instant restore operation with a
| mount proxy node from a Windows system that is used as a mount proxy
| system. A Windows mount proxy system requires the Tivoli Storage
| Manager recovery agent to be installed. Because the connection from the
| Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to the Windows mount proxy node
| (to run the mount operation) is the only correct connection, an instant
| access or instant restore operation that attempts to use this mount proxy
| node (from the same Windows system) fails.

| Mount proxy nodes and data mover nodes require proxy authority to the
| datacenter nodes. This proxy authority is granted automatically when you set up
| your nodes with the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI Configuration
| Wizard. However, if you manually set up your mount proxy nodes and data
| mover nodes, you must grant this proxy authority to the datacenter nodes on the
| Tivoli Storage Manager server with the GRANT PROXYNODE command. For example:

| File sharing security

| When you share a mounted virtual machine snapshot, certain security issues can
| occur that are related to NFS (Linux) and CIFS (Windows) protocols. Review these
| issues to better understand the security impact when you share a mounted virtual
| machine snapshot.

| When all of the following conditions exist on Linux systems, respective users can
| access directories on the shared system:
| v The mounted volumes that belong to Linux system (B) are shared to a different
| Linux host (A).
| v The Linux host (A) has the same user names as the Linux system (B) that was
| backed up
| For example, root user (A) can access all root user (B) files, and tester (A) can access
| all of tester (B) files. In this situation, the permission group and user are changed to
| nobody.

| This output is an example of access to mounted volumes:

| esx2vm55:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin # ls -la /CVT/TSM/ESX2VM21/2014-05-22-01_32_53/Volume7
| total 19
| drwx------ 4 500 500 1024 Apr 28 23:53 .
| drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 May 27 22:06 ..
| drwxrwxr-x 2 500 500 1024 Apr 28 23:52 RAID_0
| drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Apr 28 23:52 lost+found

18 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| This output is an example of access to shared volumes:
| [tester1@ESX2VM51 Volume7]$ ls -la
| total 19
| drwx------ 4 nobody nobody 1024 Apr 28 23:53 .
| drwxr-xr-x 8 nobody nobody 4096 May 27 22:06 ..
| drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody nobody 1024 Apr 28 23:52 RAID_0
| drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 12288 Apr 28 23:52 lost+found

| Make sure that the correct Linux hostname/IP address or Windows user name is
| specified. If the correct hostname/IP address or user name is not specified, the
| share operation fails. This failure is identified by the operating system.

| On Windows systems, a user with the same credentials as the backed up Windows
| virtual machine can access the shared volumes on any Windows system.

Incremental forever backup strategy

An incremental forever backup strategy minimizes backup windows while
providing faster recovery of your data.

Data Protection for VMware provides a backup strategy called incremental forever.
Rather than scheduling weekly (periodic) full backups, this backup solution
requires only one initial full backup. Afterward, an ongoing (forever) sequence of
incremental backups occurs. The incremental forever backup solution provides
these advantages:
v Reduces the amount of data that goes across the network.
v Reduces data growth because all incremental backups contain only the blocks
that changed since the previous backup.
v No comparison with the backup target is needed since only changed blocks are
v Minimizes impact to the client system.
v Reduces the length of the backup window.
v No need to schedule an initial full backup as a separate schedule: the first issue
of an incremental forever backup automatically defaults to an incremental
forever full backup.
In addition, the restore process is optimized, as only the latest versions of blocks
that belong to a restored backup are restored. Since the same area on the
production disk is recovered only one time, the same block is not written to
multiple times as implemented in prior versions of Data Protection for VMware.
As a result of these advantages, incremental forever is the preferred backup
strategy. However, if your backup solution requires long-term storage or tape
retention of your data, consider the tasks described in “Periodic full backup
strategy” on page 20.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 19

Periodic full backup strategy
Weekly full backups followed by daily incremental backups

Incremental forever backup strategy

Initial full backup followed by ongoing sequence of incremental backups

Figure 5. A comparison of both backup strategies

Restriction: Data Protection for VMware support for VM backup and restore
operations is limited to VM names and datacenter names that contain only English
7-bit ASCII characters. You cannot use VM names and datacenter names that use
other language characters. Additional character restrictions are listed in
Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” on page 125.

Periodic full backup strategy

A periodic full backup strategy provides a solution for long term storage or tape
retention of your data.

The periodic full backup strategy backs up any VMware guests that are supported
by VMware. If you have Data Protection for VMware and are using the VMware
vStorage API backup method, you can recover individual files, have a single
source full VM backup, run incremental block level backups, and perform instant
restore of volumes. For example:
dsmc backup vm my_vm -mode=incremental

Restriction: Data Protection for VMware support for VM backup and restore
operations is limited to VM names and datacenter names that contain English 7-bit
ASCII characters only. VM names and datacenter names that use other language
characters are not currently supported. Additional character restrictions are listed
in Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” on page 125.

20 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Controlling which disks are processed
Set include and exclude statements to control the disks to be processed.

Use Data Protection for VMware in conjunction with the Tivoli Storage Manager
backup-archive client to determine which disks in the VM environment are backed
up and restored. VM environments typically contain a combination of system,
normal, independent, and raw device mapping (RDM) disks. The ability to extend
control granularity to specific disks provides benefits in these situations:
v Recover the disk where the operating system is located in order to replace a
corrupted system drive.
v Protect disks in VM environments that use Tivoli Storage Manager Data
Protection applications as guests that contain large database and log files.
v VM configuration information is lost. The VM configuration information is
recovered while the disks remain in place.
In previous versions of Data Protection for VMware, a new VM was required
whenever a VM restore was performed. If the VM already existed, the restore
failed. With this feature, you can restore selected virtual disks but leave the rest of
an existing VM intact.

VM templates and vApps in a vSphere environment

Data Protection for VMware supports backing up and restoring VM templates and

A VM template is a master image of a VM. The template can include an installed

guest operating system and a set of applications.

VM templates can be restored to the original VM template, or to an alternative VM

template and data store location. Because Data Protection for VMware marks the
VM template as one unit, a single file restore of a VM template is not feasible. A
single virtual disk cannot be restored, nor can a single virtual disk backup be
attached on an ESX host to a target VM.

VMs that are contained in a vApp can be backed up and restored. A vApp is a
logical entity that consists of one or more VMs. By using a vApp, you can specify
and include all components of a multitier application. A vApp also includes the
operational policies and associated service levels of the application contained in the

The VMs in the vApp are identified in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere
GUI as VMs. While you select the VM to back up, you cannot select a vApp. When
you restore the VM, the VM is added to one of the following locations:
v If the vApp is present with the original full inventory path, the VM is restored
to that location.
v When the original full inventory path is not present or was changed, the VM is
restored to the top-level default location on the target ESX host. No containers
are created during the restore operation.

When backing up a VM template, and a full backup does not exist for this VM
template, the following occurs:
v If the selected backup type is incremental-forever-incremental, and the VM
template contains changes, the backup type changes to incremental-forever-full.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 21

v If the selected backup type is incremental, and the VM template contains
changes, the backup type changes to full.
v If the selected backup type is full, and the VM template contains changes, the
VM template is backed up.
v If the selected backup type is incremental-forever-full, this type ensures that the
VM template is backed up regardless of whether it contains changes.

Automated client failover

If you backed up data to the Tivoli Storage Manager server, Data Protection for
VMware can automatically fail over to the secondary server for data recovery
when there is an outage on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the Tivoli Storage Manager data mover
node connects to during normal production processes is called the primary server.
When the primary server and data mover node are set up for node replication, the
client data on the primary server can be replicated to another Tivoli Storage
Manager server, which is the secondary server.

During normal operations, connection information for the secondary server is

automatically sent to the data mover node from the primary server during the
logon process. The secondary server information is automatically saved to the
client options file on the data mover node. No manual intervention is required by
you to add the information for the secondary server.

Each time the data mover node logs on to the server, it attempts to contact the
primary server. If the primary server is unavailable, the data mover node
automatically fails over to the secondary server, according to the secondary server
information in the client options file. In failover mode, you can restore any
replicated client data. When the primary server is online again, the data mover
node automatically fails back to the primary server the next time the data mover
node connects to the server.

Requirements: Before the connection information for the secondary server is sent
to the client options file, the following processes must occur:
v The primary server, secondary server, and data mover node must be at the V7.1
v The primary and secondary servers must be set up for node replication, and the
client node must be configured for node replication on the server.
v You must back up VMware data at least one time to the primary server.
v Client data on the primary server must be replicated to the secondary server at
least one time.

Restriction: The following restrictions apply to Data Protection for VMware during
v Any operations that require data to be stored on the Tivoli Storage Manager
server, such as backup operations, are not available.
v Schedules are not replicated to the secondary server. Therefore, schedules are not
run while the primary server server is unavailable.
v Instant restore of virtual machines is not available.
v Validation of virtual machine backups is not available.

22 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
v The Data Protection for VMware GUI does not fail over. You must use the
backup-archive client on the data mover node to restore data from the secondary
v For more information about the failover capabilities of Tivoli Storage Manager
components, see the following technote: http://www.ibm.com/support/

Full VM instant restore environment requirements


Review the applications, systems, and versions that are required for full VM
instant restore operations.

The following environment requirements must exist before attempting a full VM

instant restore operation:
v Full VM instant restore is supported only for Tivoli Storage Manager
backup-archive client 7.1 (or later) Windows 64-bit and Windows vStorage
Backup servers.
v Instant access and instant restore capability is supported only for VMware VMs
that are hosted on VMware ESXi 5.1 servers, or later versions.
v Full VM instant restore is supported only for disks and virtual tape libraries
(VTL). Physical tape storage pools are not supported.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent 7.1 (or later) must be installed on the
same system as the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client 7.1 (or later)
data mover system.
| v A data mover node that was used for version 7.1 instant restore and instant
| access operations cannot be used for version 7.1.1 instant restore and instant
| access operations. After you upgrade IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
| Environments to version 7.1.1, you must create a pair of mount proxy nodes to
| run instant restore and instant access operations. You can create a mount proxy
| node pair by using either of the following methods:
| – Go to the Configuration window in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere
| GUI and click Edit Configuration. Go to the Mount Proxy Node Pairs page
| and follow the instructions on that page.
| – Follow the steps in Manually configuring the mount proxy nodes on a remote
| Windows system (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/
| SS8TDQ_7.1.1/com.ibm.itsm.ve.inst.doc/t_ve_cfg_setmpnodeswin.html).
v VMs that were backed up with backup-archive client 6.3 (or later) can be
restored by using full VM instant restore.
v The data mover system requires the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Environments 7.1 (or later) license file.
v iSCSI mount (with the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent) is used to expose
the VM disks to the ESX as virtual RDMs. Instant access and instant restore
operations require an iSCSI software or hardware adapter that is configured on
the ESX host that is used for these operations.
v Storage vMotion must be installed and configured on the ESX servers that host
the VMs to be used during instant restore operations. Instant access operations
(that validate the VM backup data) do not require Storage vMotion.
v Instant access and instant restore operations require vSphere privileges that
power on VMs (Virtualmachine.Interaction.PowerOn).

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 23

Full VM instant restore iSCSI network requirements
If your VMware environment uses a dedicated iSCSI network for full VM instant
restore and instant access operations, make sure to use specific configuration

Important: These configuration settings are provided to assist with setting up the
VMware environment for efficient full VM instant restore and instant access
operations. However, since these settings apply to VMware configuration tasks and
VMware user interfaces, you must refer to your appropriate VMware
documentation for detailed, step-by-step instructions.

ESXi vSwitch network configuration settings

These settings apply to VMware tasks related to adding a VMkernel connection.

Table 5. ESXi vSwitch network configuration settings
Object Value
Connection Type VMkernel
VMkernel Network Access Create a vSphere standard switch
VMkernel Connection Settings Network LabelVMkernel network name
Tip: Use a name that reminds you that the
VMkernel network is used with iSCSI. For
VMkernel iSCSI
VMkernel IP Connection Settings IP Addressxyz.xyz.xy.xy
Tip: Do not change the Subnet Mask or
VMkernel Default Gateway values.

VM network configuration settings

These settings apply to VMware tasks related to adding a VM connection.

Table 6. VM network configuration settings
Object Value
Connection Type Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine Network Access Use the recently created network vSwitch
(VMkernel iSCSI)
Virtual Machine Connection Settings Network Label
Tip: Use a name that reminds you that the
VM network is used with iSCSI. For
VM Network iSCSI

iSCSI adapter settings

These actions apply to VMware tasks related to connecting the VMkernel to a

network adapter.

24 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Table 7. iSCSI adapter settings
Object Required Action
Recently created network vSwitch (VMkernel Must be added to the iSCSI network
vStorage Backup Server (data mover) If your vStorage Backup Server (data mover)
is installed on a VM, a second network card
must be added for this VM.

Important: If you experience a timeout when iSCSI devices are rescanned, reduce
the number of iSCSI devices that are connected to the ESX host. Then, try the
operation again.

| Data mover settings

| These settings apply to the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client 7.1.1. The
| backup-archive client is also referred to as the data mover and is installed on the
| system referred to as the vStorage Backup server.
| Table 8. Data mover settings
| System File Parameter Setting
| vStorage Backup Server (data dsm.opt VMISCSIServeraddress= iSCSI
| mover) server IP is the address of the
| Default location: network card on the datamover
| C:\Program machine that exposes the iSCSI
| Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\ targets

| Set the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent command-line interface (CLI) on the
| data mover to work with the local Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent by
| issuing the following command:
| RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c set_connection mount_computer <mount_address>

| The <mount_address> is the IP address of the system where the local Tivoli Storage
| Manager recovery agent is installed.

| During a VM instant access or VM instant restore operation, each VM disk is

| mounted as an iSCSI target by the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent. For
| example, an instant access operation for a VM that contains two hard disks uses
| two iSCSI mount sessions. These sessions are considered concurrent iSCSI mount
| sessions. The maximum number of concurrent iSCSI mount sessions for the Tivoli
| Storage Manager recovery agent is 128. Therefore, make sure that the number of
| concurrent iSCSI mount sessions does not exceed 128 sessions.

Chapter 1. Protection for VMs 25

26 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Chapter 2. File-level restore
Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments provides a variety of
configurations for performing file-level restore, instant restore, and disk / block
device exposure.

| Mount and export files with the Data Protection for VMware
| vSphere GUI

| Use the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI Mount wizard to mount the
| backed up virtual machine disk and export the mounted virtual machine volumes
| to a user. The user connects to the exported volume from their local system and
| restores the files by copying them with a file manager application.

| Go to the Restore window in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and
| click Restore Points in the header. After you select one or more restore points for
| one virtual machine in the table, click Mount to open the Mount wizard. Follow
| the instructions in the wizard dialog.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 27


Single user
interface for
file-level and
VM recovery

Use case is Data Protection for

consistent VMware vSphere GUI
between disk




Tivoli Storage
Manager API
Windows Tivoli Storage
mount proxy Manager
Host machines CIFS system server


iSCSI only
| Figure 6. Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments file-level restore operation for a Windows virtual machine.
| In this file-level restore operation, a Windows virtual machine backup is selected
| and one (or more) snapshots are mounted as iSCSI devices to the Windows mount
| proxy system. The Recovery Agent mount shell provides the iSCSI targets that are
| connected to the iSCSI initiator on the Windows mount proxy system. The iSCSI
| disks are then connected. The drives and mounts are generated on the Windows
| mount proxy system. Optionally, a Common Internet File System (CIFS) share is
| created for the user. The user connects to that share and copies (restores) files to a
| local file system.

28 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI


file system file system Recovery Agent CLI

User agent agent (RecoveryAgentShell.exe)

Guest Tivoli Storage

machines Manager API

Host machines Linux Windows Tivoli Storage

mount proxy mount proxy Manager
system system server

initiator target
| Figure 7. Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments file-level restore operation for a Linux virtual machine.
| In this file-level restore operation, a Linux virtual machine backup is selected and
| one (or more) snapshots are mounted as iSCSI devices to the Linux mount proxy
| system. The Recovery Agent mount shell provides the iSCSI targets that are
| connected to the iSCSI initiator on the Linux mount proxy system. The Data
| Protection for VMware vSphere GUI connects to the fsagent on the Windows
| mount proxy system. This Windows fsagent connects to the fsagent on the Linux
| mount proxy system to bring the iSCSI disks online and generate the required
| Logical Volume Managers (LVMs) and file systems. Optionally, a Network File
| System (NFS) share is created for the user. The user connects to that share and
| copies (restores) files to a local file system.

| Previous versions of Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments delivered

| file-level restore function with the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI.
| Although this function is still supported by the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
| agent GUI, the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI Mount wizard is the
| preferred method.

Chapter 2. File-level restore 29

Off-host file-level restore for Windows and for Linux

These configurations do not require the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to
be installed in each VM guest. Instead, an off-host Windows or Linux instance is
responsible for file-level restore of multiple VMs. With this configuration, the
mount process exposes a virtual volume from a selected disk partition.

| A mount proxy node is associated with the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.
| This mount proxy node is granted proxy authority to access the datacenter node
| (or datacenter nodes) where the snapshots are stored. When a snapshot is mounted
| to the off-host server, the virtual volume can be network-shared to make it
| accessible to the VM guest. Or, you can copy the files from the mounted volume to
| the VM guest by any file-sharing method.

The data paths for off-host file restores are illustrated in Figure 8 and Figure 9 on
page 31.

VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage

off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual

Production Tivoli Storage

storage Manager
storage pools

Figure 8. Off-host file-level restore for Windows

30 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage
off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual

Tivoli Storage
Production Manager
storage storage pools
Tivoli Storage proxy
Manager for Virtual

Figure 9. Off-host file-level restore for Linux

In-guest file-level restore and instant restore for Windows and

for Linux

These configurations require Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to be installed

in each VM guest. The mount and instant restore processes are performed for a
single partition from the backed up disk.

| The mount proxy node is typically granted access only to the VM where it is
| running with the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client dsmc set access
| command. The restore process is typically begun by a VMware user who logs in to
| the guest machine of the VM.

For these configurations, be sure to compare the specific VM guest operating

system requirements with the supported levels of Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent. If a specific operating system is not supported, determine if the off-host disk
/ block device exposure configuration can also be used for file-level recovery.
Instant restore can only be used within a VM guest for volumes that are not the
operating system volume.

The data paths for in-guest file level restores are illustrated in Figure 10 on page 32
and Figure 11 on page 32. The data path for in-guest instant restore is illustrated in
Figure 12 on page 33 and Figure 13 on page 33.

Chapter 2. File-level restore 31

VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage
off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Tivoli Storage
Production Environments
storage storage pools

Figure 10. In-guest file-level restore for Windows

VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage

off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Production Environments Tivoli Storage
storage Manager
storage pools

Figure 11. In-guest file-level restore for Linux

32 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage
off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Tivoli Storage
Production Environments
storage storage pools

Figure 12. In-guest instant restore for Windows

VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage

off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Production Environments Tivoli Storage
storage Manager
storage pools

Figure 13. In-guest instant restore for Linux

Off-host iSCSI target

This configuration exposes an iSCSI target from the Windows instance of the
off-host Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent and manually uses an in-guest
iSCSI initiator to access the disk snapshot. This configuration requires an iSCSI
initiator to be installed within the VM guest. This approach exposes an iSCSI LUN,
rather than the off-host file-level restore for Windows and Linux, which exposes an
individual disk partition.

| Use the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI Mount wizard or the Tivoli
| Storage Manager recovery agent GUI to accomplish this task.

Chapter 2. File-level restore 33

In this configuration, the user specifies the VM guest iSCSI initiator name for the
system where the iSCSI device is accessed. After a disk snapshot is mounted, it can
be discovered and logged in to by using the iSCSI initiator in the VM guest.

If you back up a VM that contains GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks and want to
mount the volume in the GPT disk, follow this procedure:
1. Mount the GPT disk as an iSCSI target.
2. Use the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator to log onto the target.
3. Open the Windows Disk Management to find the disk and bring it online. You
can then view the volume in the GPT disk.

The data path for off-host iSCSI target device exposure is illustrated in Figure 14.

VMware vSphere Infrastructure Backup and restore Tivoli Storage

off-host server Manager server
ESX Server ESX Server

Tivoli Storage
I-SCSI Manager backup-
archive client

Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual

Production Tivoli Storage

storage pools

Figure 14. Off-host iSCSI target

Related concepts:
“How Tivoli Storage Manager nodes are used in a virtual environment” on page 13

Appendix B, “Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview,”

on page 135
Related tasks:
“Restoring a file from a virtual machine backup” on page 109
Related reference:
“File-level restore environment requirements” on page 35

34 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| File-level restore environment requirements
| A file-level restore operation requires a Microsoft Windows system and a Linux
| system that function as mount proxy systems.

| Windows mount proxy system requirements

| The following applications must be installed and configured on the Windows

| mount proxy system:
| v One of the following Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating systems:
| – 64-bit Microsoft Windows 2008 SP 1, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web,
| Storage, Storage R2, Small Business, and Essential Business editions
| – 64-bit Microsoft Windows 2008 R2, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web,
| Storage, Storage R2, Small Business, and Essential Business editions
| – 64-bit Microsoft Windows 2012 Server
| v Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client Version 7.1.1.
| v Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments Version 7.1.1: Tivoli Storage
| Manager recovery agent.
| v Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments Version 7.1.1: Data Protection
| for VMware vSphere GUI.
| v Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator 2.08.
| The iSCSI service must be running during the virtual machine disk mount
| operation and the file-level restore operation. By default, the iSCSI service is
| started manually. If the system where this service is running restarts, the iSCSI
| service must be restarted manually.

| Linux mount proxy system requirements

| The following applications must be installed and configured on the Linux mount
| proxy system:
| v One of the following Linux 64-bit operating systems:
| – 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Desktop, Advanced Platform Server
| – 64-bit SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, Desktop, Server
| v Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client Version 7.1.1.
| v iSCSI Initiator 6.2 for Linux.
| The iSCSI service must be running during the virtual machine disk mount
| operation and the file-level restore operation. By default, the iSCSI service is
| started manually. If the system where this service is running restarts, the iSCSI
| service must be restarted manually.

| Guest virtual machines on Linux

| All Linux guest operating systems are supported if the Linux mount proxy system
| is able to mount the file systems and expose them into the original virtual machine
| through NFS. Data Protection for VMware

| Linux

| The following Linux file systems and volume managers are supported:
| v Standard Linux partitions
| v LVM2

Chapter 2. File-level restore 35

| v RAID
| When a Linux RedHat system mounts a Linux system with RAID devices, and
| part of the RAID volumes is missing, no error message displays to warn of this
| issue. This issue typically occurs when either one or more disks were excluded
| during a virtual machine backup or a device is corrupted.
| v All standard Linux file system types (with or without LVM). For example:
| – ext2/ext3/ext4
| – ReiserFS
| – XFS
| – Btfrs
| Linux file system types that require extra software are not supported. VxFS and
| GPFS are examples of such unsupported file types.

| Guest virtual machines on Windows

| All Windows guest operating systems are supported if the Tivoli Storage Manager
| recovery agent can mount their disks and expose them into the original virtual
| machine through CIFS. Data Protection for VMware

| The following Windows disk types and layouts are supported:

| v MBR partitions
| v GPT partitions
| v basic disks
| v dynamic disks (including mirrored, striped, and RAID)
| v FAT
| v NTFS
| v ReFS

36 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

Chapter 3. Self-contained application protection overview

Data Protection for VMware protects Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL
Server, and Active Directory Domain Controllers that run inside VM guests.

Application protection for Microsoft Exchange Server and SQL Server

Data Protection for VMware backs up VM guests that contain Microsoft Exchange
Server and Microsoft SQL Server data.

In prior releases, Data Protection for VMware used VMware functions to quiesce
applications that run on the VM guest. During backup processing, the application
server was not notified that the backup to the Tivoli Storage Manager server
completed successfully. As a result, logs were not truncated on the application

Data Protection for VMware V7.1 backs up VM guests with both guest level
application consistency and log truncation for the following applications:
v Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
v Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
| v Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
v Microsoft SQL Server 2008
v Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
v Microsoft SQL Server 2012
| v Microsoft SQL Server 2014
The SQL Browser service must be running on the guest machine in order for the
SQL Server truncated logs function to work. Otherwise, SQL Server logs are not
truncated and a warning message is sent to the error log.

Application protection for VM guests is supported on the vStorage Backup server

for the following platforms:
v Windows Microsoft Windows 2008
v Windows Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
v Windows Microsoft Windows 2012
v Windows VMware ESX 5.x (or later)
v Linux Linux 64-bit platforms
v Linux VMware ESX 5.x (or later)

You can back up these VM guests with the following interfaces:

v Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
v Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client command-line interface
v Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client Web client
v Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client GUI based on Oracle Java™
However, to implement this function, you must specify the following Tivoli
Storage Manager backup-archive client V7.1 option in the dsm.opt file (Windows)
or dsm.sys file stanza (Linux):

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 37

This option notifies VM applications that a backup is about to occur. This
notification allows the application to truncate transaction logs and commit
transactions so the application can resume from a consistent state when the backup
completes. By default, this option is not enabled. You must set this option to
enable application protection for a VM.

The vmname value specifies the name of the VM that contains the applications to
quiesce. Specify one VM per INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS statement. To protect all VMs with
this option, use an asterisk as a wildcard (INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS *). You can also use
question marks to match any single character. For example, INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS vm??
protects all VMs that have names that begin with "vm" and followed by any two
characters (vm10, vm15).

If OPTions KEEPSqllog is specified in an INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS statement, this

parameter prevents SQL server logs from being truncated when a data mover node
backs up a VM that runs a SQL server. Specifying this parameter allows the SQL
server administrator to manually manage (backup and possibly truncate) the SQL
server logs, so they can be preserved as needed and be used to restore SQL
transactions to a specific checkpoint, after the VM is restored. When this option is
specified, the SQL log is not truncated and following message is displayed and
logged on the server:
ANS4179I IBM Tivoli Storage Manager application protection did not truncate
Microsoft SQL Server logs on virtual machine vmname

Note: Tivoli Storage Manager does not back up the SQL log files. The SQL
administrator must back up the log files so they can be applied after the database
is restored.

When a backup of a VM guest (with application protection) fails or is stopped, see

Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” on page 125 for a solution.

When a backup of a VM guest (with application protection) completes but the

event log contains the event ID 8194, VSS error message, see Appendix A,
“Troubleshooting,” on page 125 for a solution.

Remember: When you use the EXCLUDE.VMDISK option to exclude a disk from
backup that contains application data, your application is not protected.

For permission required to backup and restore application data for Microsoft
Exchange Server, see the following IBM website:

For permission required to backup and restore application data for Microsoft SQL
Server, see the following IBM website:

38 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Configuring self-contained application protection
Linux Windows

Configuring self-contained application protection requires the Tivoli Storage

Manager backup-archive client GUI.

About this task

Perform the following steps:

1. In the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client GUI, click Edit > Client
preferences > VM Backup and specify the VMware Virtual Center or ESX
Server host, user, and password information.
2. Click Apply and exit the backup-archive client GUI.
3. Add INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS vmname to either the client options file dsm.opt or the
client system options file (dsm.sys). To prevent SQL server logs from being
truncated when a data mover node backs up a VM that runs a SQL server,
append this statement to the options file:
| 4. On the command line, type dsmc set password -type=vmguest vmguestname
| AdminID AdminPswd to store the guest VM password. The following minimum
| permissions are required for AdminID AdminPswd:
| For Microsoft SQL Server:
| v Backup rights: Users with the db_backupoperator database role are granted
| to run the self-contained application data backup. If the user is a member of
| the SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role, the user can back up any
| databases of Microsoft SQL Server instance. The user can also back up the
| databases for which the user is the owner and does not have backup rights
| to a specific database. The guest VM user must have permission to create
| Volume Shadow Copies and to truncate SQL Server logs.
| v Restore rights: If the database exists, the user can perform the restore if the
| user is a member of the dbcreator fixed server role, or if the user is the
| database owner. Users with Microsoft SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role,
| have rights to restore a database from any backup sets. For other users, the
| situation depends on whether the database exists.
| For Microsoft Exchange Server:
| v Backup rights:
| – Microsoft Exchange Server 2003: Membership in the Domain backup
| operators group.
| – Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: Membership in the local Backup
| Operators group, or membership in the local Administrator group.
| – Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Organization Management permissions
| (membership in the management role group, Organization Management).
| v Restore rights:
| – Microsoft Exchange Server 2003: Full Exchange Administrator Role.
| – Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: Exchange Organization Administrator
| role (required for storage group creation).
| – Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Organization Management permissions
| (membership in the management role group, Organization Management).

Chapter 3. Self-contained application protection overview 39

| In addition to these requirements, User Account Control (UAC) must be
| disabled in Microsoft Windows 2008 and Microsoft Windows 2012. After the
| UAC is disabled, the Windows system must be restarted for the change to take
| effect.
5. Back up the VM by issuing the dsmc backup vm command.

Verifying that self-contained application protection is working

Linux Windows

During backup operations, the command-line interface displays information to

help verify that application protection is working.

About this task

For example, the following output shows that Tivoli Storage Manager application
protection was used to protect Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
Starting Full VM backup of VMware Virtual Machine ’wombat’
mode: ’Periodic Full - Full’
target node name: ’TSMNODE’
data mover node name: ’TSMNODE’
application protection type: ’TSM VSS’
application(s) protected: ’MS SQL 2008’ (database-level recovery)

The new database-level recovery field identifies that the VM backup is available
for a Microsoft SQL Server database restore.

When application protection is not used or fails because of configuration issues,

the application protection type is VMware. Your applications are still protected but
their logs are not truncated.
Starting Full VM backup of VMware Virtual Machine ’wombat’
mode: ’Periodic Full - Full’
target node name: ’TSMNODE’
data mover node name: ’TSMNODE’
application protection type: ’VMware’

After a backup is completed, you can use the QUERY VM command with the -Detail
option to view the status of application protection for your VM backups. The
following is an example of output of the QUERY VM command with the -Detail
option specified.
Query VM wombat -detail

Query Virtual Machine for Full VM backup

# Backup Date Mgmt Class Size Type A/I Virtual Machine

--- ------------------- ---------- ----------- ------ --- ---------------
1 08/21/2013 15:07:19 STANDARD 29.14 GB FULL A wombat
The size of this incremental backup: n/a
The number of incremental backups since last full: n/a
The amount of extra data: n/a
The TSM objects fragmentation: n/a
Backup is represented by: n/a
Application protection type: TSM VSS
Application(s) protected: MS SQL 2008 (database-level recovery)
VMDK[1]Label: Hard disk 1
VMDK[1]Name: [ess800_dev1] wombat/wombat-000002.vmdk
VMDK[1]Status: Protected

40 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Application protection for Active Directory domain controllers
Data Protection for VMware provides back up and restore protection for VMs that
host Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controllers in both stand-alone and
clustered environments. A clustered environment contains multiple domain
controllers that participate in Active Directory. This protection prevents USN

USN rollback is a condition that results from restoring the Active Directory domain
controller in an improper manner. When the domain controller is locally restored,
this condition prevents any of its changes from being replicated to other domain
controllers. These changes are not replicated because the restored USN is earlier
than the USN that is tracked by the other domain controllers. Similar changes on
other remote domain controllers are not replicated back to the locally restored
domain controller. As a result, the topology remains in an unsynchronized state.

To prevent USN rollbacks, Data Protection for VMware protects guest VMs in a
clustered environment where multiple domain controllers participate in Active
Directory replication. The backed up VM guest that hosts the Active Directory
domain controller is recovered by implementing non-authoritative restore.

Non-authoritative restore recovers the Active Directory (or domain controller) to

the version taken at the time of the backup. When the recovered Active Directory
(or domain controller) is restored, it is updated with information from the other
domain controllers through the existing replication process.

Environment requirements

Data Protection for VMware protects Windows VM guests that host Active
Directory Domain Controllers. The following guest versions that host Active
Directory Domain Controllers are supported:
v Windows Microsoft Windows 2008 (32-bit, 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
(64-bit), or Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Important: To protect Active Directory on a VM guest that is running on

Microsoft Windows Server 2012, one of the following levels of VMware are
– VMWare vSphere 5.0 Update 2 (vCenter Server and ESXi must both be at 5.0
Update 2)
– VMWare vSphere 5.1 (ESXi 5.0 Update 2 or later)
v Windows A current version of VMware Tools must be installed and must be
running on the VM guest at the time that it is backed up. This VM guest must
be powered on for Data Protection for VMware to detect Active Directory.
Otherwise, Active Directory will not be detected and restore protection will be
v Windows The Data Protection for VMware Enablement File must be installed on
the vStorage Backup server for successful restore of VMs that host Active
Directory Domain Controllers.


Application protection for domain controllers is not supported for the following
v Backups that are created by Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for VMware.

Chapter 3. Self-contained application protection overview 41

v Backups that are created by Data Protection for VMware and Tivoli Storage
FlashCopy Manager for VMware.
v A Tivoli Storage Manager data mover that is installed on Linux.
v A file-level restore of Active Directory objects.
v During a full VM instant restore, instant access and instant verification are
blocked when the Active Directory domain controller is detected on the VM
backup to be restored and the VM guest is on Windows 2008 or Windows 2008
v Backup and restore of VMs running Active Directory Lightweight Directory
Services (AD LDS) is not supported.
v Recovery of expired Active Directory tombstone objects is not supported. To
help prevent Active Directory objects from expiring, run backups more
frequently than the default tombstone life of 60 days.

Note: When a VM guest contains Active Directory or a domain controller,

Windows NT Directory Services (NTDS) must be running for VSS backups and
domain controller discovery to function.

42 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line
Use the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface to back up, restore, or
view configuration information in a vSphere or vCloud environment.

Linux Windows
About this task

The Data Protection for VMware command-line interface provides these


“Backup” on page 44
Initiate full and incremental backups of your VMs.

“Restore” on page 47
Restore backups of your VMs.

“Inquire_config” on page 53
View configuration information about the backup database.

“Inquire_detail” on page 58
View configuration information about the backup environment.

“Set_domain” on page 61
Apply changes to the domain settings.

“Set_mapping” on page 61
Set mapping between the vCloud objects and Tivoli Storage Manager node name.

“Set_option” on page 63
Set a parameter in the vmcliprofile.

“Set_password” on page 65
Set the password for the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface node

“Get_password_info” on page 67
View the status of guest credentials that are set for the managed data centers.

“Start_guest_scan” on page 68
Scan guest VMs for application information.


Access the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface in the following


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 43

Windows (32-bit)
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\scripts

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\scripts

For Data Protection for VMware command-line interface messages that contain the
FMM prefix, message information is available in the IBM Knowledge Center:
FMM, FMF, FMV, FMX, FMY: Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager messages

Use this vmcli command to start full and incremental backups of your VMs or VM


The vmcli -f backup command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f backup -t backupType -I backupObjectListFile -d datacenternodename |

providervDCnodename -o datamovernodename [--name taskName] [--description
descriptionInFile.txt] [-s tsmserverhostname][ -n vctrclinodename] [-p tsmserverport]

You must issue the vmcli -f backup command as tdpvmware user, and not as root.


Before you issue a vmcli -f backup command, issue the vmcli -f inquire_config
command to verify that your configuration is correct. Also, use the information
from the vmcli -f inquire_config command output as a guide for setting your
backup parameters.

When a backup operation is running, there is no command or method available to

stop the backup, including the Ctrl + C command. You must wait for the operation
to complete on its own.

The vmcli -f backup command requires that the VE_VCENTER_NODE_NAME is set

correctly in the vmcliprofile. You cannot overwrite this parameter with a
command-line entry.

The data mover system (the vStorage Backup Server where the Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client is installed) must not set the ASNODENAME option.
-t backupType
Specify the type of backup to complete. You can choose from one of the
following types:
Creates an incremental backup of the specified backup object. This
parameter is valid only in vSphere mode.
Creates a full image backup of the specified backup objects. This
parameter is valid only in vSphere mode.

44 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Creates an incremental forever full backup of the specified backup
objects. When TSM_IFFULL is specified, template VMs that are
unchanged since the last backup are also included. This parameter is
valid in both vSphere and vCloud mode.
Creates an incremental forever incremental backup of the specified
backup object. This type backs up only the changed data since the last
backup. This parameter is valid in both vSphere and vCloud mode.
This type is the default.

The backup process does not create a snapshot of template VMs in the same
manner that a snapshot is created for regular VMs. As a result, VMware VDDK
advanced transports (SAN, HotAdd mode), change block tracking (CBT), and
incremental backups are not available.
-I backupObjectListFile
Specify the file that contains the list of objects to back up. Each line contains
one specification for backup.
In vCloud mode, the backupObjectListFile uses the following format:
vappname:Org=organization,OrgvDC=organization VDC[,vApp=vApp]

The org, orgvdc, and vapp keywords must be followed by an equal sign (=)
and separated from the next keyword by a comma (,).
In vCloud mode, the backupObjectListFile uses the following keywords:
Specify the name of the vApp to back up. Each line in the
backupObjectListFile must start with this keyword. You can repeat this
keyword for each vApp you want to back up.
org Specify the name of the organization from which the vApps are backed
up. This parameter must be specified immediately after the vappname
keyword. If you backup vApps from different organizations, create
multiple lines.
Specify the name of the organization vDC from which the vApps are
backed up. This parameter must be specified as the third parameter of
an input line (after the org keyword). If you backup vApps from
different organization vDCs, create multiple lines.
vapp Specify the name of the vApp to back up. This parameter must be
specified as the fourth parameter of an input line (after the orgvdc
keyword). If you backup multiple vApps, create multiple lines. If this
parameter is not specified, all vApps from the organization vDC
(orgvdc) of the organization (org) are backed up.
In vSphere mode, the backupObjectListFile uses the following keyword:
Specify the name of the VM to back up. You can specify this keyword
for each VM you want to back up. For example:

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 45

v Do not specify a VM host name in the backupObjectListFile. Data
Protection for VMware does not support backing up a VM that is
identified by the VM host name.
v When you specify the name of a VM by using the vmname keyword
in the backupObjectListFile, Data Protection for VMware does not
differentiate between a colon (:) used as a keyword separator or a
colon that is used in the VM name. Therefore, use caution when you
specify keyword values. In addition, backing up a VM that contains
a comma in its name is not supported.
v Data Protection for VMware support for VM backup operations is
limited to VM names and datacenter names that contain English
7-bit ASCII characters only. VM names and datacenter names that
use other language characters are not currently supported. More
character restrictions are listed in Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” on
page 125.
v A VMware vCenter allows the existence of two VMs with the same
name. However, Data Protection for VMware does not support
backing up two VMs with the same name. To prevent errors or
backup failures, do not have two VMs with the same name in a
-d datacenternodename | providervDCnodename | organizationvDCnodename
When the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies VSPHERE, specify the datacenter
node name.
When the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies vCloud, specify the provider vDC
node name (backup and restore operations) or the organization vDC node
name (query operations).
-o datamovernodename
Specify the data mover node name. This name is the node name for the Tivoli
Storage Manager backup-archive client that is installed on the vStorage Backup
Server. This node performs the data movement.
[--name taskName]
Specify the string that identifies the backup task.
[--description descriptionInFile.txt]
Specify the name of the text file that contains a description of the backup task.
[-s tsmserverhostname]
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If
this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is used.
[-n vmclinodename]
Specify the VMCLI node name. This node connects the Data Protection for
VMware command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager server and the
data mover node. If this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is
[-p tsmserverport]
Specify the port of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface and not specified in the profile, the default port
(1500) is used.

46 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface, but is specified in the profile, the value in the
profile is used.

Use this vmcli command to restore backups of your VMs, VM templates, or


The vmcli -f restore command uses this syntax:

| vmcli -f restore [-c tsm_mode] -I restoreObjectListFile -d datacenternodename -o

| datamovernodename [-s tsmserverhostname] [-n vmclinodename] [-p tsmserverport]
| [-vmrestoretype (noninstant | instantrestore | instantaccess | mount |
| vmcleanup | vmfullcleanup | mountcleanup)]

You must issue the vmcli -f restore command as tdpvmware user, and not as


The vmcli -f restore command requires that the VE_VCENTER_NODE_NAME is set

correctly in the vmcliprofile. You cannot overwrite this parameter with a
command-line entry.

The data mover system (the vStorage Backup Server where the Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client is installed) must not set the ASNODENAME option.
-c tsm_mode
Specify the mode in which Tivoli Storage Manager restores up the virtual
environment. The value is set in the VE_TSM_MODE parameter in the
vmcliprofile. You can choose from one of the following modes:
Specify this value when Tivoli Storage Manager restores individual
VMs from a vCenter.
Specify this value when Tivoli Storage Manager restores vApps from a
vCloud director.

If the mode is not set in the vmcliprofile, the VSPHERE mode is used with
the vmcli command.
-I restoreObjectListFile
Specify the file that contains the list of VMs or vApps to restore. Each line can
contain only one VM identifier (vSphere mode) or one restore specification for
a vApp (vCloud mode).
The restoreObjectListFile uses the following keyword in vSphere mode and
vCloud mode:
Each line must begin with the backupid. The syntax is
backupid:your_backup_ID. Specify the Tivoli Storage Manager Object ID
for a specific VM backup (vSphere mode) or vApp backup (vCloud

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 47

mode). Locate the Object ID by using the vmcli -f inquire_detail
command. This keyword is required for a restore operation.
The restoreObjectListFile uses the following keywords in vSphere mode only:
In vSphere mode, specify the name of the VM that was originally
backed up. If this keyword is not specified, the name vmname is used
for the restore.

Restriction: Restrictions: When you specify a keyword in the

restoreObjectListFile, Data Protection for VMware does not differentiate
between a colon (:) used as a keyword separator or a colon that is used
in a keyword value. Therefore, use caution when you specify keyword
values. In addition, Data Protection for VMware support for VM
restore operations is limited to VM names and VMware datacenter
names that contain English 7-bit ASCII characters only. VM names and
datacenter names that use other language characters are not currently
supported. Additional character restrictions are listed in Appendix A,
“Troubleshooting,” on page 125.
The restore process does not create a snapshot of template VMs in the
same manner that a snapshot is created for regular VMs. As a result,
VMware VDDK advanced transports (SAN, HotAdd mode), change
block tracking (CBT), and incremental backups are not available.
In vSphere mode, specify the name that you want the restored VM to
be named. This keyword is the second entry. Existing VMs are not
overwritten. Therefore, either rename the VM (by using this keyword)
or delete the original VM before you issue the vmcli -f restore
| -vmdk=cnfg
| In vSphere mode, specify that the virtual machine configuration
| information is restored. The configuration information is always
| restored when the entire virtual machine is restored. However, by
| default the configuration is not restored when you restore only selected
| disks with the vmdk=disk label option.
| Ordinarily, restoring configuration information to an existing virtual
| machine fails because the restored configuration information conflicts
| with the existing virtual machine configuration information. Use this
| option if the existing configuration file for a virtual machine on the
| ESX server was deleted, and you want to use the backed up
| configuration to re-create it.
| For example, this entry in restoreObjectListFile restores all VMDKs for
| virtual machine VM1 and keeps the same name:
| backupid:26801107 vmname:VM1:-vmdk=cnfg

| vmdk=disk label
| In vSphere mode, specify the disk label of the virtual disks to include
| in the restore operation. You specify this option only if you want to
| partially restore virtual machine data by restoring only specific disks.
| For example, this entry in restoreObjectListFile restores only the VMDK
| named Hard Disk 1 as a new virtual machine:

48 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| backupid:26801107 vmanme:myvm:vmdk=Hard Disk 1::vmname:newname
| -vmdk=disk label
| In vSphere mode, specify the disk label of one or more virtual disks to
| exclude from the restore operation.
| For example, this entry in restoreObjectListFile restores all VMDKs
| except the one named Hard Disk 1 as a new virtual machine:
| backupid:26801107 vmanme:myvm:-vmdk=Hard Disk 4::vmname:newname

| This entry restores VMDKs for the virtual machine as a new virtual
| machine without configuration information:
| backupid:26801107 vmname:oldvmname:-vmdk=cnfg::vmname:newname
In vSphere mode, when you want the restore destination to be a
different datacenter, specify the name of that datacenter with this
In vSphere mode, when you want the restore destination to be a
different ESX host, specify the name of that ESX host with this
In vSphere mode, specify the name (not the URL) of the VMware
datastore where the VM is to be restored. For example, a datastore
name such as datastore1 is supported. A datastore URL such as
sanfs://vmfs_uuid:4d90pa2d-e9ju45ab-065d-00101a7f1a1d/ is not
In vSphere mode, when you want to issue an instant restore operation,
specify a temporary datastore on the ESX host. This temporary
datastore contains the configuration information and data of the VM
that is created during the operation.
In vSphere mode, when a VM is created for instant access
(vmrestoretype instantaccess), specify whether to automatically start
the VM:
YES The VM created for instant access is automatically started.
NO The VM created for instant access is not automatically started.
It must be manually started by the user. This value is the
In vSphere mode, specify the type of provisioning for the VM disk that
is restored during an instant restore process (vmrestoretype instant):
The disk is created with thick provisioning. This value is the
THIN The disk is created with thin provisioning.

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 49

An example restoreObjectListFile in vSphere mode is provided here:
# restore of VM "678912345" named "vmName6" to new vmname "vm6newName" to datacenter
"DataCenter2" to ESX esxhostname:esxHost1Name to new datastore "datastore2"
backupid:678912345 vmname:vmName6::vmname:vm6newName newdatacentername:DataCenter2
newesxhostname:esxHost1Name newdatastoreurl:datastore2 vmtempdatastore:datastore2temp

Each restore specification must be on a single line. However, for the sake of
page formatting, the restore specification in this example is on multiple lines.
| The restoreObjectListFile uses the following keywords in vSphere mode for
| mount operations:
| vmostype
| Specify the type of operating system for the backed up VM.
| The operating system of the backed up VM is automatically
| detected. This value is the default.
| The operating system of the backed up VM is Linux.
| The operating system of the backed up VM is Windows.
| exportfs
| Exports the mounted file system to the location specified by the value
| of the exportparameter.
| YES The mounted file system is exported.
| NO The mounted file system is not exported. This value is the
| default.
| exportparameter
| The location where the file system is exported.

| Linux IP or machine name

| The IP address or name of the machine that mounts the
| exported file system.

| Windows user name

| The user name that is allowed to access Windows Share. It is
| the user's responsibility to be aware of which users and groups
| have access to their shared files.
| mountpoint mount point path
| Specify the path of the mount point.

| Linux The default value is /mnt/vmname.

| Windows The default value is D:\tsmvemount\vmname.

| mounttag string
| This string is text that you enter to make the mount point name easier
| to identify when you search on the local file system. Specify this string
| as part of the mount path.

| Linux The full path to a disk is /mount root/tag/vmname/snapshot

| date and time/file system number. For example:
| /mnt/tickel-4711/VM1/2013-12-12-12:12:12/disk1

50 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| Windows The full path to a disk is mount root\tag\vmname\snapshot
| date and time\file system number. For example:
| C:\Users\Admin\tickel-4711\VM1\2013-12-12-12:12:12\disk1

| An example restoreObjectListFile in vSphere mode for mount operations is

| provided here:
| Linux

| backupid:1167852 vmname:VM-Lin4 mounttag:limor exportparameters:9.123.456.78

| exportfs:yes vmostype:linux mountpoint:/tmp/tsm-mounts

| Windows

| backupid:1167850 vmname:VM-Name3 mounttag:limor exportparameters:WinUser1

| exportfs:yes vmostype:windows mountpoint:C:\temp\mnt
The restoreObjectListFile uses the following keywords in vCloud mode only:
In vCloud mode, specify the restore spec for one vApp. This keyword
is specified after the backupid keyword. The vappname value is
consisted of this triplet entry:
org=organization name,orgvdc=organization vDC node
name,vapp=vApp name

For example, the following restoreObjectListFile entry restores vApp

named "vApp1" from organization "Mainz_org" and organization
virtual datacenter "MZ_Silver" to a new vApp named "vApp1_restore":
vappname "vApp1_restore"
backupid:47110815 vappname:org=Mainz_org,orgvdc=MZ_Silver,vapp=vApp1

org=organization,orgvdc=organization vdc,vapp=name of vApp backup

In vCloud mode, use this triplet to specify the following information:
org The name of the organization to which the vApp belongs.
The name of the organization vDC to which the vApp belongs.
vapp The name of the vApp that was originally backed up.
In vCloud mode, specify the new name for vApp to be restored.
Existing vApps are not overwritten. As a result, use the
vappname_new keyword to rename the restore vApp or delete the
original vApp before you start the restore operation. If this keyword is
not specified, the vappname value is used for the restore.
An example restoreObjectListFile is provided here:
# restore of VM "678912345" named "vmName6" to new vmname "vm6newName" to datacenter
"DataCenter2" to ESX esxhostname:esxHost1Name to new datastore "datastore2"
backupid:678912345 vmname:vmName6::vmname:vm6newName newdatacentername:DataCenter2
newesxhostname:esxHost1Name newdatastoreurl:datastore2 vmtempdatastore:datastore2temp

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 51

Each restore specification must be on a single line. However, for the sake of
page formatting, the restore specification in this example is on multiple lines.

Tip: To make sure that correct information is specified in the

restoreObjectListFile, you can issue the inquire_detail command.
“Inquire_detail” on page 58 provides current configuration information about
the backup environment.
-d datacenternodename | providervDCnodename
When the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies VSPHERE, specify the datacenter
node name.
When the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies VCloud, specify the provider vDC
node name.
-o datamovernodename
Specify the data mover node name. This name is for the Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client node that is installed on the vStorage Backup
Server. This node performs the data movement.
[-s tsmserverhostname]
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If
this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is used.
[-n vmclinodename]
Specify the VMCLI node name. This name is the node that connects the Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server and the data mover node. If this parameter is not specified, the value in
the profile is used.
[-p tsmserverport]
Specify the port of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface and not specified in the profile, the default port
(1500) is used.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface but is specified in the profile, the value in the profile
is used.

| Windows [-vmrestoretype (noninstant | instantrestore | instantaccess |

| mount | vmcleanup | vmfullcleanup | mountcleanup)]
In a vSphere environment, specify this option to switch between the following
operations: existing restore, instant access, or instant restore. Instant access and
instant restore capability is supported only for VMware VMs that are hosted
on VMware ESXi 5.1 servers, or later versions. The vmrestoretype parameter
uses the following keywords:
A full VM restore is issued.
The VM is started during the restore process.
The VM might be started but it is not restored.
| mount The volumes of the VM defined in the input file are mounted in
| read-only mode on the data mover. On Linux, all the volumes of the
| VM are mounted as a Network File System (NFS). On Windows, all the
| volumes of the VM are mounted as a Common Internet File System
| (CIFS).

52 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Components that are no longer needed are cleaned up.
The VM and all its components are cleaned up, regardless of the
current state.
| mountcleanup
| All mounted volumes of the selected VM are cleaned up. This cleanup
| task includes removing file systems that were exposed for the restore
| operation and the file shares (CIFS, NFS).

Restriction: When an instant restore or instant access operation that is issued

from the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client (dsmc) is followed by an
instant restore or instant access operation that is issued from the Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface (vmcli) or Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI, the TDPVMwareMount service must be restarted. This
situation applies only when the Data Protection for VMware command-line
interface accesses the Tivoli Storage Manager server with a node name
different from the one used by the backup-archive client. This restriction
applies to any order of operations between the two products.

Restart the service by going to Start > Administrative Tools > Computer
Management > Services and Applications > Services. Look for service name
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent in the Services window. The path to
the Services window might vary depending on your operating system.

The service does not have to be restarted when the VMware datacenter name
is specified with the asnodename option in the dsm.opt file.

Use this vmcli command to view configuration information about the Tivoli
Storage Manager nodes associated with Data Protection for VMware.


The vmcli -f inquire_config command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f inquire_config [-t backuptype] [-v vcenternodename | vcloudnodename] [-s

tsmserverhostname] [-n vctrclinodename] [-p tsmserverport]

You must issue the vmcli -f inquire_config command as tdpvmware user, and not
as root.

[-t backuptype]
Specify the type of backup. You can choose from one of the following types:
TSM Select a backup that was created with Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments. This type must be specified when in vCloud
FCM Select a backup that was created with IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy
Manager for VMware.

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 53

[-v vcenternodename | vcloudnodename]
Depending on the backup environment, specify the virtual node that represents
either a vCenter or the vCloud Director. If this parameter is not specified in the
Data Protection for VMware command-line interface, the value in the profile is
[-s tsmserverhostname]
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If
this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is used.
[-n vctrclinodename]
Specify the VMCLI node name. This name is the node that connects the Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server and the data mover node. If this parameter is not specified, the value in
the profile is used.
[-p tsmserverport]
Specify the port of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface and not specified in the profile, the default port
(1500) is used.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface but is specified in the profile, the value in the profile
is used.

vSphere environment example

The parameter values in this output for the vmcli -f inquire_config -s TSM
command show that the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface
recognizes the Tivoli Storage Manager node configuration. As a result, the
configuration is correct:
| #TASK 38 inquire_config 20140108213337381
| #RUN 32 20140108213337381
| #LANG en_US
| #PARAM TSM_OPTFILE=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\T4VBE42.tmp
| #CHILD datacenternode:DC1::DPM02_DC1
| #PARENT vcenternode:DPM02_VC1
| #CHILD targetnode:DPM02_DC1
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_DM
| #CHILD hladdress:tsmveesx2vm50.storage.mycompany.com
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_DM
| #CHILD lladdress:49394
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_DM
| #CHILD nodetype:DMNODE

54 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_DM
| #CHILD partner:
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_DM
| #CHILD targetnode:DPM02_DC1
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_WIN
| #CHILD hladdress:tsmveesx2vm50.storage.mycompany.com
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_WIN
| #CHILD lladdress:49453
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_WIN
| #CHILD nodetype:MPNODE
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_WIN
| #CHILD partner:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_LNX
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_WIN
| #CHILD targetnode:DPM02_DC1
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_LNX
| #CHILD hladdress:
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_LNX
| #CHILD lladdress:
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_LNX
| #CHILD nodetype:MPNODE
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_LNX
| #CHILD partner:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_WIN
| #PARENT peernode:DPM02_DC1_2_MP_LNX
| #PARAM STATUS=success
| #PARAM STATUS=success
| #END RUN 32 20140108213340100
| #END TASK 38
| #INFO FMM16014I The return code is 0.
| #END

The PHASE INQUIRE_DATACENTER_NODES section shows the mapping of the datacenter

name (DC1) from vSphere to the Tivoli Storage Manager node name for that
datacenter (DPM02_DC1). The datacenter name is case sensitive and must be identical
to the name shown in vSphere for the mapping to function.

The PHASE INQUIRE_PROXY_NODES section shows the data mover nodes with proxy
access to each data center node. The format for this proxy relationship is shown in
#CHILD targetnode::<datacenter node name>
#PARENT peernode::<data mover node name>

| Two types of proxy nodes are identified in the PHASE INQUIRE_PROXY_NODES section:
| v The CHILD nodetype:DMNODE subsection identifies the data mover nodes and their
| proxy relationships.
| v The CHILD nodetype:MPNODE subsection identifies the mount proxy nodes and
| their proxy relationships. These nodes represent the proxy system that accesses
| mounted VM disks through an iSCSI connection. Mount proxy nodes are
| required for file-level restore operations.

vCloud environment example

The parameter values in this output for the vmcli -f inquire_config -s TSM
command show that the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface
recognizes the Tivoli Storage Manager node configuration. As a result, the
configuration is correct:
#TASK 3 inquire_config 20130109143746117
#RUN 2 20130109143746117

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 55

#PARAM TSM_OPTFILE=C:\Users\qa\AppData\Local\Temp\1\T4VEEF3.tmp
#PARAM TRACEFILE=tsmcli.trace
#PARAM TRACEFLAGS=api api_detail



#CHILD targetnode:VCD_EUROPE
#CHILD pvdcname:Gold provider vDC
#CHILD targetnode:VCD_EUROPE
#CHILD pvdcname:Silver provider vDC


#CHILD targetnode:PVDC_GOLD
#CHILD orgname:Israel
#CHILD orgvdcname:Haifa organization virtual data center
#CHILD orgname:Israel
#CHILD orgvdcname:Jerusalem organization virtual data center
#CHILD targetnode:PVDC_GOLD
#CHILD orgname:Germany
#CHILD orgvdcname:Munich organization virtual data center
#CHILD orgname:Germany
#CHILD orgvdcname:Mainz organization virtual data center

#CHILD targetnode:PVDC_GOLD
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM1
#CHILD targetnode:OVDC_HAIFA
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM1
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM1
#CHILD hladdress:vm-DM1.com
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM1
#CHILD lladdress:49391
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM1

56 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
#CHILD targetnode:PVDC_GOLD
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM2
#CHILD targetnode:OVDC_HAIFA
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM2
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM2
#CHILD hladdress:vm-DM2.com
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM2
#CHILD lladdress:49392
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM2

#PARENT peernode:DM_DM3
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM3
#CHILD targetnode:OVDC_MAINZ
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM3
#CHILD hladdress:vm-DM3.com
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM3
#CHILD lladdress:49391
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM3

#PARENT peernode:DM_DM4
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM4
#CHILD targetnode:OVDC_MAINZ
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM4
#CHILD hladdress:vm-DM4.com
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM4
#CHILD lladdress:49392
#PARENT peernode:DM_DM4

#END RUN 2 20130109143749906
#INFO FMM16014I The return code is 0.

The PHASE INQUIRE_PVDC_NODES section shows the provider VDC nodes with proxy
access to each vCloud Director node. The format for this proxy relationship is
shown in pairs:
#CHILD targetnode::<vCloud Director node name>
#PARENT peernode::<provider VDC name>

The PHASE INQUIRE_OVDC_NODES section shows the organization VDC nodes with
proxy access to each provider VDC node. The format for this proxy relationship is
shown in pairs:
#CHILD targetnode::<provider VDC node name>
#PARENT peernode::<organization VDC node name>

The PHASE INQUIRE_DM_NODES section shows the data mover nodes with proxy
access to each provider VDC node and organization VDC node. The format for this
proxy relationship is shown in pairs:
#CHILD targetnode::<provider VDC node name> OR <organization VDC node name>
#PARENT peernode::<data mover node name>

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 57

Use this vmcli command to view configuration information about the backup
environment that is associated with Data Protection for VMware.


The vmcli -f inquire_detail command uses this syntax:

| vmcli -f inquire_detail -d datacenternodename | organizationvDCnodename [-a] [-n

| vmclinodename] [-o datamovernodename] [-p tsmserverport] [-e vmdetail | vappdetail ]
| [-q dmverify | vmfs | vmsingle | vappfs | vappsingle (-I inputfile)] [-s
| tsmserverhostname] [-t backupType] [-vmrestoretype (instantrestore | instantaccess |
| alltype | mount)]

You must issue the vmcli -f inquire_detail command as tdpvmware user, and not
as root.

-d datacenternodename | organizationvDCnodename
When the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies VSPHERE, specify the datacenter
node name.
When the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies vCloud, specify the organization
vDC node name.
Specify to show only the active backups on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
[-n vmclinodename]
Specify the VMCLI node name. This name is the node that connects the Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server and the data mover node. If this parameter is not specified, the value in
the profile is used.
[-o datamovernodename]
Specify the data mover node name.
[-p tsmserverport]
Specify the port of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface and not specified in the profile, the default port
(1500) is used.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface but is specified in the profile, the value in the profile
is used.
[-e vmdetail | vmappdetail
Specify vmdetail to show more detailed information about the backed up VMs.
For example, the parameter shows information about disks that are attached to
the VM. This parameter is valid only when the VE_TSM_MODE parameter
specifies VSPHERE.
Specify vmappdetail to show more detailed information about the backed up
vApps. For example, this parameter shows the following information:
v VMs that are attached to the vApp.
v VM name as it appears in both vCloud and vSphere mode.

58 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
v Success or fail status for the VM backup.
This parameter is valid only when the VE_TSM_MODE parameter specifies
[-q dmverify | vmfs | vmsingle | vappfs | vappsingle (-I inputfile)]
Specify to query the status of the data mover node identified by the -o
parameter. You must specify the -d and -o parameters when you
specify dmverify.
vmfs Specify to query all VMware Virtual Machine File Systems (VMFS).
This parameter shows high-level information about all VMs. This
parameter is valid only in vSphere mode.
Specify to query individual VMs that are being restored during an
instant access or instant restore operation. This parameter is valid only
in vSphere mode.
Specify to show high-level information about all vApps. This
parameter is valid only in vCloud mode.
Specify to show information about individual vApps that are identified
in the inputfile. This parameter is valid only in vCloud mode.
-I inputfile
The inputfile value defines the full path and name of the input file. This
keyword is valid with the vmsingle and vappsingle parameters only.
In vSphere mode, specify the name of the VM to query. You can
specify this keyword for each VM that you want to query:
vmname:vmname. For example:

In vCloud mode, specify the name of the VM to query. You can specify
this keyword for each VM you want to query: vappname:vappname. For

When the q option is not specified, the default value is vmfs (in vSphere
mode) and vappfs (in vCloud mode). When the inputfile entry contains spaces,
enclose the entry with quotation marks. For example:
-I "/my dir/my file"
[-s tsmserverhostname]
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If
this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is used.
[-t backupType]
Specify one of the following backup types to query:
ALL Specifies that the inquire_detail command is applied to all registered
backup types.

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 59

FCM Specifies that the inquire_detail command is applied to only Tivoli
Storage FlashCopy Manager for VMware backups.
Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for VMware is a separately licensed
product that contains its own user documentation. Familiarity with this
product and its documentation is necessary to adequately implement a
comprehensive plan for protecting your VMs.
TSM Specifies that the inquire_detail command is applied to only Data
Protection for VMware backups. This value must be specified when in
vCloud mode.
Windows [-vmrestoretype (instantrestore | instantaccess | alltype |
Specify this option to query active instant access or restore operations. This
option also queries stale or orphan artifacts after a failure. The vmrestoretype
parameter uses the following keywords:
The query lists VMs that are active in an instant restore operation.
The query lists VMs that are active in an instant access process.
The query lists VMs that are active in all instant operations.
| mount The query lists all active mount operations. For each mount operation,
| the output lists the mounted snapshots (restore points) that were
| created during a restore operation for a particular VM.

Restriction: When an instant restore or instant access operation that is issued

from the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client (dsmc) is followed by an
instant restore or instant access operation that is issued from the Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface (vmcli) or Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent service must
be restarted. This situation applies only when the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface accesses the Tivoli Storage Manager server with a node
name different from the one used by the backup-archive client. This restriction
applies to any order of operations between the two products.

Restart the service by going to Start > Administrative Tools > Computer
Management > Services and Applications > Services. Look for service name
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent in the Services window. The path to
the Services window might vary depending on your operating system.

The service does not have to be restarted when the VMware datacenter name
is specified with the asnodename option in the dsm.opt file.


In this example, the vmcli -f inquire_detail command is issued to query the VM

named antures for details:
vmcli -f inquire_detail -s BORODIN.MAINZ.DE.IBM.COM -p 1505 -n JF_VMCLI_HANNE
-q vmsingle -I .\inputfile.txt --vmrestoretype (instantrestore | instantaccess)

The inputfile contains this statement:

60 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

Use this vmcli command to apply changes to the domain settings.


The vmcli -f set_domain command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f set_domain -I domainObjectListFile

You must issue the vmcli -f set_domain command as tdpvmware user, and not as

The new domain value is stored in the vmcli database.

-I domain ObjectListFile
The domainObjectListFile has the following requirements:
v The file contains one VMware datacenter identifier per line.
v The valid identifier is the datacenter name.
If no domain is configured, the current instance is used to manage all
datacenters that are available in the vCenter. When the vmcli -f set_domain
command is run without -I parameter, the domain configuration is deleted.

An example domainObjectListFile is provided here:


Use this vmcli command to set mapping between the vCloud objects and Tivoli
Storage Manager node name.


The vmcli -f set_mapping command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f set_mapping -I mappingInputFile [-s tsmserverhostname] [-n vmclinodename]

[-p tsmserverport]

You must issue the vmcli -f set_mapping command as the tdpvmware user, and
not as root.

To confirm that the mapping is set correctly, issue the vmcli -f inquire_config

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 61

The vmcli -f set_mapping command is valid only in a vCloud environment.

-I mappingInputFile
Specify the following mapping information in this file:
pvdcnode: provider vDC node name
Specify the provider vDC node name.
pvdcname: provider vDC name
Specify the provider vDC name. The name is case sensitive.
orgname: organization name
Specify the name of the organization. The name is case sensitive.
orgvdcname: organization vDC
Specify the name of the organization vDC. The name is case sensitive.
orgvdcnode: organization vDC node name
Specify the organization vDC node name. The name is converted to
upper case.

The following keywords are required to set the provider vDC name:
v pvdcnode
v pvdcname
The following keywords are required to set the organization and organization
vDC name:
v pvdcnode
v orgname
v orgvdcname
v orgvdcnodename
When the mappingInputFile entry contains more spaces, enclose the entry with
quotation marks. For example:
-I "/my dir/my input file"
[-s tsmserverhostname]
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If
this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is used.
[-p tsmserverport]
Specify the port of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface and not specified in the profile, the default port
(1500) is used.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface, but is specified in the profile, the value in the
profile is used.
[-n vmclinodename]
Specify the VMCLI node name. This is the node that connects the Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server and the data mover node. If this parameter is not specified, the value in
the profile is used.

62 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

In this example, the vmcli -f set_mapping command is issued to set the mapping
between the Tivoli Storage Manager node "pvdc_oslo" and the real provider vDC,
"Oslo Norway". The mappingInputFile contains this entry:
pvdcname:Oslo Norway

In this example, the vmcli -f set_mapping command is issued to set the mapping
for the provider vDC node pvdc_oslo, the organization "Production", the
organization vDC "Oslo 1", and the organization vDC node "ovdc_oslo1". The
mappingInputFile contains this entry:

Related reference:
“Inquire_config” on page 53

Use this vmcli command to set a parameter in the vmcliprofile.


The vmcli -f set_option command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f set_option [-c tsm_mode] [-m datacentermapping][-n datamovernodename] [-p

tsmserverport] [-s tsmserverhostname] [-v vctrnodename]

You must issue the vmcli -f set_option command as the tdpvmware user, and
not as root.

-c tsm_mode
Specify the mode in which Tivoli Storage Manager backs up the virtual
environment. The value is set in the VE_TSM_MODE parameter in the
vmcliprofile. You can choose from one of the following modes:
Specify this value when Tivoli Storage Manager backs up and restores
individual VMs from a vCenter.
Specify this value when Tivoli Storage Manager backs up and restores
vApps from a vCloud director.

If the mode is not set in the vmcliprofile, the VSPHERE mode is used with the
vmcli command.

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 63

-m datacentermapping
Specify the name of the data center that is associated with the datacenter node
name (DC_name::DC_nodename). The DC_name value is case sensitive and must
match the name of your datacenter.
[-n datamovernodename]
Specify the data mover node name. This name is the node name for the Tivoli
Storage Manager backup-archive client that is installed on the vStorage Backup
Server. This node performs the data movement.
[-p tsmserverport]
Specify the port of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface and not specified in the profile, the default port
(1500) is used.
v If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface, but is specified in the profile, the value in the
profile is used.
[-s tsmserverhostname]
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If
this parameter is not specified, the value in the profile is used.
[-v vcenternodename]
Specify the vCenter node name. This node is the virtual node that represents a
vCenter. If this parameter is not specified in the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface, the value in the profile is used.


In this example, the vmcli -f set_option command is issued to set the Tivoli
Storage Manager server and its port:
vmcli -f set_option -s TEMPLE.MYCOMPANY.XYZ.COM -p 1650

The following output is displayed:

Setting VE_TSM_SERVER_PORT to: 1650
#INFO FMM16014I The return code is 0.

In this example, the vmcli -f set_option command is issued to set the data center
vmcli -f set_option -m DataCenter2::NANO_DATACENTER123

The following mapping is set in the profile:


64 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Use this vmcli command to set the password for the guest VM.


The vmcli -f set_password command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f set_password [-type VMGuest] -I passwordfile

The -type VMGuest parameter is required when you set the password for
application protection reporting.

You must issue the vmcli -f set_password command as tdpvmware user, and not
as root.

Linux Windows
You must issue the vmcli -f set_password command before you run a guest scan

-type VMGuest
This parameter identifies that the password applies to a VM. This parameter is
required when you set the password for application protection reporting.
-I passwordfile
Specify the following information in this file:
datacentername: data center in vmcliprofile
Specify the datacenter that contains the VM guests. The datacenter
must be defined in the vmcliprofile. The password is applied to that
datacenter only. For example:
username: common VM guest user
Specify the user name that logs in to the VM guest. For Windows, the
DOMAIN\User format is allowed for the user name. For example:
password: password
Specify the password to log in to the VM guest.

The settings in the passwordfile must be specified on the same line.


Linux This example creates (or sets) a common VM guest name and password
that is associated with DataCenter3. The vmcliprofile contains the following

The passwordfile contains the following settings. The settings in the passwordfile
must be specified on the same line:

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 65

datacentername:DataCenter3 username:tdpvmwareuserY password:tdpvmwareuserYpwd

As a result, the vmcli -f set_password -type VMGuest -I password.txt sets the

password as shown in the command output:
Tivoli Storage Manager Command Line Wrapper for Virtual Environments Version:
Build Date: Mon Mar 17 20:03:31 2014
Tivoli Storage Manager API Version 71100
Tivoli Storage Manager Command Line Wrapper Compile Version 71100
#PARAM INPUT_FILE=/opt/tivoli/tsm/tdpvmware/common/scripts/password.txt

Windows This example creates (or sets) a common VM guest name and password
that is associated with DataCenter1. The vmcliprofile contains the following

The passwordfile contains the following settings. The settings in the passwordfile
must be specified on the same line:
datacentername:DataCenter1 username:Domain1\Administrator password:secret1

As a result, the vmcli -f set_password -type VMGuest -I password.txt sets the

password as shown in the command output:
Tivoli Storage Manager Command Line Wrapper for Virtual Environments Version:
Build Date: Mon Mar 17 20:03:31 2014
Tivoli Storage Manager API Version 71100
Tivoli Storage Manager Command Line Wrapper Compile Version 71100
#PARAM INPUT_FILE=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\

66 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Windows When you create the password file by using the echo command, make
sure that a space does not exist between the password (password1) and the
greater-than sign (>). For example:
echo password1> pwd.txt

echo password1>pwd.txt

This example sets the password (password1) in file pwd.txt:

vmcli -f set_password -I pwd.txt

Linux Create the password file (pwd.txt) by specifying the echo command:
echo password1 > pwd.txt

This example sets the password (password1) in file pwd.txt:

vmcli -f set_password -I pwd.txt

Linux This example sets the password in file pwd.txt for domain
mydomain and user user1:
set -f set_password -I pwd.txt -pwtype domain -domain mydomain -user user1

Use this vmcli command to view the status of guest credentials that are set for the
managed datacenters.


The vmcli -f get_password_info command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f get_password_info -type VMGuest

You must issue the vmcli -f get_password_info command as tdpvmware user, and
not as root.

-type VMGuest
This required parameter identifies that the password information is returned
for a guest VM. The username value (shown in the #CHILD statement) of the
command output confirms that the password is set for that username. The
datacentername value (shown in the #PARENT statement) of the command
output identifies the associated datacenter for which the password is set.


Windows This example shows the status of the managed datacenters that are
associated with the VM guest:
vmcli -f get_password_info -type VMGuest
#TASK 0 get_password_info 20130129162344670
#RUN 0 20130129162344685

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 67

#PARAM TSM_OPTFILE=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\T4V3B15.tmp
#CHILD username:<mydomain\myuser>
#PARENT datacentername:DataCenter1
#CHILD username:<mydomain\myuser>
#PARENT datacentername:DataCenter2
#CHILD username:<mydomain\myuser>
#PARENT datacentername:DataCenter3
#END RUN 0 2013012916234513
#INFO FMM16014I The return code is 0.

Use this vmcli command to scan guest VMs for application information.

The vmcli -f start_guest_scan command saves VM name, application, and

globally unique identifier (GUID) information to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

You must issue the vmcli -f set_password command before you run a guest scan


The vmcli -f start_guest_scan command uses this syntax:

vmcli -f start_guest_scan -dcscan "datacenterNvmcliprofile,...," | ALL_DC -o


Required Parameters
-dcscan datacenterNvmcliprofile | ALL_DC
Specify one or more datacenter names that are defined in the vmcliprofile.
Repeat datacenter names with a comma. Double quotation marks (") must be
specified at the beginning and at the end of the datacenter name list. For
-dcscan "Local DC,svc"

To scan all VM guests in all datacenters, specify the ALL_DC parameter.

-o datamovernodename
Specify the data mover node that is configured with proxy authority access to
the datacenters specified by -dcscan.

During a vmcli -f start_guest_scan operation, Data Protection for VMware

copies files to a temporary subdirectory in the remote directory
($TEMP_REMOTE\TSMSCAN) on the guest VM. The remote directory must be unlocked

68 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
and not used by another application. Data Protection for VMware determines the
location of the remote directory in the following order:
1. If the TEMP environment variable is set, TEMP_REMOTE is set as the TEMP
environment variable.
2. If the TEMP environment variable is not set, TEMP_REMOTE is set as C:\TEMP.


Windows In this example, the vmcliprofile contains the following


The data mover node, VC1_DC1_DM1, is configured with proxy authority access
to DataCenter1 and DataCenter2.

Windows The following command is issued to scan all guest VMs in DataCenter1
and DataCenter2:
vmcli -f start_guest_scan -dcscan "DataCenter1,DataCenter2" -o VC1_DC1_DM1

The following application information is displayed:

Tivoli Storage Manager Command Line Wrapper for Virtual Environments
Build Date: Mon Apr 8 20:03:31 2012
Tivoli Storage Manager API Version 71000
Tivoli Storage Manager Command Line Wrapper Compile Version 71000
#PARAM TSM_OPTFILE=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\T4V9393.tmp
#PARAM TRACEFILE=c:\amd64_unicode\tsmcli.trace
#CHILD targetnode:VC1_DC1
#PARENT peernode:VC1_DC1_DM1
#CHILD hladdress:
#PARENT peernode:VC1_DC1_DM1
#CHILD lladdress:50408
#PARENT peernode:VC1_DC1_DM1
#CHILD scanid: DataCenter1::VC1_DC1.1358316054281
#PARENT datacentername: DataCenter1::VC1_DC1

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 69

#PARAM TSM_OPTFILE=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\T4V50B.tmp
#PARAM INPUT_FILE= #PARAM TRACEFILE=c:\amd64_unicode\tsmcli.trace
#PARENT peernode:VC1_DC1_DM1
#CHILD hladdress:
#PARENT peernode:J_VC1_DC1_DM1
#CHILD lladdress:50408
#PARENT peernode:VC1_DC1_DM1
#CHILD scanid: DataCenter2::VC1_DC2.1358316054281
#PARENT datacentername:DataCenter2::VC1_DC2
#INFO FMM16014I The return code is 0.

Windows The #PARAM STATUS=success message (in the #PHASE SCANGUEST section)
confirms only that the datacenter was successfully submitted for processing by the
data mover. The actual scan status for each VM is available only after the data
mover completed processing that VM. To view the scan status of an individual
VM, see the value in the Scan Status column of the Data Protection for VMware
vSphere GUI Application Configuration Status report. To view the overall status of
the scan operation, see the Overall Scan Status value in the Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI Report window.

Important: If you receive an error after you run the vmcli -f start_guest_scan
command, view the contents of the dsmerror.log file for more information. The
dsmerror.log file is on the system that is associated with the data mover node
defined by the OFFLOAD_HOST_NAME parameter in the command output. By default,
error log files are in the installation directory:
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient

Profile parameters
Use the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface profile to configure
settings for backup and restore tasks in your environment.

The profile is located in this directory on the system where the Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI is installed:

Linux /home/tdpvmware/tdpvmware/config

Windows C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\

DERBY_HOME <path to Derby database>
This parameter specifies the location of the Derby database that is used by the
Data Protection for VMware command-line interface.

DERBY_HOME /home/tdpvmware/tdpvmware


70 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
DERBY_HOME C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\derby

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Specify the datacenter (data center name) with a value that is case-sensitive
and that matches the datacenter name used in the vCenter. Specify the virtual
node (DATA_CENTER_NODE_NAME) that maps to the datacenter. If the vCenter
manages several datacenters, you can specify this parameter for each
datacenter. However, the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI does not
support datacenters with the same name in the vCenter.
VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter1::Fin_Datacenter1
VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter2::Fin_Datacenter2

This parameter is valid only in a vSphere environment.

Restriction: Data Protection for VMware support for VM backup and restore
operations is limited to VM names and datacenter names that contain English
7-bit ASCII characters only. VM names and datacenter names that use other
language characters are not currently supported. Additional character
restrictions are listed in Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” on page 125.
After a datacenter name is created and associated with a Tivoli Storage
Manager node, be aware of these restrictions:
v Do not change the datacenter name in the vCenter without also creating a
Tivoli Storage Manager node name and associating it with the new
datacenter name.
v Do not change the datacenter name and the profile without also changing
the Tivoli Storage Manager node name.
v Do not create a datacenter mapping value in the profile with a previously
used Tivoli Storage Manager node.
When the datacenter name in the vCenter has changed, you must complete
these steps before attempting any operations:
1. Register a datacenter node for the new datacenter name.
2. Grant proxy authority to the new datacenter node to perform tasks on
behalf of the vCenter node.
3. Update the profile with the new datacenter mapping.
4. Grant proxy authority to the data mover nodes to perform tasks on behalf
of the new datacenter node.
5. Remove any entry from the profile that used the previous datacenter node
or vCenter node name.
VE_TRACE_FILE <path and name of trace file>
Specify the full path and name of the file to be used to contain trace
information. Activate tracing only when instructed to do so by IBM Software
This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.
Specify one or more trace flags. Multiple trace flags are separated with a space.
Activate tracing only when instructed to do so by IBM Software Support.

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 71

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.
Specify the VMCLI node. This node connects the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager server and data mover

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Restriction: The VMCLI node does not support the SSL protocol or LDAP
authentication when communicating with the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Specify the VMware environment that Data Protection for VMware protects.
You can specify one of the following environments:
Specify this value when Data Protection for VMware protects data in a
vCloud Director environment.
Specify this value when Data Protection for VMware protects data in a
vSphere environment.

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

VE_TSM_SERVER_NAME <server host name or IP address>
Specify the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server used
for backup operations. There is no default value.
VE_TSM_SERVER_NAME tsmserver.xyz.yourcompany.com

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

VE_TSM_SERVER_PORT <port name>
Specify the port name to use for the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The default
value is 1500.

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Specify the vCenter node. This virtual node represents a vCenter.

72 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
In vCloud mode, the VE_VCENTER_NODE_NAME parameter is the top-level node
that represents the vCloud.
This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.
VMCLI_DB_BACKUP NO AT[day[, day[,.....]]] time TO backup location
This parameter controls the backup of the Derby database containing the
metadata of the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface. Specify
one of these values:
NO This option does not perform a backup of the Derby database.
AT [day[, day[,....]]] time_in _24_H
This option creates a backup on the specified day or days at the
specified time, which is triggered by the scheduler. If the day value is
not specified, a daily backup is created. Specify one of these values:
You can separate these values by a comma or a blank space.
This option creates a backup of the Derby database after each Data
Protection for VMware backup operation.

The default location for the backups of the Derby database is

install_dir/derby_backups. Specify TO path to set a custom path.


This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Specify the maximum number of backup generations that are maintained for
the Derby database, before the oldest version is overwritten by a new version.
This parameter applies only to the backups of the Derby database containing
metadata. It has no effect on the number of backup generations that are
maintained for the backups of a vSphere environment. The default value is 3.

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

VMCLI_DB_HOST <Derby database local host name>
Specify the local host name of the Derby database. You can specify the host
name (localhost) or the IP address (
VMCLI_DB_HOST localhost

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

VMCLI_DB_NAME <Derby database name>
Specify the name of the Derby database. The default value is VMCLIDB.

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 73

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.
VMCLI_DB_PORT <Derby database port number>
Specify the Derby database port on which the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface starts and connects to the database. The default value
is 1527. If this port is in use by another application, specify a different port.

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

When a backup is no longer available on Tivoli Storage Manager, the backup is
marked for deletion as defined by a deletion date. However, before the backup
is deleted, a grace period exists. Use this parameter to specify the grace period
(length of time) between the deletion date and the date the backup is deleted
from the Derby database. The default value is 2592000 seconds (30 days).

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

VMCLI_LOG_DIR <path of log file>
Specify the absolute location or the relative location of the installation directory
where the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface writes its log
files. The default value is logs. If the default value logs is used, then all logs
(and trace information) are written to these locations:.
Linux /opt/tivoli/tsm/tdpvmware/common/logs
Windows C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\logs

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

This parameter specifies the interval between reconciliation operations on the
Derby database with Data Protection for VMware. Reconciliation operations
delete metadata for backups that are no longer available. This action ensures
the Derby database remains synchronized with the Data Protection for
VMware repository. The default value is 1200 seconds.

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Specify the time that a Data Protection for VMware command-line interface
restore task is stored in the Derby database. The default value is 2592000
seconds (30 days).

74 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Specify the interval, in seconds, between scheduler checks for scheduled tasks
due to begin. The default value is 1 second.

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

This parameter specifies the time that a task is stored in the Data Protection for
VMware command-line interface Derby database. This parameter applies only
to the inquire_config command. The default value is 864000 seconds (10 days).

This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Specify that tracing files are activated. Activate tracing only when instructed to
do so by IBM Software Support.
This parameter is valid in a vSphere or vCloud Director environment.

Example Linux profile in a vSphere environment


VE_TSMCLI_NODE_NAME my_vc1_vcli1
VMCLI_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 864000 # in seconds, defaults to 864000s = 10 days
VMCLI_RESTORE_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_GRACE_PERIOD 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL 60 # in seconds, defaults to 1s
VMCLI_DB_HOST localhost
VMCLI_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME 600 # in seconds, defaults to 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_FCM 600 # setting in seconds default 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_TSM 1200 # setting in seconds default 1200s = 20 min
DERBY_HOME /home/tdpvmware/tdpvmware

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 75

Example Windows profile in a vSphere environment


VE_TSM_SERVER_NAME philadelphia # -s
VMCLI_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 864000 # in seconds, defaults to 864000s = 10 days
VMCLI_RESTORE_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_GRACE_PERIOD 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL 60 # in seconds, defaults to 1s
VMCLI_DB_HOST localhost
VMCLI_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME 600 # in seconds, defaults to 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_FCM 600 # setting in seconds default 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_TSM 1200 # setting in seconds default 1200s = 20 min
DERBY_HOME C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\derby

Example Linux profile in a vCloud environment


VE_TSM_SERVER_NAME fvtseries11esx6
#VE_TSM_SERVER_NAME tsmservername # -s
#VE_TSMCLI_NODE_NAME tsmclinodename # -n
#VE_VCENTER_NODE_NAME vcenternodename # -v
#VE_TRACE_FILE tsmcli.trace # -x tsmcli trace file
#VE_TRACE_FLAGS api api_detail # -y trace flags
#VE_DATACENTER_NAME datacentername::datacenternodename
VMCLI_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 864000 # in seconds, defaults to 864000s = 10 days
VMCLI_RESTORE_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_GRACE_PERIOD 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL 60 # in seconds, defaults to 1s
VMCLI_DB_HOST localhost
VMCLI_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME 600 # in seconds, defaults to 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_FCM 600 # in seconds default 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_TSM 1200 # in seconds default 1200s = 20 min

76 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Example Windows profile in a vCloud environment


#VE_TSM_SERVER_NAME tsmservername # -s
#VE_TSMCLI_NODE_NAME tsmclinodename # -n
#VE_VCENTER_NODE_NAME vcenternodename # -v
#VE_TRACE_FILE tsmcli.trace # -x tsmcli trace file
#VE_TRACE_FLAGS api api_detail # -y trace flags
#VE_DATACENTER_NAME datacentername::datacenternodename
VMCLI_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 864000 # in seconds, defaults to 864000s = 10 days
VMCLI_RESTORE_TASK_EXPIRATION_TIME 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_GRACE_PERIOD 2592000 # in seconds, defaults to 2592000s = 30 days
VMCLI_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL 60 # in seconds, defaults to 1s
VMCLI_DB_HOST localhost
VMCLI_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME 600 # in seconds, defaults to 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_FCM 600 # in seconds default 600s = 10 min
VMCLI_RECON_INTERVAL_TSM 1200 # in seconds default 1200s = 20 min
DERBY_HOME C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\VMwarePlugin\derby

Chapter 4. Data Protection for VMware command-line interface 77

78 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Chapter 5. Recovery Agent command-line interface
The Recovery Agent command-line interface (CLI) lets you access most Data
Protection for VMware functions. The Recovery Agent CLI can be viewed as a
command-line API to the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent. Changes
completed with the Recovery Agent CLI to the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent take effect immediately.

You can use the Recovery Agent CLI to manage only one system running the
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.

Starting the Recovery Agent command-line interface

About this task

To start the Recovery Agent CLI, complete the following steps:

1. From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Tivoli Storage Manager >
Data Protection for VMware > Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.
2. In the command prompt window, enter one of the following commands:
v To run the Recovery Agent CLI:
RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c command type tag parameter
v Windows To display the help for the Recovery Agent CLI:
RecoveryAgentShell.exe -h

Recovery Agent command-line interface overview

When you use the commands, some parameters are not required. See the following
sections for details regrading required parameters.

For the parameters that are not required and not entered, default values are used.
Parameters with spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, if you
want to use the Accounting, Daily parameter, type "Accounting, Daily".

To read a syntax diagram for entering a command, follow the path of the line.
Read from left to right, and from top to bottom, and use the following guidelines:
v The >>- character sequence indicates the beginning of a syntax diagram.
v The --> character sequence at the end of a line indicates that the syntax diagram
continues on the next line.
v The >-- character sequence at the beginning of a line indicates that a syntax
diagram continues from the previous line.
v The -->< character sequence indicates the end of a syntax diagram.


Enter these symbols exactly as they are displayed in the syntax diagram:
* Asterisk
{} Braces

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 79

: Colon
, Comma
= Equal sign
- Hyphen
() Parentheses
. Period
" Quotation mark
' Single quotation mark


Italicized lowercase items such as <variable_name> indicate variables. In this

example, you can specify a <variable_name> when you enter the cmd_name

 -cmd_name <variable_name> 

Required choices

When two or more items are in a stack and one of them is on the line, you must
specify one item. In the following example, you must choose either A, B, or C:

 -cmd_name A 

Optional choices

When an item is below the line, that item is optional. In the following example,
you can select either A or nothing at all:


When two or more items are in a stack below the line, all items are optional. In the
following example, you can choose either A, B,C, or nothing.


80 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Mount command
Use the mount command to complete various Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent tasks.

The Recovery Agent CLI can be used to mount (mount add) and unmount (mount
del) volumes and disks, and to view a list of mounted volumes (mount view).To
use the mount command, Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent must be running.
Use the set_connection command to connect a RecoveryAgentShell.exe to the
mount application.

Snapshots are mounted or unmounted on the system where Tivoli Storage

Manager recovery agent is running.

The mount command is supported in command mode. The following command

types are available. The appropriate tags and parameters are listed alongside each
command type.
add Use this command type to mount a disk or volume of a snapshot to the
system where Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is running. The
following list identifies the tags and parameters for the add type:
v -target - This tag is required.
Use this tag to specify the following targets:
– Windows Virtual volume - only for a partition mount
– Windows Reparse point - only for a partition mount
– Windows Linux iSCSI target
The following examples use the -target tag:
– Windows In the following example V: is the virtual volume mount
-target "V:"
– In the following example a reparse point volume mount target is
-target "C:\SNOWBIRD@FASTBACK\SnowbirtK\Snowbird\K\\"
– Windows Linux In the following example an iSCSI target is
-target "ISCSI: target=<target_name> initiator=<initiator_name>"
v -rep - This tag is required.
Use it to specify the Tivoli Storage Manager server that is storing the
VMware snapshots, and the Tivoli Storage Manager node that has access
to the VMware backups. For example:
tsm: ip=<ip/host_name> port=<port_number>
node=<node_name> pass=<node_password>

You can also specify the as_node and from_node options. If the password
field is empty, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent attempts to use
the password for the stored node.
v -type - This tag is required. Use it to specify that you want to mount a
disk or a partition. The options are:
-type disk
-type partition

Chapter 5. Recovery Agent command-line interface 81

v -VMname - This tag is required. Use it to specify the VMware machine
name that is source of the snapshot. The specified value is case-sensitive.
v -disk - This tag is required. Use it to specify the disk number of the
source backed up VMware machine to be mounted.
v -date - This tag is required. Use it to specify the date of the snapshot
that you want to mount. The date format is yyyy-Mmm-dd hh:mm:ss. For
-date "2013-Apr-12 22:42:52 AM"

To view the active (or latest) snapshot, specify last snapshot.

v -PartitionNumber - This tag is optional. If the -type is partition, enter the
partition number to mount.
v -ro|-fw - Use this tag to specify whether the mounted volume is
read-only (-ro) or fake-write (-fw).
v -disk - This tag is required. Use it to specify the disk number of the
source backed up VMware machine to be mounted.
| v -ExpireProtect - This tag is optional. During a mount operation, the
| snapshot on the Tivoli Storage Manager server is locked to prevent it
| from expiring during the operation. Expiration might occur because
| another snapshot is added to the mounted snapshot sequence. This
| value specifies whether to disable expiration protection during the
| mount operation. You can specify one of the following values:
| Yes Specify Yes to protect the snapshot from expiration. This value is
| the default. The snapshot on the Tivoli Storage Manager server
| is locked and the snapshot is protected from expiration during
| the mount operation.
| No Specify No to disable expiration protection. The snapshot on the
| Tivoli Storage Manager server is not locked and the snapshot is
| not protected from expiration during the mount operation. As a
| result, the snapshot might expire during the mount operation.
| This expiration can produce unexpected results and negatively
| impact the mount point. For example, the mount point can
| become unusable or contain errors. However, expiration does not
| affect the current active copy. The active copy cannot expire
| during an operation.
| When the snapshot is on a target replication server, the snapshot
| cannot be locked because it is in read-only mode. A lock attempt
| by the server causes the mount operation to fail. To avoid the
| lock attempt and prevent such a failure, disable expiration
| protection by specifying No.

The following example shows how to specify the add type to mount a disk:
| mount add -rep "tsm: ip= port=1500 node=tsm-ba pass=password"
| -target "iscsi: target=test1 initiator=initiator_name" -type disk
| -vmname VM-03ENT -disk 1 -date "2014-Jan-21 10:46:57 AM -ExpireProtect=Yes"

In this example, a snapshot of VMware named VM-03ent is located on a Tivoli

Storage Manager server with IP Disk number 1 of this snapshot is
mounted to the system where Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is running.
del Use this command type to dismount one or all mounted backups from the
system where Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is running. The
following list identifies the tags and parameters for the del type:

82 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
v -target - This tag is required. Use this tag to specify the target for
dismounting. The target for dismounting can be a virtual volume,
reparse point, or iSCSI target created using the mount command. Use the
everything variable to dismount all mounted backups.
v -force - Use this tag to force an unmount. The default option is not to
force an unmount if the target is currently in use.

For example, to force an unmount of a snapshot that is currently mounted at the

directory, c:\gever, use the following command:
mount del -target "c:\gever" -force

To dismount a snapshot currently mounted as volume V:, use the following

mount del -target V:

To dismount a snapshot currently mounted as an iSCSI target, use the following

mount del -target "ISCSI:<target_name>"
dump Use this command type to get a list of all the available backups to mount.
v -rep - This tag is required. Use this tag to specify the Tivoli Storage
Manager server storing the VMware snapshots, and to specify the Tivoli
Storage Manager node that has access to the VMware backups. For
tsm: ip=<IP/host name> port=<PortNumber>
node=<NodeName> pass=<NodePassword>
v -file - This tag is optional. Use this tag to identify a file name to store
the dump text. If this tag is not specified, the dump text is printed only
to stdout.

The following examples show how to specify the dump type:

v List all the available backed up VMs.
mount dump –type TSM –for TSMVE -rep P -request
ListVM [–file <FileNameAndPath>]
v List all the available disk snapshots of a VMware.
mount dump –type TSM –for TSMVE -rep P -request
ListSnapshots -VMName P [-file <FileNameAndPath>]
v List all the available partitions of a disk snapshot.
mount dump –type TSM –for TSMVE -rep P -request
ListPartitions -VMName P -disk P -date P [-file <FileNameAndPath>]
Use this type to remove the connection to a Tivoli Storage Manager server.
A connection cannot be removed when it is in use, such as when mounted
volumes exist. There is only one tag for the remove type:
-rep - This tag is required. Use this tag to specify the Tivoli Storage
Manager server connection to be removed.

In the following example, remove the connection to a Tivoli Storage Manager

server ( using node NodeName:
mount remove -rep "tsm: NodeName@ip"
view Use this type to view a list of all mounted snapshots. This type has no
tags. The following example uses the view type:
mount view

Chapter 5. Recovery Agent command-line interface 83

Mounting a disk

The following syntax diagram is for the command for mounting a disk:

 RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c mount add -rep "tsm: ip = IP 


 port = portNumber node = nodeName 

-as_node = nodeName

 pass = NodePassword" -vmname vmname -type disk -disk disk_number 

 date date_format 

 -target "ISCSI: target = target_name initiator = initiator_name" 

Mounting a partition
The following syntax diagram is for the command for mounting a partition:

 RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c mount add -rep "tsm: ip = IP 


 port = portNumber node = nodeName 

-as_node = nodeName

 pass = NodePassword" -vmname vmname -disk disk_number 


 date date_format -type partition -PartitionNumber partNum 

 -target volume_letter 
"ISCSI: target = target_name initiator = initiator_name"

Set_connection command
The set_connection command sets the Recovery Agent CLI to work with a
specified Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.

Use the following format for the set_connection command:

RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c set_connection Command_Tag <hostname or IP address>

The following tag can be used with the set_connection command:

mount_computer - Use to set the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent connection.

In the following example, the Recovery Agent CLI is set to work with Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent on the ComputerName host.
set_connection mount_computer ComputerName

84 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Help command
The help command displays the help for all of the supported Recovery Agent CLI

Use the following format for the help command:

RecoveryAgentShell.exe -h

Recovery Agent command-line interface return codes

Return codes help identify the results of Recovery Agent CLI operations.

Use these return codes to check the status of your Recovery Agent CLI operations.
Table 9. Recovery Agent CLI return codes
Code Value Description
0 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_SUCCESS Command submitted successfully to
Data Protection for VMware mount.
0 FBC_MSG_DISMOUNT_SUCCESS Successfully dismounted a snapshot.
0 FBC_MSG_VIEW_SUCCESS View operation successful.
0 FBC_MSG_DUMP_SUCCESS Dump operation successful.
0 FBC_MSG_REMOVE_SUCCESS Remove operation successful.
1 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_FAIL Mount failed (See the mount logs for
2 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_DRIVER_ERROR Mount driver error.
3 FBC_MSG_VOLUME_LETTER_BUSY Volume letter or reparse point is in
4 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_WRONG_ Incorrect parameters assigned to the
PARAMETERS mount command (See the mount logs
for details).
5 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_ALREADY_ Job is already mounted on the
MOUNTED requested target.
6 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_WRONG_ Insufficient permissions.
7 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_NETWORK_ Cannot mount on network mapped
DRIVE volume.
8 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_LOCKED_BY_ Snapshot locked by the server.
9 FBC_MSG_CAN_NOT_CHANGE_ Cannot change repository.
11 FBC_MSG_DISMOUNT_FAIL Failed to dismount a mounted
13 FBC_MSG_VIEW_FAIL Retrieving list of virtual volumes
15 FBC_MSG_DUMP_FAIL Dump command list creation failed.
16 FBC_MSG_CONNECTION_FAILED Disconnected from Data Protection
for VMware mount.
17 FBC_MSG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Operation timed out.
18 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_FAILED_TO_ Failed to find a valid repository with

Chapter 5. Recovery Agent command-line interface 85

Table 9. Recovery Agent CLI return codes (continued)
Code Value Description
19 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_JOB_NOT_ Failed to find the requested snapshot.
20 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_JOB_FOLDER_ Failed to find the requested snapshot
22 FBC_MSG_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_ Cannot remove selected repository.
23 FBC_MSG_REPOSITORY_GOT_ Repository has mounted snapshots.
38 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_NOT_WRITABLE_ The mount volume is not writable
39 FBC_MSG_NO_TSM_REPOSITORY No Tivoli Storage Manager repository
was located.
40 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED_ Mounting the iSCSI target as read
AS_READONLY only is not allowed.
41 FBC_MSG_RESOURCE_BUSY_IN_ Data Protection for VMware is
TAPE_MODE running in tape mode - media is
42 FBC_MSG_DISK_TYPE_NOT_ Partition operation not supported for
SUPPORTED this type of disk.
43 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_INITIALIZING The operation failed, Data Protection
for VMware mount is currently
initializing. Try again later.
44 FBC_MSG_CANNOT_LOCK_ The snapshot cannot be protected
SNAPSHOT against expiration during this
operation. Refer to documentation for
more details.

86 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Chapter 6. Backup scenarios
Data Protection for VMware backup scenarios are provided in this section.

vCloud environment backup scenarios

These scenarios demonstrate how to back up vApps and organization vDC with
the vmcli -f backup command.

These vCloud Director objects can also be backed up with the following user
Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the Data Protection
for VMware vCloud GUI is provided in the online help that is installed
with the GUI. Click Learn More in any of the GUI windows to open the
online help for task assistance.
Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client command-line interface
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the dsmc Backup
VAPP command is provided in the command-line help that is installed with
the product (dsmc help backup vapp). Information is also available at
Backup VAPP (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/

Backup of vApps from a single organization and organization


This scenario creates an incremental forever full backup of all vApps from
organization NewYork and organization vDC NY_bronze.

To identify that the backup environment is within vCloud Director, the following
vmcli -f set_option command is issued:
vmcli -f set_option -c vcloud

Then, the following vmcli -f backup command is issued:

vmcli -f backup -t TSM_IFFULL -I vapplistfile

The vapplistfile contains this statement:


Backup of vApps from multiple organizations and organization


This scenario creates an incremental forever incremental backup of vApp1 and

vApp2 from organization Mainz_org and organization vDC MZ_Silver. It also
backs up vApp17 from organization Oslo_org and organization vDC

To identify that the backup environment is within vCloud Director, the following
vmcli -f set_option command is issued:
vmcli -f set_option -c vcloud

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 87

Then, the following vmcli -f backup command is issued:
vmcli -f backup -t TSM_IFINCR -I vapplistfile

The vapplistfile contains this statement:


This vapplistfile statement can also be specified as follows:


vSphere environment backup scenario

This scenario demonstrates how to back up VMs with the vmcli -f backup

The VMs can also be backed up with the following user interfaces:
Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the Data Protection
for VMware vSphere GUI is provided in the online help that is installed
with the GUI. Click Learn More in any of the GUI windows to open the
online help for task assistance.
Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client GUI
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the backup-archive
client GUI is provided in the online help that is installed with the GUI.
Click Help in any of the GUI windows to open the online help for task
Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client command-line interface
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the dsmc Backup VM
command is provided in the command-line help that is installed with the
product (dsmc help backup vm). Information is also available at Backup VM

This scenario creates an incremental forever full backup of the following VMs:
vm1, vm2, vm3, vm4, and vm5:
vmcli -f backup -t TSM_IFFULL -I vmlistfile

The vmlistfile contains this statement:


88 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Incremental forever backup scenario
An example of how to define a daily incremental forever incremental backup of
the VMs.

About this task

Scheduling daily incremental forever backups ensures that there are frequent
backups of the VMs and reduces the size of each backup.

1. From the VMware guests, update the Tivoli Storage Manager client
backup-archive client options file:
v Windows Specify these options in the dsm.opt options file.
v Linux Specify these options in the dsm.sys file, in the stanza for the data
mover node.
a. Enable compression by adding the following option: compression yes.

Tip: You can only enable compression if you are using client deduplication
and if deduplication has been enabled for the storage pool.
b. Enable deduplication by adding the following option: deduplication yes.
c. Modify the trigger values for megablock refreshes by adding one of the
following options:
Ensure that you specify the appropriate values for your environment.
2. Define an incremental forever incremental backup for each of the VMware


The blocks that changed since the previous backup (full or incremental) are now
backed up. The most recent incremental is appended to the previous backup. If a
full backup does not exist for the VMs, a full backup is performed. Incremental
forever incremental backups are run according to schedule repetition.
Related concepts:
“Fine-tuning Tivoli Storage Manager server database scalability”

Fine-tuning Tivoli Storage Manager server database scalability

Use options to adjust scalability within Tivoli Storage Manager for incremental
forever backups.

When Tivoli Storage Manager backs up a disk (vmdk), the entire disk is treated as
one logical entity. When it is stored on the server, it is partitioned into chunks
represented as megablocks. These megablocks contain 128 MB of data. When a
change occurs on a disk in an area that is represented by a megablock, a Tivoli
Storage Manager object is created. This object represents the data for that
megablock. For every subsequent incremental backup, if a change is detected, an
additional Tivoli Storage Manager object is created on the server. This additional
object tracks the changes that point to the original megablock. When a large
amount of Tivoli Storage Manager objects exists for the same VM data, excessive
demands are placed on the Tivoli Storage Manager server database.

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 89

To assist with fine-tuning these Tivoli Storage Manager server scalability
conditions, use the mbobjrefreshthresh or the mbpctrefreshthresh options. These
options are set in the Tivoli Storage Manager client backup-archive client dsm.opt
file (Windows) or in the appropriate server stanza in the dsm.sys file (Linux).
However, use only one of these options. Do not use both of these options at the
same time.

Occasionally, a megablock is refreshed (backed up) from the production disk. This
event causes all the objects that are used in previous backups to eventually be
expired. Megablocks are refreshed during incremental backups when these
conditions exist:
v The number of Tivoli Storage Manager objects (or megablocks) increase beyond
the value specified by the mbobjrefreshthresh option.
This mbobjrefreshthresh value is a number that defines a threshold. Use this
option when estimating Tivoli Storage Manager objects that represent production
data for each VM backup. For example, when the number of Tivoli Storage
Manager objects exceed this value, the megablock is refreshed. This action means
that the entire 128-MB block is copied to the Tivoli Storage Manager server and
is represented as a single Tivoli Storage Manager object.
The minimum value is 2 and the maximum value is 8192. The default value is
v The size of the incremental backup of megablock is larger than the value
specified by the mbpctrefreshthresh option.
The mbpctrefreshthresh value is a number (expressed as a percentage) that
defines a threshold. That threshold is how much of the current megablock can
change before a full refresh is initiated. Use this option when estimating the
amount of additional data that is backed up for each VM. For example, when a
128-MB block of a production disk changes more than the percentage specified,
the entire 128-MB block is copied to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The
block is represented as a single Tivoli Storage Manager object.
The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 99. The default value is 50.

The following table describes how to adjust the mbobjrefreshthresh option based
on various influences:
Table 10. Issues that influence scalability triggers
# of
Trigger value refreshes Backup # of TSM
Refresh if... is... becomes... Extra data window objects
...number of increased less less smaller more
TSM objects,
decreased more more larger less
that represent
a megablock

The following table describes how to adjust the mbpctrefreshthresh options based
on various influences:

90 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Table 11. Issues that influence scalability triggers
# of
Trigger value refreshes Backup # of TSM
Refresh if... is... becomes... Extra data window objects
...size of increased less less smaller more
decreased more more larger less
backup of

Scalability use case scenarios

The scenarios described in this section are based on the following dsmc query vm
vmguest1 -ina -detail command-line output:
# Backup Date Mgmt Class Size Type A/I Virtual Machine
--- ------------------- ---------- ----------- ------ --- ---------------
1 04/17/2013 02:26:25 MGMT_CLASS 244.14 MB FULL I vmguest1
The size of this incremental backup: n/a
The number of incremental backups since last full: n/a
The amount of extra data: n/a
The TSM objects fragmentation: n/a
Backup is represented by: n/a
Application protection type: VMware
2 04/17/2013 02:27:11 MGMT_CLASS 244.14 MB INCR I vmguest1
The size of this incremental backup: n/a
The number of incremental backups since last full: n/a
The amount of extra data: n/a
The TSM objects fragmentation: n/a
Backup is represented by: n/a
Application protection type: VMware
3 04/17/2013 02:27:52 MGMT_CLASS 244.14 MB IFFULL I vmguest1
The size of this incremental backup: n/a
The number of incremental backups since last full: 1
The amount of extra data: 0
The TSM objects fragmentation: 0
Backup is represented by: 2212154 TSM objects
Application protection type: VMware
4 04/17/2013 02:27:59 MGMT_CLASS 244.14 MB IFINCR A vmguest1
The size of this incremental backup: 0 KB
The number of incremental backups since last full: 2
The amount of extra data: 30
The TSM objects fragmentation: 45
Backup is represented by: 2212421 TSM objects
Application protection type: VMware
All averages are calculated only for backups displayed above.
The average size of incremental backup: 0 KB
The average number of incremental backups since last full: 2
The average overhead of extra data: 30
The average TSM objects fragmentation: 45
The average number of TSM objects per backup: 0 TSM objects

Note: When the dsmc query vm vmguest1 -ina -detail command is issued for
periodic full backups, the values related to incremental forever backup statistics
display as n/a.

Scenario 1:
When all machines associated with a datacenter node show The average overhead
of extra data value as higher than 50, you can increase the mbpctrefreshthresh
value. An increased value reduces the amount of extra data that is transferred to

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 91

the Tivoli Storage Manager server. This adjustment also reduces the size of the
backup window. However, be sure to verify The average TSM objects
fragmentation value as it might increase.

Scenario 2:
When all machines associated with a datacenter node show The average TSM
objects fragmentation value as higher than 50, you can decrease the
mbobjrefreshthresh value. A decreased value reduces the number of Tivoli Storage
Manager objects for each backup. This adjustment also reduces the load on the
Tivoli Storage Manager server database. However, be sure to verify The average
overhead of extra data value as it might increase.

Periodic full backup scenario

This scenario provides an example of how to define a weekly full VM backup and
daily full VM incremental backups of the VMs.

About this task

This task describes how to schedule a full VMware backup of the guests that runs
once a week and a daily incremental backup of the same VMware guests. This
configuration ensures that there are frequent backups of the VMware guests and
reduces the size of each backup.

Tip: There is no limit to how many full and incremental backups you can take.
However, if you do not run a full backup regularly, the size of incremental
backups can increase. This scenario ensures that the incremental backups do not
get too large.

1. Define a full VM backup for each of the VMware guests.
2. Separate the pool of VMware guests into groups to reduce backup time. The
backup time is shorter because each group is backed up by a separate instance
on the Tivoli Storage Manager client scheduler, and they are running in parallel
on the off-host backup server.
3. Schedule the full VM backup that runs once a week.
4. Configure daily backups.
5. Schedule the incremental backups to run daily.
6. Specify compression and deduplication to reduce the backup size of the
VMware backups. From the VMware guests, update the Tivoli Storage Manager
client backup-archive client options file:
v Windows Specify these options in the dsm.opt options file.
v LinuxSpecify these options in the dsm.sys file, in the stanza for the data
mover node.
a. Enable compression by adding the following option:
compression yes.

Tip: You can only enable compression if you are using client deduplication
and if deduplication has been enabled for the storage pool.
b. Enable deduplication by adding the following option:
deduplication yes.

92 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Include scenarios
Set include options to specify the VMs or vApps that you want to include for
backup services.

The scenarios documented in this section are based on the correct use of the
following Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client options:
v include.vm
v include.vapp
Therefore, before implementing an include strategy based on these scenarios, make
sure to review these options in Client options reference (http://www.ibm.com/

Include scenarios in a vSphere environment

When VMware virtual machine data is backed up, it is bound to a management

class that is specified by the vmmc option. You can use the include.vm option to
override the management class that is specified by vmmc and bind the backed up
data for a virtual machine to a different management class.

The include.vm option does not override or affect the management class that is
specified by the vmctlmc option, which binds backed up VMware control files to a
specific management class.

Assume that the following management classes exist and are active on the Tivoli
Storage Manager server:

The following include.vm statement in the client options file binds all virtual
machines that have names that begin with VMTEST to the management class
include.vm vmtest* MCFORTESTVMS

The following include.vm statement in the client options file binds a virtual
machine that is named WINDOWS VM1 [PRODUCTION] to the management class

The virtual machine name must be enclosed in quotation marks because it contains
space characters. Also, the question mark wildcard is used to match the special
characters in the virtual machine name.

The following include.vm statement in the client options file binds a virtual
machine that is named VM1 to a management class that is named
include.vm VM1 MCUNIQUEVM

Include scenarios in a vCloud environment

When you back up a VMware vCloud vApp, the backed up data is bound to a
management class that is specified by the vappmc option. You can use the

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 93

include.vapp option to override the management class that is specified by vappmc
and bind the backed up data for a vApp to a different management class.

Assume that the following management classes exist and are active on the Tivoli
Storage Manager server:

The following include.vapp statement in the client options file binds all vApp
backups to the management class called MCFORTESTVAPPS. Wildcards are used
in the vApp specification to target all vApps in all organizations and all
organization virtual data centers:
include.vapp *::*::* vm vmtest* MCFORTESTVAPPS

The following include.vapp statement in the client options file binds all vApps in
ORG1 and ORG1VDC to the management class called MCFORPRODVAPPS:
include.vapp "ORG1::ORGVDC1::*" MCFORPRODVAPPS

The following include.vapp statement in the client options file binds a vApp that
is named VAPP1 to a management class that is named MCUNIQUEVAPP:

Management class scenarios

Use management classes to determine how to manage your VM and vApp
backups on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

The scenarios documented in this section are based on the correct use of the
following Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client options:
v vmmc
v vmctlmc
v vappmc
Therefore, before implementing a management class strategy based on these
scenarios, make sure to review these options in Client options reference

Management class scenarios in a vSphere environment

Use the vmmc option to store the VMware backups with a management class other
than the default management class. The vmmc option is only valid when
v Run a backup of the virtual machine that is named myVirtualMachine.
v Save the backup according to the management class myManagmentClass.
Command line:
dsmc backup vm "myVirtualMachine" -vmmc=myManagmentClass

By default, VMware control files are bound to the default management class. The
vmmc option can be used to specify a different management class to which VMware

94 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
data and VMware control files are bound. The vmctlmc option overrides the default
management class and the vmmc option for VMware control files.

Under certain conditions, it might be desirable or necessary to bind VMware

control files to a different management class than the VMware data files.

The vmctlmc option is required if VMware data files are backed up to tape.
VMware control files must be backed up to a disk-based storage pool that does not
migrate to tape. The storage pool can be composed of random access volumes and
sequential file volumes; the storage pool can also be a deduplicated pool. Use the
vmctlmc option to specify a management class that stores data in such a storage

Restriction: The management class that is specified by the vmctlmc option

determines only the destination storage pool for VMware control files. Retention of
VMware control files is determined by the vmmc option, if specified, or by the
default management class. The retention for the VMware control files always
matches the retention of the VMware data files.
Options file:
vmctlmc diskonlymc
Command line:
Does not apply.

Management class scenarios in a vCloud environment

Use the vappmc option to store VMware vCloud vApp backups by using a
management class other than the default management class. The default
management class is defined on the server, for the domain that the node belongs

If you set this option in the options file for a data mover node, all vApp back ups
that are performed by the data mover are stored as indicated by the specified
management class.
Specifies a management class that applies to VMware vApp backups. If you do
not set this option, the default management class of the node is used.

Tip: The management class that you specify on this option affects the storage
of vApp data; the vmmc option does not apply to vApp data storage processing.
However, the vmctlmc option does specify the management class that is used to
store control files for both virtual machine backups and vApp backups.
Options file:
Specify a management class to use when the server stores all vApp
Command line:
dsmc backup vapp "org1,vdc1,vapp1" -vappmc=myManagmentClass

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 95

Controlling disk scenarios
Set include and exclude statements to control the disks to be processed.

Important: The scenarios documented in this section are based on the correct use
of the following Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client options:
You cannot select disks with the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
Schedule a Backup wizard. Therefore, before implementing a disk protection
strategy based on these scenarios, make sure to review these options in Client
options reference (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/

Controlling disks with include and exclude statements is provided to accomplish

any of the following objectives:
v Do not back up some of the VM virtual disks.
v Do not restore all of the virtual disks from a backup.
v Update an existing VM with some of the data saved from a backup. That is,
restoring only a single virtual disk while leaving the other virtual disks intact.
Use this feature to exclude a virtual disk during a backup operation. When the VM
is restored, the excluded disk is created on the restored VM. However, no actual
disk data is restored. Only the disk definition is restored. Therefore, make sure that
the disk is properly formatted before using.

This feature is not provided to reduce backup storage space by occasionally

excluding a virtual disk during a backup operation. This feature is provided only
for virtual disks that never require backup. For example, those virtual disks that
contain data that does not need to be restored, or the data is preserved by another
backup mechanism. A virtual disk excluded from the backup operation is
considered as deleted from the VM for that backup. If the VM is restored from that
backup, the excluded virtual disk is not restored. Only the disk definition is

You can view the disk name and label of the virtual disk by issuing the preview
option. For example:
dsmc backup vm <vmname> -preview

This command does not back up the VM. Rather, it shows information about how
the backup operation would proceed if it was started.

The primary method for excluding a virtual disk is to set the EXCLUDE.VMDISK
option in the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client dsm.opt options file.
For example:
EXCLUDE.VMDISK <vmname> "Hard Disk 3"

Then, issue the backup command:

dsmc backup vm <vmname>

96 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
A secondary method for excluding a virtual disk is to specify the -vmdk option in
the backup-archive client command-line interface (without setting the
EXCLUDE.VMDISK option). For example:
dsmc backup vm "<vmname>:-vmdk=Hard Disk 3"

For restore operations, issue the dsmc restore vm command with the -detail
option. This option displays the disk name and label from a VM backup. For
dsmc query vm FinTestUpdate -detail

Query Virtual Machine for Full VM backup

# Backup Date Mgmt Class Size Type A/I Virtual Machine

--- ------------------- ---------- ----------- ------ --- ---------------
1 08/14/2013 07:56:47 STANDARD 168.94 GB FULL A FinTestUpdate
The size of this incremental backup: n/a
The number of incremental backups since last full: n/a
The amount of extra data: n/a
The TSM objects fragmentation: n/a
Backup is represented by: n/a
Application protection type: VMware
VMDK[1]Label: Hard disk 3
VMDK[1]Name: [DEVESX02:LocalHD] FinTestUpdate/FinTestUpdate_2-000001.vmdk
VMDK[1]Status: Skipped: User
VMDK[2]Label: Hard disk 4
VMDK[2]Name: [DEVESX02:LocalHD] FinTestUpdate/FinTestUpdate_3.vmdk
VMDK[2]Status: Skipped: Independent
VMDK[3]Label: Hard disk 5
VMDK[3]Name: [DEVESX02:LocalHD] FinTestUpdate/FinTestUpdate_4.vmdk
VMDK[3]Status: Skipped: Independent
VMDK[4]Label: Hard disk 1
VMDK[4]Name: [DEVESX02:LocalHD] FinTestUpdate/FinTestUpdate.vmdk
VMDK[4]Status: Protected
VMDK[5]Label: Hard disk 2
VMDK[5]Name: [DEVESX02:LocalHD] FinTestUpdate/FinTestUpdate_1.vmdk
VMDK[5]Status: Protected

To restore only Hard Disk 1, issue this command:

dsmc restore vm "FinTestUpdate:vmdk=Hard Disk 1"

When you use selective disk restore, a VM can be updated with only the disks that
are specified in the command. In the previous example, if the VM named
FinTestUpdate exists, the restore operation restores only disk Hard Disk 1. The
other disks remain intact. If the VM named FinTestUpdate does not exist, then a
VM is created and only disk Hard Disk 1 is restored. The other disks are created as
unformatted disks and contain no data.

Include scenarios (four disks)

In these scenarios, VM vm5_fin_com contains four disks:

Hard Disk 1
Hard Disk 2
Hard Disk 3
Hard Disk 4

Use the INCLUDE.VMDISK statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2:
INCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 1"
INCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 2"

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 97

Since an include disk statement is specified, this statement implies that only disks
specifically included are backed up. As a result, Hard Disk 3 and Hard Disk 4 are
not backed up.

Use the DOMAIN.VMFULL statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2:
DOMAIN.VMFULL "vm5_fin_com:vmdk=Hard Disk 1:vmdk=Hard Disk 2"

Hard Disk 3 and Hard Disk 4 are not backed up.

You can include one or more disks with a DOMAIN.VMFULL statement. You can
exclude one or more disks with a DOMAIN.VMFULL statement. You can mix
include and exclude disks on the same statement. For example, the following
statement is valid:
domain.vmfull "vm5_fin_com:vmdk=Hard Disk 1:-vmdk=Hard Disk 2:vmdk=Hard
Disk 3:vmdk=Hard Disk 4"

If an include statement is present, it causes all other disks in the VM to be

excluded from a backup operation, unless the other disks are also specified with an
include statement. For example, the following statement excludes all hard disks
except for Hard Disk 1:
domain.vmfull "vm5_fin_com:vmdk=Hard Disk 1"

Include scenarios (10 disks)

In these scenarios, VM vm5_fin_com contains 10 disks:

Hard Disk 1
Hard Disk 2
Hard Disk 3
Hard Disk 4
Hard Disk 5
Hard Disk 6
Hard Disk 7
Hard Disk 8
Hard Disk 9
Hard Disk 10

When multiple disks exist, include statements can be simpler to use than exclude

Use the INCLUDE.VMDISK statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2:
INCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 1"
INCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 2"

The remaining eight hard disks are not backed up.

Use the DOMAIN.VMFULL statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2:
DOMAIN.VMFULL "vm5_fin_com:vmdk=Hard Disk 1:vmdk=Hard Disk 2"

The remaining eight hard disks are not backed up.

Exclude scenarios (four disks)

In these scenarios, the VM named vm5_fin_com contains four disks:

98 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Hard Disk 1
Hard Disk 2
Hard Disk 3
Hard Disk 4

Use the EXCLUDE.VMDISK statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2:
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 3"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 4"

Hard Disk 3 and Hard Disk 4 are not backed up.

Use the DOMAIN.VMFULL statement to back up disks Hard Disk 3 and Hard
Disk 4:
DOMAIN.VMFULL "vm5_fin_com:vmdk=Hard Disk 3:vmdk=Hard Disk 4"

Hard Disk 1 and Hard Disk 2 are not backed up.

Exclude scenarios (10 disks)

In these scenarios, the VM named vm5_fin_com contains 10 disks:

Hard Disk 1
Hard Disk 2
Hard Disk 3
Hard Disk 4
Hard Disk 5
Hard Disk 6
Hard Disk 7
Hard Disk 8
Hard Disk 9
Hard Disk 10

When multiple disks exist, exclude statements require more information than
include statements.

Use the EXCLUDE.VMDISK statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2, and exclude the remaining eight disks:
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 3"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 4"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 5"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 6"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 7"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 8"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 9"
EXCLUDE.VMDISK vm5_fin_com "Hard Disk 10"

Only Hard Disk 1 and Hard Disk 2 are backed up.

Use the DOMAIN.VMFULL statement to back up disks Hard Disk 1 and Hard
Disk 2 and exclude the remaining eight disks:
DOMAIN.VMFULL "vm5_fin_com:-vmdk=Hard Disk 3:
-vmdk=Hard Disk 4:-vmdk=Hard Disk 5:-vmdk=Hard Disk 6:
-vmdk=Hard Disk 7:-vmdk=Hard Disk 8:-vmdk=Hard Disk 9:
-vmdk=Hard Disk 10"

Only Hard Disk 1 and Hard Disk 2 are backed up.

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 99

Controlling disks used by Tivoli Storage Manager Data Protection
These recommendations provide guidance when you use Data Protection for
VMware and Tivoli Storage Manager Data Protection applications to protect your

Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server is a separately licensed product.

Tivoli Storage Manager provides applications that protect specific database and
mail server data. In these environments, the data protection application servers
typically run inside a VM. As a result, the Tivoli Storage Manager Data Protection
product also runs inside the VM. However, in order to use Data Protection for
VMware effectively with the Tivoli Storage Manager data protection applications,
you must coordinate the backup and restore capability of each application. This
coordination is best accomplished by separating disk usage.

Backup and restore scenario

In this scenario, Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server is installed on

Disk1 and uses this disk (.vmdk) configuration:
v Disk1: Operating system files
v Disk2: Microsoft Exchange database files
v Disk3: Microsoft Exchange log files
v Disk4: Contains files other than Microsoft Exchange files
1. Use Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server to back up Disk2 and Disk3:
tdpexcc backup * full /backupmethod=vss /backupdestination=tsm
2. Use Data Protection for VMware to back up Disk1 and Disk4:
dsmc backup vm "VM2-08R2EX10-1_orig:vmdk=Hard Disk 1:vmdk=Hard Disk 4"
3. Use Data Protection for VMware to restore the VM named VM2-08R2EX10-1 to
a new VM:
dsmc restore vm VM2-08R2EX10-1_orig -vmname=user_story_Exch
-datacenter=VC4-VE-2_DATACENTER1 -host=ESX41-VE-2.QA1.COM

The following command output is displayed:

Restore processing finished.
Session established with server VM-03R2-TSM62-5: Windows
Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 0.0
Server date/time: 04/26/2013 12:32:54 Last access: 04/26/2013 11:13:13

Total number of objects restored: 2

Total number of objects failed: 0
Total number of bytes transferred: 42.00 GB
Data transfer time: 4,708.17 sec
Network data transfer rate: 9,353.97 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate: 9,210.25 KB/sec
Elapsed processing time: 01:19:41

4. Start the vSphere Client and go to Summary > Edit Settings to verify that the
restored VM contains the same configuration as the source VM. For example, in
this scenario, the configuration of the restored VM shows four disks like the
original VM. However, only the data for Disk1 and Disk4 are restored. Disk2
and Disk3 must first be formatted for use. Then use Data Protection for
Microsoft Exchange to restore Disk2 and Disk3.

100 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
5. Start the restored VM:
a. Go to Server Manager > Disk Management.
b. Select Disk2 and Disk3 to complete disk initialization requirements.
c. Select partition style MBR and click OK.
d. Both disks are formatted with the same drive letters as the original VM.
e. Use Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange to restore the Exchange data
files to Disk2 and Disk3.

Cluster and data store backup scenarios

Backup VMs according to cluster or data store.

Data Protection for VMware domain support includes backing up VMs according
to the following criteria:
v Host clusters
v Data Store
v Wildcard character
v ESX or ESXi host
v All VMs within a vCenter
v VMs in folder containers
v VMs defined in a list
These criteria are implemented with the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
client domain.vmfull option with the following parameters:
This parameter backs up all VMs that are defined to the vCenter server
that is specified by the vmchost option. The VMs must also be running on
the ESX host cluster that is specified by hostclustername. This parameter
not available when connecting directly to the ESXi/ESX host.
This parameter backs up all VMs that are defined to the vCenter or to the
ESX server as specified by the vmchost option. The VMs must also have
their configured default data store location (location of VM configuration
files (.vmx) ) match the data store name that is specified by datastorename.
The vmname specifies that the next set of values are VM host names to
exclude from the domain. Specifying a wildcard character (*) assists with
identifying VMs by their naming convention.

Cluster scenario

In this cluster scenario, the VMware environment consists of more than 3,000 VMs.
Host clusters are used to manage the hardware resources. Although most of these
clusters contain from 3 to 4 ESXi hosts each, some clusters contain as many as 10
ESXi hosts. However, some ESXi hosts are running from 1 to 3 VMs for larger,
mission critical VMs. In order to manage the load, additional VMware hosts are
frequently added or removed as needed. Each ESXi host in the cluster manages 10
- 30 VMs. Since the total number of VMs in each cluster ranges from 100 to 200,
each host cluster is backed up to a dedicated vStorage Backup Server. Each server
uses a dedicated data mover node to run the backup operation.

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 101

You can select host clusters to back up with the Data Protection for VMware
vSphere GUI Schedule a Backup wizard. In the Data Protection for VMware
vSphere GUI Getting Started window, click Define a backup task to open the
Schedule a Backup wizard.

In order to back up all VMs in host cluster TivDev01, the backup schedule contains
this statement:
domain.vmfull vmhostcluster=TivDev01

In order to back up all VMs in host clusters TivDev02 and TivDev03, and exclude
VMs from the domain that contain VMTest* in their name, the backup schedule
contains this statement:
domain.vmfull vmhostcluster=TivDev02,TivDev03;-vm=VMTest*

In order to back up all VMs in host clusters TivSVT01, TivSVT02, TivSVT03, and
TivSVT04, the backup schedule contains this statement:
domain.vmfull vmhostcluster=TivSVT01,TivSVT02,TivSVT03,TivSVT04

These domain.vmfull vmhostcluster= statements can be repeated for each host


Host scenario

The VMware environment is similar to the environment described in the Cluster

Scenario. However, this environment contains individual host clusters that contain
too many VMs for a single data mover node backup window. A data mover can be
assigned for each host or added to an existing data mover that is already
processing a host cluster. This type of implementation can also be applied to
individual VMs.

These host scenarios plan for a vStorage backup server (data mover) for each host
on production systems that contain larger VMs or an increased data change rate.

You can select hosts to back up with the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
Schedule a Backup wizard. In the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
Getting Started window, click Define a backup task to open the Schedule a
Backup wizard.

In order to back up all VMs in hosts TivProd01 and mycompany.com, the backup
schedule contains this statement:
domain.vmfull vmhost=TivProd01,mycompany.com

In order to back up all VMs in hosts TivProd02.mycompany.com and

TivProd03.mycompany.com, and exclude VMs from the domain that contain
MailDept* in their name, the backup schedule contains this statement:
domain.vmfull vmhost=TivProd02.mycompany.com,TivProd03.mycompany.com;-vm=MailDept*

The largest and most active VMs contain MailDept at the beginning of their name.
In this scenario, a separate data mover (Production06) is dedicated to these VMs.
The backup schedule contains this statement:
domain.vmfull vm=MailDept*

This domain.vmfull vm= statement can be repeated for each host.

102 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Wildcard scenario

The vmname specified by the VM keyword (vm) and VM exclusion keyword (-vm)
supports wildcard characters. Specify an asterisk (*) to match any character. Specify
a question mark (?) to match a single character. For example:

This command (with wildcards) produces a list that includes only those VMs that
match the domain.vmfull filter string with no duplicates. The order of the domain
keywords does not affect the results. Exclusion statements are always processed at
the end. As a result, the end statements override the inclusion statements.

In these wildcard scenarios, a separate data mover is defined to back up the VMs
based on their naming convention. New VMs can be added and included the
scheduled backup operation.

Note: The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI Schedule a Backup wizard
does not support wildcard selection. As a result, you must set the domain.vmfull
option in the backup-archive client dsm.opt (Windows) or dsm.sys (Linux) file for
the data mover node.

This example backs up production VMs that contain MailDept at the beginning of
their name:
domain.vmfull vm=MailDept*

This example backs up training VMs that contain TrainingVM at the beginning of
their name:
domain.vmfull vm=TrainingVM*

This example backs up all VMs that are not used in production or training:
domain.vmfull all-vm;-vm=MailDept*,TrainingVM*

Parallel backup processing

Back up multiple VMs at the same time with one data mover node.

In previous versions of Data Protection for VMware, backups were processed

serially: each data mover node processed only one VM backup at a time. To back
up VMs in parallel, multiple data mover nodes must be created.

Data Protection for VMware provides parallel backup processing: a single data
mover node can back up multiple VMs at the same time. This parallel backup
processing is implemented by setting the following Tivoli Storage Manager
Backup-Archive client options:
This option controls the number of overall VMs that are allowed to be
backed up at a single time. This option works in concert with
vmlimitperhost and vmlimitperdatastore. The default value is 1. The
maximum value is 50. The minimum value is 1.
This option limits how many VMs are backed up from a single ESX or
ESXi host at the same time. The maximum value is 50. The minimum value
is 1.

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 103

This option limits the maximum number of VMs that are backed up at the
same time for a single data store. The maximum value is 50. The minimum
value is 1. When VMs contain data that is distributed across multiple data
stores, the vmlimitperdatastore value is applied to each of the distributed
data stores. For example, when a VM contains data that is distributed
between datastore_1 and datastore_2, the vmlimitperdatastore value is
applied to both data stores until that VM backup is complete.

These three parallel processing options are only valid in the dsm.opt file
(Windows) or dsm.sys file stanza (Linux) that is defined for each data mover node.

Parallel backup scenario

In this scenario, the Data Protection for VMware 6.3 environment contains 2 ESX
hosts. Each host contains 6 VM guests that are connected to three data stores.
Three scheduled backup operations run every night. Each schedule has its own
instance (data mover node) that is configured to process one of the three schedules.
Each schedule targets VM guests that use the same data store. By using this
method, parallel backups are run without causing contention among the three data
stores. At any moment, 3 VMs are backed up that do not share a data store.

After installing and configuring Data Protection for VMware 7.1.1, the following
parallel processing options are specified:
vmmaxparallel 3
vmlimitperdatastore 1
vmlimitperhost 0

As a result, only one schedule is required to back up the six VM guests. Three
Tivoli Storage Manager sessions start in parallel (vmmaxparallel 3). The fourth
session starts after the three previous sessions complete their backup of the three
data stores.

104 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
VMware vSphere Tivoli Storage
Infrastructure Manager Client

ESX Host-a
Remote Client
Agent Service

Tivoli Storage
vSphere API Manager
Archive Client

data store 1 data store 2 vStorage API

for Data Tivoli Storage
Protection Manager API

data store 3 Each line

represents a
VM being
backed up
ESX Host-b

Tivoli Storage
Manager Server

Figure 15. Three VM guests backed up by one instance

Active Directory domain controller protection scenario

The environment in this scenario consists of a data center with five domain
controllers. Each domain controller is on a VMware guest. One physical domain
controller is also included. The domain controllers are in two geographic locations
and replicate with each other using a standard Active Directory replication process.

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 105

New York, NY site

VDC1 domain VDC2 domain VDC3 read only

controller with controller with domain controller
global catalog global catalog (RODC)



PDC1 physical machine

domain controller with
global catalog

London, England site

VDC4 domain VDC5 domain

controller with controller
global catalog (RODC)



Figure 16. Data Protection for VMware protects the VMware guests that host Active Directory Domain Controllers.

Note: This scenario uses the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client
command-line interface to back up and restore the VM guests. The Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client GUI can also be used to complete these tasks.

106 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
1. VM guests VDC1 and VDC3 are backed up by issuing the following
commands on the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client command-line
dsmc backup vm vdc1
dsmc backup vm vdc3
2. VDC1 is recovered with non-authoritative restore by issuing the following
dsmc restore vm vdc1
3. After the server restarts, the restored Active Directory domain controller (on
VDC1) replicates non-authoritatively with other domain controllers in the
network. Make sure to manually reboot the restored VM guest.
4. Verify that the replication completed successfully.

Chapter 6. Backup scenarios 107

108 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Chapter 7. Restore scenarios
Data Protection for VMware restore scenarios are provided in this section.

| Restoring a file from a virtual machine backup

| You can restore one (or more) files from a virtual machine that was backed up to
| Tivoli Storage Manager server storage.

| Procedure

| To mount a backed up virtual machine disk and export the mounted volume for a
| file level restore operation, complete the following steps:
| 1. Configure the mount proxy nodes:
| a. Go to the Configuration window in the Data Protection for VMware
| vSphere GUI.
| b. Click Edit TSM Configuration in the Tasks list. The configuration notebook
| might take a few moments to load.
| c. Go to the Mount Proxy Node Pairs page and select a VMware datacenter in
| the table.
| d. Click Add Mount Proxy Node Pair.
| e. Click New Settings in the table.
| For Linux operating systems, the Linux mount proxy node must be
| configured manually. Use the sample dsm.sys file content that is shown in
| the Mount Proxy Settings dialog when you configure the Linux mount
| proxy node.
| For Windows operating systems, only one client acceptor is created. If you
| want to add a second Windows mount proxy node, you must manually
| configure the client acceptor on a remote system.
| 2. Validate that the mount proxy nodes are online and that the iSCSI service is
| running:
| a. Go to the Configuration window in the Data Protection for VMware
| vSphere GUI.
| b. Select a VMware datacenter in the navigation tree.
| c. Select the mount proxy node (created in Step 1) in the table and click
| Validate Selected Node. The validation results might take a few moments
| to complete. A successful validation shows the Status: Running message for
| each mount proxy node in the Status Details pane. An unsuccessful
| validation shows the Status: error message for each mount proxy node
| that encountered an error.

| Remember: By default, the iSCSI service is started manually. If the system

| where this service is running restarts, the iSCSI service must be restarted
| manually.
| If you receive an error message, investigate possible causes that are based
| on error messages that are shown in the Task Details pane of the Recent
| Tasks report.
| 3. Go to the Restore window in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and
| click Restore Points in the header.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 109

| 4. Expand the list of VMware datacenters and select a virtual machine from the
| navigation pane. All active and inactive backup versions for the selected virtual
| machine are identified as restore points in the Restore Points table. Virtual
| machine template backups are identified in the Template column in the Restore
| Points table.
| Depending on the number of managed vCenters, the list might take a few
| moments to load.
| 5. Select one or more restore points for one virtual machine in the table and click
| Mount to open the Mount wizard.
| 6. On the Mount Options page, complete the following steps:
| a. Select the mount proxy node.
| b. Optional: To select the operating system where the backed up virtual
| machine disks are to be mounted, click the Guest Operating System list
| and make your selection.

| Tip: When the operating system where the disks are to be mounted is
| different from the operating system of the mount proxy node, the mount
| point path updates automatically.
| c. Enter the absolute path of the mount point. The following characters are
| supported: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, colon (:), forward slash (/), backward slash (\),
| and underscore (_). The maximum length is 200 characters.
| v For Windows operating systems, the absolute path to a disk is mount
| root\tag\vmname\snapshot date and time\file system number. For
| example:
| C:\tsmmount\ticket_9471\tangowin2k12test\2014-07-01-10_35_50\Volume1\

| The default value is D:\tsmvemount\vmname.

| v For Linux operating systems, the absolute path to a disk is mount
| root/tag/vmname/snapshot date and time/file system number. For
| example:
| /tsmmount/ticket_9471/vm1/2014-07-01-10_35_23/Volume1

| The default value is /mnt/vmname.

| d. Enter a description of this mount operation in the Description Tag field.
| This description becomes part of the mount path so that the administrator
| can easily identify the operation. The following characters are supported:
| a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore (_). The maximum length is 20 characters.
| e. Optional: If you want the mounted virtual machine disks on a network
| share, select Create Network share and enter the appropriate credentials.
| v For Windows operating systems, enter the user name that is allowed to
| access Windows Share.

| Tip: For security reasons, ensure that files are shared only by users and
| groups who are authorized to access those files.
| v For Linux operating systems, enter the IP address or name of the system
| that mounts the exported file system.
| f. Click Next.
| 7. In the Summary page, review the settings and click Finish to start the mount
| operation. To change your mount settings, click Back.
| After the operation starts, you can monitor its progress (Recent Tasks) in the
| Reports window.

110 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
| If the mount operation does not complete successfully, investigate possible
| causes that are based on error messages that are shown in the Task Details
| pane of the Recent Tasks report.
| 8. Export (or share) the mounted volumes from the virtual machine:
| a. Go to the Restore window in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI.
| b. Click Mount Status in the header.
| c. Select the mount operation that contains the volumes you want to export.
| d. Copy the content in the Network Share pane by using Ctrl + C and send to
| the user who accesses the mounted volumes to restore the files.
| 9. Log in to the system where the files will be restored and complete the
| following step:
| v For Windows operating systems, connect to the Common Internet File
| System (CIFS) where the files are mounted. Copy the files with a file
| manager application such as Windows Explorer.
| v For Linux operating systems, connect to the Network File System (NFS)
| where the files are mounted. Copy the files with a file manager application.

| What to do next

| After the files are restored by the user, dismount the volumes:
| 1. Go to the Restore window in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI.
| 2. Click Mount Status in the header.
| 3. Select the mount operation that contains the volumes you want to export and
| click Dismount.
vCloud environment restore scenario
This scenario demonstrates how to restore vApps with the vmcli -f restore

These vCloud Director objects can also be restored with the following user
Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the Data Protection
for VMware vCloud GUI is provided in the online help that is installed
with the GUI. Click Learn More in any of the GUI windows to open the
online help for task assistance.
Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client command-line interface
Information about how to complete backup tasks with the dsmc Restore
VAPP command is provided in the command-line help that is installed with
the product (dsmc help restore vapp). Information is also available at
Restore VAPP (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/

This scenario restores vApp1 from organization Mainz_org and organization vDC
MZ_Silver to a new vApp named vApp1_restore.

To identify that the backup environment is within vCloud Director, the following
vmcli -f set_option command is issued:
vmcli -f set_option -c vcloud

Then, the following vmcli -f restore command is issued:

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 111

vmcli -f restore -I vapplistfile

The vapplistfile contains this statement:

backupid:47110815 vappname:org=Mainz_org,orgvdc=MZ_Silver,vapp=vApp1

You can restore a single or multiple vApps. You cannot exclude individual VMs
from a vApp restore, nor can you restore a single VM into an existing vApp.

vSphere environment restore scenario

This scenario demonstrates how to restore VMs with the vmcli -f restore

The VMs can also be restored with the following user interfaces:
Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
Information about how to complete restore tasks with the Data Protection
for VMware vSphere GUI is provided in the online help that is installed
with the GUI. Click Learn More in any of the GUI windows to open the
online help for task assistance.
Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client GUI
Information about how to complete restore tasks with the backup-archive
client GUI is provided in the online help that is installed with the GUI.
Click Help in any of the GUI windows to open the online help for task
Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client command-line interface
Information about how to complete restore tasks with the dsmc Restore VM
command is provided in the command-line help that is installed with the
product (dsmc help restore vm). Information is also available at Restore
VM (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGSG7_7.1.1/

This scenario completes an instant restore of vmName6 to a new VM, data center,
ESX host, and data store. During the restore process, the disk is created with thin

The following vmcli -f restore command is issued:

vmcli -f restore -vmrestoretype instantrestore -I vmlistfile

The vmpplistfile contains this statement:

backupid:678912345 vmname:vmName6::vmname:vm6newName
newdatacentername:DataCenter2 newesxhostname:esxHost1Name
newdatastoreurl:datastore2 vmtempdatastore:datastore2temp

112 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Full VM instant restore scenarios

A backed up VM is restored and available for immediate use.

Instant access and instant restore capability is supported only for VMware VMs
that are hosted on VMware ESXi 5.1 servers, or later versions.

This command completes an instant restore of the VM with the name Cologne.
dsmc restore vm Cologne -vmrest=INSTANTRestore -vmtempdatastore=Verify_datastore

This command completes a regular restore (without starting the VM) when the VM
named San_Jose is being restored.
dsmc restore vm San_Jose

Alternatively, you can also use the following command:

dsmc restore vm San_Jose -vmrest=noni

In this command, the -vmtempdatastore option specifies a temporary data store on

the ESX host. The data for the new VM is stored in this temporary data store:
dsmc restore vm Haifa -VMRESToretype=INSTANTRestore -vmname=Haifa_verify

The temporary data store is used by Storage vMotion to store the configuration of
the restored virtual machine during the instant restore process. The name that you
specify must be unique. It cannot match the name of any of the original data stores
that were used by the virtual machine when it was backed up, and it cannot be the
same as the name specified on the optional –datastore option. If the –datastore
option is omitted, the virtual machine files are restored to the data stores that they
used when the virtual machine was backed up.

This command completes an instant restore of the VM with the name Oslo with
the -pick option to pick a specific backup version.
dsmc restore vm Oslo -vmrest=INSTANTRestore -pick -vmtempdatastore=datastore_temp

This command queries to find all active and failed instant restore sessions.
dsmc query vm * -VMRESToretype=INSTANTRestore

This command retrieves the metadata for all instant restore session from the Tivoli
Storage Manager server and prints that information as a list.

This command completes a cleanup of the VM and all its components. These
components include iSCSI mounts, devices, and temporary data that are identified
by the VM name on the ESX host.
dsmc restore vm Oslo -VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup -vmname=Oslo_Verify

This command queries information about the real state of the listed VMs based on
information from the vSphere SDK on the ESX host.
dsmc query vm * -VMRESToretype=INSTANTRestore -Detail

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 113

Full VM instant restore cleanup and repair scenarios
When an instant restore operation fails after the VM is powered on, manual
cleanup and repair tasks are required.

An instant restore operation that fails with storage vMotion running creates either
of the following situations:
v The instant restore operation generates an error message.
v The instant restore operation suspends indefinitely and the VM is not
To determine the cause of the problem, perform a detailed query of the VM by
using the following command:
dsmc q vm * -vmrestoretype=instantrestore -detail

In the output that is produced by this command, for each VM in the output, look
for the line that contains Action Needed. Use the following Action Needed
paragraphs to recover from failed instant restore operation, depending on the
Action Needed status.

Instant access and instant restore capability is supported only for VMware VMs
that are hosted on VMware ESXi 5.1 servers, or later versions.

Action Needed: Cleanup

In the output of the query vm * -vmrestoretype=instantrestore -detail

command, verify that the storage vMotion status is successful (vMotion Status:
Successful) and that all VM disks are physical disks (Disk Type: Physical). This
status confirms that the VM was restored and cleanup of orphaned components,
such as iSCSI mounts, is needed.

This type of failure occurs as a result of either of the following situations:

v The instant restore failed and Storage vMotion is running. VMware vSphere
continues the vMotion process.
v Storage vMotion finished successfully, but the automatic cleanup of the iSCSI
mounts fails.

To clean up any orphaned components, run the restore vm command with the
-VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup parameter. For example:
dsmc restore vm original_vmname -vmname=new_vm_name -VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup

Action Needed: Repair

In the output of the query vm * -vmrestoretype=instantrestore -detail

command, verify that the iSCSI device that is attached to the VM is dead (status is
Disk Path: Dead).

This type of failure occurs as a result of one of the following three situations:
v The VM that is used as a data mover or the physical data mover machine failed.
v A network failure occurred between the data mover and the ESX host or the
data mover and the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent Service failed.
The iSCSI device must be returned to an active state before any other instant
operation is attempted.

114 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
To attempt to recover from a data mover failure, complete the following steps:
1. Investigate that cause of the failure and restart the data mover machine if it
does not start automatically. This action starts an automatic recovery of the
mounted iSCSI disks.
2. In the output of the query vm * -vmrestoretype=instantrestore -detail
command, verify that the VM disks are active (Disk Path: Active). This status
means that the VM was restored and is available for use.
3. Restart storage vMotion in the vSphere client and monitor its progress in the
vSphere client status bar.
4. If storage vMotion processing completed successfully, run the restore vm
command with the -vmrestoretype=VMCLeanup parameter to clean up the iSCSI
disks. For example:
dsmc restore vm original_vmname -vmname=new_vm_name -VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup

To attempt recovery after a network failure, complete the following steps:

1. Repair the network issue so that communication between the data mover and
the ESX host, and the data mover and the Tivoli Storage Manager server
2. In the output of the query vm * -vmrestoretype=instantrestore -detail
command, verify that the VM disks are active (Disk Path: Active). This status
means that the VM was restored and is available for use.
3. If the network failure did not cause storage vMotion to time out, no action is
4. If the network failure caused storage vMotion to time out, and the error
message indicates that the source disk is not responding, restart storage
vMotion in the vSphere client. When storage vMotion processing completes,
run the restore vm command with the -vmrestoretype=VMCLeanup parameter to
clean up the iSCSI disks. For example:
dsmc restore vm original_vmname -vmname=new_vm_name -VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup

To attempt recovery after a Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent service failure,
complete the following steps:
1. Investigate that cause of the failure and restart the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent service if it does not start automatically. This action starts an
automatic recovery of the mounted iSCSI disks.
2. In the output of the query vm * -vmrestoretype=instantrestore -detail
command, verify that the VM disks are active (Disk Path: Active). This status
means that the VM was restored and is available for use.
3. If the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent service failure did not cause
storage vMotion to time out, no action is required.
4. If the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent service failure caused storage
vMotion to time out, and the error message indicates that the source disk as
not responding, restart storage vMotion in the vSphere client. When storage
vMotion processing completes, run the restore vm command with the
-vmrestoretype=VMCLeanup parameter to clean up the iSCSI disks. For example:
dsmc restore vm original_vmname -vmname=new_vm_name -VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup

Full cleanup

If you are not able to recover from a failure and want to remove the VM and its
components, run the restore vm with the -vmrestoretype=VMFULLCLeanup
parameter. For example:

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 115

dsmc restore vm original_vmname -vmname=new_vm_name -VMRESToretype=VMFULLCLeanup

A VMFULLCLeanup operation forces removal of the VM and all of its components,

regardless of the state of the virtual machine. Do not start a full clean up operation
while vMotion is still migrating a virtual machine.

Full VM instant restore integrity validation scenarios


A new VM is built from the requested VM backup and is available for immediate

The process that creates a VM for verification is referred to as instant access. The
verification itself is done by a specific application that the user must provide and
operate. In this scenario, since the VM guest data remains in the Tivoli Storage
Manager server repository, no additional storage is required on the primary data

Instant access and instant restore capability is supported only for VMware VMs
that are hosted on VMware ESXi 5.1 servers, or later versions.

Start an instant access scenario

Start the instant access operation by entering the following Tivoli Storage Manager
backup-archive client command and options:
dsmc restore vm Haifa -VMRESToretype=instanta -vmname=Haifa_verify

This command verifies the VM backup named Haifa without having to restore the
VM. Since the original VM exists, the -vmname option assigns the new VM name

In this command, the -vmautostart option specifies that the VM created for
verification is powered on automatically:
dsmc restore vm Haifa -VMRESToretype=instanta -vmname=Haifa_verify

By default, the VM created for verification is not powered on automatically. This

default value allows the VM to be reconfigured before startup (if needed).

Specify the -inactive and -pick options to select the VM backup to validate from
a list of all backed up VMs. Or, specify the -pitdate and -pittime options to select
a VM backup by its backup date and time.

All location options (such as -vmname, -datacenter, -host, and -datastore) are
supported by the -vmrestoretype=instantaccess and
-vmrestoretype=instantrestore options.

This command returns a list of VMs that are running in instant access mode:
dsmc query vm * -VMRESToretype=instanta

This command starts the cleanup process for a VM backup:

dsmc restore vm Haifa -VMRESToretype=VMCLeanup -vmname=Haifa_Verify

116 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
This command completes the instant access session. A cleanup process includes
these actions:
v The temporary VM created for verification is deleted on the ESX host.
v The iSCSI mounts are unmounted on the vStorage Backup Server.
v The iSCSI device list is cleaned on the ESX host.
v The temporary data that is generated during verification is deleted by removing
the VMware snapshot.

You cannot use the –VMRESToretype=VMCleanup option or the

–VMRESToretype=VMFULLCLeanup option to clean up a virtual machine while Storage
vMotion is migrating it to a host.

Full VM recovery with application protection

Linux Windows

Restoring a full VM that was backed up with self-contained application enabled, is

the same as restoring a full VM that did not have self-contained application
protection enabled. When the VM is powered on after a restore, the applications
resume automatically, unless they are configured to be started manually.

Additional files are present on the Windows guest VM after the restore completes.
These files are in the %TEMP%\TSM directory (where %TEMP% is the system
environment variable for the account that runs the VMware vStorage API runtime
files). These files can remain on the guest, or you can delete them. The Tivoli
Storage Manager backup-archive client used the files to perform the application
protection functions. Since the snapshot was taken when the files were on the
guest, the restored guest VM also contains them.

Recover a Microsoft Exchange mailbox item from a VM

To recover Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox items from a VM backup, you must
use both Data Protection for VMware and the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for
Microsoft Exchange Server product and documentation. As a result, IBM Tivoli
Storage Manager for Microsoft Exchange Server must be purchased separately with
a valid license. For more information, see the following product website:

A mailbox item recovery scenario uses the products in the following order:
1. Access the VM backup by using the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.
2. Recover mailbox items by using IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Microsoft
Exchange Server.

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 117

Recover individual Microsoft SQL databases from a VM
To recover Microsoft SQL databases from a VM backup, you must use both Data
Protection for VMware and the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data
Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1 (or later) product and documentation. As
a result, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft
SQL Server V7.1 (or later) must be purchased separately with a valid license. For
more information, see the following product website: http://www.ibm.com/

A recovery of a Microsoft SQL database from a VM backup scenario requires the

following environment:
v Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server
V7.1 (or later) is installed and configured on a guest VM.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent feature is installed on the same guest
VM as Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL
Server V7.1 (or later). When you install Data Protection for VMware V7.1.1,
select the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent feature.
v The VSS service and SQL Server instance must be online and active. SQL Server
databases that do not have an active instance are backed up. However,
information about these databases is not saved to Tivoli Storage Manager.
Therefore, these databases are not available for a database-level restore
operation. You can restore these databases with a full VM restore operation.
VM backups are identified in the Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server GUI
Recover page with Backup type VMVSS.

Restore of individual Microsoft SQL Server databases is available from basic disks
with MBR-style partitions within the guest. If Microsoft SQL Server database data
or log files are stored on a Windows Dynamic disk, or on a disk with GPT-style
partitions, the database is not available at restore time.

Restoring SQL databases from virtual machine snapshots

You can restore SQL databases from virtual machine snapshots when Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual Environments, Version 7.1 and later is used to back up the
data. Before you restore the SQL database, you must verify that the data is backed
up correctly.

Before you begin

v Before you restore SQL databases form virtual machine snapshots, verify that the
data is backed up according to the following procedure.
v You can restore the SQL data to basic disks with MBR-style partitions. Because
of an SQL Server limitation, however, you cannot restore a VSS backup to an
alternative SQL Server instance. VSS backups must be restored to the same SQL
Server instance where the snapshot is created.
Also, when you restore an SQL database from a VM backup, the restore
operation is not possible if the VM name is changed after the VM backup.

118 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Restoring the SQL database
1. Log on to the system where you want to restore the SQL database. The Data
Protection for VMware Recovery Agent license and Data Protection for
Microsoft SQL Server must be installed on the system where you restore the
2. When Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server is configured, for the
Configuring Recovery Agent rule, verify that the status is Passed. If the status
is not Passed, re-run the configuration wizard. On the TSM Node Names
wizard page, enter the data center node name. The data center node is the
virtual node that maps to a data center.
3. Set access to the virtual machine that is backed up in a data center node as
shown in the following table:
Table 12. Node names used to set access.
Node name Location Description Proxy type
DC_NODE Data mover Node for the virtual Agent (data owner)
machine backup
SQL_NODE In guest virtual Node for Data Agent (data owner)
machine running Protection for
Microsoft SQL Microsoft SQL Server
VSS_NODE In guest virtual Node for Data Agent (data worker)
machine running Protection for
Microsoft SQL Microsoft SQL Server

4. Ensure that the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator provides access to the
virtual machine that is backed up to the VSS_NODE. The Tivoli Storage
Manager administrator can use the Tivoli Storage Manager command-line
interface to enter the set access command while connected to the DC_NODE.
Enabling access is required for Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server to
restore the data that is owned by the DC_NODE.
Running the commands from the DC_NODE is best practice because the
options file has the necessary settings to communicate with the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Manager administrator credentials can be
used if the DC_NODE administrator password is not available.
5. The set access command cannot be run if the ASNODE option is used. To
issue the set access command, use an option file that does not contain
a. Copy dsm.opt and dsm.setaccess.opt files.
b. If you run the set access command from a node with ASNODE in the
options file, edit the dsm.setaccess.opt file. For any line that contains
ASNODE, remove the line.
c. Edit the dsm.setaccess.opt file to set the NODENAME option to the
following entry:
d. Enter the following command:
dsmc set access backup -type=VM traveler VSS_NODE -optfile=dsm.setaccess.opt

You might be prompted to enter the password for the DC_NODE.

For any subsequent set access, query access, and delete access commands,
repeat these steps.

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 119

6. From the Protect and Recover Data section in the MMC, select an SQL Server.
7. On the Recover tab for that SQL Server, select View: Databases to see a list of
SQL database backups that are available to restore. SQL databases that are
backed up with Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments software are
listed with the VMVSS backup method.
8. Verify the restore options. If the restore options are not displayed, click Show
Restore Options.
9. Optional: Choose a mode for the current task:
v Run Interactively: Click this item to run the current task interactively. This
selection is the default.
v Run Scheduled: Click this item to convert the current action into a
scheduled task. When you select this item, the schedule wizard begins,
complete with the command that is required to complete the task.
10. On the Actions pane, click Restore to begin the restore operation.
11. To view the status of the restore operation, click Task List in the lower half of
the results pane. Click Task Details to view detailed status information.

Verifying the SQL backup

1. Install the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments Recovery Agent 7.1
package and the Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client 7.1 from the
Data Protection for VMware 7.1 package. These software packages are available
for download from Passport Advantage®.
Install these packages on the guest virtual machine with Data Protection for
Microsoft SQL Server.
2. Specify the following Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client 7.1 option
in the dsm.opt file:
When you set this option, virtual machine applications receive a notification
when a backup is scheduled to occur. This notification allows the application to
truncate transaction logs and commit transactions so that the application can
resume from a consistent state when the backup completes. By default, this
option is not enabled. You must set this option to enable application protection
for a virtual machine.
The vmname specifies the name of the virtual machine that contains the
applications to quiesce. Specify one virtual machine per INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS
statement. To protect all virtual machines with this option, use an asterisk as a
wildcard. For example:

You can also use question marks to match any single character. For example:

This type of option setting protects all virtual machines that have names that
begin with vm and are followed by any two characters. For example, vm10 and
If the OPTions KEEPSqllog parameter is specified in an INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS
statement, this parameter prevents SQL Server logs from being truncated when
a data mover node backs up a virtual machine that runs an SQL Server.
Specifying this parameter allows the SQL Server administrator to manually
manage the SQL Server logs. The logs can be preserved as required and be
used to restore SQL transactions to a specific checkpoint, after the virtual

120 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
machine is restored. When this option is specified, the SQL log is not truncated
and following message is displayed and logged on the server:
ANS4179I IBM Tivoli Storage Manager application protection did not truncate
Microsoft SQL Server logs on virtual machine vmname

Tivoli Storage Manager does not back up the SQL log files. The SQL
administrator must back up the log files so that those logs can be applied after
the database is restored.
3. Verify that the VSS service and SQL Server instance are online and active. SQL
Server databases that do not have an active instance are backed up. However,
information about these databases is not saved to Tivoli Storage Manager.
Therefore, these databases are not available for a database-level restore
operations. You can restore these databases with a full VM restore operation.
4. Use the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments software to back up
the data. .
5. After you back up data, verify that the virtual machine backup contains the
necessary database metadata.
a. Enter the following Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client
command on the data mover:
dsmc query vm <vmname> -detail
b. In the command output, ensure that the Application(s) protected: value
specifies (database-level recovery) For example:
# Backup Date Mgmt Class Size Type A/I Virtual Machine
--- ------------------- ---------- ----------- ------ --- ---------------
1 06/07/2012 19:25:58 STANDARD 29.29 GB FULL A wombat
The size of this incremental backup: n/a
The number of incremental backups since last full: n/a
The amount of extra data: n/a
The TSM objects fragmentation: n/a
Backup is represented by: n/a
Application protection type: TSM VSS
Application(s) protected: MS SQL 2008 (database-level recovery)
VMDK[1]Label: Hard disk 1
VMDK[1]Name: [ess800_dev1] wombat/wombat-000002.vmdk
VMDK[1]Status: Protected

Verifying that the Active Directory Domain Controller replicated

When a VM guest that contains an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) is
restored with Data Protection for VMware, the DC (on that VM) is restored from a
backup copy of the AD database.

Before you begin

The original VM must be powered off before the restored VM is started. In

addition, the restored VM must be manually rebooted for replication to occur.

About this task

The following tasks occur upon a successful Data Protection for VMware restore
and subsequent reboot of the VM guest that contains the AD DC:

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 121

1. The DC is updated from a backup copy of the AD DC database. A new
invocationID is assigned to the Directory Server. This update is indicated by
event 1109 in the event log on the VM guest. To verify this update:
a. In the Computer Management window on the restored system, go to
System Tools > Event Viewer.
b. When the AD DC restored successfully, the Information type event for the
restored DC displays the following message:
ActiveDirectory 1109 Replication

The message in the Event Viewer also confirms a successful restore because
of the changed invocationID attribute:
The invocationID attribute for this directory server has been changed.
The highest update sequence number at the time the backup was created is <time>
InvocationID attribute (old value):<Previous InvocationID value>
InvocationID attribute (new value):<New InvocationID value>
Update sequence number:<USN>
The InvocationID is changed when a directory server is restored from backup media
or is configured to host a writeable application directory partition.

2. The restored DC replicates itself non-authoritatively with its replication

partners in the network. It is updated with the most current domain, schema,
configuration, and application partitions:

Note: Data Protection for VMware does not support authoritative restore.
a. Log in to the VM guest that was restored by using Data Protection for
VMware as an Administrator.
b. Open a Windows command prompt.
c. Check the status of the last replication that involved the restored DC by
issuing the repadmin /showrepl command1. This command shows the
replication partners for each directory partition on the DC and the status of
the last replication.
If the replication schedule did not start, you can manually start the
replication operation. Go to the Active Directory Sites and Services, select
the replication partners, and right-click Replicate Now.
For detailed information about initiating replication, see the following
Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
When the status is newer than the restore time, this status means that the
replication was successful and completed automatically. The
following output shows that replication was successful:

1. Repadmin.exe is a Microsoft command-line tool that is installed with Microsoft Active Directory.

122 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Repadmin: running command /showrepl against full DC localhost
DSA Options: IS_GC
Site Options: <none>
DSA Object GUID: 8393da24-f18b-453a-b197-b8dc6956d51f
DSA invocationID: 8393da24-f18b-453a-b197-b8dc6956d51f

==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ===============================

Default-First-Site-Name\DC22012 via RPC
DSA Object GUID: 790c6f2d-61f1-4704-bdcf-6ef731bcb96e
Last attempt @ 2013-01-25 14:33:10 was successful.

When the repadmin /showrepl command displays a successful replication,

the AD DC replication is considered successful. No additional tasks are
d. When the repadmin /showrepl command shows that replication was not
successful, output similar to the following is shown:
Repadmin: running command /showrepl against full DC localhost
DSA Options: IS_GC
Site Options: <none>
DSA Object GUID: 8393da24-f18b-453a-b197-b8dc6956d51f
DSA invocationID: 8393da24-f18b-453a-b197-b8dc6956d51f

==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ===============================

Default-First-Site-Name\DC22012 via RPC
DSA Object GUID: 790c6f2d-61f1-4704-bdcf-6ef731bcb96e
Last attempt @ 2013-01-25 14:30:32 failed, result 1908 <0x774>:
Could not find the domain controller for this domain.
1 consecutive failure(s).
Last success @ 2012-12-14 15:01:36.

If a replication failure exists or persists, follow the instructions provided in

the next section.

Recover from Replication Failures

Use the following methods to investigate the cause of a persistent replication

1. Use the Microsoft Domain Controller Diagnostics tool (dcdiag.exe) to view
information about all components, objects, and permissions that are required
for successful replication. For example:
a. Open a Windows command prompt as an administrator.
b. Issue the dcdiag /test:replications command. Use the output information
to resolve any issues. If the command fails, investigate the events that are at
Event Viewer > Directory Service > ActiveDirectory_DomainServices.
2. Use the Microsoft Repadmin.exe command-line tool to view the retired
invocationID on a DC. For example:
a. Open a Windows command prompt as an administrator.
b. Issue the repadmin /showsig [DC_LIST] command. This output shows that
restore from Tivoli Storage Manager was successful because a retired
invocationID exists:

Chapter 7. Restore scenarios 123

C:\Users\Administrator>repadmin /showsig rodc

Current DSA invocationID: ed8ea6b9-d347-4695-b886-b5128be280c4

2c995946-2389-4d98-bc78-3708ba906e01 retired on 2012-12-19 16:56:21
at USN 17703

When the output contains the statement No retired signatures, the AD

was not restored from Tivoli Storage Manager correctly. As a result,
replication cannot be completed because the partner DCs mistake the new
invocationID as evidence for a completed replication. For example:
C:\Users\Administrator>repadmin /showsig rodc

Current DSA invocationID: ed8ea6b9-d347-4695-b886-b5128be280c4

No retired signatures

When the invocationID is retired, the replication can be started. However,

this statement does not guarantee success of the replication.

Restoring files and instant restore of volumes with the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent
Use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to perform an instant restore of a
volume or to mount a snapshot for a file-level restore.

124 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Appendix A. Troubleshooting
Solutions to Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for
VMware command-line interface issues are provided.

Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI or Data Protection for

VMware vCloud GUI backup or restore operation fails

Complete these tasks to resolve a backup or restore failure:

1. Log on to the system where the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client is
2. Start a command-line session:
v Open the Windows Start menu and select Programs > Tivoli
Storage Manager > Backup Client Command Line.
v Linux Open a terminal window.
3. If not already there, go to the installation directory:

cd C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient


cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

By default, error log files are in the installation directory.

4. View these Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client log files to see if an
error was generated:
v dsmerror.log: All client messages.
v dsmwebcl.log: All web client messages.
v dsmj.log: All client Java GUI messages.
These log files are located in the directory you specify with the DSM_LOG
environment variable or in the current working directory.

Tip: You can view error explanations in IBM Knowledge Center at Messages,
return codes, and error codes (http://www.ibm.com/support/
5. If neither of these files contain an error, run a backup-archive client backup and
restore operation to see if it fails.
6. If the backup-archive client operations complete successfully, run a Data
Protection for VMware command-line interface “Backup” on page 44 and
“Restore” on page 47 operation. Set the appropriate trace parameters (as
described in “Profile parameters” on page 70) so you can view any errors that
might be generated.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 125

Data Protection for VMware command-line interface backup fails
with scSignOnAsAdmin: Error 53

In this situation, a Data Protection for VMware command-line interface backup

operation failed and this error was generated to the backup-archive client
scSignOnAsAdmin: Error 53 receiving SignOnAsAdminResp verb from server

Typically, this error results when the VMCLI node name is different from its
administrator name. Tivoli Storage Manager requires these two names to be the

data mover nodes are not visible during a backup operation

Verify that the correct proxy node authority was granted on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. If the correct authority exists, then the data center mapping
specified by the VE_DATACENTER_NAME profile parameter is incorrect. See
“Profile parameters” on page 70 for a complete description and correct syntax of
the VE_DATACENTER_NAME parameter.

The inquire_detail command failed with Return Code 53

In this situation, the vmcli -f inquire_detail command failed and this error was
generated to your log file:
ANS1033E (RC-53) An invalid TCP/IP address was specified.

This error occurs when a node name does not match its administrator name. This
issue can happen when you rename a node but do not rename its administrator.
The solution is to either rename the administrator to match the new node name or
register a new administrator for the new node.

The commands in these examples are issued from the Tivoli Storage Manager
Administrative Command Line:
v Rename the administrator at the same time you rename the node:
rename node <current_node_name> <new_node_name>
rename admin <current_admin_name> <new_node_name>

For example:
rename node DC_VC5 DC_WIN2K8_X64
rename admin DC_VC5 DC_WIN2K8_X64

As a result, the new administrator name matches the new node name.
v Register the administrator directly after renaming the node:
rename node <current_node_name> <new_node_name>
register admin <new_admin_name> <password>

For example:
rename node DC_VC5 DC_WIN2K8_X64
register admin DC_WIN2K8_X64 DC_WIN2K8_X64PWD

As a result, the new administrator name matches the new node name.

126 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Invalid sign on and invalid password errors received

In this situation, Data Protection for VMware command-line interface, Data

Protection for VMware vSphere GUI, or Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI
operations failed and your log file contained one (or more) of these errors:
GVM1170E: A VMCLI command failed.

ANR2177I FRSV123015.TSMCLI has 1 invalid sign-on attempts. The limit is 5.

ANR0424W Session 125713 for node FRSV128215.TSMCLI (TSM4VE)

refused - invalid password submitted.

This issue can occur when a VMCLI node set password attempt was made by
using a password that was previously set.

When the VMCLI node password is set, the password is registered and then
automatically changed. As a result, you do not know this changed password. If
you must change the VMCLI node password after it is already set, the Tivoli
Storage Manager Administrator must use the update node command to reset this
node on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. When the node has been reset, set the
VMCLI node password again and specify the new password.

The VMCLI node password is set by either of these methods:

v Data Protection for VMware command-line interface: vmcli -f set_password
v Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI: Configuration > Tasks > Edit
Configuration > VMCLI Node
v Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI: Configuration > Tasks > Edit
Configuration > VMCLI Node

Session timeout

The Tivoli Storage Manager server COMMTIMEOUT option affects the duration of
the Data Protection for VMware session. If the processing time of the Data
Protection for VMware operation exceeds this value, the server ends the session
with Data Protection for VMware. Therefore, if you are sure that no error has
occurred during a Data Protection for VMware operation and the
COMMTIMEOUT value has been reached, increase the value. Likewise, if an error
occurred but Data Protection for VMware did not report the error in a timely
manner, then decrease the value for better real-time reporting.

vSphere Client displays a Data Protection for VMware vSphere

GUI connection error

In this situation, the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI was installed
successfully on the vCenter node. However, when viewing the Data Protection for
VMware vSphere GUI in the vSphere Client Plug-in Manager (Menu > Plug-ins >
Manage Plug-ins), the following message is shown:

Appendix A. Troubleshooting 127

Tivoli Data Protection for VMware
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 2.1.1
Tivoli Data Protection for VMware Plug-in
The following error occured while downloading the script plugin from
The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect
to the remote server)

This issue can occur when the web server cannot access ports specified in the
bootstrap.properties file. During installation, the web server accesses port 9081.
However, when these additional ports cannot be accessed, the vSphere Client
cannot connect to the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI.

Complete these tasks to resolve this issue:

1. On the system where the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is installed,
go to the following directory for your operating system: Linux


2. Open the bootstrap.properties file to view the eWAS port settings. For example:

3. Issue the netstat -a command to view all active connections and ports.
Compare the results with the port settings in the bootstrap.properties file. If
any of the ports (specified in the bootstrap.properties file) are not open,
complete either of the following tasks to resolve this connection issue:
v Open the closed ports.
v Update the bootstrap.properties file with ports that are available.
4. Restart the GUI web server:
v Windows

a. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
b. Right-click Data Protection for VMware Web Server Service and click
v Linux Issue the following command as root:
[root@bold4win /]# service webserver restart
Restarting the WebSphere Liberty Profile ...
Stopping server veProfile.
Server veProfile stopped.
Starting server veProfile.
Server veProfile started with process ID 17894.

5. Start the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI with either of these
v Click the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI icon in the Solutions and
Applications window of the vSphere Client.
v Open a web browser and go to the GUI web server. For example:

128 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Login by using the vCenter user name and password.

Resolving a VM guest (with application protection) backup failure

In this situation, a backup (with application protection) of a guest machine is

stopped by the user. When the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client
backup process (dsmagent or dsmc) ends in this manner, the cleanup of the
application protection does not take place. As a result, the next backup (with
application protection) of the same guest machine can be issued only after a 10
minute interval. This interval is the length of time necessary for the process to
recognize that the guest machine is not backed up.

To manually clean up application protection without waiting 10 minutes for

communication to clear, complete these steps:
1. Log on to the guest machine with the same user ID and password that was
entered when issuing the backup operation.
2. Open a command prompt window and issue this command:
echo %TEMP%
3. Go to the %TEMP% directory, then change to the Tivoli Storage Manager directory.
For example:
4. Delete the BackupHeartBeat.txt file.
5. Back up the guest machine.

Event log contains event ID 8194, VSS message

After a backup of a VM guest with application protection completes, the event log
contains the event ID 8194, VSS error message. This cause of this message is an
incorrect security setting in the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) writer or
requestor process.

To resolve this error, complete these steps:

1. Log on to the VM guest as an administrator and run the Microsoft
dcomcnfg.exe utility in the Start > Run dialog:

Click OK.
The dcomcnfg.exe utility is used to modify registry settings.
2. In the Component Services interface, go to Component Services > Computers.
Right-click My Computer and select Properties.
3. In the My Computer properties panel, go to COM Security > Access
Permissions: Edit Default.
4. In the Access Permission panel, add the Network Service account with Local
Access permission set to Allow.
5. Apply your changes and close all open Component Services panels.
6. Restart the VM guest.
7. Back up the VM guest and verify that the event ID 8194, VSS error message is
not issued to the event log.

Appendix A. Troubleshooting 129

Data Protection for VMware installation failure: deployment
engine initialization

The Data Protection for VMware installation might be stopped due to a

deployment engine initialization failure due to .lock files. If the deployment
engine interferes with the Data Protection for VMware installation, the following
error message is produced:
Deployment Engine failed to initialize.
The installer will now shutdown. Please check with the log files for a more
complete description of the failure.

The cause might be deployment engine .lock files that come from a concurrent
installation that is running or from an installation that stopped before completing.
If another installation is running, wait until that installation finishes before
installing Data Protection for VMware. If there are no other installations running
and you encounter this problem, delete any .lock files.

Important: Do not delete any .lock files if there are other Data Protection for
VMware installations running.

Windows To delete .lock files on Windows, issue the following command:

cd C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\logs
del .lock*

Linux To delete .lock files on Linux, issue the following command:

cd /usr/ibm/common/acsi/logs
rm .lock*

After removing these files, restart the installation.

Unsupported characters in VM or datacenter name

Data Protection for VMware does not support backing up VMs or datacenters that
contain any of the following characters in their name:
" Double quotation mark
' Single quotation mark
: Colon
; Semicolon
* Asterisk
? Question mark
, Comma
< Less than sign
> Greater than sign
/ Forward slash
\ Backward slash
| Vertical bar

130 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Issues encountered after changing the vCenter

After changing the vCenter in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI, the
following two issues might occur:
v A data center associated with the new vCenter does not appear on the
Configuration Status page.
To resolve this issue, manually set the domain for the new vCenter. See
“Set_domain” on page 61 for details about issuing this command.
v In the Restore tab, an ESX host (associated with a previous data center) displays
under a new data center within the new vCenter. This issue is a known
limitation. There is currently not a workaround for this issue

Consolidating VM backups

After a VM backup, the VM might contain preexisting snapshots even though no

snapshots are present in the Snapshot Manager. For example, the VM hard disk
points to snapshot VMDK files (for example *-000001.vmdk) instead of regular
VMDK files. Although preexisting snapshots might be intentionally retained, Data
Protection for VMware does not provide a mechanism to verify whether the
VMDK points to a valid snapshot. When snapshots are not consolidated, and a VM
with preexisting snapshot files is backed up, Data Protection for VMware might
report an incorrect size for the backup on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Snapshot consolidation also prevents other VMware related issues. As a result,
consolidate your snapshots whenever this situation occurs.

To resolve this potential problem, VMware vSphere Client 5.x (or later) notifies you
when a VM requires snapshot consolidation. For detailed information, see the
following VMware Knowledge Base article: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/

For vSphere 4.1 (or earlier), no consolidation option is available. However, the
equivalent task is to create a snapshot and then complete a Delete All action.

Re-register the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI

To use the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI as a vSphere Client plug-in, it
must be registered to the vCenter. When the IP address changes on the system
where the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is installed, you must
re-register the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI. If you cannot find the
Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI in the plug-in Manager, re-register the
Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI. Use this procedure when the IP address
changes or you did not enable GUI access as a plug-in during installation:
1. Log in to the system where the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is
2. Go to the following directory:
Linux /opt/tivoli/tsm/tdpvmware/common/scripts
Windows (64-bit) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Tivoli\TDPVMware\
3. To register the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI, enter the command:

../jre/jre/bin/java -jar reg.jar <vCenterServer> <vCenterUser>

<vCenterPassword> <new_guiHostnameShort> <new_guiHostnameFull> 9081

Appendix A. Troubleshooting 131

The new_guiHostnameShort value is the name that is shown for the Data
Protection for VMware vSphere GUI icon in the vCenter.
The new_guiHostnameFull value is either the full DNS hostname or the numeric
IP address. For example:
../jre/jre/bin/java -jar reg.jar vctr.archive.mycompany.com administrator
pass4admin myguihost myguihost.mydomain.mycompany.com 9081
Windows Issue the reg.jar command from the IBM Java directory. For
C:\IBM\tivoli\tsm\tdpvmware\webserver\jre\jre\bin\java -cp . -jar reg.jar
<vCenter Server address> <vCenter User ID> <vCenter Password>
<GUI web server host name> <GUI web server address>
<GUI web server HTTPS port>

For example:
C:\IBM\tivoli\tsm\tdpvmware\webserver\jre\jre\bin\java -cp . -jar reg.jar
vctr.archive.mycompany.com administrator pass4admin myguihost
myguihost.mydomain.mycompany.com 9081

A config.xml file is created.

To register the IBM Data Protection extension, issue the same command with
the -wc_ext parameter. For example:
C:\IBM\tivoli\tsm\tdpvmware\webserver\jre\jre\bin\java -cp . -jar reg.jar
-wc_ext <vCenter Server address> <vCenter User ID> <vCenter Password>
<GUI web server host name> <GUI web server address>
<GUI web server HTTPS port>
4. Copy the config.xml file to the following directory:
Linux /opt/tivoli/tsm/tdpvmware/common/webserver/usr/servers/
Windows C:\IBM\tivoli\tsm\tdpvmware\webserver\usr\servers\veProfile\
5. Restart the GUI web server:
v Linux Issue the following command as root:
[root@bold4win /]# service webserver restart
v Windows

a. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
b. Right-click Data Protection for VMware Web Server Service and click
6. Restart the vSphere Client and confirm that the Data Protection for VMware
vSphere GUI is now registered.

An error occurred while making the Web server request


In this situation, the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI or Data Protection
for VMware vCloud GUI shows the following error when you tried to access it:
GVM0103E: An error occurred while making the Web server request. If this error persists,
check the network connection with the Web server and verify that the Web server is running.

To prevent this error, make sure that the following conditions exist before you start
the GUI:

132 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
v Linux Windows The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is installed
on a system that meets the operating system prerequisites. It must have network
connectivity to the following systems:
– vStorage Backup Server
– Tivoli Storage Manager server
– vCenter Server (Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI)
– vCloud Director (Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI)
v Windows The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI host URL address must
be set in your Internet Explorer trusted sites zone. In the Internet Explorer menu
bar, go to Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted sites. Click Sites and
add the host URL address. Make sure to apply your changes. For example:
Add this website to the zone:http://myvctrmachine.xyzco.com

v Windows For vSphere Web Client 5.1, when you are using Internet Explorer on
Windows Server 2008 or Windows 2012 Server, Enhanced Security Configuration
(IE ESC) must be disabled. Go to the Server Manager and make sure that IE ESC
is set to Off.
v Windows On Windows Server 2008, if you start the Data Protection for VMware
vSphere GUI and then add the address as a trusted site, a JavaScript error
denies continued access to the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI. To
resolve this issue, close and restart the Data Protection for VMware vSphere

Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI does not display

correctly in the VMware vCenter

In this situation, the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is registered as a
vCenter plug-in. However, the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI icon does
not display in the Solutions and Applications window of the vSphere Client. When
you view the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI in the vSphere Client
Plug-in Manager (Menu > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins), the following message is
The following error occured while downloading the script plugin
The request failed because of a connection failure.
(Unable to connect to the remote server)

To resolve this error, complete the steps as described in the following procedure:
“ Re-register the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI” on page 131.

Return codes for VM backup operations

The following return codes apply to VM backup operations on Linux or Windows

Table 13. Return codes for VM backup operations
Return Code Description
0 A command to process one or more VMs completed successfully.
8 A command to process multiple VMs succeeded on only some of the VMs
that were targeted by the command. Examine the log file to determine the
processing status for each of the targeted VMs.

Appendix A. Troubleshooting 133

Table 13. Return codes for VM backup operations (continued)
Return Code Description
12 A command was issued to process one or more VMs. The command did
not complete for any of the VMs that were targeted by the command.
Examine the log file to determine possible reasons for the failure.

| Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI plug-in privileges are

| not removed

| When you remove the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI plug-in
| privileges, only the labels and descriptions that are associated with the privileges
| are removed. The actual privileges are not removed.

| For detailed information, see the following VMware Knowledge Base article:
| http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2004601

134 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of
volumes overview
Overview, planning, and guideline information is provided in this section.

Mounting snapshots overview

Linux Windows

You can use Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to mount a snapshot and use
the snapshot to complete data recovery.

Mount snapshots with either the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI or
with the “Mount command” on page 81. Install and run the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent on a system that is connected to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server through a LAN. You cannot use the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent component operations in a LAN-free path.

Be aware of these three situations when running mount operations:

v When the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is installed on a guest machine,
you cannot start an instant restore or a mount operation for any file system or
disk while the guest machine is being backed up. You must either wait for the
backup to complete, or you must cancel the backup before running an instant
restore or a mount operation. These operations are not allowed because the
locking mechanism is for a full VM.
v When you browse the snapshot backup inventory, the operating system version
of the VM is the version that was specified when the VM was originally created.
As a result, Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent might not reflect the current
operating system.
v A volume becomes unstable when a network failure interrupts a mount
operation. A message is issued to the event log. When the network connection is
reestablished, another message is issued to the event log. These messages are not
issued to the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI.

A maximum of 20 iSCSI sessions is supported. The same snapshot can be mounted

more than one time. If you mount a snapshot from the same tape storage pool by
using multiple instances of the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent, one of the
following actions occurs:
v The second Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent instance is blocked until the
first instance is complete.
v The second Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent instance might interrupt the
activity of the first instance. For example, it might interrupt a file copy process
on the first instance.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent cannot connect to multiple servers or
nodes simultaneously.
As a result, avoid concurrent Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent sessions on
the same tape volume.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 135

Mounting snapshot guidelines for Windows systems

Information unique to mount operations on a Windows system is provided.

Snapshots can be mounted in either read-only or read/write mode. In read/write

mode, Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent saves changes to data in memory. If
the service is restarted, the changes are lost.

Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent operates in either of the following two
No user is logged in
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent runs as a service. This service
enables remote connections through the Data Protection for VMware
command-line interface.
User is logged in
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent continues to run as a service until
you start the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent and use the GUI.
When you close the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent and GUI, the
service restarts. You can use only the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent application and GUI when running with administrator login
credentials. Only one copy of the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent
application can be active at any time.

When mounted volumes exist and you start Mount from the Start menu on
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, or Windows 2008, this message is
Some snapshots are currently mounted. If you choose to continue, these snapshots will be
dismounted. Note that if a mounted volume is currently being used by an application, the
application may become unstable. Continue?

When Yes is clicked, the mounted volumes are unmounted, even when they are in

Restriction: When exposing snapshots as iSCSI targets, and a snapshot of a

dynamic disk is displayed to its original system, the UUIDs become duplicated.
Likewise when a snapshot of a GPT disk is displayed to its original system, the
GUIDs become duplicated. To avoid this duplication, expose dynamic disks and
GPT disks to a system other than the original system. For example, expose these
disk types to a proxy system, unless the original disks no longer exist.

Mounting snapshot guidelines for Linux systems


Information unique to mount operations on a Linux system is provided.

Use either of these methods to mount (and restore) files on Linux:

v Use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to create an iSCSI target. You can
use an iSCSI initiator on the Linux machine to mount the target volume. The
Linux machine does not require the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to be
installed. iSCSI mount is the preferred method to mount (and restore) files on

136 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
v Install the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent command-line interface on a
Windows system. Use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI on the
Linux machine.

Be aware of these requirements when running mount operations:

v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI on Windows must be able to
access the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent GUI on Windows displays snapshots as iSCSI targets. Therefore,
the snapshots must be accessible to the target Linux system.
v Linux mount and restore operations require the iSCSI port to be open on any
firewall between the Windows mount system, the iSCSI target, and the system
that completes the restore (the iSCSI initiator). The iSCSI default port is 3260.

Be aware of these two actions when running mount operations:

v To prevent possible mount errors, disable the FS Automount option for the
Tivoli Storage Manager disks. This option is set in the configuration file used for
the HAL daemon. If you do not disable the FS Automount option, the unmount
operation might fail.
v To prevent the recovery process from mounting the device, stop the cron
daemon. For example:
/etc/init.d/cron stop

Start the cron daemon when the processing completes.

When running a Linux instant restore or mount, Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent saves changes to data on a virtual volume in the write cache. The path is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Tivoli\TSM\tdpvmware\
mount, and the size is set to a maximum of 90% of the available space. These
settings can be configured by clicking settings in the main Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent window. The write cache must be on a local drive and cannot be
set to a path on a shared folder. You cannot enable or disable the write cache from
the UI or from configuration files. Specify the write cache location in a non-system
folder on a local disk to prevent possible errors. For example, Windows 2008 has a
different path: C:\ProgramData\Tivoli\TSM\TDPVMWare\mount.

Restriction: These two restrictions affect mount operations:

v To prevent any interruption during restore processing, exclude the write cache
path from all antivirus software protection settings.
v When restoring several volumes to several partitions on the same disk, only one
volume can be active. The other volumes remain in the DELAYED state. Their
progress as shown on the user interface remains at 0% until they move out of
the DELAYED state after the active synchronization completes.

File-level restore overview

Linux Windows

Use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent for efficient file level restores and
to minimize downtime by mounting snapshots to virtual volumes.

Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent can be used for the following tasks:
v Recovering lost or damaged files from a backup
v Mounting a VM guest volume and creating an archive of the VM guest files

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 137
v Mounting database applications for batch reports

The virtual volume can be viewed by using any file manager, for example
Windows Explorer. The directories and files in the snapshot can be viewed and
managed like any other file. If you edit the files and save your changes, after you
unmount the volume, your changes are lost because the changed data is held in
memory and never saved to disk. Because the changes are written to memory,
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent can use a large amount of RAM when
working in read/write mode.

You can copy the changed files to another volume before unmounting the volume.

The default read only mount option is the preferred method, unless a mounted
volume must be writeable. For example, an archive application might require write
access to the archived volume.

The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent mounts snapshots from the Tivoli
Storage Manager server. In the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI, click
Remove to close an existing connection to a Tivoli Storage Manager server. You
must remove any existing connection before you can establish a new connection to
a different server or different node. Dismount all volumes before you click
Remove. The remove operation fails if there are active mount and restore sessions
in the Linux or Windows Mount machines. You cannot remove the connection to a
server when you are running a file restore or an instant restore from that server.
You must first dismount all virtual devices and stop all instant restore sessions
before you disconnect from a server. If you do not do so, the connection is not

You must unmount all virtual volumes before uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent. Otherwise, these mounted virtual volumes cannot be unmounted
after Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is reinstalled.

Restoring file-level information for a block-level snapshot is a random-access

process. As a result, processing might be slow when a sequential-access device
(such as a tape) is used. To run a file-level recovery of data that is stored on tape,
consider moving the data to disk or file storage first. From a Tivoli Storage
Manager server administrative command-line client (dsmadmc), issue the QUERY
OCCUPANCY command to see where the data is stored. Then, issue the MOVE NODEDATA
command to move the data back to disk or file storage.

Mounting a snapshot from the same tape storage pool by two instances of Mount
can cause one of these results:
v The second Mount instance is blocked until the first instance is complete.
v Both mounts succeed, but the performance is poor.

When restoring data from a mirrored volume, mount only one of the disks that
contains the mirrored volume. Mounting both disks causes Windows to attempt a
resynchronization of the disks. However, both disks contain a different timestamp
if mounted. As a result, all data is copied from one disk to the other disk. This
amount of data cannot be accommodated by the virtual volume. When you must
recover data from a volume that spans two disks, and those disks contain a
mirrored volume, complete these steps:
1. Mount the two disks.
2. Use the iSCSI initiator to connect to the first disk.

138 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
3. Use Windows Disk Manager to import this disk. Ignore any message regarding
4. Delete the mirrored partition from the first (or imported) disk.
5. Use the iSCSI initiator to connect to the second disk.
6. Use Windows Disk Manager to import the second disk.
Both volumes are now available.

Restriction: Do not change a Tivoli Storage Manager node password while

running a file level restore or an instant restore from snapshots stored in that node.

File-level restore guidelines for Windows systems


Information unique to file-level restore operations on a Windows system is


You can use Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent for efficient file level recovery
and to minimize downtime by mounting snapshots to virtual volumes. On
supported Windows operating systems, file-level recovery is supported from
snapshots of NTFS, FAT, or FAT32 volumes.

In order to recover Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox items, you must use the
IBMTivoli Storage Manager for Microsoft Exchange Server product and
documentation. As a result, IBMTivoli Storage Manager for Microsoft Exchange
Server must be purchased separately with a valid license. For more information,
see the following product website:

The mount function cannot be used to mount a snapshot of partitions from a

dynamic or GPT-based disk as a virtual volume. Only partitions from an
MBR-based, basic disk can be mounted as virtual volumes. File-level recovery from
GPT, dynamic, or any other non-MBR or non-basic disk is possible by creating a
virtual iSCSI target and using an iSCSI initiator to connect it to your system.

Important: The ACL values associated with the folders and files that are restored
in a file level recovery operation are not transferred to the recovered files. In order
to maintain ACL values, use the XCOPY command when copying files from the

File-level restore guidelines for Linux systems


Information unique to file-level restore operations on a Linux system is provided.

File-level restore is supported from snapshots of disks that use any of the
v MBR-style partition tables.
v Partitions formatted using one of these file systems:
– EXT2
– EXT3
– EXT4
– ReiserFS

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 139
Be aware of these considerations before attempting a file-level restore on Linux:
v If, during a file restore on a Linux machine, the iSCSI target is dismounted, the
file level restore fails, and the restored data remains uncompleted.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI must be configured before
attempting a file level restore. To configure, click Select TSM server and
Settings in the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI and enter the
required information.
v This procedure assumes that you are logged on to the Linux system with root
user authority and the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI is available.
v Linux requires all iSCSI devices to be unmounted before rebooting or shutting
down the system.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent component does not support file
level restore operations over a wide area network (WAN).

Instant restore overview

Linux Windows

Unlike a conventional volume restore, instant restore provides access to volume

contents while the restore process is in progress. Less downtime is required before
a recovered volume can be used. After you start an instant restore, you can use
data on the disk while the restore is in progress.

Instant restore works only with local volumes. The term "local" is used regarding
the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent since it must be installed on the guest
machine that contains the volume to be restored. Local volumes must have an
assigned drive letter. Instant restore cannot be used to restore the system volume.

Instant restore destination volumes must be either on basic disks, or simple

volumes on dynamic disks. Destination volumes cannot be spanned volumes,
mirrored volumes, or Software RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 5 volumes. You can use
a basic disk as a destination volume and then convert the basic disk to a dynamic
disk. The file system on the destination volume cannot be a FAT file system. If you
plan to restore into a FAT volume, you must format it as NTFS before attempting
an instant restore.

You can complete an instant restore of a volume in a supported clustered

environment. While instant restore process is running, you can access the volume.
Other volumes in the cluster might not be affected, and you can work with the
cluster, and with that volume, in parallel. During the instant restore, the disk that
is being restored cannot fail over if the node fails.

If a system is shut down while instant restore is in progress, the instant restore
automatically continues from the same point when power is restored.

140 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Instant restore guidelines for Windows systems

Information unique to instant restore operations on a Windows system is provided.

Instant restore operations on Windows require the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent to be installed on the guest machine.

Instant restore is available only from Data Protection for VMware snapshots on a
source volume that is on a simple, MBR-based disk. The volume format of
volumes on those disks must be NTFS, FAT, or FAT32. However, instant restore to
a destination partition on FAT volumes is not supported. As a result, if you plan to
restore to a destination partition that is formatted as FAT, you must format the
partition as NTFS before attempting a restore. In addition, when selecting a
destination volume for instant restore, make sure that the volume is on a physical
disk, and not on a virtual iSCSI disk.
v Restoring a volume involves overwriting data on the existing storage volume.
After the restore begins, the current volume contents are permanently erased.
Before you start the restore, verify that the correct volume is selected, and that
there are no open handles or processes that are using that volume.
v The restore operation fails if there are open files or applications that are running
on the target restore volume. Selecting Ignore open handles on the destination
volume causes Data Protection for VMware to ignore the open files and
applications that are running on the destination volume. This situation can cause
a problem with applications and loss of data in files that are open on the target

Use the Max CPU slider to adjust the processor usage for the restore process.

To cancel the restore process, select the instant restore session that is in progress
and click Abort. All data on the target drive is lost. You can click Abort All to
cancel all processes. If you stop an instant restore without clicking Abort or Abort
all, the restored volume is displayed as a valid volume, but the data on the
volume is invalid. The data is invalid because the data was partially restored, but
the restore process did not have time to complete, and the shutdown was

If the service is stopped while instant restore is running, the volume appears to be
a valid volume. Trying to access the area of the volume that is not yet restored
fails, and the data appears corrupted. After the service restarts, the restore process
continues, and the data appears valid. If a power failure occurs during instant
restore, after the machine restarts, the volume appears to be unformatted. Do not
attempt to format or modify the volume. After the service starts, the instant restore
process resumes, and the volume appears valid.

A temporary problem might prevent the session from running. For example, a
network problem might cause a temporary loss of access to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. In that case, the instant restore session pauses. To continue to the
restore process after the pause, select the appropriate line in the instant restore list
and click Resume. During the period when the session is paused, the parts of the
volume that are not yet restored are inaccessible.

You can use instant restore to restore into a simple volume that is on a dynamic
disk. However, the source volume must be an MBR-based disk. The source volume
cannot be a dynamic disk. This restore might cause the disk status to change to

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 141
Online (Errors). In addition, the status of all volumes on the disk might change to
At Risk. This change in disk status can occur when network traffic is too heavy for
instant restore to operate. In this situation, the volumes are online and mounted.
You can return the disk and volume status to normal by going to the Computer
Management Console. Right-click the disk; then, click Reactivate Disk.

Instant restore guidelines for Linux systems


Information unique to instant restore operations on a Linux system is provided.

Before attempting an instant restore on Linux review the following information:

v Multiple instant restore sessions to different target disks run in parallel.
However, multiple instant restore sessions to different target partitions on the
same disk do not run in parallel. As a result, the first instant restore session
must complete before the next Instant Restore session begins.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI must be configured before
attempting an instant restore. To configure, click Select TSM server and Settings
in the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI and enter the required
v This procedure assumes that you are logged on to the Linux system with root
user authority and that the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent user interface
is available.
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 require all iSCSI devices to be unmounted
before rebooting or shutting down the system.
v Instant restore is available for snapshots of disks that use MBR-style partition
tables only. The partition used as the source for an instant restore operation
must be formatted by using one of the following file systems:
– EXT2
– EXT3
– EXT4
– ReiserFS
v When selecting a destination volume for instant restore, make sure that the
volume resides on a physical disk, and not on a virtual iSCSI disk.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent component does not support instant
restore operations over a wide area network (WAN).
The instant restore progress can be slow in some situations. This can be due to
such things as connectivity issues, very large volumes, restore from tape, or high
I/O operations. The recovery process identifies no progress was made on the
MDADM device (/dev/md0) for the last 5 minutes and responds to it as a
potential problem. As a result, a cleanup is performed, and the restore restarts
itself, continuing from the point at which it stopped. The cleanup can cause I/O
operations to fail. To fix this problem, you can increase the recovery process period
by editing the /etc/crn.d/tsmmount_recover file. Increase the recovery process
period to 10 minutes or to 20 minutes if the volume is very large, or the I/O is

142 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Restoring files and instant restore of volumes with the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent
Use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to perform an instant restore of a
volume or to mount a snapshot for a file-level restore.

Restoring files (Windows)


You can use Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent for efficient file level recovery
and to minimize downtime by mounting snapshots to virtual volumes.

Before you begin

Before proceeding, make sure you have reviewed the following information:
v “Mounting snapshots overview” on page 135
| To mount a backed up VM disk from a Windows system for file-level restore,
| use the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI mount wizard. Follow the
| instructions in “Restoring a file from a virtual machine backup” on page 109.
v “Mounting snapshot guidelines for Windows systems” on page 136
v “File-level restore overview” on page 137
v “File-level restore guidelines for Windows systems” on page 139

In order to recover Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox items, you must use the
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Microsoft Exchange Server product and
documentation. As a result, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Microsoft Exchange
Server must be purchased separately with a valid license. For more information,
see the following product website:

About this task

Windows To run a file level recovery for a Windows system, complete the
following steps:

1. Log on to the system where you want to restore files. Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent must be installed on the system.
2. Start the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI from the Start > All
Programs menu or by clicking the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent icon
in the taskbar.
3. Connect to a Tivoli Storage Manager server by clicking Select TSM server.
The target node is where the backups are located. You can manage the level of
access to the target node data by specifying a different node name in the Node
access method section.
A list of VMs with snapshots stored in the specified node displays.
4. Select a VM from the list. A list of snapshots for the selected VM displays.

Tip: You can find your VM quickly by typing the first few letters of the
machine name in the edit portion of the list box. The list shows only those
machines that match the letters you entered. Machine names are

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 143
A VM might display in the list, but if you select it, the snapshots list might be
empty. This situation occurs because of one of the following reasons:
v No snapshots completed successfully for that VM.
v The Fromnode option was used and the specified node is not authorized to
restore the selected VM.
5. Select the preferred snapshot date. A list of VM disks that are backed up in
the selected snapshot displays. Select a disk and click Mount.
6. In the Select Mount Destination dialog, check Create virtual volume from
selected partition. A list of partitions available on the selected disk is shown.
For each partition, its size, label, and file system type are displayed.
v If the disk is not MBR-based, an error message is displayed.
v By default, only partitions that can be used for file-level restore are
v To display all partitions that existed on the original disk, clear the Show
only mountable partitions check box.
7. Select the required partition. Partitions formatted using unsupported file
systems cannot be selected.
8. Specify a drive letter or an empty folder as a mount point for the virtual
9. Click OK to create a Virtual Volume that can be used to recover the files.
10. When the Virtual Volume is created, use Windows Explorer to copy the files
to your preferred location.

Important: The ACL values associated with the folders and files that are
restored in a file level recovery operation are not transferred to the recovered
files. In order to maintain ACL values, use the XCOPY command when
copying files from the target.

Instant restore of volumes (Windows)


With instant restore, you can restore a volume and almost immediately use the
restored volume. Less downtime is required before a recovered volume can be
used because you can use data on the disk while the restore is in progress.

Before you begin

Before proceeding, make sure you have reviewed the following information:
v “Mounting snapshots overview” on page 135
v “Mounting snapshot guidelines for Windows systems” on page 136
v “Instant restore overview” on page 140
v “Instant restore guidelines for Windows systems” on page 141

The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI must be configured before
attempting a file-level restore operation. To configure, click Select TSM server and
Settings in the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI and enter the required

About this task

Use the Max CPU slider to adjust the processor usage for the restore process.

144 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
To cancel the restore process, select the instant restore session that is in progress
and click Abort. All data on the target drive is lost. You can click Abort All to
cancel all processes. If you stop an instant restore without clicking Abort or Abort
all, the restored volume is displayed as a valid volume, but the data on the
volume is invalid. The data is invalid because the data was partially restored, but
the restore process did not have time to complete, and the shutdown was

If the service is stopped while instant restore is running, the volume appears to be
a valid volume. Trying to access the area of the volume that is not yet restored
fails, and the data appears corrupted. After the service restarts, the restore process
continues, and the data appears valid. If a power failure occurs during instant
restore, after the machine boots up, the volume appears to be unformatted. After
the service starts, the instant restore process resumes, and the volume appears

A temporary problem might prevent the session from running. For example, a
network problem might cause a temporary loss of access to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. In that case, the instant restore session pauses. To continue to the
restore process after the pause, select the appropriate line in the instant restore list
and click Resume. During the period when the session is paused, the parts of the
volume that are not yet restored are inaccessible.

You can use instant restore to restore a simple volume that is located on a dynamic
disk. The destination volume can be a dynamic disk; however, the source volume
cannot be a dynamic disk. This restore might cause the disk status to change to
Online (Errors). In addition, the status of all volumes on the disk might change to
At Risk. This change in disk status can occur when network traffic is too heavy for
instant restore to operate. In this situation, the volumes are online and mounted.
You can return the disk and volume status to normal by going to the Computer
Management Console. Right-click the disk; then, click Reactivate Disk.


To perform an instant restore, complete the following steps:

1. On the guest machine, start the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI
from the Start > All Programs menu or by clicking the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent icon in the taskbar.
2. In the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent window, select the Tivoli Storage
Manager server to use as the source by clicking Select TSM server. Although
the Select TSM server list appears to contain multiple servers, this list contains
a maximum of one server only. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent queries
the Tivoli Storage Manager server for a list of protected VMs and displays the
3. Select a VM, date, time, and disk, and then click Restore.
4. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent displays a list of partitions available on
the selected disk. For each partition, its size, label, and file system type are
displayed. Select the required partition. By default, only partitions that can be
restored are displayed. To display all the partitions that are available on one or
more disks, clear the Show only restorable partitions check box. Select the
required partition from the list.

v Drive letters are not displayed.

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 145
v If a disk cannot be parsed, an error message is displayed and the Instant
Restore dialog is closed. For example, this occurs when the disk is dynamic
or a GUID partition table (GPT).
5. Select the destination partition into which the data is to be restored. The
destination location size must be equal or larger than the source size.
6. Click Restore.
7. A confirmation message is displayed. Verify the information and click Yes. The
restore process begins. In the instant restore section, you can see the status of
the restore process. When the status changes to restoring, the volume is
available for use.

Restoring files (Linux)


File-level restore on Linux is available from snapshots of disks.

Before you begin

Before proceeding, make sure you have reviewed the following information:
v “Mounting snapshots overview” on page 135
| To mount a backed up VM disk from a Linux system for file-level restore, use
| the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI mount wizard. Follow the
| instructions in “Restoring a file from a virtual machine backup” on page 109.
v “Mounting snapshot guidelines for Linux systems” on page 136
v “File-level restore overview” on page 137
v “File-level restore guidelines for Linux systems” on page 139

About this task

This task describes how to use Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to restore a
snapshot volume (file level) on a Linux system.

1. Identify the Tivoli Storage Manager server where the snapshots are stored by
clicking Select TSM server. Although the Select TSM server list appears to
contain multiple servers, this list contains a maximum of one server only. Click
Refresh after selecting a server.
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent queries the server for a list of protected
VMs and displays the list.
2. Select a VM from the list. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent queries the
server for a list of snapshots available for the specified VM. A VM might be
displayed in the VMs list, but if you select it, the snapshots list might be empty.
This situation might occur for one of the following reasons:
v No snapshots have yet completed successfully for that VM.
v The node used for authentication was not granted permission to restore the
selected VM.

Tip: To quickly locate the required VM from the available VM list, type the
first few letters of the VM name.
3. Select the required snapshot by selecting the date and disk. Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent displays a list of partitions available on the selected

146 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
disk. For each partition, size, label, and file system type are displayed. By
default, only mountable partitions are displayed.

Note: Mount points are not displayed.

4. Click Mount.
5. Select the required partition in the Choose mount destination dialog. To display
all partitions, clear the Show only mountable partitions check box.
6. Specify the path where the virtual volume is mounted in the Use the
following mount point field.
7. Click OK to complete the mount operation. After the mount process is
completed successfully, a new entry is displayed in the Mounted Volumes
field. For example:
/mnt is mount of [tsm-ba-1@tsm-ve-1]-[vm-1]-[2010-Mar-24
10:10:10]-[Hard Disk 1]-[Partition 0]
8. Locate the files you are interested in and restore them from the backup.

Important: The ACL values associated with the folders and files that are
restored in a file level restore operation are not transferred to the restored files.
In order to maintain ACL values, use the cp -p command when copying files.

Instant restore of volumes (Linux)


Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent on Linux is used to restore individual files
(file level restore) or volumes (instant restore). Unlike a conventional volume
restore, instant restore provides access to volume contents while the restore process
is in progress. Less downtime is required before a recovered volume can be used.
After you start an instant restore, you can use data on the disk while the restore is
in progress.

Before you begin

Before proceeding, make sure you have reviewed the following information:
v “Mounting snapshots overview” on page 135
v “Mounting snapshot guidelines for Linux systems” on page 136
v “Instant restore overview” on page 140
v “Instant restore guidelines for Linux systems” on page 142

About this task

This task guides you through how to use Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to
restore a snapshot volume (instant restore) on a Linux system.

1. Identify the Tivoli Storage Manager server where the snapshots are stored by
clicking Select TSM server. Click Refresh after selecting a server.
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent queries the server for a list of protected
VMs and displays the list.
2. Select a VM from the list. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent queries the
server for a list of snapshots available for the specified VM.

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 147
Tip: To quickly locate the required VM from the available VM list, type the
first few letters of the VM name.
3. Select the required snapshot by selecting the date and disk.
4. Click Restore.
5. Select the required partition in the Choose instant restore destination dialog.
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent displays a list of partitions available on
the selected disk. For each partition, its size, label, and file system type is
displayed. By default, only restorable partitions are displayed. To display all
partitions, clear the Show only restorable partitions check box.

Note: Mount points are not displayed.

6. Specify the destination partition into which the data is to be restored, by
specifying a mount point or a block device. If you specify both, make sure the
block device is mounted on the specified mount point.
7. Click OK. The restore process starts. After a short initialization period, the
volume is available for use while the restore process runs in the background
and until the volume is completely restored.

What to do next

Linux Restoring to the same volume again:

If you plan to restore another snapshot into the same target volume, complete one
of the following steps:
v Restart the Linux system.
v Manually stop the mirror device and mount the restored volume.
For example, in the following procedure sdc1 is the target block device and md0
is the mirror device:
1. Issue the command: umount /dev/md0.
2. Issue the command: mdadm --stop /dev/md0.
3. Issue the command: mount /dev/sdc1 /restoredVolume.

Linux Checking the file system

After the instant restore completes, you can verify the file system restored volume
by using the fsck file system utility:
1. Unmount the RAID device by issuing this command: umount /dev/md0
2. Type in the fsck command to run the file system check.

Responding to a timeout during a file level restore or an instant

restore (Linux)
During a file level restore or an instant restore, a timeout might occur. If a timeout
does occur, the user interface displays a message saying that manual intervention
might be needed.

About this task

Linux Follow this procedure if the timeout occurs during a file level restore
(Mount operation):

1. Stop the recovery process by commenting out the one line in
/etc/cron.d/tsmmount_recover Ensure that the recovery process is not running
by issuing this command:

148 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
ps -ef | grep tsmRecover
2. Ensure that the required snapshot is mounted in the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent Windows backup server. If the snapshot is not mounted, mount
it manually.
3. Ensure that the iSCSI target is connected to the Linux machine by using
iscsiadm -m session. If the iSCSI target is not connected to the Linux machine,
perform a manual login to the target by issuing this command:
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <windows_server_ip> --login
4. Mount the iSCSI device locally by using the Linux mount command. For
mount /dev/sde1 /Mount1

Ensure that you use the same mount point as was requested in the user
interface. This operation can take long time to complete depending on the
consistency of the snapshot.
5. When the mount operation is completed, uncomment the line in
6. When you want to unmount, do so first locally by using umount. Then use the
Linux user interface to unmount the session.

What to do next

For an instant restore operation the manual intervention is to halt and then retry
the restore session.

Appendix B. Mount, file-level restore, and instant restore of volumes overview 149
150 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and
Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages
This information contains explanations and suggested actions for messages issued
by the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware
vCloud GUI.

For messages shown in the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data
Protection for VMware vCloud GUI that contain the FMM prefix, message
information is available at the following web site: FMM, FMF, FMV, FMX, FMY:
Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager messages (http://www.ibm.com/support/

GVM0001E The operation failed with return code GVM0007W There is no Tivoli Storage Manager
return code server definition found.
Explanation: A connection for a Tivoli Storage
GVM0002E An internal error occurred: type of error Manager server must be defined before any server
operations or queries are performed.
GVM0003E A connection with the Tivoli Storage Administrator response: To define a server: Click the
Manager server could not be Configuration tab.Click the Edit Configuration Settings
established. action link.Click the Tivoli Storage Manager Server
Credentials tab.
Explanation: The server might not be running.
Administrator response: Check the network
GVM0008E An error occurred while writing to the
connection with the server machine. Verify that the
server's database file, tsmserver.props
server is running and try to log in again.
Explanation: The server definition could not be
written to the tsmserver.props file.
GVM0004W Are you certain that you want to delete
this data? Administrator response: The file must reside in the
install directory of Tivoli Data Protection for VMware.
Explanation: You cannot recover the data after it is
Before you try the action again, verify that the file
deleted. Ensure that the data is not needed before you
exists and that the file is not write protected.
delete it.
Administrator response: Click OK to delete the data
GVM0011I The VM VM name is spanned into
or click Cancel to cancel this action.
multiple datastores. It can only be
restored to its original location.
GVM0005W The connection with the Tivoli Storage
Manager server has timed out.
GVM0011W The VM VM name exists, are you going
Explanation: Possible causes include a long-running to over-write it?
operation, a problem on the server, or a
communications problem.
GVM0012W The VM VM name is running, make sure
Administrator response: If the operation is the system is powered down, then hit
long-running, the operation might be complete or it OK to continue.
might soon be complete. Before trying the operation
again, determine if the expected result occurred. Check
GVM0020E A connection with the vCenter server
the activity log of the Tivoli Manager server for errors
could not be established.
related to the operation. Using a SSL port without
selecting SSL can cause this error. Explanation: The server might not be running.
Administrator response: This might indicate a
GVM0006I A server connection with the name network problem. Ensure that the server is running and
server name has been successfully the machine is accessible. Try the action again.
created. Click OK to continue.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 151

GVM0021I • GVM0033E

Administrator response: Make sure the file is located

GVM0021I A connection with the vCenter server
in the correct directory, has correct access permissions,
has been established.
and has valid syntax for its content. Retry accessing the
GVM0022E The VMCLI inquire configuration
command failed, the following messages
GVM0029E Invalid mode tag in file
describe the error.
Explanation: The Derby database might not be
Explanation: The xml tag mode in file
vmcliConfiguration.xml is required for the GUI to
Administrator response: Correct the problem. Try the operate, but is missing or has an incorrect value. This
action again. may be due to an install issue or manual editing of the
GVM0023I The VMCLI inquire configuration Administrator response: Make sure the tag is
command completed successfully. specified with a valid value. Retry accessing the GUI.

GVM0024E Failed to determine which product or GVM0030E Invalid enable_direct_start tag in file
products are installed. vmcliConfiguration.xml.
Explanation: See message. Explanation: The xml tag enable_direct_start in file
vmcliConfiguration.xml is required for the GUI to
Administrator response: Correct the problem. Try the
operate, but is missing or has an incorrect value. This
action again.
may be due to an install issue or manual editing of the
GVM0025I Successfully determined which product
Administrator response: Make sure the tag is
or products are installed.
specified with a valid value. Retry accessing the GUI.

GVM0026E Multiple restore points have been

GVM0031E Invalid URL tag for the specified mode
selected, but they are not located in the
tag in file vmcliConfiguration.xml.
same datacenter.
Explanation: In file vmcliConfiguration.xml, the URL
Explanation: Selecting restore points from different
tag corresponding to the specified mode tag is required
datacenters is not permitted. The restore points must all
for the GUI to operate, but is missing or has an
be located in the same datacenter.
incorrect value. This may be due to an install issue or
Administrator response: Select the restore points from manual editing of the file.
the same datacenter or select just a single restore point.
Administrator response: Make sure the correct URL
tag is specified with a valid value for the specified
GVM0027E Multiple restore points have been mode. Retry accessing the GUI.
selected, but they are not from the same
GVM0032E Invalid VMCLIPath tag in file
Explanation: Selecting restore points from different vmcliConfiguration.xml.
backups is not permitted. The restore points must all be
Explanation: The xml tag VMCLIPath in file
located in the same backup.
vmcliConfiguration.xml is required for the GUI to
Administrator response: For restores from Tivoli operate, but is missing or has an incorrect value. This
Storage FlashCopy Manager for VMware, all restore may be due to an install issue or manual editing of the
points must come from the same backup. You cannot file.
restore multiple VMs that come from of different
Administrator response: Make sure the tag is
specified with a valid value. Retry accessing the GUI.

GVM0028E A key configuration file is missing:

GVM0033E Invalid interruptDelay tag in file
Explanation: The file vmcliConfiguration.xml is
Explanation: The xml tag interruptDelay in file
required for the GUI to operate, but has not been found
vmcliConfiguration.xml is required for the GUI to
during GUI session startup. This is an unusual
operate, but is missing or has an incorrect value. This
problem, it may be due to an install issue or manual
may be due to an install issue or manual editing of the
editing of the file.

152 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM0099E • GVM0118E

Administrator response: Make sure the tag is

GVM0110E Multiple restore points have been
specified with a valid value. Retry accessing the GUI.
selected, but they are not the same
backup type.
GVM0099E The VM name entered VM name
Explanation: Selecting restore points of different types
conflicts with an existing VM. Please
is not allowed. The restore points must all be located
enter a different name.
on either a Tivoli Storage Manager server or in the
Tivoli FlashCopy Manager repository.
GVM0100E An error occurred while processing the
Administrator response: Select the same type of
request to the Web server. If this error
restore points or select just a single restore point.
persists, check the network connection
with the Web server and verify that the
Web server is running.Detail: exception GVM0111E Backup ID is null.
exception message
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
Administrator response: Refresh the table and
GVM0101E A request to the server took too long to
perform the action again.
complete. If this error persists, check the
network connection with the Web server
and verify that the Web server is GVM0112E Task ID is null.
Explanation: An internal error occurred.

GVM0102E An error occurred while processing the Administrator response: Refresh the table and
response from the Web server.Detail: perform the action again.
GVM0113E Could not open a pop-up window.
GVM0103E An error occurred while making the Explanation: An internal error occurred.
Web server request. If this error persists,
check the network connection with the Administrator response: Try the action again.
Web server and verify that the Web
server is running.Error: message GVM0114E Virtual machine name is null.
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
GVM0104E No matching device class found. Please
return to source page and reselect. Administrator response: Refresh the table and
perform the action again.

GVM0105E No matching proxy node found. Please

return to source page and reselect. GVM0115E Datastore does not exist.
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
GVM0106E No proxy ESX hosts available. Administrator response: Refresh the table and
perform the action again.
GVM0107I Password set successfully.
GVM0116I No selection was made, the whole
GVM0108E Set password failed.Error: message virtual machine will be attached.

Explanation: The password may be incorrect or the Explanation: No selection was made.
server is not running. Administrator response: Continue with the action or
Administrator response: Verify the password is cancel the action.
correct then try the action again. Or check the network
connection with the server machine and verify that the GVM0117I Domain set successfully.
server is running then try the action again.

GVM0118E Set domain failed.Error: message

GVM0109E Get managed domain failed.Error:
message Explanation: The server might not be running. The
permissions on the file directory may be incorrect.
Administrator response: Check the network
connection with the server machine. Verify that the
server is running and try the action again. Check the

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 153
GVM0119E • GVM1104E

permissions of the directory indicated in SystemErr.log Administrator response: Follow the action described
if error indicates incorrect permissions. in the warning message.

GVM0119E The schedule requires use of the GVM0125E An error occurred while making the
following datacenters that are not in the Web server request. If this error persists,
active domain. Datacenters: list Action: check the network connection with the
This schedule may not be updated, Web server and verify that the Web
instead either update the domain server is running. Error: error
construct to include the datacenters, or
create a new schedule without
GVM1100E The following command requires
dependence on these datacenters. Detail:
confirmation from the server: Command
The schedule definition is as follows:
Schedule Summary summary Explanation: A command was issued, and a reply was
expected. Some commands require a confirmation,
which you cannot issue through the Tivoli Data
GVM0120E The schedule requires use of the
Protection for Vmware GUI.
following datacenters that are not
known to the system. Datacenters: list Administrator response: Issue the command from the
Action: This schedule may not be command line.
updated, instead create a new schedule
without dependence on these
datacenters. Detail: The schedule GVM1101E The following command is unknown to
definition is as follows: Schedule the server: Command
Summary: summary Explanation: An unknown command was issued to
the server. The command might not be valid on the
GVM0121E The schedule requires use of the server version and platform or the command syntax
following hosts that are not known to might be incorrect.
the system. Hosts: list Action: This Administrator response: Verify that the command is
schedule may not be updated, instead valid for the server version and platform, and verify
create a new schedule without that the command syntax is correct.
dependence on these hosts. Detail: The
schedule definition is as follows:
Schedule Summary: summary GVM1102E The syntax of the following command is
incorrect: Command.

GVM0122E The schedule requires use of the Explanation: See message.

following datastores that are not known Administrator response: Correct the syntax and issue
to the system. Datastores: list Action: the command from the command line. The activity log
This schedule may not be updated, of the Tivoli Manager Server shows all the commands
instead create a new schedule without issued before and after this command.
dependence on these datastores. Detail:
The schedule definition is as follows:
Schedule Summary: summary GVM1103E An internal server error occurred.
Explanation: See message.
GVM0123E The schedule requires use of the Administrator response: Try the command again. If
following virtual machines that are not this does not work, contact customer support. You
known to the system. Virtual Machines: might be asked to provide tracing information and
list Action: This schedule may not be information about the actions performed before the
updated, instead create a new schedule failure occurred.
without dependence on these virtual
machines. Detail: The schedule
definition is as follows: Schedule GVM1104E The server ran out of memory while
Summary: summary processing the request. Close any
unnecessary processes on the Tivoli
Storage Manager server and try the
GVM0124I Password set successfully. Warning: operation again.
Explanation: See message.
Explanation: The password was set successfully with
a warning. Administrator response: Before trying the action

154 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1105E • GVM1120E

again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage

GVM1113E The server encountered an I/O error
Manager server.
while processing the request. For more
information, see the operating system
GVM1105E The database recovery log is full. event or error log.

Explanation: See message.

GVM1114E The action failed because the transaction
Administrator response: Before trying the action could not be committed.
again, extend the recovery log or back up the Tivoli
Storage Manager server database. Contact the Explanation: See message.
administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Administrator response: Retry the action at a later
time. Before trying the action again, contact the
GVM1106E The server database is full. administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Explanation: See message.

GVM1115E The action failed because of a resource
Administrator response: Before trying the action lock conflict.
again, extend the server database. Contact the
administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Retry the action at a later
GVM1107E The server is out of storage space. time. Before trying the action again, contact the
administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Before trying the action GVM1116E The action failed because of a mode
again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage conflict.
Manager server.
Explanation: See message.
GVM1108E You are not authorized to perform this Administrator response: Retry the action at a later
action. An administrator with system time. Before trying the action again, contact the
authority can change your authority administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
level to allow you to perform this
GVM1117E The action failed because the server
could not start a new thread.
GVM1109E The object that you are attempting to
Explanation: See message.
access does not exist on the server.
Administrator response: Retry the action at a later
time. Before trying the action again, contact the
GVM1110E The object that you are attempting to
administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
access is currently in use by another
session or process. Retry the action at a
later time. GVM1118E The server is not licensed to perform
this action. If a license was purchased,
use the command line to register the
GVM1111E The object that you are attempting to
remove is referenced by another object
defined to the server. Remove the other
object before removing this one. GVM1119E The specified destination is not valid.
Explanation: See message.
GVM1112E The object that you are attempting to
Administrator response: Enter a different destination
access or remove is not available.
or update the configuration with a valid destination,
Explanation: See message. and try the action again.
Administrator response: Before trying the action
again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage GVM1120E The specified input file cannot be
Manager server. opened. Verify the file name and
directory permissions, then try the
action again.

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 155
GVM1121E • GVM1137E

GVM1121E The specified output file cannot be GVM1128E The specified TCP/IP address is not
opened. Verify the file name and valid. Verify the TCP/IP address and try
directory permissions, then try the the action again.
action again.
GVM1129E No objects were found that match the
GVM1122E An error occurred while writing to the search conditions.
specified output file.
Explanation: See message. GVM1130E Your administrative ID on this server is
locked. An administrator with system
Administrator response: Check the file system to
authority can unlock your ID.
ensure that there is enough space. Check the operating
system event or error log for more information.
GVM1131E The connection to the server was lost
while performing the action.
GVM1123E The specified administrator is not
defined to this server. Explanation: See message.
Explanation: See message. Administrator response: This might indicate a
network problem. Ensure that the server is running and
Administrator response: Ensure that the administrator
the machine is accessible. Retry the action.
name was entered correctly. Before trying the action
again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. GVM1132E Your ID or password is not valid for
this server.
GVM1124E The SQL statement could not be Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Launch the Configuration
Explanation: An exception occurred while processing Editor from the Configuration Tab and enter a valid ID
the SQL statement. Possible exceptions include or password for your Tivoli Storage Manager Server.
divide-by-zero, math overflow, temporary table storage
space unavailable, and data-type errors.
GVM1133E Your password expired on this server.
Administrator response: Correct the SQL query and
Explanation: Your Tivoli Storage Manager password
try again.
has expired.
Administrator response: Reset your password on the
GVM1125E This operation is not allowed with this
Tivoli Storage Manager Server or contact your Tivoli
Storage Manager Server administrator to reset it.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Before trying the action GVM1134E The server cannot accept new sessions.
again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage If sessions are disabled for this server,
Manager server. issue the ENABLE SESSIONS command
from the command line.
GVM1126E The table was not found in the server
database. GVM1135E A communications failure occurred
while processing the request. Retry the
Explanation: See message.
action at a later time.
Administrator response: Before trying the action
again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage
GVM1136E The administrative API encountered an
Manager server.
internal error while processing the
GVM1127E The specified file space name is not
compatible with the filespace type.
GVM1137E The administrative API cannot process
Explanation: Unicode file space names are the command document sent from the
incompatible with non-unicode names. server.

Administrator response: Enter a file space name of Explanation: The XML command document could not
the correct type and try the action again. be parsed. Either the file could not be read, or the file
is corrupted.

156 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1138E • GVM1157E

Administrator response: Before trying the action

GVM1144E The operation failed, please go to the
again, contact the administrator of the Tivoli Storage
log for more details.
Manager server.

GVM1145E Wrong format of the end date and time.

GVM1138E The following command contains one or
Please enter the end date and time
more invalid parameters: command.
format as yyyyMMddHHmmss.
Explanation: The Tivoli Data Protection for Vmware
GUI tried to run a command, but the call to the API
GVM1146E Sorry, the description of the backup task
contained one or more invalid parameters.
was not created in a file. Please try
Administrator response: Check the parameters in the again.
command. If you entered text in a field, you might find
Explanation: On the general page of the backup
the error in the parameters and correct it. Viewing the
wizard, you can describe your backup task in general.
activity log might help to determine the cause of the
problem. Before trying the action again, contact the
administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. GVM1147E The ESXHOST name you entered is too
long. Please change to a shorter one.
GVM1139E The administrative API encountered
invalid parameters while processing the GVM1148E Wrong Backup ID. Please try again.
Explanation: A command was run through the GVM1150E An error occurred when processing the
administrative API, but one of the parameters to an backup object file. Please try again later.
API method was invalid.
Explanation: When you click submit in the backup
Administrator response: This is typically an internal wizard, the object list will be stored in a file. When
error, but it can be caused by unusual parameters. For processing this file, an error occurred.
example, characters such as: < > & can cause the
problem. Check the parameters in the command. If you
GVM1151E No backup object is selected. You must
entered text in a field, you might find the error in the
choose a source node to backup.
parameters and correct it.
Explanation: To initiated a backup task, you have to
choose an object on the source page of the backup
GVM1140E The administrator's authority level on
this server cannot be determined.
Explanation: See message.
GVM1152E Wrong format of the start date and time.
Administrator response: Use a different administrator Please enter the start date and time
ID. Before trying the action again, contact the format as yyyyMMddHHmmss.
administrator of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
GVM1153I Backup task Task Name started, would
GVM1141E An object with the name that you you like to monitor this task now?
specified already exists on the server.
Enter a different name.
GVM1154I Delete backup task completed
GVM1142E The version of the server is not
supported by the Tivoli Data Protection
GVM1155E Delete backup task failed, please check
for Vmware GUI.
log for more detail.

GVM1143E An internal error has occurred.

GVM1156I Restore Task Task ID is started
Explanation: The operation failed after encountering successfully, would you like to monitor
an internal error. this task now?
Administrator response: Retry the operation. If this
does not work, contact customer support. You might be GVM1157E Error Or Warning
asked to provide tracing information and information
about the actions performed before the failure occurred.

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 157
GVM1158I • GVM1177E

GVM1158I Mounted backup Item could not be GVM1169E Some of selected virtual disks exist in
restored. target virtual machine. Remove those
virtual disks from target virtual machine
before restoring to it.
GVM1159I Result of attach is status ( Task ID: Task
ID ), refer to events list to get the
details. GVM1170E A VMCLI command failed. Error: Error
GVM1160I Result of detach is status ( Task ID: Task Explanation: The cause of the problem is identified in
ID ), refer to events list to get the the message text.
Administrator response: Correct the problem based
on the information that is provided in the message text.
GVM1161I Command successfully submitted to the Then, try the action again.
Tivoli Storage Manager server. Detail:
Server Messages
GVM1171E A request submitted to the VMware
vCenter server failed. Error: Error
GVM1162E The command submitted to the Tivoli Messages
Storage Manager server failed. Error:
Explanation: The cause of the problem is identified in
Error Code Error Messages
the message text.
Explanation: The cause of the problem is identified in
Administrator response: Correct the problem based
the message text.
on the information that is provided in the message text.
Administrator response: Correct the problem based Then, try the action again.
on the information that is provided in the message text.
Then, try the action again.
GVM1172E A command submitted to the Tivoli
Storage Manager server failed. Error:
GVM1163E No Tivoli Storage Manager server Error Messages
connection, please configure the Tivoli
Explanation: The cause of the problem is identified in
Storage Manager server in the
the message text.
configuration panel.
Administrator response: Correct the problem based
on the information that is provided in the message text.
GVM1164E The selected items can only be under
Then, try the action again.
ONE datacenter.

GVM1173E Cannot find the file with format

GVM1165E Authentication failed. Could not connect
'summary.date.log' in the path: path
to vCenter. Make sure you log in using
the VMware vSphere client and have a
valid session. GVM1174E Cannot find the Tivoli FlashCopy
Manager installation path using the
VMCLI inquire_config command.
GVM1166E Authentication failed. Please log in
using the VMware vSphere client.
GVM1175E A VMCLI command to get version
GVM1167E The virtual machine VM name exists.
Delete the virtual machine first before
restoring it. GVM1176I Backup task Task ID started, would you
like to monitor this task now?
GVM1168E Original virtual machine VM name is
running. Close the virtual machine GVM1177E The Tivoli Data Protection for Vmware
before restoring virtual disks to original Web Server could not be contacted.
Explanation: The Tivoli Data Protection for Vmware
GUI has attempted to contact its Web Server. The
operation was not successful.
Administrator response: Perform one or more of the
following steps to try and determine the problem:Verify
that the Tivoli Data Protection for Vmware Web Server

158 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1178I • GVM1191E

is running.Verify that the Web Server machine is Administrator response: Check the node name you
running.Verify that the Web Server machine is are supposed to use and enter it again. If you want to
accessible over the network.Close the Tivoli Data register this node, then select the 'Register Node'
Protection for Vmware GUI. Start the GUI again when checkbox.
the problem is resolved.
GVM1185E The passwords in the entry field and
GVM1178I Command successfully submitted to the the verify field do not match. Please try
server. again.
Explanation: The new passwords entered do not
GVM1179E No host is found in datacenter datacenter match.
name. Select another datacenter to
Administrator response: Clear the fields and enter the
same password in both password fields.

GVM1180W The schedule does not contain all the

GVM1186W Please select one or more Datacenters to
required parameters. It cannot be
be managed.
displayed in the properties notebook.
Explanation: At least one Datacenter must be selected.
Explanation: This schedule may have been created or
modified outside of the Tivoli Data Protection for Administrator response: Add one or more
Vmware GUI. Datacenter(s) into the Managed Datacenters list.
Administrator response: This schedule must be
modified outside the the Tivoli Data Protection for GVM1187W One or more nodes do not have their
Vmware GUI. password set. Make sure all nodes have
their password set.
GVM1181W One or more VMs exist. Do you want to Explanation: If a node has 'Register Node' checkbox
continue the restore operation and set, then that node's password must be set.
overwrite the existing VMs?
Administrator response: Assign a password for nodes
that are to be registered.
GVM1182E The Administrator Id provided does not
have sufficient privileges.
GVM1188I No datacenter node was found mapped
Explanation: The operation you are attempting to datacenter name. Select a datacenter
requires a Tivoli Storage Manager Server Administrator node from the list to associate with
Id to have at least Unrestricted Policy privilege. datacenter name. Leave the selection
empty to have the Configuration Wizard
Administrator response: Contact your Tivoli Storage
create a new datacenter node for it.
Manager Server Administrator to grant you
Unrestricted Policy privilege for your Administrative
Id. Or, use an alternate Id with such privilege and try GVM1189I Are you sure you want to proceed
again. without entering a Tivoli Storage
Manager Administrative ID? Without
Tivoli Storage Manager Administrative
GVM1183E The nodename node name is already in
access, the Wizard will not validate
use. Please choose another nodename.
node names or register nodes. Instead, a
Explanation: The node name chosen already exists on macro file will be generated at the end
the server. Choose another name. of this Wizard for you to give to your
Tivoli Storage Manager Administrator to
Administrator response: Pick another node name to
use. If you want to re-use this node, then unselect the
'Register Node' checkbox.
GVM1190I This task was skipped because it was
not necessary or a pre-requisite task
GVM1184E The node name node name is not defined
on server. Make sure the node name you
entered exists on the server.
GVM1191E There was an error writing to script file:
Explanation: The node name entered does not exist on
file path.
the server. Since you did not select 'Register Node'
checkbox, the node name you enter must have been Explanation: An error was encountered when trying
previously defined and exist on the server. to write to file at the path indicated.

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 159
GVM1192I • GVM1202E

Administrator response: Try the operation again.

GVM1197W The Tivoli Storage Manager node TSM
node has invalid characters or exceeds 64
GVM1192I Managed datacenters have changed. characters. Choose a different name and
Please go to the datamover page to edit this field again.
verify or change your current mappings.
Explanation: The node name is invalid or longer than
64 characters.
GVM1193I No datacenter nodes were found for the
Administrator response: Try using another node
vCenter node vCenter node and VMCLI
node VMCLI node configuration. The
Wizard will generate a default set of
datacenter nodes for you. GVM1198E The password entered is not acceptable
on this Server because it contains
invalid characters. The valid characters
GVM1194E The password entered is not acceptable.
are: validCharsString
Choose another password.
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server could not
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server could not
accept the password chosen because of invalid
accept the password chosen. It could be because the
characters in the password.
password did not meet certain password rule(s).
Administrator response: Try with another password
Administrator response: Try with another password.
that only contain valid characters.

GVM1195W Unchecking this checkbox means you

GVM1199E The password entered is not acceptable
are supplying a node name that is
on this Server because of the reason
already defined on the Tivoli Storage
below. Choose another password. Error:
Manager Server AND that it is meant to
be used for your configuration. Since
this Wizard is proceeding without Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server could not
Administrative access, it cannot verify if accept the password chosen. The reason why this
the node exists or not. You should only password is not valid is given in the message.
proceed if you understand what you are
Administrator response: Try with another password
that meets the rule(s).
Explanation: Since you are using the Configuration
Wizard without a Tivoli Storage Manager
GVM1200E Filter has changed, select Apply filter
Administrative ID, you should be very careful. The
before continuing.
macro script file generated at the end of running the
Configuration Wizard could contain errors because Explanation: Filter pattern must be applied after it is
values are not validated. changed.
Administrator response: We strongly recommend you Administrator response: Click the Apply filter button.
use the Configuration Wizard with a proper Tivoli
Storage Manager Administrative ID.
GVM1201E Select at least one item from a
datacenter to continue.
GVM1196W The Tivoli Storage Manager node TSM
node has already been identified. If you Explanation: A host, host cluster, or VM must be
want a different name other than the selected to do a backup.
default name, edit this field again. If Administrator response: Select an item under a
you want to use the same DataMover datacenter.
for multiple Datacenters, please use
Configuration Settings to do this.
GVM1202E Your selections exceed the 512 character
Explanation: The node is already being used in this limit allowed for backups, change your
configuration. selection.
Administrator response: Try using another node Explanation: The number of characters required to list
name. the selected items exceeds the limit of 512 characters.
Also, if hosts have been partially selected, characters
are needed to list the VMs that are excluded from the
Administrator response: Create multiple backup tasks,

160 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1203I • GVM1212E

with less selected items per task.

GVM1207E The selected items item list are not found
under datacenter datacenter name in the
GVM1203I Changing the newly added virtual vCenter, please review and de-select
machines checkbox clears all selections them.
of host clusters, hosts, and virtual
Explanation: Items originally selected are no longer
machines. Press OK to proceed, or
found under the datacenter associated with the backup
Cancel to leave unchanged.
task. This may be caused by changes in the vCenter
Explanation: The state of the newly added virtual configuration.
machines checkbox significantly impacts what is
Administrator response: Review if the items are now
allowed to be selected on the source panel, so selections
located under a different datacenter. De-select the not
are cleared when the state changes.
found items, and make new selections under the other
Administrator response: Select OK to proceed, or datacenter or create a new backup task for these items.
select Cancel to retain all selections.
GVM1208I The datacenter in the source page has
GVM1204E Datacenter node datacenter node name changed, please reselect the data mover
does not have a TSM node mapped in node in the Destination page.
the vmcli configuration file.
Explanation: When item selection is changed to a
Explanation: The datacenter node must have a different datacenter, the valid datamovers may change.
corresponding TSM node listed in the configuration file You are required to select the datamover again on the
named vmcliprofile. Destination page.

Administrator response: Correct the problem by going Administrator response: Reselect the datamover node
to the Configuration tab in the GUI and selecting Edit in the Destination Page.
Configuration to update the mapping for the
datacenter. Also resolve any other configuration errors
GVM1209I Are you sure you want to use node
that are reported on the Configuration tab.
datamover node as a datamover for
datacenter datacenter?
GVM1205E TSM datacenter node datacenter node
name maps to vCenter datacenter name
GVM1210I Are you sure you want to use node node
datacenter name in the vmcli
name that is already registered on the
configuration file, but datacenter name
TSM server as a datamover for
does not exist in the vCenter.
datacenter datacenter? If so, we will mark
Explanation: The vCenter datacenter name maps to a the node as such and you will be unable
datacenter node in the vmcli configuration file named to make any further changes to the
vmcliprofile, but the data enter name does not exist in node.
the vCenter.
Administrator response: Correct the problem by going GVM1211E The password entered is not acceptable
to the Configuration tab in the GUI and selecting Edit on this Server because it is too short.
Configuration to update the mapping for the Passwords must have a least
datacenter. Also resolve any other configuration errors minPasswordLength characters.
that are reported on the Configuration tab.
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server could not
accept the password chosen because it is too short.
GVM1206E You have selected items from multiple
Administrator response: Try with another password
datacenters: datacenter list. This is not
that is longer than the required minimum length.
allowed, all selections must be from one
GVM1212E Component is downlevel, so its use is
Explanation: A backup task only supports items from
disabled in the GUI. You will only be
one datacenter. If this is an existing task, changes in the
able to use the GUI for component.
vCenter configuration after task creation may have
caused this problem.
Administrator response: Check and correct the
selections to make sure all selections are under the
same datacenter.

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 161
GVM1213E • GVM1220E

GVM1213E Mismatching Tivoli Storage Manager GVM1217E The non-SSL connection could not be
Server entries in the current settings is made. This Tivoli Storage Manager
detected. Tivoli Storage Manager Server Admin ID requires a TSM SSL
definition used by the GUI: server1 connection.
Tivoli Storage Manager Server where
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server did not
backups are stored: server2 Click Reset
accept the non-SSL connection. The TSM Server
Server definition to clear the Tivoli
requires SSL be used with this Admin ID.
Storage Manager definition and enter
new credentials. Or click on Administrator response: Use SSL with this Admin ID.
Reconfigure Environment to launch the Ensure that the tsm-ve-truststore.jks with a valid TSM
Configuration Wizard to reconfigure server SSL certificate is installed in the default location.
your Tivoli Data Protection for VMware
GVM1218E Your selections have caused the backup
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager detected task definition to require count
mismatching Tivoli Storage Manager Server entries characters, which exceeds the 512
between the vmcliprofile and the current GUI's Tivoli character limit. This can be caused by a
Storage Manager Server connection. long virtual machine exclude list, which
is the list of all VMs under host(s) that
Administrator response: Pick one of the two actions
were not selected. Either select more
available. You may either reset the Tivoli Storage
VMs under selected hosts or de-select
Manager Server definition/credentials OR use the
the newly added virtual machines
Conifiguration Wizard to set up a new environment.
Explanation: When the newly added virtual machines
GVM1214E The SSL Connection could not be made.
checkbox is selected, the resulting backup task must list
The TSM SSL certificate is missing.
all unselected VMs for hosts that are partially selected.
Check for valid TSM certificate in the
The backup task definition has a 512 character limit,
and the combination of selected items and excluded
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server did not VMs exceeds this limit.
accept the SSL connection. SSL keystore is not in the
Administrator response: De-select the newly added
default location or does not contain a TSM certificate.
virtual machines checkbox or create multiple backup
Administrator response: Check the tasks with less selected items per task.
tsm-ve-truststore.jks for a valid certificate, ensure
tsm-ve-truststore.jks is in the correct default location.
GVM1219E Your selection of virtual machines has
caused the backup task definition to
GVM1215E The password entered is not acceptable require count characters, which exceeds
on this Server because it is too long. the 512 character limit. Either create
Passwords cannot have more than multiple backup tasks with less virtual
maxPasswordLength characters. machines per task, or select the newly
added virtual machines checkbox and
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server could not
choose entire hosts with no more than a
accept the password chosen because it is too long.
few unselected VMs.
Administrator response: Try with another password
Explanation: The backup task definition has a 512
that is shorter than the allowed maximum length.
character limit, and the total number of characters for
the selected items exceeds this limit.
GVM1216E The SSL Connection could not be made.
Administrator response: Create multiple backup tasks
The TSM SSL certificate has expired.
with less selected virtual machines per task, or select
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager Server did not the newly added virtual machines checkbox and then
accept the SSL connection. The tsm-ve-truststore.jks has select hosts instead of individual virtual machines (you
an expired TSM SSL certificate. can de-select a small number of virtual machines per
host if desired.)
Administrator response: Obtain a new valid TSM SSL
certificate from the TSM server and place it in the
tsm-ve-truststore.jks. GVM1220E There is no data mover node proxy
relationship for datacenter node
datacenter node name. Review the data
mover relationships on the
Configuration tab or the Tivoli Storage
Manager server.

162 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1221E • GVM1257E

GVM1221E There is no datacenter node defined for GVM1251W You have chosen an Administrative ID
datacenter datacenter name. Review the that has less authority than the current
node configuration on the Configuration ID. Are you sure you want change this
tab. ID? Current Tivoli Storage Manager
Authority Level: Current Level New
Tivoli Storage Manager Authority Level:
GVM1222I Node name name is currently locked. The
New Level Current Role: Current Role
Configuration Wizard will attempt to
New Role: New Role Click OK to accept
unlock this node if you choose to
these changes, or Cancel to exit without

GVM1223E A connection with the Tivoli Storage

GVM1252I Here are the current and new roles for
Manager server (Address:Port) could not
Tivoli Storage Manager Admin IDs.
be established. Please verify the server
Review and confirm these changes.
address and Server or Admin port are
Current Tivoli Storage Manager
Authority Level: Current Level New
Explanation: The server might not be running or Tivoli Storage Manager Authority Level:
specified admin port or server port may be incorrect. New Level Current Role: Current Role
New Role: New Role Click OK to accept
Administrator response: Check the network these changes, or Cancel to exit without
connection with the Tivoli Storage Manager server change.
machine. Verify that the server is running and try to
log in again. Also verify server port and admin port
information is correct. GVM1253I ID has been changed without save.
Previous ID will be loaded.

GVM1224E The vCenter user name or password is

not valid. Please try again. GVM1254I Your current UI role does not allow you
to unlock or reset the VMCLI node. In
Explanation: The vCenter user name or password is order to make changes, go to the Server
not valid. Credentials page and enter a TSM
Administrator response: Enter the user name or Admin ID and password that has the
password again. necessary priviliges for making VMCLI
node updates. Select OK to save these
credentials, then re-open the
GVM1225E Permission to perform this operation Configuration Settings notebook and
was denied. Please try with other user you can make VMCLI node updates.
Explanation: The vCenter user name is not valid. GVM1255I Your current UI role does not allow you
Administrator response: Enter another user name. visit other panels. Select OK to save
these credentials, then re-open the
Configuration Settings notebook and
GVM1250I A Tivoli Storage Manager you can make other updates.
Administrative ID and password is
currently not set. The absence of this
information limits the actions that you GVM1256I There are non-English characters
can take in the GUI. Click OK to be contained in one or more datacenters.
taken to the configuration settings panel The domain will be adjusted
and enter an ID and password. Click accordingly.
Cancel to continue without using an ID
and password. GVM1257E Datacenter DataCenter Name cannot be
added to the domain because it contains
non-English characters.
Explanation: Datacenters that contain non-English
characters are not currently supported. Therefore, they
cannot be added to the domain.
Administrator response: Datacenter will not be added
to the domain.

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 163
GVM1258W • GVM1266E

GVM1258W Node Node Name already exists on the GVM1262E The filter pattern cannot be applied
server. Attempt to rename node to New because it contains unsupported
Node Name? characters. Change the pattern to remove
the unsupported characters, then apply
Explanation: Node name is already registered on the
the filter again.
Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Explanation: The following characters are not
Administrator response: Click Yes to attempt to
supported in filter patern: ' : ; < > / \ |
rename node. Click No to make other changes.
Example: unclick register node, rename node manually. Administrator response: Change the filter pattern to
remove unsupported characters, then apply the filter
GVM1259W The following virtual machines for host
Host Name have unsupported characters
in their name: Invalid Virtual Machine GVM1263E A temporary datastore is not available to
Names. Therefore, these virtual machines perform this operation. This temporary
are not backed up, regardless of your datastore is required in addition to the
selections. You must rename these restore destination datastore.
virtual machines to back them up.
Explanation: A datastore is required for use as a
Explanation: The following characters are not temporary restore destination for this operation. This
supported in virtual machine names: ' : ; * ? , < > / \ | temporary datastore must be from the same ESX host
as the datastore that is used for the actual restore
Administrator response: Rename the identified virtual
destination. However, the temporary datastore cannot
machines to remove unsupported characters from their
be the same datastore that is used for the actual restore
Administrator response: Add a datastore to the
GVM1260E The following host clusters have
destination ESX host. Then, select this datastore as the
unsupported characters in their name:
temporary restore destination.
Invalid Host Clusters. These host clusters
cannot be selected for backup because
they contain unsupported characters. GVM1264E There was an error creating opt file: file
Rename these host clusters or remove name.
them from selection.
Explanation: An error was encountered when trying
Explanation: The following characters are not to write to file.
supported in host cluster names: ' : ; * ? , < > / \ |
Administrator response: Try the operation again.
Administrator response: Rename the identified host
clusters to remove unsupported characters from their
GVM1265E Creating service has failed. No services
name. Or, remove them from your backup selection.
were created for datamover node node
GVM1261E Your selections created an empty virtual
Explanation: An error was encountered when trying
machine list for backup. This issue
to create TSM service for datamover node specified.
might occur because all the selected
virtual machines contain unsupported Administrator response: Check environment and
characters in their names. Make sure ensure user has proper rights before trying operation
that you selected virtual machines that again.
do not contain unsupported characters
in their names.
GVM1266E Creating firewall for service has failed.
Explanation: The following characters are not Please manually add firewall rules for
supported in virtual machine names: ' : ; * ? , < > / \ | services installed.
. Virtual machine names that contain these characters
are automatically removed from the backup task Explanation: An error has occured when attempting
definition. This removal can cause an empty task to add firewall rule for specified executable.
definition. Administrator response: Check environment and
Administrator response: Rename the identified virtual ensure user has proper rights before trying operation
machines to remove unsupported characters from their again or manually add rule to firewall for TSM CAD,
name. Or, select different virtual machines to back up. TSM Agent and TSM Scheduler.

164 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1267W • GVM1273W

step. Run the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Service

GVM1267W Local services were setup successfully
Configuration Utility to create the services. Run the
but were unable to verify firewall access
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Service Configuration
for these executable files: agentExe
Utility to start the CAD service. Reset the VMCLI node
cadExe schedExe If any problems are
experienced related to local services,
verify that firewall access is available Administrator response: Delete the schedule and
for these executable files. create the schedule again to automatically configure the
services or manually configure the services. Check
Explanation: Microsoft firewall may be disabled or
environment and ensure user has proper rights before
another firewall may be in place.
trying operation again.
Administrator response: Check environment and add
rules manually if needed for the TSM CAD, TSM
GVM1272W Scan schedule schedule name was
Agent, and TSM Scheduler.
successfully defined on the server and
associated with node node name. Tivoli
GVM1268E Datamover node node name was Storage Manager services were created
successfully registered on the server, to run the schedule. However, reseting
however no services were created. the VMCLI node password failed.
Detail: error
Explanation: An error has occured when trying to
create services for specified node. Explanation: An error was encountered while trying
to reset the VMCLI node password.
Administrator response: Check environment and
ensure user has proper rights before trying operation Administrator response: Use the Configuration
again. Settings to reset the VMCLI node password.

GVM1269E Reason Code reason This error was GVM1273W A dismount operation removes the
reported by the TSM data mover. No iSCSI disks but does not remove the
further description is available. For VM or its data. Before proceeding with
more information, review the error log dismount, make sure the following
errorLog on the data mover host machine conditions exist: -The mounted iSCSI
hostname at address 'address'. disk is recovered. -Storage vMotion
completed migrating the VM to a local
Explanation: The datamover encountered an error
datastore. If the recovery operation
with the reported reason code.
failed and you want to delete the VM,
Administrator response: Log into the host machine its data, and dismount any iSCSI
specified and view the error log for more information. targets, click Dismount and Delete.
Dismount and Delete is a destructive
action and deletes the VM and its data,
GVM1270W Warning: If this task is canceled, all regardless of the success or failure of
created data on the virtual machines that the instant restore operation. Based on
are not completely restored is lost and this information, do you want dismount
the virtual machines are removed from the VMs that are selected for instant
the ESX host. Are you sure that you restore?
want to cancel this task?
Explanation: A dismount operation removes the iSCSI
Explanation: A cancel task command is submitted. disks but does not remove the VM or its data. Before
Refresh to see the cancel progress. proceeding with dismount, make sure the following
Administrator response: Cancel the selected task or conditions exist: The mounted iSCSI disk is
allow the task to continue processing. recovered,Storage vMotion completed migrating the
VM to a local datastore.If the recovery operation failed
and you want to delete the VM, its data, and dismount
GVM1271W Scan schedule schedule name was any iSCSI targets, click Dismount and Delete. Dismount
successfully defined on the server and and Delete is a destructive action and deletes the VM
associated with node node name, however and its data, regardless of the success or failure of the
no services were created to run the instant restore operation.
schedule. Detail: error
Administrator response: Click 'Dismount' to dismount
Explanation: An error was encountered in one of the the virtual machines that are selected for the instant
steps below when trying to create Tivoli Storage restore operation. Click 'Dismount and Delete' to
Manager services for the VMCLI node. Create the dismount the virtual machines that are selected for the
option file for the VMCLI node. Set the password for instant restore operation, remove them from the ESX
the VMCLI node to a temporary password for the next

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 165
GVM1274W • GVM1287W

host, and verify that Storage vMotion is not running. where datamover resides and view the error log for
more information.
GVM1274W During a dismount operation, all created
data on the virtual machines is lost and GVM1281W Login information for vCenter needed.
the virtual machines are removed from
Explanation: In order to install new local dm services,
the ESX host. Dismount the selected
vCenter credentials are needed.
Instant Access virtual machines?
Administrator response: Enter vCenter credentials in
Explanation: All created data on the virtual machines
order to continue.
is lost and the virtual machines are removed from the
ESX host.
GVM1282E You do not have the privileges required
Administrator response: Click 'Dismount' to dismount
to access the GUI.
(cleanup) the instant access virtual machines.
Explanation: In order to access GUI content, the user
must have the necessary vSphere privileges.
GVM1275E Selecting multiple virtual machines with
different restore types is not allowed. Administrator response: Add the required privileges
for the user.
Explanation: Restoring multiple virtual machines with
different restore types is not supported.
GVM1283E You do not have the permissions
Administrator response: Select virtual machines that
required to access the GUI.
have the same restore type.
Explanation: In order to access GUI content, the user
must have the necessary vSphere permissions.
GVM1276I Cleanup Task Task ID is started
successfully, would you like to monitor Administrator response: Add the required
this task now? permissions for the user.

GVM1277W Are you sure that you want to cancel GVM1284I A new data center (name) was detected.
this task? Go to the Data Mover Nodes page to
add a data center node for it.
Explanation: A cancel task command is submitted.
Refresh to see the cancel progress.
GVM1285W The following shares and mounts will
Administrator response: Cancel the selected task or
be removed and that data in there will
allow the task to continue processing.
be no longer accessible to the end user.
Dismount the selected shares and
GVM1278I Your current UI role does not allow you mounts?mounts
to view backup property notebook.
Explanation: The selected shares and mounts will be
GVM1279I Your current UI role does not allow you
Administrator response: Click 'Dismount' to dismount
to edit nodes. In order to make changes,
(cleanup) the mounts and shares.
open the Configuration Settings
notebook and go to the Server
Credentials page and enter a TSM GVM1286I Dismount Task Task ID is started
Admin ID and password that has the successfully, would you like to monitor
necessary priviliges for making node this task now?

GVM1287W An error was encountered during the

GVM1280E Reason Code reason This error was delete operation for option file: file name.
reported by the TSM data mover. No
further description is available. For Explanation: An error was encountered during the
more information, review the error log delete operation. For example, this error might be
'dsmerror.log' on the data mover host caused by insufficient user permissions or the file no
machine. longer exists.

Explanation: The datamover encountered an error Administrator response: Make sure the option file
with the reported reason code. was deleted. If it still exists, delete this file manually.

Administrator response: Log into the host machine

166 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
GVM1288W • GVM2010W

Administrator response: Create multiple backup tasks

GVM1288W The remove operation for Tivoli Storage
with less items per task
Manager service: service failed.
Explanation: An error prevented the Tivoli Storage
GVM2002E The Organization VDC node can not be
Manager service from being removed.
included because its Provider VDC node
Administrator response: Check the environment and is not included. Please select the include
ensure that the user has sufficient rights to run this checkbox for the Provider VDC node
operation. Then, try the operation again. first, and try again.

GVM1289E Fail to start iSCSI for mount proxy node GVM2004E The nodename node name is already in
node name. use. Please uncheck the register node
checkbox or choose another nodename.
Explanation: An error was encountered when trying
to start iSCSI service for mount proxy node specified. Explanation: The node name chosen already exists on
the server. Either choose to not register it or use
Administrator response: Start the iSCSI service
another name.
Administrator response: Pick another node name to
use. If you want to re-use this existing node, then
GVM1500E You have selected organization VDCs
unselect the 'Register Node' checkbox.
from more than one provider VDC. For
backup tasks, all selected organization
VDCs must belong to the same provider GVM2005W Are you certain that you want to remove
VDC. Change your selections and retry the data mover node node name?
the operation.
GVM2006W The Tivoli Storage Manager node TSM
GVM1501E The following vcloud resources(vApp, node has already been used. If you want
organization, organization vDC) are a different name other than the default
invalid for selection because they have name, edit this field again.
unsupported characters in their name:
Explanation: The node is already being used in this
Explanation: In order to create backup tasks, vcloud
Administrator response: Try using another node
resources names must not contain any of the following
characters: ' : ; * ? , < > / \ | .
Administrator response: Rename the identified
GVM2007E The Organization VDC node can not be
resources to remove unsupported characters from their
registered because its provider VDC is
name. Or, remove them from your backup selection.
not valid.

GVM1502E You have selected the vApp from a

GVM2008E The Organization VDC name OVDC
different organization VDC. For restore
name is invalid. For information about
tasks, all selected vApps must belong to
supported characters, refer to the TSM
the same organization VDC. Change
Administrator's Reference publication section
your selections and retry the operation.
about naming Tivoli Storage Manager
GVM1503E The vApp vApp name exists. Choose a
different vApp name to be the target of
GVM2009I This task was skipped because it was
the restore.
not necessary. No further action is
GVM2001E Your selection of items to back up has
caused the backup task definition to
GVM2010W Internet explorer version version is not
require count characters, which exceeds
supported, please use a supported
the 512 character limit. Please create
version or another browser. You may see
multiple backup tasks with less items
visual and functional issues if you
per task.
continue to use this unsupported
Explanation: The backup task definition has a 512 browser.
character limit, and the total number of characters for
Explanation: Due to differences in Internet Explorer
the selected items exceeds this limit.
implementation by version number, only specific

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 167
GVM2011W • GVM4005E

versions are supported. The use of a

GVM2016E You do not have required permissions to
standards-compliant browser such as Mozilla Firefox is
view some attached points.
recommended. However, if you are accessing the GUI
as a plug-in from the vSphere Client, you are limited to
using the Internet Explorer browser installed on the GVM2017E You do not have required permissions to
system where the vSphere client is installed. view restore points for this datastore.
Administrator response: Use a supported version of
Internet Explorer or another browser. Supported GVM2018E You do not have required permissions to
browser versions are documented in the online help. detach for the restore point.

GVM2011W The browser version is not supported, GVM2019E An error occurred processing user
please use a supported browser. You permissions. Contact you system
may see visual and functional issues if administrator.
you continue to use this unsupported
GVM2020I Some datacenters are not shown due to
Explanation: Due to differences in browser permissions requirements.
implementations, only specific versions are supported.
Administrator response: Use a supported browser. GVM2021E You do not have permissions to cancel
Supported browser versions are documented in the this task.
online help.
GVM2022I The task is still in the starting state,
GVM2012E At least one virtual machine that you please refresh the task and try the
have selected for restore to alternate cancel again.
location already exists in the Datacenter,
so restore is not allowed. To restore to
GVM4001E This action cannot be peformed because
an alternate location when the
there is not a VMCLI node defined. To
destination virtual machine already
resolve, use the configuration wizard to
exists, select only one virtual machine
define the VMCLI node and complete
for the restore operation and choose a
the other steps in the wizard.
new name for the destination virtual
machine. Duplicated VM: VM name
GVM4002E This action cannot be peformed because
Explanation: When restoring to an alternate location,
there is not a vCloud Director node
the destination virtual machine must not already exist.
defined. To resolve, use the
Administrator response: Use the single virtual configuration wizard to define the
machine restore wizard so that you can rename the vCloud Director node and complete the
destination virtual machine. other steps in the wizard.

GVM2012W Targer datastore not found, select a GVM4003E This action cannot be peformed because
different destination datastore. the connection to the TSM Server is not
operational. Correct the connection
problem, and retry this action.
GVM2013E The user User Name is not authorized to
any managed datacenters. Contact your
system administrator. GVM4004E This task requires use of the provider
VDC node provider VDC node name from
TSM, but this node is not mapped to a
GVM2014E You do not have required permissions to
known provider VDC in the vCloud
view virtual machines for this Event.
Director. This task may not be updated,
instead create a new task without
GVM2015E You do not have required permissions to dependence on this provider VDC.
view restore points for this virtual
GVM4005E The Organization VDCs listed below
were selected but are not configured to
the TSM server. You must remove these
selections in order to execute this action.
org VDC name

168 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

GVM4006I Your current UI role does not allow you

to view node details.

Appendix C. Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and Data Protection for VMware vCloud GUI messages 169
170 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages
This information contains explanations and suggested actions for messages issued
by the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.

User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent

FBP0001E The Recovery Agent is already running.
proxy host logs for information about why the mount
Explanation: This issue is encountered when multiple operation failed.
users are logged on to the system and attempting to
run the Recovery Agent. Only one active Recovery
FBP0005E RAID mirror status was not obtained.
Agent instance is supported.
Explanation: During the instant restore session, the
System action: The Recovery Agent was not started.
Recovery Agent failed to obtain the status of the
User response: To resolve this issue, close the current mdadm mirror device.
Recovery Agent instance or start the Recovery Agent
System action: An attempt to recover the instant
on a different system.
restore session is being made.
User response: Check the instant restore status in the
FBP0002E The Tivoli Storage Manager server
Recovery Agent GUI and the Recovery Agent engine
connection cannot be removed.
logs for solutions to this problem.
Explanation: There are currently active instant restore
sessions or mounted volumes that require the
FBP0006E Incorrect parameters were specified
connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. As a
during the Recovery Agent mount
result, the existing connection cannot be removed.
System action: The remove connection operation is
Explanation: The mount operation on the Windows
Recovery Agent proxy host failed because incorrect
User response: To resolve this issue, wait until the parameters were specified.
instant restore sessions complete. Or, forcibly end the
System action: The operation is canceled.
instant restore sessions or mounted volumes and then
disconnect the Tivoli Storage Manager server. User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent
proxy host logs for information about why the mount
operation failed.
FBP0003E 'Authentication node' and 'Target node'
cannot specify the same node.
FBP0007E The selected snapshot is already
Explanation: Three node authentication methods are
available to access snapshots on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server: 'Asnodename' authenticates with a Explanation: The Windows Recovery Agent proxy
proxy node, 'Fromnode' authenticates with a node that host identified the selected snapshot as already
contains limited access, and 'Direct' authenticates mounted to the requested target.
directly. When 'Fromnode' or 'Asnodename' are
selected, a target node must be specified. The target System action: None.
node is the Tivoli Storage Manager node where the User response: The instant restore session or mounted
virtual machine backups are located. snapshot is available for use.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify the correct 'Authentication FBP0010E Failed to dismount.
node' and 'Target node'. See information about the node Explanation: The dismount operation on the Windows
authentication methods in the product documentation. Recovery Agent proxy host failed.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP0004E Recovery Agent failed to mount.
User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent
Explanation: The mount operation on the Windows proxy host logs for information about why the
Recovery Agent proxy host failed. dismount operation failed.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP0011E The node data was not retrieved.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 171

FBP0012E • FBP0022E

Explanation: The Windows Recovery Agent proxy

FBP0018E The mdadm utility was not found.
host failed to retrieve the node data when querying the
Tivoli Storage Manager server. Explanation: The mdadm utility is not installed on the
Linux machine.
System action: The operation is canceled.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent
proxy host logs for information about why the User response: Install the mdadm utility on your
querying operation failed. Recovery Agent Linux machine. See which versions are
supported in the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Environments All Requirements Document at
FBP0012E Tivoli Storage Manager server snapshots
were not found.
Explanation: The Windows Recovery Agent proxy
host failed to expose the snapshots on the specified
FBP0019E The iscsiadm version is not supported.
Tivoli Storage Manger server.
Explanation: The installed version of the iscsiadm
System action: The operation is canceled.
utility (for Recovery Agent on RedHat Linux machines)
User response: Verify that the correct Tivoli Storage or open-iscsi (for Recovery Agent on SUSE Linux
Manager server and node that own the snapshots are machines) is not supported.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Upgrade the iscsiadm or open-iscsi
FBP0013E The snapshot was not found. Click
utility on your Recovery Agent Linux machine to a
supported version. See which versions are supported in
Explanation: The selected snapshot was not found on the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments All
the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Requirements Document at http://www.ibm.com/
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Click Refresh in the Recovery Agent FBP0020E The iscsiadm utility was not found.
GUI to load the current snapshots on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. Explanation: The iscsiadm utility is not installed on
the Linux machine.
FBP0016E Invalid parameters were specified. System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: The mount operation on the Windows User response: Install the iscsiadm utility on your
Recovery Agent proxy host failed. Recovery Agent Linux machine. See which versions are
supported in the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
System action: The operation is canceled. Environments All Requirements Document at
User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent http://www.ibm.com/support/
proxy host logs for information about why the mount docview.wss?uid=swg21505139.
operation failed.
FBP0021E The lsscsi version is not supported.
FBP0017E The mdadm version is not supported. Explanation: The installed version of the lsscsi utility
Explanation: The installed version of the mdadm is not supported.
utility on the Linux machine is not supported. System action: The operation is canceled.
System action: The operation is canceled. User response: Upgrade the lsscsi utility on your
User response: Upgrade the mdadm utility on your Recovery Agent Linux machine to a supported version.
Recovery Agent Linux machine to a supported version. See which versions are supported in the Tivoli Storage
See which versions are supported in the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments All Requirements
Manager for Virtual Environments All Requirements Document at http://www.ibm.com/support/
Document at http://www.ibm.com/support/ docview.wss?uid=swg21505139.
FBP0022E The lsscsi utility was not found.
Explanation: The lsscsi utility is not installed on the
Linux machine.
System action: The operation is canceled.

172 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP0023E • FBP0031E

User response: Install the lsscsi utility on your session. If the problem persists, check the Linux system
Recovery Agent Linux machine. See which versions are log (usually located at /var/log/messages) for any
supported in the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual errors related to this issue.
Environments All Requirements Document at
FBP0027E Mount session already exists.
Explanation: The selected snapshot is already
mounted to the requested target.
FBP0023E The Secure Shell (SSH) version is not
supported. System action: None.
Explanation: The installed version of the SSH client is User response: The instant restore session or mounted
not supported. snapshot is available for use.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP0028E Failed to create the mount sessions
User response: Upgrade the SSH client on your
Recovery Agent Linux machine to a supported version.
See which versions are supported in the Tivoli Storage Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to create
Manager for Virtual Environments All Requirements the directory for the mount operation.
Document at http://www.ibm.com/support/
docview.wss?uid=swg21505139. System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Try the mount operation again. If the
FBP0024E The Secure Shell (SSH) was not found. problem persists, check the Linux system log (usually
located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
Explanation: The SSH client is not installed on the this issue.
Linux machine.
System action: The operation is canceled. FBP0029E Failed to encrypt node credentials.
User response: Install the SSH client on your Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to
Recovery Agent Linux machine. See which versions are encrypt the node credentials.
supported in the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Environments All Requirements Document at System action: The operation is canceled.
http://www.ibm.com/support/ User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
docview.wss?uid=swg21505139. persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
FBP0025E Not all instant restore sessions were
stopped. FBP0030E Failed to decrypt node credentials.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to stop Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to
all instant restore sessions. decrypt the node credentials.
System action: Some of the instant restore sessions are System action: The operation is canceled.
still visible in the Recovery Agent 'Instant Restore'
panel. User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at
User response: Try stopping the instant restore /var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
sessions one after the other. If the problem persists,
check the Linux Recovery Agent engine log file. This
file is usually located at /opt/tivoli/tsm/ FBP0031E Failed to remove mount session.
TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/ Explanation: The Recovery agent was unable to delete
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. Also check the Windows the mount status file.
Recovery Agent proxy host logs for any errors related
to this issue. System action: The mounted snapshot remain in the
Recovery Agent 'Mounted Volumes' panel.

FBP0026E Failed to read instant restore session. User response: Try unmounting the mounted
snapshot again. If the problem persists, check the Linux
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to read Recovery Agent engine log file. This file is usually
the instant restore status file. located at /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/
System action: Information about the instant restore is engine/var/TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf for more
not available. information. Also check the Linux system log (usually
located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
User response: Try restarting the instant restore this issue.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 173

FBP0032E • FBP0040E

FBP0032E Instant restore session already exists. FBP0036E Failed to write to the configuration file
that is used for mount and instant
Explanation: A similar instant restore session already
restore operations.
exists or a similar instant restore status file exists.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to write
System action: The new instant restore session is
to the configuration file.
System action: Information about the mount or instant
User response: Check the Linux Recovery Agent
restore is not available.
engine log file for more information. This file is usually
located at /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/ User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
engine/var/TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
FBP0033E Failed to create the instant restore
sessions directory. FBP0037E Failed to read from the configuration
file section that is used for mount and
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to create
instant restore operations.
the directory for the instant restore operation.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to read
System action: The instant restore operation is
the configuration file.
System action: Information about the mount or instant
User response: Try the instant restore operation again.
restore is not available.
If the problem persists, check the Linux system log
(usually located at /var/log/messages) for any errors User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
related to this issue. persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
FBP0034E Failed to remove the instant restore
session. FBP0038E Failed to write to the configuration file
section that is used for mount and
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to
instant restore operations.
delete the instant restore status file.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to write
System action: The instant restore session remains in
to the configuration file.
the Recovery Agent 'Instant Restore' panel.
System action: Information about the mount or instant
User response: Try stopping the instant restore session
restore is not available.
again. If the problem persists, check the Linux
Recovery Agent engine log file. This file is usually User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
located at /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/ persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at
engine/var/TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf for more /var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
information. Also check the Linux system log (usually
located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
FBP0039E Failed to unmount. Device is busy.
this issue.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was not able to
unmount the file system of the selected mounted
FBP0035E Failed to read from the configuration
snapshot because the file system is in use.
file that is used for mount and instant
restore operations. System action: The unmount operation is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to read User response: Close any application that might be
the configuration file. accessing this volume. Then, try the operation again. If
the problem persists, check the Linux system log
System action: Information about the mount or instant
(usually located at /var/log/messages) for any errors
restore is not available.
related to this issue.
User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
persists check the Linux system log (usually located at
FBP0040E Not all mount sessions were
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent did not unmount all
mounted snapshots.
System action: Some of the mounted snapshots
sessions are still visible in the Recovery Agent
'Mounted Volumes' panel.

174 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP0041E • FBP0049E

User response: Try to unmount the mounted

FBP0046E Failed to connect to the Recovery Agent
snapshots one after the other. If the problem persists
check the Linux Recovery Agent engine log file. This
file is usually located at /opt/tivoli/tsm/ Explanation: The Linux Recovery Agent was unable to
TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/ retrieve the Recovery Agent CLI (TDPVMwareShell)
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. installation path from the registry on the Windows
FBP0041E Failed to retrieve data from the System action: The operation is canceled.
Recovery Agent CLI.
User response: Check the connectivity to the Windows
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to read machine, verify that the SSH is configured correctly,
the Recovery Agent CLI (TDPVMwareShell) output file. and that the user defined on Cygwin has
administrative privileges. For more information, see the
System action: The operation is canceled.
product documentation.
User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at
FBP0047E Failed to create the mount directory.
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to locate
or create the directory for the mount operation.
FBP0042E Failed to parse data from the Recovery
Agent CLI. System action: The mount operation is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to parse User response: Try the mount operation again. If the
the data from the Recovery Agent CLI problem persists, check the Linux system log (usually
(TDPVMwareShell) output file. located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
this issue.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
FBP0048E Failed to mount the file system of the
persists, check the Linux Recovery Agent engine log
file. This file is usually located at /opt/tivoli/tsm/
TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/ Explanation: The Recovery Agent succeeded
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. connecting to the mounted snapshot iSCSI device.
However, the Recovery Agent was unable to mount the
file system of the snapshot.
FBP0043E Failed to create query for the Recovery
Agent CLI. System action: The mount operation failed. The
Recovery Agent automatically attempts to mount the
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to create
file system every 5 minutes.
the Recovery Agent CLI (TDPVMwareShell) output file.
User response: Since the mounted snapshot is
System action: The operation is canceled.
available as an iSCSI device, attempt to mount the file
User response: Try the operation again. If the problem system of the device. If the problem persists, check the
persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at Linux system log (usually located at
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue. /var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.

FBP0044E Failed to retrieve mount data from the FBP0049E Failed to set the SSH server address.
Recovery Agent CLI.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to set
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to create the SSH server address. The specified server address
the Recovery Agent CLI (TDPVMwareShell) output file. might be incorrect.

System action: The operation is canceled. System action: The operation is canceled.

User response: Try the operation again. If the problem User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at persists, check the Linux Recovery Agent engine log
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue. file for more information. This file is usually located at
FBP0045E Failed to create mount query for the
Recovery Agent CLI.
Explanation: None.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 175

FBP0050E • FBP0062E

User response: Verify that the specified block device

FBP0050E Failed to set SSH user name.
for the instant restore operation is correct and mounted.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent cannot access the
Windows Recovery Agent CLI (TDPVMwareShell)
FBP0058E The specified mount point is not
using the defined 'SSH login' user.
mounted on the block device.
System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: The specified mount point is not
User response: Using Secure Shell verify that you can mounted on the specified block device.
connect to the Windows Recovery Agent CLI machine
System action: The instant restore operation is
using the user defined under 'Settings'>'SSH login'.
User response: Verify that the specified mount point
FBP0051E Failed to run SSH command.
and block device are correct, and that the mount point
Explanation: None. is mounted on that block device.

FBP0052E Failed to send query to the TDPVMware FBP0059E Restore is not allowed to '/' or '/boot'.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent does not support
Explanation: None. instant restore operations to target devices that are '/'
or '/boot' volumes.
FBP0053E Failed to send query to the Recovery System action: The instant restore operation is
Agent CLI. canceled.
Explanation: While using SSH, the Recovery Agent User response: Specify a different target device for the
failed to send an input command file to the Windows instant restore operation.
Recovery Agent CLI (TDPVMwareShell). This issue
might be caused by an SSH user without read and
FBP0060E Restore is not allowed to RAID devices.
write privileges on the Windows Recovery Agent CLI
machine. Explanation: The Recovery Agent does not support
instant restore operations to RAID devices.
System action: The operation is canceled.
System action: The instant restore operation is
User response: Verify that the SSH user defined under
'Settings'>'SSH login' has read and write privileges on
the Windows Recovery Agent CLI machine. Also check User response: Specify a different target device for the
the Linux Recovery Agent engine log file for more instant restore operation.
information. This file is usually located at
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. FBP0061E The restore operation failed to start.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to start the
FBP0056E Failed to locate the block device instant restore operation.
specified for the mount point. System action: The instant restore operation is
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to locate the canceled.
block device for the mount point that was specified for User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
the instant restore operation. persists, check the Linux Recovery Agent engine log
System action: The instant restore operation is file for more information. This file is usually located at
canceled. /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/
User response: Verify that the mount point specified
for the instant restore operation is correct.
FBP0062E Failed to get the iSCSI initiator name.

FBP0057E Failed to locate the mount point for the Explanation: No iSCSI initiator was specified.
specified block device. System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to locate the User response: Verify that the iSCSI initiator name is
mount point for the specified instant restore block specified correctly.
System action: The instant restore operation is

176 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP0063E • FBP0073E

FBP0063E iSCSI target is not logged in. FBP0069E Failed to log out of the iSCSI target.
Explanation: None. Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to log
out of the iSCSI target.
FBP0064E Failed to resolve the IP address to a System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Check the Linux system log (usually
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to associate a located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
hostname with the specified IP address. this issue.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP0070E Failed to delete the iSCSI target.
User response: Verify that the IP or hostname are
correct. Then, try the operation again. If the problem Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to
persists, check the Linux Recovery Agent engine log delete the iSCSI target.
file for more information. This file is usually located at
System action: The operation is canceled.
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. User response: Check the Linux system log (usually
located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
this issue.
FBP0065E The iSCSI service was not found.
Explanation: The iSCSI daemon is not installed on the
FBP0071E Failed to identify the block device for
Recovery Agent Linux machine.
the iSCSI target.
System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent successfully logged
User response: Install the required iSCSI daemon on in to the iSCSI target; however, the iSCSI block device
the Recovery Agent Linux machine. See information was not found.
about related iSCSI tasks in the product documentation.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Check the Linux system log (usually
FBP0066E Failed to start the iSCSI daemon.
located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to start this issue.
the iSCSI daemon.
System action: The operation is canceled. FBP0072E Failed to create the RAID mirror device.
User response: Try the operation again. If the problem Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to create
persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at the RAID mirror device using the mdadm utility.
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue.
System action: The instant restore operation is
FBP0067E Failed to discover iSCSI targets.
User response: Check the Linux system log (usually
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to
discover the iSCSI targets. this issue.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP0073E Failed to stop the RAID mirror device.
User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
persists, check the Linux system log (usually located at Explanation: The Recovery Agent uses the mdadm
/var/log/messages) for any errors related to this issue. utility to stop the RAID mirror device. However, the
Recovery Agent was unable to stop the RAID mirror
FBP0068E Failed to log in to the iSCSI target.
System action: The instant restore operation is
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to log in
to the iSCSI target.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent engine log
System action: The operation is canceled.
file on the Linux machine for more details about why
User response: Check the Linux system log (usually the device did not stop. This file is usually located at
located at /var/log/messages) for any errors related to /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/
this issue. TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. Also check the Linux system
log (usually located at /var/log/messages).

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 177

FBP0074E • FBP0086E

System action: The operation is canceled.

FBP0074E Failed to add the target block device to
the RAID mirror. User response: Try the operation again. If the problem
persists, check the Recovery Agent engine log file on
Explanation: The Recovery Agent uses the mdadm
the Linux machine. This file is usually located at
utility to add the target block device to the RAID
mirror. However, the Recovery Agent was unable to
add the target block device to the RAID mirror.
System action: The instant restore operation is
FBP0081E Internal error.
Explanation: None.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent engine log
file on the Linux machine for more details about why
the device was unable to add the target block device to FBP0083E The snapshot does not contain a
the RAID mirror. This file is usually located at partition with a supported file system.
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. Also check the Linux system Explanation: The Recovery Agent successfully parsed
log (usually located at /var/log/messages). the partition structure of the disk. However, the
partitions do not use any of these supported file
systems: FAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, or ReiserFS. As
FBP0075E Failed to mark the target block device in a result, volume-level operations, such as 'Instant
RAID mirror as faulty. Restore' and 'Mount as Virtual Volume', are not
supported for this snapshot.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent uses the mdadm
utility to mark the target block device in the RAID System action: The operation is canceled.
mirror. However, the Recovery Agent was unable to
mark the target block device as faulty. User response: To restore data from the selected
snapshot, use the Windows Recovery Agent proxy host
System action: The instant restore session is paused. to mount and expose the snapshot. See information
about mounting as iSCSI targets in the product
User response: Check the Recovery Agent engine log
file on the Linux machine for more details about why
the device was not marked. This file is usually located
at /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/ FBP0084E Failed to retrieve partitions.
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. Also check the Linux system
log (usually located at /var/log/messages). Explanation: The Windows Recovery Agent proxy
host was unable to retrieve the partition list from the
disk snapshot.
FBP0076E Failed to remove the target block device
from the RAID mirror. System action: The operation is canceled.

Explanation: The Recovery Agent uses the mdadm User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent
utility to remove the target block device from the RAID proxy host logs about why the partition list was not
mirror. However, the Recovery Agent was unable to retrieved.
remove the target block device.
System action: The instant restore operation is FBP0085E Recovery Agent can connect only to a
canceled. Tivoli Storage Manager server node.

User response: Check the Recovery Agent engine log Explanation: None.
file on the Linux machine for more details about why
the device was not removed. This file is usually located FBP0086E Failed to remove the Tivoli Storage
at /opt/tivoli/tsm/TDPVMWare/mount/engine/var/ Manager server connection.
TSM4VE_IR_LOG_0040.sf. Also check the Linux system
log (usually located at /var/log/messages). Explanation: The Windows Recovery Agent proxy
host reported that there are active instant restore
sessions or mounted volumes that require the
FBP0079E Unknown key. connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. As a
Explanation: None. result, the existing connection cannot be removed.
System action: The remove connection operation is
FBP0080E The operation timed-out. canceled.

Explanation: The Recovery Agent engine scripts did User response: Check the Windows Recovery Agent
not reply to the Recovery Agent GUI in a timely proxy host logs about the active instant restore sessions
manner. or mounted volumes.

178 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP0088E • FBP1003I

FBP0088E Mount operation failed because the FBP0092E Operation failed. Recovery Agent is
Write cache is either full or configured initializing.
Explanation: Mount and instant restore operations
Explanation: Mount and instant restore sessions (that cannot proceed when the Windows Recovery Agent
run on the Linux machine) access the Virtual Volume proxy host is initializing.
write cache on the Windows Recovery Agent proxy
System action: The mount or instant restore operation
host . This proxy host reported that the write cache is
is canceled.
User response: Wait until the Windows Recovery
System action: The operation is canceled.
Agent proxy host completes initializing. Then, try the
User response: Check the log files on the Windows operation again.
Recovery Agent proxy host for information about why
the write cache is unavailable. Verify that the Virtual
FBP0093E The mount point is already in use by
Volume write cache is configured correctly in the
another mount session.
Windows Recovery Agent GUI. See information about
setting the Virtual Volume write cache options in the Explanation: The mount operation failed because the
product documentation. target mount point is currently in use.
System action: The mount operation is canceled.
FBP0089E The Recovery Agent GUI storage type
option is 'Tape', and the requested User response: Specify a target mount point that is
media is busy. not in use.

Explanation: When the Recovery Agent GUI storage

type option specifies 'Tape', only a single snapshot can FBP0094E The mount point is already in use by
be mounted. another instant restore session.

System action: The operation is canceled. Explanation: The instant restore operation failed
because the target mount point is currently in use.
User response: Dismount the currently mounted
snapshot before you attempt to mount another System action: The instant restore operation is
snapshot. canceled.
User response: Specify a target mount point that is
FBP0090E Operation timed-out. Manual not in use.
intervention might be required.
Explanation: The Linux Recovery Agent GUI FBP1001I The folder:folder pathdoes not exist. Do
operation timed-out during a mount or instant restore you want to create the folder?
operation. Explanation: The selected folder does not exist. You
System action: The operation is canceled. can create the folder by proceeding with the
instructions displayed on the screen.
User response: Follow the "Responding to a timeout
during a file level restore or an instant restore (Linux)" System action: The system waits for a user response.
procedure documented in the Data Protection for User response: Specify Yes to create the folder and
VMware Installation and User's Guide. continue with the operation. Specify No to not create
the folder and end the current operation.
FBP0091E The selected disk is not an MBR disk.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent cannot parse the FBP1003I Specify a folder for the cache files
partition structure of the disk, because the disk is not a Explanation: A folder that is used to store the virtual
Basic, MBR-based disk. Volume-level operations, such disk and virtual volume cache files was not specified.
as 'Instant Restore' and 'Mount as Virtual Volume', are The cache is used to store write operations to the
not supported for this snapshot. virtual disk and virtual volume during the mount
System action: Mount and instant restore operations operation.
are disabled. System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: To restore data from the selected User response: Specify a folder to store the virtual
snapshot, use the Windows Recovery Agent proxy host disk and virtual volume cache files.
to mount and expose the snapshot using 'Mount as
iSCSI target' method.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 179

FBP1005I • FBP1102I

FBP1005I mount path already has a mounted FBP1013I Connection to Tivoli Storage Manager
virtual volume.Do you want to server resumed.
dismount the volume before you
Explanation: Communication between the Recovery
Agent application and the Tivoli Storage Manager
Explanation: The selected path already has a mounted server is established.
virtual volume. This existing mounted virtual volume
System action: Operation completed successfully.
must be dismounted to continue with the current
mount operation. User response: The Recovery Agent application is
ready for operations.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify Yes to dismount the existing
FBP1014I You must restart the Recovery Agent
mounted virtual volume and continue with the current
application for changes to the Data
mount operation. Specify No to end the current mount
Access options to take effect.
Explanation: Recent changes to the Data Access
options cannot be implemented until the Recovery
FBP1008I Recovery Agent cannot be started
Agent application is restarted.
because it is being used by another user
System action: The Recovery Agent application
Explanation: The Recovery Agent application is
operates with the existing Data Access options setting
already running on this machine. For example, this
until it is restarted.
situation occurs when the application is started by
another user on another session. User response: Restart the Recovery Agent application
so that changes to the Data Access options are
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Log in to the machine as the user that
started the Recovery Agent application.
FBP1100I Received CONTINUE from service
FBP1009I Recovery Agent cannot be closed while
Explanation: The Recovery Agent service received a
mounted volumes exist. Do you want to
dismount all volumes?
System action: The Recovery Agent service resumes
Explanation: Existing mounted virtual volumes and
activities.&msgnl;The latest Recovery Agent driver
virtual disks must be dismounted before closing the
events are written to the Recovery Agent log file.
Recovery Agent application.
User response: The Recovery Agent application is
System action: The system waits for a user response.
ready for operations.
User response: Specify Yes to dismount all the existing
mounted virtual volumes and virtual disks and close
FBP1101I Received PAUSE from service manager
the Recovery Agent application. Specify No to not
dismount all the existing mounted virtual volumes and Explanation: The Recovery Agent service received a
virtual disks and return to the Recovery Agent SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE command.
System action: This command has no effect on the
Recovery Agent service.
FBP1011I The Virtual Volume Driver was
registered successfully User response: The Recovery Agent application is
ready for operations.
Explanation: Successful Recovery Agent Virtual
Volume Driver registration is required to use the mount
function. FBP1102I Received a STOP command from the
service manager
System action: Operation completed successfully.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent service received a
User response: The Recovery Agent application is SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP command. This message is
ready for operations. issued when the service is stopped from the service
manager. Opening the Recovery Agent GUI from the
Start menu sends a stop command to the service.
System action: The Recovery Agent service stops.
User response: The Recovery Agent application is
ready for operations.

180 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP1103I • FBP5007W

FBP1103I Service stopped, reporting to service FBP1304E Trial period has expired.
Explanation: The license registration string is not
Explanation: The Recovery Agent service stops. The valid.
service can be restarted from the service manager.
System action: The Recovery Agent application stops.
System action: The Recovery Agent application stops.
User response: Obtain a new license for the Recovery
User response: No user action required. Agent application.

FBP1104I --- Recovery Agent version string started FBP1305I Try and buy license. days left.
Explanation: The license file is valid.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent application started.
System action: Operation completed successfully.
The version string is printed in the message.
User response: The Recovery Agent application is
System action: Operation completed successfully.
ready for operations.
User response: The Recovery Agent application is
ready for operations.
FBP5003W target volume : The repository is not
loaded.Load the repository and resume
FBP1300I License is OK. the session.
Explanation: The license file is valid. Explanation: The instant restore session is unable to
resume since the Recovery Agent failed to reestablish
System action: Operation completed successfully.
connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server where
User response: The Recovery Agent application is the backup snapshots are located.The restored volume
ready for operations. is inaccessible while the session is paused.
System action: The instant restore session is paused.
FBP1301W Not for resale license.
User response: Click "Select TSM server" in the
Explanation: The license file is valid. Recovery Agent GUI to connect to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server and resume the instant restore session.
System action: Operation completed successfully.
User response: The Recovery Agent application is FBP5005W Windows indicates the destination
ready for operations. volume target volume might be a
network-mapped drive. If volume target
FBP1302E Error accessing license file. volume again is confirmed as a
network-mapped drive, the operation
Explanation: The license file could not be accessed. fails. Continue anyway?
This situation occurs when the license file cannot be
located, it cannot be opened because of permission Explanation: The Recovery Agent does not support
restrictions, or the file is corrupted. instant restore sessions to a network-mapped drive.

System action: The Recovery Agent application stops. System action: The instant restore session is canceled.

User response: Obtain a new license for the Recovery User response: Specify a destination volume that is
Agent application. not on a network-mapped drive.

FBP1303E Corrupted license file. FBP5007W Read block from the source has
failedThe problem might have been
Explanation: The license registration string is not caused by a network failure.See log file
valid. for more details.If the problem was
System action: The Recovery Agent application stops. caused by a network failure,correct the
problem and resume the session.
User response: Obtain a new license for the Recovery
Agent application. Explanation: The instant restore session is unable to
retrieve data from the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
As a result, the instant restore session is paused.The
problem might be caused by a network failure. The
restored volume is inaccessble while the session is
System action: The instant restore session is paused.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 181

FBP5008W • FBP5015W

User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for

FBP5012W The Recovery Agent still has number of
information regarding the cause of the problem. After
active sessions active instant restore
resolving the issue, resume the session.
session. These sessions will be paused
and the restored volumes will appear
FBP5008W There are open handles to the volume unformatted, until the Recovery Agent
being restored (volume name).Close any service restarts.Are you sure you want to
application (such as Windows Explorer stop the Recovery Agent?
or a command prompt) that might be
Explanation: Stopping the Recovery Agent without
accessing this volume and try again.If
waiting for the restore to complete makes the restored
you select Ignore, applications using
volumes display as if they are unformatted. The restore
these handles might become unstable
process resumes when the Recovery Agent service
once the restore process begins.
Explanation: The target volume for the restore is in
System action: The system waits for a user response.
use.Restoring a volume to a viewable storage volume
involves overwriting data on that existing storage User response: Specify No to prevent the Recovery
volume. After the restore begins, the current volume Agent from stopping and to continue the instant restore
contents are permanently erased. session.Specify Yes to stop the Recovery Agent, even
though the volumes that are still being processed
System action: The system waits for a user response.
display as if they are unformatted.Do not attempt to
User response: Close any application (such as format these volumes as such an attempt causes data
Windows Explorer or a command prompt) that might loss.
be accessing this volume and try the operation again.If
you select Ignore, applications that currently use these
FBP5013W Abort selected sessions?All data is lost
open handles might become unstable when the restore
and volumes require reformatting.
operation begins.
Explanation: Aborting the instant restore sessions
causes the loss of all data that was written to the
FBP5010W System is low on memory.Write
restored volumes.The restored volumes display as
operations to virtual volumes might be
unformatted and require reformatting.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
Explanation: Changes that are done on mounted
volumes are written to memory. As a result, the User response: Specify Yes to abort the instant restore
Recovery Agent can use a large amount of RAM when sessions. All data that was written to the restored
it operates in read/write mode. volumes during these sessions is lost.Specify No to
continue the instant restore sessions.
System action: Write operations to virtual volumes
might be lost.
FBP5015W All data on target drive volume name will
User response: Dismount some of the mounted
be lost. Note 1: Successful instant
volumes (when possible) or mount the volumes as
restore processing requires sufficient
read-only.The value of the 'Read Ahead cache size'
network connectivity and bandwidth to
option affects the memory usage. See information about
the repository. Note 2: Use of instant
setting this option in the product documentation.
restore is recommended only for
applications that primarily issue READ
FBP5011W Recovery Agent still has number of I/O's.Do you want to continue?
mounted volumes volumes mounted.
Explanation: Instant restore processing overwrites
Stopping the Recovery Agent might
data on the target storage volume.A sufficient data
cause the system to become unstable.
transfer rate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server is
Are you sure you want to stop the
required for a successful instant restore operation.
Recovery Agent?
System action: The system waits for a user response.
Explanation: Stopping the Recovery Agent without
first dismounting the virtual volumes might cause both User response: Click YES to confirm that you
the system and active applications to become unstable. understand the effects and to start the instant restore
System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify No to prevent the Recovery
Agent from stopping, then dismount any mounted
volumes.Specify Yes to stop the Recovery Agent, even
though both the system and active applications might
become unstable.

182 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP5017W • FBP5026W

FBP5017W There are open files on the volume FBP5021W The mounted volume 'mounted volume
mounted on:mounted volume name.A name' is in use.Dismounting the volume
forced dismount invalidates all of the might cause the application that is using
open files.Are you sure you want to it to become unstable.Do you want to
continue? continue?
Explanation: The virtual volume that is being Explanation: The virtual volume that is being
dismounted is in use by another application. For dismounted is in use by another application. For
example, the volume might be open in Windows example, the volume might be open in Windows
Explorer. For virtual iSCSI devices, the iSCSI initiator is Explorer. For virtual iSCSI devices, the iSCSI initiator is
still logged on to the device.Forcing this volume to still logged on to the device.
dismount might cause the files or applications that are
System action: The system waits for a user response.
accessing the volume to become unstable.
User response: Identify and close any applications
System action: The system waits for a user response.
that are accessing the volume. Or, specify 'Continue' to
User response: Identify and close any files or ignore the warning message and continue dismounting
applications that are accessing the volume. Or, specify the volume.For iSCSI devices, make sure that the iSCSI
'Continue' to ignore the warning message and continue initiator is logged off the device.
dismounting the volume.For iSCSI devices, make sure
that the iSCSI initiator is logged off the device.
FBP5023W There are active instant restore
sessions.These sessions will be paused
FBP5018W The volume selected for restore is and the restored volumes will appear
located on a clustered disk.See the unformatted, until the application
product documentation for guidelines finishes loading and resumes the
when restoring clustered sessions.Do you want to continue?
volumes.Failure to follow these
Explanation: Opening the Recovery Agent UI from the
guidelines might result in data loss, if a
'Start>All Programs' menu stops the service.The active
hardware or Windows error occurs.Do
instant restore sessions are paused until the application
you want to continue?
finishes loading and resumes the sessions.
Explanation: Instant restore of a volume in a clustered
System action: The system waits for a user response.
environment is supported.Other volumes in the cluster
are not affected. You can work with the cluster and User response: Specify Yes to stop the service and
with the restored volume in parallel.During the instant load the Recovery Agent UI. This action pauses and
restore operation, the disk that is being restored cannot then resumes the instant restore sessions.Specify No to
fail over if the node fails. not load the Recovery Agent UI. This action leaves the
instant restore sessions to run in the background in
System action: The system waits for a user response.
service mode.
User response: Specify YES to confirm that you
understand the guidelines and to start the instant
FBP5025W There are 'num active sessions' sessions
restore operation.
using the write cache. Updates to the
cache settings are processed when there
FBP5020W The Virtual Volume Driver is not yet are no active sessions that use the cache.
registered. Recovery Agent can register Do you want to continue?
the driver now. During registration, a
Explanation: Updates to the write cache settings were
Microsoft Windows Logo warning may
detected. These updates are applied when there are no
be displayed. Accept this warning to
active sessions that use the cache.
allow the registration to complete.Do
you want to register the Virtual Volume System action: The Recovery Agent application
Driver now? operates with the existing write cache settings.
Explanation: User should register the Virtual Volume User response: Update the write cache settings when
Driver in order to work with the Recovery Agent.This there are no active sessions that use the cache.
message is displayed following the first attempt to
mount after a silence install, since the driver
registration is not performed in silent install. FBP5026W The size of the write cache is num write
cache percentage% full.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
Explanation: Mount and instant restore sessions that
User response: Specifying Yes will start the run on a Linux machine use the Recovery Agent Virtual
registration process. After registration the Recovery Volume write cache for write operations. The Cache
Agent application is ready for operations. size is approaching its maximum limit.Linux mount

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 183

FBP5028W • FBP5034W

and instant restore sessions might fail when the cache using the Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive client
size reaches its limit. 'set access' command.
System action: None.
FBP5031W Some snapshots are currently mounted.
User response: Do not start a new Recovery Agent
If you continue, these snapshots will be
mount or instant restore session on the Linux machine
dismounted.If a mounted volume is
until the Virtual Volume write 'Cache size' value
currently being used by an application,
decreases.See information about setting this option in
the application might become
the product documentation.
unstable.Do you want to continue?
Explanation: Opening the Recovery Agent UI from the
FBP5028W The file system of the selected partition
'Start>All Programs' menu stops the service.The active
(partition format) might not be supported
mounted volumes are dismounted.
by the current operating system.The
appropriate File System driver must be System action: The system waits for a user response.
installed for Windows to read the
User response: Close any application (such as
volume.Do you want to continue?
Windows Explorer or a command prompt) that might
Explanation: The partition file system must be be accessing the mounted volumes. Then, open the
supported and recognized by the Windows operating Recovery Agent UI.If you continue without closing the
system where the volume is mounted. This condition is applications that are accessing the mounted volumes,
required to view the file structure of the mounted these applications might become unstable.
partition..It is recommended to mount volumes with
native Linux file systems on a Linux machine.
FBP5032W The selected snapshot will not be
System action: The system waits for a user response. protected from expiration during this
operation. See the product
User response: Make sure the appropriate file system
documentation for information about
driver is installed on the Windows operating system
where the volume is mounted.
Explanation: When the 'From node' authentication
method is used, the Authentication node is granted
FBP5029W The connection to Tivoli Storage
Read-only access to the target node with the 'set access'
Manager server was lost.
command. The target node owns the snapshot.As a
Explanation: The connection between the Recovery result, the snapshot cannot be marked as being in use
Agent application and the Tivoli Storage Manager on the server. Therefore, the snapshot might expire
server was lost. while the restore operation is in progress.

System action: Mounted volumes might become System action: The system waits for a user response.
inaccessible. The instant restore sessions are paused.
User response: If you proceed, disable the expiration
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for process for the snapshot during the operation. Or, make
information regarding the connection failure. After sure that no snapshots are created for the restored
resolving the issue, resume any paused instant restore machine during the restore operation.Otherwise, cancel
sessions. the restore operation.

FBP5030W No snapshots are available for the FBP5033W No snapshots exist in the selected node.
selected virtual machine. Or, the
Explanation: Either no snapshot was completed, or
Authentication node is not authorized to
the selected Tivoli Storage Manager node is not the
restore this virtual machine.
node that owns the snapshots.
Explanation: No snapshots were located for the
System action: No snapshot is shown.
selected virtual machine.Either no snapshot completed
successfully, or if the 'From node' access method was User response: If Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
used, the Authenticate node does not have permission Environments snapshots were completed, select the
to restore the selected virtual machine. Tivoli Storage Manager node that owns the snapshots.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP5034W The snapshots are not protected from
User response: If the 'From node' access method is
expiration during the mount operation.
used, make sure sufficient permissions are set for the
An expiration can produce unexpected
Authetication node.See the product documentation for
results and negatively impact the mount
details and an example of how to set permissions by

184 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP5035W • FBP7012E

Explanation: The mounted snapshots will not be

FBP7006E snapshot size (snapshot size) is larger
marked as being in use on the server. Therefore, the
than target size (partition name)
snapshots might expire while the restore operation is in
progress. Explanation: The volume size of the destination
location must be equal to, or greater than, the size of
System action: The system waits for a user response.
the original volume on the snapshot to be restored.
User response: If you proceed, make sure that no
System action: The instant restore operation is
snapshots are created for the restored machines during
the restore operations.Otherwise, enable the expiration
protection. User response: Specify a target volume with a size
equal to, or greater than, the source volume on the
snapshot to be restored.
FBP5035W The selected snapshot is not protected
from expiration during this mount
operation. An expiration can produce FBP7007E A valid iSCSI target name must be
unexpected results and negatively specified. Valid iSCSI names consist of
impact the mount point. the following items: lower-case English
characters, digits, '.', ':' and '-'.
Explanation: The mounted snapshot will not be
marked as being in use on the server. Therefore, the Explanation: When a snapshot is exposed as an iSCSI
snapshot might expire while the restore operation is in target, a valid iSCSI target name must be entered.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify a valid iSCSI target name.
User response: If you proceed, make sure that no
snapshots are created for the restored machine during
FBP7008E A valid iSCSI initiator name must be
the restore operation.Otherwise, enable the expiration
specified. Valid iSCSI names consist of
protection on the 'settings' panel and perform the
the following items: lower-case English
operation again.
characters, digits, '.', ':' and '-'.
Explanation: The specified iSCSI initiator is not a
FBP7003E The folder:folder name is invalid.
valid initiator name. When a snapshot is exposed as an
Explanation: The specified path is not a valid folder iSCSI target, a valid initiator name must be specified by
path. the user.
System action: The system waits for a user response. System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify a valid folder path. User response: Specify a valid iSCSI initiator name.

FBP7004E The folder:folder name could not be FBP7009E A valid folder name must be specified.
Explanation: The path to the folder is invalid or was
Explanation: The system failed to create the requested not specified. The path to the mount point for the
folder. volume snapshot must include an empty folder.
System action: The operation is canceled. System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for User response: Specify a valid path to an empty
information about why the folder was not created. folder.

FBP7005E folder name is not empty.Only empty FBP7012E Already connected to a Tivoli Storage
folders can be used as a mount point. Manager server.To connect to a different
server, or to a different node within the
Explanation: The system can mount a volume
server, select the current server from the
snapshot only to an empty folder.
list and click 'Remove'.
System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: Recovery Agent can connect only to a
User response: Specify an empty folder path. single Tivoli Storage Manager server and node.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Remove the existing connection by
selecting the server from the list and click 'Remove'.
You cannot remove a connection to a server that has

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 185

FBP7013E • FBP7020E

active mounted volumes or instant restore sessions. value of 1000 through 75000 and at least 1 block larger
than than the value of the 'Read Ahead size' option. See
information about setting this option in the product
FBP7013E Instant restore is not supported in Tape
Explanation: Instant restore of snapshot data that is
FBP7018E The Recovery Agent cannot read the
stored on tape is not supported.
snapshot data from the Tivoli Storage
System action: The operation is canceled. Manager server. Make sure that the
storage type setting matches the actual
User response: Either migrate the snapshot data to a storage device. For example, if the data
disk storage pool, or use a different restore method. resides on tape, make sure that the
storage type is set to 'Tape'. If this does
FBP7014E Cannot mount more than one snapshot not solve the problem, check the Tivoli
in Tape Mode. Storage Manager server activity log for
additional errors.
Explanation: Only a single snapshot can be mounted
when the snapshot data is stored on a tape. Explanation: The required data does not exist on the
server or the data is inaccessible.Inaccessible data is
System action: The operation is canceled. typically caused by a 'Storage type' configuration that
User response: Dismount the currently mounted does not match the actual storage where the data is
snapshot before you attempt to mount another stored. Recovery Agent cannot read data stored on
snapshot. Tape or VTL if storage type is set to 'Disk'.
System action: The operation is canceled.
FBP7015E No local volume is available as a User response: Click 'Settings' in the Recovery Agent
destination for instant restore. GUI and select the correct storage device from which to
Explanation: Instant restore is done to a local volume mount the snapshot. You can select 'Disk/File', 'Tape',
that has a volume letter and is not the system volume. or 'VTL'. When the storage type is changed, you must
restart the Recovery Agent for the changes to take
System action: The operation is canceled. effect. Also, check the Recovery Agent logs and the
User response: Make sure you have a local volume Tivoli Storage Manager server activity log for any
that has a volume letter and that is not the system additional errors.
volume as a destination for the instant restore.
FBP7019E The selected disk is not a basic disk
FBP7016E The Recovery Agent 'Read Ahead size' with an MBR partition style.
option requires a value of 0 through Explanation: Recovery Agent could not parse the
8192. partition structure of the disk, because the disk is not a
Explanation: The Recovery Agent 'Read Ahead size' Basic, MBR-based disk. Volume-level operations, such
value specifies the number of extra data blocks as 'Instant Restore' and 'Mount as Virtual Volume', are
retrieved from the storage device after a read request is not supported for this snapshot.
sent to a single block. System action: Volume-level operations are disabled.
System action: The system waits for a user response. User response: Use other methods, such as 'Mount as
User response: Specify a valid 'Read Ahead size' value iSCSI target', to restore data from the selected snapshot.
of 0 through 8192. See information about setting this
option in the product documentation. FBP7020E The partitions in the selected disk are
not formatted with a supported file
FBP7017E The Recovery Agent 'Read Ahead cache system.
size' option requires a value of 1000 Explanation: Recovery Agent successfully parsed the
through 75000. The value must also be partition structure of the disk. However, none of the
at least 1 block larger than the value of partitions use these supported file systems: FAT, NTFS,
the 'Read Ahead size' option. EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, or ReiserFS. As a result,
Explanation: Recovery Agent 'Read Ahead cache size' volume-level operations, such as 'Instant Restore' and
value specifies the size of the cache where the 'Read 'Mount as Virtual Volume', are not supported for this
Ahead' extra data blocks are stored. snapshot.

System action: The system waits for a user response. System action: Volume-level operations are disabled.

User response: Specify a valid 'Read Ahead cache size' User response: Use other methods, such as 'Mount as
iSCSI target', to restore data from the selected snapshot.

186 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP7021E • FBP7029E

User response: Specify the target node where the

FBP7021E Select the node access method.
virtual machine backups are located. See information
Explanation: Three node authentication methods are about the node authentication methods in the product
available to access snapshots on the Tivoli Storage documentation.
Manager server: 'Asnodename' authenticates with a
proxy node, 'Fromnode' authenticates with a node that
FBP7026E You must specify a node password.
contains limited access, and 'Direct' authenticates
directly. Explanation: No password was specified for the
authentication node.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify the node authentication
method to access the snapshots on the Tivoli Storage User response: Enter the password of the Tivoli
Manager Server. See information about these three Storage Manager node that owns the virtual machine
methods in the product documentation. snapshots.

FBP7022E You must specify a Tivoli Storage FBP7027E The Recovery Agent 'Driver timeout'
Manager server name or IP. option requires a value of 60 through
Explanation: Recovery Agent requires this information
to access the virtual machines backup snapshots on the Explanation: The Recovery Agent 'Driver timeout'
Tivoli Storage Manager Server. option specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to
process data requests from the file system driver. When
System action: The system waits for a user response.
processing does not complete within the specified time,
User response: Specify the host name or IP address of the request is canceled and an error is returned to the
the Tivoli Storage Manager Server where the backup file system driver.
snapshots are located.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: Specify a valid 'Driver timeout' value
FBP7023E You must specify a valid Tivoli Storage
of 60 through 300. See information about setting this
Manager Server port.
option in the product documentation.
Explanation: Recovery Agent requires this information
to access the virtual machines backup snapshots on the
FBP7028E The Recovery Agent 'Write cache size'
Tivoli Storage Manager Server.
option requires a value of 1 through
System action: The system waits for a user response. upper limit
User response: Specify the port number that is used Explanation: During Linux instant restore and mount
by the Tivoli Storage Manager Server where the backup operations, the Recovery Agent on the Windows
snapshots are located. backup proxy host saves data changes in the write
cache folder.The maximum cache size is 90% of the
available space for the selected folder.
FBP7024E You must specify an authentication
node. System action: The system waits for a user response.
Explanation: No authentication node was specified. User response: Specify a valid Virtual Volume write
Specify the Tivoli Storage Manager node that owns the 'Cache size' value. See information about setting this
snapshots. option in the product documentation.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
FBP7029E The Recovery Agent CLI mount
User response: Specify the Tivoli Storage Manager
command is missing one or more
node that owns the snapshots. See information about
required parameters.
the node authentication methods in the product
documentation. Explanation: The Recovery Agent CLI mount
command cannot complete without all required
FBP7025E You must specify a target node.
System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: Recovery Agent provides three node
authentication methods. When 'Fromnode' or User response: Issue the 'RecoveryAgentShell.exe -h
'Asnodename' are selected, a target node must be mount' (Windows) or 'RecoveryAgentShell -h mount
specified.The target node is the Tivoli Storage Manager dump' (Linux) command to view the required
node where the virtual machine backups are located. parameters. Then, issue the mount command again
with all required parameters.
System action: The system waits for a user response.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 187

FBP7030E • FBP8003E

FBP7030E Repository 'repository name' was not FBP7037E 'Cache size' must be at least 1GB.
Explanation: Mount and instant restore sessions that
Explanation: The Tivoli Storage Manager Server run on a Linux machine use the Recovery Agent Cache
connection specified in the Recovery Agent '-rep' tag for write operations.
was not found.
System action: The system waits for a user response.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Specify a valid size for the 'Write
User response: Correct the Recovery Agent CLI Cache' size field. 'Cache size' must be at least 1GB.
command '-rep' tag to identify the Tivoli Storage
Manager Server where the backup snapshots are
FBP7038E The value of the Recovery Agent write
'Cache size' option must not exceed max
size in GBGB
FBP7031E A valid iSCSI target name must be
Explanation: During Linux instant restore and mount
specified. Valid iSCSI names consist of
operations, the Recovery Agent on the Windows
the following items: lower-case English
backup proxy host saves data changes in the write
characters, digits, '.', ':' and '-'.
cache folder.The maximum cache size is 90% of the
Explanation: When a snapshot is exposed as an iSCSI available space for the selected folder.
target, a valid iSCSI target name must be entered.
System action: Linux mount and instant restore
System action: The operation is canceled. sessions might fail when the cache size reaches its limit.
User response: Specify a valid iSCSI target name. User response: Do not start a new Recovery Agent
mount or instant restore session on the Linux machine
until the Virtual Volume write 'Cache size' value
FBP7032E Mount target 'mount target' is not valid.
decreases.See information about setting this option in
Explanation: The specified mount path is not a valid the product documentation.
folder path.
System action: The operation is canceled. FBP8001E resume failed

User response: Specify a valid folder path. Explanation: The instant restore session is unable to
resume. As a result, the instant restore session
pauses.The restored volume is inaccessible while the
FBP7033E Reparse point 'reparse point' was not session is paused.
found and cannot be created
System action: The instant restore session pauses.
Explanation: The specified mount target path was not
found and cannot be created. User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the resume failed. After the
System action: The operation is canceled. issue is resolved, resume the session.
User response: Specify a valid folder path.
FBP8002E failed to mount because of too many
FBP7035E Failed to load partition 'partition' mount points

Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to Explanation: The Recovery Agent supports a
retrieve the partition list from the disk snapshot. maximum of 128 simultaneously mounted snapshots.
That maximum was exceeded.
System action: The operation is canceled.
System action: The mounting operation is canceled.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the partition list was not User response: Dismount at least one of the currently
retrieved. mounted snapshots before an attempt to mount another

FBP7036E Incorrect partition number 'partition

number' FBP8003E failed to dismount mounted volume name

Explanation: The specified partition was not found on Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to dismount
the disk snapshot. the mounted snapshot.This issue might be caused by a
disconnection from the Tivoli Storage Manager server
System action: The operation is canceled. that owns the snapshots.
User response: Specify a valid partition number. System action: The dismount operation is canceled.

188 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP8004E • FBP8025E

User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for

FBP8016E failed to mount
information about why the dismount operation failed.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to complete
the mount operation.
FBP8004E failed to load repository name
System action: The mount operation is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to expose the
snapshots of the specified Tivoli Storage Manager User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
server. information about why the mount operation failed to
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Verify that the correct Tivoli Storage
FBP8019E failed to stop
Manager server and node that own the snapshots are
specified. Explanation: The current request to abort the selected
instant restore session failed because the Recovery
Agent could not locate the selected session.
FBP8007E Virtual Volume Driver not enabled
System action: None.
Explanation: Mount operations require a working
Recovery Agent Virtual Volume Driver. User response: The abort request for the instant
restore session was already done.
System action: The mount operations are canceled.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
FBP8020E failed to finalize the session
information about why the Virtual Volume Driver is
not enabled. Explanation: The product encountered an internal
error when it attempted to finalize the instant restore
FBP8008E snapshot not found.
System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: The selected snapshot was not found on
the Tivoli Storage Manager server. User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the session did not finalize.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Click Refresh in the Recovery Agent
FBP8023E target partition is too small
GUI to load the current snapshots on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. Explanation: The volume size of the destination
location must be equal to, or greater than, the size of
the original volume on the snapshot to be restored.
FBP8009E already mounted
System action: The instant restore operation is
Explanation: The selected snapshot was already
mounted to the requested target.
User response: Specify a target volume with a size
System action: None.
equal to, or greater than, the source volume on the
User response: The mounted snapshot is available for snapshot to be restored.
FBP8024E load repository repository name failed:
FBP8012E target is a network-mapped drive error message

Explanation: Mounting snapshots to a Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to expose the
network-mapped drive is not supported. snapshots of the specified Tivoli Storage Manger server.

System action: The mount operation is canceled. System action: The operation is canceled.

User response: Specify a target drive that is not on a User response: Verify that the correct Tivoli Storage
network-mapped drive. Manager server and Node that own the snapshots are
FBP8015E volume letter is in use. Select another
FBP8025E repository inaccessible. Dismounting
Explanation: The selected drive letter for the mount volume
operation is in use.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent is unable to retrieve
System action: The mount operation is canceled. data from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. As a
User response: Select a target drive letter that is not in result, the currently mounted snapshots are
use. dismounted.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 189

FBP8026E • FBP8037E

System action: Mounted snapshots are dismounted.

FBP8032E failed to unmount volume
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
Explanation: The target volume for the restore
information about why the repository is inaccessible.
operation is in use. As a result, the instant restore
operation did not start. Restoring a volume to a
FBP8026E 'path to repository' inaccessible or not a viewable storage volume involves overwriting data on
repository that existing storage volume. After the restore session
begins, the data on the existing volume is permanently
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to expose the erased.
snapshots of the specified Tivoli Storage Manger server.
System action: The instant restore session is canceled.
System action: The operation is canceled.
User response: Close any application (such as
User response: Verify that the correct Tivoli Storage Windows Explorer or a command prompt) that might
Manager server and Node that own the snapshots are be accessing this volume. Then, try the operation again.

FBP8033E failed to restore blocks

FBP8027E failed to open repository
Explanation: The instant restore operation is either
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to expose the unable to retrieve data from the Tivoli Storage Manager
snapshots of the specified Tivoli Storage Manger server. server or unable to write data to the target volume.
System action: The operation is canceled. System action: The instant restore session ends.
User response: Verify that the correct Tivoli Storage User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
Manager server and Node that own the snapshots are information about why the blocks failed to restore. The
specified. restored volumes display as unformatted and require
FBP8029E session stopped by user
Explanation: The user requested to abort the instant FBP8034E failed to mount volume
restore session.Aborting the instant restore sessions Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to mount the
causes all data that was written to the restored volume target volume and start the instant restore operation.
to be lost.
System action: The instant restore operation is
System action: The instant restore session ends. canceled.
User response: The restored volume is shown as User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
unformatted and requires reformatting. information regarding why the target volume could not
be mounted.
FBP8031E Exclusive access to the mounted
snapshot was not obtained on the Tivoli FBP8036E Failed to finalize
Storage Manager server.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to finalize the
Explanation: An exclusive access to the snapshot data instant restore session.
on the Tivoli Storage Manager server could not be
obtained. As a result, the version being restored could System action: The instant restore session is canceled.
expire, leading to inability to complete the restore.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
Failure to obtain exclusive access is often the result of
information about the cause of the problem. The
the snapshot data residing on a target replication
restored volumes might display as unformatted and
require reformatting.
System action: The mount operation is canceled.
User response: If expiration protection is enabled, FBP8037E initialization failed. See logs for the
check the status of the target Tivoli Storage Manager reason
server. If the target server is the replication server in
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to initialize
failover mode, or if you verified no snapshots are
the instant restore operation.
running on the primary server, disable expiration
protection. Then, try the operation again. If expiration System action: The instant restore operation is
protection was disabled when this error occurred, visit canceled.
the IBM Support Portal for additional information at
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about the cause of the problem.

190 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
FBP8041E • FBP8052E

User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for

FBP8041E cannot restore to a dynamic disk
information about why the overwrite to disk failed. The
Explanation: Instant restore to a dynamic volume is restored volumes might display as unformatted and
not supported. require reformatting.
System action: The instant restore operation is
canceled. FBP8047E cannot restore to a FAT volume. Format
target volume as NTFS
User response: Select a basic volume as the instant
restore target. Then, try the operation again. Explanation: Instant restore to a volume formatted as
an FAT32 file system is not supported.
FBP8042E cannot restore to clustered disk System action: The instant restore operation is
Explanation: Instant restore of a volume in a clustered
environment is supported. However, the user canceled User response: Format the volume as an NTFS file
the restore to a volume in a clustered environment. system. Then, try the operation again.
System action: The instant restore operation is
canceled. FBP8048E session not responding
User response: Select a different volume as the instant Explanation: The instant restore session did not
restore target. Then, try the operation again. respond to the abort request within 5 minutes. As a
result, the instant restore session was forcibly stopped.
FBP8043E failed to create bitmap System action: The instant restore session ends.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to create the User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
required internal data structure for the instant restore information about why the Recovery Agent did not
operation. respond to the abort request. The restored volumes
might display as unformatted and require reformatting.
System action: The instant restore operation is
FBP8050E failed to create first block file
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the data structure was not Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to create a
created. memory-mapped file for the instant restore session.
System action: The instant restore operation is
FBP8044E failed to scramble first block canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to overwrite User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
the first sector of the disk. information regarding why the memory-mapped file
was not created.
System action: The instant restore operation is
FBP8051E cannot restore to disk with signature '0'
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the overwrite to disk failed. Explanation: Instant restore in not supported for disks
without an MBR disk signature.
FBP8045E failed to notify driver System action: The instant restore operation is
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to notify the
kernel driver regarding the start of the instant restore User response: Select an instant restore target volume
session. on an MBR disk that contains a disk signature.
System action: The instant restore operation is
canceled. FBP8052E Recovery Agent is currently initializing.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for Explanation: Mount and instant restore operations
information about why the driver was not notified. cannot proceed when the Recovery Agent is initializing.
System action: The mount or instant restore operation
FBP8046E failed to unscramble first block is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to overwrite User response: Wait until the Recovery Agent
the first sector of the disk. completes initializing. Then, try the operation again.
System action: The instant restore session ends.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 191

FBP8053E • FBP9009E

Agent was unable to obtain the application data

FBP8053E failed to read data from server
directory path.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to expose the
snapshots of the specified Tivoli Storage Manger server.
FBP9004E Cannot create directory directory name
System action: The operation is canceled.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to create the
User response: Verify that the correct Tivoli Storage application data directory.
Manager server and Node that own the snapshots are
System action: The Recovery Agent application closes.
specified. Check the Recovery Agent logs for more
information. User response: Check the Windows events logs for
any errors. Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the Recovery Agent failed to
FBP9000E failed connecting to a kernel driver
create the application data directory.
Explanation: Instant restore operations require a
working Recovery Agent kernel driver.
FBP9005E failed to initialize module name module
System action: The instant restore operations are
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to initialize.
System action: The Recovery Agent application closes.
User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
information about why the Recovery Agent failed to User response: Check the Recovery Agent logs for
connect to the driver. information about why the Recovery Agent failed to
FBP9001E Incompatible Virtual Volume Driver
(FBVV) Version , expecting expected major FBP9006E another instance of Recovery Agent is
version.expected minor version , installed already running
installed major version.installed minor
version Explanation: Only one active Recovery Agent instance
is supported. This issue is encountered when multiple
Explanation: The kernel driver version does not match users are logged on to the system and attempting to
the Recovery Agent version. A valid driver is required run the Recovery Agent.
for the Recovery Agent to work properly.
System action: The Recovery Agent is not started.
System action: The Recovery Agent application closes.
User response: Either close the current Recovery
User response: The Recovery Agent was not installed Agent instance or run the Recovery Agent on a
correctly. Follow the Recovery Agent installation different system.
instructions in the product documentation.

FBP9007E unable to install the Recovery Agent

FBP9002E Cannot initialize Windows Sockets.
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to install. A
Explanation: The Recovery Agent failed to initialize valid installation is required for the Recovery Agent to
the Windows Sockets DLL file. function properly.
System action: The Recovery Agent application closes. System action: The Recovery Agent is not started.
User response: Check the Windows events logs for User response: Follow the Recovery Agent installation
errors related to this issue. Also check the Recovery instructions in the product documentation.
Agent logs for information about why the Windows
Sockets DLL file failed to initialize.
FBP9008E Cannot get folder name for AFS.dll

FBP9003E Cannot obtain the application data

directory path FBP9009E Registration of Virtual Volume Driver
failed .Check the file file
Explanation: The Recovery Agent was unable to name\\installFBVV.log for more
retrieve the application data directory path from the information Do you want to retry
operating system. registering the Virtual Volume Driver?
System action: The Recovery Agent application closes. Explanation: The Virtual Volume Driver must be
registered correctly in order for the Recovery Agent to
User response: Check the Windows events log for
function correctly.
errors related to this issue. Also check the Recovery
Agent logs for information about why the Recovery System action: The system waits for a user response.
User response: >Check the Recovery Agent logs for

192 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

information about why the Recovery Agent failed to

register the driver.Click 'Retry' to make another attempt
to register the driver or click 'Cancel' to end the

FBP9010E Write Cache is full.

Explanation: Mount and instant restore sessions that
run on a Linux machine use the Recovery Agent Virtual
Volume write cache for write operations. Linux mount
and instant restore sessions might fail when the cache
size reaches its limit.
System action: Write operations to the Linux instant
restore and virtual volumes might be lost.
User response: Unmount some of the mounted
volumes on the Linux machine to make available space
in the write cache. Instant restore volumes on the Linux
machine might display as unformatted. When the cache
is full, all data that is written to the Linux instant
restore volumes is lost.

Appendix D. Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent messages 193

194 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
Appendix E. Accessibility features for the Tivoli Storage
Manager product family
Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision to use information technology products successfully.

Accessibility features

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager family of products includes the following
accessibility features:
v Keyboard-only operation using standard operating-system conventions
v Interfaces that support assistive technology such as screen readers

The command-line interfaces of all products in the product family are accessible.

Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center provides the following additional

accessibility features when you use it with a Mozilla Firefox browser on a
Microsoft Windows system:
v Screen magnifiers and content zooming
v High contrast mode

The Operations Center and the Tivoli Storage Manager Server can be installed in
console mode, which is accessible.

The Operations Center help system is enabled for accessibility. For more
information, click the question mark icon on the help system menu bar.

Vendor software

The Tivoli Storage Manager product family includes certain vendor software that is
not covered under the IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about
the accessibility features of these products. Contact the vendor for the accessibility
information about its products.

IBM and accessibility

See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center (http://www.ibm.com/able)

for information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 195

196 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
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198 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
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Notices 199
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Software Products and Software-as-a-Service Privacy Statement” at

200 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
A glossary is available with terms and definitions for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager family of products.

See Tivoli Storage Manager glossary (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGSG7_7.1.1/


To view glossaries for other IBM products, see http://www.ibm.com/software/globalization/


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 201

202 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
A FBP1100I 180
FBP1101I 180
accessibility features 195 FBP1102I 180
Active Directory FBP1103I 181
verify replication 121 FBP1104I 181
Active Directory domain controllers 41 FBP1300I 181
application protection FBP1301W 181
Active Directory domain controllers 41 FBP1302E 181
Microsoft Exchange Server 37 FBP1303E 181
Microsoft SQL Server 37 FBP1304E 181
self-contained 117 FBP1305I 181
USN Rollback 41 FBP5003W 181
automated client failover FBP5005W 181
overview 22 FBP5007W 181
FBP5008W 182
FBP5010W 182
B FBP5011W 182
backup FBP5012W 182
cluster 101 FBP5013W 182
data store 101 FBP5015W 182
incremental forever FBP5017W 183
description 19 FBP5018W 183
parallel 103 FBP5020W 183
periodic full FBP5021W 183
description 20 FBP5023W 183
templates 21 FBP5025W 183
vApp 21 FBP5026W 183
vCloud scenario 87 FBP5028W 184
vmcli command 44 FBP5029W 184
vSphere scenario 88 FBP5030W 184
FBP5031W 184
FBP5032W 184
D FBP5033W 184
FBP5034W 184
disability 195 FBP5035W 185
disks FBP7003E 185
control 21, 96 FBP7004E 185
Data Protection applications 100 FBP7005E 185
documentation 6 FBP7006E 185
domain controller FBP7007E 185
verify replication 121 FBP7008E 185
FBP7009E 185
FBP7012E 185
E FBP7013E 186
environment FBP7014E 186
restore FBP7015E 186
file-level 35 FBP7016E 186
errors 125 FBP7017E 186
FBP7018E 186
FBP7019E 186
F FBP7020E 186
FBP7021E 187
failover FBP7022E 187
client 22 FBP7023E 187
FBP1001I 179 FBP7024E 187
FBP1003I 179 FBP7025E 187
FBP1005I 180 FBP7026E 187
FBP1008I 180 FBP7027E 187
FBP1009I 180 FBP7028E 187
FBP1011I 180 FBP7029E 187
FBP1013I 180 FBP7030E 188
FBP1014I 180

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2014 203

FBP7031E 188
FBP7032E 188
FBP7033E 188 get_password_info
FBP7035E 188 vmcli command 67
FBP7036E 188
FBP7037E 188
FBP7038E 188 H
FBP8001E 188 heuristics 89
FBP8002E 188
FBP8003E 188
FBP8004E 189
FBP8007E 189
FBP8008E 189 IBM Knowledge Center v
FBP8009E 189 incremental forever
FBP8012E 189 description 19
FBP8015E 189 inquire_config
FBP8016E 189 vmcli command 53
FBP8019E 189 inquire_detail
FBP8020E 189 vmcli command 58
FBP8023E 189 instant restore
FBP8024E 189 overview 124, 137, 143
FBP8025E 189 task (Linux) 142, 147
FBP8026E 190 task (Windows) 141, 144
FBP8027E 190
FBP8029E 190
FBP8031E 190 K
FBP8032E 190 keyboard 195
FBP8033E 190 Knowledge Center v
FBP8034E 190
FBP8036E 190
FBP8037E 190
FBP8041E 191
FBP8042E 191 LAN environment 135
FBP8043E 191
FBP8044E 191
FBP8045E 191 M
FBP8046E 191 megablocks 89
FBP8047E 191 messages
FBP8048E 191 Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI 151
FBP8050E 191 Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent 171
FBP8051E 191 mounting a disk 109
FBP8052E 191 mounting snapshots 135
FBP8053E 192
FBP9000E 192
FBP9001E 192
FBP9002E 192
FBP9003E 192 operating systems
FBP9004E 192 Linux 135
FBP9005E 192 Windows 135
FBP9006E 192
FBP9007E 192
FBP9008E 192 P
FBP9009E 192 periodic full
FBP9010E 193 description 20
file-level restore problem determination 125
environment 35 publications v
restore overview 124, 137, 143
restore task (Linux) 142, 147
restore task (Windows) 139, 143
full VM instant restore registration key 12
environment requirements 23 replication
iSCSI network 24 verify Active Directory 121
scenarios 113 verify domain controller 121
validation scenarios 116 restore
environment 35

204 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide
restore (continued)
full VM requirements 23
SQL databases 118
templates 21
vApp 21
vCloud scenario 111
vmcli command 47
vSphere scenario 112
Restore VM
with application protection enabled 117

self-contained application protection
configuring 39
vmcli command 61
vmcli command 61
vmcli command 63
vmcli command 65
mounting 135
vmcli command 68

templates 21
troubleshooting 125

USN Rollback 41

vApp 21
VM backup 89, 92
vmcli command
backup 44
get_password_info 67
inquire_config 53
inquire_detail 58
restore 47
set_domain 61
set_mapping 61
set_option 63
set_password 65
start_guest_scan 68
restore overview 124, 137, 143
restore task (Linux) 142, 147
restore task (Windows) 139, 143

Index 205
206 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware User's Guide

Product Number: 5725-A44

Printed in USA

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