998 2095 11 23 15ar0 - en
998 2095 11 23 15ar0 - en
998 2095 11 23 15ar0 - en
Management on Building
Performance and Energy Costs
Executive summary
Power quality and energy consumption are closely
linked to overall building performance. Yet building
managers often focus more on mechanical equipment
operations. However, power problems are responsible
for more than half of equipment downtime in most
buildings. This paper reviews how adding power
management to BMS capabilities can reduce energy
costs and improve building performance while also
enhancing occupant comfort.
The Impact of Power Management on Building Performance and Energy Costs
Introduction Power and energy management systems have long been used in power critical
applications like industry, data centers and hospitals. Advances in technology now make
it easier to utilize such tools in commercial buildings, and at an affordable cost. The
benefits of adding power and energy management systems functionality into existing
Building Management Systems (BMS) include lower maintenance costs, reduced energy
consumption, increased equipment life span, and higher occupant comfort and
Most buildings have been outfitted with automated Building Management Systems (BMS)
that allow for centralized monitoring and control of heating, cooling, and related
ventilation systems. These systems provide building owners and facility managers with a
comprehensive view of the mechanical system. However, many of building system
managers do not leverage the potential of the system to monitor the electrical system as
Power problems are responsible for more than half of equipment downtime in most
buildings. This paper discusses how adding power management to BMS capabilities
can reduce overall energy costs and improve performance of equipment and buildings,
while also enhancing occupant comfort.
Figure 1
Global electricity net
consumption (courtesy of
US Energy Information
Administration, 2012)
“The Business Case for Green Buildings” World Green Building Council, 2013
J. Manson, R.Targosz, “European Power Quality Survey Report”, Leonardo Energy, 2008.
Schneider Electric White Paper Revision 0 Page 2
The Impact of Power Management on Building Performance and Energy Costs
Most building operators engage in basic power monitoring, which analyzes the kilowatt
hours of energy consumed. This consumption is measured at the main meter and
sometimes through additional meters installed around large loads. The information
gathered is helpful but limited.
For example, a facility manager might know a chiller is running more than it should (and
consuming X amount of energy), but he would have no visibility to the underlying issue
that is driving the higher consumption. As a result, the facility manager may need to send
in maintenance crews to investigate. If the chiller is failing for some mechanical reason,
they would be able to fix it. However if the problem is a power quality issue, this may
result in guesswork and money could get wasted on fruitless repair efforts, and / or result
in unnecessary equipment wear.
Given that HVAC and lighting systems, which consume more than half of a building’s
energy, are affected by power, it makes good business sense to incorporate power
monitoring and management.
Power There are multiple advantages to monitoring and managing power consumption and
quality. Following are some examples of how power management can reduce costs,
management enhance performance, and improve occupancy comfort:
• Verified energy bills - The majority of energy billing errors occur on the
administration side of the utility, not the meter. Most facilities receive a bill that only
A new opportunity provides a bottom line power usage figure and provides no means for the user to
for efficiency in verify. Power management provides the intelligence to read kilowatt hours and
buildings with compare with tariffs published in the contract. Information such as power usage
non-critical power peaks, overall usage, and time of use are all detailed.
• Tracked electrical loads - Tracking load profiles through a power management
Traditionally, power system can identify early signs of trouble. For example, a typical power load might
management has been used peak at midday and drop off at the end of the day and on weekends. If that profile
in facilities such as hospitals changes, it may indicate a problem. A compressor might be malfunctioning, or an
and data centers where
power use and availability are
employee might be leaving an electrical heater on overnight. The power
highly critical. The fact is, management system will be able to track down the cause and correct it before the
nearly half of the world’s problem becomes severe.
buildings are non-critical,
such as educational
campuses, retailers and office • Managed assets and capacity - Power management improves overall asset
buildings (“Global Building
management and avoids catastrophic failure. In a typical scenario bearings may
Stock Database, 2011-2021,”
Pike Research, 2014). Now begin to show signs of wear or chiller motor might be in need of repair. This can be
building owners and detected on the mechanical side because in-flows might be less efficient. The
operators of less critical usual response is to crank up the system. However, when can be observed via
buildings can use power changes in the electrical profile, the problem can be identified earlier and with more
management embedded with
accuracy and appropriate actions can be taken earlier.
BMS for HVAC systems to
create business value and
positive ROI.
• Facility comparisons – The increase of high quality information from the power
monitoring system allows for more accurate comparisons between various facilities
and campuses. For example, it might appear that a particular maintenance team is
performing below par (due to higher costs, poorly functioning equipment), but
examining power consumption and quality might reveal that the problem is in the
power, not in the people.
• Applied analytics - Power monitoring produces large amounts of data. This data
can be mined with analytics to reveal hidden trends that are not visible in common,
everyday reports (such as hard-to-see correlations between power and equipment).
Analysis requires specialized professionals with specific competencies in power
quality, electric installation and equipment, who are capable of correlating power
quality disturbances with equipment damage, malfunction, or electrical installation
downtime. This capability may be provided by the BMS vendor, and can even be
embedded to some extent in the BMS dashboards.
See the Appendix for a complete list of power quality problems, their impact and their
Power meters measure the quality and quantity of power flowing through a given part of
the electrical system. There are many types of power meters available, but they can be
divided into two general categories: power consumption meters and power quality
From 30 to 40% of all unscheduled HVAC downtime is related to power quality problems
and up to 80% of the time these disturbances are generated by user-owned equipment.
As with power consumption, power quality can be measured in one location or many,
depending upon the needs and constraints of each building.
Figure 2
Power meter selection
Power meters are available with different combinations of the capabilities (see Table 1
for a partial description). A power management consultant can help determine which
meters are appropriate given the configuration of the facility and the available budget.
For more information on common power meters applications and the best meter for each
need, please refer to the Power Meter Selection Guide for Large Buildings.
J. Manson, R.Targosz, “European Power Quality Survey Report”, Leonardo Energy, 2008
Schneider Electric White Paper Revision 0 Page 5
The Impact of Power Management on Building Performance and Energy Costs
Monitor connection points with external Monitor main distribution Monitor power distribution
Table 1 utility or local power sources, such as circuits from the main electrical panels (distribution panels,
Examples of different solar, wind and distributed energy switchboard in a large building, panel boards, sub-panels, etc.)
types of meters resources or the main distribution feeder throughout a panel that serves
from a campus substation. Also non-critical loads.
recommended for circuits with
important loads or specialty
Power management linked to BMS helps both electrical and mechanical systems to run
together better. Mechanical and electrical systems traditionally reside in separate data
and operational silos. When power management is embedded into a BMS, managers can
monitor electrical systems in the same way they manage HVAC systems, with a single
set of data, alerts and reports. Such an integrated system makes it faster to determine if
the root cause of an equipment problem is due to a mechanical issue or to an electrical
Figure 3
Example of power
management software
dashboard showing electrical
network health summary
Deployment A power management system can be deployed all at once, or phased in over time. The
ability to phase in power management makes it affordable for owners and operators
actions tasked with improving building performance.
As a first step, stakeholders need to identify the core areas that need to be measured
(see Table 2). If accuracy of energy bills is a concern, meters should be placed at the
incomer. Placing meters in this location allows monitoring of the power supply and could
detect whether problems are coming from the energy provider or are being generated
onsite. If equipment performance is the main issue, meters should be added to chillers,
boilers, air handling units, and / or pumps. If the priority is to segment or compare
different tenants of departments in a given building site, sub-metering should be set up to
better understand compartmentalized power usage.
In addition to measurement, the power data that is gathered also needs to be analyzed.
An embedded power and energy management system organizes the information into
comprehensive, easy-to-understand actionable reports, dashboards, and graphics. This
helps mechanical experts and facility managers to make faster, more informed decisions.
A systematic program for power management should include the following steps:
Each facility has its own specific power issues, depending on the installed loads,
equipment, and the quality of supplied energy. Options to addressing power issues may
include add-on equipment that mitigates the power disturbances; modification of settings;
design and architecture changes; or even selection of new equipment that is less
sensitive to power disturbances.
Most building owners with non-critical power needs have some power monitoring
Conclusion equipment (such as meters) in place, but do not have electrical experts on staff to
interpret the energy data that is gathered. Yet they still want visibility into their electrical
system for better incident response times and lower energy spend.
Energy use is a major facilities management concern, and buildings have been identified
as the largest energy consumers. Yet most building owners and operators fail to measure
and manage power. Even BMSs only partially address this issue.
The power system can have a major impact on HVAC efficiency and reliability, as well on
energy use and costs. An investment in power meters, when linked with a BMS, provides
much-needed visibility into how power relates to equipment performance. Readers
interested in delving more deeply into the electrical issues involved are referred to the
Schneider Electric white paper “Framework for Implementing Continuous, Iterative Power
Quality Management”.
With proper planning, facilities managers can leverage power management to improve
energy use, enhance occupant comfort, reduce maintenance costs and emergencies,
and continuously optimize building performance.
management, and he is a regular blogger on data center space. Mark holds a Master
of Business Administration from the University of Calgary, Canada, and a Bachelor of
Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Champaign-
category: Short Effects Possible causes
Transients Lightning or switching of
Equipment malfunction and damage
inductive / capacitive loads
Swell Equipment damage and reduced life Utility faults, load changes
category: Long Effects Possible causes
Load changes, overload,
Undervoltage Shutdown, malfunction, equipment failure
* Not defined as a power quality problem from standards perspective, but considered as
a power quality problem from end-user perspective.