Application of A Multilevel Probabilistic Approach
Application of A Multilevel Probabilistic Approach
Application of A Multilevel Probabilistic Approach
12th Int. Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, Vienna, Austria, 6–10 August 2017
Christian Bucher, Bruce R. Ellingwood, Dan M. Frangopol (Editors)
IASSAR c 2017 TU-Verlag Vienna, ISBN 978-3-903024-28-1
Abstract: Despite the increased interest and research about structural robustness, one
has to notice that no practical framework is available yet to quantify and assess the
robustness of structures which takes into account both local structural behavior of the
elements under large deformations and the uncertainties of the acting loads and ma-
terials. In this contribution advanced calculation methods and risk-based quantifica-
tion approaches for robustness are combined by a multi-level calculation scheme
which is applied for two alternative designs. The developed approach is able to quan-
tify the reliability and structural robustness of planar reinforced concrete frames in an
objective way while using a conditional risk-based robustness index and taking into
account the developed membrane action. Additionally the assessment and influence
of the direct and indirect costs on risk-based robustness quantification are studied.
The importance of structural robustness has been underlined by numerous failures in the past
decades, such as the notable failures at Ronan Point (1968), the Murrah Federal building (1985)
and the World Trade Center (2001). Typical for these past failures, which are unfortunately a
worldwide recurring issue, is the fact that due to the lack of structural robustness, a local event
with a very low probability of occurrence resulted in very large and disproportionate conse-
quences [1]. Although designing a structure to withstand these exceptional events such as hu-
man error and terrorist attack is impracticable and uneconomical, a beneficial strategy is to
allow the development of alternate load paths to redistribute the loads and reduce the extent of
damage as much as possible in case of an exceptional local failure. Based on numerous recent
experimental findings and numerical studies on reinforced concrete beams and slabs, it is clear
that these elements have a large potential to develop alternate load paths in RC structures due
to the development of membrane action [11], [15-16]. On the other hand research has also been
focusing on theories to quantify structural robustness by robustness indicators [2]. An important
next step is to combine the experimental and numerical results of the structural elements with
the available probabilistic techniques and robustness indicators to assess the reliability and
structural performance of structures in case of exceptional events. Moreover due to the devel-
opment of membrane action, large membrane forces are generated which have to be taken into
account when assessing the stability of the remaining structure. To achieve the latter, a multi-
level probabilistic framework is illustrated in this paper for two alternative designs of an office
building which takes the behavior of the complete structures into account. With this framework
it is possible to quantify the reliability of RC frames in case of the notional removal of load-
bearing columns. Next, the computed failure probabilities can be combined with a risk-based
robustness quantification which is illustrated at the end of this contribution.
Multi-level probabilistic framework
2.1 Structural design of illustrative cases
In order to illustrate the developed calculation scheme, two office buildings have been designed
according to EN 1992-1-1 [8]. Both buildings have the same useful office space but a different
structural layout (Figure 1). The first building consists of 6 bays in both orthogonal directions
and has 6 floors. The second building on the other hand consists of 6 and 12 bays in the X- and
Y-direction respectively and has 3 floors. The height of each floor and the span of each bay for
both buildings is 3 m and 6 m respectively. The floor consists of precast hollow core concrete
slabs which carry the loads in one direction (i.e. the X-direction) to the frames placed in the Y-
direction. Hence as a conservative simplification, the analysis can be performed by considering
2D frames and no 3D effects are considered. The permanent load applied on the beams consists
of the self-weight gk of the concrete floors of 6.25 kN/m2 and the variable load for office build-
ings consists of the service load qk of 3 kN/m² in accordance with EN 1991-1-1 [7]. An illus-
tration of both buildings subjected to a notional column removal can be found in Figure 1. The
dimensions of the beams and columns as well as the reinforcement details are given in Table 1.
It is noted that the reinforcement amount which is calculated according to the regular design
requirements is sufficient to act as horizontal and vertical ties according to EN 1991-1-7 [7].
Figure 1: Overview of the illustrative cases: Building 1 subjected to the notional removal of an edge column
(left) and Building 2 subjected to the notional removal of an internal column (right)
Table 1: Summary of geometrical properties of the considered illustrative cases*
Building 1 Building 2
Frame Internal Edge Internal Edge
Dimensions b x h 450 x 420 450 x 420 350 x 420 350 x 420
12 ∅ 18 8 ∅ 14 12 ∅ 14 8 ∅ 14
Floors 1-2
Reinforcement** 12 ∅ 14***
Floors 3-6 12 ∅ 14 8 ∅ 14 12 ∅ 14 8 ∅ 14
Top Reinforcement 4 ∅ 25 4 ∅ 18 4 ∅ 25 4 ∅ 18
Bottom Reinforcement 3 ∅ 20 2 ∅ 18 3 ∅ 20 2 ∅ 18
Shear Reinforcement ∅ 10 ∅ 10 ∅ 10 ∅ 10
* Distances, dimensions and diameters in mm
** Total reinforcement of the columns, placed symmetrically in the columns
*** Inner columns of frame 12 ∅ 18, outer columns of frame 12 ∅ 14
2.2 Development of the multi-level calculation scheme
first part is the unaffected part which is not considered further in the calculations as this part is
assumed to be unaffected by the considered accidental states. The two other parts are the di-
rectly (DAP) and indirectly affected part (IAP) which are located in the same bay where the
column is removed. The DAP is located immediately above the removed column, and hence
this part will be subjected to large deformations for which detailed numerical calculations are
necessary. The IAP on the other hand is situated next to the DAP and defines the boundary
conditions of the DAP. The IAP is subjected to smaller deformations, hence less detailed cal-
culation methods are used for this part. More information on the implemented modelling sim-
plifications can be found in [4]. The following steps of the multi-level calculation scheme to
quantify the reliability of the damaged structure are applied for both buildings in the following
subsections and are presented in Figure 2 for Building 1.
2.2.2 Numerical model for the directly affected part
For the detailed numerical analysis of the DAP, the advanced finite element software DIANA
10.0 is used. The model is based on the experimentally verified numerical 2D plane stress model
developed by Botte et al. [3] which was modified and extended to the considered situation. The
established numerical model was also validated with the experimental results obtained by NIST
on RC beams [17]. The model takes into account geometrical and material nonlinearities and
applies a load-controlled procedure with a uniform load in combination with an arc-length al-
gorithm to simulate some softening behavior. The boundary conditions of this model which
represent the partially clamped connection with the IAP are modelled by multi-linear elastic
springs which take into account possible failure of the IAP. Due to symmetry only half of the
beam in the accidental state is modelled. The calculation procedure is continued till failure of
the beam which is governed by crushing of the concrete and finally by rupture of the top rein-
forcement at the partially clamped support or by failure of its boundary conditions (i.e. IAP).
2.2.3 Analytical model for the indirectly affected part
Considering the presumed failure mode of the IAP, i.e. a soft-story at ground-level, a plastic
calculation procedure is implemented which considers the development of plastic hinges in the
columns at the ground-floor. Next, based on the principle of conservation of energy the follow-
ing equation can be obtained which can be solved for the frame resistance 𝑀𝐹 of the IAP:
LHS allows to limit the number of (FEM) calculations necessary for a probabilistic assessment
to a reasonable amount [20]. A set of four key variables related to the material properties of the
model are selected for the LHS procedure (Table 2). These material properties are considered
to have the most influence on the load bearing capacity, which in this case is governed by
compressive membrane action (CMA). Other material properties to model the concrete material
are based on formulas found in the fib-model code [10] and EN 1992-1-1 [8]. The ultimate
strain of the reinforcement is considered to be deterministic, i.e. 𝜀𝑢 = 7.5% (ductility class C),
as this parameter has little influence on the ultimate capacity in case of CMA. Apart from these
four material properties, also the permanent load G and the variable load Q are included in the
LHS procedure. The probabilistic models for the parameters are adopted based on the experi-
mental observations of Gouverneur et al. [11], the suggestions provided in the Probabilistic
Model Code from the JCSS [13] and the recommendations provided by Holicky et al. [12]. In
total 256 Latin-Hypercube sample sets are used for each building and each damage scenario. A
summary of the parameters for the LHS procedure is given in Table 2.
Table 2: Probabilistic models for the most important model parameters
Variable Distribution Mean COV
Concrete compressive strength 𝑓𝑐 Lognormal 38.8 MPa 0.10
Reinforcement yield strength 𝑓𝑦 Lognormal 555 MPa 0.03
Reinforcement tensile strength 𝑓𝑡 Lognormal 605 MPa 0.03
Reinforcement Young’s Modulus 𝐸𝑠 Lognormal 200 GPa 0.08
Volumetric weight of concrete 𝐺 Normal 24 kN/m3 0.04
Service load 𝑄 Gumbel 0.6 kN/m2 1.10
2.3 Structural reliability calculations
Combining the LHS samples with the developed models, the failure probability of the DAP,
IAP and the probability of some progressive collapse after the notional removal of a load-bear-
ing column can be determined using FORM calculations.
2.3.1 Directly affected part (DAP)
Implementing the set of LHS samples in the established numerical models, a set of load-dis-
placement and membrane force – displacement graphs are calculated. Next from the load load-
displacement graphs the beam resistance 𝑅𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 is determined for each sample and a lognormal
distribution is fitted to the obtained set of beam resistances (Figure 3). Note that for most of the
samples, the beams reach their maximal resistance in the compressive membrane phase without
failure of the IAP, while they fail during the transient phase by rupture of the top reinforcement
at the partially clamped support (i.e. 𝑃[𝐹𝐷𝐴𝑃 |𝐹 ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝐼𝐴𝑃 ]). No catenary phase is developed due to the
limited rotation capacity of the beams. Failure of the DAP can also be initiated when the devel-
oped membrane forces attain the maximal resistance of the multi-linear translation spring or in
other words failure of the IAP occurs 𝑃[𝐹𝐷𝐴𝑃 |𝐹𝐼𝐴𝑃 ]. For the latter situation the corresponding
uniform load is determined as a sample point for the dataset of 𝑅𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 .
Next applying following limit state equation (2), the failure probability of the DAP 𝑃[𝐹𝐷𝐴𝑃 ]
can be determined:
𝑔1 = 𝑅𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 − 𝐺 − 𝑄 (2)
In this equation the terms 𝐺 and 𝑄 are multiplied with the respective deterministic dimensions
to obtain the imposed load in kN/m.
Figure 3: Determination of the beam resistance 𝑅𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚
2.3.2 Indirectly affected part (IAP)
In a similar way the reliability of the IAP is determined by combining the LHS samples with
the implemented plastic calculation model. To determine the membrane force acting on the
IAP, first the total load (𝐺 + 𝑄) acting on the DAP is calculated for each sample. Next two
situations can be distinguished:
1. No failure of the DAP: G+Q ≤ Rbeam
The membrane force corresponding to the total load (𝐺 + 𝑄) is derived from the
membrane force-displacement graph (Figure 2). This results in samples for the mem-
brane force 𝑀𝐹1 acting on the IAP for which a lognormal distribution is fit. The fail-
ure probability of the IAP conditional on the survival of the DAP 𝑃[𝐹𝐼𝐴𝑃 |𝐹 𝐷𝐴𝑃 ] is then
calculated by following limit state equation:
g 2 = R IAP − 𝑀𝐹1 (3)
2. Failure of the DAP: G+Q > Rbeam
If the total load (𝐺 + 𝑄) is larger than the beam resistance 𝑅𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 , then the membrane
force 𝑀𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑅 corresponding to the beam resistance 𝑅𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 of the DAP is considered.
This situation corresponds to failure of the DAP and, as a consequence, the membrane
force cannot increase further. Again this results in samples for the membrane force
𝑀𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑅 acting on the IAP for which a lognormal distribution is fit. The failure proba-
bility of the IAP conditional on the failure of the DAP 𝑃 [𝐹𝐼𝐴𝑃 |𝐹𝐷𝐴𝑃 ] is then calculated
by following limit state equation:
g 3 = R IAP − 𝑀𝐹maxR (4)
Finally the failure probability of the IAP can be calculated as follows:
P[FIAP ] = P[FIAP |FDAP ].P[FDAP ] + P[FIAP |F DAP ]. (1 − P[FDAP ]) (5)
In Table 3, the calculated failure probabilities for the DAP, IAP and the probability for progres-
sive collapse are given for each building and for both considered accidental states. Note that
these failure probabilities are conditional on the considered damage state ‘D’ (i.e. removal of a
column) and the exposing event ‘E’ (unknown).
Table 3: Calculated failure probabilities for the DAP, IAP and progressive collapse
Design Accidental situation P[FDAP ] P[FIAP ] P[FDAP ∪FIAP ]
Building 1 Inner column 0.254 1.12 E-06 0.254
Edge column 0.106 0.009 0.106
Building 2 Inner column 0.173 1.00 E-08 0.173
Edge column 0.041 0.001 0.041
Based on these results one can conclude the following:
In general the probability of progressive collapse is governed by 𝑃[𝐹𝐷𝐴𝑃 ]. Still the au-
thors would like to indicate the importance to take into account the developed mem-
brane forces to evaluate the potential of progressive collapse. In case it is possible to
develop tensile membrane action (TMA), for instance in steel frames, larger mem-
brane forces will be introduced into the structure. For the considered RC beams TMA
cannot develop due to the limited rotation capacity of the beams.
Building 2 has smaller failure probabilities than Building 1 as Building 2 has more
bays in the Y-direction. More horizontal bays results in a larger horizontal stiffness
which enhances the compressive membrane action in the DAP and increases the re-
sistance of the IAP.
Removal of an edge column in Building 2 results in the smallest probability of pro-
gressive collapse as the edge frames are loaded by smaller loads than an inner frame.
Note that a distinction is made between costs associated to failure of the DAP only and to failure
of the IAP only. One should also note that in reality in case the IAP fails the DAP will fail as
well due to the removal of its boundary conditions. As a consequence the costs associated to
failure of the DAP are included in the failure costs of the IAP.
To assess the ratio of the direct costs and total building cost, three values are considered: 0.001,
0.01 and 0.1 as it is difficult to assess all the costs involved with the notional removal of the
column. Values with the same order of magnitude for this ratio were also applied by Narasim-
han and Faber [19]. The relative costs associated to the failure of the DAP and IAP on the other
hand are estimated based on the work by Faber et al. on the failure of the World Trade Center
in 2001 [9] and the research by Kanda on the failure cost evaluation for office buildings [14].
A summary of the values found for the considered relative failure costs in case of total collapse
of the building are given in Table 4. Due to several uncertainties a low and high scenario value
is given by each author. In this paper only the low scenarios of each author are implemented as
a first indication of the robustness of each Building.
Table 4: Assessment of relative failure costs (values relative to total building cost in %)
M.H. Faber et al. [9] J. Kanda et al. [14]
Scenario Low High Low High
Rescue & Clean-up * Crescue & clean-up /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 36.2 36.2 - -
Structure Cstructure /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 100.0 100.0 60 130
Inventory of building Cinventory /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 55.3 55.3 10 200
Fatalities ** Cfatalities /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 117.0 117.0 0 200
Environment and cultural aspects * Cenv. /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 2.1 2.1 - -
Impact to economy *** Ceconomy /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 193.6 1408.5 0 50
Total failure cost 504.2 1719.1 70 580
* Not considered separately by J. Kanda [14]
** No uncertainties considered on the fatalities as the number of fatalities is known for the WTC towers. Still the
authors would like to emphasize that quantifying the cost of a human life is a very difficult and subjective task
which is under discussion and is subjected to many assumptions.
*** Including business interruption, loss of infrastructure and loss of rents
Next to calculate the associated failure costs of the IAP and DAP, the relative failure costs of
Table 4 are multiplied with the relative building volume of the IAP and DAP respectively. Only
the relative failure cost regarding impact to the economy is not adapted as it is assumed that in
case of failure of the DAP or IAP, the building has to stop all its business affairs due to the
large extent of the damage.
3.2 Results of the risk-assessment in case of the illustrative examples
A summary of the calculated conditional risk-based robustness indicator 𝐼𝑟𝑜𝑏 |𝑑, 𝑒 is given in
Figure 4 for both structures, for all cost assumptions and for both accidental scenarios. Logi-
cally the robustness indicator is much smaller when adopting the relative costs proposed by
Faber as the total relative failure costs are larger by Faber than by Kanda. In general Building
2 results in a larger robustness index as the failure probability of this building is smaller than
for Building 1. Considering the results for the different values of 𝐶𝑑𝑖𝑟 /𝐶𝑡𝑜𝑡 very large differ-
ences can be found in the obtained robustness index. However in most situations the conditional
robustness indices are regarded relatively to each other and the exact value of the failure costs
are less important as long as the same approach and assumptions for all possible designs are
applied when comparing different designs.
Figure 4: Variation of the index of robustness with the different scenarios, designs and costs
In this contribution several assumptions and simplifications have been made which are dis-
cussed below:
- The previous analyses are related to specific damage situations in a specific structural
configuration. Hence, the established results and high failure probabilities should be
treated with care and should be considered as indicative only. For the considered cases a
clear distinction is made between the DAP and IAP, which in reality is not always possi-
- No three-dimensional effects by the RC slabs to redistribute the loads are considered, i.e.
the slabs are considered in the most conservative way as they do not take part in the load
redistribution by membrane action and the development of alternate load paths.
In this paper a computer efficient calculation scheme is illustrated for two RC frames to calcu-
late the probability of some progressive collapse in a RC frame in case of the notional removal
of a load-bearing column. By subdividing the structure in different parts, i.e. the unaffected
part, the IAP and DAP, and considering the interaction between the different parts in an elegant
way, the reliability of the system is calculated efficiently while combining detailed numerical
analyses with plastic calculation methods and the LHS technique. From the results one con-
cludes that the probability on progressive collapse in a RC frame is governed by failure of the
DAP in case of a notional column removal due to the limited rotation capacity of RC beams.
Next the obtained failure probabilities are combined with a risk-based robustness index to quan-
tify and compare the structural robustness of different designs. Based on the computed robust-
ness indices it is clear that the considered cost scenarios for the direct and indirect costs have a
significant influence on the final robustness index. However as long as the respective robustness
indices are compared relatively to each other, it is possible to compare different designs in an
objective way.
The authors wish to thank Ghent University for the financial support from the special research
fund (BOF) on the research project “Risk and reliability-based evaluation and development of
design guidelines for structural robustness measures in constructions taking into account mem-
brane action” and the FWO for the financial support on the research grant of Wouter Botte
entitled “Structural reliability and robustness assessment of existing structures considering
membrane action effects and Bayesian updating of test information”.
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