- 15%
TOTAL: 100%
HUMAN BEHAVIOR- is the voluntary or involuntary attitude of a
person adopts in order to fit society’s idea of right or wrong. It is
partly determined by heredity and environment, and modified
through learning.
It is the study of human conduct; the way a person
behaves or acts; includes the study of human activities in an
attempt to discover recurrent patterns and to formulate rules
about man's social behavior.
BEHAVIOR- refers to the action of an organism or system,
usually in relation to its environment, which includes the other
organisms or system around as well as the physical environment.
•Animal Level – movement and sensation, mostly the use of the senses
and sex drives.
Three Faculties of Man
Emotional Aspect- this pertains to our feelings, moods, temper, and strong
motivational force.
Social Aspect- this pertains to how we interact or relate with other people
Moral Aspect- this refers to our conscience and concept on what is good or bad
- is the study of the mind, how it works, and how it might affect
C. The learning perspective: This sees human beings as born neutral (neither inherently
conforming nor unruly) and subject to developmental changes throughout the life course.
• Pathogenic family structure – those families associated with high frequency of problems such as:
a. THE INADEQUATE FAMILY – characterized by the inability to cope with the ordinary problems of family living. It
lacks the resources, physical or psychological, for meeting the demands of family satisfaction.
b. THE ANTI-SOCIAL FAMILY – those that espouses unacceptable values as a result of the influence of parents to
their children.
c. THE DISCORDANT FAMILY – characterized by dissatisfaction of one or both parents from the relationship that
may express feelings of frustration.
d. THE DISRUPTED FAMILY – characterized by incompleteness whether as a result of death, divorce, separation or
some other circumstances
Different Environmental Factors Affecting Individuals Behavior:
• Institutional influences – such as peer groups, mass media, church and school,
government institutions, NGO's, etc.
• Nutrition or the quality of food that a person intake is also a factor that
influences man to commit crime because poverty is one of the many reasons for
criminal behavior.
Sociological criminology- focuses primarily on groups and society as a
whole, and how they influence criminal activity
The Greek philosopher Hippocrates believed that four basic elements (air, water, earth,
and fire) and four body fluids (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile) affect human
behavior. This was further developed by the Roman physician Galen who said that:
•Choleric – due to excess yellow bile, the person is hot-tempered and irritable.
• Phlegmatic – the person is slow-moving, calm, and unexcitable, produced by an
excess of phlegm
Temperament- refers to fundamental groundwork of
character, generally presumed to be biologically
determined and existent early in life, inclusive of traits like
emotional reactiveness, energy level, reaction tempo and
motivation to explore.
Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964) also classified personality based
on body build:
Mesomorphs with
•Lots of muscles, hard, sturdy with strong bones and muscles
•Love of physical
•Assertiveness of behavior
Ectomorphs with
• Bony, thin, fragile with flat
• Love of privacy and secretive
• Self-conscious
• Inhibited in movement
Biological Typology (Hans J.
Eysenck)- Eysenck defined
personality as the stable and
enduring organization of a
person’s character,
temperament, intellect and
physique, which determines his/her unique adjustment to the
•Character – the system of cognitive behavior (will)
•Temperament – the system of affective behavior (emotion)
•Intellect – the system of cognitive behavior
•Physique – the system of bodily configuration and
neuroendocrine endowment.
•Extrovert – manifests impulsive, outgoing behavior , person that is sociable, outgoing, and active.
•Introvert – generally avoids highly arousing situation, mperson that is withdrawn, quiet, and
2. Stability-instability – neuroticism ranges from normal to fairly calm but tends to be quite
nervous; indicative of emotional overreaction and have difficulties adjusting to normal state after
emotional experiences.
3. Psychotism – this describes a person with psychotic and psychopathic tendencies due to
insensitiveness, hostility and aggressiveness, recklessness and inappropriate emotional
Eros- named after the Greek god for love. Eros includes sex drives & drives such as hunger &
Thanatos- named after the Greek god for death. Includes not only striving for death but also
destructive motives such as hostility & aggression. These drives highly influence the
personality of a person.
2. Ego - the mediator between the ID and the superego. It refers to the developing awareness
of self or the “I”. It is also known as the integrator of the personality; the part that interacts
with the outside world, partly conscious and partly unconscious. As the ego develops the
reality principle supersedes or operates in concert with the pleasure principle in guiding the
behavior. The adaptive functions of the ego are the defenses against anxiety. The Ego arises
from the Id and is developed as a result of our attempts to fulfill the Id’s needs. It operates on
the reality principle and serves as a mediator that strives for a compromise between what the Id
wants and what the outside world can grant. it.
3. Superego - the socialized component of the personality. It is the authoritative or parental
direction which becomes incorporated into the personality as the censoring force or
“conscience”. The Superego arises from the Ego and acts as an internal representation of the
moral values of the environment. The Superego judges what we should morally do or not do,
and guides us about the should and should nots of our lives.
It begins primarily by accepting early in life of the standards of the persons who are
most important to the child, and it is first evident when the child feels within himself that his
behavior is right or wrong. If the ego contemplates violation of the superego’s code, anxiety
results; if the person acts on the contemplated violation despite the anxiety, guilt feelings
result. A very strict superego usually leads to the development of a rigid, compulsive, unhappy
person. A weak defective superego permits a person to express hostile and anti-social striving
without anxiety or guilt.
Sigmund Freud
•Human beings are biological organisms motivated by the satisfaction of bodily needs
and drives.
• Human mind is made up of the id (self gratification, needs), ego (operates on reality
principle) and superego (morality principle).
Introduces “Cathexis and Anti-cathexis”
1. Oral stage/Infancy. 0 to 18 months -This stage covers the period from birth up to the end of
the second year of life. The mouth region which includes the lips and tongue is the main
source of gratification of the child. The child is learning to deal w/ anxiety by the
gratification of oral needs such as sucking, chewing, biting, and spitting is normal activities
of the child. This is also characterized by complete dependency on others. Too much or too
little gratification can bring about an oral fixation when the child grows up and can result in
addictions such as drinking alcohol, smoking, over eating, or nail biting.
2. Anal Stage/ Toddler — 18 mons to 3 years old
The main source of gratification for a child during this psychosexual stage is the ability
to control bladder and bowel movement.
During this psychosexual stage, the erogenous zone is the genitals. Boys start to perceive their father as rivals
for their mother’s affections, while girls feel similarly towards their mother. Freud used the term “The Oedipus Complex” to
describe boys’ attachment towards their mother, and Carl Jung later coined the term “The Electra Complex” to describe girls’
attachment towards their father.
Stage when young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother’s attention and affection. The father is viewed as a
sex rival. This conflict is resolved by the boy’s repression of his feelings for his mother.
The stage when a girl sees her mother as a rival for her father’s attention but for fear for her mother is less. Note: Both
attachment to the mother and father, the Electra complex is gradually replaced by a strengthened identification with the mother.
4. Latency Stage/ School-age — 6 to 11 years old. Sexual feelings are inactive, Children develop social skills, values and
relationships with peers and adults outside of the family, social interactions
During this psychosexual stage of development, sexual urges are usually repressed. Children spend most of
their time interacting with same sex peers, engaging in hobbies and acquiring skills. Adults who are fixated at this stage are
immature and have a hard time forming meaningful relationship.
5. Genital Stage/ Adolescence— 11 years old and above. - Maturing Sexual Interests onset of puberty causes the libido to
become active once again strong sexual interest in the opposite sex. During the last psychosexual stage, the erogenous zone is
genitals. Individuals’ sexual urges are reawakened and are directed toward opposite sex peers. However, unlike at the phallic
stage, the sexuality at the genital stage is consensual.
People who completed the earlier stages successfully become well-adjusted, caring and secure individuals at
this stage. While younger children are mostly ruled by their id and focus on their wants, individuals at this stage have fully
formed ego and superego. They can balance their wants (id) with the reality (ego) and ethics (superego).
3. Middle age (from 40 to later years of life) – the most important stage
because the person is transformed from an energetic, extroverted and
biologically oriented individual to one with a more sophisticated cultural,
philosophical and spiritual sense of value.
CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY- is a sub-field of general psychology
where criminal behavior is only, in part by which phenomena
psychologists choose to study.
The first born – is the focus of attention until the next child is born, at
which time he/she is “dethroned”.
Initiative versus guilt (4– 5 years old)- children begin to assert their
power and control over the world through directing play and other social
interactions. The child is eager to learn and perform well
4. Industry versus inferiority (6 – 11 years old) – this stage is the beginning of life
outside the family. School life begins here. This is a stage of systematic instruction, a
movement from play to a sense of work.
8. Ego integrity versus despair (65 years to death) – the sense of ego
identity includes the acceptance of a unique life cycle with its triumph
and failures. The sense of ego integrity includes an awareness of the
value of other lifestyles, including those that are very different from one’s
•Introduce by Karen Danielsen Horney. She described parental behavior that undermines a child’s
security as a basic evil.
• Focuses on neurosis which is caused by disturbed human relationship between parent and child.
• A child who is abused by the parent in one or more ways develops basic hostility towards the parents.
• Moving towards people - compliant type. “If I give in, I will not be hurt.”
• Moving against people - hostile type. “if I have power, no one will hurt me.”
• Moving away from people - detached type. “If I withdraw, nothing can hurt me.”
2. Infancy to childhood – starts with the learning of language and the organization of experiences in
the syntactic mode. The growth of symbolic ability enables the child to play being a grown-up.
3. The juvenile stage – extends through most of the grammar school years. This is the period of
becoming social, becoming competitive and cooperative.
4. The pre-adolescence – is marked by the need for an intimate relationship with a peer of the same
sex, a friend of whom one can confide and with whom one can collaborate to meet the tasks and
solve the problems of life.
5. The late adolescence – extends from patterning of preferred genital activity through unnumbered
educative steps to the establishment of a fully human and mature repertory of interpersonal relations.
Personology (Henry Murray)- He focused on the importance of genetic
and maturational factors in the development of personality such as (1)
childhood, adolescence and young adulthood; (2) middle years and (3)
senescence (final era).
2. Negative reinforcement - involve the removal of an unfavorable events or outcomes after the
display of a behavior. In these situations, a response is strengthened by the removal of something
considered unpleasant.
Punishment is the presentation of an adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in the behavior
it follows.
2. Negative punishment - also known as punishment by removal, occurs when a favorable event or
outcome is removed after a behavior occurs.
Causes of mental disorder are biological, psychological and social factors all
contribute to mental disorders.
MENTAL RETARDATION- refers to a condition of limited ability
in which an individual has a low IQ, usually below 70 on
traditional intelligence test, has difficulty adapting to everyday
life, he/she first exhibited these characteristics during the so
called developmental period by the age 18.
IMBECILE- cannot manage his own affairs, able to speak but worth poor command
language. IQ. 21-40
Anxiety Disorder
Somatoform Disorder
Dissociative Disorder
Mood Disorder
Personality disorder
Organic Mental Disorder
• Neurotic anxiety – fear that the id’s impulses will overwhelm the ego and make the
person do something for which he/she will be punished.
• Moral anxiety – fear of doing something contrary to the superego and thus
experiencing guilt.
When it is occasional but intense, it is called “panic”. When it is mild but continuous, it
is called “worry” which is usually accompanied by physiological symptoms .
These disorders are characterized by mild depressions, fear and tensions, and
mild stresses.
A. Separation Anxiety Disorder: It is a severe distress about leaving home, being alone, or being
separated from a parent. Symptoms must be present for a minimum of 4 weeks
B. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent, high levels of anxiety and
excessive and difficult-to-control worry over life circumstances; these feelings are accompanied by
physical symptoms such as feeling restless or tense. The symptoms must be present on the majority of
days for at least 6 months and cause significant distress or impairment in life activities.
Obsessions usually centered on fear that one will submit to an uncontrollable impulse to do something.
Phobic Disorders/Phobias- These refer to the persistent fear on some objects or situation that present
no actual danger to the person.
Panic Attack - diagnosis of panic disorder involves recurrent unexpected panic attacks
in combination with :
(a) apprehension over having another attack or worry about the consequences of an
(b) changes in behavior or activities designed to avoid another panic attack. These
reactions must be present for a period of 1 month or more.
“Somatoform Disorders”- Complaints of bodily symptoms that suggest the presence of physical
problem but no organic basis can be found, such as:
• Conversion disorder – This is a somatic symptom disorder where a person actually loses a
sensory or motor bodily function, resulting in blindness, deafness, paralysis, or numbness or sometimes
suffers from seizures.
• Somatization disorder - Persons with somatization disorder can have various physical symptoms
related to any body part such as pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, headaches, sexual dysfunction,
irregular menstruation and balance problems.
• Hypochondriasis - Persons with hypochondriasis often imagine that they suffer from a serious
illness when they experience minor symptoms. For example, a bloating sensation or indigestion may be
attributed to having a stomach cancer or a headache may be attributed to a brain cancer. Frequent
health care visits don't relieve the concerns and in fact, make them worse. Reassurance by doctors and
relatives does not help either.
• Body dysmorphic disorder - The afflicted person is unduly concerned with body image,
manifesting as excessive concern about and preoccupation with a perceived defect of their physical
appearance that is not very obviously apparent to others.
• Pain disorder - Persons suffering from pain disorder suffer from chronic pain for
which no physical cause can be found.
•Undifferentiated somatoform disorder and somatoform disorder not
otherwise specified (NOS) – Only one unexplained symptom is required for at
least 6 months to qualify for undifferentiated somatoform disorder. If the duration
is less than 6 months, the condition is referred to as somatoform disorder not
otherwise specified.
1. Dissociative amnesia also known as psychogenic amnesia. The main symptom is memory loss
that's more severe than normal forgetfulness and that can't be explained by a medical condition. You
can't recall information about yourself or events and people in your life, especially from a traumatic time.
sub- categories of Psychogenic Amnesia
a. localized amnesia- most often an outcome of a particular event. The disease renders the afflicted
unable to recall the details of a usually traumatic event, such as a violent incestuous rape. This is
undoubtedly the most common type of amnesia.
B. Selective amnesia- similar to localized amnesia except that the memory retained is very selective.
Often a person can remember certain general occurrences of the traumatic situation, but not the
specific parts which make it so.
C. generalized amnesia - a complete loss of memory for one's life history, individuals with generalized
amnesia may forget personal identity.
Distortion of thinking
Inappropriate emotion responses
PARANOIA- is a set of fixed delusional beliefs that are accompanied by clear and
orderly thinking outside the delusion system. It has been described as “vigilant
suspicious, distrustful, insecure, and chronically anxious”.
Paranoid-Schizophrenic – is a mental disease resembling paranoia, but is also
characterized by autistic behavior, hallucinations and a gradual deterioration of the
personality. He/she is very suspicious of others, great scheme of persecution at the
root of the behavior, there are hallucinations and delusions and displays psychotic
C. Delusions of thought broadcasting. Individuals may believe that others can hear
their thoughts.
D. Delusions of persecution. Individuals may believe that others are plotting against,
mistreating, or even trying to kill them.
E. Delusions of reference. Individuals may believe they are the center of attention or
that all happenings revolve around them.
F. Delusions of thought withdrawal. Individuals may believe that someone or
something is removing thoughts from their minds.
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Residual Schizophrenia
Examples of Compulsion
Coping Mechanism- These are the sum total of ways in which people
deal with minor to major stress and trauma. Some of these processes are
unconscious, others are learned behavior, and still, others are skills that
individuals consciously master in order to reduce stress, or other intense
emotions like depression.
2. Avoidance- Unconsciously staying away from any person, situation, or place that
might cause unwanted feelings to occur.
ex: An alcoholic person denies that they have any problems even though their family
has observed classic signs.
Ex: A person punches a punching bag after an argument with their boss.
5. Dissociation- A person deals with emotional conflict or stress by splitting off or
repressing some part of their personality or consciousness from their awareness.
Ex: A person talks about a traumatic event and goes into a trance.
Ex:An adolescent’s talks & acts are similar to a teacher she admires.
Ex: A father talks to his child about what love should be like but fails to demonstrate love towards the
Ex; A rape victim talks about her rape without showing any emotions.
9. Projection- Attributing one's unacceptable or anxiety-provoking feelings, thoughts, & characteristics
to another person.
Ex: A worker masks feeling of inadequacy by claiming fellow workers are incompetent.
10. Rationalization- Attempting to justify one's behavior by presenting reasons that sound logical.
Ex: A person treated for a drug addiction claims an inability to stop taking drugs because of a "bad
11. Reaction Formation- Adopting behavior or feelings that are exactly the opposite of one's true
Ex: A woman who has intense sexual feelings towards her husband's friend treats him rudely & keeps
him at a safe distance
12. Repression-A person deals with emotional conflict or stress by forcing out any thoughts, impulses,
experiences, or memory from conscious awareness.
Ex: A mother show seems unaware of the date or events surrounding her child's death. A victim of a car
accident does not remember anything about the accident
13. Sublimation- Substituting constructive & socially acceptable behavior for strong impulses not
acceptable in their original form.
Ex: A mother who lost a child in a drunk-driving accident joins an organization that works to educate the
public about the dangers of drunk driving.
14. Introjection- A form of identification that allows for the acceptance of others’ norms and values into
oneself, even when contrary to one’s previous assumptions.
Ex :A 7-year-old tells his little sister, “Don’t talk to strangers.” He has introjected this value from the
instructions of parents and teachers
15. Minimization- Not acknowledging the significance of one’s behavior.
16. Regression- Resorting to an earlier, more comfortable level of functioning that is characteristically
less demanding and responsible.
Ex: An adult throws a temper tantrum when he does not get his own way.
17. Substitution- The replacement of a highly valued, unacceptable, or unavailable object by a less
valuable, acceptable, or available object.
Ex: A woman wants to marry a man exactly like her dead father and settles for someone who looks a
little bit like him.
18. Undoing- An action or words designed to cancel some disapproved thoughts, impulses, or acts in
which the person relieves guilt by making reparation.
Ex: A father spanks his child and the next evening brings home a present for him. A teacher writes an
examination that is far too easy, then constructs a grading curve that makes it difficult to earn a high
Factors Altering Human Behavior
1. EMOTION- Refers to feeling affective responses as a result of physiological
arousal, thoughts, and beliefs, subjective evaluation, and bodily expression. It is a
state characterized by facial expressions, gestures, postures, and subjective feelings.
It is associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition.
Emotion is derived from the French word emouvior, Latin emovere, where e- (variant
of ex-) means “out” and movere means “move”.
• Psychological Conflict (Internal)- Conflict could be going on inside the person and no one would
• Social Conflict (External)- occurs when two or more people oppose each other in social interaction,
each exerts social power with reciprocity in an effort to achieve incompatible goals whilst preventing
the other from attaining their own.
• Is an illness that causes a person to feel sad and hopeless much of the time.
• Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects
how you feel, the way you think, and how you act.
• Refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism to respond appropriately to emotional or
physical threats, whether actual or imagined.
1. Eustress
•Good stress
•It is stress that is healthy or gives one a feeling of fulfillment or other positive feelings.
•Eustress is a process of exploring potential gains. Stress that enhances function (physical or mental),
such as through strength training or challenging work
2. Distress
•Negative stress
•Persistent stress that is not resolved through coping or adaptation, deemed distress, may lead to
anxiety or withdrawal (depression) behavior.
• is a negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevented from reaching a
• It is an unpleasant state of tension and heightened sympathetic activity, resulting
from a blocked goal. • It is associated with motivation since we won’t be frustrated if
we were not motivated to achieve the goal.
Sexual Dysfunctions- is a persistent or recurrent
problem that causes marked distress and interpersonal
difficulty and that may involve any or some combination
of the following:
Persistent delay or absence of ejaculation nearly all the Partner may feel less attractive, feelings
Delayed Ejaculation time during partnered sex activity of frustration
Female Sexual
Problems with arousal, pain, orgasm;
Interest/Arousal Disorder Little or no sexual interest or arousal for sexual activity relationship problem
Persistent delay or inability to attain an orgasm in nearly Only mildly related to women’s sexual
Female Orgasmic Disorder all sexual encounters satisfaction
A. Sexual Reversals
FETISHISM - People with a fetish experience sexual urges and behavior which are
associated with non-living objects.
Foot Fetishism
Tickling Fetishism
• Pedophilia – a sexual perversion where a person has the compulsive desire to have
sexual intercourse with a child of either sex.
• Fellatio – male sex organ to the mouth of the women coupled with the act of sucking that initiates
• Cunnilingus – sexual gratification is attained by licking the external female genitalia.
• Sadism – achievement of sexual stimulation and gratification through the infliction of physical pain on
the sexual partner. It may also be associated with animals or objects instead of human beings.
• Uranism – sexual gratification is attained through fingering, holding the breast and
licking parts of the body.
• Frottage – the act of rubbing the sex organ against body parts of another person.
• Partialism – it refers to the sexual libido on any part of the body of a sexual partner.
• Troilism – three person participate in sex orgy such as two women versus on man
or vice versa.
Flashing - upper
Mooning - buttocks
Anasyrma – lower/aka lifting the skirt
Martymachlia - genitals
Victimology- branch of criminology that scientifically studies the
relationship between an injured party and an offender by examining the
causes and the nature of the consequent suffering. Specifically,
victimology focuses on whether the perpetrators were complete strangers,
mere acquaintances, friends, family members, or even intimates and why
a particular person or place was targeted. Criminal victimization may inflict
economic costs, physical injuries, and psychological harm.
two major types of victimology, namely:
According to this theory, the presence of one or more of these factors creates a higher
risk of victimization.
For example, leaving one's home during vacation creates a suitable target.
Leaving a home for vacation in an urban area creates an even greater risk; and leaving
one's home on vacation in an urban area in which there is a high number of teenage
boys, known felons, or other "motivated offenders" creates an even higher risk for
Dynamics of Victimization
There are a number of procedural models that can be applied to the study of the victimization process
for the purpose of understanding the experience of the victims.
1. Victims of Crime Model (by Bard and Sangrey). According to this model, there are three stages
involved in any victimization:
a. Stage of Impact & Disorganization – stage during and immediately following the criminal event
b. Stage of Recoil – stage during which the victim formulates psychological defenses and deals with
conflicting emotions of guilt, anger, acceptance, and desire of revenge (said to last three to eight
c. Reorganization Stage – stage during which the victim puts his or her life back to normal daily living.
Some victims, however, may not successfully adopt the victimization experience and a maladaptive
reorganization stage may last for many years.
2. Disaster Victim’s Model – this model was developed to explain the coping
behavior of victims of natural disasters. According to this model, there are four stages
of victimization:
c. Post-impact – a stage that entails the degree and duration of personal and social
disorganization following victimization
2. Actual or Compensatory Damages – the compensation awarded to a person for such pecuniary
loss suffered by him as he has duly proved
3. Nominal Damages – the amount awarded to a victim in order that his right that had been violated or
invaded may be restored or recognized
4. Temperate Damages – moderate damages; the compensation that is more than nominal but less
than compensatory damages given to a person when the court finds that he has suffered some
pecuniary loss, but its amount cannot, from the nature of the case, be proved with certainty
5. Liquidated Damages – damages that agreed upon by the parties to a contract to be paid in case of
6. Exemplary Damages – corrective damages; those that are imposed by way of example or a
correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate, liquidated, or compensatory