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Website Case Study :

Before coding of the website, planning is important, students should visit different
websites (Min. 5) for the different client projects and note down the evaluation
results for these websites, either good website or bad website in following format:

Sr. Website URL Purpose Things liked in Things disliked in the Evaluati
No. of website the website website on of the

1 https://www.h For Companies: Hackerrank It lacks plagiarism Good They are the helps in detection.
m/ market-leading improving
technical interview coding skills. Inaccurate coding
platform to identify exercises and unstable
and hire developers It provides a connection during
wherever they are. platform to interviews.
practice for
For Job Seekers: Interviews.
We can join over 18
million developers,
practice coding skills,
prepare for Interviews
and get hired.
2 https://github. Millions of developers It helps in GitHub does offer Good
com/ and companies build, storing our own private repositories,
ship, and maintain code with but this isn't
their software on proper necessarily perfect for
GitHub. licensing. many

It is the largest and We can For high value

most advanced contribute to intellectual property,
development platform projects of other you're putting all of
in the world developers. this in the hands of
GitHub as well as
anyone who has a
login, which like
many sites has had
security breaches
before and is targeted

3 https://www.y YouTube is a free YouTube gives Everything on Good video sharing website you the YouTube is public.
that makes it easy to opportunity to
watch online videos. earn money YouTube has many
through your rules which restrict
You can even create videos. what you can do
and upload your own within your channel.
videos to share with It is an easy
others. way to share
related to
videos, music,
4 https://stacko For Teams: It benefits your A large number of Good It is a private online posters are either
collaboration & reputation, selfish deadbeats or
knowledge sharing which is totally clueless.
SaaS platform for important to
companies. potential
It is a web-based employers,
platform to increase customers and
productivity, decrease clients.
cycle times, accelerate
time to market, and It builds a
protect institutional network of
knowledge. technologists
you can reach
For Developers: out to.
It is a public platform
building the definitive
collection of coding
questions & answers.
It is a
space to find and
contribute answers to
technical challenges,
and one of the most
popular websites in the

5 https://www.r Reddit is home to Extremely easy User cliques can Good thousands of to use. quickly bury articles
t=58391 communities, endless they don't agree with.
conversation, and Not as focused
authentic human on mainstream Mostly unmoderated,
connection. news headlines. so some titles could
be not safe for work.
Whether you're into
breaking news, sports,
TV fan theories, or a
never-ending stream of
the internet's cutest
animals, there's a
community on Reddit
for you.

6 https://open.s Spotify is a digital Spotify allows you'll have to pay Good music service that users to create every month
gives you access to their own irrespective of
millions of songs. playlists which whether or not you're
can be found using the service
Basic functions such as conveniently by
playing music are using the search Available just within a
totally free. feature. small number of
You can access
its vast music
library of “over
40 million
tracks,” whether
you're a free
and Premium

7 https://www.d DeviantArt is the Very easy It can be hard to get Good largest online social layout system. It noticed.
/ network for artists and also has the best
art enthusiasts. comment If you're an artist who
system out of all specializes more with
It is a platform for the other original art over fan
emerging and art-related sites. art, it can be next to
established artists to impossible to get your
exhibit, promote, and A great original art noticed
share their works with extension of the unless you built a
an enthusiastic, site to get your reputation off of fan
art-centric community thoughts out art and gradually
there and started incorporating
interact with the your Original Art.
around you.

8 https://www. Wikipedia is an online Wikipedia is Anyone can create, Good free content completely free, edit, or delete
/ encyclopedia project providing Wikipedia articles.
where everyone can access to
freely share in the sum information on Wikipedia articles
of all knowledge. millions of cannot be considered
topics to anyone scholarly, because we
Wikipedia is written with Internet know nothing about
collaboratively by capabilities. the contributors.
largely anonymous
volunteers. Wikipedia is
updated by the
hour. In
are usually

9 https://www.a Amazon is an Each month If you're selling the Good American millions of same product as other
multinational active merchants then you'll
technology company customers visit be competing with
which focuses on Amazon them for the Amazon
e-commerce, cloud looking to shop Buy Box.
computing, digital for products.
streaming, and Amazon charges
artificial intelligence. With more than retailers hefty
175 fulfillment commission for every
It has been referred to centers around product sold through
as 'one of the most the globe, you them.
influential economic can ship all your
and cultural forces in products in bulk
the world', and the to Amazon and
they will store
world's most valuable your inventory,
brand. package it and
ship it to your

10 https://codepe CodePen is a social CodePen also Pro (premium) Good development provides easy version required to
environment for ways for you to keep work private and
front-end designers keep all of your use external links
and developers. work in one properly
place through
We can build and their online CodePen has many
deploy a website, show platform. tools but not all are
off your work, build You can share not practical for most
test cases to learn and your work development
debug, and find easily with an situations.
inspiration. instructor or

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