2018 Wave Equation IMSC
2018 Wave Equation IMSC
2018 Wave Equation IMSC
Phoolan Prasad
But most of the waves are not governed by “the wave equation”.
t=0 t>0
Figure: Wave of translation. This figure does not reprent a genuine solution.
ξ = x − ct, η = x + ct
∂2u (4)
(15) ⇒ =0
Shows general solution (genuine solution)
x − ct = constant, x + ct = constant
1 x+ct
u(x, t) = u0 (x + ct) + u0 (x − ct) + u1 (τ )dτ (11)
2 c x−ct
We need u0 ∈ C 2 (R), u1 ∈ C 1 (R)
the (genuine) solution exists and is unique.
How uniqueness?
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
/ C 2 (R)
D’Alembert’s solution as a generalized solution, when u0 ∈
/ C 1 (R).
and u1 ∈
u1 (x) = 0, x ∈ R.
Note, using [ ] as a symbol for jump from left to right, we find the
jump in the second derivative at x = 0 as
[u000 (0)] = u000 (0+) − u00 (0−) = 4. (15)
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
The D’Alembert’s solution gives
2 2 2
x + c t , x > ct
u(x, t) = 2ctx, −ct < x < ct (16)
−(x2 + c2 t2 ), −ct < x
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
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One-dimensional wave equation contd..
Theorem u(x, t) ∈ C 2 (R) is a genuine solution of the one-dimensional
wave equation iff
u(A) + u(C) = u(B) + u(D) (18)
where A, B, C, D are vertices of any characteristic parallelogram
Proof: Hint
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Problems and Methods for Engineering Teachers and
So far we have described essential and basic part of 1-D wave
equation, which every one should know.
These problems are too many and I need not discuss them in
just two lectures.
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Problems and Methods for Engineering Teachers and
Boundary conditions:
u(0, t) = h1 (t), u(L, t) = h1 (t), t > 0 (21)
This problem has been beautifully solved using (18) in [1] on page
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Problems and Methods for Engineering Teachers and
Students · · · conti.
But in most engineering books, for u0 (x) = 0 and u1 (x) = 0 it
is solve by method of separation of variables and then using
Fourier series, for example see [2] page 109. There are many
more problems for engineering courses in the book.
I shall suggest all pages 109-129 of [2] for further problems,
including solution of of the Neumann problem for the
inhomogeneous wave equation (Neumann was an engineer in
Germany): u − c2 u = g(x, t); 0 < x < L, t > 0. (22)
tt xx
Initial conditions:
u(x, 0) = u0 (x), ut (x, 0) = u1 (x), 0 < x < L. (23)
Boundary conditions (this makes it Neumann problem):
ux (0, t) = h1 (t), ux (L, t) = h1 (t), t > 0. (24)
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Circle and Unit Circle
For unit circle, which is is a circle with radius 1 and centre origin (0, 0):
x2 + y 2 = 1 (27)
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Coordinates on a Sphere
A sphere of radius r and centre (0, 0) is given by
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = r 2 , (28)
we write its parametric representation as
x = r sin θ cos φ, y = r sin θ sin φ, z = r cos θ, (29)
where 0 ≤ θ ≤ π, 0 ≤Inφ mathematics,
< 2π. θ = 0a at unit sphere
the north is pole.
the set Interpret
of these 3
points ofφdistance
inequalities and 1 equality. 1 from and
is longitude a fixed
|π central
− θ|Npoint
or |π − θ|S is
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Solid Angle & Unit Sphere
A surface element of a sphere is given by dA = r2 sin θdθdφ.
For unit sphere, r = 1 the surface element is sin θdθdφ, which called
solid angle and I denote it by dω.
dω = sin θdθdφ (30)
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Solid Angle & Unit Sphere · · · cont.
Answer: In m-D ωm = 2π 2 Γ( m2 ), where Γ is gamma
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IVP for the wave equation in multi-dimensions
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Mean Value of Function on Surface of Sphere in 3-D
We define
(M (t)u)(x) = u(x + νct)dω, (34)
4π |ν |=1
In 1-space-D, Z x+ct
tM (t)u1 = t u1 (τ )dτ, (37)
2ct x−ct
∂ ∂ 1 x+ct 1
[tM (t)u0 ] = u0 (τ )dτ = {u0 (x + ct) − u0 (x − ct)} .
∂t ∂t 2c x−ct 2
Thus we have derived the D’Alembert’s solution (11) from
expression (36), which is also valid for space of any odd
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The Wave Equation: Solution in (2n + 1)-D and 2n-D
Expression 9360 is valid also for any odd space dimensions
m = 2n + 1.
It can be derived by a beautiful method of spherical means
(Fritz John1 , 1955).
1. His popular book on PDE was based on his lectures at IISc. Later, when he went
back to Counrant Institute, New York, there was some correspondence with him and
he wrote that he remembered me as most active person during his lectures
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The wave equation in multi-dimensions contd..
Note that in (M (t)u)(x) the integration is over the surface of the sphere and
in {M̄ (t)}u (x) integration is over the closed region inside and on the
boundary of the circle.
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Geometry the Method of Descent: sphere with
center x and radius ct, y is point on the surface
p 2
Distance of N from x and that of P from
√22 P̄ = c2 t2 − |x̄ − ȳ| .
c t −|x̄−ȳ |2
x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ), x̄ = (x1 , x2 ), cos θ = ct , dy1 dy2 = dS cos θ.
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Domain of dependence
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Domain of dependence contd..
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Domain of dependence contd..
Figure: Solution at (x0 , t0 ) depends only on the values of u0 , u1 and the first
order derivatives of u0 on the surface S of the sphere.
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Propagation of confined initial disturbances and reverberation
Initial data u0 (x) and u1 (x) such that
Supports of u0 and u1 ⊂ {x : |x| < δ} (41)
What is the meaning of support?
3-Space Dimensions
Figure: The solution at t > δ/c is non-zero only in a spherical shell of outer
and inner radii ct + δ and ct − δ.
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Propagation of confined initial disturbances and
reverberation contd..
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Propagation of confined initial disturbances and
reverberation contd..
2-Space Dimensions: Consider a point ȳ outside the confined
circular domain of radius δ, i.e. |ȳ| > δ.
R x+ct
The part 2c x−ct 1
u (τ )dτ shows that if u1 (x) 6= 0, the signal has
sharp leading edge but then it continues indefinitely ⇒
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EXERCISE contd..
2. Using an energy integral I(t) = a (u2x + u2t )dx, show that the
solution to the mixed initial and boundary value problem of the
one-dimensional wave equation
utt − c2 uxx = 0, a < x < b, t < 0
with u(x, 0) = ϕ(x), ut (x, 0) = ψ(x), u(a, t) = χ(t), u(b, t) = λ(t) is
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EXERCISE contd..
6. Find the deflection u(x, t) of a taut string which was at rest at
time t = 0, if it is fastened at the end point x = l and subjected at
the other end point x = 0 to a motion represented by
u(0, t) = f (t).
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Phoolan Prasad and Renuka Ravindran, Partial Differential Equations,
Wiley Eastern Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, 1984.
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