Filval Porfolio 2022 2023
Filval Porfolio 2022 2023
Filval Porfolio 2022 2023
A.Y. 2022-2023
Preparde by:
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Pakikisama is a Filipino value that shows smooth interpersonal relations by going along
with the group or the majority decision.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
The past is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well-lived, makes every
yesterday a dream of happiness, and tomorrow is a vision of hope Tomorrow will be only another
day — no winter of discontent. He loses his possessions, there is the land and there is the sea, with
all the riches that one can desire. There is plenty to spar — for friends, for neighbors and for
everyone else.
No wonder that the Filipino can afford to laugh
Enabled the Filipino to shrug his shoulders in times of adversity and say to himself “bahalana”-
often been accused of being indolent and of lacking initiative Just like a bamboo, Filipino are also
graceful and can adapt to any circumstances that come to them, slender and wiry. Filipinos are
nimble and graceful in his movements, his voice and h has the gift of language
In its grace, in its ability to adjust itself to the peculiar and inexplicable whims of fate, the bamboo
tree is truly the expressive and symbolic tree of Filipinos
However, certain norms of conduct expected of the child reflect values held by the extended
family. The primary values are dignity (karangalan) which encompasses honour (puri);
trustworthiness (katapatan); extended responsibility (pananagutan).
To be able to safeguard the dignity of the family, obedience/compliance is vital for the Filipino
children because the loss of dignity by a family member will bring shame to the whole family.
One of the responsibilities of a parent is to cultivate in their children the respect for the elderly
and those around them. By teaching the use of “po” and “opo” and the “pagmamano” as a
signed of respect for elders will also lead in the development of humility, courtesy and kindness.
keeping that in mind, teaching those values in children must have a good reinforcement and
controlled punishment that will help the child to absorb those values. Too much punishment that
we give a child will lead to trauma, rebellion or worst.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Filipino youth from the past are proud to be a citizen of our country, easily declaring willingness
to defend the country in case of war. They even put great importance on marriage and family,
friends, education, work, religion, society, and money, but not much importance on recreation,
hobbies, or politics. They are also very sensitive to how parents and children make personal
sacrifices for one other. Not only are they personally religious, but they actively participate in
religious organizations very regularly.
But as time goes by, Filipino youth become rebel and liberated nowadays. They do what they
want to do even it can bring them into trouble. They fail to see what their priorities are and it
brings them to a senseless direction.
There’s an unexpectedly high incidences of youth involvement in criminality, illegal drug use,
and illicit sex. As we watch a new program most of the incidences that happens involves Filipino
youth. There as some individuals ranging from 14-24 betrothed themselves to drugs, alcohols
and smoking. There are also some cases of teenage pregnancy which leads to abortion because of
There are some youths that are not involve in those acts, instead are involved in working at the
very young age because of financial problem and one of the most noticeable differences of youth
today and the youth from the past is the engagement in technology of the youth nowadays.
Because of this, they prefer to use virtual interaction messaging, e-mail, internet chat, and surfing
rather that the personal interaction in which the past generation of youth use. Most of the youth
today are all exposed to social media, where in most of their time are expend facing their gadgets
instead of doing things they need to do. There are some negative effects of being “plugged in” in
social media which bring enormous effect on youths nowadays. Because the social interaction
comes overwhelmingly online on youth nowadays rather than face to face, there are some cases
wherein a youth shows severe lack of social skills. They are often more comfortable with
technology than they are talking with other people. They have not learned how to deal with
interpersonal situations and get to know other people behind the screen. Observing some of the
Filipino youth today, their self-esteem in expressing themselves in public is low and most their
ideas and true selves are put or shown through social media. This is because they are so
overwhelmed by the benefits brought to them by social media and comes to the juncture that they
become addicted in dealing themselves with it.
There are three major reasons why teens are so committed in social media
• the first one is the parents are unaware of the issues involved in the online connections
because of the gap on the knowledge on the use of technology.
• the next reason is some parents don’t want to interfere in their children’s social lives.
Some parents let their own children to explore and face the world on their own. They
tend to do this for their children to be able to stand and rely on their own.
• and lastly parents are afraid to take a stand
In spite of the negative effects brought by social media, there are still some many cases that
using social media is really helpful to our lives.
Youth nowadays use social media to check or get a news from friends and family and see it as
news they might well have gotten someplace else. Thus, social media results in teens being more
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
well-informed about national and global news than they would be. As we talked about the
modern teenage lifestyle, social media has become part of it. It makes life so much easier and
much more efficient. It has become an essential part of our communication culture that cannot be
taken away easily, because we are so dependent on it. Without social media we wouldn’t be able
to connect with the people the way we do now. No matter what the situations a Filipino youth
face in his life, they must be responsible of their acts whatever situation he has. Guided by the
cliché of Dr. J.P. Rizal, each and every one must be involved and empowered, and avoid a path
in the hardships face by the country. Filipino youth must make an action to prove that we, youth,
are the hope of our nation.
The Importance of "Orgullo Nacional," or National Pride One of the most troubling issues facing
our nation is the decline in Filipino children's sense of national pride. Only 12% of young
Filipinos want to remain Filipinos, while the majority of them want to become Americans or
Europeans. One institution that cannot be blamed for our youth's lack of national pride is the
educational system
2.Easily Accessible: Technology has made our life very easy. We can access many things and
services by staying at our home. Whether you need to do shopping, searching for a job, all these
things available without leaving your home.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
3. Increased Job Opportunities Development of technology has created a big number of new
jobs in the market. In this techno-friendly age, a new group of employers is needed to work
efficiently that can maintain and develop the new technology in homes and businesses.
4. Different Learning Methods Implementing technology into the classroom enables students to
explore and access to different ways of effective learning. It may possible that some students learn
in a lecture environment, others might be learning better from educational software.
5. Better Communication Get in touch with your friends and family now becomes very easy. You
can talk from one corner of the world to another. It creates an amazing environment and a better
understanding between different cultures. There are a number of interesting ways to communicate.
1.Social Divide: Implementing technology is expensive in many ways, and be up-to-date with the
latest technology is impossible for everyone.
2.Make People Lazy: Technology made everything easier in different ways, people are slowly
getting forget how to do things in the old-fashioned way (hard work).
3. Can be a Distraction Using technology in the classroom affects learning. When students use
tools and technologies in the classroom they might be distracted via things like gaming, social
media, browsing etc. Students are often seeing walking with looking down at their phones rather
than communicating friends around them. The sad truth is that students are becoming the victims
of technology.
4. Privacy When we use technology in our daily life, privacy is a big issue. It is very important
that personal information and data be safe. Different apps and tools ensure privacy measures but
are it enough to the be safe from potential privacy risk.
“In the end, we can say that technology has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to the
users to decide whether the good overshadows the bad. The most important thing is that how we
can get best of technology.”
Brain drain is a slang term that indicates a substantial emigration or migration of individuals. A
brain drain can result from turmoil within a nation, the existence of favorable professional
opportunities in other countries, or a desire to seek a higher standard of living.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
1. Economic opportunities, including new and better jobs, higher standards of living, access
to housing and health care
2. Political strife and instability
3. Persecution based on religion, gender, or sexuality
Brain drain can have major consequences. The effects are felt not only in the area where the brain
drain occurs but also where the brain gain (where individuals move to) takes place. And it can
often have a chain reaction.
Areas affected by brain drain end up with a dearth of human capital. Professionals who go
elsewhere end up leaving a large hole to fill—one that isn't always easy to fill. Consider medical
professionals in developing nations who move to parts of the developed world for better
opportunities. There may not be enough (qualified) people to replace them when they leave, which
affects the quality of health care for those left behind.
Social class, also called class, are groupings of individuals in a hierarchy, usually based on wealth,
educational attainment, occupation, income, and membership in a subculture or social network.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Upper class in modern societies is the social class composed of people who hold the highest social
status, usually are the wealthiest members of class society, and wield the greatest political power.
Middle Class a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy. Its usage has often been vague
whether defined in terms of occupation, income, education or social status. The definition by any
author is often chosen for political connotations.
The lower class consists of those at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy who have low
education, low income, and low status jobs.
Social justice is the relation of balance between individuals and society measured by comparing
distribution of wealth differences, from personal liberties to fair privilege opportunities.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Legal Justice means rule of law and not rule of any person. It includes two things: that all men are
equal before law, and that law is equally applicable to all. It provides legal security to all. Law
does not discriminate between the rich and the poor
Distributive justice is concerned with the fair allocation of resources among diverse members of a
community. Fair allocation typically takes into account the total amount of goods to be distributed,
the distributing procedure, and the pattern of distribution that results.
Educational standing among the people is low, including the farmers. Rural development is
intended not merely to increase the income of the rural areas or to create business managers out of
farmers; the real intent of rural development is to create human beings, human farmers, human
Filipino farmers who have lakas-ng-loob (courage), kusang-loob (initiative), utang-na-loob (sense
of gratitude) and tapat-na-loob (liouesty).
A political system defines the process for making official government decisions. It is usually
compared to the legal system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Filipinos aspire for work-life balance, a comfortable, secure and peaceful life. This long-term
aspiration—the AmBisyon Natin 2040—we learned from a nationwide survey conducted in late
This was on about the time we adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and
subsequently crafted the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022. We soon recognized that
we need to transform our world by ensuring sustainable development and leaving no one behind
in order to live the life we want.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Technology Transfer
Technology transfer, also called transfer of technology, is the process of transferring technology
from the person or organization that owns or holds it to another person or organization.
Traditionally, rural and tribal women do all the household-related chores. Heavy work that requires
more strength is done by the husband. Now, the chore work is evenly distributed with the men
doing just as much work as the women. The scope of their functions includes cooking, cleaning,
teaching the children, washing clothes, repairs, budgeting, etc.
In general, Filipino women find pride in their work. They do not find themselves alienated from
their chores because they work with, around, and for their families
This family-oriented mindset gives them a sense of dignity and responsibility. The family and the
children are the primary priority some Filipino women's life. In addition to doing housework, the
contemporary role of a Filipino wife today is to provide financial support in the household by
seeking employment in higher-earning occupations which then expands the Filipino female work
outside the household.
Compared to other countries, Filipino women have gained and enjoyed equal rights with men.
They have become presidents, senators, congresswomen, and mayors. Filipino women have
proven that they are capable of carrying out responsibilities and tasks as well as their male
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
counterparts. In the 2010 Senatorial election, there were 14 women who ran out of 61 candidates
(23.0%), of which two entered the top 12 winning senators (16.7%). The number of women who
engage in politics are smaller compare to their male counterparts.
Philippine women are rediscovering their strengths. Filipino women had been successful in
implementing policies by becoming executive staff members, advisers to politicians, and as
advocates within non-governmental organizations.
Modern-day Filipino women are making strides in electoral politics by initiating more female-
oriented programs. They are performing well as leaders, although generally, Filipino women still
often earn political seats by having fathers and husbands who are politically connected, a "dynasty
system" that hinders other Filipino women from joining the electoral process.
➢ the process of courting/ “wooing” a woman that a man likes so that a relationship may be
establish later on.
➢ A stage where the man and woman can get to know each other.
➢ Only men can court a woman.
➢ It is unacceptable for Filipina women to confess their feelings to men.
➢ Encouraged at ages 20 and above
There are many traditional courtship methods in the Philippines, and some of them are still practice
You have to ask permission from the woman’s family before you can court her
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Giving gifts to the family and to the woman when you visit
Some Reminders:
• The woman should express interest or disinterest before the man courts her.
• Even though the woman likes the man so much, she has to play hard to get.
• She cannot go out on dates with several men
• The woman should make the man work hard for her love and affection. This affirms
• Most of the women’s decision are influence by her parents.
➢ Modern technology has become a part of the practice. Text messaging and the internet are
main ways to communicate.
➢ Women are not encouraged to start courtship or initiate a relationship
➢ Serving the family and serenading are not very common anymore
➢ Avoidance of pre-marital sex is valued very much
➢ Length of courtship is shortened (2-5 months)
➢ Parents still prefer their daughters to be formally courted at home
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
➢ Sexuality in the Philippines encompasses sexual behavior, sexual practices, and sexual
activities exhibited by men and women of the Philippines past and the present. It
covers courtship strategies for attracting partners for physical and emotional intimacy,
sexual contact, sexual reproduction, building a family, and other forms of individual
interactions or interpersonal relationships, as set and dictated by their culture and
tradition, religion, beliefs, values and moral convictions, psychology, foreign influences,
and other related factors.
➢ As a predominantly Christian country, the Philippines considers that the only sexual
behavior morally and legally acceptable and appropriate is heterosexual intercourse within
a monogamous marriage, with the exception of polygamous marriage as practiced by some
Filipino minority groups and by Muslim communities in the Mindanao, southern, and
southwestern regions of the Philippines, as long as the men of these population are
financially capable of supporting their multiple wives.
Historical perspective
Indigenous culture
Before the arrival of the first group of Spaniards in the Philippine islands on the shores
of Cebu. the ancient native Filipinos already had their own sexual and relationship practices. One
of them is the carrying out of polygamy. Early Filipino tribal men had five or more wives, a marital
ethnic norm of the archipelago at the time.
20th century
the Filipino Ifugao people of northern central Philippines already had well-established values
regarding marriage and sexuality. An example of these is their custom of equating the size of a
woman's breast and the wideness of her hips with the price of the dowry
As a part of the process of converting ancient native Filipinos into Catholicism, the Spaniard
missionaries forbade the use of penile instruments, and promoted Christian ideas of the wife's
fidelity to her husband, premarital virginity, the notion of a woman's role as a "nurturing mother",
and the reverence of the Virgin Mary. Catholic influence
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
After 1898, Protestants from the United States brought and shared their attitudes on sexuality with
the people of the Philippines, which were based on the doctrines of Judaism and Protestant
Christianity. The branching out of this American-introduced Protestantism led to the establishment
of similar restrictions and rules regarding sexuality as imposed by the Filipino founders of
the Philippine Independent Church and the Iglesias ni Cristo or "Church of Christ".
Sex industry
➢ As of 2009, one source estimated that there were 800,000 women working as prostitutes in
the Philippines.
➢ Prostitution caters to local customers and foreigners. Media attention tends to focus on
those areas catering to sex tourism, primarily through bars staffed by bargirls. Cities where
there is a high incidence of prostitution are Angeles City, Olongapo, Subic Bay, and Pasay,
➢ Based on the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines and Republic Act No.
7610, pornography is defined as doctrines, publications, and shows that are immoral,
obscene, and indecent. Philippine legislations
➢ penalize involvement in these activities, including the abuse, exploitation, prostitution, and
discrimination of children
➢ Chinese influence runs deep and the majority of Filipinas adhere to its simple social dictum,
“Get married at a marriageable age.” Marriage is considered the natural conclusion of a
stable heterosexual relationship. Recently, however, Filipinos have started to replace their
old-fashioned social concepts with ones that recognize that the right to remain single is as
much a personal right as the right to marry.
➢ Whereas the legal age for voting is 21 years for both males and females, the legal age for
marriage is 21 for males and 18 for females.
➢ In the Muslim community, the parents of a girl between ages 14 and 16 may betroth her to
an older man.
➢ Christian community, the courts do not consider pregnancy a valid motive to grant
permission for the marriage of a minor.
➢ Legislation has also abolished the possibility of reparatory marriage; in the past a person
accused of rape or forceful abduction could avoid punishment by marrying the victim.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
➢ In the southern end of the archipelago, where the majority of the Muslims live, a dowry is
agreed on before a formal marriage arrangement is signed. The dowry, given by the bride’s
parents to the groom, may be a large sum of money, property, or a sizable wedding present.
➢ Love marriages with parental approval—as opposed to arranged marriages—are the norm
although parents often play a role in choosing marriage partners for their children.
➢ Marriages have traditionally been monogamous although in some places, particularly
Muslim and tribal areas, men have had more than one wife.
➢ Virginity has traditionally been valued, particularly in the countryside. If a young man
decides he wants to marry a particular girl, he or his parents visit the young woman’s house
and offer a gift.
➢ Marriage is a civil ceremony that is conducted city offices.
➢ A religious ceremony also is performed.
➢ Arranged marriages have not been part of Filipino life.
➢ However, men are expected to marry and if a man has not married by his late twenties,
female relatives begin introducing him to potential brides.
➢ The median age for marriage is twenty-two. Young professionals wait until their late
twenties to marry, and engagements of five to seven years are not uncommon. After this
initial visit the parents of the couple meet.
➢ During this period, the couple becomes established in jobs, pays for the education of
younger siblings, and acquires household items.
➢ A woman who reaches the age of thirty-two without marrying is considered past the age
for marriage.
➢ Women believe that marriage to a wealthy man or a foreigner will guarantee happiness.
➢ Divorce is illegal, but annulment is available for the dissolution of a marriage. Reasons
for annulment include physical incapacity, physical violence, or pressure to change one's
religious or political beliefs. Interfaith marriages are rare.
Filipino values are social norms that define what is deemed good in Filipino culture. Within the
context of the more diverse Filipino cultural system, the Filipino value
system is defined as "the commonly shared and traditionally established system of values
underlying Filipino behavior”
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
The Latin term "disciplina" or "discipulum "(which denotes instruction, teaching, learning, or
pupil) is connected to the English word "discipline." The term "discipline" can relate to the
requirement of abiding by rules and expectations of behavior, whether set by oneself or others.
Punishment or training to develop habits or obedience are other forms of discipline.
Using "Po and Opo" while talking to people who are older to you. This is a sign of respect.
Honesty is one of the Filipino values that is associated with discipline. It means being truthful and
sincere in words and actions. It is important to note that honesty should start at home and should
be taught to children at a young age.
It means being polite and respectful to others. Some examples of good manners in Filipino culture
are saying “po” and “opo” when speaking to elders, greeting people with a smile, and saying “thank
you” and “please”.
It means having a sense of pride and dignity in oneself and one’s family. It is important to note
that honor should start at home and should be taught to children at a young age.
It means working together towards a common goal and avoiding conflict. It is important to note
that group harmony should start at home and should be taught to children at a young age.
it helps maintain good relationships with others. It is also important in business and politics as it
helps avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Diplomacy is also associated with respect and
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Public esteem is important in Filipino culture because it helps build trust and respect among
individuals and communities. It is also important in business and politics as it helps establish
credibility and reputation. Public esteem is also associated with honesty and integrity.
It is also important in business and politics as it helps avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.
Courtesy is also associated with respect and politeness.
It means being open-minded and accepting of others regardless of their beliefs or background.
• The following physical punishment methods are used by parents in the Philippines
to discipline and punish their kids: hand spanking, pinching, hitting with an object,
twisting the child's ears, pulling their hair, slapping the face or head, shackling, or
• Discipline is a complex issue that cannot be solved by a single solution. It is
important to note that discipline should start at home and should be taught to
children at a young age.
• According to an article from Business Mirror, Filipinos follow protocols such as
washing hands regularly, wearing face masks and face shields in public and
observing socialdistancing due to the “bayanihan spirit that has been part of our
➢ In research of the different parenting styles in the Philippines, it was found that
most Filipino parents still believe in corporal punishment as a way to discipline
their children. This parenting style is considered “normal” in our society. Parents
today who practice this would often reason, “Pinalo rin ako noong bata ako”.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Property is any item that a person or a business has legal title over. By having a legal title, the
owners have some enforceable rights over it.
❖ Filipino values and property are strongly related to each other; respect for property
and the worth of owning property are highly valued in traditional Filipino culture.
❖ Some important Filipino values related to property are "kapwa" and "hiya". Kapwa
behavior. The term generally refers to a shared identity whereby people bond together
despite differences in wealth or social status. In the context of property ownership, this
means that Filipinos often have a strong sense of responsibility to care for their property
and use it in a way that benefits their community as a whole
❖ the other one is hiya, which implies a feeling of shame or embarrassment that might result
from not living up to social norms or expectations. In the context of property ownership,
this value encourages Filipinos to take pride in their homes and other property and to
maintain it well in order to prevent themselves and their families from feeling ashamed or
❖ In terms of actual property ownership, having a house or a piece of land is often seen in
Filipino culture as a sign of success and stability. Many Filipinos place a high value on
owning property and may prioritize it over other financial goals
❖ The multifaceted concept of the Filipino Psychology of Property reflects the cultural values
and beliefs of the Filipino people with regard to their material possessions. This psychology
is deeply rooted in the country's history, traditions, and social structures, and it has a
significant impact on the way Filipinos acquire, use, and dispose of their properties.
❖ The essence of family and community ties is one of the most prominent features of Filipino
property psychology. Filipinos place a high value on their relationships with their families
and neighbors, and they tend to use their properties to strengthen these connections. As an
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
example, many Filipinos extend their homes to accommodate their extended families, and
they often share their resources with their neighbors during times of need
❖ Filipinos place a high value on their social status and public image, which is frequently
reflected in their property ownership. Many Filipinos strive to maintain things that are
viewed as symbols of success and wealth, such as spacious houses or luxurious vehicles.
This desire for status can sometimes lead to excessive spending and debt, as Filipinos may
feel pressure to maintain their status and keep up with their peers.
❖ Pamana- Passing on the material property from one generation to another. It is a piece of
property left by someone who passes on, generally someone who is older, like a parent or
❖ Sakop (inclusion) is where we can say " TAYO" one cares for the family and clan; one
stands or falls with them. This trait makes a person show concern for the family to which
he belongs.
❖ Sakop can be either one's relatives and barkada.
❖ For Indigenous Filipinos, their concept of sakop is tribe calling their members as "Katribo".
❖ For couple means of surrendering or following or following of wife to his husband.
➢ Team building refers to the activities, exercises, and strategies employed to develop and
enhance the effectiveness of a group of individuals working together as a team. The
primary goal of team building is to improve collaboration, communication, trust, and
problem-solving skills within the team.
➢ Improved Communication
Team building activities promote open and effective communication among team
members. By engaging in various exercises and discussions, team members learn
to listen actively, express their ideas clearly, and understand each other's
➢ Enhanced Collaboration:
Team building fosters a sense of collaboration and cooperation among team
members. It encourages individuals to work together, leverage each other's
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
➢ Conflict Resolution
Team building provides a platform for addressing and resolving conflicts within the
team. Through various activities and discussions, team members learn effective
conflict management techniques, such as active listening, understanding different
viewpoints, and finding mutually beneficial solutions.
➢ Motivation and Morale
Engaging in team building activities can boost team morale and motivation. By
participating in enjoyable and challenging tasks, team members feel a sense of
accomplishment, camaraderie, and shared purpose, leading to increased job
satisfaction and commitment to the team's goals.
➢ Identification of Roles and Responsibilities
Team building activities help clarify roles and responsibilities within the team.
Through collaborative tasks and exercises, team members gain a better
understanding of each other's strengths and skills, allowing them to assign roles that
align with individual capabilities and expertise.
➢ Fun and Relaxation
Team building activities often involve fun and engaging experiences, providing a
break from daily work routines and allowing team members to bond and socialize
in a relaxed setting. This can help alleviate stress, improve team morale, and create
a positive work atmosphere.
➢ Icebreaker Games
These activities are ideal for the beginning of a team building session to help team
members get to know each other better. Examples include two truths and a lie,
human bingo, or the marshmallow challenge.
➢ Outdoor Activities
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Outdoor activities promote teamwork and can be a fun way to build trust. Examples
include ropes courses, scavenger hunts, or sports activities like soccer or volleyball.
➢ Problem-Solving Challenges
These activities encourage collaboration and problem-solving skills. Examples
include escape rooms, building a bridge with limited resources, or a survival
scenario where the team must prioritize items for a fictional situation.
➢ Volunteer Work
Engaging in volunteer work as a team not only strengthens bonds but also
contributes to a greater cause. Examples include participating in a community
service project, organizing a charity event, or working together at a local shelter.
➢ Team-Building Workshops
These workshops focus on specific areas such as communication, conflict
resolution, or leadership development. They often involve facilitated discussions,
role-playing exercises, and group reflections.
Overall, team building plays a crucial role in nurturing a cohesive, productive, and high-
performing team. It promotes effective communication, collaboration, trust, and problem-
solving skills, resulting in improved team dynamics and overall organizational success.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
What is Honesty?
According to Wikipedia honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive
and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness, including
straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Furthermore,
honesty means being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
It is valued in many ethnic and religious cultures. "Honesty is the best policy" is a proverb
of Benjamin Franklin; however, the quote "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom" is
attributed to Thomas Jefferson, as used in a letter to Nathaniel Macon.
Many children think honesty means you "don't tell a lie"-- and speaking the truth is a big part of
being honest. But honesty means more than "not lying." Honesty means your actions are truthful
too. ... So, honesty is about both speaking and acting truthfully.
● Tell people the rationale behind your decisions so that your intent is understood.
● Don't shoot the messenger when someone tells you the truth.
● Hold people accountable when their words do not match their actions.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Importance of Honesty
1. Lottery
2. Bingo
3. Betting on Sports
4. Poker
5. Hantak (kara Krus)
6. Cockfighting
1. Addiction: Gambling can be highly addictive and can lead to problem gambling and
addiction, which can have severe negative consequences for the gambler's mental and
physical health, relationships, finances, and overall quality of life.
2. Financial problems: Gambling can lead to significant financial problems for gamblers
and their families. Problem gamblers may continue to gamble even when they cannot
afford to, leading to debts, bankruptcy, and other financial difficulties.
3. Relationship problems: Gambling can also lead to relationship problems, including
arguments, breakdowns in communication, and even divorce or separation. The strain of
financial problems and the emotional impact of problem gambling can put a significant
strain on relationships with partners, friends, and family members.
4. Mental health problems: Problem gambling can also have negative effects on a person's
mental health, leading to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. These mental
health problems can further exacerbate the negative consequences of problem gambling
and can make it even more challenging to overcome the addiction.
5. Criminal activity: Problem gambling can also lead to criminal activity, as some people
may turn to illegal means to fund their gambling habits. This can lead to arrests, criminal
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
charges, and incarceration, which can have long-lasting negative effects on the gambler's
life and future prospects.
➢ Hiya
• Filipinos are very sensitive to personal affront. They try, as much as possible, to
avoid feeling "hiya", a painful emotion or deep shame arising from a realization of
having failed to live up to the standards of the society such as a breach of social
• "Hiya" is the value that regulates the Filipinos social behavior. Just as one is very
careful not to be subjected to embarrassment or "mapahiya" one must also make it
a point not to cause another person's embarrassment.
It is the currency applied within the society, controlling and motivating a person's social behavior
Public ridicule, or to be censured openly, or to fail to do what is expected of one, is to suffer hiya,
a loss of self-esteem.
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Hiya is a controlling element in the Filipino society. A person's behaviour is restricted by his sense
of "hiya" while public behaviour is censured, or approved of, by hiya. For example, an employee
would refrain from asking questions from his supervisor even if he is not quite sure what to do
because of hiya; a party host may end up spending more than she can afford for a party, driven by
hiya, a fear of being perceived in a negative way.
One's self-esteem goes up and down, depending on the value you place on your own hiya in public.
Like an employee dismissed from his job may react violently because of "hiva" or a workmate
may not openly disagree with you even if he feels strongly against your opinion out of "hiya".
This concept would be meaningless to a westerner who values individualism and non-conformism
may because his behavior is controlled more by individual sense of guilt and less by group censure.
To a Filipino, to lose the support of his kinsmen is to become a social outcast.
This Filipino trait has to be correlated with "Amor Propio" another important Filipino trait.
Amor propio - it is the individuals highly emotional reaction to protect his honor and dignity when
they are threatened or questioned and to retaliate...
➢ Pakikisama is a typical trait of a Filipino, in its simplest sense meaning “getting along with
➢ Pakikisama also entails a genuine intrinsic appreciation of togetherness. Group harmony
and unity is valued. People want to get along rather than stand out. If progress is achieved,
it is for the entire group and no one should be left behind
➢ This spirit of Pakikisama is seen in different facets of a Filipino’s life – private or public.
Families live in multi-generational household. Different family houses lie within close
proximity, making it easy for regular visits between family members. Church also plays an
important role for the community, as a public space for communal bonding.
➢ A term used to describe a characteristic engrained in the Filipino psyche and value system,
defining how Filipinos related with and support one another
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
➢ There is no exact English translation for this word. It means getting along with others to
preserve a harmonious relationship. It invites the Filipinos to do good and to be a nice
companion. The value of pakikisama results in camaraderie and a feeling of closeness to
one another.
Positive Pakikisama
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Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering
Brgy. San Jose San Pablo City
Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering