Bhutan's Journey in Localizing The SDGs

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Bhutan’s Journey in

Localizing the SDGs

South and South-West Asia Forum on Implementation of SDGs

1-2 November, Kathmandu, Nepal

Pema Bazar, GNH Commission Secretariat


 Gross National Happiness and SDGs

 Bhutan and SDGs
 Journey of Localization
 Current Status
 Way Forward

 GNH 4P: Good Governance, Sustainable Socio-

economic development, Environmental Conservation
and Cultural Preservation
 SDGs 3D: Economic, Social and Environmental
 3D of SDGs are subsumed under 3P of GNH, culture is an
extra pillar
 GNH at the helm of development agenda has made
the adoption of SDGs a seamless process
Bhutan and SDGs
Bhutan and SDGs

 Transforming our world: Agenda 2030 for sustainable

development adopted at UN Summit for Sustainable
Development on 25 September 2015
 Bhutan’s representation in the SDG Open Working
Group in 2013
 Bhutan became one of the early mover countries in
the Asia Pacific region for SDG localization –
identified by United Nations Development
Programme in September 2015
 High level sensitization workshop on the SDGs,
convened in Thimphu, 30th October 2015.
 In-house Mapping exercise conducted by RGoB
 SDG Rapid Integrated Policy Assessment by UNDP
Journey of Localization
Screening of Public Policies through the GNH lens
 All public policies tabled for adoption will have to be screened
using the GNH policy screening tool

Eleventh Plan vis-à-vis SDGs

 3 SDGs prioritized for 11FYP
 National Key Result Areas (NKRAs)
 16 Outcome (key Result Areas)
 61 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
 Sustainable Development Goals
 17 Goals
 169 Targets
 Internal Mapping Exercise
 16 Goals of the 17 SDGs already integrated in the NKRAs
Eleventh Plan and SDG- An Assessment

 Rapid Impact Policy Assessment conducted by UNDP

High level of Integration at both goal and target
Target level assessment
169 targets against the 11th FYP (2013-2018)
143 targets found relevant for Bhutan
134 targets already integrated in our 11th Plan
Gap Analysis findings
 At the target level, some gaps identified
through RIPA are:
Financial inclusion
Gender and
Social protection
Institutional mechanisms in place
 GPMD under the Office of the Prime Minister
 APA signing
 Annual Budget linked to APA
 Web based online M&E system in place
Some Major Programs targeted towards realizing these SDGs

 Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Resilience of Forest and

Agriculture Landscape and Community Livelihoods in
Bhutan funded by GEF-LDCF (USD 13.9 million)
 Resilient Communities, Effective Corridors – a climate action in Bhutan,
the first integrated project in Bhutan

 Bhutan for Life Initiative (USD 40 million)

 Operationalizing the Protected Areas and Biological Corridors

 Rural Economic Advancement Program (REAP) and Targeted

Household Poverty Program (THPP)
 Targeted Poverty Intervention Program
12 FYP and SDGs
 Integration of SDGs in the 12th Plan
 A preliminary assessment of 12th plan NKRAs vis-à-vis the SDGs
reveal that 16 SDG goals have been integrated into the 16
NKRAs (except for SDG 14 life below water)

 Approximately 63 targets have been integrated into the 12th

plan KPIs for 16 NKRAs

 107 indicators integrated into the NKRAs

 There will be further integration of the SDGs as we formulate

the Sector and Local Government Key Result Areas and
corresponding KPIs.
 In order to ensure that no one is left behind, for the first time in the
history of plan formulation, Private sector and civil society are
engaged in plan formulation

 The civil society engagement as partners in progress are given more

focus by engaging them in the program implementation

 UNDP assisted the review of the National Assembly’s Strategic Plans

to achieve the SDGs

 Bhutan Vulnerability Baseline Assessment 2016 Launched on 1st Nov.

Issues & Way forward

 SDG Costing exercise-Funding the SDGs

 SDG modelling

 Data Harmonization

 Capacity Building

 Awareness and sensitization program

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