Exam - MTB MLE

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Commission on Higher Education Midterm Examination


College of Teacher Education Second Semester 2022 - 2023

Name: ____________________________________________ Course & Year: ______________ Score: ______________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each statement and recognize what is being described. Choose in the box and write your
answer on the provided space.

Anomaly Cognitivism Constructivism Curriculum Framework

First Language Generalization Language MTB – MLE
Prior Knowledge RA 10533 Retrieval Sense-making

___________________ 1. The basis of all communication and the primary instrument of thought.
___________________ 2. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.
___________________ 3. A theoretically-based and well planned educational program that provides a strong
foundation for literacy using the learners developing cognitive skills and comprehension of
academic content.
___________________ 4. The language of learning.
___________________ 5. It sets the parameters, directions, and standards for curriculum policy and practice.
___________________ 6. Engaging learners in a discussion of what is already familiar to them using the home language
and culture enables better learning of the curriculum through integration and application of
that knowledge into current knowledge schemes.
___________________ 7. Learners construct knowledge for themselves.
___________________ 8. A learning theory that focuses on how information is received, organized, stored and
retrieved by the mind.
___________________ 9. The multiple representation of meaning of a given object, person, or event.
___________________ 10. A situation when specific words or phrases cannot be combined to make sense.
___________________ 11. Enhancing retention and retrieval.
___________________ 12. Providing feedback.

II. Identification. Write what is being described.

___________________ 13. The generation who were born with and into the comfort and complexity of technology.
___________________ 14. A natural process of acquiring language which involves “picking up” language in a non-
conscious way through exposure to language.
___________________ 15. The process and the study of the process, by which people learn a language that is not their
native language.
___________________ 16. DECS project in SY 1999 – 2000 which was aimed to define and implement a national
bridging program from the vernacular to Filipino and later to English to develop literacy.
___________________ 17. He argued that children are active learners who construct meaning from their environment .
___________________ 18. He emphasized that private speech of children talking to themselves for turning shared
knowledge .
___________________ 19. The study of patterns in speech sound. It consists of knowing about the sounds of a language
and of describing the said sound.
___________________ 20. A renowned educational psychologist, developed Nine Events of Instruction which has
guided trainers and educators in designing instruction for trainings and teaching.

II. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.

___________ 21. Learners learn best when they able to understand and express in the language they grew up
speaking from childhood.
___________ 22. Second language acquisition is when the child acquires his/her home language and gets to know its
rules through exposure and by being exposed to examples of the language and by using it.
___________ 23. The curriculum framework of the MTB-MLE shows that the ultimate goal of this program is lifelong
___________ 24. Constructivists believe in the idea of the tabula rasa.
___________ 25. Teacher should focus only to the culture of the majority.
___________ 26. An instructional plan without the generalization is incomplete.
___________ 27. Assessment is best given at the end of the discussion.
___________ 28. Students’ academic achievement improves more when the education is culturally relevant and
___________ 29. Language represents concepts that are particular to a specific culture.
___________ 30. MTB-MLE is for the primary learners only.

III. Enumeration. Give what is being asked.

A. Nine Events of Instructions: (9)

B. Classifications of the Elements of Culture (3)


C. Three of the Five Major Learning Theories that Supports MTB-MLE (3)

IV. Essay. (46 – 50)

Are you in favor of removing the mother tongue as a medium of instruction and mother tongue as a subject
in the elementary? Explain.

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