Bishop 2ndaprilinsert
Bishop 2ndaprilinsert
Bishop 2ndaprilinsert
APRIL 2024
FROM BISHOP RICHARD G. HENNING victim survivors that the children of today also extend beyond the victim survivors
are safer, but it does not heal the very real to their family and loved ones.
THE RESPONSE and serious wounds of those who have
already suffered. I am sorry to say that it is often very
TO CHILD SEXUAL difficult for clergy victims and their
ABUSE Child sexual abuse is a betrayal of
trust and innocence. In most cases,
families to trust the Church. For
those who are willing, the Diocese of
Child sexual abuse poisons all segments perpetrators “groom” their victims, Providence has and does provide, and will
of society - families, schools, churches, establishing and then breaking trust. continue to provide, financial assistance
community organizations, and health In a very sinister way, abusers often for psychological support services. For
and welfare institutions. The Centers manipulate the child into feeling those who wish it, the diocese also offers
for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 7 complicit in their abuse. When such appropriate pastoral care.
children in the United States experiences betrayal of trust is combined with the
some form of childhood sexual abuse or failure of other adults to protect a child, Victim survivors deserve compassionate
neglect. That number is heartbreaking the wounds inflicted are lifelong. accompaniment. Over my years of
and cries out for a response. ministry, I have had the opportunity to
As a Church, we have an obligation to know and share faith with survivors.
The Catholic Church in the United States respond lovingly to those who suffer so They have been a true blessing to me as
has experienced terrible revelations of unjustly these sins against their human a priest and as a disciple of the Lord. As I
sexual abuse by clergy and religious. The dignity and well-being. This begins near the first anniversary of my ministry
great majority of the allegations have by stating unequivocally that they are here in Providence, those faces and voices
been characterized as “historical” in that victim survivors and that they bear no are before my heart. Some years ago, the
they concern sins committed decades responsibility for what was done to Diocese of Providence held a Mass for
ago. The pain of these sins was magnified them. That sense of guilt and shame is Hope and Healing, a prayerful support
when some Church leaders failed to an ongoing effect of the evil deeds of the offered by many dioceses. I would like
respond properly to victim survivors and perpetrator. to make such a Mass an annual event to
their families. pray with and for survivors, their families,
In those instances when the perpetrator and their parish communities. During
In my last column, I addressed the of sexual abuse was a priest or religious, National Child Abuse Prevention Month,
importance of the prevention of child the survivor’s relationship with God is I have also asked our pastors to include
sexual abuse, and I outlined some of deeply affected. The sense of betrayal and petitions for healing in the Prayers of the
the prevention efforts by the Diocese of lost trust might apply to the Church or Faithful.
Providence. Commitment to prevention even God. Consider how painful a church
is a critical element of the response to setting or Catholic practices might be In all humility, I ask that we all
victim survivors, but it is not the whole for a person who has suffered such evil incorporate the spiritual accompaniment
of the story. Prevention might reassure deeds. The effects of clergy sexual abuse of victim survivors into our own prayer
practices. I hope that we can express to victim survivors WATCH THE VIDEO
of sexual abuse in the Church, or in any other setting, our
reverence for their sacred dignity and our compassionate
love for them. They are our brothers and sisters. We long for
them to join us in the communion of the Church. We need
their witness of resilient faith and healing.