Electrage Magazine 2k24
Electrage Magazine 2k24
Electrage Magazine 2k24
usm i: S {olmbachatakurt@.ematl com SS hoch = NAME: Swath REQD.NO:L21ABE408 MUL I: hommokntowntitligmai om ———— NAME" D Deepika Madar REGD.NO.L21ABEAO4 loppolapudeepikamauharidgmatlcom ———— a NAMES G.Manasa Venneta REGD.NOSL21AEEHOS EMULID: ‘manasogoranie!2@.matlcom AME: Gigs REGD.NO:L21ABEA06 MAUL 1: diignesh 22am com ———— ba NAME: JMallesver Bat RBGD.NOAL2IABEO7 smalbai2008gmattcom| NAME: K-Jagadish Na REGD.NOsL21AEEsOS Nut Ds Jagadishk7232matkcom | 20328 26n6n~ C4 CHew REGD NO-L21ABEs09 EMAIL ID: unchupas eil.com Bo 1 NAME: MAVenkara Praveen Kumar REGD.NO.L21ABEN1O & ——— vpraveentumard ima com a ] REGD NO:L21ABE4I} saat iD: Bea ‘maluthunmedesrinivasgmail.com | NAME: Maga eerencra REGD.NO:L2IAEESI2 MCU ID: a nagao92002 Anil. com | NAME: Rida REGD.NO.L21AEEAS UAL IDs rvursdharcdha247gmastcom / / /} / fi = SS NAME SSmnsarao SS REGD.NO.L2IAEENIS 3S srvareosszignaicon = | Hf A //, Hi | / /| NAME: ag Gant REGO NO-L21ABE4I6 EMAILID: ba geneshsanagverape(Begmeil.com 1 NAME: Sk Cab Saree? REGD.NO.L21AEEAI? Shauksharet99gmail.com ———— a Bo REGD NO:L2ABEAIS ut 1D: vangprthivinaytumar123@gmaitcom AME: ¥-S¥evam REGD.NO21ABEAID EMAIL ID ho | NAME: MRamanyanevatu ReaDNO, RUAN ID. LALEA2I ‘ramanyonesutumandla!23@gmautcom || & ———— | NAME: Chi jay REGD.NO:LILAEE EMAIL I: hub 844 igi com AME: ¥renara REGD.NOL2IAEE24 EMAIL IDs surenavalepu 200 gma com SS | REGD.NO.L21ABE2 ua 1D: 2 Shaitria2254dsmaitcom _ 20328 26n6n~ C4 CHew AME: P Yamin io pogoctomsain gma com NAME: P.Prosad REGD.NOSL2IARERT presadpapena 80g. com ————— NAME: KSanjesh Babu SS = Avan xo 1o1aRREON SS at = P| ancharlasanjeshiigmaiicom SS = NAME: B.Sinath REGDNO:L1ABEI9 ‘eva. bs einai 3 gma om WANA 2 peda ReoD.NO.L2TABENO MUL ID: upendra prgmaiteom NAME: Sam babu REGD.NO:L21ABE181 ve: rambabusctenpali\ gma com ———, NAME: Rajeev RAGONOIIAERAS2 i MAUL ID: morale pmol cont ————NAME: Jlkshaya EMAL 20428 seen C4 Crow Wishing you endless success on your journey ahead as you embark on the next chapter of your remarkable adventure.samen _N 0c0G HIALVEL OOH AO LNAINLAV da ; ASRS ABS Bee ib (snowouoiny) Lyedegge :: ayo HmiasauBug vyvdegs AOWS & - HAH AT ¥FG0G - O@OG HIALVEL OOH AO LNAI LAV da (snowouojny) vyyedvge 3: ADayjor HuasawiBugD vyedvez ACadi hndy atti: 2 aBayjoi Huasamisug vyedegsepus a HH TIT - 160¢ HOLVEL ict AGI 410 INGLY Ta creme ug 8 aBaqyjos Busan Hw< ae f Ty pywdeggE 3: aa])0I i npudegyGude pyedegg :: 3034)03 Busauisup pyedvggeOWS V - Aol I 4606 ~ GEOG TLOLVEL OOH LO NCUA V oC ‘snout 7) H]wdvgE 3: WayjoI DuasawiBuD vyyvdvgeOWS & - Hot I 4606 - Ge0¢ HOLVEL Goa TO LINGALA Vv dad ial pywdegg :: ‘snoutouciny) aBajjo3 Siesta ryedegeOL SS SS SoS. y PELL PILENMicrochip Implant On Humans: Microchips arc integral components of modern technology, scrving a multitude of functions in various devices. These tiny semiconductor devices consist of integrated cirenits etched onto a small piece of silicon. The article will explore the history, applications, and future advancements of microchips. History: nchips have a fascinating history that dates hack to the mid-20th century. Tack Kilby and Robert Noyce independently invented the integrated cireuit in the late 1950s, revolutionizing the electronics industry. Kilby's work at Texas Instruments and Noyce’s at Fairchild Semiconductor laid the foundation for the development of microchips. Applicati Microchips are ubiquitous, powering devices actoss diverse industries.In computing, they serve as the brains of computers, enabling data processing and storage. In the telecommunications sector, microchips facilitate the operation of smartphones and tlic: coumunication devices. They ae also essential in medical devices, automotive syslems, houschold appliances, and more. Advancements: Advancements in microchip technology have been relentless. Moore's Law, proposed by Gordon Moore in 1965, predicted that the number of transistors on a microchip would double approximately every two years, leading to increased processing power. This prediction has largely held true, driving rapid improvements in computing capabilities.Challenges: Despite their remarkable progress, microchips face challenges such as miniaturization limits, heat dissipation issues, and the environmental impact of electronic waste. Researchers and engineers are actively working to overcome these obstacles and develop sustainable solutions for the future. Future Outlook: The future of microchips holds exciting possibilities. As technology continues to evolve, we ean expect even smaller and more powerful chips, potentially leading to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Innovations in materials and manufacturing processes will play a crucial role in shaping, the next generation of microchips. conclusion : Microchips are the unsung herves of the digital age, driving the advancements that have transformed the way we live and work. Their history, applications, and future developments highlight their critical role in shaping the technological landscape Name: B. Rupesh Regd.No : Y21AEE14 Class: 3/4 EEE-A.Exploring the World of VLSI: Unraveling the Wonders of Very Large Scale Integration. Introduction: Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) is a crucial field in electronics that has revolutionized the way we design and ‘manufacture integrated circuits (ICs). This article delves into the fundamental concepts, applications, and advancements \wintroduction: Very Larae Scale Integration (VLSI) is a crucial ficld in clcetronies that has revolutionized the way we design and manufacture integrated circuits (ICs). This article delves into the fundamental concepts, applications, and advancements within the realm of VLSI, shedding light on its significance in modem technology. Understanding VLSI: VLSI refers to the process of integrating thousands, or even millions, of transistors onto a single semiconductor chip. This high level of integration allows for the creation of complex electronic systems with reduced size, power consumption, and cost. Key Components and Processes: ‘The VLSI design process involves several key components and stages, including logic design, circuit design, physical design, and fabrication.Logic design focuses on defining the functionality of the circuit, while circuit design involves creating the schematic and specifying component values. Physical design deals with placing and routing components on the chip. optimizing for performance and space. Applications of VLSI: VLSI has permeated various industries, playing a pivotal role in the development of electronic devices we use daily. From smartphones and tablets ta medical devices and aintamative systems, VLSI technology has enabled the ereation of powerful. compact. and energy-efficient devices.lts impact extends to areas such as communication. healthcare, entertainment, and beyond.ithin the realm of VLSI, shedding light on its significance in modem technology. Understanding VLSI: VLSI refers to the process of integrating thousands, or even millions, of transistors onto a single semiconductor chip. This high level of integration allows for the creation of complex electronic systems with reduced size, power consumption, and cost. Key Components and Processes: ‘The VLSI design process involves several key components and stages, including logic design, circuit design, physical design, and fabrication. Logic design focuses on defining the functionality of the circuit, while cirouit design involves creating the schematic and specifying component values. Phy: design deals with placing and routing components on the chip.