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Cold water immersion and recovery from strenuous exercise: A meta-analysis

Article in British Journal of Sports Medicine · September 2011

DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Jonathan D.C Leeder Conor Gissane

Northumbria University St Mary's University, Twickenham


Ken van Someren Warren Gregson

Letterkenny Institute of Technology Liverpool John Moores University


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BJSM Online First, published on September 22, 2011 as 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061

Cold water immersion and recovery from

strenuous exercise: a meta-analysis
Jonathan Leeder,1,2 Conor Gissane,3 Ken van Someren,2 Warren Gregson,4
Glyn Howatson1,5
1School of Life Sciences, INTRODUCTION This proposed reduction in infl ammation might
Northumbria University, Elite-level athletic training and competition is be related to attenuated delayed-onset muscle
Newcastle, UK
2Physiology, English Institute accompanied by the recovery of a series of physi- soreness (DOMS) and enhanced recovery of mus-
of Sport, UK ological stressors. The physiological stress will cle function.14
3Sports Rehabilitation, St vary considerably depending upon the specific Attempting to increase rate of recovery may be
Mary’s University College, exercise type, duration and intensity and also on beneficial to the elite athlete. For example, follow-
Twickenham, UK ing high-intensity intermittent sprint sports, it is
4 Sport and Exercise Sciences, the athletes’ familiarisation to the exercise insult.
Liverpool John Moores, It is well documented that when the exercise stress common for athletes to experience elevated mus-
Liverpool, UK incorporates a novel eccentric component or the cle soreness and reductions in muscle function
5 Centre for Aquatic Research,
exercise is of considerable intensity or duration,1 of up to 20% for several days after the exercise
University of Johannesburg, athletes will likely experience numerous signs insult.15–17 This physiological impairment pro-
South Africa
and symptoms of fatigue and cellular disturbance vides rationale to attempt to enhance rate of recov-
Correspondence to that have the potential to reduce performance. ery in the elite athlete, especially when repeated
Jonathan Leeder, School of Physiological stress induced by intense exer- performance is required in tournament scenarios
Life Sciences, Northumbria cise is associated with energy substrate deple- or multi-day competition (eg, cycling stage races).
University, Newcastle NE1 tion, hyperthermia, mechanical muscle damage, In recent years, there has been an increase in the
8ST, UK;
jonathan.leeder@eis2win. oxidative stress, infl ammation and nervous sys- quantity of research focusing on CWI, yet fi nd-
co.uk tem fatigue. The resulting symptoms manifest ings remain unclear and have been proposed to be
as reduced performance potential, likely due to related to inconsistencies in exercise modalities,
Accepted 8 August 2011 increased muscle soreness and decreased muscle CWI protocols and dependent variables measured.
function, 2 disturbed muscle position sense and A systematic review of the research fi ndings will
reaction time3 as well as increased stiffness and provide clarity on the efficacy of water immer-
swelling that can last for several days.4 The aeti- sions as suitable recovery strategies following
ology of reduced performance potential will vary strenuous physical activity. Therefore, the aim of
depending upon the exact physiological stress this investigation was to systematically review
being recovered from. For example, eccentric exer- and discuss the literature regarding the efficacy of
cise is associated with a large mechanical stress CWI following the two categories of physiologi-
and relatively low metabolic cost, 5 whereas inter- cal stress precipitated from eccentric and high-
mittent sprint exercise may involve both a large intensity exercise insults.
mechanical stress and a heightened metabolic
cost.6 It is possible that the underlying time course
of recovery between different exercise stressors is METHODS
different, and this consequently may influence Systematic review/literature search strategy
how recovery strategies could be implemented. The systematic review with meta-analysis was
For the purpose of this review, exercise will be completed in accordance with the recommenda-
subdivided into two categories: ‘eccentric exer- tions outlined in the Preferred Reporting Items
cise’ that refers to the stress caused from exercise for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses state-
incorporating high mechanical stress (eg, eccen- ment.18 A computerised literature search was
tric contractions) and ‘high-intensity exercise’ conducted, ending in May 2010, using Medline
that refers to stress caused from exercise with a (PubMed), SportDiscus and ISI Web of Knowledge.
high metabolic cost as well as some elements of The following key phrases and their combina-
eccentric muscle contractions (eg, repeat sprint tions were used: CWI, ice bath, recovery strategy,
sports). recovery modality and exercise-induced muscle damage.
Given the potential for physiological stress to Reference lists of all articles were examined for
compromise training and/or competition perfor- identification of further eligible studies.
mance, there has been significant attention in both
applied practice and research to identify optimal Outcome variables
recovery strategies in these scenarios.7–9 Cold The research literature was examined for the
water immersions (CWI) are a frequently used effects of CWI on recovery from physiological
and popular recovery modality. The mechanisms stress caused by eccentric and high-intensity
of CWI are speculated to be related to tempera- exercise, using four outcome variables: mus-
ture- and pressure-induced changes in blood flow cle power, muscle strength, muscle soreness
and reduced muscle temperature per se,10 11 subse- (DOMS) and creatine kinase (CK). (1) Muscle
quently reducing post-exercise infl ammation.12 13 power was defi ned as an exercise test that

Leeder J, Gissane C,Article author
van Someren K, et al. (or theirMed
Br J Sports employer) 2011. Produced by
(2011). doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence.
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Figure 1 Analysis of risk of bias according to Cochrane Collaboration guidelines.20

measures explosive muscular power (eg, a vertical jump or a and graphs. Risk of bias (figure 1) was calculated according to
5 m sprint). (2) Muscle strength was defi ned as a test of iso- the Cochrane Collaboration’s guidelines.20
metric/isokinetic knee extension or elbow flexion only. The
rationale for inclusion of these tests of muscle strength was Meta-analysis
to provide consistency in comparison of muscle groups and All meta-analyses calculations were conducted with the
contractions. They are also the most common tests, resulting Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software (Version 2.2.057;
in the maximal amount of comparable muscle strength data Biostat Inc., Englewood, New Jersey, USA). The standardised
for meta-analysis. (3) DOMS was defi ned as a participant’s mean differences were calculated (Hedges’ g) and 95% CI for
perception of muscle soreness, using visual analogue scales or trials with sufficient data. 21 The analysis of pooled data was
algometry. (4) Measurements of CK were defi ned as venous conducted using a fi xed-effect model, so that any heteroge-
or capillary CK. The rationale for inclusion of these four neity between studies could be determined. 22 Heterogeneity
outcome variables was that they have been shown to reflect was assessed using the I 2 statistic, 23 which describes the per-
the presence of exercise-induced muscle damage, albeit with centage of variability in effect estimates that is due to het-
different levels of accuracy19 and are commonly used by erogeneity rather than chance. When I 2 was >30% (30–60%
researchers and applied practitioners to indentify a recovery represents moderate heterogeneity), 21 a subgroup meta-anal-
profi le following strenuous exercise. ysis of time of measurement post exercise was completed
to investigate source of heterogeneity. If heterogeneity still
Study inclusion and exclusion criteria existed, a further subanalysis of exercise type (eccentric
Studies meeting the following criteria were considered for or high intensity) was completed. Significance was set at
review: (1) The study design was randomised into an inter- p<0.05.
vention group and a control group; (2) a minimum of one of
the four outcome variables were reported; (3) only outcome RESULTS
variables measured at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h or 96 h post exercise Fourteen studies meeting the inclusion criteria (table 1) had
were included; (4) CWI was applied within 1 h post exercise data extracted for meta-analysis from an original search of
and permitted to be repeated on subsequent days and (5) par- 7 193 (figure 2). Participants’ level of physical activity ranged
ticipants could be male or female and of any athletic train- from untrained to elite athlete groups, with a mean age of
ing status. Studies were excluded when (1) the control group 23.2 ± 3.5 years. The total number of participants was 239 and
received an intervention with rationale to improve recovery; the distribution of gender was not equal (male, n = 182; female,
(2) the observed effect could not specifically be attributed to n = 57). The main fi ndings from the assessment of risk of bias
intervention group (eg, CWI group received multiple inter- in the included studies revealed that none of the included stud-
ventions, such as active recovery and CWI) and (3) there ies was able to effectively blind participants from the treat-
were insufficient data to report an effect size. ment (figure 2).

Data extraction and assessment of risk of bias DOMS meta-analysis

For the meta-analysis, data were extracted in the form of CWI had a moderate effect in alleviating DOMS post exer-
mean, standard deviation and sample size. In some cases, data cise (Hedges’ g = 0.525, p < 0.001; figure 3) from a total of
were calculated using raw baseline values with subsequent 40 extracted data points. The I 2 statistic of 55.6% revealed
percentage changes. When insufficient raw data were provided moderate to high heterogeneity in the results. Consequently,
to deduce an effect size, data were extrapolated from figures a subgroup meta-analysis of time post exercise was completed

2 of 8 Leeder J, Gissane C, van Someren K, et al. Br J Sports Med (2011). doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061

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Table 1 Summary of relevant peer-reviewed sources of data included for meta-analysis

Participant cohort Number of
(training status, Exercise Classification of CWI duration and CWI and Total CWI Outcome variables and time of
Author(s) sex, number) intervention exercise temperature frequency duration measurement post exercise (h)

Bailey Habitually active Loughborough High intensity 10 min at 10°C 1 10 min DOMS (24 48)
et al15 men intermittent CK (24 48)
N = 20 shuttle test Isometric knee extension (24 48)
Eston and Female students 8×5 maximal Eccentric 15 min at 15°C 7 (12 h) 105 min DOMS (24 48 72)
Peters47 N = 15 arm flexion and CK (24 48 72)
extension Isometric Elbow Flexion (24 48
Goodall and Physically active 5×20 drop jumps Eccentric 12 min at 15°C 4 (24 h) 48 min DOMS (24 48 72 96)
Howatson31 males CK (24 48 72 96)
N = 18 Isometric Leg Extension (24 48
72 96)
Howatson Physically active 5×20 drop jumps Eccentric 12 min at 15°C 4 (24 h) 48 min DOMS (24 48 72 96)
et al32 males CK (24 48 72 96)
N = 16 Isometric Leg Extension (24 48
72 96)
Ingram et al16 Males with team Simulated team High intensity 10 min (2×5 min, 2.5 2 (24 h) 20 min DOMS (24 48)
sport experience sport min between) at 10°C CK (24 48)
N = 11 Leg Extension (48)
20 m Sprint Time (48)
Jakeman et al33 Physically active 10×10 counter Eccentric 10 min at 10°C 1 10 min DOMS (24 48 72 96)
females movement jumps CK (24 48 72 96)
N = 18 Isokinetic Leg Extension (24 48
72 96)
King and Trained netball Simulated netball High intensity 10 min (2×5 min, 1 10 min Vertical Jump (24)
Duffield17 females match 2.5 min between) at
N = 10 9.3°C

Kuligowski Healthy men and 50 eccentric arm Eccentric 24 min at 12.8°C 4 (24 h) 96 min DOMS (24 48 72 96)
et al34 women extensions Isometric Elbow Flexion (24 48
N = 28 72 96)
Montgomery Well trained Basketball High intensity 5 min at 11°C 3 (24 h) 15 min DOMS (72)
et al35 basketball males tournament (5×1 min immersions Vertical Jump (72)
N = 19 with 2 min between)
Paddon-Jones Resistance trained 8 x 8 eccentric Eccentric 20 min at 5°C 5 (60 min) 100 min DOMS (24 48 72 96)
and Quigley48 males bicep curls Isometric Elbow Flexion (24 48
N=8 72 96)
Vaile et al36 Strength trained 7 x 10 eccentric Eccentric 14 min at 15°C 4 (24 h) 56 min DOMS (24 48 72)
males leg press CK (24 48 72)
N = 12 Isometric Leg Extension (24
48 72)
Jump Squat (24 48 72)
Vaile et al43 Endurance trained 5 days of 105 min High intensity 14 min at 15°C 1 14 min Cycling Sprint Power (24 48 72)
males cycling with 66
N = 12 maximal sprints
Yanagisawa Untrained healthy 5×20 eccentric Eccentric 15 min at 5°C 1 15 min DOMS (24 48 96)
et al13 males plantar flexion
N = 19

Yanagisawa Untrained healthy 5×20 eccentric Eccentric 15 min at 5°C 2 (24 h) 30 min DOMS (24 48 96)
et al13 males plantar flexion
N = 19
Yanagisawa Untrained healthy 5×12 ankle plan- Eccentric 15 min at 5°C 1 15 min DOMS (24 48 96)
et al12 males tar flexion
N = 14

Text in bold represents the time point of peak of DOMS and CK or largest reduction in muscle function.
CK, creatine kinase; CWI, cold water immersion; DOMS, delayed-onset muscle soreness.

(table 2). CWI was effective in alleviating DOMS at all time was highly effective in alleviating DOMS following high-
points up to 96 h post exercise. Substantial heterogeneity intensity exercise at 24 and 48 h (Hedges’ g = 1.675 and 1.391,
still existed at 24 and 48 h post exercise (70.5 and 60.8%, respectively, p < 0.001). CWI did not reduce DOMS at 24 h
respectively) so a further subgroup analysis of exercise type post eccentric exercise (Hedges’ g = 0.116, p = 0.440) but had
(eccentric or high intensity) was completed to further inves- a moderate effect at 48 h post eccentric exercise (Hedges’
tigate the source of heterogeneity. Table 2 shows that CWI g = 0.532, p = 0.001).

Leeder J, Gissane C, van Someren K, et al. Br J Sports Med (2011). doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061 3 of 8

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Table 2 Results of subgroup meta-analyses to investigate source of heterogeneity from original meta-analysis on delayed-onset muscle soreness
(DOMS; figure 3) and muscle power (figure 6)
Number of
Subanalysis studies Hedges’ g SE Variance 95% CI Z P Q I2 (%)

DOMS 24 h 12 0.348 0.139 0.019 0.076 to 0.621 2.506 0.012 37.3 70.5
DOMS 48 h 12 0.671 0.140 0.020 0.396 to 0.946 4.784 0.000 28.0 60.8
DOMS 72 h 8 0.596 0.167 0.028 0.268 to 0.924 3.559 0.000 9.8 28.6
DOMS 96 h 8 0.632 0.171 0.029 0.296 to 0.967 3.688 0.000 9.5 26.6
DOMS 24 h – eccentric 10 0.116 0.151 0.023 −0.179 to 0.412 0.772 0.440 20.6 56.0
DOMS 24 h – high intensity 2 1.675 0.360 0.130 0.969 to 2.381 4.650 0.000 0.7 0.0
DOMS 48 h – eccentric 10 0.532 0.153 0.023 0.232 to 0.832 3.476 0.001 20.5 56.1
DOMS 48 H – high intensity 2 1.391 0.349 0.122 0.707 to 2.076 3.986 0.000 2.5 59.3
Muscle power 24 h 3 0.648 0.242 0.059 0.174 to 1.123 2.678 0.007 2.2 9.3
Muscle power 48 h 3 0.598 0.236 0.056 0.135 to 1.061 2.529 0.011 0.4 0.0
Muscle power 72 h 3 0.539 0.259 0.067 0.032 to 1.046 2.083 0.037 18.9 89.4

subgroup meta-analyses of time post exercise or exercise type

were completed.

Muscle power meta-analysis

Figure 6 shows CWI was effective in improving rate of recov-
ery of muscle power post exercise from a sample of nine
extracted data points (Hedges’ g = 0.597, p < 0.001). The I 2 sta-
tistic of 70.0% revealed moderate to high heterogeneity in the
results. Consequently, a subgroup meta-analysis of time post
exercise was completed (table 2). CWI was effective in improv-
ing recovery of muscle power at all time points (24, 48 and 72 h
post exercise), with heterogeneity reduced at 24 and 48 h post
exercise (table 2). No further subanalysis of heterogeneity was
conducted at 72 h post exercise (I 2 = 89.4%) due to an n of only
three studies.

The efficacy of CWI has not been clearly established despite
the large volume of research, therefore this systematic review
Figure 2 Schematic of selection of studies from initial identification of literature has provided insight into the potential benefits
to final inclusion. conferred by such interventions that allow practitioners to
make an informed decision on their efficacy and application.
The main fi ndings of this study were as follows: (1) CWI alle-
viated symptoms of DOMS at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post exer-
cise and was effective at 24 and 48 h following high intensity
CK meta-analysis exercise. (2) CWI had a small but significant effect in reducing
Figure 4 shows CWI was effective in reducing efflux of CK efflux of CK post exercise. (3) CWI had no effect on recovery
in the blood post exercise from a sample of 22 extracted data of muscle strength but was effective in improving recovery of
points. Although this fi nding was significant (p = 0.022), a muscle power.
Hedges’ g of 0.221 revealed a small effect (figure 4). The I 2 sta- One proposed mechanism of CWI is a cold-induced reduc-
tistic revealed minimal heterogeneity (21.6%) so no further tion in muscle blood flow and tissue temperature causing
subgroup meta-analyses of time post exercise or exercise type decreased inflammation induced via strenuous exercise.
were completed. Gregson et al10 recently showed reduced femoral artery blood
flow (>40%) and muscle temperature (2–4°C) following 10 min
Muscle strength meta-analysis of immersion in 8°C and 22°C water. The proposed reduction
Figure 5 shows CWI was not effective in improving rate of in infl ammation is associated with a reduction of the sensation
recovery of muscle strength post exercise from a sample of 29 of pain caused by reducing the osmotic pressure of exudate,
extracted data points (Hedges’ g = 0.134, p = 0.133). The I 2 which pressurises nociceptors, signalling pain via type IV
statistic revealed minimal heterogeneity (0.0%) so no further afferent fibres.14 24–26 Cold-induced vasoconstriction is thought

4 of 8 Leeder J, Gissane C, van Someren K, et al. Br J Sports Med (2011). doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061

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Figure 3 Forest plot of meta-analyses illustrating comparison of cold water immersion (CWI) versus control for measures of delayed-onset
muscle soreness (DOMS). 1–4 refer to studies measuring at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post exercise, respectively. Squares represent individual
study Hedges’ g and the lines represent 95% CIs. The size of the square is proportional to the weight of the study within the meta-analysis.
The diamond represents the overall Hedges’ g, with the width of the diamond signifying the 95% CIs. LL, lower limit and UL, upper limit of
95% CIs; dF = degrees of freedom.

Figure 4 Forest plot of meta-analyses illustrating comparison of cold water immersion (CWI) versus control for measures of creatine kinase
(CK). 1–3 refer to studies measuring at 24, 48 and 72 h post exercise, respectively. Squares represent individual study Hedges’ g and the lines
represent 95% CIs. The size of the square is proportional to the weight of the study within the meta-analysis. The diamond represents the overall
Hedges’ g, with the width of the diamond signifying the 95% CIs. dF, degrees of freedom; LL, lower limit and UL, upper limit of 95% CIs.

to reduce permeability of cellular, lymphatic and capillary ves- activity and limit secondary hypoxic damage to uninjured
sels, which reduces fluid diffusion into the interstitial space, cells. 28 Myrer et al29 indicated that the amount of adipose over
which is the suggested mechanism of reduced infl amma- the area of cold treatment significantly affects rate of intra-
tion following muscle-damaging exercise. 27 The reduction in muscular cooling and therefore should be taken into account
muscle tissue temperature following CWI is another proposed when administering CWI protocols to athletes of varying
mechanism of CWI and may reduce metabolic enzymatic body composition. It is currently unknown whether the major

Leeder J, Gissane C, van Someren K, et al. Br J Sports Med (2011). doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061 5 of 8

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Figure 5 Forest plot of meta-analyses illustrating comparison of cold water immersion (CWI) versus control for measures of muscle strength.
1–3 refer to studies measuring at 24, 48 and 72 h post exercise, respectively. Squares represent individual study Hedges’ g and the lines
represent 95% CIs. The size of the square is proportional to the weight of the study within the meta-analysis. The diamond represents the overall
Hedges’ g, with the width of the diamond signifying the 95% CIs. dF = degrees of freedom; LL, lower limit and UL, upper limit of 95% CIs.

Figure 6 Forest plot of meta-analyses illustrating comparison of cold water immersion (CWI) versus control for measures of muscle power.
1–3 refer to studies measuring at 24, 48 and 72 h post exercise, respectively. Squares represent individual study Hedges’ g and the lines
represent 95% CIs. The size of the square is proportional to the weight of the study within the meta-analysis. The diamond represents the overall
Hedges’ g, with the width of the diamond signifying the 95% CIs. dF, degrees of freedom; LL, lower limit and UL, upper limit of 95% CIs.

mechanism of CWI is reduced blood flow or whether tissue Given the perceptual nature of DOMS assessments, it is
temperature needs to be reduced concomitantly. plausible that the placebo effect phenomenon may have an
The present fi ndings show that CWI appears to be an effec- impact on the efficacy of CWI as recovery strategy. 37 Given
tive analgesic, lasting up to 96 h post exercise. The overall the rapidly increasing popularity of water immersion recovery
Hedges’ G of 0.53 (figure 3) suggests that 69% of the pop- strategies, despite a lack of evidence to support their use, it is
ulation will likely experience lower DOMS using CWI30; quite possible that participants believed and expected a posi-
however, this does not indicate the magnitude of DOMS tive outcome from CWI, thereby influencing the measure of
reduction. For comparative purposes, DOMS scores from DOMS. Unfortunately, due to the nature of water immersion,
visual analogue scales were standardised and compared ret- it is not possible to provide a true placebo condition within
rospectively between control and CWI groups.12 13 15 16 31–36 such experimental trials. Figure 2 indicates this by the high
The results showed CWI reduced perception of soreness on risk of bias in the blinding category. Whether the placebo
average by 16%. Whether this outweighs the logistical incon- effect contaminates these results or whether in fact it is an
venience of CWI remains the decision of the applied practitio- important aspect of any recovery strategy remains to be elu-
ner. Interestingly, at 24 and 48 h post exercise, CWI appears cidated and warrants further consideration in future research.
to have more effective analgesic properties following high- Studies which incorporate objective methods of infl ammation
intensity exercise than eccentric biased exercise (table 2). and swelling, as well as subjective markers of perception of
Further mechanistic work is needed to understand the physi- soreness, will contribute to understanding of the role of the
ological effects of CWI following different exercise types to placebo effect in CWI research.
elucidate whether this is a true physiological effect or simply Cold water immersion was not effective at improving recov-
reflects the placebo effect. ery of muscle strength post exercise. The effect of eccentric

6 of 8 Leeder J, Gissane C, van Someren K, et al. Br J Sports Med (2011). doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061

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exercise on muscle strength has been extensively reviewed and induces alterations in fluid within the intracellular, interstitial
is proposed to relate to disrupted sarcomeres in myofibrils and and intravascular spaces. Water immersion causes increases
damage to the excitation-contraction coupling system. 38–40 in central blood volume44 due to fluid shifts from interstitial
Following the primary phase of muscle damage, a disruption in to intravascular space. 27 This is one proposed mechanism of
calcium homeostasis in the cytosol leads to a cascade of events hydrostatic pressure to reduce oedema caused by strenuous
following the exercise that further damages the cell partly exercise. Research has not yet focused on controlling water
via oxidative mechanisms.9 It would appear CWI is not able temperature and assessing the effect of different hydrostatic
to alleviate this secondary damage and muscle strength loss; pressures. This could help ascertain the contribution of hydro-
however, there is little evidence investigating the potential static pressure to the efficacy of water immersions.
mechanism of CWI reducing post-exercise oxidative stress. Intramuscular proteins have been extensively used as bio-
The only positive effect of improving recovery of muscle chemical markers of muscle damage. Figure 4 indicates that
function was in tests of muscle power. The effect of CWI act- although there was a statistically significant reduction (p =
ing specifically to recovery of muscle power and not muscle 0.022) in the efflux of CK post exercise, the Hedges’ g of 0.221
strength is an interesting fi nding with no obvious explana- showed this was a very small effect. This agrees with rec-
tion, so the following proposed mechanisms are speculative. ommendations from Warren et al19 not to use intramuscular
Inter-individual differences in muscle strength are predomi- proteins as markers of muscle damage as they do not accu-
nated by muscle cross-sectional area,41 whereas muscle power rately reflect functional loss resulting from strenuous exercise.
involves an intricate interaction of muscle cross-sectional area Blood levels of intramuscular proteins represent a balance not
and excitation-relaxation kinetics.42 It is unknown whether only between rate of release but also between rate of removal.
CWI may specifically affect different characteristics of the Consequently, measurement of CK is likely to be sensitive to
force–velocity relationship of skeletal muscle. An alternative changes in blood flow, which may explain the high variability
explanation is that type 2 fibres are preferentially damaged of this measure. Clarkson et al45 showed that following eccen-
following eccentric exercise and are the predominant fibre tric exercise, variations in participant genotypes that code
type in high-velocity muscle contractions involving elevated for myofibrillar proteins influence the phenotypic response
power production. 24 It could be speculated CWI is associated to muscle damage response in the form of CK and functional
with a heightened recovery of type 2 fibres. Following strenu- loss of strength. This is a potential reason for diverse inter-
ous exercise such as various field sports, preferential recovery individual CK responses to strenuous exercise, despite similar
of power over strength may have implications for periodising participant characteristics (age, sex, athletic status).
training in subsequent days. Whether CWI has specificity to A rationale for utilising CWI is to reduce the post-exercise
recover muscle power over strength requires further research. infl ammatory response, with the aim of minimising the reduc-
Following high-intensity exercise, CWI was more effective tion of muscle function and increase in DOMS associated with
at alleviating DOMS at 24 and 48 h than following eccentric strenuous exercise. It has, however, been suggested that the
exercise (table 2). While there are physiological differences inflammatory response is critical for optimal repair of dam-
between high-intensity exercise and eccentric exercise, it is aged tissue. 28 Although the mechanisms of training adapta-
difficult to explain the mechanisms of action as to why CWI tion are not fully understood, it may be detrimental to reduce
may be more efficacious following high-intensity exercise the commonly accepted damage-repair-adaptation model by
than eccentric exercise. It was also clear that although markers diminishing the infl ammatory response; however, there is a
of physiological stress and recovery may appear to be similar lack of evidence to support this. 32 46 This raises the question
following different exercise modes, the underlying aetiology of whether frequent or habitual use of strategies designed to
of the stress is likely to be different between the two exer- reduce inflammatory responses can be detrimental for elite
cise modes. Bimodal contributions to reduced performance athlete adaptation to training.
potential following strenuous exercise are speculated to be
(1) an initial mechanical and/or metabolic muscle injury that CONCLUSION
transpires during the exercise and (2) a secondary phase sub- CWI is frequently used as a recovery modality from strenu-
sequent to the exercise that involves a disruption in intracel- ous exercise, despite a lack of evidence-based guidelines. This
lular homeostasis followed by an infl ammatory response.9 It is review illustrates that CWI is an effective strategy to reduce
suggested the contributions of the mechanical and metabolic DOMS following a range of exercise types, yet the mecha-
stress that contribute to this fi rst phase of physiological distur- nisms remain elusive. While the effects of CWI on recovery of
bance vary considerably between eccentric and high-intensity muscle function were less clear, the positive effects of alleviat-
exercise types. Furthermore, identification and analysis of ing soreness with a large body of evidence endorses utilisation
indices thought to be implicated in various causes of physi- of CWI. Various other strategies purport to enhance recovery
ological stress, such as oxidative stress, substrate depletion, from exercise,9 yet to date, CWI is the only strategy with a
hyperthermia, stress hormones and cytokines, as well as the systematic review to promote its efficacy.
common markers of recovery will help contribute to under- The majority of current research is descriptive in nature and
standing the recovery process and provide greater rationale for therefore contributes a limited amount to the understand-
the inclusion of interventions. ing of the potential mechanisms underpinning the effects of
Vaile et al 36 43 have consistently found positive effects from specific recovery strategies. There are many areas that future
CWI on recovery of muscle power. One lucid difference of these mechanistic research should address, with the most pertinent
studies is the contribution of hydrostatic pressure by immers- topics being the effects of water temperature, hydrostatic pres-
ing to the neck. The physiological responses to hydrostatic sure and the application following different exercise types. In
pressure have been extensively reviewed. 27 During thermoneu- addition, it is critical to elucidate the physiological processes
tral water immersions to the neck, there is a displacement of affected by water immersions to gain a clearer understand-
fluid and gas from higher pressure areas at the ankle to low ing of both the short-term and long-term effects of their use.
pressure areas at the water surface. This ‘squeezing’ effect This review highlights to the applied practitioner that it may

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Cold water immersion and recovery from

strenuous exercise: a meta-analysis
Jonathan Leeder, Conor Gissane, Ken van Someren, et al.

Br J Sports Med published online September 22, 2011

doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090061

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