Bhutan has integrated the SDGs into its development agenda through aligning the SDGs with its Gross National Happiness philosophy. It conducted early localization efforts including policy screening and mapping SDG targets to its 11th Five Year Plan. While progress has been made, further integration is needed at local and sector levels as well as addressing gaps in areas like financial inclusion, migration, gender and social protection as Bhutan works to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
Bhutan has integrated the SDGs into its development agenda through aligning the SDGs with its Gross National Happiness philosophy. It conducted early localization efforts including policy screening and mapping SDG targets to its 11th Five Year Plan. While progress has been made, further integration is needed at local and sector levels as well as addressing gaps in areas like financial inclusion, migration, gender and social protection as Bhutan works to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
Bhutan has integrated the SDGs into its development agenda through aligning the SDGs with its Gross National Happiness philosophy. It conducted early localization efforts including policy screening and mapping SDG targets to its 11th Five Year Plan. While progress has been made, further integration is needed at local and sector levels as well as addressing gaps in areas like financial inclusion, migration, gender and social protection as Bhutan works to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
Bhutan has integrated the SDGs into its development agenda through aligning the SDGs with its Gross National Happiness philosophy. It conducted early localization efforts including policy screening and mapping SDG targets to its 11th Five Year Plan. While progress has been made, further integration is needed at local and sector levels as well as addressing gaps in areas like financial inclusion, migration, gender and social protection as Bhutan works to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
South and South-West Asia Forum on Implementation of SDGs
1-2 November, Kathmandu, Nepal
Pema Bazar, GNH Commission Secretariat
Gross National Happiness and SDGs
Bhutan and SDGs Journey of Localization Current Status Way Forward GNH & SDGs
GNH 4P: Good Governance, Sustainable Socio-
economic development, Environmental Conservation and Cultural Preservation SDGs 3D: Economic, Social and Environmental 3D of SDGs are subsumed under 3P of GNH, culture is an extra pillar GNH at the helm of development agenda has made the adoption of SDGs a seamless process Bhutan and SDGs Bhutan and SDGs
Transforming our world: Agenda 2030 for sustainable
development adopted at UN Summit for Sustainable Development on 25 September 2015 Bhutan’s representation in the SDG Open Working Group in 2013 Bhutan became one of the early mover countries in the Asia Pacific region for SDG localization – identified by United Nations Development Programme in September 2015 High level sensitization workshop on the SDGs, convened in Thimphu, 30th October 2015. In-house Mapping exercise conducted by RGoB SDG Rapid Integrated Policy Assessment by UNDP Journey of Localization Screening of Public Policies through the GNH lens All public policies tabled for adoption will have to be screened using the GNH policy screening tool
Eleventh Plan vis-à-vis SDGs
3 SDGs prioritized for 11FYP National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) 16 Outcome (key Result Areas) 61 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Sustainable Development Goals 17 Goals 169 Targets Internal Mapping Exercise 16 Goals of the 17 SDGs already integrated in the NKRAs Eleventh Plan and SDG- An Assessment
Rapid Impact Policy Assessment conducted by UNDP
High level of Integration at both goal and target level Target level assessment 169 targets against the 11th FYP (2013-2018) 143 targets found relevant for Bhutan 134 targets already integrated in our 11th Plan Gap Analysis findings At the target level, some gaps identified through RIPA are: Financial inclusion Migration Gender and Social protection Institutional mechanisms in place GPMD under the Office of the Prime Minister APA signing Annual Budget linked to APA Web based online M&E system in place Some Major Programs targeted towards realizing these SDGs
Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Resilience of Forest and
Agriculture Landscape and Community Livelihoods in Bhutan funded by GEF-LDCF (USD 13.9 million) Resilient Communities, Effective Corridors – a climate action in Bhutan, the first integrated project in Bhutan
Bhutan for Life Initiative (USD 40 million)
Operationalizing the Protected Areas and Biological Corridors
Rural Economic Advancement Program (REAP) and Targeted
Household Poverty Program (THPP) Targeted Poverty Intervention Program 12 FYP and SDGs Integration of SDGs in the 12th Plan A preliminary assessment of 12th plan NKRAs vis-à-vis the SDGs reveal that 16 SDG goals have been integrated into the 16 NKRAs (except for SDG 14 life below water)
Approximately 63 targets have been integrated into the 12th
plan KPIs for 16 NKRAs
107 indicators integrated into the NKRAs
There will be further integration of the SDGs as we formulate
the Sector and Local Government Key Result Areas and corresponding KPIs. In order to ensure that no one is left behind, for the first time in the history of plan formulation, Private sector and civil society are engaged in plan formulation
The civil society engagement as partners in progress are given more
focus by engaging them in the program implementation
UNDP assisted the review of the National Assembly’s Strategic Plans
to achieve the SDGs
Bhutan Vulnerability Baseline Assessment 2016 Launched on 1st Nov.