3.6 Astm F 382 - 17
3.6 Astm F 382 - 17
3.6 Astm F 382 - 17
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: F382 − 17
1. Scope using all of the described methods. Instead, the user should
1.1 This specification and test method is intended to provide only select test methods that are appropriate for a particular
a comprehensive reference for metallic bone plates used in the device design. In most instances, only a subset of the herein
surgical internal fixation of the skeletal system. The standard described test methods will be required.
establishes consistent methods to classify and define the 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
geometric and performance characteristics of bone plates. The safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
standard also presents a catalog of standard specifications that responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
specify material; labeling and handling requirements; and priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
standard test methods for measuring performance related mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
mechanical characteristics determined to be important to the in 1.8 This international standard was developed in accor-
vivo performance of bone plates. dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
1.2 It is not the intention of the standard to define levels of ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
performance or case-specific clinical performance for bone Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
iTeh Standards
plates, as insufficient knowledge is available to predict the
consequences or their use in individual patients for specific
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
activities of daily living. Futhermore, it is not the intention of
the standard to describe or specify specific designs for bone
plates used in the surgical internal fixation of the skeletal
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
system. Document
1.3 This document may not be appropriate for all types of
E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With
Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a
Lot or Process
bone plates. The user is cautioned to consider the appropriate- F565 Practice for Care and Handling of Orthopedic Implants
ness of the standard in view of a particular bone plate F382-17 and Instruments
and its
potential application. F983 Practice for Permanent Marking of Orthopaedic Im-
1.4 This document includes the following test methods used plant Components
in determining the following bone plate mechanical perfor- F2503 Practice for Marking Medical Devices and Other
mance characteristics: Items for Safety in the Magnetic Resonance Environment
1.4.1 Standard Test Method for Single Cycle Bend Testing 2.2 ISO Standard:3
of Metallic Bone Plates—Annex A1, and ISO 9585 Implants for Surgery—Determination of Bending
1.4.2 Standard Test Method for Determining the Bending Strength and Stiffness of Bone Plates
Fatigue Properties Of Metallic Bone Plates—Annex A2. ISO 14602 Non-active surgical implants—Implants for Os-
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as teosynthesis particular requirements.
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
standard. 3. Terminology
1.6 Multiple test methods are included in this standard. 3.1 Definitions—Geometric:
However, it must be noted that the user is not obligated to test 3.1.1 auto compression—a type of bone plate that by its
design can generate a compressive force between adjacent
1 2
This specification and test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commit- For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
tee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices and is the direct contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
responsibility of Subcommittee F04.21 on Osteosynthesis. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2017. Published October 2017. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1973. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as F382 – 14. DOI: Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
10.1520/F0382-17. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F382 − 17
unconnected bone fragments through the use of one or more 3.2 Definitions—Mechanical/Structural:
ramped holes or another type of slot geometry. This ramp or 3.2.1 bending stiffness, K (N/mm)— of a bone plate, the
slot geometry contacts the underside of the screw head, and maximum slope of the linear elastic portion of the load versus
3.1.2 bone plate—a metallic device with two or more holes
or slot(s), or both, and a cross section that consists of at least
3.2.2 bending strength (N-m)— of a bone plate, the bending
moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in
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two dimensions (width and thickness) which generally are not the bone plate when tested as described in Annex A1.
the same in magnitude. The device is intended to provide 3.2.3 bending structural stiffness, El (N-m2)—of a bone
alignment and fixation of two or more bone sections, primarily plate, the bone plate’s normalized effective bending stiffness
by spanning the fracture or defect. The device is typically fixed that takes into consideration the effects of the test setup’s
to the bone through the use of bone screws or cerclageASTMwire. F382-17
A configuration when tested according to the method described in
partial list of general types of bone plates is given in Section
Annex A1.
3.2.4 fatigue life, n—the number of loading cycles of a
3.1.3 bone plate length, L (mm)—the linear dimension of the specified character that a given specimen sustains before
bone plate measured along the longitudinal axis as illustrated in failure of a specified nature occurs.
Fig. 2.
3.2.5 fatigue strength at N cycles—An estimate of the cyclic
3.1.4 bone plate thickness, b (mm)—the linear dimension of
forcing parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress,
the bone plate measured parallel to the screw hole axis as
and so on) at a given load ratio, for which 50 % of the
shown Figs. 1a, 1b, and 2. For a bone plate with a crescent
specimens within a given sample population would be ex-
section, the thickness is measured at the thickest point along
pected to survive N loading cycles.
the section.
3.1.5 bone plate width, w (mm)—the linear dimension of the 4. Classification
bone plate measured perpendicular to both the length and
thickness axes as shown in Fig. 2. 4.1 Bone plates used in general orthopaedic surgery can be
categorized into general types according to the following
3.1.6 contouring—the manipulation and bending of a bone classifications:
plate, either pre-operatively or intra-operatively, to match the 4.1.1 Cloverleaf Plate—A bone plate that has one three-
anatomic geometry of the intended fixation location. lobed end which contains screw holes.
3.1.7 crescent section—a bone plate cross-section shape 4.1.2 Cobra Head Plate—A bone plate that has one flared
(perpendicular to the long axis of the bone plate) where the triangular or trapezoidal end which contains multiple screw
thickness is not constant along the section. Typically the holes or slots, or both. This type of bone plate is often used for
section is thickest along the bone plate’s centerline and tapers hip arthrodesis.
to a smaller thickness at the bone plate’s edges (see Fig. 1b). 4.1.3 Reconstruction Plate—A bone plate that does not have
3.1.8 uniform width—referring to a bone plate where the a uniform width, but usually has a smaller cross-section
width is constant along the bone plate’s length. between the screw holes or slots. The reduced cross-section
F382 − 17
iTeh Standards
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FIG. 2 Bone Plate Dimensions
ASTM F382-17
between screw holes/slots facilitates contouring the bone plate 5.5 Package labeling for bone plates shall include when
in several planes. Reconstruction plates are often used in possible the following information:
fractures of the pelvis and acetabulum. 5.5.1 Manufacturer and product name;
4.1.4 Straight Plate—A bone plate with uniform width and 5.5.2 Catalog number;
a straight longitudinal axis. Straight plates are often used for 5.5.3 Lot or serial number;
fractures of the diaphyses of long bones. 5.5.4 Material and, where applicable, its associated ASTM
4.1.5 Tubular Plate—A bone plate whose cross-section specification designation number;
resembles a portion of a tube, and which has a constant 5.5.5 Number of screw holes;
thickness or a crescent section. Tubular plates are often used 5.5.6 Bone plate width;
for fractures of the smaller long bones (that is, radius, ulna, 5.5.7 Bone plate length;
fibula). 5.5.8 Bone plate thickness; and
5.5.9 ASTM specification designation number.
5. Marking, Packaging, Labeling, and Handling
5.6 Bone plates should be cared for and handled in accor-
5.1 Dimensions of bone plates should be designated by the dance with Practice F565, as appropriate.
standard definitions given in Section 3.1.
5.7 Consider Practice F2503 to identify potential hazards
5.2 Bone plates shall be marked using a method specified in produced by interactions between the device and the MR
accordance with either Practice F983 or ISO 14602. environment and for terms that may be used to label the device
5.3 Markings on bone plates shall identify the manufacturer for safety in the MR environment.
or distributor and shall be located away from the most highly
stressed areas, where possible. 6. Materials
5.4 Packaging shall be adequate to protect the bone plates 6.1 Bone plates shall be fabricated from a metallic material
during shipment. intended for surgical implant applications. In addition, the
F382 − 17
materials shall be biocompatible for the intended application. provides the primary means of stabilizing the bone fragments.
Materials should be chosen based on the design requirements Additionally, the bending stiffness of the bone plate may
of the particular device. ASTM subcommittee F04.12 main- directly affect the rate and completeness of healing.
tains a number of specifications for materials that are suitable 7.2.1 The relevant bending properties (bending stiffness,
for surgical implant applications. bending structural stiffness, and bending strength) shall be
7. General Requirements and Performance determined using the standard test method of Annex A1.
Considerations 7.2.2 The relevant bending fatigue properties shall be deter-
7.1 Geometric Considerations—Bone plates that are in- mined in accordance with the methods described in Annex A2.
tended to be used with bone screws shall have design features
(screw holes or slots) that conform or appropriately fit the 8. Keywords
corresponding bone screw. 8.1 bend testing—surgical implants; fatigue test; bone plate;
7.2 Pending Properties—This is a critical characteristic of orthopedic medical devices—bone plates; surgical devices; test
bone plates for orthopedic applications since the bone plate methods—surgical implants
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Scope: priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
iTeh Standards
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use..
A1.1.1 This test method describes methods for single cycle
bend testing in order to determine the intrinsic, structural NOTE A1.1—There is currently an ISO standard (ISO 9585—Implants
properties of metallic bone plates. The test method measures for Surgery—Determination of Bending Strength and Stiffness of Bone
the bending stiffness, bending structural stiffness, and bending Plates) that is similar, but not equivalent to this test method.
strength of bone plates.
to provide a means to Preview
A1.2 Referenced Documents:
A1.1.2 This test method is intended 2
A1.2.1 ASTM Standards:
characterize mechanically different bone plate designs. It is not
E4 Practices for Load Verification of Testing Machines
the intention of this standard to define levels of performance
E122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the
for bone plates as insufficient knowledge is availableASTM F382-17
to predict
Average Quality of a Lot or Process
consequences of the use of particular bone plate designs.
A1.1.3 This test method is intended to evaluate the bending A1.3 Terminology:
strength, bending structural stiffness, or the bending stiffness of A1.3.1 Definitions:
the bone plate, and may not be appropriate for all situations. A1.3.1.1 0.2 % offset displacement, q (mm)—permanent
When the structurally critical region of the bone plate is shown deformation equal to 0.2 % of the center loading span distance.
to be located through a non-uniform region of the bone plate (point B in Fig. A1.1).
(i.e., a peri-prosthetic, contoured plate), it may be necessary to
evaluate the bending strength, bending structural stiffness, or A1.3.1.2 bending strength (N-m)—of a bone plate, the
bending stiffness of this region of the bone plate using a bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displace-
different test method. This is because it may not be physically ment in the bone plate when tested as described in Section
possible to fit the non-uniform region between the loading A1.8 (the bending moment corresponding to point D in Fig.
rollers of a four-point bend test. Structurally critical regions A1.1.). If the bone plate fractures before the proof point is
may be identified through such methods as hand calculations, attained the bending strength shall be defined as the bending
Finite Element Analysis, etc. Screw holes or other interlocking moment at fracture.
features or contoured regions may be located at the proximal or A1.3.1.3 bending structural stiffness, (EIe) (N-m2)—of a
distal extremities of a bone plate, and may result in structurally bone plate, the bone plate’s normalized effective bending
critical regions at these locations. stiffness that takes into consideration the effects of the test
setup’s configuration. For this test method, the bending struc-
A1.1.4 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be tural stiffness is determined from the single cycle bending
regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are response of the bone plate and the testing configuration.
included in this standard.
A1.3.1.4 bending stiffness, K (N/mm)—of a bone plate, the
A1.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the maximum slope of the linear elastic portion of the load versus
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the load-point curve when tested as described in section A1.8. (See
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- the slope of line Om in Fig. A1.1).
F382 − 17
being tested. Such mechanical property data can be used to
conduct relative comparisons of different bone plates designs.
A1.5.3 The bending strength of the bone plate, as defined in
Section A1.3.1.2, identifies the bending moment that shall be
applied to the bone plate in order to produce a specific amount
of permanent deformation.
A1.5.4 The bending structural stiffness of the bone plate, as
defined in Section A1.3.1.3, is an indicator of the bone plate’s
stiffness that is independent of the test configuration. Bending
structural stiffness is simply related to the bone plate’s geom-
etry and the material used in manufacturing the bone plate.
A1.5.5 This test method assumes that linear-elastic material
behavior will be observed and therefore, the method is not
applicable for the testing of materials that exhibit non-linear
elastic behavior.
FIG. A1.1 Diagram Illustrating Methods for Determining the Bend-
ing Properties of Bone Plates A1.6 Apparatus:
A1.6.1 The typical test configuration is illustrated in Fig.
A1.3.1.5 bone plate width, w (mm)—the width of the bone A1.6.1.1 All loads shall be applied through rollers of equal
plate as shown in Fig. A1.3. diameters within the range of 6 to 12 mm. The selected roller
A1.3.1.6 center span, a (mm)—the distance between the two diameter should not be greater than the distance between two
loading rollers as shown in Fig. A1.2. adjacent screw holes in the bone plate to be tested.
A1.6.1.2 Cylindrical rollers shall be used to test flat bone
iTeh Standards
A1.3.1.7 fracture load, Fmax (N)—the applied load at the
time when the bone plate fractures. plates and bone plates of curved cross-section, in which the
A1.3.1.8 loading span, h (mm)—the distance between the deviation from flatness at the center of the bone plate does not
loading roller and the nearest support as shown in Fig. A1.2.
A1.3.1.9 permanent deformation (mm)—the vertical dis-
exceed w/6. Test other bone plates using rollers of profiled
form corresponding to the cross-section of the bone plate to be
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placement of the point of load application remaining after the tested (see Fig. A1.3).
applied load has been removed. A1.6.1.3 The loading and support rollers shall be positioned
A1.3.1.10 proof load, P (N)—the applied load at the inter- as follows:
section point of line. BC with the load versus load-point A1. The loading rollers shall be positioned so that
displacement curve (see Fig. A1.1). ASTM F382-17
two screw holes will be located between the loading rollers.
proof point displacement (mm)—the load-point Record the center span distance.
displacement associated with the bone plate’s bending strength A1. The support rollers shall be located equal dis-
(see point A in Fig. A1.1). tances away from the adjacent loading roller so that two screw
A1.3.1.12 total deformation (mm)—the vertical displace- holes will be located between the adjacent loading and support
ment of the point of application of the load when specified load rollers. Record the distance between the loading roller and
is applied. nearest support roller.
A1. The recommended testing configuration locates
A1.4 Summary of Test Method: the two loading rollers at approximately the one-third points
A1.4.1 Bone plates are subjected to a single cycle four-point between the supporting rollers.
bending load. The bending stiffness, bending structural A1. The applied load shall be shared equally by both
stiffness, and bending strength of the bone plate are then loading rollers.
derived from the test record generated during the test and the A1.6.1.4 Machines used for the bending test shall conform
testing configuration. to the requirements of Practice E4.
A1.5 Significance and Use: A1.6.2 The user is strongly encouraged to obtain bone plate
test specimens of sufficient length that can be tested using the
A1.5.1 This bend test is used to determine values for the methods described in A1.6.1. However, alternative test con-
mechanical response of bone plates to a specific type of figurations can be used to determine the single cycle bending
bending load. The information resulting from this test method properties of bone plates that do not lend themselves to the
can give the surgeon some insight into the mechanical response configuration of Sections A1.6.1 and A1.8.1. The user should
of a given bone plate. bear in mind that the results obtained using the alternative
A1.5.2 Since the loading on the bone plate in situ will, in method described below are not directly comparable to those
general differ from the loading configuration used in this obtained using the preferred method.
method, the results obtained from this test method cannot be A1.6.2.1 Bone plates that do not have a sufficiently long
used directly to predict in vivo performance of the bone plate section of symmetry or do not have a section of symmetry can
F382 − 17
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ASTM F382-17