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Ethics #2

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What is the corresponding Latin word for the word

A. Moralitas

Standard B. Morals
C. Ethicus
D. None of the above

Multiple 6. It is a study of morality which reports how people,

Choice. There particularly groups, make their moral valuations without

making any
judgment either for or against these valuations.

is only one A. descriptive

B. virtue ethics
C. Metaethics

D. Normative

answer for each

7. Which of the following is a characteristic of ethics in
relation to law?
A. Created with an intent to maintain social order and

question. Write
peace in the society
and provide protection to all the citizens.
B. Made to help people to decide what is right or wrong
and how to act.

the letter only. C. Its violation is not permissible which may result in
punishment like imprisonment or fine or both.
D. It refers to a systematic body of rules that governs the

Please do whole society and

the actions of its individual members.

not guess. 8. Ethics involves making judgment about:

A. what is invisible or visible
Standard Multiple Choice. There is only one
correct answer for each question. Write the letter B. what is just or unjust
only. Please do not guess. C. what is personal or social
D. what is right or wrong

1. The word Philosophy comes from the Greek words

which 9. What is the most important question in ethics (and
Means. philosophy)?
A. Wisdom of love A. Where?
B. Love of wisdom B. When?
C. Knowledge of wisdom C. Who?
D. Wonder and wisdom D. Why?

2. According to Aristotle, philosophy begins with. 10. Instead of eating meat, we have a moral obligation
A. Knowledge to become vegetarians because animals are sentient
B. Answers beings, and we ought not to inflict pain and suffering
C. Wonder on them. In ethics, defending your stand or choice is
D. Wisdom known as.
A. simplification
B. moralization
3. The task of philosophy is. C. justification
A. to make the wonder that have works in everyday life. D. Rationalization
B. to make us wise in our everyday life.
C. To make us knowledgeable
D. none of the above. 11. Which of the following is held by Socrates when
it comes to ethics and its relationship to the gods or
4. Ethics comes from what Greek word which means? A. Something is right in itself and that is why God
A. Moralitas – morals commanded it.
B. Ethicus – ethics B. It is good or holy only because it is loved by God.
C. Ethos -way of behaving/character C. Our conviction about God, His nature and the
D. All of the above demands He makes on us daily, surely determines our
attitudes and relationships towards other fellow
D. Religious reasons are perfectly good reasons for
deciding how one will conduct one’s own life.
12. The father of ethics.
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Jeremy Bentham egoism is not
13. In Plato’s The Myth of Gyges, one’s power of
invisibility is a safe way to acts of.
true? B
A. indecency
B. injustice
C. justice
A. A person
D. love
who is set ablaze
14. To be ethical is doing justice to oneself. It follows
that being ethical is basically love of
A. others
by his
B. God
C. self
D. moral laws
consuming love
15. It is a doctrine of self-interest without regard for
for money.
B. A soldier
A. treachery
B. greed
C. hatred

who hurls
D. selfishness

16. It asserts that we are always deep down motivated

himself on top of
by what we perceive to be in our own self- interest.
A. Psychological Egoism
B. Utilitarianism
C. Cultural Relativism
D. Ethical Egoism
a grenade
17. It contends that the individual is the sole
determinant of what is morally good or bad, right or
A. ethical subjectivism
B. altruism
C. idealism
D. ethical egoism
his own death) to
18. In contrast to psychological egoism, ethical
egoism is the moral doctrine that everyone ought to
act to promote his or her own interests exclusively. It
prevent the
follows that ethical egoism emphasizes on.
A. how people think
B. how people actually behave
deaths of his
C. how people reason out
D. how people should behave fellow soldiers.
C. He who
19. Which of the
controls the
following is
against or proof
media controls C. proper order
the masses. and harmony of
D. People who the parts of the
once they soul
identify where D. action which
the problem lies, seeks to avoid
they join the punishment
19. Which of the following is against or proof that

problem instead psychological egoism is not true?

A. A person who is set ablaze by his consuming love for

of solving it. B. A soldier who hurls himself on top of a grenade

(thereby guaranteeing
his own death) to prevent the deaths of his fellow

20. According soldiers.

C. He who controls the media controls the masses.
D. People who once they identify where the problem

to Socrates in lies, they join the problem instead of solving it.

Plato’s Republic, 20. According to Socrates in Plato’s Republic, where

does the good human life stem from?
A. proper order of the parts of the soul

where does the B. actions that benefit others

C. proper order and harmony of the parts of the soul
D. action which seeks to avoid punishment

human life stem
from? B
A. proper order
of the parts of
the soul
B. actions that
benefit others

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