Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water With Broad-Crested Weirs

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Designation: D5614 − 94 (Reapproved 2014)

Standard Test Method for

Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water with Broad-
Crested Weirs1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5614; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope ISO 4373-1979 Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open

1.1 This test method covers measurement of the volumetric Channels—Water Level Measuring Devices
flow rate of water in open channels with two types of ISO 4374-1990 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Chan-
horizontal broad-crested weirs: those having a square (sharp) nels by Weirs and Flumes—Round-Nose Horizontal Crest
upstream corner and those having a well-rounded upstream Weirs
corner. 3. Terminology
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical method, refer to Terminology D1129.
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
and are not considered standard. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 boundary layer displacement thickness— the bound-
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the ary layer is a layer of fluid flow adjacent to a solid surface (in
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the this case, the weir crest and sidewalls) in which, due to viscous
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- friction, the velocity increases from zero at the stationary
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- surface to an essentially frictionless-flow value at the edge of
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. the layer. The displacement thickness is a distance normal to
the solid surface that the flow streamlines can be considered to
2. Referenced Documents
have been displaced by virtue of the boundary-layer informa-
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 tion.
D1129 Terminology Relating to Water
3.2.2 crest—the horizontal plane surface of the weir.
D2777 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias of
Applicable Test Methods of Committee D19 on Water 3.2.3 critical flow—open channel flow in which the energy,
D3858 Test Method for Open-Channel Flow Measurement expressed in terms of depth plus velocity head, is a minimum
of Water by Velocity-Area Method for a given flow rate and channel. The Froude number is unity
at critical flow.
2.2 ISO Standards:3
ISO 555-1973 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open 3.2.4 Froude number—a dimensionless number expressing
Channels—Dilution Methods for Measurement of Steady the ratio of inertial to gravity forces in free surface flow. It is
Flow—Constant Rate Injection Method equal to the average velocity divided by the square root of the
ISO 3846-1989 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Chan- product of the average depth and the acceleration due to
nels by Weirs and Flumes—Rectangular Broad-Crested gravity.
Weirs 3.2.5 head—in this test method , the depth of water above a
specified elevation. The measuring head is the depth of flow
above the weir crest measured at an appropriate location
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D19 on Water upstream of the weir; the downstream head is referenced
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.07 on Sediments, similarly to the crest elevation and measured downstream of
Geomorphology, and Open-Channel Flow.
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2014. Published March 2014. Originally the weir. The head plus the corresponding velocity head is
approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D5614 – 94 (2008). often termed the total head or total energy head.
DOI: 10.1520/D5614-94R14.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
3.2.6 hydraulic jump—an abrupt transition from supercriti-
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM cal flow to subcritical or tranquil flow, accompanied by
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on considerable turbulence or gravity waves, or both.
the ASTM website.
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 3.2.7 nappe—the curved sheet or jet of water overfalling the
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, downstream end of the weir.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D5614 − 94 (2014)
3.2.8 primary device—the device (in this case, the weir) that 6. Interferences
creates a hydrodynamic condition that can be sensed by the
6.1 Broad-crested weirs are not suitable for use in sediment-
secondary instrument.
laden streams that are carrying heavy bed loads. However,
3.2.9 Reynolds number—a dimensionless number express- floating debris is readily passed, particularly by the rounded
ing the ratio of inertial to viscous forces in a flow. The pertinent weir (see 7.2.1).
Reynolds number on the weir crest is equal to the (critical)
velocity multiplied by the crest length and divided by the 6.2 Broad-crested weirs cannot be used beyond submer-
kinematic viscosity of the water. gence limits because insufficient data exist to document their
3.2.10 secondary instrument— in this case, a device that performance. It is therefore necessary to adhere to the
measures the depth of flow (referenced to the crest elevation) tailwater-level limitations described in this test method.
at an appropriate location upstream of the weir. The secondary
instrument may also convert this measured head to an indicated 7. Apparatus
flow rate or could totalize flow rate. 7.1 A broad-crested weir measuring system consists of the
3.2.11 stilling well—a small free-surface reservoir con- weir itself and its immediate channel (the primary) and a head
nected through a restricted passage to the head-measurement measuring device (the secondary). The secondary device can
location upstream of the weir so that a head measurement can range from a simple staff gage for visual readings to an
be made under quiescent conditions. instrument that senses the depth continuously, converts it to a
3.2.12 subcritical flow—open channel flow that is deeper flow rate, and displays or transmits a readout or record of the
and at lower velocity than critical flow for the same flow rate; instantaneous flow rate or totalized flow, or both.
sometimes called tranquil flow. A Froude number less than one 7.2 Square-Edge (Rectangular) Broad-Crested Weir:
exists. 7.2.1 Configuration—The square-edge broad-crested weir
3.2.13 submergence—a condition in which the water level as shown in Fig. 1 is rectangular in longitudinal profile and
on the downstream side of the weir is high enough to affect the provides a plane horizontal crest that has finite length in the
flow over the weir and hence alter the head-discharge relation. direction of flow and extends the full width of the channel
It is usually expressed as a ratio or percentage of downstream between vertical sidewalls. A contracted section must be
to upstream head or downstream to upstream total head. constructed as shown (see also if the channel does not
3.2.14 supercritical flow—open channel flow that is shal- have vertical sidewalls or is wider than the desired crest. The
lower and at higher velocity than critical flow for the same flow vertical sidewalls must extend downstream of the downstream
rate. A Froude number greater than one exists. face of the weir a distance of at least twice the maximum head.
Recommended limits on dimensions and geometric ratios are
3.2.15 tailwater—the water elevation immediately down-
given in 7.2.5. The upstream and downstream faces must be
stream of the weir.
vertical and perpendicular to the channel surfaces, and it is
3.2.16 tranquil flow—see subcritical flow. important that the upstream corner be square and sharp.
3.2.17 velocity head—the square of the average velocity
NOTE 1—High flow rates combined with floating debris may damage
divided by twice the acceleration due to gravity.
the sharp edge; rounded-edge weirs should be considered for such
4. Summary of Test Method
7.2.2 Construction Requirements:
4.1 In broad-crested weirs, the length of the horizontal crest The structure must be sturdy enough to withstand
in the direction of flow is large enough relative to the upstream
the maximum flow rate and must be watertight so that no
head for essentially rectilinear critical flow to occur at some
measurable leakage can bypass it.
point along the crest. This ideally permits the flow rate to be
obtained from a single measurement of the upstream head; a Finish—Large weirs constructed in the field should
corrective coefficient must be applied in practice. This coeffi- have a finish equivalent to that of smooth concrete. Smaller
cient has been evaluated experimentally for square-edge weirs weirs, such as those in a laboratory environment, should have
and can be determined analytically for rounded weirs. a smoothness equivalent to that of rolled sheet metal. Level—The crest must not deviate from a level plane
5. Significance and Use by more than 0.01 ft (2 mm) at any point or exceed a slope of
0.01 anywhere.
5.1 Broad-crested weirs can be used for accurate measure-
ments of a wide range of flow rates, but their structural 7.2.3 Head Measurement Location—Make the head mea-
simplicity and sturdiness make them particularly useful for surement at a distance of 3 h to 4 hmax upstream of the
measuring large flows under field conditions. upstream face of the weir, where hmax is the anticipated
maximum head.
5.2 Because they require vertical sidewalls, broad-crested
7.2.4 Head-Discharge Relations:
weirs are particularly adaptable to rectangular artificial chan-
nels or to natural and artificial channels that can readily be Basic Equations—The basic relation for the flow
lined with vertical sidewalls in the immediate vicinity of the rate, Q, over a broad-crested weir is, in compatible units,
weir. Q 5 ~ 2/3 ! 3/2 g 1/2 C v C d Bh 3/2 (1)

D5614 − 94 (2014)

FIG. 1 Square-Edge Broad-Crested Weir

where: (2) The discharge coefficient for h/L ≤ 0.3 is constant at

h = measured upstream head referenced to the crest 0.850, provided that h/P < 0.15. (For h/L > 0.4, the weir is no
elevation, longer truly broad crested in accordance with 4.1, since the
B = width of the weir between the vertical side-walls, flow over the crest is curvilinear throughout.)
g = acceleration due to gravity, 7.2.5 Limiting Conditions—The flow conditions and dimen-
Cd = discharge coefficient that accounts for departures from sions of the square-edge weir are subject to the following
ideal conditions, and limits:
Cv = velocity-of-approach coefficient that permits the flow (1) h > 0.2 ft (0.06 m), or 0.1 L, whichever is larger;
rate to be related to the measured head rather than the (2) B > 1 ft (0.3 m);
total head, H. Then, (3) P > 0.5 ft (0.15 m);
C v 5 ~ H/h ! 3/2 5 @ ~ h1αV 2 u /2g ! /h # 3/2 (2) (4) 0.1 < h/L < 1.6;
(5) h/P < 1.6; and
where: (6) 0.1 < L/P < 4.
Vu = average velocity at the head-measurement location, The minimum h is recommended in order to minimize the
and effects of surface tension, viscosity, and surface roughness and
α = coefficient that accounts for any increase in the kinetic to avoid small heads that may be difficult to measure accu-
energy term caused by a nonuniform velocity distribu- rately. The minimum h/L prevents frictional effects from
tion. However, in this test method, the approach causing the point of critical flow to shift away from the
velocity is considered sufficiently close to uniform (see upstream end of the crest. The limitation on maximum h/P is
7.4.1) for α to be essentially unity. intended to reduce the likelihood of upstream disturbances, and In the case of square-edge weirs, both Cd and Cv are the remaining limitations are recommended mainly to conform
affected by the head-to-weir height ratio, h/P, so it is conve- to the experiments from which the coefficients were obtained.
nient to combine them into a single coefficient, C; then, Limiting values of tailwater depth to avoid submergence are
Q 5 ~ 2/3 ! 3/2 g 1/2 CBh 3/2 (3) given in Discharge Coeffıcient, C: 7.3 Rounded Broad-Crested Weir:

(1) The discharge coefficient is given as a function of h/L 7.3.1 Configuration:
and h/P in Fig. 2, which has been adapted from ISO 3846- The rounded broad-crested weir is shown in Fig. 3.
1989. As in the square-edge weir, a plane level crest of finite

D5614 − 94 (2014)

FIG. 2 Discharge Coefficients for Square-Edge Weirs (Dashed Portions of Curves Are Outside of the Recommended Limits)

streamwise length extends over the full channel width between Level—The crest of the rounded weir must be level
vertical sidewalls. If the channel is not rectangular or of within the slope of 0.001.
suitable width, construct a contracted section as shown. The 7.3.3 Head Measurement Location—Measure the head at a
upstream face must be vertical and perpendicular to the distance of 3 H to 4 Hmax upstream of the upstream face of the
channel surfaces. However, the following geometric features weir.
depart from those of the square-edge weir.
7.3.4 Head-Discharge Relations: To prevent separation round the upstream corner to
a radius of at least 0.2 Hmax, where Hmax is the anticipated For rounded-edge weirs, the discharge coefficient,
maximum upstream total head. Cd, in Eq 1 is associated with frictional effects along the crest
and may be expressed in terms of boundary layer growth as
NOTE 2—Sources customarily express rounded-weir dimensions in
terms of total head, H. Users can place them in terms of measured head, C d 5 @ 1 2 ~ 2δ * /L ! ~ L/B ! # @ 1 2 ~ δ * /L ! ~ L/h ! # 3/2 (4)
h, by using (Eq 2) and Table 1. If H/P is limited to a maximum of 1.5 as
recommended in 7.3.5, H/h will not exceed approximately 1.06. where: The length of the horizontal part of the crest must be δ* = boundary-layer displacement thickness.
at least 1.75 Hmax, and the total length (including radius) must The value of δ* ⁄L as a function of Reynolds number (see
be at least 2.25 Hmax. 3.2.9) and relative surface roughness can be determined by The downstream face of the rounded weir can be methods given in ISO 4374-1990 and in fluid mechanics texts;
sloped rather than vertical; the only effect is on the tailwater however, unless the surfaces are excessively rough, it is
depth necessary to avoid submergence (see sufficiently accurate to use δ*/ L = 0.003 for relatively small
7.3.2 Construction Requirements:
and smooth weirs, as in a laboratory, and δ* ⁄ L = 0.004 for The watertightness and finish requirements for the
larger concrete weirs.
rounded weir are the same as those for the square-edge weir
given in and

D5614 − 94 (2014)

FIG. 3 Rounded Broad-Crested Weir

TABLE 1 Velocity-of-Approach CoefficientsA other uncertainties on the determination of cd. The limit on
(CdBh/Au) Cv maximum H/L allows an assumption that curvature effects are
0.1 1.002
0.2 1.009 insignificant in Eq 1. The remainder of the limitations are
0.3 1.021 recommended mainly to conform to the database from which
0.4 1.039 experimental confirmation has been obtained. Also, exces-
0.5 1.064
0.6 1.098 sively high H/P. values may introduce upstream surface waves,
0.7 1.146 and in no case should the approach Froude number (3.2.4)
0.8 1.218
0.9 1.340
exceed 0.5. Limiting values of tailwater depth are given in
Assumes α = 1.0 (see
7.4 Installation Conditions:
7.4.1 Approach Conditions: The velocity-of-approach coefficient, Cv, in Eq 1 is
given in Table 1 as a function of CdBh/Au, where Au is the The flow approaching the weir should be tranquil
cross-sectional area of the approach flow and is equal to and distributed uniformly across the channel cross-section in
B(P + h). order to satisfy the conditions of Eq 1 and of the experiments
7.3.5 Limiting Conditions—The flow conditions and dimen- from which the database was obtained. For this purpose, define
sions of the rounded weir are subject to the following limita- uniform velocity distribution as that associated with fully
tions: developed flow in a long, straight, moderately smooth channel.
(1) h ≥ 0.2 ft (0.06 m); Straight, smooth approach lengths upstream of the head mea-
(2) 0.05 ≤ H/L ≤ 0.57; surement location of ten times the maximum flow water
(3) H/P < 1.5; surface width have been suggested for square-edge weirs (ISO
(4) ρ ≥ 0.5 ft (0.15 m); and 3846-1989) and five times the surface width for rounded weirs
(5) B ≥ 1 ft (0.3 m), ≥ Hmax, and ≥ L/5. (ISO 4374-1990) have been suggested; both lengths would
The minimum h is recommended in order to minimize the have to be increased substantially in the presence of bends,
effects of surface tension and viscosity and to avoid small turnouts, gates, and so forth. immediately upstream. In
heads that may be difficult to measure accurately. The mini- practice, however, there can be no universally accepted quan-
mum H/L discourages the formation of surface waves along the titative guidelines that will ensure a “uniform” velocity
crest and prevents excessive influence of surface roughness or distribution, so the adequacy of the approach flow must be

D5614 − 94 (2014)
demonstrated on a case-by-case basis using measurements, recorded flow rate, or both, and also could transmit the
experience with similar situations, or analytical approxima- information to a central location.
tions. 7.5.2 Continuous head measurements can be made with
several types of sensors including, but not restricted to, the
NOTE 3—Upstream bends, and so forth., close to the weir may affect not
only the velocity distribution but also the water surface evaluation at the following: floats; pressure sensors, for example, bubble tubes
head measurement location. 4 and diaphragm gages; acoustic sensors; and electrical sensors, Where a channel contraction is necessary (Fig. 1 and for example, resistance, capacitance, and oscillating probes.
Fig. 3), it must be conducted symmetrically with vertical walls 7.5.3 Stilling Wells:
curved at a radius of at least 2 Hmax, with the contraction Stilling wells are recommended for accurate head
ending tangent to the weir sidewalls at least 1 Hmax upstream measurements; they are required when float-driven recorders
of the head-measurement location. The velocity distribution in are used or when the water surface is rough.
accordance with must prevail at the entrance to the The lateral area of the stilling well is governed partly
contraction. by the requirement of the secondary instrument. For example, In debris-free flow, use baffles to bring the velocity the clearance between a float and the wall of the stilling well
distribution up to the requirements of, but they must be should be at least 0.1 ft (2 cm) and should be increased to 0.25
placed more than 10 Hmax upstream of the head-measurement ft (7.6 cm) if the well is made of concrete or other rough
location. material, the float diameter itself being determined in part by The approach flow must be subcritical. If it is permissible mechanical float lag error (see 11.5.3). Other types
supercritical, form a hydraulic jump at least 30 H upstream of of sensors may also impose size requirements on the stilling
the head-measurement location to allow sufficient damping of well, and the maximum area may be limited by response lag.
surface waves to occur. The depth of the stilling well must be sufficient to accommo-
7.4.2 Downstream Conditions: date the anticipated range of head plus any sediment that may Do not operate broad-crested weirs under sub- be deposited in the well.
merged conditions, that is, with the tailwater high enough to The stilling well and its connection to the sidewall
reduce the flow rate for a given upstream head. Limiting must be leakproof. Make provision for cleaning and flushing
submerged conditions are given in the following paragraphs. the well and connector pipe to remove any accumulated solids. Limiting Tailwater Elevation, Square-Edge Weirs— The opening in the channel sidewall connecting to
The limiting ratio of downstream to upstream head, hd ⁄ h, is a the stilling well either directly or through a pipe must be at
function of h/L. This ratio is 0.80 for h/L ≤ 0.3; it decreases to least 0.2 ft (0.06 m) below the minimum water level and have
approximately 0.60 at h/L = 0.5, to 0.40 at h/L = 0.7, to 0.24 at a perpendicular, flush, and burr-free junction with the wall. The
h/L = 1.0, and to 0.07 at h/L = 1.6. wall should be smooth (equivalent to a smooth concrete) within Limiting Tailwater Elevation, Rounded Weirs—The a radius of at least 10 hole diameters around the center of the
limiting submergence ratio for rounded weirs is expressed as a hole.
ratio of downstream to upstream total head, Hd ⁄ H and is a The proper size of the connector will depend on the
function of H/P', where P' is the height of the downstream face particular situation, so specific diameters cannot be listed. It
of the weir (if different from P). This ratio is 0.63 at H/P' = 0.1 must be small enough to dampen surface disturbances effec-
and increases to approximately 0.75 at H/P' = 0.5 and to 0.80 tively yet not so small that it introduces a time lag in the
for H/P' ≥ 1.0. These ratios can be increased by approximately response or is difficult to keep open. For example, in relatively
0.05 if the downstream face of the weir is sloped at 1:5 steady flows of clean water, diameters of 1⁄2 in. (1.3 cm) or
(vertical:horizontal), in accordance with ISO 4374-1990. even smaller may suffice, while more demanding field condi- Users should be aware of the possibility of increased tions such as a long connecting pipe may require a 3-in.
downstream depths over time due to increased roughness or (7.5-cm) or larger pipe. ISO 4374-1990 provides useful infor-
other changes in the channel. The installation of a downstream mation on the sizing of connectors.
staff gage or other measuring device is recommended so that It is necessary to develop a method for referencing
the submergence ratio can be calculated. the stilling-well zero to the crest elevation. There should be no aeration of the nappe at the
downstream end of a square-edge weir. (This condition is 8. Sampling
satisfied by the downstream extension of the side-walls speci- 8.1 Sampling as defined in Terminology D1129 is not
fied in 7.2.1.) applicable in this test method.
7.5 Secondary System:
7.5.1 A minimal secondary system for continuous monitor- 9. Calibration
ing would contain a depth (head)-sensing device and an 9.1 An in-place calibration of the weir system is necessary
indicator or recorder from which the user could determine flow if the design and installation conditions of Section 7 are not
rates from the head-discharge relations. Optionally, the second- met. However, if those conditions are satisfied, calibration of
ary system could convert the measured head to an indicated or the secondary system alone will suffice provided further that
the estimated error for the standard weir coefficient in accor-
Ackers, P., et al, Weirs and Flumes for Flow Measurement , John Wiley & Sons, dance with Section 11 is adequate for the purpose of the
New York, NY, 1979. measurement. See also 9.3.

D5614 − 94 (2014)
9.2 Calibrating the Secondary System: precision and bias cannot be estimated due to the variability of
9.2.1 To check the secondary instrument, it is necessary to the sources of potential errors listed in this section and the
make independent reference head measurements with a scale, temporal and spatial variability of open-channel flow. Any
or preferably, a point gage. Reference the zero of the scale or estimate of these errors could be very misleading to the user.
point gage to the elevation of the weir crest carefully. If the 11.2 In accordance with 1.6 in the Scope of Practice D2777,
installation has a stilling well, make the reference measurement an exemption to the precision and bias statement required by
there for greatest accuracy. All measurements must be refer- Practice D2777 was recommended by the Results Advisor and
enced to a common datum by engineering levels. concurred with by the Technical Operations Section of the
9.2.2 Compare the head indicated by the secondary instru- Executive Subcommittee on January 27, 1993.
ment with the reference head (9.2.1). Repetition of this process
over a range of heads will indicate whether zero adjustment is 11.3 Total Measurement Error—The error of a flow rate
required. Repetition of individual measurements will provide measurement results from a combination of the individual
information on the precision of the system. errors in the components of the discharge Eq 1 and Eq 3. The
most important of these stem from uncertainties in the coeffi-
NOTE 4—If the secondary readout is in terms of flow rate, the foregoing cients and in measurement of the head; the error in measure-
comparison must be made between the indicated flow rate and the flow
rate computed using the reference head and the appropriate discharge
ment of the weir width, B, is usually small and can be estimated
equation of Section 7. readily by the user.
9.3 Calibrating the Complete System: 11.4 Accuracy of the Coeffıcients:
9.3.1 Methods for in-place calibration of the complete 11.4.1 Square-Edge Weirs—The uncertainty in the coeffi-
system include, but are not limited to, the following: velocity- cient C is 63 % for values of h/P up to 0.5. This uncertainty
area traverse, Practice D3858; tracer dilution, ISO 555-1973; increases gradually to 64 % at h/P = 1 and to 65 % at
volumetric; and comparison with reference flow rate meter. h/P = 1.6.
9.3.2 Of the methods listed in 9.3.1, only the first three are 11.4.2 Rounded Weirs—The uncertainty in the coefficient Cd
likely to be usable in typical field situations. Full calibrations is 63 % for 0.2 ≤ H/L ≤ 0.57. For H/L between 0.05 and 0.2,
on-site are necessary when the weir system departs substan- the uncertainty (in percent) can be estimated from 62
tially from standard conditions or operates in a range subject to (21 − 20Cd), with the minimum not to fall below 63 % (absent
larger errors, for example, very low H/L in rounded weirs. an increase in α, the error in Cv should be negligible).
Weirs used in the laboratory or under very controlled condi- 11.5 Error in the Head Measurement:
tions require full calibrations. 11.5.1 Errors in the measurement of head can make a large
contribution to the total error (Eq 5), particularly at low heads,
10. Procedure and it is important that the user make realistic estimates of the
10.1 After initial calibration in accordance with 9.2 or 9.3, uncertainty in this measurement.
compare the secondary measurement daily with a reference 11.5.2 Regardless of the type of secondary device used, the
measurement until an appropriate monitoring frequency can be error in referencing its zero to the weir crest will introduce an
established from the accumulated data. error that is constant in magnitude and therefore relatively
10.2 Make routine equipment checks frequently at first, more important at low flows.
daily, in some cases, until a more appropriate frequency can be 11.5.3 All types of secondary devices, whether manual or
derived from the performance history. These checks include, automated, are subject to errors that are inherent in their use
but are not limited to, the following: secondary-sensor and that the user must estimate. For example, a staff gage
condition, surface condition, and elevation of the weir crest; placed on the channel sidewall is subject to reading errors due
condition of the sharp corner of square-edge weirs; zero to water-surface disturbances and interpolation of the scale.
elevation in the stilling well (particularly where there is a The disturbances are eliminated if the gage is in a stilling well,
possibility of uneven subsidence of the structure); solids but a restricted sight angle or inadequate lighting, or both,
accumulation in the stilling well and connecting pipe; sediment could introduce other uncertainties. Another example occurs in
accumulation upstream of the weir; and changes in the down- float systems, in which a significant error can be introduced by
stream channel that could affect submergence. In addition, the float lag due to internal friction; estimate this error by
perform routine maintenance on the secondary instrumentation measuring the friction torque and applying physical principles
as recommended by the manufacturer. (and minimize it by the use of a large-diameter float). All
contributions to the total error, from zero setting, sensor,
11. Precision and Bias recorder, and so forth, must be included in the total head-
measurement error. However, a thorough calibration of the
11.1 Determination of the precision and bias for this test
secondary system (9.2) provides information to assist the user
method is not possible, both at the multiple and single operator
in estimating some of the uncertainties. Other examples and
level, due to the high degree of instability of open-channel
information on head-measurement errors are available in other
flow. Both temporal and spatial variability of the boundary and
sources 5 and ISO 4373-1979.
flow conditions do not allow for a consent standard to be used
for representative sampling. A minimum bias, measured under
ideal conditions, is related directly to the bias of the equipment 5
Fluid Meters—Their Theory and Application, 6th Ed., American Society of
used and is listed in the following sections. A maximum Mechanical Engineer, 1977.

D5614 − 94 (2014)
11.5.4 Some errors in head measurement can be minimized e t 5 @ ~ e 1 ! 2 1 ~ e 2 ! 2 1 ~ 1.5e 3 ! 2 # 1/2 (5)
by careful maintenance (10.2). For example, grease coating
may affect some types of wire probes, and acoustic devices
may sense dense, foamy surfaces incorrectly. Also, users et = estimated total percentage error of a flow rate
should be aware of the potential effect of crosswinds on the measurement,
head measurement, especially in wide channels. e1 = estimated percentage error in the coefficient C or Cd,
e2 = estimated percentage error in measurement of the weir
11.6 Errors Due to Installation Conditions: width, B, and
11.6.1 Approach Conditions—Severely distorted upstream e3 = estimated percentage error in the head, obtained by
velocity profiles affect the coefficients and sometimes the head combining (square root of the sum of the squares)
measurements. These errors generally cannot be quantified, estimates of all individual components of the head-
and measuring stations exhibiting these characteristics must be measurement error or by other means.
calibrated in place to ensure accuracy.
11.6.2 Downstream Conditions—Errors due to submer- 11.7.2 Equations similar to Eq 5 can be developed to
gences greater than those specified in and include head-discharge relations obtained from in-place cali-
cannot be quantified, and these conditions should be avoided. brations or to accommodate other error sources. Additional
details on estimating total error can be found in ISO 4374-1990
11.7 Estimating the Total Measurement Error:
and elsewhere. 5
11.7.1 One method of estimating the total percentage error
of a flow measurement uses the square root of the sum of the
squares of the individual error contributions. For example, for 12. Keywords
the standard weirs of Section 7, this becomes 12.1 dams; flumes; open-channel flow; streamflow

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600;

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