A Guide To A Better Life
A Guide To A Better Life
A Guide To A Better Life
Healthy lifestyle and personal development psychologist, yoga and meditation teacher
Website: www.evazda.com
E-mail: eva.zdanovica@gmail.com
Instagram: evazdanovica
Youtube: Eva Zdanovica
Facebook: IEVA ZDANOVICA (personal)
evazda (public page)
Morning is a good time to engage in a spiritual practice: praying, meditation for at least 15 – 30
Body Position
Close your eyes. Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your spine straight. Relax
your whole body. Keep your eyes closed throughout the whole visualization and bring your
awareness inward. Without straining or concentrating, just relax and gently follow the
Take a deep breath in and breathe out.
Different meditations:
Happiness meditation
You can sincerely wish everyone happiness by repeating: “May everyone become happy”
without interruption. Think about people you love, about people that you have some problems
with. By wishing happiness, you can improve your relationships.
Think of a person close to you who loves you very much.
Imagine all of your friends and loved ones surrounding you.
Now picture another person that you love, perhaps a relative or a friend.
Now think of an acquaintance, someone you do not know very well.
Someone you do not like or have negative feelings towards him/her.
Now expand your awareness and picture the whole globe in front of you.
Everyone is sending you wishes for your wellness, for your health and happiness. Feel the
kindness and warmth coming to you from everyone.
You are filled, and overflowing with warmth and love.
Dr.Seppala, Dr. Torsunov
1. Can also repeat: “Hari Om Tat Sat”
Meaning: “Om, that is Truth”
2. “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”
Meaning: "O my Lord, the all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful
obeisance unto You."
Spiritual Prayer
Any spiritual prayer that you want.
Mindfulness is keeping one’s complete attention to the experience on a moment-to-moment
basis (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1979).
Main five components:
• Be aware: observe what happens in the present moment and focus on the contents of
your inner experience.
• Do no judge: do not label (e.g. “good” vs “bad”); open awareness.
• Accept current experience as it is; do not attempt to change it.
• Do not identify yourself with content of thoughts or states. You are not the emotion or
thought. You experience stressful situation but you are not stressed. Emotions or
thoughts come and go.
• Do not take participation: detach yourself, do not let stress to take-over.
Do 10 – 15 min pranayama, breathing exercises. It helps to eliminate the carbon dioxide and
receive more oxygen. It improves blood circulation, heart work, functioning of the body organs
and mental health.
Surya Bhedana
3. Inhale through right nostril, ring finger closes left nostril.
Retain the breath, closing both nostrils.
Exhale through left nostril.
4. Repeat 12 times.
Yoga/ exercise
It is very good to do soft exercise or yoga. It improves blood circulation, digestion, stretches the
muscles. Do it together with deep breathing.
Do daily physical exercises such as yoga, running, cycling, etc. You have to move at least 30-
40min a day.
Once you wake up, stretch your muscles, and yawn.
Face yoga – increases brain work – gives more oxygen, decreases intensity.
Healthy Lifestyle
Eating healthy, a lot of fruits and vegetables boosts our immune system and charges the body.
Water drinking at least 1,5l
Breakfast is very important
Fruits, sweet products; carbohydrates are very good in the morning.
Many people nowadays non-stop discuss about weight, how much lost how much gained. Then
they stop eating, starving, loosing energy, immune system, become week. Avoid this.
Food is our energy.
Sleeping from 23:00 to 1:00 h at night the nervous system rests therefore the best time to sleep is
no later than from 23:00 h to maintain a strong nervous system.
Waking up early, before 6:00 h in the morning, will make you calm, your inner happiness,
optimism and health will increase.
If you always wake up late, it will be difficult to remain calm and maintain your good mood.
You might have a tendency to feel more intense, worried, irritated and anxious in different
situations and it might be hard to control it.
Avoid using technical devices at least 30min before sleeping.
Be grateful, appreciate for what you have in your life. When you grateful for what you have
already, you start attracting even more good things and good people.
An attitude of gratitude is naturally attractive. It has the power to turn challenges into
possibilities, problems into solutions, and losses into gains.
WRITE DOWN EVERYDAY: I am grateful for…
Think what are you grateful for, it can be small and big things, situations, people…
Think about your past. When you forgive, you let go negative memories, feelings that can cause
many health problems if you keep them for a long time.
Tell who do you want to forgive to and for what?
Also, ask for forgiveness the ones who you ever heart. Can also just do in your mind if do not
want to do directly to a person.
Self awareness
The 1st step to happiness: you know yourself.
If you understand your nature, it will be very easy.
• What are your priorities in your life, e.g. spiritual life, relationships, career, etc.?
• What is happening in each area? What is going wrong?
• What do you want to change in each area? When?
• What are you going to do in order to change them?
• What are you stressed and worried about? Why?
• Where and when do you feel safest?
• What or who gives you comfort?
Your dreams and goals
List your dreams and goals, what you really want to achieve in short-term and long-term. Make
a plan and make action to achieve everything. Do not suppress and allow yourself to achieve
everything you want. Focus on dreams that are beneficial, for you, and for the society.
• What are your biggest dreams?
• What are your short-term and long-term goals?
What are your five good qualities that you would always like to maintain them?
Focus on them and remind them every day to yourself in front of the mirror.
What are you five negative qualities that you would like to reduce?
Make efforts to be aware about them and change them to positive ones.
Finding a higher purpose
Raise your values, when you do something higher it gives you more passion, enthusiasm,
motivates you to go further.
Happiness is helping others
Time management