UNIT 1-Module 1-Teaching

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The discipline of Applied Mathematics must respond to the demands of conceptual analysis, principles

and problem solving for a new world filled with more advanced tools of technology. The main
emphasis of the applied course is on developing the ability of the students to start with a problem in
a non-mathematical form and transform it into mathematical language. This will enable them to bring
mathematical insights and skills in devising a solution, and then interpreting this solution in real-world

Students accomplish this by exploring problems using symbolic, graphical, numerical, physical and
verbal techniques in the context of finite or discrete real-world situations. Furthermore, students
engage in mathematical thinking and modelling to examine and solve problems arising from a wide
variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, economics, medicine, agriculture, marine science,
law, transportation, engineering, banking, natural sciences, social sciences and computing.

What is Statistics?

Statistics - Statistics is a group of methods used to collect, analyse, present, and interpret data and to
make decisions.

Broadly speaking, applied statistics can be divided into two areas: descriptive statistics and inferential

Descriptive Statistics - Descriptive statistics consists of methods for organizing, displaying, and
describing data by using tables, graphs, and summary measures.

Inferential Statistics - Inferential statistics consists of methods that use sample results to help make
decisions or predictions about a population.

(a) Sources of Data

Primary Data: It is a term for data collected at source. This type of information is obtained directly
from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observations and experimentation and not subjected to
any processing or manipulation. Primary data means original data that has been collected specially for
the purpose in mind. It means someone collected the data from the original source first-hand. Eg.
Questionnaires, interviews, surveys done by the user etc.

Secondary Data: It refers to the data collected by someone other than the user i.e. the data is already
available and analysed by someone else. Common sources of secondary data include various
published or unpublished data, books, magazines, newspaper, trade journals etc.

Element or Member - An element or member of a sample or population is a specific subject or object

(for example, a person, firm, item, state, or country) about which the information is collected.

Variable - A variable is a characteristic under study that assumes different values for different
elements. In contrast to a variable, the value of a constant is fixed.

Observation or Measurement - The value of a variable for an element is called an observation or


Data Set - A data set is a collection of observations on one or more variables.

a. What is the variable for this data set?

b. How many observations are in this data set?

c. How many elements does this data set contain?

i. Quantitative, qualitative, discrete and continuous data.

Quantitative Variable - A variable that can be measured numerically is called a

quantitative variable. The data collected on a quantitative variable are called
quantitative data.

Incomes, heights, gross sales, prices of homes, number of cars owned, and number of
accidents are examples of quantitative variables because each of them can be
expressed numerically. For instance, the income of a family may be $81,520.75 per
year, the gross sales for a company may be $567 million for the past year, and so forth.
Such quantitative variables may be classified as either discrete variables or continuous

Discrete Variable - A variable whose values are countable is called a discrete variable.
In other words, a discrete variable can assume only certain values with no
intermediate values.

For example, the number of cars sold on any day at a car dealership is a discrete
variable because the number of cars sold must be 0, 1, 2, 3,... and we can count it. The
number of cars sold cannot be between 0 and 1, or between 1 and 2. Other examples
of discrete variables are the number of people visiting a bank on any day, the number
of cars in a parking lot, the number of cattle owned by a farmer, and the number of
students in a class.

Continuous Variable - A variable that can assume any numerical value over a certain
interval or intervals is called a continuous variable.

The time taken to complete an examination is an example of a continuous variable

because it can assume any value, let us say, between 30 and 60 minutes. The time
taken may be 42.6 minutes, 42.67 minutes, or 42.674 minutes. (Theoretically, we can
measure time as precisely as we want.) Similarly, the height of a person can be
measured to the tenth of an inch or to the hundredth of an inch. However, neither
time nor height can be counted in a discrete fashion. Other examples of continuous
variables are weights of people, amount of soda in a 12-ounce can (note that a can
does not contain exactly 12 ounces of soda), and yield of potatoes (in pounds) per
acre. Note that any variable that involves money is considered a continuous variable.

Qualitative or Categorical Variable - A variable that cannot assume a numerical value

but can be classified into two or more nonnumeric categories is called a qualitative or
categorical variable. The data collected on such a variable are called qualitative data.
For example, the status of an undergraduate college student is a qualitative variable
because a student can fall into any one of four categories: freshman, sophomore,
junior, or senior. Other examples of qualitative variables are the gender of a person,
the brand of a computer, the opinions of people, and the make of a car.



Explain the meaning of the following terms:

a. Quantitative variable

b. Qualitative variable

c. Discrete variable

d. Continuous variable

e. Quantitative data

f. Qualitative data


Indicate which of the following variables are quantitative and which are qualitative.

a. Number of persons in a family

b. Colours of cars

c. Marital status of people

d. Time to commute from home to work

e. Number of errors in a person’s credit report

Classify the quantitative variables in the above Exercise as discrete or continuous.

Indicate which of the following variables are quantitative and which are qualitative.

a. Number of typographical errors in newspapers

b. Monthly TV cable bills

c. Spring break locations favoured by college students

d. Number of cars owned by families

e. Lottery revenues of states

Classify the quantitative variables in the above Exercise as discrete or continuous.

ii. Populations, parameters, censuses, samples, statistics, sample surveys.

Population or Target Population - A population consists of all elements—

individuals, items, or objects—whose characteristics are being studied. The
population that is being studied is also called the target population.

Most of the time, decisions are made based on portions of populations. For
example, the election polls conducted in the United States to estimate the
percentages of voters who favour various candidates in any presidential election are
based on only a few hundred or a few thousand voters selected from across the

Sample - A portion of the population selected for study is referred to as a sample.

Most of the time, decisions are made based on portions of populations. For
example, the election polls conducted in the United States to estimate the
percentages of voters who favor various candidates in any presidential election are
based on only a few hundred or a few thousand voters selected from across the
country. In this case, the population consists of all registered voters in the United
States. The sample is made up of a few hundred or few thousand voters who are
included in an opinion poll. Thus, the collection of a few elements selected from a
population is called a sample.
Census and Sample Survey - A survey that includes every member of the population
is called a census. The technique of collecting information from a portion of the
population is called a sample survey.

The purpose of conducting a sample survey is to make decisions about the

corresponding population. It is important that the results obtained from a sample
survey closely match the results that we would obtain by conducting a census.
Otherwise, any decision based on a sample survey will not apply to the
corresponding population. As an example, to find the average income of families
living in New York City by conducting a sample survey, the sample must contain
families who belong to different income groups in almost the same proportion as
they exist in the population. Such a sample is called a representative sample.
Inferences derived from a representative sample will be more reliable.

Parameter - A numerical measure such as the mean, median, mode, range, variance,
or standard deviation calculated for a population data set is called a population
parameter, or simply a parameter.

Statistic - A summary measure calculated for a sample data set is called a sample
statistic, or simply a statistic.

Thus, 𝜇 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜎 are population parameters, and 𝑥 and s are sample statistics.

iii. Sampling Frame

Sampling Frame - In statistics, a sampling frame is the source material or device

from which a sample is drawn. It is a list of all those within a population who can be
sampled, and may include individuals, households or institutions.

A sampling frame is a list of all the items in your population. It’s a complete list of
everyone or everything you want to study. The difference between a population
and a sampling frame is that the population is general and the frame is specific. For
example, the population could be “People who live in Jacksonville, Florida.” The
frame would name all of those people, from Adrian Abba to Felicity Zappa. A couple
more examples:
Population: People in STAT101.
Sampling Frame: Adrian, Anna, Bob, Billy, Howie, Jess, Jin, Kate, Kaley, Lin, Manuel,
Norah, Paul, Roger, Stu, Tim, Vanessa, Yasmin.
Population: Birds that are pink.
Sampling Frame:
• Brown-capped Rosy-Finch.
• White-winged Crossbill.
• American Flamingo.
• Roseate Spoonbill.
• Black Rosy-Finch.
• Cassin’s Finch.


Explain whether each of the following constitutes a population or a


a. Pounds of bass caught by all participants in a bass fishing derby

b. Credit card debts of 100 families selected from a city
c. Number of home runs hit by all Major League baseball players in the
2009 season
d. Number of parole violations by all 2147 parolees in a city
e. Amount spent on prescription drugs by 200 senior citizens in a large

Explain whether each of the following constitutes a population or a


a. Number of personal fouls committed by all NBA players during the

2008–2009 season
b. Yield of potatoes per acre for 10 pieces of land
c. Weekly salaries of all employees of a company
d. Cattle owned by 100 farmers in Iowa
e. Number of computers sold during the past week at all computer
stores in Los Angeles
iv. Random and non-random sampling.

Random Sample - A sample drawn in such a way that each element of the
population has a chance of being selected is called a random sample.

One way to select a random sample is by lottery or draw. For example, if we are to
select 5 students from a class of 50, we write each of the 50 names on a separate
piece of paper. Then we place all 50 slips in a box and mix them thoroughly. Finally,
we randomly draw 5 slips from the box. The 5 names drawn give a random sample.
On the other hand, if we arrange all 50 names alphabetically and then select the first
5 names on the list, it is a nonrandom sample because the students listed 6th to
50th have no chance of being included in the sample. select the next element. Thus,
in sampling with replacement, the population contains the same number of items
each time a selection is made. As a result, we may select the same item more than
once in such a sample. Consider a box that contains 25 marbles of different colors.
Suppose we draw a marble, record its color, and put it back in the box before
drawing the next marble. Every time we draw a marble from this box, the box
contains 25 marbles. This is an example of sampling with replacement. The
experiment of rolling a die many times is another example of sampling with
replacement because every roll has the same six possible outcomes. Sampling
without replacement occurs when the selected element is not replaced in the
population. In this case, each time we select an item, the size of the population is
reduced by one element. Thus, we cannot select the same item more than once in
this type of sampling. Most of the time, samples taken in statistics are without
replacement. Consider an opinion poll based on a certain number of voters selected
from the population of all eligible voters. In this case, the same voter is not selected
more than once. Therefore, this is an example of sampling without replacement.

Non-Random Sample - In a non-random sample, some members of the population

may not have any chance of being selected in the sample.

Suppose we have a list of 100 students and we want to select 10 of them. If we write
the names of all 100 students on pieces of paper, put them in a hat, mix them, and
then draw 10 names, the result will be a random sample of 10 students. However, if
we arrange the names of these 100 students alphabetically and pick the first 10
names, it will be a non-random sample because the students who are not among the
first 10 have no chance of being selected in the sample.
v. Simple random, stratified random, systematic random, cluster and quota

Random Sample - A sample drawn in such a way that each element of the
population has a chance of being selected is called a random sample. If all
samples of the same size selected from a population have the same chance of
being selected, we call it simple random sampling. Such a sample is called a
simple random sample.


1. One of the great advantages of simple random sampling method is that it

needs only a minimum knowledge of the study group of population in

2. It is free from errors in classification.

3. This is suitable for data analysis which includes the use of inferential

4. Simple random sampling is representative of the population

5. It is totally free from bias and prejudice

6. The method is simple to use.

7. It is very easy to assess the sampling error in this method.


1. This method carries larger errors from the same sample size than that are
found in stratified sampling.

2. In simple random sampling, the selection of sample becomes impossible if

the units or items are widely dispersed.

3. One of the major disadvantages of simple random sampling method is that

it cannot be employed where the units of the population are heterogeneous
in nature.

4. This method lacks the use of available knowledge concerning the

5. Sometimes, it is difficult to have a completely catalogued universe.

6. It may be impossible to contact the cases which are very widely dispersed.

Stratified Random - Sample In a stratified random sample, we first divide the

population into subpopulations, which are called strata. Then, one sample is
selected from each of these strata. The collection of all samples from all strata
gives the stratified random sample.

Thus, whenever we observe that a population differs widely in the possession

of a characteristic, we may prefer to divide it into different strata and then
select one sample from each stratum. We can divide the population on the
basis of any characteristic, such as income, expenditure, sex, education, race,
employment, or family size.

Suppose we need to select a sample from the population of a city, and we

want households with different income levels to be proportionately
represented in the sample. In this case, instead of selecting a simple
random sample or a systematic random sample, we may prefer to apply a
different technique. First, we divide the whole population into different
groups based on income levels. For example, we may form three groups of
low-, medium-, and high-income households. We will now have three
subpopulations, which are usually called strata. We then select one sample
from each subpopulation or stratum. The collection of all three samples
selected from three strata gives the required sample, called the stratified
random sample. Usually, the sizes of the samples selected from different
strata are proportionate to the sizes of the subpopulations in these strata.
Note that the elements of each stratum are identical with regard to the
possession of a characteristic.


1. A stratified sample can provide greater precision than a simple random

sample of the same size.

2. Because it provides greater precision, a stratified sample often requires

a smaller sample, which saves money.
3. A stratified sample can guard against an "unrepresentative" sample
(e.g., an all-male sample from a mixed-gender population).

4. We can ensure that we obtain sufficient sample points to support a

separate analysis of any subgroup.

5. Free from researcher bias

6. beyond the influence of the researcher

7. produces a representative sample


1. Can't Be Used in All Studies- Unfortunately, this method of research

cannot be used in every study. The method's disadvantage is that
several conditions must be met for it to be used properly. Researchers
must identify every member of a population being studied and classify
each of them into one, and only one, subpopulation. As a result,
stratified random sampling is disadvantageous when researchers
can't confidently classify every member of the population into a
subgroup. Also, finding an exhaustive and definitive list of an
entire population can be challenging.

2. Overlapping can be an issue if there are subjects that fall into multiple
subgroups. When simple random sampling is performed, those who are
in multiple subgroups are more likely to be chosen. The result could be
a misrepresentation or inaccurate reflection of the population.

3. Cannot reflect all differences

4. Complete representation is not possible

Systematic Random - Sample In systematic random sampling, we first
randomly select one member from the first k units. Then every kth
member, starting with the first selected member, is included in the sample.

Systematic sampling is a type of probability sampling method in which

sample members from a larger population are selected according to a
random starting point but with a fixed, periodic interval. This interval,
called the sampling interval, is calculated by dividing the population size by
the desired sample size. Despite the sample population being selected in
advance, systematic sampling is still thought of as being random if the
periodic interval is determined beforehand and the starting point is

The simple random sampling procedure becomes very tedious if the size of
the population is large. For example, if we need to select 150 households
from a list of 45,000, it is very timeconsuming either to write the 45,000
names on pieces of paper and then select 150 households or to use a table
of random numbers. In such cases, it is more convenient to use systematic
random sampling. The procedure to select a systematic random sample is
as follows. In the example just mentioned, we would arrange all 45,000
households alphabetically (or based on some other characteristic). Since
the sample size should equal 150, the ratio of population to sample size is
45,000/150 = 300. Using this ratio, we randomly select one household from
the first 300 households in the arranged list using either method. Suppose
by using either of the methods, we select the 210th household. We then
select every 210th household from every 300 households in the list. In
other words, our sample includes the households with numbers 210, 510,
810, 1110, 1410, 1710, and so on

1. It is simple and convenient to use - The algorithm to make selections is
predetermined, which means the only randomized component of the
work involves the selection of the first individual. Then the selection
process moves across the linear or circular pattern initiated until the
desired population group is ready for review.

2. There isn’t a need to number each member of a sample - There isn’t a

need to number each member of the sample because the goal is to
create representative data of the entire group without specific
individualized identifiers. This advantage makes it possible to create
data for analysing quickly because the only step necessary to get
started is to identify the targeted demographic.
3. The created samples are based on precision - That means there is a
much lower risk of favouritism occurring in the data because the
individuals in charge of the research have no control over who gets to
have their data included in the work. Everything is predetermined for
them once the population group gets chosen.

4. It reduces the potential for bias in the information - The processes of

systematic sampling create an advantage here because the selection
method is at a fixed distance between each participant.


1. This process requires a close approximation of a population - The

systematic sampling method must assume that the size of the population
in specific demographics is available and measurable. If that isn’t possible,
then this method requires a reasonable approximation of the demographic
in question. The selection process cannot occur correctly if that figure isn’t
available, because the size of the pool pulled for participation comes from
the division of that overall figure.

2. Some populations can detect the pattern of sampling - If a smaller

population group is under review, then the systematic sampling method
can get detected by some participants. When this disadvantage occurs,
then it can bias the population as non-participants will be different than
those who get to be part of the process. It can encourage some individuals
to provide false answers as a way to influence the results for personal
purposes, working against the perceived hypothesis under study.

3. Systematic sampling is less random than a simple random sampling effort

- If randomness is the top priority for research, then systematic sampling is
not the best option to choose. Although it takes less time and isn’t as
tedious as other methods of data collection, there is a predictable nature
to its efforts that can influence the final results.

4. A high risk of data manipulation exists - Researchers can construct their

systems of systematic sampling to increase the likelihood that a targeted
outcome can occur. Instead of letting random data produce the repetitive
answer organically, the information comes out with an inherent bias that
no one else would recognize upon analysis.
Cluster Sampling - In cluster sampling, the whole population is first divided
into (geographical) groups called clusters. Each cluster is representative of the
population. Then a random sample of clusters is selected. Finally, a random
sample of elements from each of the selected clusters is selected.

Sometimes the target population is scattered over a wide geographical area.

Consequently, if a simple random sample is selected, it may be costly to
contact each member of the sample. In such a case, we divide the population
into different geographical groups or clusters and as a first step select a
random sample of certain clusters from all clusters. We then take a random
sample of certain elements from each selected cluster. For example, suppose
we are to conduct a survey of households in the state of New York. First, we
divide the whole state of New York into, say, 40 regions, which are called
clusters or primary units. We make sure that all clusters are similar and, hence,
representative of the population. We then select at random, say, 5 clusters
from 40. Next, we randomly select certain households from each of these 5
clusters and conduct a survey of these selected households. This is called
cluster sampling. Note that all clusters must be representative of the


1. It allows for research to be conducted with a reduced economy - If you

were to research a specific demographic or community, the cost of
interviewing every household or individual within the group would be very
limiting. By using cluster sampling, it becomes possible to compile
information about certain demographics or communities by reducing the
number required to generate accurate data.

2. Cluster sampling reduces variability - cluster sampling provides is an

estimation process that is more accurate when the clusters have been put
together appropriately.

3. It is a more feasible approach - If you need to find data which is

representative of a large population group, cluster sampling makes it
possible to extrapolate collected information into a usable format.

4. Cluster sampling can be taken from multiple areas - Clusters can be defined
within a single community, multiple communities, or multiple
demographics. The procedures used for obtaining information follow the
same process, no matter how large the sample happens to be.

1. It is easier to create biased data within cluster sampling - If a researcher is

attempting to create specific results to reflect a personal bias, then it is
easier to generate data that reflects the bias by structure the clusters in a
specific way. Even if it is an unconscious bias, the data will be a reflection
of the structuring, creating a false impression of accuracy.

2. Sampling errors can be a major problem - Information collected through

cluster sampling is heavily reliant on the skills of the researcher. If the
information or collection methods are subpar, then the data collected will
not be as beneficial as it could be. The errors found in such data would
appear to be legitimate points, when in reality, they may be an inaccurate
reflection of the general population.

3. Many clusters are placed based on self-identifying information -

Researchers often determine cluster placement of individuals or
households based in self-identifying information. That means individuals
can influence the quality of the data by misrepresenting themselves in
some way. All it may take to create a negative influence is a misstatement
of income, ethnicity, or political preference.

4. Every cluster may have some overlapping data points - The goal of cluster
sampling is to reduce overlaps in data, which may affect the integrity of the
conclusions which can be found. When creating a cluster, however, every
demographic, community, or population group will have some level of
overlap on an individual level. That creates a level of variability within the
data that creates sampling errors on a regular basis. In some instances, the
sampling error could be large enough to reduce the representative nature
of the data, invalidating the conclusions.

Quota Sampling - Quota sampling is defined as a non-probability sampling method in

which researchers create a sample involving individuals that represent a population.
Researchers choose these individuals according to specific traits or qualities. They
decide and create quotas so that the market research samples can be useful in
collecting data. These samples can be generalized to the entire population. The final
subset will be decided only according to the interviewer’s or researcher’s knowledge
of the population.
For example, a cigarette company wants to find out what age group prefers what
brand of cigarettes in a particular city. He/she applies quotas on the age groups of 21-
30, 31-40, 41-50, and 51+. From this information, the researcher gauges the smoking
trend among the population of the city.


1. Saves time: Because of the involvement of a quota for sample creation,

this sampling process is quick and straightforward.
2. Research convenience: By using quota sampling and appropriate research
questions, interpreting information and responses to the survey is a much
convenient process for a researcher.
3. Accurate representation of the population of interest: Researchers
effectively represent a population using this sampling technique. There is
no room for over-representation as this sampling technique helps
researchers to study the population using specific quotas.
4. Saves money: The budget required for executing this sampling method is


1. Quota sampling does not allow random selection of participants of the research.

2. Quota sampling increases the risk of researcher bias as a researcher might include
people in research who he finds to easy to approach or have co-operative nature.

3. The outcome of quota sampling is not accurate as it lacks randomness of the

selection of participants.

4. The result of quota sampling research is not reliable as it is affected by many


5. The accuracy of quota sampling largely depends on the judgment of the study. The
biased approach of the researcher influences the accuracy of the result of the
quota sampling research method.
Vi Random numbers, “lottery” techniques

Random Numbers - Random numbers are numbers that occur in a sequence such
that two conditions are met: (1) the values are uniformly distributed over a
defined interval or set, and (2) it is impossible to predict future values based on
past or present ones. Random numbers are important in statistical analysis and
probability theory.
Lottery Technique - The most common set from which random numbers are
derived is the set of single-digit decimal numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. The
task of generating random digits from this set is not trivial. A common scheme is
the selection (by means of a mechanical escape hatch that lets one ball out at a
time) of numbered ping-pong balls from a set of 10, one bearing each digit, as the
balls are blown about in a container by forced-air jets. This method is popular in
lotteries. After each number is selected, the ball with that number is returned to
the set, the balls are allowed to blow around for a minute or two, and then another
ball is allowed to escape.
There are four major uses of random numbers:
(1) To protect against selective bias in the acquisition of information from sample
surveys and experiments. In these same contexts, random numbers provide a
known probability structure for statistical calculations.
(2) To gain insight, by simulation, into the behaviour of complex mechanisms or
(3) To study theoretical properties of statistical procedures, such as efficiency of
estimation and power of statistical tests.
(4) To obtain approximate solutions to other mathematical problems.
(5) Random numbers are useful for a variety of purposes, such as generating data
encryption keys, simulating and modelling complex phenomena and for selecting
random samples from larger data sets. They have also been used aesthetically, for
example in literature and music, and are of course ever popular for games and
(b) Data Collection

What is a Questionnaire?
A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or other types
of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent. A research questionnaire
is typically a mix of close-ended questions and open-ended questions. Open-ended, long-
form questions offer the respondent the ability to elaborate on their thoughts. Research
questionnaires were developed in 1838 by the Statistical Society of London.
The data collected from a data collection questionnaire can be both qualitative as well as
quantitative in nature. A questionnaire may or may not be delivered in the form of a
survey, but a survey always consists of a questionnaire.

Questionnaire Examples
The best way to understand how questionnaires work is to see the types of questionnaires
available. Some examples of a questionnaire are:
1. Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire: This type of research can be used in any
situation where there’s an interaction between a customer and an organization. For
example, you might send a customer satisfaction survey after someone eats at your
restaurant. You can use the study to determine if your staff is offering excellent
customer service and a positive overall experience.

2. Product Use Satisfaction: You can use this template to better understand your
product’s usage trends and similar products. This also allows you to collect customer
preferences about the types of products they enjoy or want to see on the market.

3. Company Communications Evaluation: Unlike the other examples, a company

communications evaluation looks at internal and external communications. It can be
used to check if the policies of the organization are being enforced across the board,
both with employees and clients.
Advantages of a good design
• With a survey questionnaire, you can gather a lot of data in less time.
• There is less chance of any bias creeping if you have a standard set of questions to be
used to your target audience. You can apply logic to questions based on the
respondents’ answers, but the questionnaire will remain standard for a group of
respondents that fall in the same segment.
• Surveying online survey software is quick and cost-effective. It offers you a rich set of
features to design, distribute, and analyze the response data.
• It can be customized to reflect your brand voice. Thus, it can be used to reinforce your
brand image.
• The responses can be compared with the historical data and understand the shift in
respondents’ choices and experiences.
• Respondents can answer the questionnaire without revealing their identity. Also,
many survey software complies with significant data security and privacy regulations.

Characteristics of a good questionnaire

Your survey design depends on the type of information you need to collect from respondents.
Qualitative questionnaires are used when there is a need to collect exploratory information
to help prove or disprove a hypothesis. Quantitative questionnaires are used to validate or
test a previously generated hypothesis. However, most questionnaires follow some essential
• Uniformity: Questionnaires are very useful to collect demographic information,
personal opinions, facts, or attitudes from respondents. One of the most significant
attributes of a research form is uniform design and standardization. Every respondent
sees the same questions. This helps in data collection and statistical analysis of this
• Exploratory: It should be exploratory to collect qualitative data. There is no
restriction on questions that can be in your questionnaire. For example, you use a
data collection questionnaire and send it to the female of the household to
understand her spending and saving habits relative to the household income. Open-
ended questions give you more insight and allow the respondents to explain their
practices. A very structured question list could limit the data collection.

• Question Sequence: It typically follows a structured flow of questions to increase the

number of responses. This sequence of questions is screening questions, warm-up
questions, transition questions, skip questions, challenging questions, and
classification questions. For example, our motivation and buying experience
questionnaire template covers initial demographic questions and then asks for time
spent in sections of the store and the rationale behind purchases.
Types & Definitions
As we explored before, questionnaires can be either structured or free-flowing. Let’s take a
closer look at what that entails for your surveys.

Structured Questionnaires: Structured questionnaires collect quantitative data. The

questionnaire is planned and designed to gather precise information. It also initiates a formal
inquiry, supplements data, checks previously accumulated data, and helps validate any prior
Unstructured Questionnaires: Unstructured questionnaires collect qualitative data. They use
a basic structure and some branching questions but nothing that limits the responses of a
respondent. The questions are more open-ended to collect specific data from participants.
Steps Involved in Questionnaire Design
1. Identify the scope of your research:
Think about what your questionnaire is going to include before you start designing the look
of it. The clarity of the topic is of utmost importance as this is the primary step in creating the
questionnaire. Once you are clear on the purpose of the questionnaire, you can begin the
design process.

2. Keep it simple:
The words or phrases you use while writing the questionnaire must be easy to understand. If
the questions are unclear, the respondents may simply choose any answer and skew the data
you collect.

3. Ask only one question at a time:

At times, a researcher may be tempted to add two similar questions. This might seem like an
excellent way to consolidate answers to related issues, but it can confuse your respondents
or lead to inaccurate data. If any of your questions contain the word “and,” take another look.
This question likely has two parts, which can affect the quality of your data.

4. Be flexible with your options:

While designing, the survey creator needs to be flexible in terms of “option choice” for the
respondents. Sometimes the respondents may not necessarily want to choose from the
answer options provided by the survey creator. An “other” option often helps keep
respondents engaged in the survey.

5. The open-ended or closed-ended question is a tough choice:

The survey creator might end up in a situation where they need to make distinct choices
between open or close-ended questions. The question type should be carefully chosen as it
defines the tone and importance of asking the question in the first place.

If the questionnaire requires the respondents to elaborate on their thoughts, an open-ended

question is the best choice. If the surveyor wants a specific response, then close-ended
questions should be their primary choice. The key to asking closed-ended questions is to
generate data that is easy to analyze and spot trends.
6. It is essential to know your audience:
A researcher should know their target audience. For example, if the target audience speaks
mostly Spanish, sending the questionnaire in any other language would lower the response
rate and accuracy of data. Something that may seem clear to you may be confusing to your
respondents. Use simple language and terminology that your respondents will understand,
and avoid technical jargon and industry-specific language that might confuse your

For efficient market research, researchers need a representative sample collected using one
of the many sampling techniques, such as a sample questionnaire. It is imperative to plan and
define these target respondents based on the demographics required.

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