Landis+Gyr T550 UH50 Installation Instructions D
Landis+Gyr T550 UH50 Installation Instructions D
Landis+Gyr T550 UH50 Installation Instructions D
Note: In the following text, the term meter refers to Warranty and calibration validity will lapse if the cali-
both the heat meter, the cooling meter and the flow bration relevant security seals are broken.
meter, unless they are otherwise differentiated. Only clean the meter from outside with a soft, lightly
wetted cloth. Do not use any spirit or cleaning solvent.
1. General The 110 V / 230 V connections may only be made by
The meter left the factory in a faultless condition where safety an electrician.
is concerned. Adjustments, maintenance work, replacement of The meter may only be powered up once the installa-
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parts or repairs may only be carried out by specialist staff who tion has been completed. There is otherwise a danger
are aware of the associated hazards. The manufacturer will of electronic shock on the terminals.
provide additional technical support on request. Calibration A defective or obviously damaged appliance must be
relevant security seals on the meter must not be damaged or disconnected from the power supply immediately and
removed. Otherwise, the warranty and calibration validity of the replaced.
meter will no longer apply.
As far as disposal is concerned, the meter is a waste
• Keep the packaging so that you can transport the meter in electronic appliance in the sense of European Di-
its original packaging following expiry of the calibration va- rective 2012/19/EU (WEEE) and it must not be dis-
lidity. posed of as domestic waste. The relevant national,
• Lay all cables at a minimum distance of 500 mm to high legal regulations must be observed as the appliance
voltage and high frequency cables. must be disposed of via the channels provided for this
• A relative humidity of < 93 % at 25 °C is permissible (with- purpose. The local and currently valid legislation must
out condensation). be observed.
• Avoid cavitation in the whole system due to overpressure The meter contains lithium batteries. Do not dispose
i.e. at least 1 bar at qp and approx. 3 bar at qs (applies for of the meter and the batteries with domestic waste.
approx. 80 °C). Observe the local stipulations and laws on disposal.
• The 110 V / 230 V network parts correspond to protection You can return the lithium batteries to the manufac-
rating II so that the line voltage does not need to be dis- turer for appropriate disposal following use. When
connected when changing the meter. shipping please observe legal regulations, in particu-
lar, those governing the labelling and packaging of
hazardous goods.
2. Safety Information
Do not open the batteries. Do not bring batteries into
The meter may only be used in building service engi- contact with water or expose to temperatures above
neering systems and only for the applications de- 80 °C.
scribed. The meter does not have any lightning protection.
The local regulations (installation etc.) must be ad- Ensure lightning protection via the in-house installa-
hered to. tion.
Only fit one compartment for the power supply. Do not
The operating conditions according to the type plate
remove the red locking hatch.
must be complied with during use. Non-compliance
can result in hazardous situations and the expiry of all
claims arising from liability for defects as well as liabil- 3. Installation
ity based on any expressly granted guarantees.
To install the meter, proceed as follows:
Requirements for circulating water (CEN/TR 16911:
2016). • Determine the place of installation in line with the inscrip-
tion on the meter.
The meter is only suitable for circulating water in
heating systems. Note: At a heat meter or combined heating/cooling
meter the mounting place of the flow sensor cold side
The meter is not suitable for drinking water. is equivalent to return. The mounting place of the
flow sensor hot side is equivalent to flow.
Do not lift the meter by the electronic unit.
Note: At a cooling meter the mounting place of the
Be aware of sharp edges on the thread, flange and flow sensor hot side is equivalent to the return. The
measuring tube. mounting place of the flow sensor cold side is
equivalent to flow.
Only personnel, trained in the installation and opera-
tion of meters in heating and cooling systems, may • Observe the dimensions of the meter and check whether
install and remove the meter. there is sufficient space available.
Only install or remove the meter when the pipes are • Rinse the system thoroughly before installing the meter.
pressure-less. • Fit the meter vertically or horizontally between two slide
valves so that the arrow on the housing and the flow direc-
After installing the meter, check the leak-tightness of
tion match. Also observe the installation situations and the
the system.
following examples of installation.
1. 2. 3.
Transducer cover
Fig. 6: Recommended installation position for cooling metering
Fig. 10
Warning: Do not open the batteries. Do not bring
batteries into contact with water or expose to tem-
Fig. 7: Plan view and cross section of the adapter plate peratures above 80 °C. Dispose of used batteries at
suitable collection points.
In the 110 V AC and 230 V AC versions a cable is fitted at the
factory leading outwards which must be connected to the net-
work voltage indicated. The 24 V ACDC version has connec-
tion terminals instead of a cable.
Installing the battery
Fig. 11
Select second module function for module 1
(CV or CT or RI)
7 6
Select first module function for module 2
(CE or C2)
8. Error messages
The meter continuously runs a self-diagnosis and can thus
recognize and display various installation or meter error mes-
Error Error Service guidelines
FL Incorrect flow direction Check flow or installation
nEG direction; correct if necessary
if necessary, in exchange with:
DIFF Negative temperature difference Check installation point of the
nEG temperature sensors; exchange
if necessary
if necessary, in exchange with:
Fig. 17: Exchange of the measurement insert qp 150
F0 No flow can be measured Air in the measurement
6.2 Installing the measurement insert unit/pipe; bleed air from line
(delivery condition)
To install the measurement, insert, proceed as follows: F1 Interruption in the hot side tempera- Check hot side temperature
• Check the sealing surface of the flanged body in the ture sensor sensors; replace if necessary
F2 Interruption in the cold side tempera- Check cold side temperature
measurement insert for damage and cleanliness.
ture sensor sensors; replace if necessary
• Check the fit of the gasket “c“ (see figure 18) on the interim F3 Electronics for temperature evaluation Exchange the meter
cover. The gasket must be properly positioned in the defective
groove and be free of any damage. F4 Problem with the power supply; Check connection;
Battery flat; Change battery
F5 Short-circuit hot side temperature Check hot side temperature
sensor sensors; replace if necessary
F6 Short-circuit cold side temperature Check cold side temperature
sensor sensors; replace if necessary
F7 Fault in internal memory holding Exchange the meter
F8 Errors F1, F2, F3, F5 or F6 for longer Measure dependent on error
than 8 hours, recognition of attempts code. Error message F8 must
to manipulate. No further measure- be reset by service department.
ments are carried out.
F9 Fault in the electronics Exchange the meter