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Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline

August, 2018
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline

Prepared by:

1. Dr. Bizuyehu Kerisew -- Bahir Dar University (BDU)

2. Dr. Zewdu Teshome ----University of Gondar (UoG)
3. Dr. Asmare Melese ----- Debre Berhan University (DBU)
4. Dr. Siraj Mulugeta ------- Wollo University (WU)
5. Dr. Getnet Atenafu------- Debre Markos University (DMU)
6. Dr. Biruk Masrie ------- Woldia University (WDU)
7. Mr. Hailu Menale-------- Debre Tabor University (DTU)

August, 2018

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline, 2018

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline, 2018

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1
1.1 General Provisions.......................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Short title...............................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Gender References................................................................................................2
1.1.3 Definition of terms................................................................................................2
1.2 Objectives of the Research Guideline..........................................................................5
1.3 Scope of Application of the Guideline.........................................................................6
2.1 RPED Organogram......................................................................................................7
2.2 Duties and Responsibilities..........................................................................................2
2.2.1 Research and Publication Executive Directorate..................................................2
2.2.2 Project Development and Management Office.....................................................2
2.2.3 Publications, Documentation and Dissemination Directorate..............................3
2.2.4 Research, Community Service and University-Industry Linkage-Technology
Transfer (RCS UIL-TT) Vice Dean....................................................................................4 Appointment of RCS UIL-TT VD and Term of Office............................................6
2.2.5 The Academic Unit RCS UIL-TT Council...........................................................6 Organization of the RCS UIL-TT council................................................................6 Members...................................................................................................................6 Duties and Responsibilities of the RCS UIL-TT Council........................................7
2.2.6 Research Centers/Institutes...................................................................................8 Duties and Responsibilities of Research Center/Institute Director..........................8 Appointment and Term of Office.............................................................................9
2.3 Research Groups/Teams.............................................................................................10
2.4 Student Research Office.............................................................................................11
3 Research guideline............................................................................................................13
3.1 The Research Process.................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Pre-granting Processes........................................................................................14 Prioritizing Research Thematic Areas....................................................................14

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline, 2018

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region Initiation of Research Ideas....................................................................................14 Research Proposal Review Process........................................................................16
3.1.2 Research Granting...............................................................................................17
3.1.3 Post granting.......................................................................................................18 Administration of Research....................................................................................18 Research Extension.................................................................................................20 Monitoring and Evaluation.....................................................................................21 Output, Outcome and Impact Assessment of the Research Result.........................22
3.1.4 Research Audit....................................................................................................23
3.2 Credit Calculation......................................................................................................23
3.3 Ethical and Environmental Considerations................................................................24
3.3.1 The Institutional Review Board (IRB)................................................................25
3.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities.................................................................................25 Duties and Responsibilities of Institutional Review Board (IRB).........................25 Duties and Responsibilities of Institutional Review Committee (IRC).................26
3.3.3 Membership requirements for IRB.....................................................................26
3.3.4 Resignation, Disqualification and Replacement of Members.............................27
3.3.5 Officers...............................................................................................................28
2. Vice-Chairperson: responsible to chair the meetings in the absence of the
Chairperson and act as vice-chair during meetings with the Chairperson. The chairperson shall
have a 3 credit hours load reduction;.........................................................................................28
3.3.6 Dissolving of the IRB.........................................................................................29
4 Publication........................................................................................................................30
4.1 Rationale.....................................................................................................................30
4.2 Editorial Board...........................................................................................................30
4.2.1 Election of the Editorial Board (EB) Members..................................................31
4.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities.................................................................................32 Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board (EB)........................................32 Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief.................................................32 Duties and Responsibilities of Associate Editor(s) and Associate Editor-in-Chief33
4.3 Advisory Board Members..........................................................................................33
4.4 Manuscript Review Procedures..................................................................................34
Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline, 2018
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4.5 Reputability of Journals Published in the University.................................................36

5 Research Capacity Building..............................................................................................37
5.1 Facilities.....................................................................................................................37
5.2 Knowledge and Skill Development............................................................................37
5.3 The Involvement of Women in Research...................................................................38
5.4 Academic and Research Discourse............................................................................38
6 Sources of Finance for Research.......................................................................................41
6.1 Ethiopian Government/Ministry of Education...........................................................41
6.2 External Sources.........................................................................................................41
7 Procedures governing misconduct in the research and publication process.....................43
7.1 Research Misconducts................................................................................................43
7.2 Research Disciplinary Measures................................................................................43
8 APPENDICES..................................................................................................................45

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline, 2018

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

AU Academic Unit
HEIs Higher Education Institutions
IP Intellectual Property
MoST Ministry of Science & Technology
RC Research Center
RCS Research and Community Services
RCS-UIL TT Research, Community Service University-Industry Linkage and
Technology Transfer
RCSVPO Research and Community Service Vice President Office
RD Research and Development
RI Research Institute
RPED Research and Publication Executive Directorate
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
TT Technology Transfer
UIL University Industry Linkage

Harmonized Research and Publication Guideline, 2018

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


Higher Education institutions are mainly mandated to focus on teaching learning, Research
and Community services. Research is a systematic way of collecting and analyzing data for
seeking solution to problems, discovering new technologies and paving ways to development
of a country. It enables people in diverse circumstances to apply solution. Research provides
us with new inventions (technological methods, products, etc.) and to generate new
knowledge to tackle problems. For counties like Ethiopia, much is expected from research to
alleviate the economic problems, in reduction of poverty, attainment of food security,
prevention and control problems of multifaceted nature, and in introducing new technology.

Within its overall plan of alleviating widespread poverty, Ethiopia aims to become middle
income country in the next 20 to 30 years; and the government has issued Higher Education
proclamation No. 650/2009 taking into account the pressing need for well-educated and
skilled manpower in a various disciplines. The Ethiopian government is pursuing an
ambitious plan to expand and reform higher education in the country.

More specifically, the research and Community service office (RCSO) of the University is
striving towards enhancing research culture. Alongside the academic training, the RCSO of
the University is coordinating and promoting research works in and outside of the University.
It will also provide consultancy services, and disseminates research results on an ongoing and
sustainable basis.

At the national, there is no uniform research and publication guideline higher educational
institutions. Likewise, universities in Amhara region understand, define and perform research
activities differently (engagement policies, strategies, implementation and motivating
mechanisms). This has created a challenge to manage and handle participation of university
staff in similar manner, duplication of resources, staff mobilization and student exchange,
dissemination of research output etc.

Therefore, preparation of common guideline is mandatory for the alleviation of this

inconsistency in researchand publication activities to minimize the ambiguity, to create a

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

more transparent system and establish common motivating mechanisms among the

To accomplish the aforementioned tasks, the forum for higher educational institutions in the
Amhara Regionhas prepared this harmonizedpublication and dissemination guideline.

1.1 General Provisions

1.1.1 Short title

This document can be cited as the ‘Harmonized Research and Publication Guidelineforthe
Forum of Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region, 2018’.

1.1.2 Gender References

Save where the context requires otherwise, the provisions of this Guideline set out in the
masculinegender shall also apply to the feminine gender.

1.1.3 Definition of terms

In this guideline, unless the context requires otherwise:

1) ‘Academic staff’ means a member of a higher education institution employed in the

capacity of teaching, research, community services and technology transfer activities
of the institution, and includes any other professional of the institution who shall be
recognized so by the institution’s internal legislation;
2) ‘Academic unit’ refers to colleges, faculties, schools, institutes, departments or
3) ‘Activities’ means actions taken or tasks performed from proposal development up to
dissemination of outputsthrough which inputs such as funds, technical assistance and
other types of resources are mobilized;
4) ‘Applied Research’ means an original investigation undertaken in order to acquire
new knowledge which is directed primarily toward specific practical aims or
5) ‘Author’ means a writer, designer or originator of an article, book or any other
scholarly work who makes a substantial participation in the conception and design, or
analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the scholarly work or revising it critically

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

for enhancing its intellectual content and in the final approval of the version to be
published. There can be a more than one author of a single scholarly work;
6) ‘Basic Research’ means an original investigation with the primary aim of developing
more complete knowledge or understanding of the subject under study;
7) ‘Co-Investigator/s’shall mean member/s of a research team who participate in the
research undertakings with specified responsibilities other than the Principal
8) ‘Collaborative Research’or ‘Joint Research’ means a scientific investigation or
research and development project undertaken jointly by a higher education institution,
industry or other governmental and non-governmental organizations based on a
research partnership agreement;
9) ‘Conflict-of-interest’ means a divergence between an individual’s private interests
and his professional obligations to the higher education institution such that an
independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual’s professional
actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal gain, financial or
10) ‘Copyright’ means a protection provided by the laws of Ethiopia to its owners;
11) ‘Dean and Director’ refers to the dean of a college or a faculty and the director of an
institute/directorate or a school respectively;
12) ‘Higher Education Institution’ or ‘Institution’ means a university, university
college or college as defined by Higher Education Proclamation No. 650/2009;
13) ‘Intellectual Property’ is a term often used to refer generically to property rights
created through intellectual and/or discovery efforts of a creator that are generally
protectable under patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other law/s;
14) ‘Patent’means a title that confers to its owner the rights recognized by the intellectual
property laws of Ethiopia;
15) ‘Mega Research’is a multidisciplinary research with at least three sub-themes, one
female academic staff, and at least one stakeholder;
16) ‘Person’ means natural or juridical person;
17) ‘Plagiarism’ means claiming or insinuating ownership of another person’s intellectual
and/or academic contribution, which includes;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

a. word-for-word copying or paraphrasing of sentences or whole paragraphs from

one or more sources without clearly indicating their origin or source,
b. using of another person's ideas, work or research data without

c. copying computer files, algorithms or computer codes without clearly

indicating their origin,

d. submitting work which has been derived, in whole or in part, from another
person's work, or

e. Submitting work which has been derived, in whole or in part, from another
person's work by a process of mechanical, digital or other transformation.
18) ‘Principal Investigator’ means an individual designated by a higher education
institution or a funding organization to direct the project or program being supported
by the fund;
19) ‘RCS-UIL TT Vice Dean ’ refers to a person facilitating Research, Community
Service, University-Industry Linkage and Technology Transfer matters at academic
unit level;
20) ‘Research’ is a systematized investigation to create new knowledge or technology
and/or to use existing knowledge or technology in a new and creative way so as to
generate new concepts, methodologies, understandings, and to solve new or existing
21) ‘Research Center/Institute’ refers to research focused centers or institutes
established by the university;
22) ‘Research Grant’ means a financial contribution by an industry or foundation or
governmental or non-governmental organization to a scientific research project
conducted by a higher education institution;
23) ‘Research staff’ means an academic staff who is required to devote 75% on research,
community service, UIL and technology transfer activities and 25% on teaching;
24) ‘Stakeholders’ means governmental and/or non-governmental organizations,
industries and person that take part with the university;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

25) ‘Student Research’ means research by students of higher education institutions

designed and undertaken in line with the research thematic areas of the institutions for
the purpose of partial fulfilment of the requirements of master’s or PhD degrees,
supervised and/or co-supervised by academic staff member, regardless of the source of
funding and may include well designed and problem-oriented researches done by
senior undergraduate students for partially fulfilling the requirements of Bachelor
26) ‘Teaching staff’ means an academic staff who is required to devote 75% on teaching
and 25% on research, community service, UIL and technology transfer activities;
27) ‘University’ means any public university in the Amhara National Regional State
universities forum, Ethiopia;

1.2 Objectives of the Research Guideline

The major objectives of this research guideline are to:

1. Prioritize and update research thematic areas in the University;

2. Integrate research endeavors of the University with the Regional and National
priorities and policies to foster evidence based development
3. Ensure trust among research stakeholders in the university as well as external partners
(research collaborators, funding agencies, policy makers);
4. Encourage team spirit in research endeavors within and outside the University;
5. Encourage regional and international collaboration in global university research
6. Support and encourage students’ research in the University;
7. Improve efficient use of research resources and facilities of the University;
8. Support and facilitate journals published in the University;
9. Increase the quantity and improve the quality of publications in the University;
10. Increase and diversify research-funding sources other than government recurrent
budget allocation;
11. To avoid conflict of interest among the university community and stakeholders
regarding research activities,
12. To reduce duplication of efforts,

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

13. To improve the smooth communication between the RCSVPO, researchers and the
university administration,
14. Ensures research ethics in the University according to standards and guidelines
15. Maintain standardized research planning, screening, execution and monitoring among
Academic Units and Research Centers/institutions in the University;
16. Integrate the research works with the quality of education, community services, TT

1.3 Scope of Application of the Guideline

1. This guideline applies to all Research and Publication activities carried out in
and by the university members and students independently, and/or in
collaboration with collaborators and clients/stakeholders using University’s
resources fully or partly.
2. This guideline also applies to postgraduate thesis and dissertation research
works and may include well designed and problem-oriented researches done
by senior undergraduate students for partially fulfilling the requirements of
Bachelor degrees.
3. This guideline is applicable to the Research and Publication logistics and
financial management.
4. Any article or statement of this guideline shall be harmonized with the senate
legislation of the University.
5. This guideline shall be implemented after it is endorsed by the University

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region



2.1 RPED Organogram

The Publication Executive Directorate is accountable to the Office of Vice President for
Research and Community Service. The RPED is structured as illustrated in the following
Organogram (Fig. 1):

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Figure 1: RPED Organogram

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

2.2 Duties and Responsibilities

2.2.1 Research and Publication Executive Directorate

1. There shall be established office of Research and Publication Executive Directorate
that bears the responsibility of ensuring a uniform research administration in the various
units of the University. The Research and Publication Executive Directorate pools
resources and efforts and focuses on research; plays a role in coordinating the
research process; focuses mainly on improving facilities and efficiency in the research
2. The Directorate shall link Units and research centers/institutes with the RCSVP.
3. The Directorate primarily serves the interests of the scientific and technical staffs. The
Director is the main liaison between the research programs and the top management, and
works to improve research opportunities, funding and working conditions.
4. The Directorate helps in developing long-range strategies; plans the institution’s
budget and establishes and maintains communication with relevant bodies.
Thedirector assists the RCSVP in all matters pertaining to research.
5. Specific internal areas of responsibility may include, as it turns out to be applicable,
involved in research infrastructure development, oversight of hiring scientific and
technical staffs, reviewing the contents of research proposals and projects,
allocation of funds, distribution of space and facilities, and policies relating to
these areas. The Director meets regularly with the RCSVP, Research Centre Directors,
AU RCS UIL-TT VD as it becomes appropriate.

2.2.2 Project Development and Management Office

The Project Development and Management Office is accountable to the Research and
Publication Executive Directorate.The officer shall have the following duties and
1. Communicates with funding organizations, helps seek funding, and oversees the
proper administration of research and development funds;
2. Facilitates research related consultancy services provided by the university;
3. Facilitates the development of plans for project and consultancy services;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4. Supports keeping the records of project and consultancy service activities;

5. Prepares and compiles reports of project and consultancy services;
6. Facilitates the publication of project and consultancy services directories
7. Arranges and facilitates training sessions for the staff to improve their grant writing
and other skills;
8. Formulates strategies and plans for project and consultancy services;
9. Oversees project and consultancy administrative functions;
10. Assists the Research and Publication Executive Directorate in the design of
mechanisms and systems to avoid duplication of project and related activities;
11. Facilitates the preparation of guidelines for project related works;
12. Facilitates the provision of project incentives;
13. Facilitates and supports financial, logistics and related issues to assist the
implementation of project and consultancy service;
14. Undertakes grant hunting activities for project and consultancy services;
15. Builds teams to prepare project and consultancy proposals for external grant
16. Monitors project and consultancy activities of the University;
17. Supervise and collaborate with the Institutional Research Reviewprocess and
intellectual property right office for project works
18. Executes other activities when required.

2.2.3 Publications, Documentation and Dissemination Directorate

The Publications, Documentation and Dissemination Directorate conducts a series of regular
or irregular publications such as book of abstracts of theses, special issues dedicated to
addressing current issues of research, community service, TT and UIL directorates, research
bulletins, periodicals and others. The directorate makes use of the website, social media, and
multi-media for communicating current events in the RCSVPO, research breakthroughs and
scientific publications. The Director ensures the publications in conformity with the
University policy and mandates and coordinates the works of the editor and document

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

In general,the Publications, Documentation and Dissemination Directorate is accountable to

the Research and Publication Executive Directorate.The director shall have the following
duties andresponsibilities:

1. Manages, coordinates and supervises the production of publications in the RCSVP

2. Facilitates the establishment of University’sPrinting Press;
3. Oversees the activities of University’sPrinting Press;
4. Ensures that the RCSVPO publications conform with the University publishing
5. Supports the production of journals, proceedings, periodicals and other scholarly
publications by academic units and research centers;
6. Plans and coordinates production schedules;
7. Expedites jobs to ensure prompt delivery of productions;
8. Keeps inventory of publications to assure continuity;
9. Plans budget estimates of printing for journals and others productions in University
and sets the price for publications if necessary;
10. Facilitates the subscription of journals in collaboration with other University’s
11. Supervises improvements and extensions of editorial and publication services;
12. Establishes and keeps documentation system (digital and printed repository) for
research, project, consultancy, community service, TT and UIL activities;
13. Publishes and documents all types of forms pertinent to RCS activities;
14. Establishes a system of dissemination strategies of the RCS activities and outputs;
15. Monitors quality of publication, documentation and appropriate dissemination of RCS
16. In consultation with other RPED, CS, and TT Executive Directorates, organizes
and notify calendar for RCS activities of the university;
17. Organizes and facilitates seminars, symposia, conference, workshop and other
18. Documents and keeps records of theses and dissertation of University students;
19. Executes other activities when required.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

2.2.4 Research, CommunityService and University-Industry Linkage-

Technology Transfer(RCS UIL-TT) Vice Dean
While the RCS UIL-TT Vice Deanis accountable to his AU Deans/Directors and RPED,
he shall have the following duties and responsibilities in his AU:

1. Leads the RCS UIL-TT Council of his AU;

2. Develops overall RCS UIL-TT strategy of the Unit as per the University directions;
3. Coordinates the research and community service activities in his Academic Unit;
4. Leads, guides and mentor research groups and teams in developing research projects,
products, and services;
5. Organizes and implements proper proposal review process based on the established
review system;
6. Ensures the execution of each research proposal as stated in the proposal;
7. Develops innovative strategies for RCS UIL-TT;
8. Identifies skill gaps of the staff of the AU and facilitates capacity building
interventions when needed;
9. Monitors the RCS UIL-TT project activities of his AU;
10. Facilitates the organization of conferences, seminars, public lectures and other
avenues for dissemination of the outputs;
11. Facilitates the publication of Proceedings, abstracts and other periodicals in the AU;
12. Encourages staff to publish their research findings as well as the results of their CS
and UIL-TT activities;
13. Ensures that all research materials and deliverables are produced in a timely manner;
14. Prepares RCS UIL-TT budget and submits for approval to the AU;
15. Maintains and documents all the RCS UIL-TT deliverables and other documents of
the AU in appropriate databases;
16. Serves as liaison between AU researchers and CSproviders and the RCSVPO
17. Ensures the proper utilization of the budget allocated for the unit;
18. Collects progress report of RCS UIL-TT activities of the AU and submit to the
respective directorates under RCSVPO and/or respective Dean Office as required;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

19. Facilitates the identification and revision of RCS UIL-TT thematic areas in the AU;
20. Ensures that academic staff and students of the AU have the opportunity to participate
in the RCS UIL-TT activities;
21. Facilitates the provision of support (human and logistic resources) for proper
implementation of the planned RCS UIL-TT activities;
22. Maintains standards in the planning & implementation of RCS UIL-TT activities in
the academic unit;
23. Benchmarks best practices in RCS UIL-TT;
24. Establishes institutional linkage with stakeholders and collaborators;
25. Coordinateshis academic units and develop RCS UIL-TT project proposal for
soliciting funds;
26. Collects and acts upon feedback from stakeholders (including RCS UIL-TT
27. Documents all RCS UIL-TT activities and outcomes of the AU;
28. Coordinates and ensures that student research is strictly aligned with the higher
education institution’s research thematic areas;
29. Lesions the student research with the academic units office and RCSVPO;
30. Executes other activities as required. Appointment of RCSUIL-TTVD and Term of Office

The appointment of RCSUIL-TTVD and his term of office will be decided as per the
legislation of the respective university.

2.2.5 The Academic Unit RCSUIL-TT Council

Each Academic Unit shall have one RCS UIL-TT Council of its own which shall be
engaged in the administration of research in the Unit. Organization of the RCSUIL-TT council

1. Each academic unit shall establish its own RCS Council;
2. The council shall be accountable to the respective RCS UIL-TT Vice Dean of
Academic Units for administrative and technical issues;
3. The office shall be run by RCS UIL-TT Vice Dean of Academic Units (the
chairperson of the RCS UIL-TT Council);

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4. Each member ofRCS UIL-TT Council shall receive three credit hours load reduction; Members
1. Each academic unit shall have RCS UIL-TT Council with at least 3 members elected
from its unit by the academic commission;
2. The members of the RCS Council in an academic unit are chosen from its unit
according to their experiences in research (based on their research experiences and
inclination to research);
3. In cases where the Unit has a number of departments (fields), each department shall
have a representative;
4. The elected members shall serve for a period of 3 years. Duties and Responsibilities of the RCSUIL-TT Council

The RCS UIL-TT Council shall have the following duties and responsibilities;

1. Prepares call for RCS UIL-TT proposals for the respective AUs;
2. Undertakes prescreening of the submitted RCSUIL-TT proposals and assigns
3. Organizes the public defense of reviewed and provisionally accepted proposals;
4. Critically evaluates the budget section of RCSUIL-TT proposals and submits to
the dean office;
5. In consultation with the dean, RCSUIL-TTVD, and their AUs staff
identifies thematic area for conferences;
6. Prepares call for paper for conferences;
7. Organizes, conducts and facilitates symposia, workshops, conferences, discussion
forums, journal clubs and other fora in its AU;
8. Undertakes the publication of conference proceedings;
9. Supports the RCSUIL-TTVD in staff capacity building efforts;
10. Assists in the publication of journals, newsletters, bulletins, and periodicals;
11. Conducts promotion works for research, communicate with other institutions and
work with the respective staff and others for collaborative research in the AU;
12. Suggests ideas and other policy issues to RCSVP office;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

13. Monitors RCSUIL-TT activities conducted by its own staff and students
(projects funded both by domestic and external sources);
14. Assists the RCSUIL-TTVD in the preparation of RCS plan and reports of the AU;
15. Assists the RCSVD in keeping records and documentation of planned
RCSUIL-TT activities and outcomes;
16. Executes other activities as required

2.2.6 Research Centers/Institutes

General Provisions

1. All provisions of Academic Units shall apply for Research Centers/Institute;

2. A Research Center/ Institute shall be established on the basis of comparative advantage
of the university and on the availability of resources (human and material);
3. A Research Center/ Institute shall be headed by a Director;
4. A Research Center/ Institute shall launch its own calendar consistent with that of
RCSVPO calendar;
5. Research center/ Institute staff members shall be chosen from the University by
RCSVPO in consultation with concerned bodies of the University and the Research and
Publication Executive Director;
6. Benefits for the Director and other members of each research center shall be
worked out by RCSVPO;
7. Research staff (75% research and 25% teaching) categories may be instituted, upon the
approval of the University Senate;
8. Specific regulation shall be instituted for research staff employment;
9. Research centers shall fulfill minimum requirements set by the RCSVPO;
10. Failure to fulfill the minimum requirements will lead to critical evaluation and actions by
11. Research staff promotion shall be implemented by adopting a separate regulation; Duties and Responsibilities of Research Center/Institute Director

While Research Center Directors shall be accountable to the RPEDand /or their
respective colleges, they shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

1. Developing research strategy (Roadmap) of the Research Center as per the

University directions;
2. Preparing plan (physical and budgetary) of the research center;
3. Coordinating all the RCS activities in the Research Center;
4. Leading research teams in developing RCS projects, products, and services;
5. Monitoring and evaluating RCS projects in the center;
6. Organizing and conducting conferences, seminars, and public lectures;
7. Identifying skill gaps and organizing capacity building activities for research staff;
8. Maintaining and documenting all RCS outputs and materials in appropriate databases;
9. Serving as liaison between researchers and Directorates under the RCSVPO;
10. Identifying gaps and preparing prioritized thematic areas for RCS pertinent to the RC;
11. Facilitating support (human and logistic resources) for implementation of the
planned programs;
12. Maintaining standards in the planning & implementation of RCS activities across its
13. Benchmarking best practices in RCS;
14. Establishing institutional linkage and partnership with stakeholders and collaborators;
15. Coordinating its units and developing project proposal for soliciting funds from
16. Coordinate and facilitate field observation, demonstrations and visits for the
17. Executes other activities as required. Appointment and Term of Office

The RCSVPO convenes the research staff members of the Research Center to conduct
election of the Research Center Director;

1. The Center Director nominees shall have a minimum rank of Assistant Professor;
2. The RCSVPO announces the center director position and ensures participatory
3. Voting by all research center members shall be conducted in secret ballot;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4. Votes from research Centre members shall constitute 75% and the votes from
RCSVPO shall constitute 25%;
5. The President in consultation with RCSVP, shall appoint the Director of the Research
Center among the three nominees that obtained highest score;
6. For section head election, all members of the respective section of the
Research Center shall participate in voting;
7. The Director of the Research Center shall present the three candidates with the highest
score to the RPED;
8. The RPED, in consultation with the Research Centre Director, shall appoint the
section head;
9. The term of office for the Research Center Director and for section heads shall be
three years;
10. After three years, re-election shall take place as indicated above;
11. No director or section head of a research Centre shall serve for more than two
consecutive terms.

2.3 Research Groups/Teams

In order for the University to efficiently accomplish the tasks that underlie its
existence and to perform to the satisfaction of all its stakeholders, it is imperative to
ensure that the activities pertaining to research are coordinated and goal-oriented.
1. All Academic Units and Research Centres shall have Research Groups
in as many programs of study available in the respective unit as possible;
2. Research Groups(RGs) shall be accountable to the Academic Unit’s Research
Council and the Council’s chairperson (RCSUIL-TT VD) and to the Dean and
the Research Centre Director;
3. The RGs shall ensure that research proposals in their respective AUs and
Research Centers are aligned respectively with the AU and RC research
thematic priorities as well as the development needs of the country;
4. The RGs shall be responsible for the management of all forms of funds
pertaining to their own research and shall ensure that the funds are utilized as

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

per the approved research proposal and in compliance with the requirements of
the granting agency;
5. The RGs shall ensure that weekly seminars are included in the academic
calendar of their respective programs of study and that the academic staff
members actively participate in and attend these activities;
6. In cases when members leave the team for various reasons:
a) If members of a research group (all or in part) leave the team for several
reasons, other members professionally most related and qualified shall
replace them. This should be officially endorsed by the Dean of the AU or
director of the research center and copied immediately to the RCSVP
office for the record and for Finance, Plan and Budget Process.
b) Unsettled financial issues pertaining to the leavers should be handled based
on financial regulations of the University. The new members may take over
the issue if members who left the team leave behind documents and
receipts required. However, the new members cannot be responsible for
expenses incurred by the leavers. The remaining finance may be used by
the new team to complete the research, if need be.
c) Authorship of the research results in which leaving individuals have
contributed may include names of leavers depending on the degree of

2.4 Student Research Office

Students of the university shall conduct research whose administration will follow the
following guidelines:

1. Students conduct research for partial fulfillment of the requirements for particular
qualifications under the guidance of advisors;
2. Special sponsorship initiatives may be launched by any Research Center or Academic
Unit or externally funded projects or even the University calling for students to apply
for identified research themes;
3. The RCS UIL-TT Council (with RCSUIL-TTVD) and student advisors shall ensure
the proper utilization of student research funds;

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4. Students shall submit a hard and soft copy of their thesis or dissertation to the funding
RC or RCSVPO or externally funding body/bodies.
a) Masters research proposals shall have one year life span, whereas two
years for PhD dissertations;
b) The roles of theses and dissertation advisors are to only guiding/supervising but
shall not engage in field works equally with students. Budget shall be allocated
only for students’ field and lab works;
c) Per diem can be considered for the theses and dissertation advisors if their close
supervision is found to be mandatory and is confirmed by the Research and
Development Executive Director (when the projects are funded by Research
Centers) and by the deans (when the project is funded by AUs).
d) Graduate student research shall be managed through the RCSVPO;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

3.1 The Research Process
As a university aiming to become a research university, staff members are encouraged
to be engaged in research works. Hence, prioritizing research areas enables researchers to
compete and efficiently utilize the limited resources available. Research as a professional
scientific process, it needs to pass through a number of activities like prioritizing research
agenda, idea initiation, proposal development, reviewing, granting, executing, monitoring
and evaluation, and dissemination.Based on the national policy,directives and strategic plan
of the university, academic units and research centers/institutes shall set short and long-
term research agenda in consultation with stakeholders and customers implementing the
research output. In order to improve the qualities of researches in the university, research
processshallpass through rigorous procedures.

Key issues for consideration:

a) Promoting problem-solving and innovative than basic research,

b) Scaling up problem-solving research findings,
c) Focusing on thematic areas so far identified or that could be potentially identified,
d) Ensuring the relevance of research proposals and projects to the university’s
vision, mission, goals and strategic plan,
e) Ensuring the relevance of research proposals and projects to priority issues of
national and regional development policies,
f) Linking the research focus with Regional, National, and International Research and
Development Institutions,
g) Contributing to the university’s endeavor for qualified human resource and
building research facility capacity,
h) Contributing for a wider participation of the university’s staff and students in research,
i) Ensuring that postgraduate students’ theses are in line with the strategic
objectives of the university,
j) Contributing for regional and national capacity building and development endeavors,

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k) Contributing to the national and regional self-reliancethrough the application of

knowledge and technology,
l) Promoting collaboration among national, continental and international organizations in
education, research and publication,
m) Promoting research ethics in the university.

3.1.1 Pre-granting Processes Prioritizing ResearchThematic Areas

The following guiding principles shall be used for prioritizing research issues in the

1. Research ideas are normally required to be in line with the needs and priorities
of the country, the missions and objectives of the university and the felt needs of the
community at large (demand driven)
2. Thematic areas shall remain the guiding principles for prioritizing research ideas;
3. Themes in Research Centers/Institutes shall be multidisciplinary/holistic and with
wider scopes;
4. Guidelines for prioritizing research issues may be set by the RCSVPO in consultation
with the AUs and RCs/institutes and approved by the Senate;
5. RPED shall periodically prioritize, facilitate and/or revise its research activities and
inform the priorities to the RCSVPO, AU and RCs;
6. Each Center, AU, RCs should continuously inform, facilitate and consult the
researchers’ works are in line with the set priority areas. Initiation of Research Ideas

The following guiding principles shall be usedfor initiation of research ideas:

1. All research ideas shall originate from the existing thematic areas;
2. Multidisciplinary research is appreciated;
3. In multidisciplinary research proposals, the contribution and use of research funds
may be agreed upon by each side during the planning stage;
4. In multidisciplinary research proposals, there shall be a minimum of three sub-
themes and a minimum of two researchers per sub-theme. The maximum number

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of researchers in any mega project shall not be more than twelve. However, based
on the nature of the research and convincing reasons, the maximum number of
researchers shall be decided by the RCSVP office;
5. In the Research proposal initiation, female members should be included taking in
to account their real contribution in the project. In case there are no female
investigators with real contribution in the issue, the proposal should be considered
with sound justification;
6. A research project initiated with only female investigators should be considered if
the minimum requirement is satisfied;
7. In the research proposal initiation, at least one stakeholder should be included.The
maximum number of the stakeholder members shall not be more than the number
of sub-themes in the proposal. Note that the stakeholders should have a credible
written evidence to be included;
8. A teaching staff shall not be involved in more than one multidisciplinary research
project as a principal investigator and in more than two as a co-investigator at a
time. However, based on the nature of the project, the RCSVP office shall give
special decision;
9. The maximum number of years to complete a mega project shall not be more than
two years. Nevertheless, based on the nature of the project, special decision shall
be given by RCSVP office regarding the project duration;
10. In multidisciplinary research proposals, the budget allocation for the proposal
shall be based on the nature of the research activities and agreement;
11. Research projects shall be prepared, reviewed and made ready in the previous
fiscal year;
12. In the research proposals the role and responsibility of each investigators should
be clearly indicated or included so as to avoid duplication of efforts or resources;
13. The team of researchers should choose one of the researchers in the list as the
principal investigator with consensus, or other ways, and the rest as co-

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14. If members agree that they contribute equally, that must be made clear (in
writing) to both the respective Academic Unit RCS UIL-TT VD/center
director and RCSVP office at the initiation stage;
15. However, there shall always be one person who represents the team for
ease of communication, even when they all agree to contribute equally;
16. In the case of multidisciplinary research the theme members shall have “team
charter” on the project;
17. Contentsof the research proposal shall follow the research proposal format
of the University (Appendix 1).
18. If the proposal initiators believe that the proposal has ethical concerns, it should be
submitted to the Institutional Research ReviewOffice simultaneously using the
formats (Appendix9). Research Proposal Review Process

The following guidelines shall be used in the Research Proposal Review Processes of the

1. Research Group(s) or initiators who wish to participate in research grant competition

should submit the developed proposals to the office of Academic Unit RCS UIL-TT
VD, Research Center/Institute Directors as per the deadline set by the University;
2. The Research Council shall check for conformity of the proposals with the guideline,
thematic areas and formats(Appendix 1);
3. In each Academic Unit/Research Center, several research proposal peer reviewer
teams may be set up, as required, by the Academic Unit RCS UIL-TT VD discussing
with the Research Council;
4. Peer reviewers shallbe chosen based on relatedness in fields of study and professional
5. The Research Council can also assign anonymous reviewers instead of review team
formation, if reviewer team formation is not feasible;
6. Anonymous review of proposals shall be practiced. However, open review of
proposals shall be practiced if supported by the majority of the Research Coordination
Group in the Unit/Center/Institutes;

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7. For each proposal, three anonymous reviewers shall be assigned;

8. The reviewers should strictly follow the guideline and submit their evaluation report
according to the formats approved (Appendices 2&3);
9. When bias is identified in the review process, immediate corrective action shall be
taken by the Research Council;
10. Project initiators shall defend the proposal in public and all members of a project
proposal shall avail themselves during the proposal defense ;
11. The Research Council and/or the review teams who did the reviewing shall check it
out if the comments forwarded during the defense are incorporated;
12. The proposal should be reviewed by the Institutional Research Institutional
ReviewBoard if the proposal has ethical concerns;
13. The review process shall strictly be adhered to and no step shall be skipped unless
otherwise agreed up on in writing on the basis of tangible reasons;
14. Research proposals or projects shall be rejected at any level of the review process if
plagiarism is confirmed and reviewers may suggestother disciplinary measures;
15. For research proposals, the proposal peer reviewers shall be paid an equivalent of 0.75
credit hours per proposal. Note that the maximum number of proposals reviewed by a
reviewer is three;
16. All the above forums and venues shall be arranged by the Research Council led by the
RCSUIL-TT VD of each AUs and Center Director for each Research Center;
17. Each project may undergo the review processes in other institutions in the Region
( For example: Agriculture Research Center, Health Research Institute and others
when needed);
18. For those research proposals with ethical concerns, ethical clearance shall be
submitted with the final proposals;
19. The final decision of acceptance for a mega project shall be given centrally by
Research Standing Committee/Council established by the RCSVP office;

3.1.2 Research Granting

The fund release for proposed research projects shall be done based on the following

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

1. The Research Council of the respective AUs and RCs shall approve the research
progress and final accomplishment. The hard and soft copies (final copies) of funded
projects shall be copied to the Publication, Documentation and Dissemination
2. Fund release for approved research proposals is authorized by the RCSVPO in
situations whereby funds are centrally administered or by Deans of respective
Academic Units when the budget allocated is decentralized;
3. The fund allocated for a theme shall be distributed to the individual research proposals
that are under the theme;
4. A research contract shall be signed (Appendix4)between the researchers and the
University as well as the funding agency when the project has been approved
irrespective of the source of funding;
5. When there is an interest of joint ownership of research results, the contract shall be
between the researcher as one party and joint financiers as the other party and the
6. Funds are released for approved research proposals in two installments (50% of the
budget for first installment and 50% for second installment) for researches to be
completed in one fiscal year;
7. If a research proposal has special nature and requires allocation of more than 50% of
the budget for the first installment, it shall be approved by the Research and
Publication Executive Director and/or RCSVP;
8. Second installment shall be released up on submission of sufficient and sound
progress report to the RC director or AURCSUIL-TT VD or Research and Publication
Executive Director, and expenses from the previous installment payment shall be
settled in accordance with the relevant financial procedures of the university;
9. If a research project is conducted for more than a year, the budget allocation shall be
only for each year, based on the budget breakdown in the proposal.

3.1.3 Post granting Administration of Research

The research activities in the university shall be administered based on the following
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

1. The progress of each research activity shall be reported by the Principal Investigator
(PI) or the Coordinator at the regular biannual reports and submitted to the RCS UIL-
TT VD or Center Director or Research and publication Executive Director;
2. Progress reports shall be prepared following the format (Appendix 5);
3. If the monitoring and evaluation indicates that a project has not been going as planned
or if there exists some fraud, the RCS UIL-TT Council or Research Center
Directors/ Research and Publication Executive Director may enforce the return
of previously taken budget, and if necessary, pursuit legal suit.
4. The financial administration of research funds shall be governed by the existing
financial policy and procedures of the University and such other relevant
guidelines as may be issued by the RCSVPO upon approval by the Senate;
5. It is mandatory for all full-time teaching staff at University to conduct research and
publish at least one research article every two years in peer reviewed reputable
journals.However, Research staff shall publish at least one research article
every year in peer reviewed reputable journals;
6. Researchers of other organizations working with the university staff shall not be
assigned as Principal Investigators; they shall not withdraw research budget or shall
not request ownership of intellectual property rights arising from the research output,
unless clearly stated initially;
7. The university teaching staff, studying their graduate program in the same
university, shall be involved in research projects only in topics related to their
8. Academic staff with accepted research proposal shall inform the department head and
RCSUIL-TT VD of the respective Academic Unit to get the stipulated exemption of
classes in a given semester and adjust teaching loads;
9. Completed research report shall be submitted to the RCSUIL-TT VD or Research
Center Director. The final approval shall be made by the Research and Publication
Executive Director;
10. For centrally funded researches, the completed research report shall be submitted to
Research and Publication Executive Director;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

11. The Deans shall facilitate the RCSUIL-TT activities, support the RCSUIL-TT vice
deans and incorporate RCSUIL-TT activities in the main report;
12. Research results shall be communicated to responsible community members and
implementers or other concerned stakeholders;
13. If a research project is discontinued due to justified reasons, or if the work is not
properly carried out within the planned time table, the researcher should return the
unutilized money to the university;
14. Once research proposals are approved, funds may be utilized according to the
approved itemized budget breakdown and according tothe work plan. Researchers
should strictly adhere to cost breakdowns indicated in each proposal. However,
budget transfers may be allowed in consultation with RCSUIL-TT VD, RC
Directors, Deans, and Research and Publication Executive Director.
15. Once a research project is approved and budget is secured, the researcher cannot
change the approved location, the work plan, methodology or objective of the study
without informing and getting permission from the RCSUIL-TT Council or RCSUIL-
TT VD or RC Director or Research and Publication Executive Director;
16. When a Principal Investigator (PI) leaves the university, without completing a
research work, the PI or RC or AU or Research and Publication Executive Director
shall delegate a person from the co-investigators or other professionally relevant
researcher (Appendix 7);
17. A researcher who has received research fund either from the university or other
funding agencies which have agreement with the university is obliged to submit a hard
and soft copies of the final result and settle financial matters to the RCSVPO. Unless
these are proven, the individual shall not receive another university grant; shall be
denied clearance when leaving the University in any manner (scholarship, transfer,
pension, etc…). Research Extension

The Research team can request to RCS UIL-TT VD or RC director or RPED to extend the
research undertaking but this will be accepted if the research activities are not completed
within the planned period and if there is concrete and convincing reasons for this such as:
when vital research inputs are not fulfilled, the conditions are beyond the control of the

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

researchers, and if the research is related to a specific season. The researcher is entitled to
request extension for reasonable period of time by completing the annexed extension request
format (Appendix 11). Monitoring and Evaluation

Within each project and management system, monitoring and evaluation(M &E) are essential
for two reasons. They provide information on how the project is functioning to report to
supervisors and executes but also to illustrate the lessons learned in a project. Often one
function is stressed above the other, but both are equally important and need to be given the
appropriate level of importance. Monitoring and evaluation are key instruments to encourage
ongoing learning for the improvement interventions. The benefits of conducting good M & E
include improvement in management and performance in terms of effectiveness, efficiency
and value for money and an increased accountability and transparency. The ultimate aim of
monitoring and evaluation is to learn what has worked and what has not. Hence, monitoring
and evaluation of research in the university shall be made based on the following guidelines
1. Proper implementation/execution of each project is the responsibility of those
involved in theresearch;
2. The RCS UIL-TT Council or RCSUIL-TTVD or RC Director or the Research and
Publication ExecutiveDirector shall ensure the steady implementation of research
proposals on a regular basis;
3. Submitting regular progress reports to RCSUIL-TTVD or RC Directors or Research
and PublicationExecutive Director is mandatory;
4. The researcher shall submit progress report using the format (Appendix 5 to the
RCSUIL-TTVD or RCDirector or Research and publication Executive Director every
quarter or as required;
5. Any concerned body in the university shall supervise research activities in the field
and/orlaboratory at any time for appropriate utilization of fund, correct use of
methods, location, etc.;
6. The results of each project should be presented as progress report in seminars,
conferences andeventually every effort shall be made to publish it in peer-reviewed
reputable journals;

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7. Successfully completed and verified results shall be transferred to end users through
training,demonstration, communication using various media, etc. This shall be decided
by a jointdiscussion by the researcher, RCSUIL-TT Council or RCSUIL-TTVD or the
RC Director or the Research andPublication Executive Director inconsultation with
the UIL-TT Director;
8. Written feedback shall be provided for reports presented on the progress of researches
by theRCSUIL-TT Council or RCSUIL-TTVD or RCDirectors or Research and
Publication Executive Director asmuch as possible;
9. Any good practices and challenges of research activities will be documented and
communicatedfor future use;
10. Researchers shall present their terminal report in public before submission (Appendix
11. RCSUIL-TT Council or Research Center Directors/Research and Publication
Executive Director shall regularly assess/evaluate the planned research activities based
on the outcomes of the evaluation;
12. For completed researches, forum/conference shall be organized at AU or RC or
university level to select potential research works which are competent enough to be
presented at national or international conferences organized by the university.
13. The selected research results from number 12 shall be presented on one of the
conferences that the University organizes. Output, Outcome and Impact Assessment of the Research Result

The University shall use the following two alternative approaches to monitor and evaluate
the effect of its research activities:

1. Tracking forwards: from the completed research to see where and how it is
communicated, and to what effect. Tracking forwards, the university will decide
where to look for effects and use the under listed five categories to capture the
multi-dimensional nature of its research output.
a) Knowledge production (e.g. peer-reviewed papers)
b) Research capacity building (e.g. career development)
c) Policy or product development (e.g. input in to official guidelines or protocols)

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

d) Sector benefits (e.g. impacts on specific client groups)

e) Wider social benefit (e.g. economic benefits from increased population health
or productivity)
2. Tracking background: examining policy choices, organizational management
and professional practice to explore how research is sought out and used in these
areas, and to what effect. For tracking backgrounds, the university may undertake
interviews with research end users by deploying different mechanisms.

3.1.4 Research Audit

A research audit shall be conducted by RCSVPO once every three to five years to assess how
well the theme and the college/faculty/school, research centers/institutes met the university’s
research vision and mission. The areas which the audit should focus on includes:

1. The scope and extent of the research activity

2. The strengths and weaknesses of research activity
3. The effectiveness of the training provided to the emerging/ junior researchers
4. A financial report on revenue and expenditure. The report should also include the
names of major sponsors, clients and stakeholders
5. The focus and future direction of the research activity
6. The quality and quantity of outcomes of the research outputs
7. Linkages/ relations to other clusters of the university and other research

On the basis of the findings, a strategy to improve their research performance is drawn up.
The audit report and strategy are submitted to the senate for approval.

3.2 Credit Calculation

When the university staff are engaged in mega research activities, the credit calculation for
the research task shall be as follows:

1. Three Credit Hours shall be allotted for the principal investigator,

2. One credit hour shall be allotted for each co-investigator,

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

3. The maximum number of credit hours allotted for a researcher is three credit hours
regardless of the number of projects (research, community service and technology
transfer)he is involved in,
4. In the event of equal contribution of researchers for a project, each researcher shall
receive 1.5credit hours,
5. Credits are counted every semester throughout the life of the project,
6. Credit benefits shall be considered only when the Vice Dean or director receives
sufficient confirmation that the research activity is carried out as originally planned,
7. For the purpose of credit benefits, suspended or delayed researches (for justifiable
reasons) shall be renewed as new in the year the researchers are ready for the work,
8. Credit benefits shall not be considered for terminated, suspended, delayed or
improperly executed research proposals.

3.3 Ethical and Environmental Considerations

In the development of strong research culture, the university and academic staff should
observe the ethical and environmental considerations in research undertakings. Hence, the
ethical and environmental considerations of research in the university shall be governed by
the following guidelines:
1. Any research undertaking in the university should give due consideration to the
respect of the rights and values of people, communities, nationalities, ethnic groups,
and animal welfare and the environment;
2. All research proposals including clinical trials involving, humans, animals,
environment, new drugs and other new biological products, sensitive issues such as
HIV/AIDS and mental illnesses shall obtain ethical clearance;
3. National and international standards, procedures, conventions and treaties shall be
respected to minimize/avoid negative impacts of research on the environment;
4. Ethical considerations shall be made when dealing with human subjects. Individual’s
consent and his identities shall be kept confidential or anonymous unless with their
informed consent;
5. For under age children, ethical considerations shall be dealt with their

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

6. Ethical issues in research shall be handled and cleared by the RCSVPO or its
7. The RCSVPO shall establish Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University level;
8. AUs and Research Centers shall establish their own Institutional Review Committee

3.3.1 The Institutional Review Board (IRB)

1. The IRBis accountable to the RCSVP;
2. The IRB shall consist of representative from various disciplines such as: Health,
Social Science, Science, Law, Agriculture and Environment and also concerned
community representatives;
3. The IRB members should not consist entirely of men or entirely of women;
4. The Board can also nominate other members or consult other bodies for specific
5. The RCSVP assigns the chairperson;
6. The members of the IRB elect the secretary;
7. Quorum: the quorum will consist of 5 of the 9 members. In the absence of
theChairperson, the secretary acts on his behalf. Moreover Professional qualifications
of the quorum requirements should consist of: At least one member whose primary
area of expertise is in a non-scientific area, one medical scientist and at least one
member who is independent of the institution/research site;
8. Meeting: The committee meets once in a month. The chairperson, however, will call
an extra ordinary meeting at any time as deemed necessary;
9. Ethical clearance procedures follow international laws such as the Declaration of
Helsinki and the Ethical Clearance Guideline developed by the Ethiopian Science and
Technology Agency;
10. Deadline for ethical clearance: The Committee shall declare project proposals
cleared in less than 1month period;
11. Ethics of the IRB: All documents that reach the IRB shall be strictly confidential;
12. The RCSVP represents the IRB in the Senate meeting.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

3.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities of Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) shall:
1. Administer and execute the Ethical Clearance aspects of the research projects at the
University and requested local clearance funded by other agents;
2. Facilitate the establishment of representative pools of eligible Institutional Review
Committee (IRC) in AUs and Research Centers;
3. Support and guide the Institutional Review Committees (IRC);
4. Consider author (s) appeal in case of discontent with the rejection of paper by the IRC;
5. Consults experts in relation to Ethical aspects and updates on national and
international standards;
6. IRB and IRC develop working ethical guideline (directives);
7. Facilitate capacity building trainings for members of IRB,IRC, staff members and
other relevant stakeholders; Duties and Responsibilities of Institutional Review Committee (IRC)

Institutional Review Committee shall be established in relevant AUs and Research Centers.
The committee shall;
1. IRC shall have 5 members who will be selected based on merit with relevant
2. Be accountable to the respective academic unit or Research Center/Institute;
3. Be responsible for reviewing the ethical issues of research projects in their respective
4. Be responsible to implement directives prepared by the IRB based on national and
international standards;
5. Assess whether or not the research project is within the procedural and ethical
standards of the IRB directives;
6. Review research proposals of ethical concern, issue clearance certificate and copy for
7. Monitor each project for its ethical implementation in consultation with RCS UIL-
TTVD or Research Center directors;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

3.3.3 Membership requirements for IRB

1. New members shall be nominated by members of IRBand approved by RCSVP;

2. The RCSVPO is responsible for handling the appointment of committee members

proposed by the ethical committee;

3. Members are selected in their personal capacities, based on their interest, ethical
and/or scientific training, knowledge and expertise, as well as on their commitment
and willingness to volunteer the necessary time and effort for the IRBwork;

4. Members must disclose in writing any interest or involvement-financial,

professional or otherwise – in a project or proposal under consideration;

5. The IRBwill decide the extent to which members that might have a conflict of
interest may participate in bringing out an advice/decision, refer to SOP (Standard
Operating Procedure)of the university-Confidentiality/Conflict of Interest

6. Members shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement at the start of their


7. The confidentiality agreement protects the privacy and confidentiality of all parties
whose information may be disclosed to the IRBin the course of its work;

8. Members are appointed for a period of 3 years;

9. Their appointments may be renewed by the RCSVP for up to two consecutive


10. The Ethical Committee will include some rotation after a period of three-years for
up to two consecutive terms, but it will also strive to ensure continuity within
theuniversity IRB by staggering replacement of members.

3.3.4 Resignation, Disqualification and Replacement of Members

1. Members may resign their positions by submitting a letter of resignation to the

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

2. Members may also be disqualified from continuance. The Chairperson should

provide written arguments to the (other) members and there should be unanimous
3. Members that have resigned or have been disqualified may be replaced by
selection and appointment of new members proposed by the ethical committee.

3.3.5 Officers
The following officers through their respective responsibilities contribute to the good
functioning of theIRB:

1. Chairperson: responsible to chair the meetings and liaise directly with the
RCSVP, report the meeting outcomes to the RCSVP, invite independent
consultants to provide special expertise to the IRBon proposed research
protocol.The chairperson shall have a 3 credit hours load reduction;

2. Vice-Chairperson: responsible to chair the meetings in the absence of the

Chairperson and act as vice-chair during meetings with the Chairperson. The
chairperson shall have a 3 credit hours load reduction;

3. Secretary: responsible for the administrative aspect of the IRBand shall have all
the benefits of an officeras per the rules of the university;

4. The officers are elected by the IRBmembers for one year term. They may be re-
elected but not for more than two consecutive terms. Should they resign or be
disqualified; the IRBmembers elect a replacement until the completion of the
normal term;

5. All academic members of the IRB shall have a three credit hour load reduction.
However, the university shall design an incentive modality for IRB nonacademic


1. The Secretariat is composed of the IRBsecretary and the administrative supporting

2. The supporting staff are staff members of the university recruited by the RCSVPO.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

3. The Secretariat shall have the following responsibilities:

a) Organizing an effective and efficient tracking procedure for each proposal
b) Preparation, maintenance and distribution of study files,
c) Organizing regular university IRBmeetings,
d) Preparation and maintenance of meeting agenda and minutes,
e) Maintaining IRBdocumentation and archives,
f) Communication with the IRBmembers and applicants,
g) Arrangement of training for personnel and IRB members,
h) Organizing the preparation, review, revision and distribution of guidelines,
i) Providing the necessary administrative support for the IRBrelated activities
to the Chairperson of the Committee,
j) Providing updates on relevant and contemporary issues related to ethics in
research, as well as relevant contemporary literature to the Committee

3.3.6 Dissolving of the IRB

1. The RCSVP, following written notification to each of the members, may also dissolve the
IRBat any time,
2. Upon the university breach of ethics,
3. Upon failure to perform duties and responsibilities specified in guideline.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


4.1 Rationale
The major objectives of establishing journals, bulletins, working papers and proceedings in
the university are:
1. To encourage, stimulate and promote research among members of the academic
2. To provide scientific and technological information for the staff of the University,
national and international level at large,
3. To disseminate research results to the scientific community and other end users,
4. To arrange a forum to share observations, experiences and ideas,
5. To serve as a plat form for researchers active in various development fields,
6. To introduce the various academic and scientific activities of the University to
academic and other organizations,
7. To nurture the "academic culture" among professional staff at the University.

4.2 Editorial Board

1. Each journal published in the University shall have its own Editorial Board, Advisory
Board, Editor-in-chief, Associate Editor (s), Managing Editor (if needed) and policies
that go in line with the overall University’s rules and regulations;
2. Individual publications (journals) established in different AUs shall report to the
Office of Publication, Documentation and Dissemination Directorate and shall be
deposited in the institutional repository system;
3. The minimum number of manuscript per issue for a journal publication is five (five
full length articles or four full length articles and one short communication/book
review/case report);
4. A journal shall publish a minimum of two issues (one volume) per year;
5. Online publication of journals should be encouraged;
6. Publications shall be peer-reviewed original articles, review articles, brief
communications, case reports, book reviews and letters;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4.2.1 Election of the Editorial Board (EB) Members

Editorial board (EB) members include the Editor-in-chief, Associate Editors, RCSUIL-TT
VD and Managing Editor (optional). RCSUIL-TT VD shall serve as a secretary of the EB.
The minimum requirement to be elected for EB member is a master’s degree and at least five
articles in peer reviewed reputable journals or PhD with minimum three articles in peer
reviewed reputable journals. The election of the Editorial Board members shall be based on
the following guidelines:

1. The dean and RCS UIL-TT VDof AU, directors of Research Centers or Publication,
Documentation and Dissemination Director shall invite or nominate its potential
faculty staff members to apply for Editor-in-Chief election;
2. The Academic Commission of the AU,members of the research center, or
management members of RCSVPO shall vote to elect the Editor-in-Chief;
3. The dean in consultation with RCSUIL-TT VD will appoint one of the three top
scored applicants as Editor-in-Chief;
4. The Editor-in-Chief and RCSUIL-TT VD shall invite or nominate potential Associate
Editors from university wide;
5. The Editor-in-Chief and RCSUIL-TT VD shall decide the number of relevant
Associate Editors; and the minimum number of Associate Editors should be four;
6. The Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the RCSUIL-TT VD shall select Associate
Editors from the applicants and voluntary nominees;
7. If the publication office becomes larger, a full time managing editor can be hired;
8. The term of office for the editorial board members shall be three consecutive years.
However, an EB member could be elected for a second term.
9. If the Editor-in-Chief is efficient and willing to extend his service years, the dean and
RCSUIL-TT VD of AU, directors of Research Centers or Publication, Documentation
and Dissemination Directorin consultation of the RCSVPO can allow his extension

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board (EB)

While the Editorial Board (EB) shall be accountable to the dean/director of the Academic
Unit, Research Centers, or Research and Publication Executive Director it shall have the
following duties and responsibilities:
1. Approves layout of the journal;
2. Reviews and/or edits all received manuscripts that would be published as original
articles or short communication;
3. Decides on whether a manuscript should be rejected or be reviewed as an original
article or short communication;
4. Chooses two or more reviewers;
5. The EB shall assign an Associate Editor-in-Chief from Associate Editors;
6. The EB may select topics for review articles and invites experts in the field to prepare
a review manuscript;
7. Works to improve the quality and regularity of the journal;
8. Designs ways of improving the dissemination or circulation of the journal;
9. Searches financial support for the journal. Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief of a journal in the University shall have the following duties and
1. Calls and chairs EB meetings’
2. Develops draft formats of the journal to be approved by the EB;
3. Receives and registers all manuscripts;
4. Reviews the manuscript’s conformity and its scope, then decides rejection or sends to
an associate editor for review process;
5. Responsible for communications with the corresponding author;
6. Maintains the quality and regularity of the journal, and its availability online and in
7. Responsible for all communications regarding the journal;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

8. Reports the journal’s publication activities to the Editorial Board or deans, RCSUIL-
TT VD of AU, directors of Research Centers or Publication, Documentation and
Dissemination Director;
9. Sends reminders to corresponding author/s;
10. Sends manuscripts to Associate Editors for reviewers;
11. He shall be paid an equivalent of6 cr. hrsper issue published. Duties and Responsibilities of Associate Editor(s) and Associate Editor-in-Chief

The Associate Editor (s) and Associate Editor-in-Chief of a journal shall have the following
duties and responsibilities:
1. The Associate Editor-in-Chief shall carry the functions of the editor-in-chief in his/her
2. Associate editors shall secure potential reviewers;
3. Once reviewers are selected by the Editorial Board (EB), the associate editor in his/her
respective discipline shall communicate (send manuscripts and receive comments)
with reviewers;
4. The associate editor sends reminders to reviewers;
5. The Associate Editor receives manuscripts from the Editor-in-Chief and sends
comments of reviewers to the Editor-in-Chief;
6. An Associate Editor shall be paid an equivalent to 3 cr. hrs per issue published.

4.3 Advisory Board Members

Experts living in Ethiopia or abroad shall be selected (based on national and international
experience in research) by the EB as editorial consultants after they agree to work in that
capacity. They shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
1. The Advisory Board evaluates the quality of the journal and assess whether it meets
acceptable standards;
2. The Advisory Board gives feedback to the editorial board on ways of improving the
standard of the journal;
3. Board members shall popularize the journal in their own and other institutions.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4.4 Manuscript Review Procedures

When manuscripts are submitted for journal editors, they shall pass through the following
rigorous review procedures:
1. The Editor-in-Chief acknowledges the receipt of a manuscript within one week;
2. Review form shall be prepared which the reviewers fill and return along with the
3. The EB shall have three options of decisions: ‘accept manuscripts for external
review’, ‘return it to author for revision’, or ‘reject it’;
4. The EB also decides on whether a manuscript is to be accepted as original article, brief
communication, case report or review article etc…;
5. Once accepted for external review, the associate editor in the respective discipline
identifies one reviewer (for brief communications /case reports etc…) and at least two
reviewers (for original articles) with appropriate expertise;
6. Reviewers will be requested to review and return the manuscript within four weeks of
their receipt;
7. Reviewers shall report their decisions based on the evaluation form as to ‘accept as it
is’, ‘accept with minor revision’, ‘accept with major revision’, or ‘reject’;
8. The RCSUIL-TT council shall be in charge of preparing proceedings without any
additional payment.
9. If a manuscript is accepted with modifications, it will be returned to the author for
10. Rejected manuscripts will be returned to the author(s);
11. Manuscripts accepted without modification and with minor revision, revised by the
authors to the best satisfaction of the editorial board shall be accepted for publication;
12. Manuscripts accepted with ‘major revision’ revised by authors shall be sent to
previous reviewers for proper incorporation of comments. If approved by reviewers
and the EB, the manuscript shall be accepted for publication;
13. For incorporation of comments for ‘minor revision’ a maximum of two weeks will be
14. In the review process the authors' and reviewer's anonymity is preserved (double blind

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

15. Manuscripts accepted by both reviewers with or without minor editorial revision shall
be edited by one EB member and then presented to the Editor-in-Chief;
16. Manuscripts accepted with major revision by one or more reviewers will be sent to the
author (s) for revision. Authors should re-submit the revised manuscript in four weeks
17. If a manuscript is rejected by one of the reviewer but accepted (with minor or major
revision) by the other reviewer, the final decision shall be made by EB;
18. A manuscript rejected by two reviewers shall be rejected, and rejected manuscripts
will be returned to authors;
19. Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. They should be checked and
returned to the Editorial Office as soon as possible within two weeks after receipt.
Delay in returning corrected proofs may result in the paper being held over to the next
issue. At this stage, corrections must be limited only to essential and editorial
20. The priority of articles for publication shall be decided by the EB based on the order
of submission of the manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief;
21. Volumes and issue number may be posted online as well as printed in paper;
22. Electronic copies of the published paper will be sent to the author(s);
23. For manuscript reviewing (original article),each reviewer shall be paid a 0.625 credit
hours per manuscript reviewed.For brief communications, case reports etc… each
reviewer shall be paid a0.3125 credit hour per documentreviewed;
24. Reviewers of research papers (presented on conferences) shall be paid a 0.375 credit
hours payment per conferencepaper reviewed. Two reviewers shall be assigned for a
conference paper;
25. The maximum number of papers reviewed per issue or conference per reviewer shall
not be more than three.
26. All payments related to review shall be paid as per the agreement (Appendix 10).

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4.5 Reputability of Journals Published in the University

Journals published in the university shall be given the status of reputability based on the
following guidelines:
1. Reputability of a journal published in the University shall be officially declared by the
University Senate
2. An Academic Unit or Research Center, after publishing its second volume
consequently or above, can request reputability status for the journal it administers;
3. The request for journal reputability shall be presented to the RCSVPO;
4. The RCSVPO shall rate the journal against the criteria stated in (Appendix 8)and
present to the University Senate for final approval;
5. The RCSVPO shall reveal the list and status of all reputable journals published in the
6. An Academic Unit or Research Center shall present a request to the RCSVPO for the
renewal of reputability of its journal before three months of its due date of conditional
acceptance expires;
7. Based on the criteria in (Appendix 8), Journals shall have one of the following three
a. Total score greater than 25 points shall be reputable for three consecutive years;
b. Total scores from 20–25 points shall be conditionally reputable for one year;
c. Total scores below 20 points shall not be reputable and will be assessed after a
8. The University Senate provides reputability recognition starting from the first
published issue presented during the reputability request.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


5.1 Facilities
In order to create a strong research culture that would help the university to realize its vision,
the necessary research facilities should be put in place. Hence, the university shall:
1. Facilitate the availability of important research resources such as laboratories,
equipment, consumables and fieldwork logistics such as vehicles and boats;
2. Facilitate the availability of experimental or demonstration sites (for agriculture,
aquaculture, tissue culture etc…);
3. Facilitate the availability of better offices, computers and internet access for
4. Facilitate the subscription of some important publications;
5. Facilitate the establishment of museums to keep safely the collections brought during
some research works/expeditions;
6. Establish research village for its Research Centers as deemed necessary;
7. Establish linkage with other regional, national and international research institutions.

5.2 Knowledge and Skill Development

A thriving research culture can be developed in the university when the research capacity of
the staff (knowledge and skills) is continuously improved. Hence,the university shall:
1. Organize short term and long term trainings on research methodology, research
proposal writing, large grant writing, data analysis techniques and utilization of
statistical software, skills of writing for publication, and computer skills for
2. Organize trainings on project management skills for researchers and grant winners;
3. Organize trainings on skills of writing manuscripts for publication and research ethics;
4. Organize workshops, seminars and conferences and encourage its staff to present their
findings in these avenues;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

5. Support its staff members to present their findings in national and international
6. Organize or assist short term study/research visit scholarships (locally and abroad) for
the staff;
7. Assist, when requested by AUs/Research Centers, PhD students for short term
study/research visit scholarships (locally and abroad) and when approved by the
RCSVPO and the University President;
8. Facilitate networks among researchers in the university and outside through formation
of institutional collaborations among various research institutions;
9. Encourage joint (multi institutional) grant proposal developments;
10. Organize training (for researchers) on Intellectual Property Right (IPR);

5.3 The Involvement of Women in Research

In order to address the longstanding developmental problems of women and bring women
onboard to the development arena, and maintain gender equity at all levels the university
1. Duly consider gender issue during the thematic area preparation;
2. Strongly encourage women staff involvement during Project developments;
3. Involve at least one woman staff or PhD student (unless no women expert is available
in the area) during team formation for international and national grant competitions;
4. Give special emphasis for women capacity building in research.

5.4 Academic and Research Discourse

In a university where the staff and students (mainly graduate students) are expected to be
engaged in research activities, there should be different avenues (like seminars) for academic
and research discourses. Hence academic and research discourses should follow the following
guidelines so that such discourses will contribute for the development of thriving academic
and research culture:

1. Seminar calendar shall be put in place as applicable (e.g. every week or 2 weeks) in all
Academic Units and Research Centers;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

2. Seminar participants shall include staff, students (especially postgraduate) and guest
3. RCS UIL-TT VD and/or the Research Council shall encourage all academic staff and
graduate students (senior) to submit presentation topics to the department or Academic
4. The departments or AUs shall select presenters and RCS UIL-TT VD shall then
prepare a seminar calendar for a semester. The seminar calendar shall be posted on-
line and on notice boards for all staff members and graduate students;
5. At least three days before each seminar, the department head or the RCSUIL-TT VD
shall announce(remind) the presenters and their topics for presentation to all staff
members and graduate students;
6. At each seminar day, one or more research outputs or other relevant issues for
academic discourse shall be presented;
7. It is mandatory for all full-time academic staff and postgraduate (especially PhD)
students to present a seminar topic at least once a year;
8. It is mandatory for all academic staff and postgraduate students to attend regular
seminars; department heads or RCSUIL-TT VD or RC Directors are responsible to
document the attendance;
9. All staff members and graduate students shall be free from classes on seminar days
throughout the semester;
10. The RCSUIL-TT VD or RC Directors shall keep record of seminar presentations and
collect staff attendance from the department heads and report to the Research and
Publication Executive Director of the University;
11. It is mandatory for Postdoctoral/ PhD/ MSc/ MA/ returnees to present their work in
weekly seminars;
12. RCs shall conduct their own seminar sessions on a day other than the seminar day of
the AU;
13. Each Academic Unit and Research Center shall have Research Week every year to
review research proposals, evaluate research project progress or final reports or to
make an exhibition of technology outputs.
14. The university shall organize annual international or national research conference/s

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

a. Conference paper presenters shall be paid a lump sum of 2,000.00 (two

thousand birr) for the university staff and 2,000.00 ETB (two thousand birr) for
staff from another institution provided that the presenters are willing to submit
their full article before presentation so that it will be published in the
proceeding of the conference OR the paper presented is already published in
Science indexed Journalsin the year of the conference or a year before. In
addition, staff from another institution shall be given accommodation and
transportation cost. If the conference organizers generate funds from sources
other than the host university regular budget, they may decide on the payment
b. Key note speakers shall be paid a lump sum of 5,000.00 (five thousand birr). In
a conference, a maximum of two key note speakers shall be selected, one of
which shall be the university staff. The conference organizing committee shall
nominate key note speakers based on merit and appropriateness to the theme of
the conference. The selection of key note speakers shall be approved by the
Academic Commission of the respective AU and by the RCSVPO for research

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Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


6.1 Ethiopian Government/Ministry of Education

The University receives research budget from the Federal Government of Ethiopia and it shall
allocate annually a considerable amount of budget for research. This budget is utilized by
staff, students (for thesis research), academic staff on study leave, and for publications of
journals, proceedings, and for administration of research. The source of these funds may be
from Government treasury or from externally searched research and development grants.
Other governmental organizations may also fund some of the projects according to
agreements reached. Especially RCs are highly required to win externally funded projects for
(in principle) the research grant from the university will gradually diminish and ultimately

6.2 External Sources

Individual researchers also receive grants from different organizations and other partnership
and linkage programs with sister universities overseas. The university should solicit funding
organizations or encourage and facilitate researchers to compete for local, national and
international funding calls. Depending on the nature of the project the university shall look for
funding from external or international sources and encourage individual researchers to look
for funding from external and international sources;
1. This shall apply to researches that are going to be financed by sources other than the
University (may be in the country or abroad);
2. All research and development project proposals to be submitted to funding agencies
for financialsupport other than the university may pass through the relevant Academic
Unit (or ResearchCenter) and the progress copied to RCSVPO of the University. This
is important for legalconditions, follow up, documentation issues, information
exchange, facilitation for request ofauthorities for the conduct of the research, ethical
clearance, etc.;
3. After completion the results of such studies shall be communicated to the relevant
bodies such asAUs, RCs, or RCSVPO;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4. The RCSVPO shall facilitate externally funded projects;

5. A reasonable rate of benefit may be authorized to researchers who secure research
funds fromexternal sources. The details shall be worked out based on the incentives
policy of the University;
6. Detailed procedures outlined under ‘Administration of Research’ section of the
Guideline shall be observed;
7. Once the research project is approved by the grant provider, the researcher(s) shall
receive anofficial letter from the Academic Unit or Research Center through the
RCSVPO, individually orin a group. The researcher(s) then will be able to get
financial, personnel and procurementservices from the University;
8. Unless the donor strictly forbids, the University will charge a maximum of 10% of the
total project cost forproject administration costs (overhead cost);
9. If the contractual agreement does not show the percentage of the overhead cost
clearly, theRCSVPO shall decide the percentage of the overhead cost to be charged in
consultation withproject developers, donors and the University Legal Service;
10. Unless specified in the project contractual agreement document otherwise, the
ownership ofintellectual property rights for results of externally funded joint projects
belongs entirely to theUniversity.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


7.1 Research Misconducts
Each staff member of the University has a responsibility to foster an environment which
promotes intellectual honesty and integrity and which does not tolerate misconduct in any
aspect of research or scholarly endeavor.
The following are considered to be research misconducts:
1. Failure to meet lines of accountabilities stated in this document;
2. Failure to provide progress reports for the respective office within agreed time;
3. Misuse of research fund and materials;
4. Delaying of research projects without convincing reason(s);
5. Failure to complete research works within a scheduled time without convincing
6. Failure to submit the final research documents in a required format;
7. Failure to disseminate his research findings to the target community;
8. Any form of plagiarism and mischief in research;
9. Any form of corruption and injustice in research and research administration;
10. Failure to respond to research administration instructions;
11. Any form of using forged, trimmed, tortured and cooked data;
12. Failure to work in collaboration with others when need arises; and
13. Submitting University-funded research papers for publication in external journals
without getting permission (for special cases where the research data needs to be
confidential) andwithout affiliating the University.

7.2 Research Disciplinary Measures

1. Research misconduct shall be treated at different levels before disciplinary
measures are taken;
2. If the misconduct is tolerable (i.e. except plagiarism and mischief, misuse of
resources, and corruption and injustice), oral warning shall be given, and if the
misconduct is intolerable, written warning will be given;

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

3. Both the oral and written warnings shall be given by the Research and Publication
Executive Director;
4. If the case is repeated and intolerable the Research and Publication Executive
Director will present the case to Research and Community Service Standing
Committee for decision;
5. The decision of Research and Community Service Standing Committeeshall be
sent to the Academic Staff Disciplinary Committee of the University for
disciplinary measures; and
6. Research disciplinary measures shall be taken on researchers with misconduct in
reference to the University’s Legislation.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Appendix 1: Thematic Research Proposal Submission Format (RPED 001)


Research and Publication Executive Directorate

Guideline for Thematic Research Proposal Write-Up

For Identified Thematic Areas


CALL OPENS: _dd/mm/yy______


Please read carefully the guidelines given in the next couple of pages and fill out the
application form accordingly. As your proposal will be forwarded to anonymous panel of
assessors, the clarity of your application should express correctly what you exactly want to

Diverging from the given format may put you out of the batch of the other applicants and
hence may count unfavorably against you in the eyes of the assessors.

The University has identified the RESEARCH THEMATIC AREAS based on strategic
priority areas. This is, therefore, a call for proposal to be submitted to conduct researches in
the stated thematic areasthat geared towards solving local, regional and national problems.

Formats for Writing of Full Proposal

As any other proposal for huge funding, the full proposal should have the following Sections.


What is the goal or the local, regional and nationalpriority area towards which the whole
exercise should focus on and contribute solutions in the forms of new knowledge and usable
technology production? This is then first expressed in the formulation of a thematic research
title (max. 2 lines).

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region



(E-mail, telephone number, names of college and department, academic rank &

No Name Educational Academic Emai Mobile Dept Specializatio

level rank l . n

The team leader should be experienced staff responsible for managing the team’s overall
activities including but not limited to financial and physical report, manage the budget, etc.
List of the investigators consisting of senior and young staff, female academicians, and
graduate students (PhD and/or MSc) are at least from three different disciplines to assess the
different aspects/dimensions of the problem. However, the minimum number of team
members must be six. Hence these members will be grouped in to 3 or more sub-thematic
researches. These components of the sub-thematic research together form a broad thematic
research program. Note that an investigator shall not be PI more than once and CI more than
two.(Max. 1 page)







This is an overview of the intentions of the project, the actions that lead to the desired
outcomes. This section includes: Background to the problem including of why the topic was

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

chosen, objectives, methods, expected outcomes, budget estimate, and timeframe. (Max. 1

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Provide a general presentation and analysis of the problem(s) and their interrelation at all
levels with sufficient, relevant and updated literature review to justify the specific objectives
that will contribute to the resolution of the problems by the action to be taken in the envisaged
year(s) and Justification (Rationale) for the study.Ask yourself:

I. Will this study generate new knowledge?

II. Will the study benefit Community, advance understanding or influence policy?
III. Will the study fill gaps in existing knowledge or resolve current controversies?

A critical summary of research on a topic of interest, generally prepared to put a research

problem in context or to identify gaps and weaknesses in prior studies so as to justify a new
investigation.(Max.5 pages).


The title must be supported with major and specific objectives to which the planned action
will contribute and aims to achieve. Specific objectives(SMART) can be set as well in
connection to or emanating from the major ones. In other words, these objectives (major and
specific) must be achievable with reasonable certainty by the action that will be taken during
the life of the project (max. 1 page).

Provide an overview of the general methodology to indicate the actions of the research
components fit together. Briefly describe the study approach and design, the sampling
methods applied, the data collection methods employed (include a description of where and
how data will be collected, quality assurance measures, length of data collection process and
problems expected in conducting the study), what methods will be used to analyze the data
(max. 5 pages).


This can be expressed in seminar presentations, annual reports, transparency, bi-annual
meetings with stakeholders, end-users and donors, etc. Furthermore, assurance should be
ensured by statistical verification of the data and the level of partners’ interaction using the
Internet (max. 1 page).


Wherever human and animal subjects are used in the action, ethical clearance should be
obtained from the appropriate office. The proposal must describe the risks involved, the levels
of damages to which the research subjects are exposed to and the assurance of mitigations
(Max. 1 pages).

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


Describe the major achievable milestones or deliverables that the proposal is designed to
accomplish. These can be described in the knowledge that can be created (possible number
and types of publications: journal articles, conference papers, modules, policy document,
public lectures etc.) and usable technologies that could be achieved during and after the
completion of the project years (Max. 2 pages).


The benefits and beneficiaries of the proposed study should be clearly defined.(Max. 1 page)


-In what form will your findings be presented e.g. report, presentation, journal etc?

-How will you be disseminating your findings?

-To whom will you be disseminating your findings?

-How will you ensure anonymity in any publications?

-To whom does the research belong and have you thought about intellectual property rights?


A summary of the role and responsibility of each investigator and estimated time to be spent
by each member shall be clearly described. Study Team (brief Resumes; provide detailed CVs
in Appendix). The detailed CV should include the names and contact numbers of the
investigators assigned to the project. (Max. 3 page).


Detailed Project Implementation time Schedule indicating activities in terms of time schedule.
(Including Gantt chart) (Max. 1 page)


Budget must meet the following requirements. Applicants are encouraged to provide the best
price possible for the proposed results as proposals will be evaluated on this aspect. All line
items must list the unit cost and quantity of that item. A notes column for each line item must
explain how both the unit cost and quantity are being estimated. This must be completed for
ALL line items. It must show the total estimated cost of the proposed project with a

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


No Item Unit Number/ Unit price Total price in
Amount Total in Birr Birr


No Type of activity Unit Total Number/ Unit price Total price
Amount Total in Birr in Birr


No Budget line Expenditure
Unit Quantity Unit cost Total cost
Sub total


No. Budget Item Description Total cost
1 Equipment and Consumable
2 Personnel Costs
3 Transport Cost

For longitudinal study, show the total cost of the proposed project with a breakdown by
research components as pieces of the jigsaw and the costs per phase of each year so that the
annual fund requirements can be known (Max. 3 pages).

All materials used in the compilation of the proposal should be referenced. Numbered
referencing, APA, Vancouver, Harvard or other standard format can be used. However,
consistency is mandatory.

20. DECLARATION OF APPLICANTS (investigators):

The investigators need to take the responsibility of executing the research as described in the
methodology, obey to ethical clearance regulations, commit to regular monitoring of activities
and financial conduct by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Community
Services, make available publications or any product of the research to the same office and
build on the development of research culture at the University. It may be like the following

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

We the undersigned participants in this study agree to accept responsibility for the scientific,
ethical and technical conduct of the research project and for provision of required progress
reports as per terms and conditions of the RCSVP in effect at the time of grant if grant
awarded as the result of this application.Moreover, we declared that the proposed study is the
original work of the investigators. (Max. 1 page)


1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________
21. ANNEX:
Summaries of CVs of investigators and partners should be attached, each condensed to one
page only.


The proposals received will undergo a technical evaluation by core reviewers. The core
reviewers reserves the right not to accept the lowest bid, as the elements listed in the
evaluation matrix below will play a major role when evaluating proposals. In order to ensure
meaningful participation andeffective comparison prospective service providers are requested
to furnish detailed information insubstantiation of compliance to the technical evaluation


Researchersthat demonstrate all of the following criteria are eligible to apply:

a) The PI is a permanent employ of the University and that the CIs are any employees and
students of the University,the private sector, civil society organizations and others that
will finally use the research outcomes and/or collaborating Institutes. Their detailed
CVs shall be submitted.
b) The research proposal shall be based onthe university research thematic area. In
exceptional circumstances the research proposal may be considered if support letter is
provided from the relevant institute/organ.
c) Able to justify that the research has not been awarded previously. If there is additional
fund source from other organization, the researchers have an obligation to disclose for

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

d) Able to justify that the research results are to be disseminated and to be used by end
users and have major economic and social growth impacts.
e) It must be based on the proposal submission format described above and the proposal
meets research quality standards in design, content and presentation as depicted in the
advert document.
f) Able to justify that the research is multidisciplinary and its results are broad and
transcend a single sector. Research core team should consist of minimum 6 persons
lead by experienced academicians. Proposals that demonstrate a commitment to
working with young staff, female academicians, and students (PhD and/or MSc)are
highly encouraged.
g) The fund will also take into consideration the past research history of the applicant
before establishing the list of successful grantees (physical and financial settlement in
the previous university funded projects, good track record of the applicant, etc will be
considered during the application process).There must be no record due to the breach
of agreement in any research, community services and technology transfer activities for
the last 2 years.
h) The proposal must be not more than 30 pages in length (excluding the annex); typed in
1.5-space, font size-12, and font type-Times New Roman, 1.25 inch left margin and the
rest margins must be 1 inch.
i) All researchers in the team must put their electronic/scanned signature in the protocol.

21.1 Evaluation criteria

Proposals passing the eligibility criteria (see above) will be scored against the following:
a. The review of proposal submitted by potential evaluators will be based on blind
document review (50%) and open defense (50%). Moreover, based on the document
review only applicants who scored 25% and above are eligible for public defense.
b. Reviewer’s Possible Decisions
After reviewing and commenting the proposal the reviewer shall put his decisions on
the following categories.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

I. Accept without any modifications

Despite the minor language and copyediting problems, the proposal is accepted
as submitted.

II. Accept with minor revisions

Some contents of the proposal need to be modified and corrected prior to

III. Accept with major revisions

The proposal can be useful with the ideas and results it presents, but it requires
major revisions. Document modification will be according to the satisfaction of
the core reviewers.

IV. Reject
There is no merit whatsoever in accepting this proposal.

NB:The proposal must be submitted within the deadline.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

APPENDIX 2: Research Proposal Review Format (RPED 002)


Research and Publication Executive Directorate

Research Proposal Critical Peer Review Format




Name of PI: ___________________________________________________________

1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________
6. ______________________
7. ______________________
8. ______________________
9. ______________________
10. ______________________
11. ______________________
12. ______________________

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Major areas to be seen Criteria Points Score

Title (2pts) Is the title concise (self-explanatory)? 1

Score____ Does the title use appropriate key words or phrases? 1
Summary Is summary concise? 2
(5pts) Is executive summary contains background, objective, and 3
Score____ methods?
Problem statement and Is the problem clearly defined? 4
background (27pts) Is the research problem well formulated? 3
Does the introductory statement move you from a general to a 3
Score____ specific view of the problem of the study?
Has there been an adequate description of the background to the 3
Has the area of concern regarding the problem been identified? 3
Or clarified?
Does the purpose clearly state the intention of the study? 4
Does it clearly shows answer the question, so what? 3
Does it explain why this particular study is important to the 3
Does it include references to support for the study? 1
Does it show the research make an original and creative 6
Significance contribution to knowledge?
(15pts) Does it show the research analyze and diagnose a particular 1
Score____ Why is it important to undertake this research? 1
Does it set out logically, arrive at conclusions and make 3
proposals for the solution of the problem?
Whom will it benefit or to whom will it be important? 1
Is the proposed research likely to promote further investigation 2
within and/or across disciplines and fields?
Has the expected outcome (or outcomes) of the research been 1
clearly identified?
Objectives Have the objectives been stated clearly? 6
(12pts) Is the general objective related to the topic and the problem 3
Score____ identified?
Is the specific objectives organized based on the general 3
Methods Is the research design clearly explained? 1
(21pts) Is there a clear correspondence between the stated aims of the 1
research and the chosen methods?
Is the study’s population clearly defined? 2
Score____ Is the size of the sample(s) stated? (if applicable) 2
Is the procedure for sampling clearly explained? 2
Are the procedures for collecting data clearly stated step-by- 2
Is there a clear description of the instrument(s) that will be used 2
to gather data?
Have measuring instruments been suitably evaluated in terms of 2
relevance and appropriateness, or tested for their validity before
Is the analysis appropriate to the aims of the research? 2
Are the procedures for analyzing data clearly stated step-by- 2
Does the researcher give evidence of understanding the 2

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

statistical procedures he/she has chosen?

Does the research ethically sound? 1
Feasibility and general Is the problem researchable and feasible? 4
comments Do the preliminary data and available resources support its 3
(11pts) Score____ feasibility?
Is the proposal well structured? 4

References cited(2pts) Is referencing styles follows Vancouver or other acceptable 1

Score____ format?
Contains all information (peer reviewed articles, standard 1
Budget(5pts) Is the budget reasonable and clearly justified? 5

Total Score: _____/ 100% Total Score: _____________________/50%

If you believe that the proposal is worth financing with appropriate modifications please give comments to make
improvements on the space provided below.

Final Decision:
a. Accept as it is ____________
b. Accept with minor modification ____________
c. Accept with major modification ____________
d. Reject ____________
Reviewer’s Name:
1. ______________________Signature:______________ Date: ____________
2. ______________________Signature:______________ Date: ____________
3. ______________________Signature:______________ Date: ____________
4. ______________________Signature:______________ Date: ____________
5. ______________________Signature:______________ Date: ____________

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

APPENDIX-3: Presentation evaluation format (RPED 003)

Research and Publication Executive Directorate
Mega Research Proposals Open Defense Presentation Evaluation Format
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of PI: _________________________________
Co-Investigators (available on the presentation)
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
8. _______________________________
9. _______________________________
10. ______________________________

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Tick (x) the most appropriate rating in the space provided and write appropriate score below
1. Relevance (General and Specific objectives are in line with the national and/or regional problem with
overarching goal)
---------- Highly appropriate (8-10) ------------- appropriate (5-7)
---------- Inappropriate (less than 5)Score: ------- (0-10 points)
2. Methodology to address the intended issue (appropriateness and diversity of methodologies to
address the research questions)
---------- Highly appropriate (12-15) ------------- appropriate (8-11)
---------- Inappropriate (less than 8)Score: ------- (0-15 points)
3. Number of Logical Sub-Themes in a Common Problem
________ Highly Appropriate, if ≥ 4 logical sub-themes are considered (12-15)
________ appropriate, if 3 logical sub-theme are considered (8-11)
________ Inappropriate, if there is less than 3 logical sub-themes are considered (<8) Score: --- (0-15
4. Number of Experts to address the Problem in each Sub-Theme
_______ Highly Realistic, if ≥ 3 Experts are included in each sub theme (7_10)
_______ Realistic, if 2 Experts are included in each sub theme (3-6)
_______ Unrealistic, if only 1 Expert is considered in each sub theme (less than 3) Score: ------- (0-10
5. Nature of the Project Extension (from knowledge/technology to community)
_______Highly appropriate (12-15) ________ inappropriate (Less than 8)
_______appropriate (8-11) Score: ------- (0-15 points)
6. Feasibility within the specified period and resources (budget emphasized)
_______ Highly Reasonable (12-15) _______ Reasonable (8-11)
_______Unrealistic (less than 8) Score: ------- (0-15points)
7. Means of Disseminating the Research Output to Target groups/community at grassroots level
_______Highly appropriate, if there are more 3 means of disseminations (8-10)
_______ Appropriate, if there are 2 - 3 means of disseminations (5-7)
________ inappropriate (Less than 2) (less than 5) Score: ------- (0-10 points)
8. Presentation of the proposal and reflection to the questions forwardedto the PI and CIs.
_______very clear and appropriate (4-5) ________ vague and inappropriate (Less than 3)
_______ Clear and appropriate (3-4) Score: ------- (0-5 points)
9. Consideration/Incorporation of PhD/Master’s students/female academicians/ to address the issue
_______Highly appropriate, if ≥ 2 graduate students and a female academician are included (5)
_______ Appropriate, if a graduate student and a female academician are included (4)
_______ Reasonably appropriate, if a graduate student or a female academician is considered (3)
_______ Inappropriate, if no graduate student or a female academician is considered (less than 3)
Score: ------- (0-5 points)
Total Score: _____/ 100%Total Score out of 50: _____

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

10. If the total score is 50 and above, and if you believe that the proposal is worth financing with
appropriate modifications please give comments to make improvements on the space provided below

11. Final Decision:

A) Accept as it is ____________
B) Accept with minor modification _____________
C) Accept with major modification ___________
D) Reject___________
12. If the proposed study is accepted, please suggest the amount of budget required

No Reviewer’s Name Signature Date

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


Research and Publication Executive Directorate
Section One: General
Article 1. This Research grant agreement is made as between the ____University (hereinafter “University”) and
the Researchers or investigators (hereinafter the “Researchers”) for the scientific and technical conduct of the
research project entitled:
Accordingly, undersigned herby agrees to undertake the following obligations:
Section Two
Obligation of the University
Article 2. The University agrees to award _______________amount of money (ETH BIRR) for the total project
duration in two phases per fiscal year in the form of research grant for the scientific and technical conduct of the
research from the period of ___________to ______________as per the details indicated in the project proposal.
50% of the budget is released upon completion of the contractual agreement. 50% of the budget is released after
completing 50% of the project activities of the fiscal year and the financial and physical reports are duly
submitted to the office. If the research is longitudinal in nature, the amount budget allocated is:

 The first year ____________ (________________________________________________________)

 The second year __________(________________________________________________________)
 The third year __________(________________________________________________________)

Article 3. The University also agrees to provide appropriate assistants for researcher to complete the research
project including but not limited to the use of library sources, available laboratory facilities (non-consumables
and chemicals) and facilitation of financial settlement unless precluded by uncontrollable factors.
Section Three
Obligation of the Principal Investigator and Co- Investigators
Article 4. The Researchers accept the responsibility for the scientific and technical conduct of the research
project, the provision of progress report (on biannual bases) and the presentation of research reports at an annual
research conference or workshop organized by the University or the grant awarding project or office.
Article 5. The Researchers must complete the research project on the specified time and submit the output to the
respective college/school/faculty research and publication coordinator office/Department/Research centre/ or to
any other appropriate offices within a maximum of one month after the completion of the specified period.
Article 6. The Researchers accept the responsibility to acknowledge the University for its financial and technical
support during all scientific presentations, publications or any other similar activities related with this research
Article 7. The Researchers shall have the responsibility to disseminate the output of the research to scientific
community by publishing in peer-reviewed and reputable national or international journals as well as to relevant
development oriented or extension institution, stakeholder and the intended community through manuals, easily
understandable local language texts, leaflets and any other similar mechanisms.
Article 8. The Researchers accept the responsible for the proper utilization of the fund for the scientific and
technical conduct of the proposed project as per the approved budget breakdown.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Article 9. Researchers accept the obligation to present valid documents on utilized fund for settlement before the
end of the fiscal year according to the legal requirements indicated in the applicable Financial and Property
Administrative Proclamations or Regulations or Directives of the Federal Government of Ethiopia or any other
similar applicable laws.
Article 10. After the completion of the proposed research, the Researchers should return unutilized funds or any
other equipment or materials or chemical and other consumables acquired from this research fund to the
Article 11. The Researchers without any delay accept the responsibility to hand-over the research project to one
of the senior team members upon informing Office of Research and Community Service Vice President, research
and publication directorate, his /her college/faculty/school/institute/research centre and research and publication
coordinator if he/she leaves the University during the project phase or before dissemination of the research
output or unable to commence the research project for any other reason.
Article 12. Team members accept the responsibility to diligently perform the scientific and technical aspects of
the research assigned to them under the project proposal. The team member who is assigned by the Researcher as
per the requirements of Article 11 of this section shall also assume the responsible to take-over the research as a
principal investigator or Coordinator.
Article 13. Any changes in the objective(s) or methodology or work plan or any other similar conditions capable
of altering the original project proposal shall be reported to the office of Research and Community Service Vice
President or other appropriate offices to acquire further approval. That is, contemplated changes in research site
or key personnel, or major changes in Grant focus or direction must have prior written approval from the office
of research and publication executive directorate or RCSVPO.
Article 14. The PI should engage all the co-investigators in the project activities (physical and financial) so that
all the responsibilities specified above equally work for co-investigators as well. Whenever the office needs, the
researchers shall allow onsite visits.
Article 15: When and if the university believes that purchasing the items required for this project is more
efficient to be purchased centrally, the university can decide to buy and provide the items to the research team. In
this case, the university is entitled to deduct the amount equivalent to the cost of the purchased items from the
budget allocated for this research project.
Article 16: For longitudinal study, the next year(s)’ budget is released if and only the previous year(s)’ financial
and physical reports are properly settled. Every year must have its output which will be disseminated/ presented
in the annual staff-students conference
Article 17: A researcher must accomplish all the activities mentioned in the project proposal submitted during
contractual agreement.
Section Four
Effect of Breach of Obligations
Article 18. The Researchers who failed to complete the research and submit the result(s) on the specified time
shall be obliged to return the allocated money in addition to its legal interest to the University.
Article 19. Notwithstanding the contractual liability indicated under Article 18 of this section the researchers or
team members in the absence of good cause shall be liable to administrative disciplinary measures under the
relevant laws or the code of conduct of the University for the failure(s) to undertake the responsibilities listed
under Articles (4-17). Deceitful practice by a member(s) of the team will be borne by the remaining team
member (s) unless s/he reports in advance and prove the case to the office.
Section Five
Effective Date of the Contract
Article 20. This contract shall come into effect on the date of its signature this day of __________________________
Article 21. The Principal investigator/Project Coordinator
Name ___________________________Signature ______________Address ____________Date ___________
Article 22. Co-investigators/Team Members
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

1. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date _____________

2. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
3. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
4. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
5. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
6. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
7. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
8. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
9. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
10. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
11. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
12. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________
13. Name ______________________________Signature ___________Address _________________Date ________________

Article 23. Approved by Research, Community Service and UIL-TT Vice Dean

Name: __________________________________Signature: ______________________ Date: ________________________

Article 24. Authorized by Dean Office

Name: __________________________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: __________________________

Article 25. Research and Publication Executive Directorate Director
Name: __________________________________Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________________

Article 26. Witnesses

1. Name _______________________________Signature __________Address ____________Date __________________

2. Name _______________________________Signature __________Address ____________Date___________________

3. Name _______________________________Signature __________Address ____________Date___________________

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

APPENDIX 5: Progress report format (RPED 005)


Research and Publication Executive Directorate

Research Progress Report Format

1. Full title of the research project:

2. Project management /Organization/ co-ordination/college:

a. Name of principal investigator (Department, College)

b. Name of co-investigators (Department, College)

c. Name of stakeholder/s (outside the university) with full addresses and their role in the
Name Profession Departmen Name of Specific role e-mail
t Institution

3. Project duration and period:

4. Reporting period:

5. Funding
a. Source of funding

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

b. Amount (In phases if any)

6. Fund utilized: indicate the amount of money utilized for the reporting period
Period covered --------------------------------- To -----------------------------------------
Sr. Items Amount Fund Total fund Fund Balance e
No brought received b in this expendedd
forward a period c
1 Consumables
2 Equipment
4 Transportation
6 Personnel
7 Other expenses (
specify if any)

Amount in Birr which was brought forward if the project is on-going
The break down should be as shown in the budget approved for the reporting period and it is a fund came in this period
This amount is the sum of the amounts in the third and fourth columns
Fund expended is the fund in column five less the expense stated in column six
The balance should reconcile with approved budget. If there is over expenditure, there has to be a clear justification.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

7. Objectives of the research project

a. General

b. Specific objectives:

8. Major project components:

9. Methodology and approaches used:

10. Work plan used for the current reporting period (state briefly the work plan for the project
until the current reporting is made).

11. Achievements/progress: Indicate also which objectives have been addressed: research
Project output description (give the highlights of the work done during the reporting
period): Include detailed summaries of the work carried out and results obtained. If
possible the results could be presented in tabular or graph form. Summaries should be
complete in themselves as brief as possible; consistent with clarity (a maximum of two
pages is required). Interpret new findings (both positive and negative) in terms of the
objective of the project and state if they are expected to increase (or decrease) the
duration, total costs and/or the likelihood of the success of the project.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

12. Problems encountered (state any major problems encountered while conducting the
research): Describe advances and/or problems encountered towards the completion of the
plan of work for this reporting period.

13. Measures to be taken :

14. Summary of scientific results obtained

a. Publications in interventional scientific journals, local journals and congress proceedings f

b. List submitted, accepted, in press, and published papers, leaflets, proceedings

c. Presentation in conferences/seminars g

d. Any special contribution of the research project

e. Training and extension h

f. Development activities

15. Work plan (description of the work plan for the next funding, including the research time

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

16. Financial expenditure (detailed expenditure for the upcoming research period)i

17. Additional remarks

please attach full papers

attach if there are publications such as manuals produced

indicate if there was a training and extension activity

This has to be filled in consultation with the finance office of the university

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

APPENDIX 6: Terminal report format (RPED 006)

Research and Publication Executive Directorate
Terminal Report Format

1. Title of the Project

2. Project management/Organization/ Co-ordination:

a. Principal investigator/ project coordinator (Faculty, Department)

b. Date of Reporting

c. Co-investigators

d. Other partner/collaborating organizations with addresses of contact person (s) and

Their role in the project:

3. Abstract:

The abstract shall include background information, objective, methods, results, conclusion
and recommendation. The number of words shall not exceed 300 words.

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

4. Key Words:

It must have a maximum of 6 key words

5. Project duration:_____________ to _______________

6. Reporting period:

7. Funding
a. Source of funding:

8. Fund utilized: indicate the amount of money utilized for the reporting period.

9. Introduction

A. Background information, statement of the problem, basic questions, hypothesis,

significance of the study, etc:

B. Objectives: (General and specific)

10. Methodology and approaches used: Materials and Methods

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

11. Results:

12. Discussions:

13. Conclusions and Recommendations

14. Acknowledgments:

15. References:

All references used must be listed

16. Status of Publication and dissemination

a. Publications in international scientific journals, local journals and congress proceedings

i. Lists submitted, accepted, in press, and published papers

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

ii. Presentation in conferences/Seminars

b. Any special contribution of the project:

c. Training and extension

d. Development activities:

e. Lists of project publications (e.g. Leaflets, proceedings, book, etc.)

17. Financial expenditure (detailed expenditure for the lifetime of the project by budget
item). Any deviation from the plan must be justified.

Approved Expenditure Remark

No Title of Expenses budget

18. Assessment of Progress made: indicate the completion level in percentage with
regard to the projects core millstones till the reporting date.

19. Future plan (description of the future plan for publication, dissemination, CS, TT,

20. Additional remarks

21. All the above information are correct

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

_______________________________ ___________________________
Research Project Coordinator /PI Signature and Date

______________________ ________________________________
College/Faculty/School RCS UIL-TT VD Signature and Date

______________________ ________________________________
Dean/Director Signature and Date

22. For RPED Use Only (Final checking and approval)

Date of Submission

______________________ _______________________
Director, Research and Publication Executive Directorate Signature and Date

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


____________ University
Research and Publication Executive Directorate
This transfer of grants and contracts for the year is made between _______________________ and
,AU/Research Center
Research Project Code:
Research project Title:

I. The parties there by agree as follows:

1. Responsible to transfer the project or research based on a sound reason or justification
(for instance, if the PI is transferred to a new institution, or has got series health
problems etc...)
2. Responsible to make research resources available to the transferee in their original
form or without modification.
3. Responsible to submit progress reports stating the up to date condition of the research
4. Responsible to pay sufficient fund, which is calculated based on the cost of the
remaining activities.
5. Responsible to give sufficient information, detail discussion to brief the real condition
of the research work.
6. Responsible to share ideas or concepts to enhance the quality of the results of the
7. Agrees to receive a sum of Birr ( ) to execute
the remaining research assignments for the year and ending on

8. Agrees to execute all remaining activities and obliged to complete the research as per
the agreed time frame;
9. Agrees to submit the progress report on time to the research and publication office
10. Agrees to compile and submit the completed research work to the research and
publication office
11. Agrees to publish in a peer reviewed journal or convert to an exhaustive community
service program
12. Agrees to assure the overall quality of the work

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

II. Utilization of the Grant:

1. The transferred fund shall be utilized according to plan stated in the project.
2. The transferred grant is not allowed to be used for fixed assets, such as computers and
their accessories, Video and photo camera, overhead and other projectors, etc. The grant
is primarily targeted to cover operational expenses.
III. Future Sponsorship
1. The TRANSFEREE agrees that the final report of the research work must be compiled
and submitted exactly at the end of the research duration agreed in this contract.
2. The TRANSFEREE completely agree that he/she will not be sponsored by the
University in the next research calls if the results of the research work are not published
in a peer-reviewed journal or converted to an exhaustive community service programs
within one year after submitting the final research report.

IV. Period of Agreement:

This agreements shall enter into force on the date of this date of its signature and shall
remain valid until
Day of year

Full name:_________________________ Full name:_____________________________
Position:__________________________ Position: _____________________________
e-mail:____________________________ e-mail:_______________________________
Signature:_________________________ Signature:____________________________
Date: ____________________________ Date:________________________________

1. Full name:_________________________ 2. Full name:______________________________
Signature:___________________________ Signature:_________________________________
Date: _______________________________ Date:____________________________________

3. Full name__________________________
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


Principal Investigator /researcher

RCS UIL-TT VD Position:
Name Name:
Position:____________________________ Signature :
Signature :
Dean of college/school/institute Co-investigator /researchers
Name S.No Name Position Signature
Signature : 1
Date : _______

For and on behalf of _____ University

Position: 3
Signature : _______
Date : _______

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Appendix 8: Reputability Rating Criteria for Journals Published(RPED 008)

________ University
Research and Publication Executive Directorate
__________ University
Research and Community Services Vice President Office
Address___________E.mail: ________________Tel: ___________________

Reputability Rating Criteria for Journals Published in _______ University

Name of the Journal: _____________________________________________
Publisher: ___________________________________________________
Is this journal published by a Registered Society? Yes/No: ____________________________________
If Yes, Name of the Society____________________________________
If Not, the AU, Who Owns the Journal? ___________________________________________
ISSN (print) No. of the Journal: ______________________________________
ISSN (electronic) No. of the Journal: _________________________________
0 = Below Average
1 = Average
2 = Above Average
3 = Well Above Average

No Established Grid Criteria Points

0 1 2 3
1 Total number of years the journal existed as a communication medium:
0 = less than 3 years; 1 = 3 to 5 years; 2 = 6 to 10 years; 3 = more than 10 years
2 Number of its issues annually:
0 = less than 2 issues; 1 = 2 issues; 2 = 3 issues; 3 = more than 3 issues
3 Number of full-fledged articles per issue (the last three years average):
0 = less than 3 articles; 1 = 3 to 5 articles; 2 = 6 to 7 articles; 3 = more than 7 articles
4 Journal is indexed and abstracted by international indexing and abstracting agents:
0 = none; 1 = 1 indexing agent; 2 = 2 to 3 indexing agents; 3 = more than 3 indexing
5 Number of manuscripts submitted annually (the last three years average)
0 = less than 10 manuscripts; 1= 10 to 20 manuscripts; 2= 21 to 50 manuscripts; 3=
more than 50 manuscripts
6 Editor-in-Chief’s publication profile
a) Number of articles (as first author) in peer reviewed journals:
0 = less than 3 articles; 1 = 3 to 5 articles; 2 = 6 to 10 articles; 3= more than 10
b) Number of articles (as first author) in national journals:
0 = less than 3 articles; 1= 3 to 5 articles; 2 = 6 to 10 articles; 3 = more than 10
7 Editorial Board (EB) members’ publication profile —number of articles published by
the EB member/associate editor who has the least number of publications:
0 = less than 3 articles; 1 = 3 to 5 articles; 2 = 6 to 10 articles; 3 = more than 10
8 Advisory Board members composition— International members
0 = less than 50%; 1= 50% or more
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

9 Journal has standard formats (consistency in cover format, style, fonts, etc.) and
relevant information as volume number, issue number, frequency of publication, list
of editorial and advisory board members, journal’s columns and guide to authors at a
visible site in every issue
0 = inconsistent format and incomplete information
1 = consistent format but incomplete information or complete information but
inconsistent format
2 = consistent format and incomplete information but not necessarily attractive
3 = consistent format, complete information, attractive and international standard
10 The discretion and the rigor of manuscript evaluation process (the anonymity of
reviewers and authors, number of referees, etc.)
a) Double blind review: 0= No; 1 = Yes
b) Number of referees per manuscript
0 = only one reviewer; 1 = two or more reviewers
11 Record of journal as uninterrupted and continuous publication in the last five years
(NB: Publication of two issues in one volume at a time is considered as interruption)
0 = more than one time interruption, 1 = one time interruption, 2 = no interruption
12 Timeliness of publication at the time of evaluation. (Due date and actual date of
publication). Journals which have already published their current issues at the right
time (on time), those journals which are lagging behind from the scheduled month of
publication (have lag period), journals which have the next coming issue(s) as
camera-ready or at the printers (ahead)
0 = more than 6 months lag period; 1 = 1 to 6 months lag period, 2 = on time, 3 =
13 Archival history of the journal—journal maintains all documents and communication
on all manuscripts, submitted and processed (acknowledgement letter for receiving
manuscript, letter and confidential referee report template to reviewers, reviewers’
responses, letter to author on reviewers’ recommendations and other decisions; copies
of revised manuscript, proofread copy and the article) either as hard or soft copy
0 = when it has documentation for less than 50% of all volumes it published,
1 = has documentation for 50% of the manuscripts;
2 = has documentation for 51 to 75% of the manuscripts;
3 = has documentation for more than 75% of the manuscripts
14 Journal has online manuscript processing system (submission, review and
communication) — Note: communication through e-mail attachments is not
considered as online processing
0 = No, 1 = Yes
15 Journal is open-access
0 = No, 1 = Yes
16 Journal is published online
0 = No, 1 = Yes
17 Journal publishes author/subject index
0 = No, 1 = Yes
18 Diversity in international and national participation in publication (does the journal
get manuscripts from international contributors and from researchers of different
national organizations?) (average of three years)
a) Overseas contribution
0 = less than 10%; 1 = 10 to 20%; 2 = 21 to 30%; 3 = more than 30%
b) Contribution from national institutions other than the base of the journal (for
society/association journals, the base of the journal will be the institution where the
journal is housed)
0 = less than 15%; 1 = 15 to 20%; 2 = 21 to 40%; 3 = more than 40%
19 Office space and editorial staff

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

0 = no designated office; 1 = has designated office but not permanent editorial staff;
2 = has a designated office and permanent editorial staff

Research and Development Executive Director (RPED)
Name: _________________________________________
Date & Signature: __________________________________________
Approved by:
Research and Community Service Vice President (RCSVPO)
Name: ___________________________________
Date & Signature: __________________________________________
Decision is made as follows:
I. Total score above 25 pts, to be reputable for three years, starting from approval date.
II. Total score from 20 to 25 pts, to be conditionally recognized as reputable for one year and to be assessed again
after a year, starting from approval date.
III. Total score below 20 pts, not to be reputable and shall be assessed after a year, upon request from the

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

APPENDIX-9: IRB Evaluation Form (RPED 009)

________________ University
Research and Publication Executive Directorate


Research Project code: ----------

Yes No NA Comments
1. Willthestudyleadtoimprovementsinhuman
2. Ifthes t u d y isareplication ofaprevious
3. Aretheobjectivesstatedclearly?

4.Isthej u s t i f i c a t i o n ofpredictabler i s k s and inconveniences

weighted against the anticipated benefits for
the research participantandtheconcernedcommunities
6.Isthestandardofcarethebestavailable locally?
7. Isthereprovisionforcompensationfor

8. Haveadequateprovisionsbeenmadefor
9. Haveadequateprovisionsbeenmadefor
safetymonitoringandterminationofthe researchproject?
1.Istheprocessforobtaininginformedconsent appropriate?
6.Isthewrittenandoralinformationtobegiven to the
research participants appropriate,
Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

8. Is there an opportunity for the participant to ask questions

regarding the research?

1.Willtheresearcher collectonlytheminimum Yes No NA Comments
information/samplesrequiredtofulfillthe studyobjectives?
1. Willthestudyleadtoimprovementsinhuman
2. Ifthes t u d y isa r e p l i c a t i o n ofap r e v i o u s
3. Aretheobjectivesstatedclearly?
4. Isthestudydesignappropriateinrelationto theobjectives?
5. Isthestudydesignedusingaccepted
6. Isthereaplausibledataanalysisplan?
7. Dothesamplesizeandstatisticaltechniques
8. Aretheinvestigatorsqualifications, competenceand
experienceappropriate to conduct the study?
9. Arethefacilitiesatthesiteadequate to conduct the study?
10. Supportthestudy?
andexperiencesuitabletoensuresafeconduct ofthestudy?
3.Howsafeistheinterventiontobeusedinthe research?

Yes No NA Comments
2.Istheprivacyoftheresearchparticipant safeguarded?
3.Are data/sample storage and disposal
1.Istheparticipant’srighttounconditionally withdrawfrom the
research at anytime safeguarded?

4.Isthereprovisiontomakethestudy product available to the participants

following research?
1.Hasthestudypopulationbeende t e rm i ned ,
2.Istheselectionofparticipants (inclusionand
3.Istheresearchconductedonvulnerable individualsorgroups?

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region


1.Hastheresearcher f o l l o w e d a n y applicablelegalregulation


Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Yes No NA Comments
Does the research involve Vulnerablegroups? If YES
3.Istheprocedureforobtaining(proxy)consent adequate?
4.Will the subject’s
6.Isthemedicalandpsychologicalsupport adequate?
Is the research Externallysponsored? If YES
4.Istheresearchrelevantto Ethiopia?
6.Are relevant local laws/
7.Istheresearchresponsivetoc ul t ura l /social differences?
8.Areparticipantsreceivingt h e bestcurrent
10.Aretheprovisionsforcontinuityofcare adequate?
11.Aretheprovisionsforintellectualproperty sharingfair?
12.Ifthedata/biologicalsamplesaretobe transferred overseas,
is there adequate
provisiontosafeguardtheinterestsofthe subjectsand
protect intellectualproperty
15.Ist h e r e awrittena g r e e m e n t betweent h e collaborators?

Yes No NA Comments
Is the research Communitybased? If YES
thecommunityinwhichitistobecarriedout acceptable?
availableandaffordableforthebenefitofthe population?

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

Is the research Clinicaltrial? If YES

2.Istheclinicaltrialregisteredwithaclinical trialsregistry?
3.Haveadequate animal toxicity and
4.Istheirsufficientjustificationforusinga controlarm?
5.Doesthecontrolgroupreceivethestandard therapy?
7.Istheprocedurefordealingwithadverse eventsadequate?
8.Istheprocedureforreportingadverseevents adequate?
devicetothepatienttillitismarketedinthe country?

10.Arethecriteriaforterminationofthetrial detailed?
11.Isthereprovisionforinsuranceoftrial participants?



 Approve

 Conditional approval

 NOT accept

(Please state the conditions)

Name of the Reviewer ----------------------------------------------------Sig. ------------ Date-------

APPENDIX-10: Contract Agreement Formfor Reviewers (RPED 010)

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

________________ University
Research and Publication Executive Directorate
Contract Agreement Form for Reviewers
Article 1 Formation of contract

This agreement is made on (date) between--------------

University (hereinafter called the “University”) and
(hereinafter called the “consulting professional”).

Article 2 Short title

This contract may be referred to as the contract for reviewing Mega research protocol to be
provided by the consulting professional, as requested by the university.

Article 3 terms and conditions

This contract is based on the number of mega research proposals and price as per the reviewer
offered and accepted by the university dated

Article 4 services to be given by the Reviewer

The reviewershall carry out the Services in accordance with the provisions of the Contract
which are mentioned below:
The reviewershall review on the following mega research proposal entitled:

1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________

Article 5 Price
The price of the review is Birr
including all taxes the professional is liable.
Article 6 Payment

Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

The overall price for the reviewing shall be paid by the university after the reviewercompleted
the service according to the agreement. 35% tax will be deducted from the total payment.
Article 7Termination of contract
The university may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the
consulting professional.
Article 8. Application of law
All matters concerning the contract performance shall be constructed in accordance with and
governed in all aspects of Ethiopian Law.
Article 9. Annex
The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construe as part of this
agreement.The university’s request for the service of the professional.
Article 10. Entry into force
This contract shall enter into force with all validity and effects from the date of parties hereto
have affixed their signature and seals hereunder.
1. Name:- (for “reviewer”)

2. Name:- (for “the college”)


3. Name: (for “the University”)


4. WitnessesNameAddressSignature



Forum for Higher Educational Institutions in the Amhara Region

APPENDIX 11: Research Extension Request Format (RPED 011)

Research and Publication Executive Directorate
Extension Request Format

Date: _________
1. Title of the Project _________________________________________________________
2. Research Project code (If any)_____________________________________________
3. Project management/Organization/ Co-ordination:
Principal investigator (s)___________________
4. Project duration:_______________________
5. Funding
Source of funding:____________________
Consumed Fund:_________________________
Financial expenditure (detailed expenditure for the reporting period by budget item)
6. Project status:_____________________________
7. Achievements/progress:___________________________________
8. Reason for Extension (state briefly why you intend to extend your research to the
coming recurrent budget) __________________________________________________
9. Problems encountered (state any major problems encountered while conducting the
research): _____________________________________________________________


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