2.3 Electromic Media
2.3 Electromic Media
2.3 Electromic Media
3 Electronic Media
Learning Objectives:
• To develop understanding regarding the role of various electronic mass media
in Extension and Communication
Radio is a non-visual audio medium of communication. It provides one way
communication. It was the most effective medium of mass communication till early
eighties. In the rural and lower strata of urban radio still remained a medium for
information, entertainment and development.
Radio is Transmission and Reception of Signals by means of Electronic waves without
the use of connecting wires.
Radio as Mass Medium
Disadvantage of Radio
• The radio message does not persist long as in the case of printed media like
newspaper and magazines.
• Radio cannot retain audiences to listen commercial radio from the advertiser’s
point message through such medium is a waste.
• Like television, the listener is not attentive at the time of broadcast the listener
may miss it or it is gone forever.
• Programmes are restricted by the time segment.
• Radio is only an audio medium. It is not suitable for all types of radio commercial
and where a product is to be illustrated, demonstrated and the product or
service is to be seen
➢ Radio has created for itself an image of being an important source of education
and development. This has been possible because of its history of putting out
programmes related to social and civic problems, agricultural programmes,
health, family planning and nutrition related programmes and on formal and
non-formal education broadcast.
Television, a new technology is a mass medium of communication having a distinct
element of video or visual characteristics in combination of audio or sound and motion
or action. Today television enjoys world over as an unrivalled status as a medium of
mass communication.It is a theater of home and a glamour of family media possessing
as it does the immediacy of radio with the mobility of cine camera.
Receiving television set is glamour of family medium. All the members of the
family view the sales messages of the product or services. It is not only viewed
by the household members, but also viewed simultaneously by many other. No
Print media like newspapers, magazines are hard to eyes to read and
understand. The problem of illiteracy is also associated. The readers have to
put lots of efforts on reading, understanding the message. In case of television
broadcasting it is just enough if the viewer keeps his or her eyes open.
Commercials are broadcast only during breaks and cuts are usually only for a
few seconds require no efforts to view.
It combines the element of sound, sight, and action and has power to influence
greatly to attract their interest and attention.
Permits to evaluate audience coverage and audience data with the help of
evaluation technique and mass research.
1. Television requires a fully developed television network and electrical supply
for broadcasting the programmes. In, India people living in remote as well as
rural areas are not able to take advantages of television due to lack or absence
of electrical supply.
2. Television is an expensive mass medium compared to others mass media
because not only the television sets are expensive but both production of
television programmes and their utilization are expensive unless they are used
3. Moreover television programmes production requires trained personnel's.
4. There is a need to learn about beneficial and harmful effects of television
exploit, it positive potential and prevent the damage it can do to the various
group of people.
Television is the mass media that takes millions of persons each day to faraway
places. It is the 20th century creation of the technological revolution that has
transformed much of the world for the past two centuries and their impact on our social,
political and cultural life. Television brings our cultural heritage in art, music, drama,
and literature to all.
Television has important role to play in our home extension the students can
teach through television to rural people.
1. Television impact has been so powerful that illiterate adults and young school
dropouts are able to absorbs complex educational contents which otherwise
could have appealed to them.
❖ The main limitations of the films is its fixed pace. They move at a fixed pace,
some viewers are likely to fall behind, if they are unable to keep pace with pace
of the film.
❖ The commercial films are made with the audience preference in minds, but
there is hardly any feedback mechanism.
❖ The production of film or a replication of film are costly and require huge amount
of finance. It requires highly sophisticated equipments for production as well as
❖ Film production also requires trained personnel such as director, photographer,
sound effect expert, musician, editor etc. Once the film production is complete
it is very expensive to make any change in the film.
❖ Each film requires individual distribution networks, which requires investment
of large amount of money and time.