3.1. Pasteurisation: 3. Beer Pasteurisation and Sterile Filtration and Filling

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Beer pasteurisation and sterile filtration and filling

3.1. Pasteurisation
Pasteurisation was the invention of Louis Pasteur.
He discovered that heat treatment would kill spoilage organisms. It also kills virtually all
bacteria harmful to people. Uses
Pasteurisation is now used in many food industries to deliver a product which is free from
spoilage organisms. For example beer and milk and milk products.
When applied correctly only minor changes in flavour occur so that the pasteurised
product is generally not tasted as being different from the original.
Pasteurisation is heat based and a unit of pasteurisation in the brewing industry is called a
P.U. (Pasteurisation Unit) Scope
Pasteurisation can be applied in the container, normally by immersing the container in
heated water or spraying it with heated water, for a known time.
It can also be applied by passing the material through a plate heat exchanger where the
product is heated to a higher temperature for a shorter period of time.
Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

3.1.2. Development of pasteurisation

At the time that Louis Pasteur was born in France in1822, doctors and scientists did not
understand diseases, what causes them and how to cure them. Most people died at an
early age from diseases such as consumption (Tuberculosis) influenza, smallpox, plague,
rabies and so on. Doctors had almost no medicines, and treatment would consist of such
practices as "letting blood" or placing leeches on the patient.

Pasteur followed a distinguished university career

from 1840. In 1848 he was appointed a professor of
Physics (Dijon) and later a professor of Chemistry

Married in 1849, only 2 of his five children survived


His first investigations related to the acids formed in

fermentation of grapes and led to his appointment in
1854 as head of the science faculty at Lille
university, where most of his research was
conducted in the following years.

The science faculty at Lille had been set up partly to serve as a means of applying science
to the practical problems of the industries of the region, especially the manufacture of
alcoholic drinks. Pasteur immediately devoted himself to research on the process of
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Pasteur examined the problem of lactic fermentation (where the wine or beer becomes
sour due to lactic acid) and showed yeast to be an organism capable of reproducing itself
without free oxygen. This became known as the Pasteur Effect.

He showed that fermentation involved micro­organisms, and for the process to be alcohol­
producing, rather than lactic­acid producing, the correct type of yeast needs to be used.
The souring of wine and beer had been a major economic problem in France. Pasteur
contributed to solving the problem by showing that bacteria can be further eliminated by
heating the initial sugar solutions to a high temperature, before yeast is added.

To prevent souring of the wine during the ageing process, Pasteur realised that once the
wine had fermented it must be gently heated to 50°C. This heating process is today called

Pasteur extended these studies to such other problems as the souring of milk, and he
proposed a similar solution: heating the milk to a high temperature and pressure before
bottling. Disproof of spontaneous generation

Fully aware of the presence of micro­organisms in nature, Pasteur undertook several

experiments designed to address the question of where these "germs" came from.

Whilst Pasteur believed that micro­organisms were to be found all around us in nature,
other scientists believed that they could spontaneously produce themselves from other
substances. For example, some scientists thought that food went bad because organisms
"spontaneously" appeared in the food and made it go bad.

Pasteur proved that these organisms did not spontaneously appear. For example he
showed that if food was sealed in a container and heated, as long as the container
remained sealed then the food does not go bad. This proves that micro­organisms do not
spontaneously produce themselves out of nowhere, and has led to the technology of

Arguments about spontaneous generation lasted well into the 1870s, although a
commission of the Academy of Sciences officially accepted Pasteur's results in 1864. Germ theory of disease

Pasteur's work on fermentation and spontaneous generation had considerable implications

for medicine, because he believed that the origin and development of disease are similar
to the origin and process of fermentation.

He believed that disease arises from germs attacking the body from outside, just as
unwanted micro­organisms invade milk and cause fermentation or souring.

This concept, called the germ theory of disease, was strongly debated by doctors and
scientists around the world. One of the main arguments against it was the belief by many
doctors that tiny organisms (germs) could never kill vastly larger ones (humans).

Pasteur's studies convinced him that he was right, however, and in the course of his
career he extended the germ theory to explain the causes of many diseases. Whilst others
later developed the germ theory and classified the micro­organisms, Pasteur’s discoveries
were an important start to microbiology.

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Pasteur spent the rest of his life working on the causes of various diseases, including
septicaemia, cholera, diphtheria, fowl cholera, tuberculosis, and smallpox, and their
prevention by means of vaccination.

3.1.3. Effects of Pasteurisation

We have seen how pasteurisation can effectively prevent beer spoilage organisms from
developing. However we should also consider the effects of Underpasteurisation and
Overpasteurisation and the presence of Oxygen. The effects of Underpasteurisation

Underpasteurisation happens when the product does not receive sufficient heat treatment:
The obvious causes are
· Hot water temperatures too low
· Blocked sprays
· Incorrect pasteuriser speeds/transit times for the product
· A significant variation in incoming product temperature
· Incorrectly matched equipment( e.g. holding tubes on flash pasteurisers)

Most modern equipment has

adequate control systems. For
example some machines are also
fitted with pressure sensors that
stop the machine in the case of low
spray pressure, and there should
always be temperature sensors in
the superheat and pasteurising
compartments to prevent operation
when the machine is below the
required temperature.
It should not be possible for the bed
to run if the set temperatures are
not met.

The only obvious significant effect is of course that the beer can spoil. However it is also
possible (although less likely) that harmful bacteria could remain in the beer and cause
serious health problems to the consumer.
This is unlikely in a well run brewery. Also most pathogenic organisms cannot live in the
pH of beer. However there are some organisms which could potentially survive and cause
Beer spoilage can result in a significant cost, but probably more important is the effect that
it has on the consumer in respect of his future purchasing pattern. In some countries it can
also be the subject of legal action, both by Government Health/Food agencies and also by
consumers seeking remedies for the occurrence. The effects of Overpasteurisation

Over pasteurisation happens when the beer accumulates more PU’s than necessary. This
means the beer was longer than necessary at the temperatures needed to kill the beer
spoilage bacteria.

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Over pasteurisation can develop a bread­like flavour in the beer, accelerate the staling
process, affect beer colour (darker), smell (cardboard), clarity (haze and specs) and foam
We naturally don’t want this to happen.
A long stoppage of the line after the pasteuriser, such as a breakdown at the labellers, can
cause over pasteurisation of the product.
On almost all tunnel pasteurisers, this is reduced to some extent by shutting off the
superheat and pasteurising compartment sprays if the pasteuriser has been stopped for a
set time, such as 5 minutes.
On some Simonazzi machines, the sprays continue running and cold water is added to
reduce the pasteurisation temperatures. On other machines, such as the Barry Wehmiller,
the flow of water is diverted away from the sprays.
The pasteurising pumps and superheat pumps each have an automatic bypass valve.
During a long stoppage these valves open so that hot water is no longer sprayed over the
bottles. Oxygen

Most of the chemical reactions that cause beer staling are greatly accelerated when
oxygen is present in the package. Beer that has been exposed to air can become stale in
as little as four days if kept warm! This is why we take great care at all stages post
fermentation to exclude air/oxygen as far as possible. Basic microbiology

3.1.4. Basic microbiology

In order to fully understand the process of pasteurisation we must understand a little of
microbes and microbiology

To understand why pasteurisation is necessary, we need to understand the cause of beer

spoilage. Beer contains the food (sugars and protein) required for certain bacteria and
provides an ideal growth environment for them. Their waste products have various harmful
effects, such as making the beer turn cloudy and taste bad. Such beer is said to be

Micro­organisms are living entities constructed of one or more cells, and are capable of
growth and reproduction. In order to reproduce, like any living creature, they require
adequate living conditions and food.

Any food product provides a growth medium for micro­organisms. However, there are
relatively few micro­organisms that can survive in beer. Some types of yeast and a few
types of bacteria thrive in beer. Although these micro organisms cause harm to the quality
of the beer, they are in fact not dangerous to the consumer.

This isn't going to stop the consumer from throwing away beer that tastes sour. The
objective of pasteurisation, therefore, is to stop or slow down the activity of those micro­
organisms that cause deterioration in beer quality.

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This picture is of the head of a
sharp pin, taken with a powerful
electron scanning microscope.

You can see that the sharp

point of the pin is actually blunt
when magnified many hundreds
of times. You can also see that
the smooth chrome finish of the
pin is very rough at this

In addition, it is possible to
make out many hundreds of
bacteria, the small rod shaped
objects scattered over the pin
head, particularly on the right
hand side.

There are 3 types of micro organisms:




The bacteria are the main micro organisms of interest. Bacteria

Are a large group of microscopic, unicellular organisms that lack a distinct nucleus and
that usually reproduce by cell division.

Bacteria are tiny and are extremely variable in the ways they obtain energy and
nourishment. They can be found in nearly all environments—from air, soil, water, and ice
to hot springs. Certain types are found in nearly all food products, and bacteria also occur
in various forms of symbiosis with most plants and animals and other kinds of life.

Generally, bacteria are classified into species on the basis of characteristics such as:

Shape—cocci (spheres), bacilli (rods), spirochetes (spirals)

Ability to grow in the presence or absence of air (aerobes and anaerobes, respectively)

Other scientific distinctions

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Not all bacteria can move,
but the mobile ones are
generally propelled by
screw­like appendages—
flagella—that may project
from all over the cell or from
one or both ends.

Bacterial cells multiply by

splitting; the genetic material
is duplicated and the
bacterium elongates,
constricts near the middle,
and then splits in two,
forming two daughter cells,
essentially identical to the
parent cell.

Under favourable conditions, with one division every 30 minutes, after 15 hours a single
cell will have produced roughly 1 billion cells. This mass, called a colony, may be seen
with the naked eye. Under adverse conditions some bacteria produce spores, dormant
forms of the cell that can withstand extremes of temperature and humidity until more
favourable conditions return. Pathogenic Bacteria

A pathogenic bacterium is one that causes illness in humans.

About 200 species of bacteria are pathogenic. Among the more invasive bacteria
responsible for human disease are those that cause cholera, tetanus, gas gangrene,
leprosy, plague, dysentery, tuberculosis, syphilis, typhoid fever, diphtheria, undulant fever,
and several forms of pneumonia.

Pathogenic bacteria could be found in beer, particularly in low gravity/high pH products,

and of course must be avoided at all costs, as they could the consumer unwell. Beer spoiling bacteria

The three most common beer spoiling bacteria (non pathogenic) are Pediococcus ,
Acetobacter and Lacto­bacillus. These bacteria feed on the nutrients in the beer and cause
it to go cloudy and taste bad. Beer pasteurisation is aimed mainly at destroying these
particular species.

3.1.5. Lethal rate and pasteurising unit

We have learnt that pasteurisation is the application of heat to a product, raising it to a

specific temperature for a specific time, so that micro­organisms are inactivated and the
shelf life of the product is increased.

Pasteurisation is a compromise between using heat to destroy undesirable micro­

organisms and create biological stability, whilst preserving the important characteristics of
beer such as taste, odour, colour, clarity and foam.

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In order to achieve both these objectives, only the amount of heat absolutely necessary to
destroy the beer spoiling micro­organisms must be applied, and for the minimum time.

It would be easy to destroy all organisms by heating the beer to the point where it is
sterilised. However, this would badly affect the taste. The difference in taste between
pasteurised milk and sterilised (UHT) milk is a good example.

For a particular bacterium, the LETHAL RATE curve can be determined. This curve shows
how rapidly the bacteria die at certain temperatures.

Notice how at a certain temperature the rate of death greatly increases. This temperature
for beer spoiling bacteria happens to be 60ºC, (but is a different temperature for different

In the brewing industry pasteurisation is thus conducted at 60°C. This kills harmful bacteria
but does not affect the composition or flavour of the beer.

For pasteurisation to be effective the beer must be exposed to 60ºC for a period of at least
5 minutes.

One Pasteurisation Unit (PU) represents exposure at 60° C for one minute.

Each additional minute that beer is kept at 60ºC means that it gains another Pasteurisation

A typical standard for effective pasteurisation of beer would be 12 Pasteurisation Units,

plus/minus 3 PU's, but including at least 5 minutes at 60ºC.

Bacteria can be destroyed at a lower heat if they are exposed to this heat for a longer
period, and this can be illustrated in a graph as shown below. A scientist by the name of
Del Vecchio determined this curve by observing that for every 7ºC increase in
temperature, the exposure time can be reduced ten times, or the number of P.U.’s applied
will be increased ten fold. Example:

One minute at 60o C = 1 PU

One minute at 67oC = 10 PU's

One minute at 74o C = 100 PU's

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One minute at 81o C = 100 PU's and so on.

For example, the same lethal effect on micro­organisms (that of 5,6 PU’s) can be achieved
by exposing beer to times and temperatures as follows:

3.1.6. Pasteurisation curve and PU measurement

The purpose of the pasteuriser is to heat the contents of the container up to 60° C, hold
that temperature for 5 minutes and then cool the container down to room temperature

The pasteurisation curve shows the temperature of the product in the container over time
as it moves through the machine.

The pasteurisation curve often also shows the spray temperatures of the spray water in
each compartment as well as the temperature in the container.

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The blue line on the chart shows the water spray temperatures in each compartment.

The purple line shows the product temperature as the bottles move through the

Note that in the heating compartments the product is colder than the sprays, and in the
cooling compartments the product is warmer than the sprays

The time­temperature curve depends on the

· PU’s to be achieved,

· the throughput time (transit time),

· the numbers of containers and nominal speed of the bottles,

· the incoming beer temperature,

· the exit beer temperature,

· type of product (density) and the type of the container.

Manufacturers design a time­temperature curve for the particular bottle that you are

Note: the temperature profile must be designed with a gradual increase or decrease of
temperature between the compartments to prevent thermal shock.

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Most modern pasteurisers have a sophisticated control system that illustrates the time­
temperature curve that is being achieved, as well as the total PU’s and the actual spray

Note that even with the most sophisticated control systems, the actual PU’s achieved are
ESTIMATED from the known spray temperatures and bottle properties. The computer
calculates the theoretical PU’s from the speed of the bed and spray temperatures.

The only 100% certain measurement of

PU’s in a tunnel pasteuriser is achieved by
using an in­bottle PU meter, such as a
Redpost PU meter.

These meters use a temperature probe

inserted into the bottle, designed to record
the actual temperature achieved in the
coldest point of the bottle over time. A
printout of the time and temperature is
given at the end of the measurement,
which looks similar to the pasteurisation
curve above. The Redpost unit calculates
the actual PU’s achieved and is thus an
invaluable quality control tool.

The product MUST reach 60° C for 5 minutes in the pasteurising zone, accumulating 5
PU’s The rest of the PU’s are accumulated whilst heating and cooling. This can be
explained by the fact that for each drop of 7oC below 60oC the rate of PU’s accumulated is
divided by 10; and similarly, for each rise of 70C above 600C, the PU’s accumulated are
ten fold.

For example,

1 Minute at 530C = 0.1 PU

1 Minute at 600 C, = 1 PU

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1 Minute at 670 C = 10 PU

1 Minute at 740 C = 100 PU

1 Minute at 810 C = 1000 PU.

The number of PU’s achieved can be calculated by using the formula:

v = 1.3932 (t­60)

Where v=PU per minute

t= holding temperature. Example

In a flash pasteuriser, the holding temperature recorded is 72 degree C for 30 seconds

(holding time in the holding tube),

Using the formula, the number of PU's achieved

= 1.3932 ( 72­60) /2

= 53.48/2

= 26.74

For a rise of 7 degree C above 60 degree, the PU = 1.39327

= 10.19 which is ten fold.

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