Example Poster - Comparing A Metal and A Non-Metal
Example Poster - Comparing A Metal and A Non-Metal
Example Poster - Comparing A Metal and A Non-Metal
Carbon is a non-metal. It is a
solid at room temperature. Lithium is a grey, shiny metal
It is a soft black/grey that is a solid at room
substance. It can often be temperature. It is a good
found in nature as coal, conductor of heat and
soot, or diamond. electricity.
Carbon is used for heating in the form of Lithium is used in rechargeable batteries.
coal and oil. Lithium is extracted from the lithium-
Carbon can exist in different forms. It bearing ores by crushing, roasting, then
can be found naturally as diamonds and using acids. It can also be removed from
also as coal or soot. salt water in salt-flats through
Carbon can also be manipulated to form evaporation and chemical processing.
different materials like graphite,
graphene, and carbon fibre.
Contrast Same Contrast
Different Different
is soft
can conduct shiny
is not shiny electricity
(dull) malleable
(Li, always)
(C, when in
Isn’t a good a good
graphite form)
conductor of conductor of
heat heat
Carbon is a soft powder, whereas Lithium is a hard metal. Carbon cannot be made into
long thin wires, however, Lithium is easily shaped and cut and can be used to form wires.
Carbon is a dull, greyish-black colour, but lithium is a shiny silver-grey colour.
Carbon can only conduct electricity well when it is processed as graphite, on the other
hand, Lithium is naturally an excellent conductor of electricity, and heat, as it is a metal.