Harsh Modanwal - Project
Harsh Modanwal - Project
Harsh Modanwal - Project
Harsh Mdanwal
Under the Supervision of
Session: 2022-23
Date :- …/…/……..
Research Scholor
Harsh Modanwal
M.Com (8th Semester)
Commerce Department
T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur
PVT LTD, for providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation
of this report. . I am also really obliged guided by Mr. Amit Singh, Mr.
Ketan Srivastava, Mr. Siddhartha Mukherjee.
1 Introduction
10 to 34
1.1 Company profile
1.6.best mutual fund
comparing mutual
funds with other
structure of mutual
Research methodology
2.1.advantages 35 to 47
2.3.objectives 2.4.tools
and techniques to invest
in mutual funds
3 Literature review
48 to 54
Data analysis and
interpretation 55 to 75
5 Conclusion
76 to 80
6 Bibliography
81 to 83
7 Appendix
84 to 87
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A mutual fund is like a trust that pools money from different investors
who share a mutual investment objective. This trust is managed by a
professional fund manager. The manager uses these funds to invest in
equities, stocks, and different money market instruments which help
increase wealth. The income gained from this collective investment is
then distributed amongst all the investors proportionately after
deducting certain expenses.
The first company that dealt in mutual funds was the Unit Trust of
India. It was set up in 1963 as a joint venture of the Reserve Bank of
India and the Government of India. The objective of the UTI was to
guide small and uninformed investors who wanted to buy shares and
other financial products in larger firms. The UTI was a monopoly in
those days. One of its mutual fund products that ran for several years
was the Unit Scheme 1964. The mutual fund industry in India has
undergone at least 4 phases. Let us now look at each phase in brief:
>Phase of Inception (1964-87): The first phase was marked by the
setting up of the UTI. Though it was a collaboration between the RBI
and the Indian Government, the latter was soon delinked from theday-
to-day operations of the Unit Trust of India. In this phase, the company
was the sole operator in the Indian mutual fund industry. In 1971, the
UTI launched the Unit Linked 10 Insurance Plan or the ULIP. From that
year until 1986, UTI introduced several plans and played a very big role
in introducing the concept of mutual funds in India. When UTI was set
up several years ago, the idea was to not just introduce the concept of
mutual funds in India; an associated idea was to set up a corpus for
nation-building as well. Therefore, to encourage the small Indian
investor, the government built in several income-tax rebates in the UTI
schemes. Not surprisingly, the investible corpus of UTI swelled from
600 crores in 1984 to 6,700 crores in 1988. Clearly, the time had come
for the Indian mutual industry to move into the next phase.
>Entry of Public Sector (1987-1993): By the end of 1988, the mutual
fund industry had acquired its own identity. From 1987, many public
sector banks had begun lobbying the government for starting their
own mutual fund arms. In November 1987, the first non-UTI Asset
Management Fund was set up by the State Bank of India. This AMC was
quickly followed by the creation of other AMCs by banks like Canara
Bank, Indian Bank, Life Insurance Corporation, General Insurance
Corporation, and Punjab National Bank. This opening up of the mutual
fund industry delivered the desired results. In 1993, the cumulative
corpus of all the AMCs went up to a whopping Rs. 44,000 crores.
Observers of this industry say that in the second phase, not only the
base of the industry increased but also it encouraged investors to
spend a higher percentage of their savings in mutual funds. It was
evident that the mutual fund industry in India was poised for higher
growth. 11 >Entry of Private Sector Phase (1993-1996): In the period
1991-1996, the Government of India had realized the importance of
the liberalization of the Indian economy. Financial sector reforms were
the need of the hour. India needed private sector participation for the
rebuilding of the economy. Keeping this in mind, the government
opened up the mutual fund industry for the private players as well.
The foreign players welcomed this move and entered the Indian
market in significant numbers. In this period, 11 private players –in
collaboration with foreign entities- launched their Asset Management
Funds. Some of the top AMCs in the private sector were: • ICICI
Prudential AMC- This Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank
of India and Prudential Plc of UK. It manages a corpus of INR 2, 93,000
crores and has an inventory of more than 1400 schemes. • HDFC
Mutual Fund- Launched in the 1990s, the HDFC Mutual Fund manages
more than 900 different kinds of funds. • Kotak Mahindra Mutual
Fund- This AMC has an asset base of more than Rs. 1,19,000 crores. It
is a joint venture of Kotak Financial Services and the Mahindra Group.
>SEBI Interventions and Growth, And AMFI: As the mutual fund
industry grew further in the 1990s, the AMCs government felt that it
was time for regulation and some control. Investors had to be
protected as well as a level playing ground had also to be laid down. A
few years ago, the Indian industry had suffered a lot 12 because of
bank scams and there was a real threat that investors might lose their
monies yet again. Consequently, the government introduced the SEBI
Regulation Act in 1996 which laid down a set of fair and transparent
rules for all the stakeholders. In 1999, the Indian government declared
that all mutual fund dividends would be exempt from income tax. The
idea behind this decision was to spur further growth in the mutual
fund industry. Meanwhile, the mutual fund industry also realized the
importance of self-regulation. As a result, it set up an industry body-
the Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI). One of the goals of
this body is investor education. >Phase of Consolidation (February
2003 – April 2014): In February 2003, the Unit Trust of India was split
into two separate entities, following the repeal of the original UTI Act
of 1963. The two separated entities were the UTI Mutual Fund (which
is under the SEBI regulations for MFs) and the Specified Undertaking of
the Unit Trust of India (SUUTI). Following this bifurcation of the former
UTI and occurrence numerous mergers among different private sector
entities, the mutual fund industry took a step towards the phase of
consolidation. After the global economic recession of 2009, the
financial markets across the globe were at an all-time low and Indian
market was no exception to it. Majority of investors who had put in
their money during the peak time of the market had suffered great
losses. This severely shook the faith of investors in the MF products.
The Indian Mutual Fund industry struggled to recover from these
hardships and remodel itself over the next two years. The situation
toughened up more with SEBI abolishing the entry load and the lasting
13 repercussions of the global economic crisis. This scenario is
evident from the sluggish rise in the overall AUM of the Indian MF
industry. >Phase of Steady Development And Growth (Since May
2014): Recognizing the lack of penetration of mutual funds in India,
especially in the tier II and tier III cities, SEBI launched numerous
progressive measures in September 2012. The idea behind these
measures was to bring more transparency and security for the interest
of the stakeholders. This was SEBI’s idea to ‘re-energize’ the Indian MF
Industry and boost the overall penetration of mutual funds in India.
The measures bore fruit in the due course by countering the negative
trend that was set because of the global financial crisis. The situation
improved considerably after the new government took charge at the
center. Since May ’14, the Indian MF industry has experienced a
consistent inflow and rise in the overall AUM as well as the total
number of investor accounts (portfolio). Currently, all the Asset
Management Companies in India manage a combined worth of around
Rs. 23 lac crore of assets. Though this number looks attractive, we still
have to go a long way in order to match the west. It is estimated that
Indians save approximately Rs. 20-30 lakh crore annually. The Indian
mutual fund industry can grow immensely if Indians started parking a
higher percentage of their savings in MFs. Observers say that Indians
have begun shifting a part of their savings from physical assets like
gold and land to financial instruments like bonds and silver. However,
the AMFI and the government need to encourage Indians even more
for investments in mutual funds. 14
Multicap fund- Multi cap are those funds that invest across all market
capitalizations, segments and themes without any SEBI imposed caps.
Fund managers of this fund can freely change their exposure to
various market capitalisations and segments as per the changing
market conditions. These funds have to invest at least 65% of the total
assets in equity and equity linked instruments.
Large cap fund: Large cap funds primarily invest in large cap
companies. As per SEBI guidelines, top 100 companies in terms of
market capitalization are classified as large cap companies. SEBI
guidelines have mandated large cap funds to invest at least 80% of the
total assets in the equity and equity linked instruments of large cap
companies. Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS): ELSS popularly
known as tax savings mutual funds, are equity oriented schemes
qualifying for tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh per financial year
under Section 80C. 19 These schemes have a lock in period of just 3
years, the shortest lock among all investment options available under
the Section 80C. Being invested in equities, these funds have the
greatest long term wealth creation potential among all tax saving
investment options available under Section 80C.
Midcap fund: Midcap funds invest primarily in the equity and equity
related instruments of midcap companies. As per SEBI guidelines, mid
cap funds have to invest a minimum of 65% of the total assets in the
midcap companies. Midcap companies are those ranked from 101st to
250th in terms of full market capitalization. Focused fund: According
to SEBI guidelines, focused funds are those that can invest in a
maximum of thirty stocks. These funds have to invest at least 65% of
their total assets in equity and equity related instruments.
Sectoral/thematic fund: Sectoral and thematic fund are those that
invest predominantly in stocks related to a pre-determined theme or
sectors like pharma, banking, technology, energy, real estate etc.
Examples of investment themes can be commodity, defence, rural
consumption, urban consumption, etc. As per SEBI guidelines, sectoral
or thematic funds have to invest at least 80% of the total assets in
equity and equity linked instrument selected sector or theme
Dividend Yield fund: Dividend yield funds are those that invest
predominantly in dividend yielding stocks. As per SEBI guidelines,
dividend yield funds have to invest at least 65% of their total assets in
dividend yielding stocks.
Overnight fund: Overnight funds are those debt funds that invest in
overnight securities or assets having a residual maturity of 1 day.
Liquid fund: Liquid funds are those that are allowed to invest only in
debt and money market securities having maturity of up to 91 days.
Ultra short duration fund: Ultra short duration funds are those that
primarily invest in debt and money market instruments to build
portfolios with Macaulay duration of 3 to 6 months.
Low duration fund: Low duration funds are debt funds, which invest in
debt and money market instruments in a manner that the Macaulay
duration of portfolio is between 6 and 12 months. Money market fund:
Money market funds are those debt funds that invest in money market
instruments with maturity of up to 1 year.
Short duration fund: Short duration funds are those debt funds, which
invest in money and debt market instruments in such a way that the
Macaulay duration of their portfolios are from 1 to 3 years.
Medium duration fund: Medium duration funds are those debt funds
that invest in money and debt market instruments in such a way that
the Macaulay duration of portfolio is from 3 to 4 years. These funds
have been given the flexibility to maintain a Macaulay duration of 1 to
4 years in case of anticipated adverse situations.
Long duration fund: Long duration funds are those debt funds that
invest in money and debt market instruments in such a manner that
the Macaulay duration of portfolio is more than 7 years.
Credit risk fund: Credit risk funds are those that invest at least 65% of
their total assets in AA rated papers (except AA+) and below rated
corporate bonds.
Hybrid mutual funds are those funds that invest in equity, debt and
other asset classes to generate better risk-adjusted returns. These
funds are ideal for those who want their mutual fund managers to
implement their asset allocation strategy as well. Here a list of hybrid
mutual funds where you can consider investing in:
Multi asset allocation fund: Multi asset allocation funds are those that
invest in at least 3 asset classes. As per SEBI guidelines, multi asset
allocation funds have to maintain at least 10% of their total assets in
each of the 3 asset classes pre-determined by the respective fund
Arbitrage fund: Arbitrage funds are those that seek to benefit from
arbitrage opportunities. As per SEBI guidelines, arbitrage funds have to
invest a minimum 65% of their total assets in equity and equity linked
instruments while following their arbitrage strategies.
Mutual funds vs fixed deposits
Constant returns
Less liquid: you cannot exit an FD Highly liquid. You can exit a debt
any time you wish fund any time you wish
two of the biggest reasons why people put their money in FDs. Debt
mutual funds offer similar benefits to the investor. For instance, they
are considered relatively safe investments. And while the returns can
vary, they can help beat inflation. In addition, mutual funds are more
liquid compared to FDs. You can exit a fund any time you want to. FDs
don’t provide you that facility.
Bank deposits for long have been seen as a safe investment avenue by
majority of investors. We have compared mutual funds and bank
deposits on parameters such as returns, risks and liquidity, among
others that will help you make an informed choice.
Parameters Mutual Funds Bank Deposits
The allure of gold has captivated Indians for centuries. Every family
buys and invests in the yellow metal in the form of jewellery and gold
coins. However, gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a good
alternative to physical gold.
Gold Gold ETFs
Tough to liquidate physical gold for Easy to sell gold ETFs when
While most Indians still prefer the traditional investment avenues, the
scenario is slowly changing. Over the past few years, the mutual fund
industry has gained traction in the country. The reason is simple: there
are a variety of mutual funds in the market that can help you reach
your financial goals.
parameters such as ease of investment, liquidity, risks, and returns
among others that will help you make the right choice.
Returns Returns are not fixed Though returns are
and depend on various not fixed, investment
internal and external in a property well-
factors. However, in researched with all the
the long run, returns amenities generally
are positive and can fetches good returns
even be in double in the long term.
b. The Sponsor must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in
financial services.
c. The net worth of the Sponsor must be positive for all the
preceding five years.
d. Out of the total net worth of the AMC, 40% must be participated
by the Sponsor.
Trust and trustees make up the second layer of the structure of mutual
funds. Trustees are also known as the protectors of the fund and are
employed by the fund sponsor. As the name suggests, they have a very
important role in maintaining the trust of the investors and to oversee
the growth of the fund. SEBI mandates the trustees to provide a report
on the fund and the functioning of the AMC on a half-yearly basis.
Trustees can be created either in the form of Board of Trustees or a
Trust Company. The Trustees supervise the entire functioning of the
AMC and regulate the operations of the mutual fund schemes. The SEBI
has tightened the rule of transparency so as to avoid any conflict of
interest between the Sponsor and the AMC. Without the permission
and approval of the Trust, an AMC cannot float a new mutual fund
scheme. It is important for the Trustees to act independently and take
appropriate measures to safeguard the hard earned money of the
investors. The Trustees are also required to be registered under SEBI,
and SEBI further regulates their registration by either suspending or
revoking the registration if found breaching any conditions.
RTAs are an important link between fund managers and investors.
They cater to the fund managers by updating them with the investor
details and to investors by delivering the benefits of the fund to them.
RTAs are SEBI registered entities who process the applications of
mutual funds, help with investor KYC, manage and deliver periodical
statements of investments, update records of investors and process
investor requests. Link-in time, Karvy etc. are some of the famous
RTAs in India and they provide the requisite operational support to the
AMC in mutual fund activities.
>Other Participants-
This AMC launched its first mutual fund in October 2009 and since
then the firm has been able to make its presence in over 90 cities in
India. It manages more than 20 lakh investor accounts and offers
around 50 mutual fund schemes in the categories of debt, equity,
hybrid, ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), FoFs (Fund of Funds), etc.
the Aditya Birla Group, a Fortune 500 Indian multinational and offers
24 schemes in the debt, equity, and hybrid categories.
The fund house is a joint venture between public sector lender Canara
Bank and Netherlands-based investment firm, Robeco. The firm was
founded in December 1987 and initially was known as Canbank Mutual
Fund. The fund house was later renamed to Canara Robeco Mutual
Fund in 2007 and offers 18 schemes in various categories (equity,
debt, hybrid, and ETF).
advantages and benefits
The value of an investment may not rise or fall in tandem. When the
value of one investment is on the rise the value of another may be in
decline. As a result, the portfolio’s overall performance has a lesser
chance of being volatile. Diversification reduces the risk involved in
building a portfolio thereby further reducing the risk for an investor.
As Mutual Funds consist of many securities, investor’s interests are
safeguarded if there is a downfall in other securities so purchased.
>Expert Management:
> Flexibility to invest in Smaller Amounts:
Among other benefits of Mutual Fund the most important benefit is its
flexible nature. Investors need not put in a huge amount of money to
invest in a Mutual Fund. Investment can be as per the cash flow
position. If You draw a monthly salary then you can go for a Systematic
Investment Plan (SIP). Through SIP a fixed amount is invested either
monthly or quarterly as per your budget and convenience.
Mutual Funds are easily accessible and you can start investing and buy
mutual funds from anywhere in the world. An asset management
companies (AMC) offers the funds and distributes through channels
Brokerage Firms
AMC’S Themselves
The best part of the Mutual Fund is the minimum amount of
investment can be Rs. 500. And the maximum can go up to whatever
an investor wishes to invest. The only point one should consider
before investing in the Mutual Funds is their income, expenses, risk-
taking ability, and investment goals. Therefore, every individual from
all walks of life is free to invest in a Mutual Fund irrespective of their
Investors are also free to verify the credentials of the fund manager,
his qualifications, years of experience, and AUM, solvency details of
the fund house.
>Lower cost:
In a Mutual Fund, funds are collected from many investors, and then
the same is used to purchase securities. These funds are however
invested in assets which therefore helps one save on transaction and
other costs as compared to a single transaction. The savings are
passed on to the investors as lower costs of investing in Mutual Funds.
Besides, the Asset Management Services fee cost is lowered and the
same is divided between all the investors of the fund.
Mutual Funds provide the best tax saving options. ELSS Mutual Funds
have a tax exemption of Rs. 1.5 lakh a year under section 80C of the
Income Tax Act. All other Mutual Funds in India are taxed based on
the type of investment and the tenure of investment. ELSS Tax Saving
Mutual Funds has the potential to deliver higher returns than other
taxsaving instruments like PPF, NPS, and Tax Saving FDs.
Tax Saving Mutual Funds have the lowest lock-in periods of only 3
years. This is lower as compared to a maximum of 5 years for other
tax saving options like FD, ULIPs, and PPF. On top of that one has the
option to stay invested even after the completion of the lock-in period.
With Equity linked saving scheme you can save tax up to Rs. 1.5 Lakh a
year under section 80C of Income Tax (IT) Act. All other types of
Mutual Funds are taxable depending on the type of fund and tenure.
Before making an investment one should keep in mind the various
advantages Mutual Fund provides. Thorough knowledge of the benefits
of Mutual Funds would lead to better gains in the future.
Due to dilution, it is not recommended to invest in too many Mutual
Funds at the same time. Diversification, although saves an investor
from major losses, also restricts one from making a higher profit.
>Management Abuses:
Churning, turnover, and window dressing may happen if your manager
is abusing his or her authority. This includes unnecessary trading,
excessive replacement, and selling the losers prior to quarter-end to
fix the books.
>Tax Inefficiency:
Like it or not, investors do not have a choice when it comes to capital
gains payouts in mutual funds. Due to the turnover, redemptions,
gains, and losses in security holdings throughout the year, investors
typically receive distributions from the fund that are an uncontrollable
tax event.
>Poor Trade Execution:
If you place your mutual fund trade anytime before the cut-off time for
same-day NAV, you will receive the same closing price NAV for your
buy or sell on the mutual fund. 2 For investors looking for faster
execution times, maybe because of short investment horizons, day
trading, or timing the market, mutual funds provide a weak execution
Based on the constitution there are two types of mutual funds open-
ended and close-ended. In an open-ended fund, an investor is free to
invest money whenever he/she feels like. Similarly, you are also free to
withdraw money anytime. These are the funds in which the freedom or
flexibility of investment timing is highest. In a close-ended fund, an
investor has limited time to invest money in the fund. Whenever a
scheme is launched, investors are offered with a time frame to invest.
If an investor is interested in investing, he/she is required to put in
money during the time period failing which he/she is not provided
with units of the fund nor another time frame for investing.
>Equities Can Make Losses:
Equity mutual funds are the funds that invest in equities. Equities by
nature are riskier instruments and come with high profitability and
high risk. While an investor may generate healthy returns, he/she may
have to go through a harrowing period as well depending on the
market dynamics.
>To give a brief idea about the benefits available from mutual fund
>To study and know more about the mutual fund schemes.
>To know how salary people know about mutual fund schemes.
What it indicates
All debt papers that the fund invests in are rated by agencies
according to their risk profile. While government securities are totally
risk free, corporate papers are rated from AAA (highest safety) to D
How is it calculated
Agencies use their own methodology to rate a fund. The ratings are
usually provided in the fund’s fact sheet.
High rating indicates that the fund is taking lower credit risk. Since
investors go for debt investment to reduce risk, they should avoid
schemes with too many low quality papers.
>Sharpe Ratio
What it indicates
This ratio shows the return per unit of the total risk taken by the
How is it calculated
>Average Maturity or Maturity Profile (Debt schemes only)
What it indicates
How is it calculated
>Expense Ratio
What it indicates
This ratio represents the annual expense the fund will charge the
investor. It ranges between 0.1% (for fixed maturity plans) to 3.25%
(for small-sized equity funds).
How is it calculated
The lower the expense ratio, the better it is for the investor. Since
most debt funds generate similar gross returns, expense ratio
becomes more important for debt funds. Direct plans have lower
expense ratios.
>Portfolio Concentration Ratio
What it indicates
This ratio shows where and how much has the fund invested.
How is it calculated
Normal range is 30%-40% for top five stocks and 30%-60% for top five
sectors for diversified funds. Investors go to mutual funds for
diversification, any undue concentration in its portfolio defeats this
>Standard Deviation
What it indicates
How is it calculated
First, calculate the average of daily returns. Deduct this average from
each daily return and square the difference. The sum of all these
squared values is then divided by the number of days to get the
variance. And the square root of the variance is standard deviation.
Lower the deviation, the better it is. However, one needs to compare it
only within categories. The range can be below 1% for liquid funds 20%-
40% for equity funds.
Meaning of review of literature.
> Martin P. and McCann B. (1998) in their book titled “The Investor’s
Gremillion L (2005) in his book “Mutual Fund Industry Handbook – A
Comprehensive Guide for Investment Professionals” has given detailed
information about working of mutual fund industry. It has also mentioned
the different type of challenges faced by various professionals connected
with this industry. The book has provided a broad and comprehensive
sweep of information and knowledge, which will help everybody who has
serious interest in the industry.
>Tyson E (2007) in his book “Mutual Funds for DUMMIES” (5 th edition) has
provided practical and profitable techniques of mutual fund investing
that investors can put to work now and for many years to come. By
proper selection investor can identify good schemes, where fund
managers invest in securities as per that match investors’ financial goals.
Investors can spend their time doing the activities in life that they enjoy
and are best at. Mutual Funds should improve investors’ investment
returns as well as their social life. The book helps investors how to avoid
mutual fund investing pitfalls and maximizing their chances for success.
Whenever any investor wants to buy or sell a mutual fund, the decision
needs to fit his overall financial objectives and individual situation.
consider statistical parameters like alpha, beta, standard deviation
besides considering NAV and total return.
Table no 1: Do you invest in mutual fund?
As per the above table it is clear that while 67% of respondents are
investing in mutual funds, 33% of respondents are not investing in
mutual funds.
Interpretation: As per the above graph it can be interpreted that most
respondents are investing in mutual funds. That is 67%. This still
indicates that mutual fund products are to be used by a large pool of
21-30 4 13%
31-40 10 34%
41-50 9 30%
51-60 7 23%
total 30 100%
21 -30 PURPLE
31-40 BLUE
41-50 RED
51-60 GREEN
Professional 13 44%
Salaried 10 33%
total 30 100%
Analysis: From the analysis out of 30 respondents as per above table 44%
investors are professionals like doctor, CA and others. 33% investors are
of salaried persons and 23% investors are business persons.
Table no 4: Why do you invest in mutual funds?
Safety 9 30%
Capital appreciation 2 7%
total 30 100%
1 lakh 8 27%
total 30 100%
As per the above table, it is analysed that 27% of the investors have
income below 1lakh, 36% of the respondents have income between 2-4
lakh, 20% of the respondents have income between 4-5 lakh and 17% of
the respondents are of above 5 lakh.
As per the above table, it can be analysed that 33% of the respondents
are interested to invest between 0-1 year, 43% of the respondents are
interested to invest between the duration of 1-2 years, 17% of the
respondents are interested to invest between duration of 2-4 years and
7% of the respondents are interested in investing more than 5 years.
Table no 7: how much amount do you invest?
total 30 100%
As per the above table, it is analysed that 47% of the respondents are
invest below 50000 in mutual fund, 33% of the respondents are
interested to invest between Rs-50000-Rs.100000 and 20% respondents
are interested to invest above Rs.100000
Equity 9 30%
Debt 3 10%
balanced 11 37%
total 30 100%
As per the above table, it can be analysed that where in the scheme
preference most of the investor Prefer a balanced scheme which has 37%,
the second most investors are in Equity Schemes are in 30% then fixed
maturity plan has 23% and the least investors scheme debt has10%.
Table no 9: from which sources you came to know about mutual
Television 4 13%
Agent/brokers 8 27%
total 30 100%
As per the above table it is analysed that 27% of respondents are came to
know about mutual funds by agents, 20% of the respondents by friend’s
suggestion, 40% of the respondents are self-decided and 13% of the
respondents came to know by television.
As per the above table it can be analysed that 33% of the respondents are
innovators they invest more amount of money and they are ready to take
any risk, 50% of the people will check out all the factors and then if they
find that they can bear the risk moderately they will invest and 17% of the
people are never ready to take risks.
Table no 11: What type of scheme do you prefer
total 30 100%
As per the above table, it can be analysed that 50% of the respondents
are prefer open ended method, 33% of the respondents prefer close
ended schemes and 17% of the respondents are prefer intervals scheme.
Important 7 23%
Neutral 10 33%
total 30 100%
As per the above table, it is analysed that 27% of the respondents are
ranked performance of the fund manager a most important, 23% of the
respondents given ranking has important, 33% given neutral and no one
has marked it has not at all important.
23% 33%
Important 11 37%
Neutral 8 26%
total 30 100%
As per the above table it is analysed that 17% of respondents are ranked
attitude towards risk is most important, 37% of the respondent ranked it
has important, 26% given neutral, 10% less important and 10% of the
respondents marked as not at all important.
Interpretation: From the above graph, it can be analysed that 17% of the
respondents are ranked Attitude towards risk is most important, 36% of
the respondents ranked it has important, the respondents who ranked
important and most important, they are ready to take risk.
Suggestions and recommendations
Investors should choose the right mutual fund system that suits their
needs. Investors should fully read the offering documents of the mutual
fund plan. Several factors that need to be evaluated before selecting a
particular mutual fund are the performance records of the fund over the
past few years, with appropriate standards and similar funds in the
same category. Other factors include portfolio allocation, dividend yield
and transparency, which are reflected in the frequency and quality of
For investors, the best way is to invest a fixed amount at a specific time
interval. By investing a fixed amount each month, you can reduce the
number of purchases at higher prices and increase the number of
purchases at lower prices, thereby reducing the average cost per
vehicle. This is called the rupee cost average.
The fund industry has already taken over the banking industry,
more funds been under mutual fund management than
deposited with bank. With the emergence of tough competition
in this sector mutual funds are launching a variety of schemes
which caters to the requirement of a particular class of
For achieving heights in the financial sector, the mutual fund companies
should formulate the strategies in such a way that helps in fulfilling the
investors’ expectations. Today the main task before mutual fund
industry is to convert the potential investors into the reality investors.
New and more innovative schemes should be launched from time to
time so that investor’s confidence should be maintained. All this will
lead to the overall growth and development ofthe mutual fund industry.
D3h http://www.blurtit.com/q462869.html
a) Male
b) Female
a) YES
b) NO
a) 21-30
b) 31-40
c) 41-50
d) 51-60
4. Occupation.
a) Salaried
b) Bussines
c) Professional
d) retired
5. Why are you investing in mutual fund
a) safety
b) good returns
c) tax benefits
d) capital appreciation
e) risk diversification
a) 1 lakh
b) 2-4 lakh
c) 4-5 lakh
a) Friends suggestion
b) Self decision
c) Television
d) Agent/brokers
c) Interval method
9. Which type of savings do you like?
a. life insurance
b. bank deposit
d. gold