7 February 2014
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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to MasterCard International Incorporated,
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Trademark notices and symbols used in this manual reflect the registration status of MasterCard trademarks in the
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registration status of particular product, program, or service names outside the United States.
All third-party product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
MasterCard makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the contents of
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Without limitation, MasterCard specifically disclaims all representations and warranties that any practice or
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A translation of any MasterCard manual, bulletin, release, or other MasterCard document into a language other than
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MasterCard provides details about the standards used for this document—including times expressed, language use,
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General Information
Select from the following links for information that will help you understand and use this manual:
Regional Representative
Fee Presentation
Billing Process
Billing Event Layout
The MasterCard Consolidated Billing System—Ecuador manual helps customer personnel understand
billing processed through the MasterCard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS). MCBS consolidates
and centralizes billing for most MasterCard products and services. This manual provides customers with
descriptions of billable MasterCard services, rates for items billed, and information about billing,
collecting, and reporting.
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MasterCard provides this manual for customers and their authorized agents. Specifically, the following
personnel should find this manual useful:
Financial contacts at the customer institution may refer to this manual to understand and reconcile
bills received through MCBS.
Managers of MasterCard products and services may refer to the manual to determine the charges
associated with these products and services.
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Please address your questions to the Customer Operations Services team as follows:
Australia and New Zealand
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Regional Representative
The regional representatives work out of the regional offices. Their role is to serve as intermediaries
between the customers and other departments in MasterCard. Customers can inquire and receive
responses in their own languages and during their offices' hours of operation.
For the name of the location of the regional office serving your area, call the Customer Operations
Services team at:
The MasterCard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS) calculates and records the revenue to be received
by MasterCard.
For more information about the services that present transaction data to MCBS, please refer to Billing
Events by Service ID.
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Fee Presentation
Fees presented in this document are either flat, variable, or tiered.
A flat fee is a fixed amount billed for the product or service as defined in the billing event
description. Other details about how the fee is applied, such as the unit of measure and frequency,
also may be provided to further clarify.
A variable fee is an amount that can change depending on the type of service provided. For
example, reimbursement for travel expenses is a variable amount.
A tiered fee is one that is determined based on a series of rates provided in a tiered rate table
included in the billing event description.
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Tiered Fees
Tiered fees allow customers to benefit from economies of scale. Tiered fees are defined in the billing
event description as being Progressive, Standard, or Flat. Total fees for events that have a Progressive
Tier or Standard Tier tiered rate structure are calculated by multiplying the appropriate rate by the total
number (Transaction Volume) or the total monetary value (Transaction Amount) of applicable
transactions. The rate for the tier is applied to the transaction volume or the transaction amount up to
and including the Tier Ending Value. The total fee for an event that has a Flat Tier rate structure is the
amount indicated for the appropriate tier (i.e. there is no calculation based on quantity or amount).
For the examples in this section, refer to the Sample Tiered Rate Table below to see how a fee is
calculated using the values in a tiered rate structure.
When a tier is Progressive, one or more rates in the tier will be applied to calculate the final fee.
Example 1
In this example, Progressive Tier tiered rates are used to calculate a weekly fee billed to a customer who
has a transaction volume of 75,000 transactions for the week. Considering the progressive rate for each
tier, the total fee would be (50,000 x USD 0.020) + (25,000 x USD 0.015) = USD 1,375.00, or an
average of USD 0.0183 per transaction.
Example 2
In this example, Progressive Tier tiered rates are used to calculate a weekly fee billed to a customer
when the total applicable transaction amount is USD 75,000.00. Considering the progressive rate for
each tier, the total fee would be (USD 50,000 x USD 0.020) + (USD 25,000 x USD 0.015) = USD
1,375.00, or an average of USD 0.0183 per transaction.
When a tier is Standard, only one rate in the tier will be applied to the total volume or total amount to
calculate the final fee.
Example 3
In this example, Standard Tier tiered rates are used to calculate a weekly fee billed to a customer who
has a transaction volume of 75,000 transactions for the week. The Standard Tier fee is applied to the
total volume of 75,000 transactions; therefore, the fee in Tier 2, USD 0.015, would apply to all 75,000
transactions resulting in a total fee of 75,000 x USD 0.015 = USD 1,125.00.
Example 4
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In this example, Standard Tier tiered rates are used to calculate a weekly fee billed to a customer when
the total applicable transaction amount is USD 75,000.00. The Standard Tier fee is applied to the total
value of all applicable transactions; therefore, the fee in Tier 2, USD 0.015, would apply to the amount
USD 75,000.00 resulting in a total fee of USD 75,000.00 x USD 0.015 = USD 1,125.00.
When a tier is Flat, the amount charged is the fee indicated for the appropriate tier.
Example 5
In this example, Flat Tier tiered rates are used to calculate a weekly fee billed to a customer who has
75,000 transactions for the week. The number of transactions, 75,000, is included in Tier 2; therefore,
the total fee billed would be USD 0.015.
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Billing Process
MCBS collects and processes information about products, programs, and services billable to a customer.
For MCBS purposes, a customer/ICA is defined as any institution to which a MasterCard ICA number
has been assigned.
MCBS bills and collects charges incurred on a daily and weekly basis using one of the following
Debit Demand Deposit Account (DDA)—This method collects funds from MasterCard customers
that are members of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) with valid deposit account numbers
and transit routing numbers. Collecting through an ACH drawdown is mandated unless a customer
is unable to obtain a Debit Demand Account (DDA) due to restrictions within their region. MCBS
typically uses this method of collection to collect weekly fees.
Clearing—This method collects funds from MasterCard customers that have a connection with the
MasterCard Global Clearing Management System (GCMS). Collections will be made through an
IPM Fee Collection/1740 message through GCMS. Daily fees typically are collected through
Customers should be aware that MasterCard could collect for fees and services prior to the ICA going
live. In addition, customers must give authorization to their ACH bank to accept MasterCard drafts.
MasterCard drafts can be identified with the following company id - 1952536378.
MasterCard offers a number of reports to assist customers in reconciling their MCBS fees. Please refer
to the MasterCard Reports Manual for a complete list of mandatory and optional reports available.
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Billing Frequency
Invoices are processed weekly except for the following recurring fees:
Cross-border and Merchant Investment Fee (MIF), which are invoiced daily
MasterCom fees, which are invoiced monthly
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Volume fees, Card fees, and the Minimum Volume fee, which are invoiced quarterly on the last
Sunday of the month following the quarter close.
Reimbursements and collections are subject to a series of internal reviews and approvals, depending on
the values involved. Customers should contact their Customer Operations Services representative for
follow-up and status, as needed.
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To help customers use this document, the example below illustrates the layout of billing events and their
Element Description
1. Service Name and ID The service under which the billing event is categorized
2. Service Description A description of the billing service
3. Billing Event Number A seven to eleven character alphanumeric identification
number assigned to the transaction
4. Billing Event Name The name of the billing event
5. Billing Event Description A description of the transaction billed under the billing
event and any other important information about the event
6. Rate The amount billed for the event. The rate may be flat,
variable, or tiered as described in the Fee Presentation
section of this document.
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Return to Top
Billing Events
Anti-Money Laundering—A8
Under the AML Program, all financial institutions applying for MasterCard membership and all
existing MasterCard customers are reviewed for money laundering and terrorist financing risks. This
ongoing due diligence applies to both issuing and acquiring activities.
This event bills the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) MoneyTracker yearly license fee.
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2A85461 Dynamic Monitoring System MoneyTracker
This event bills the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) MoneyTracker implementation fee.
This event bills MasterCard principal members an annual Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
assessment. MasterCard designed its AML program to allow for automation of most of the
reviews done on its members. This enables members to comply with the requirements under the
MasterCard AML program without the need to submit large amounts of documentation.
MasterCard uses the assessment to help cover the costs related to these automated reviews.
As previously notified, the assessment is applied to all sponsoring members for themselves as well
as for institutions that they sponsor. More information can be found in Global Operations Bulletin
No. 10, 1 October 2004.
Acquirer Authorization—AA
The MasterCard Authorization Platform is an international message processing system that serves all
MasterCard principal, affiliate, and association customers: large and small, automated and non-
automated. The system transmits authorization validation data among issuers, acquirers, and points of
This event bills for monthly MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (MIGS) transactions processed
per the agreed tiered scale. This fee is payable monthly in arrears.
This event bills for maintenance of user accounts, merchant database, authorization, and
settlement files, and the use of MIGS support facilities. This fee is payable monthly in arrears.
This event bills for the number of registered live merchants. This fee is payable monthly in
This event bills the acquirer for a transaction that resides on the MasterCard Worldwide Network
authorization log and does not qualify for any other authorization billing events. This event occurs
when the issuer responds to an authorization sent by the acquirer.
Tier event ID TAB499143 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
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This event bills the acquirer for a transaction that resides on the MasterCard Worldwide Network
authorization log and does not qualify for any other authorization billing events. This event occurs
when the issuer responds to an authorization sent by the acquirer.
Tier event ID TAB499143 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer for submitting an Account Status Inquiry Service authorization
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This event bills the acquirer for accessing the MasterCard Worldwide Network to send an
authorization request to the issuer.
Tier event ID TAB499143 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event credits the acquirer for each E-Commerce Fraud Alert submitted to the issuer by
reversal message in the Dual Message System. E-Commerce Fraud Alert for Issuers is a
mechanism that allows acquirers to inform issuers that a previously approved transaction has been
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declined due to suspect fraud.
Issuer Authorization—AB
The MasterCard Authorization Platform is an international message processing system that serves all
MasterCard principal, affiliate, and association customers: large and small, automated and non-
automated. The system transmits authorization validation data among issuers, acquirers, and points of
This event bills the issuer for accessing the MasterCard Network to respond to an authorization
request from the acquirer.
Tier event ID TAB799143 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer for accessing the MasterCard Worldwide Network to respond to an
authorization generated by an acquirer-generated reversal.
Tier event ID TAB799143 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer for the Stand-In authorization service when Card Validation Code
(CVC) data is delivered for validation as part of the magnetic stripe data in an authorization
This event bills for implementation and testing of credit or dual message product enhancements
and changes to hardware, operating systems, or applications. The rate is billed per hour and it is
applicable to online, offline, and clearing file review sessions.
This event bills for exception implementation and testing of credit or dual message product
enhancements and changes to hardware, operating systems, or applications. This exception rate
applies when online testing is scheduled with less than five days advanced notice to Customer
Implementation Services or when the customer proceeds directly to online testing, waiving the
offline test phase.
This event bills a fee to customers that use the MasterCard Transaction Research tool to run a
report on a cardholder account number. The fee is assessed for each cardholder account number
researched using the MasterCard Research tool to produce a report with a summary of all
authorization transactions that meet the search criteria and a subset of data elements included in
the message.
This event bills a fee to customers that use the MasterCard Transaction Research tool to view
additional details associated with a transaction included on a summary report. The fee is assessed
for each cardholder account number researched for additional details.
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This event bills the issuer a fee when the security data on the chip is validated.
This events bills the issuer for authorization of M/Chip transactions (POS, ATM, and contactless)
within Stand-In processing when an issuer host is not available.
This event bills the issuer a fee when the chip data is converted to mag stripe before validation of
the security data.
This event bills for a static CVC 3 validation of a MasterCard ® PayPass™ transaction on behalf
of the issuer. The rate billed is per validation.
This event bills for the static CVC 3 validation of a MasterCard ® PayPass™ transaction when
communication to the issuer's system is unavailable. The rate billed is per validation.
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2AB1706 PayPass On-behalf Services—Mapping—Processing AB
This event bills the issuer when using the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping Service to map the
PayPass account number (PPAN) with the primary account number (PAN) for an authorization
transaction. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills a fee to members that use the MasterCard Transaction Research tool to run a
report on a cardholder account number. The fee is assessed for each cardholder account number
researched using the MasterCard Research tool to produce a report with a summary of all clearing
transactions that meet the search criteria and a subset of data elements included in the message.
This event bills a fee to members that use the MasterCard Transaction Research tool to view
additional details associated with a transaction included on a summary report. The fee is assessed
for each cardholder account number researched for additional details.
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2AB1715 CVC 3 Dynamic-Static Input Pre-Validation
This event bills the issuer for an authorization completed using dynamic CVC 3 validation with
static ATC input.
This event bills the issuer for the dynamic CVC 3 validation of a MasterCard ® PayPass™
transaction on behalf of the issuer. The rate billed is per validation.
This event bills the issuer for an authorization performed by the Stand-In System using dynamic
CVC 3 validation with static ATC input.
This event bills the issuer for the dynamic CVC 3 validation of a MasterCard ® PayPass™
transaction when communication to the issuer's system is unavailable. The rate billed is per
This event bills the issuer for the authorization of a transaction for the issuer using the
MasterCard® SecureCode™ Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) Validation Service.
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2AB1791 Secure AAV Validation AB
This event bills the issuer for the authorization of a transaction using the MasterCard ®
SecureCode™ Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) Validation Service and performed by
the Stand-In System.
This event bills the issuer for each E-Commerce Fraud Alert received via reversal message in the
Dual Message System. E-Commerce Fraud Alert for Issuers is a mechanism that allows acquirers
to inform issuers that a previously approved transaction has been declined due to suspect fraud.
This event bills the issuer for registration of an account range in the Country Level Authorization
Service to have MasterCard block all inappropriate Local Use Only transactions on the issuer's
behalf. The rate billed is per account range.
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This event bills the issuer a weekly fee when MasterCard declines transactions originating from
an inappropriate country using the Country Level Authorization Service on the issuer's behalf.
This event bills the issuer when the Stand-In System authorizes a transaction for the issuer. The
rate billed is per transaction authorized by the Stand-In System.
The Acquirer Call Referral service provides for member call referrals. A call referral is a telephone
call made from an acquirer to an issuer because of a response to a request for an authorization on a
bankcard transmission. This is generally done for security reasons.
This event credits the acquirer for call referral telephone expenses. The issuer is billed for the
telephone call expenses; if the acquirer made the call, the acquirer is reimbursed.
Acquirer Assessment—AE
The Acquirer Assessment service events bill acquirers for annual costs based on transaction volumes
and counts reported in the Quarterly MasterCard Report questionnaire (QMR). These questionnaires
are sent to customers during the last month of each quarter for submission via the QMR Direct online
reporting system. MasterCard must receive these questionnaires by the 15th of the first month of the
next quarter with the previous quarter's volumes.
MasterCard processes received QMR questionnaires daily and bills customers based on a structure of
This event bills the acquirer quarterly for domestic purchase volume completed with a Maestro ®
card but not processed by MasterCard.
Tier event ID TCC3965PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
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This event bills the acquirer quarterly for domestic cash volume completed with a Maestro ® card
but not processed by MasterCard.
Tier event ID TCC3965CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer for domestic interchange purchase volume completed with a
Maestro ® card.
Tier event ID TCC3965PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
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2QC4121 Domestic Interchange Maestro Cash Volume AE
This event bills the acquirer for domestic interchange cash volume completed with a Maestro ®
Tier event ID TCC3965CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer quarterly for domestic non-interchange purchase volume completed
with a Maestro ® card.
Tier event ID TCC3965PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills an assessment on acquiring domestic On-Us purchase volume (excluding domestic
other non-MasterCard processed volume). MasterCard will apply this assessment on a quarterly
basis and will calculate the assessment on volumes reported in the Quarterly MasterCard Report.
Tier event ID TCC3961PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer for domestic interchange purchase volume completed with a
MasterCard® card.
Tier event ID TCC3961PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer for domestic interchange cash volume completed with a MasterCard ®
Tier event ID TCC3961CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills for domestic interchange purchase volume conducted with a MasterCard ® card.
Tier event ID TCC3961PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills for domestic interchange cash volume conducted with a MasterCard ® card.
Tier event ID TCC3961CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer quarterly for domestic cash volume completed with a Cirrus® card.
Tier event ID TCC3965CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
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This event bills the acquirer quarterly for domestic interchange cash volume completed with a
Cirrus® card.
Tier event ID TCC3965CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
The Account Management System (AMS) includes account-level services that issuers use to designate
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special handling during authorization. Issuers can list accounts in the various services including
Electronic Warning Bulletin, Negative Listings, Premium Listings, the MasterCard® PayPass™
Mapping Service, and Recurring Payment Cancellation Service as well as Account Level Management
(ALM) services such as Enhanced Value, Product Graduation, High Value, World Elite Shortfall, and
Small Business Spend Processing.
All billing events related to the Account Management System are categorized under the Account
Management System service. For more information about AMS, please refer to the MasterCard
Account Management System User Manual. For more information about ALM, please refer to the
Account Level Management User Manual.
This event bills the issuer for maintenance of Account Management System (AMS) account
listings performed through the MasterCard eService tool on MasterCard Connect™. The rate is
billed per transaction.
This event bills the issuer for queries about Account Management System (AMS) account listings
performed through the MasterCard eService tool on MasterCard Connect™. The rate is billed per
This event bills the issuer for each account in the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping Service
database that is updated or deleted via MasterCard eService.
This event bills the issuer for each account in the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping Service
database that is updated or deleted via a bulk file.
This event bills the issuer for maintenance of Electronic Warning Bulletin (EWB) account listings
performed through a MasterCard Worldwide Network bulk file. The rate is billed per record.
This event bills the issuer for maintenance of Account Management System (AMS) account
listings performed through the MasterCard Worldwide Network. The rate is billed per transaction.
This event bills the issuer a one-time fee to delete all of a member's Account File listings from
the Account Management System (AMS).
This event bills the issuer for the addition to the Account Management System (AMS) of a range
of account numbers that are to be captured by the merchant or acquirer. This bill is per listing; the
issuer is billed for listing in one region or in all regions.
This event bills the issuer for listing an account in the Latin America and the Caribbean region
Electronic Warning Bulletin (EWB). Listings are billed per day that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for listing an account in the Asia/Pacific region Electronic Warning
Bulletin (EWB). Listings are billed per day that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for listing an account in the Europe region Electronic Warning Bulletin
(EWB). Listings are billed per day that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for listing an account in the SAMEA region Electronic Warning
Bulletin (EWB). Listings are billed per day that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for listing an account in the U.S. region Electronic Warning Bulletin
(EWB). Listings are billed per day that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for listing an account in the Canada region Electronic Warning Bulletin
(EWB). Listings are billed per day that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for portfolio transfers in the Account Management System (AMS).
Portfolio transfers can be completed by Bank Identification Number (BIN) range or by account
number. The rate is billed per BIN or per account number transferred.
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The following rates apply:
Issuer Rate
Ecuador USD 500.00
This event bills the issuer for online inquiries about Account Management System (AMS) account
listings performed through the MasterCard Worldwide Network. The rate is billed per inquiry.
This event bills the issuer for listing of an account in the Local Stoplist at the country level.
Listings are billed per week that the account is listed.
This event bills the issuer for each account in the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping Service
database that is updated or deleted via online messaging.
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2AM3586 Tollway—Italy, France, Spain Listing AM
This event bills the issuer for listing a card number in the Local Stoplist distributed to acquirers of
Europe region tollway merchants when the tollway merchant is in one of the following countries:
France, Italy, or Spain. The rate billed is per card per week.
This event bills the issuer for maintenance of Electronic Warning Bulletin (EWB) account listings
performed through a MasterCard Worldwide Network bulk file. The rate is billed per record.
This event bills the issuer for each account in the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Application
Transaction Counter (ATC) database that is updated or deleted via online messaging.
Address Verification—AV
The Address Verification service (AVS) is a service for online customers that helps to protect against
fraudulent use of cards by verifying the cardholder’s billing address. AVS provides greater security to
merchants and cardholders.
This event bills the acquirer for an authorization transaction when the Address Verification
Service was used to confirm the address of the buyer.
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The following rates apply:
Acquirer Issuer Rate
Ecuador Domestic USD 0.0075
Ecuador Other countries USD 0.05
Ecuador Latin America and the Caribbean USD 0.05
Cirrus System, LLC (formerly Cirrus System, Inc) is a wholly owned subsidiary of MasterCard
International Incorporated and operates the international ATM-sharing network known as the
MasterCard® ATM Network, accepting MasterCard, Maestro ®, and Cirrus® brands. MasterCard
customers may elect to participate in the MasterCard ATM Network by connecting to the MasterCard
Worldwide Network as an alternative to developing a separate interface to the Single Message System.
Refer to the Single Message System documentation for information associated with this service.
This event bills a monthly membership fee to the principal for each of its affiliates. The rate billed
is per affiliate.
Tier event ID TCI1001 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills a monthly membership fee to the principal for each of its terminal-only members.
Location Services supports member and processor updates for their ATM locations. The service
also helps identify ATM locations where fraud has occurred and provides a suite of consumer
products such as Web sites, mobile phones, and toll-free voice systems that help cardholders find
ATMs worldwide.
This event bills a monthly fee to MasterCard acquirers that process Cirrus® transactions but are
not Cirrus members.
Single Message System fee schedule billing events are pass-through fees to processors directly
connected to the switch. These events include fees for modems, leased lines, and dial back-up
lines as well as data transaction fees, microfiche fees, and telecommunications fees.
Single Message System fee schedule billing events are pass-through fees to processors directly
connected to the switch. These events include fees for modems, leased lines, and dial back-up
lines as well as data transaction fees, microfiche fees, and telecommunications fees.
Single Message System fee schedule billing events are pass-through fees to processors directly
connected to the switch. These events include fees for modems, leased lines, and dial back-up
lines as well as data transaction fees, microfiche fees, and telecommunications fees.
This event bills the customer for having a data transmission file with both the T464 and T461
bulk files.
This event bills the customer for having a data transmission file with either the T464 or the T461
bulk file.
Single Message System fee schedule billing events are pass-through fees to processors directly
connected to the switch. These events include fees for modems, leased lines, and dial back-up
lines as well as data transaction fees, microfiche fees, and telecommunications fees.
This event bills for maintenance to existing institution information. There is no fee to add new
institution information. The rate billed is per form submitted.
This event bills for response/completion codes for which the Single Message System is unable to
This event bills for response/completion codes for which the Single Message System is unable to
This event bills for response/completion codes for which the Single Message System is unable to
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2CI10155 Acquirer Billable Transactions Fee 90 CI
This event bills for response/completion codes for which the Single Message System is unable to
This event bills for response/completion codes for which the Single Message System is unable to
2CI1016 Testing Fees CI
This event bills for implementation and testing of debit or single message product enhancements
and changes to hardware, operating systems, or applications. The rate is billed per hour, and it is
applicable to online and offline test sessions.
This event bills for exception implementation and testing of debit or single message product
enhancements and changes to hardware, operating systems, or applications. This exception rate
applies when online testing is scheduled with less than five days advanced notice to Customer
Implementation Services or when the customer proceeds directly to online testing, waiving the
offline test phase.
This event bills for sending adjustments on problematic transactions to the Single Message
System. The rate is billed per adjustment.
This event bills a pass-through fee to members participating in the MasterCard ® debit card point-
of-interaction debit program. The USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct
This event bills for the setup of PIN validation support provided by the Single Message System for
some processors that use Banknet 01xx messages to process credit card cash advance transactions,
and, at the member's request, MDS Stand-In processing. Setup includes coordination of
processing encrypted key information, loading the cryptograms and PIN validation parameters and
validation requirements on the Financial Institution Table (FIT) and PIN Verification Key (PVK)
databases. This event is billed per BIN.
Cirrus System, LLC (formerly Cirrus System, Inc) is a wholly owned subsidiary of MasterCard
International Incorporated and operates the international ATM-sharing network known as the
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MasterCard® ATM Network, accepting MasterCard, Maestro ®, and Cirrus® brands. MasterCard
customers may elect to participate in the MasterCard ATM Network by connecting to the MasterCard
Worldwide Network as an alternative to developing a separate interface to the Single Message System.
Switch fees for Cirrus transactions processed by the Single Message System are billed to the issuer
under the Cirrus Debit Program. MCBS collects these fees on a daily basis. Refer to the Single
Message System documentation for information associated with this service.
This event bills the issuer for ATM transactions processed by the Single Message System
(formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event bills the issuer for Cirrus® transactions processed through an Integrated Service for
Intracurrency Settlement (ISIS) agreement.
This event bills the issuer for Cirrus® transactions processed by the Single Message System
(formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]). Switch fees are billed daily with a
one-day lag time.
This event bills the issuer for transactions processed by the Single Message System (formerly
referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]). Switch fees are billed daily with a one-day
lag time.
This event bills the issuer for Debit MasterCard pre-authorization request transactions processed
by the Single Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
Switch fees are billed daily one day after a transaction is processed.
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This event bills the issuer for Debit MasterCard transactions processed by the Single Message
System. Switch fees are billed daily with a one-day lag time.
Cirrus System, LLC (formerly Cirrus System, Inc) is a wholly owned subsidiary of MasterCard
International Incorporated and operates the international ATM-sharing network known as the
MasterCard® ATM Network, accepting MasterCard, Maestro ®, and Cirrus® brands. MasterCard
customers may elect to participate in the MasterCard ATM Network by connecting to the MasterCard
Worldwide Network as an alternative to developing a separate interface to the Single Message System.
Switch fees for Cirrus transactions processed by the Single Message System are billed to the acquirer
under the Cirrus Debit Program. MCBS collects these fees on a daily basis. Refer to the Single
Message System documentation for information associated with this service.
This event bills the acquirer for Cirrus® transactions processed by the Single Message System
(formerly referred to as the MasterCard® Debit Switch [MDS]). Switch fees are billed daily with a
one-day lag time.
43 of 529
This event bills the acquirer for transactions processed by the Single Message System (formerly
referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]). Switch fees are billed daily with a one-day
lag time.
This event bills acquirers and processors an ATM Program Support fee daily for intraregional and
interregional acquired ATM cash disbursement transactions switched by the Single Message
System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event bills the acquirer a switch fee for use of the MasterCard gateway service to acquire
Visa and Plus transactions at their ATMs.
The event bills the acquirer a Cirrus® switch fee for MasterCard® rePower™ Payment transaction
activity. The rate billed is per transaction.
The Daily Issuer Debit ATM service bills issuers for daily ATM activity processed by the Single
Message System. Customers may be charged various assessment fees for participation in MasterCard
This event bills the issuer daily for international issuing ATM activity on Debit MasterCard ®,
MasterCard®, Cirrus® or Maestro ® cards for incoming gross dollar volume.
45 of 529
Issuer Call Referral—CR
The Issuer Call Referral (CR) service provides for member call referrals. A call referral is a telephone
call made from an acquirer to an issuer because of a response to a request for an authorization on a
bankcard transmission. This is for security reasons.
This event bills the issuer for a MasterCard authorization transaction that resulted in a Call-Me
(refer to card issuer) response from the issuer. The issuer processing system processed this
transaction. MasterCard bills this event weekly. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills the issuer for each call referral authorization response it issues from its host when
it is not available to respond. Total fees for this event are accumulated and billed weekly.
This event bills the issuer a flat fee for each day that customers issue call referral responses when
they are not available to respond. Total fees for this event are accumulated and billed weekly.
This event is a tiered fee billed to customers for having more than 0.50 percent of their
authorizations result in a call referral response. Duplicate call referrals are not included in the
calculation of this fee. The tiered rates are based on the dollar amount of the transactions and are
billed weekly.
Tier event ID TCR21992 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer a call referral fee for the MasterCard Assistance Center when it
automatically performs authorization processing on a transaction for the issuer and provides a
voice authorization decision when a call is not answered by the issuer within 30 seconds or when
the issuer's telephone line is busy.
This event bills the issuer for each call referral processed through the Global Automated Referral
Service (GARS).
The Cirrus NICS service includes weekly NICS™ Chargeback, Adjustment, Representment, and
Gateway Exception item fees.
This event bills the acquirer for each adjustment processed by NICS™ where the age of the
transaction is 10 days or less.
This event bills the acquirer for each gateway exception itme processed by NICS™ where the age
of the transaction is greater than 10 days.
48 of 529
This event bills the acquirer for each gateway exception item processed by NICS™.
2CI201704 Acquirer Chargebacks CV
This event bill the acquirer for each chargeback processed by NICS™.
This event credits the acquirer for each chargeback processed by NICS ™.
49 of 529
2CI201706 Acquirer Total Representments Credit Reversal CV
This event reverses the credit to the acquirer for each representment backout processed by
This event bills the acquirer for each representment processed by NICS™.
This event credits the acquirer for the total number of NICS™ chargeback reversals.
This event credits the issuer for each representment reversal processed by NICS™.
This event bills the issuer for each representment processed by NICS™.
This event credits the issuer for each representment processed by NICS™.
This event bills the issuer for each deposit adjustment processed by NICS™ where the age of the
transaction is three days or less.
This event bills the acquirer for each deposit adjustment processed by NICS™ where the age of
the transaction is greater than three days.
The ATM Daily Incoming service bills customers based on their daily incoming intercountry dollar
volume processed through the Single Message System.
Daily assessments are billed using the U.S. dollar amount determined on intercountry financial detail
52 of 529
transactions processed through the clearing facility. The U.S. dollar amount used to bill issuing and
acquiring volumes is the clearing issuer-calculated amount. Each financial detail transaction is
identified by processing code. The following code is used for daily assessments: 01 (Withdrawal).
Currently, daily assessments are collected in U.S. dollars through settlement; therefore, assessment
billing will be one day behind the clearing data used for the assessment.
This event bills the issuer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based
on the dollar volume of incoming international ATM transactions as processed by the Single
Message System.
The ATM Daily Outgoing service bills customers based on their daily outgoing intercountry dollar
volume processed through the Single Message System.
Daily assessments are billed using the U.S. dollar amount determined on intercountry financial detail
transactions processed through the clearing facility. The U.S. dollar amount used to bill issuing and
acquiring volumes is the clearing issuer-calculated amount. Each financial detail transaction is
identified by processing code. The following codes are used for daily assessments: 00 (Purchases), 20
(Credits), 12 (Cash Disbursements), and 18 (Unique Transactions).
Currently, daily assessments are collected in U.S. dollars through settlement; therefore, assessment
billing will be one day behind the clearing data used for the assessment.
53 of 529
Following is the schedule for a non-holiday week:
This event bills the acquirer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is
based on outgoing ATM transactions to issuers outside the country of the acquiring customer.
This event bills the acquirer for all ATM-acquired debit volume for Maestro ® brands.
54 of 529
Debit Fees Issuer—DF
The Debit Fees Issuer service bills issuers for transactions processed by the Single Message System.
This event bills the issuer when using the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping Service to process
Maestro ® and AS2805 PayPass transactions acquired by the Single Message System (formerly
referred to as the MasterCard® Debit Switch [MDS]).
The Issuer MDS Cross-border service bills issuers the assessment related to cross-border transactions
processed through the Single Message System.
A cross-border transaction refers to any transaction on a MasterCard ® credit or debit card, Cirrus®
card, or Maestro ® card in which the country code of the merchant does not equal the country code of
the account range.
MasterCard calculates this assessment by multiplying the transaction amount for each cross-border
transaction by a specified rate.
MasterCard bills this fee daily through the MasterCard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS).
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border purchase transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border withdrawal transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border purchase with cash back transactions processed by
the Single Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border deposit transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
56 of 529
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border Payment Transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard® Debit Switch [MDS]).
The Acquirer MDS Cross-border service bills acquirers the assessment related to cross-border
transactions processed through the Single Message System.
A cross-border transaction refers to any transaction on a MasterCard ® credit or debit card, Cirrus®
card, or Maestro ® card in which the country code of the merchant does not equal the country code of
the account range.
MasterCard calculates this assessment by multiplying the transaction amount for each cross-border
transaction by a specified rate.
MasterCard bills this fee daily through the MasterCard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS).
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]) and not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border withdrawal transactions processed by the Single
57 of 529
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]) and not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase with cash back transactions processed
by the Single Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]) and
not submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border deposit transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]) and not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border Payment Transactions processed by the Single
Message System (formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]) and not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase transactions submitted to MasterCard in
the local currency of the merchant and processed by the Single Message System (formerly
referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
59 of 529
2DN5201 Acquirer Cross-border MasterCard Debit Switch
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border withdrawal transactions submitted to MasterCard
in the local currency of the merchant and processed by the Single Message System (formerly
referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase with cash back transactions submitted
to MasterCard in the local currency of the merchant and processed by the Single Message System
(formerly referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border deposit transactions submitted to MasterCard in
the local currency of the merchant and processed by the Single Message System (formerly
60 of 529
referred to as the MasterCard Debit Switch [MDS]).
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border Payment Transactions submitted to MasterCard
in the local currency of the merchant and processed by the Single Message System (formerly
referred to as the MasterCard ® Debit Switch [MDS]).
The Daily Clearing Incoming service bills customers based on their daily incoming intercountry dollar
volume processed through the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
Daily assessments are billed using the U.S. dollar amount determined on intercountry financial detail
transactions processed through the clearing facility. The U.S. dollar amount used to bill issuing and
acquiring volumes is the clearing issuer-calculated amount. Each financial detail transaction is
identified by processing code. The following codes are used for daily assessments: 00 (Purchases), 20
(Credits), 12 (Cash Disbursements), and 18 (Unique Transactions).
Currently, daily assessments are collected in U.S. dollars through settlement; therefore, assessment
billing will be one day behind the clearing data used for the assessment.
61 of 529
Following is the schedule for a non-holiday week:
This event bills the issuer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based
on the dollar volume of incoming purchase transactions from acquirers outside the country of the
issuer as captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
This event bills the issuer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based
on the dollar volume of the purchase portion of incoming purchase with cash back transactions
from acquirers outside the country of the issuer as captured by the Global Clearing Management
System (GCMS).
This event bills the issuer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based
on the dollar volume of incoming cash advance transactions as captured by the Global Clearing
Management System (GCMS).
This event bills the issuer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based
on the dollar volume of the purchase portion of incoming purchase with cash back transactions
from acquirers outside the country of the issuer as captured by the Global Clearing Management
System (GCMS).
This event bills the issuer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based
on the dollar volume of incoming Payment Transactions from acquirers outside the country of the
issuer as captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
63 of 529
The following rates apply:
Acquirer Issuer Rate
SAMEA Ecuador USD 0.0016
Europe Non-SEPA Ecuador USD 0.0016
Europe SEPA Ecuador USD 0.0016
Asia Pacific Ecuador USD 0.0016
Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador USD 0.0016
Canada Ecuador USD 0.0016
U.S. Ecuador USD 0.0016
This event bills the issuer for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is based on
the dollar volume of incoming unique transactions from acquirers outside the country of the issuer
as captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
Issuer Cross-border—DL
The Issuer Cross-border service bills issuers the assessment related to cross-border transactions
processed through the Dual Message System.
A cross-border transaction refers to any transaction on a MasterCard ® credit or debit card, Cirrus®
card, or Maestro ® card in which the country code of the merchant does not equal the country code of
the account range.
MasterCard calculates this assessment by multiplying the transaction amount for each cross-border
transaction by a specified rate.
MasterCard bills this fee daily through the MasterCard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS).
64 of 529
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border purchase transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border ATM cash advance transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border purchase with cash back transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border cash disbursement transactions.
65 of 529
This event assesses the issuer for cross-border unique transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for Collection-Only cross-border purchase transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for Collection-Only cross-border ATM cash advance transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for Collection-Only cross-border purchase with cash back
This event assesses the issuer for Collection-Only cross-border cash disbursement transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for Collection-Only cross-border unique transactions.
This event assesses the issuer for Collection-Only cross-border Payment Transactions.
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of cross-border purchase transactions.
67 of 529
2DL3001 Issuer Cross-border Chargeback ATM Cash Advance DL
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of cross-border ATM cash advance transactions.
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of cross-border purchase with cash back transactions.
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of cross-border cash disbursement transactions.
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of cross-border unique transactions.
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of Collection-Only cross-border purchase
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of Collection-Only cross-border ATM cash advance
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of Collection-Only cross-border cash disbursement
69 of 529
2DL3318 Issuer Cross-border Chargeback Unique—Collection
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of Collection-Only cross-border unique transactions.
This event credits the issuer for chargebacks of Collection-Only cross-border Payment
Acquirer Cross-border—DN
The Acquirer Cross-border service bills acquirers the assessment related to cross-border transactions
processed through the Dual Message System.
A cross-border transaction refers to any transaction on a MasterCard ® credit or debit card, Cirrus®
card, or Maestro ® card in which the country code of the merchant does not equal the country code of
the account range.
MasterCard calculates this assessment by multiplying the transaction amount for each cross-border
transaction by a specified rate.
MasterCard bills this fee daily through the MasterCard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS).
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase transactions not submitted in the local
currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border ATM cash advance transactions not submitted in
the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase with cash back transactions not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border cash disbursement transactions not submitted in
71 of 529
the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border unique transactions not submitted in the local
currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border Payment Transactions not submitted in the local
currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase transactions submitted in the local
currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border ATM cash advance transactions submitted in the
local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border purchase with cash back transactions submitted
in the local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border cash disbursement transactions submitted in the
local currency of the merchant.
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border unique transactions submitted in the local
currency of the merchant.
74 of 529
This event assesses the acquirer for cross-border Payment Transactions submitted in the local
currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border purchase transactions not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border ATM cash advance transactions
not submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border purchase with cash back
transactions not submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border cash disbursement transactions not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border unique transactions not submitted
in the local currency of the merchant.
76 of 529
The following rates apply:
Acquirer Issuer Rate
Ecuador Latin America and the Caribbean USD 0.008
Ecuador SAMEA USD 0.008
Ecuador Europe Non-SEPA USD 0.008
Ecuador Europe SEPA USD 0.008
Ecuador Asia Pacific USD 0.008
Ecuador Canada USD 0.008
Ecuador U.S. USD 0.008
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border Payment Transactions not
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border purchase transactions submitted in
the local currency of the merchant.
77 of 529
2DN3401 Acquirer Cross-border Chargeback ATM Cash
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border ATM cash advance transactions
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border purchase with cash back
transactions submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border cash disbursement transactions
submitted in the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border unique transactions submitted in
the local currency of the merchant.
This event credits the acquirer for chargebacks of cross-border Payment Transactions submitted in
the local currency of the merchant.
79 of 529
Daily Clearing Outgoing—DO
The Daily Clearing Outgoing service bills customers based on their daily outgoing intercountry dollar
volume processed through the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
Daily assessments are billed using the U.S. dollar amount determined on intercountry financial detail
transactions processed through the clearing facility. The U.S. dollar amount used to bill issuing and
acquiring volumes is the clearing issuer-calculated amount. Each financial detail transaction is
identified by processing code. The following codes are used for daily assessments: 00 (Purchases), 20
(Credits), 12 (Cash Disbursements), and 18 (Unique Transactions).
Currently, daily assessments are collected in U.S. dollars through settlement; therefore, assessment
billing will be one day behind the clearing data used for the assessment.
This event assesses acquirers daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is
based on outgoing purchase transactions to issuers outside the country of the acquiring member as
captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
This event assesses the acquirer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is
80 of 529
based on the dollar volume of the purchase portion of purchase with cash back transactions
submitted to issuers outside the country of the acquiring customer as captured by the Global
Clearing Management System (GCMS).
This event assesses acquirers daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is
based on outgoing cash advance transactions to issuers outside the country of the acquiring
customer as captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
This event assesses the acquirer daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is
based on the dollar volume of the cash portion of purchase with cash back transactions submitted
to issuers outside the country of the acquiring customer as captured by the Global Clearing
Management System (GCMS).
This event assesses acquirers daily for international Gross Dollar Volume (GDV). The charge is
based on outgoing unique transactions (for example, money transfers, value loads, or gambling
payments) to issuers outside the country of the acquiring member as captured by the Global
Clearing Management System (GCMS).
The Daily Issuer Debit POS service bills fees to issuers for daily point-of-sale (POS) activity
processed through the Single Message System. Customers are billed various assessment fees for
participation in MasterCard ® programs.
This event bills the issuer daily for international issuing point-of-sale (POS) activity on Maestro ®
cards for incoming gross dollar volume.
The Daily Acquirer Debit POS service bills fees to acquirers for daily point-of-sale (POS) activity
processed through the Single Message System. Customers are billed various assessment fees for
participation in MasterCard ® programs.
This event bills the acquirer based on Maestro ® signature-based transaction activity processed by
the Single Message System.
This event bills the acquirer daily for Maestro ® volume based on international outgoing gross
dollar volume for point-of-sale (POS) activity.
83 of 529
Electronic Commerce—EC
The Electronic Commerce service bills customers for electronic commerce activity and related fees.
This event bills the customer for chip services provided by a service provider.
2EC2800 SecureCode EC
This event bills the issuer quarterly in arrears as part of the fixed annual fee for the MasterCard ®
SecureCode™ Directory and program support. The fee applies to all principals enrolled as issuers
in the MasterCard SecureCode program.
This event bills the acquirer quarterly in arrears as part of the fixed annual fee for the
MasterCard® SecureCode™ Directory and program support. The fee applies to all principals
enrolled as acquirers in the MasterCard SecureCode program.
This event bills the issuer quarterly the transaction-based fee for MasterCard ® SecureCode™
authentication volume. The fee applies to all principals enrolled as issuers in the MasterCard
SecureCode program.
84 of 529
Tier event ID TEC2808 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer quarterly the transaction-based fee for MasterCard ® SecureCode™
authentication volume. The fee applies to all principals enrolled as acquirers in the MasterCard
SecureCode program.
Tier event ID TEC2809 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
85 of 529
2EC3100 Global Acquiring of Electronic Commerce Annual Fee EC
This event bills the renewal fee that is charged to customers on a yearly basis after the first year of
participation in the Global Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) Program .
This event bills a one-time application fee to customers applying for permission to participate in
the Global Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) Program.
This event bills an administrative fee to the customer participating in the Global Electronic
Commerce (e-commerce) Program when the customer signs a new merchant to the program. The
rate billed is per merchant.
2EC4023 Reference Terminal EC
This event bills a chip services fee at a daily rate for consulting support and training. Where
applicable, travel expenses will be added.
This event reimburses the issuer for amounts collected with an issuer-provided card during an
issuer End-to-End Demonstration (ETED) test of chip acceptance at ATMs.
This event bills the issuer for each card not bearing the MasterCard ®, Maestro ®, Cirrus® or Visa
brand logo that is sold or supplied by or on behalf of the issuer through the Card Authentication
Program (CAP). This fee is payable annually in arrears in respect of the total number of cards that
have been issued at any point during the calendar year ending with the due date.
Tier event ID TEC6000 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Monthly Connectivity/Equipment—EJ
The Monthly Connectivity/Equipment service bills customers for costs related to their use of
MasterCard equipment. More information about MasterCard equipment is in the Authorization Manual
and the Data Communications Manual.
2EJ3000 Connectivity Fee EJ
This event bills the parent member ID/ICA a monthly fee to access all MasterCard systems,
including MasterCard Authorization Platform, Settlement and Account Management System, and
the MasterCard Network.
The Connectivity/Equipment service bills customers for costs related to their use of MasterCard
equipment. More information about MasterCard equipment is in the Authorization Manual and the
Data Communications Manual.
This event bills a one-time fee for a seminar, specific training, or technical/operations review,
usually agreed to by contract. It frequently includes reimbursement charges for travel costs
incurred by MasterCard to provide the service.
This event bills for the monthly depreciation and maintenance of a second MasterCard interface
processor (MIP) requested by the customer.
In addition to the standard connection to the MasterCard Worldwide Network which MasterCard
provides for our customers, MasterCard also offers supplementary "enhanced" connectivity, at an
additional monthly cost to the customer. Customers that want this additional connectivity (which
gives them a more robust connection), work initially with the MasterCard Customer Operations
Services (COS) group to choose which of the three options they want (redundant MasterCard
interface processor [MIP], Disaster Recovery site, or Mirror Image site). The customer is billed
monthly for this additional enhanced network connectivity.
2EQ3011 Banknet Interface—Connectivity EQ
This event bills all principals that do not have MasterCard interface processors (MIPs). The fee is
billed monthly.
This event covers the costs for moving the MasterCard interface processor (MIP) and
communications equipment at the customer's request within the same building.
This event is generated when a member requests a field engineer from a MasterCard ® Solutions
2EQ3020 Banknet Interface—Dedicated EQ
This event bills for dedicated usage of a MasterCard interface processor (MIP). The rate is per
MIP and is billed weekly in advance.
This event bills the customer to cover charges for the shipment of equipment.
This event bills the customer for customer-requested MasterCard Network interface equipment not
related to transaction volume.
90 of 529
2EQ3036 Banknet Interface Relocation Fee EQ
This event bills for costs to relocate a MasterCard interface processor (MIP). To provide for the
variable nature of MIP relocation costs, pricing is by quotation. The minimum charge for MIP
relocation requested by the customer is USD 7,000.00.
This event bills for implementation and testing of Chip product enhancements, migrations, and
changes to hardware, operating systems, or applications. MasterCard bills this event at an hourly
rate that is applicable to online and offline review sessions.
This event bills for exception implementation and testing of Chip product enhancements,
migrations, and changes to hardware, operating systems, or applications. This exception rate
applies when online testing is scheduled with less than five days advanced notice to Customer
Implementation Services or when the customer proceeds directly to online testing, waiving the
offline test phase.
This event bills an indirect connection fee which is a monthly charge to members that connect via
a processor (or other member) that has a direct connection into a MasterCard interface processor
The indirect connectivity fee applies to (i) each principal member or Association card member
that conducts business in its own name under an Extension of Area of Use license and for (ii)
each affiliate member that connects to MasterCard otherwise than by way of a direct connection.
91 of 529
Note: This event is billed in advance.
This event bills the customer after delivery of its cryptographic key in three clear text components
to three MasterCard Key Management Services security officers who will load the customer key
components into the MasterCard Key Management Center.
This event bills a weekly residency fee per key for MasterCard Key Management services.
This event bills a one-time fee for the purchase of the MasterCard Authorization Simulator
92 of 529
This event bills a one-time fee for the Upgrade purchase of the MasterCard Authorization
Simulator Standard Simulator to Professional.
This event bills the monthly fee to support the ongoing development and releases of the
MasterCard Authorization Simulator Professional Simulator.
This event bills a one-time fee for the purchase of the MasterCard Debit Professional Simulator.
This event bills a one-time fee for the purchase of the MasterCard Debit Financial Standard
93 of 529
Simulator upgrade to Professional.
This event bills the monthly fee to support the ongoing development and releases of the
MasterCard Debit Professional Simulator.
This event bills a monthly maintenance fee to customers or processors using the MasterCard
Clearing Presentment Simulator. The rate billed is per month per simulator.
This event bills a fee to support the ongoing development and releases of the MasterCard Test
Simulator. The Credit version of the simulator supports the ISO 8583 1987 international message
standard for processing authorization information as specified by the MasterCard Customer
Interface Specification manual. This is often referred to as the Authorization Request/0100
message format.
94 of 529
2EQ4041 MasterCard Authorization Simulator INQ Simulator
License Fee
This event bills a one-time fee for the purchase of the MasterCard Test Simulator (Credit
This event bills a monthly fee for the maintenance of the MasterCard Test Simulator (Credit
This event bills for the third and subsequent simulators, at the same physical location, at a
discounted rate. The first two simulators are charged at the regular price. The third and subsequent
simulators are discounted thirty percent.
This event bills for the third and subsequent simulators, at the same physical location, at a
discounted rate. The first two simulators are charged at the regular price. The third and subsequent
standard simulators are discounted thirty percent.
This event bills a one-time fee for the purchase of the MasterCard Test Simulator (Debit ISO
This event bills a monthly fee for the maintenance of the MasterCard Test Simulator (Debit ISO
This event bills for the third and subsequent simulators, at the same physical location, at a
discounted rate. The first two simulators are charged at the regular price. The third and subsequent
simulators are discounted thirty percent.
This event bills customers monthly for use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process debit
This event bills customers monthly for use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process a
volume of 0–900,000 debit transactions.
This event bills customers monthly for use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process a
volume of 900,001–4,000,000 debit transactions.
This event bills customers monthly for use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process a
volume of 4,000,001–10,000,000 debit transactions.
This event bills customers monthly for use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process a
volume of 10,000,001–30,000,000 debit transactions.
97 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 8000.00
This event bills customers monthly for use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process a
volume of 30,000,001 or more debit transactions.
This event bills customers that use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process debit
This event bills customers that use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to process debit
This event bills the annual maintenance fee per unit for the MasterCard Common Data Format
(CDF) Validation Tool software. The rate billed is per month.
98 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 180.00
This event bills the issuer for the registration, testing, and initial distribution of the Payment
System Public Key.
This event bills the acquirer for the registration process and initial distribution of the Payment
System Public Key. This fee is waived if the acquirer also is registering as an issuer.
2EQ5121 Implementation Fee EQ
This event bills for Implementation Services for Core Processing projects. Pricing varies
depending on the implementation type; details are published via pricing bulletins. Typically
customers are billed an Initial Fixed Fee and then a Monthly Extension Fee after a set period.
File Maintenance—FM
MasterCard or customers may perform additions, deletions, and changes to customer files, including
Stand-In, merchant, and Member Parameter System (MPS) files. Stand-In Processing queries the data
in these files before processing authorization requests. All billing events submitted to MCBS through
the file maintenance system fall under the File Maintenance Service.
The File Maintenance Service is the service under which customers are billed for updates to their files.
More information about the File Maintenance Service is in the Account Management System User
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that adds, updates, or deletes elements of the Stand-In
Account File through MasterCard eService.
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that adds, updates, or deletes elements of the Stand-In
Account File through MasterCard eService.
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that adds, updates, or deletes elements of the Stand-In
Account File through MasterCard eService.
100 of 529
2FM1607 Authorization File Maintenance Batch FM
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that adds, updates, or deletes elements of the Stand-In
Account File through a MasterCard Worldwide Network bulk file. This per-item charge is for
non-Premium Listing or non-Gold MasterCard ® Card accounts.
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that adds, updates, or deletes elements of the Stand-In
Account File through an ISO 8583 record. These charges are for non-Premium Listing or non-
Gold MasterCard® Card accounts.
This event bills the issuer per account per week for residence on the Stand-In Account File for
accounts that should be declined during Stand-In authorization processing.
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that allows members to inquire into the status of
accounts in the Stand-In Account File. The current rate bills per inquiry.
101 of 529
2FM1620 Authorization File Premium Listing Residency Fee FM
This event bills the issuer for positive listing residence when issuers submit a V for Stand-In
listings or a G for ATM listings. The rate billed is per account listed per week.
This event bills the issuer for the unsuccessful addition, update, deletion, or query of an account
via MasterCard eService, NICS™, or the online Issuer File Update/0302 message.
This event bills the issuer for the successful addition of an account to the Recurring Payment
Cancellation Service (RPCS) via MasterCard eService, NICS™, or the online Issuer File
Update/0302 message from the issuer.
This event bills the issuer for the successful update, deletion, or query of an account via
MasterCard eService, NICS™, or the online Issuer File Update/0302 message from the issuer.
102 of 529
Issuer Rate
Ecuador USD 1.50
This event bills the issuer for each account added to the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Application
Transaction Counter (ATC) database. This event also is billed yearly on the anniversary of the
account addition.
This event bills the issuer for the establishment and maintenance of Stand-In transaction limit
This event bills the issuer for the establishment and maintenance of Stand-In transaction limit
parameters, including Range Blocking.
This event bills the issuer for the establishment and maintenance of account range blocks.
This event bills issuers weekly residency for each range of accounts blocked from authorization in
the Stand-In System.
This event bills the issuer a one-time setup fee per bank identification number (BIN) participating
in the MasterCard ® PayPass™ On-behalf Services Static CVC 3 Stand-In Service.
This event bills the issuer for the initial setup, maintenance, and removal of account ranges using
the Transaction Blocking for Inactive BINs service. The rate billed is per individual transaction
block requested.
This event bills the issuer a weekly residence fee per account range for Transaction Blocking for
Inactive BINs service.
This event bills the issuer a tiered residency fee for Transaction Blocking Service. The tiered rates
are based on the number of account range blocks associated to the issuer and are billed weekly
based on the daily rates below.
Tier event ID TFM1665 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer per account per week for residence of accounts that should not be
declined during Transaction Blocking authorization processing.
This event bills the issuer per account per week for residence of accounts that should be declined
during Transaction Blocking authorization processing.
This event bills for the initial setup of parameters for the MasterCard M/Chip Cryptogram Pre-
validation Service. The rate includes the setup for one account range.
This event bills the issuer weekly for changing parameters for one six-digit bank identification
number (BIN) in the MasterCard M/Chip On-behalf Services (Chip to Magnetic Stripe
Conversion Service, M/Chip Cryptogram Pre-validation Service, or M/Chip Cryptogram
Validation in Stand-In Service).
This event bills the issuer a one-time setup fee per bank identification number (BIN) participating
in the MasterCard® PayPass™ On-behalf Services Static CVC 3 Pre-validation Service.
This event bills the issuer a one-time setup fee per bank identification number (BIN) participating
in the MasterCard® PayPass™ On-behalf Services PAN Mapping Service.
106 of 529
The following rates apply:
Issuer Rate
Ecuador USD 2500.00
This event bills the issuer a one-time fee for Secure Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV)
BIN Setup regardless of whether the issuer's host system is available to respond to the
authorization request/0100 message containing an AAV. Only those transactions processed
through a MasterCard authorization network are eligible to use the MasterCard ® SecureCode™
AAV Validation Service.
This event bills for the initial setup with the Transaction Blocking Service. The fee is billed per
individual transaction block requested.
This event bills the issuer a parameter change fee for Transaction Blocking Service.
This event bills the issuer a deletion fee for removing Transaction Blocking Service.
107 of 529
The following rates apply:
Issuer Rate
Ecuador USD 300.00
This event bills the issuer a one-time setup fee per bank identification number (BIN) participating
in the MasterCard® PayPass™ On-behalf Services Dynamic CVC 3 Pre-validation Service.
This event bills the issuer a one-time setup fee per bank identification number (BIN) participating
in the MasterCard ® PayPass™ On-behalf Service Dynamic CVC 3 Stand-In Service.
This event bills the issuer a weekly fee per card registered for MasterCard ® inControl account
level controls.
Tier event ID TFM1730 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
108 of 529
2FM1800 Expired Card Blocking Setup Fee FM
This event bills issuers when they register a new account range for the expired card blocking
This event bills issuers a weekly residency fee for each registered account range when they
choose to have MasterCard decline transactions originating from an expired card on their behalf.
This event bills the issuer for each account added to the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping
Service database. This event also is billed yearly on the anniversary of the account addition.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center adds, updates, or deletes
elements of the Stand-In Account File.
109 of 529
2VS1256 Account Management System Global Service Center
—Account Update
This event bills the issuer for manual updates made by MasterCard for a customer to the Account
Management System (AMS) processed by the MasterCard Assistance Center. The rate billed is
per transaction.
File Maintenance—FO
MasterCard or customers may perform additions, deletions, and changes to customer files, including
Stand-In, merchant, and Member Parameter System (MPS) files. Stand-In Processing queries the data
in these files before processing authorization requests. All billing events submitted to MCBS through
the file maintenance system fall under the File Maintenance Service.
The File Maintenance Service is the service under which customers are billed for updates to their files.
More information about the File Maintenance Service is in the Account Management System User
2FM1611 Sign In Fee FO
This event bills the issuer for signing into the Authorization Platform.
This event bills the issuer for signing out of the Authorization Platform.
110 of 529
This event bills the issuer for a transaction that initiates authorization transactions processed
previously and stored by the Stand-In System. The rate bills per transaction.
This event bills a fee for testing the status of a customer's MasterCard Worldwide Network
connection with MasterCard. Customers are billed this fee for the transmission to MasterCard of a
Network Management Request/0800 (echo test) message and an acknowledgement from
MasterCard with a Network Management Request Response/0810 message.
The Franchise/License service bills events that are one-time fees to each new principal or association
member or to any affiliate member that owns or controls an issuing or acquiring program. Members
are billed membership initiation and other membership fees.
This event bills a monthly BIN Management fee for each BIN assigned to a MasterCard customer
within the MasterCard BIN pool. This fee applies to all issuing BINs in assigned, reserved, or live
status on the 15th of the billing month.
This event bills the principal if the customer, independent sales organization ( ISO), Third Party
Processor (TPP), or Data Storage Entity (DSE) is out of compliance with the Member Service
Provider rules and regulations. Refer to section 7.6 of the MasterCard Rules manual.
This event bills customers in exchange for MasterCard agreeing to participate in the securitization
of their merchant receivables.
This event bills a customer when there is a member ID change to routing of authorization or
clearing/settlement information, such as change of group sign-in, endpoint, or both. The rate billed
is per member ID change.
This event bills a customer when there is a production BIN/account range changing member ID
relationship, BIN change associated with transfers and conversions. MasterCard assesses this fee
for the first three BINs combined (whether one, two, or three BINs have a member ID relationship
changed, the fee is assessed only once). Each additional BIN beyond three is billed under event
112 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 250.00
This event bills a customer when there is a production BIN/account range changing member ID
and processing relationship, BIN change associated with transfers and conversions. The rate billed
is per BIN for each BIN beyond the first three BINs which are assessed under event 2FL1875—
This event bills an administrative support fee for a principal or affiliate legal name change.
This event bills an administrative support fee for customer-requested changes to BIN product
This event bills an administrative support fee for a customer-requested BIN transfer between the
customer's assigned ICA numbers.
113 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 1000.00
This event bills an administrative support fee for the transfer of a sponsored or affiliate customer
from one principal to another. This fee also is charged for an additional sponsorship under a new
principal when the affiliate already is sponsored for the same brand under another principal.
This event bills an administrative support fee for a portfolio sale from one principal to another.
2FL1891 Merger/Acquisition Fee FR
This event bills an administrative support fee for a merger of or acquisition between two
This event is an initial registration fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered a Member Service Provider (MSP) to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus®
program, a Maestro ® program, or both.
114 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 2500.00
This event bills an annual fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has renewed a
Member Service Provider (MSP) to provide program services in support of a Cirrus® program, a
Maestro ® program, or both.
This event bills a subsequent registration fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
This event bills a subsequent renewal fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
115 of 529
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
This event bills a subsequent registration fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
This event bills a subsequent renewal fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
116 of 529
2FL1904 ISO Debit Subsequent Registration Fee FR
This event bills a subsequent registration fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus® program,
a Maestro ® program, or both.
This event bills a subsequent renewal fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus® program,
a Maestro ® program, or both.
This event bills a subsequent registration fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates)
that has registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of a
Cirrus® program, a Maestro ® program, or both.
This event bills a subsequent renewal fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that
has registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus®
program, a Maestro ® program, or both.
This billing event identifies a monthly membership fee for all membership relationships with
MasterCard. Customers pay a single rate per month for membership in MasterCard, Maestro ®,
and Cirrus®.
This event bills a one-time licensing fee for a new principal and represents a bundled fee for
membership in any or all MasterCard brands, including MasterCard, Maestro ®, and Cirrus®.
This event bills for an Extension of Area of Use into the Latin America and the Caribbean region
for a customer that has no current presence in the region.
This event bills a one-time licensing fee for each new Cirrus® corresponding member.
This event bills a one-time licensing fee to new affiliates for Maestro ® and Cirrus® brands.
This event bills a one-time license initiation fee for each new MasterCard ® affiliate.
This event covers nonstandard licensing fees that cannot be billed using standard licensing billing
events containing preset fees.
This event bills a one-time licensing fee to new affiliates that do not own or control an issuing
This event bills a licensing fee each time an existing customer obtains approval for MasterCard
membership in a country in which it was not previously licensed. The customer pays this fee one
time per additional country.
This event bills an administrative fee assessed to any principal that becomes an affiliate or to any
affiliate that becomes a principal. Principal membership fees less the amount of the previous
affiliate initiation fee paid also will apply.
This event bills a one-time licensing fee to each new, principal member majority-owned and
controlled by an existing MasterCard member in the same country.
Pursuant to MasterCard Rules (1.1) and Brand License Agreement, MasterCard members shall
indemnify MasterCard for any losses related to lawsuits filed by MasterCard cardholders. This
event relates to a consumer lawsuit filed against MasterCard and/or the Member Bank which,
120 of 529
after all the possible appeals, has received a final adverse judicial decision. This decision required
MasterCard to pay the amount determined by the court, including applicable interest, court costs
and attorney fees. Therefore, as provided in above mentioned the Rules, MasterCard shall be
indemnified by the Member Bank with respect to the full amount paid.
This event bills the application fee for an alternative cross-border processing arrangement.
MasterCard bills and collects this fee upon receipt of the certification application.
The File Transmission—Acquirer service bills acquirers per byte of Clearing and Collection Only data
(if applicable), and per kilobyte of Electronic Warning Bulletin data.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for transactions with the following Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code combinations:
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Collection Only transactions with the following Message
121 of 529
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code combinations:
This event bills the acquirer weekly for transactions with the following Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code combinations:
This event bills the acquirer weekly for First Presentment transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1240-200.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Collection Only First Presentment transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1240-200.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Retrieval Request transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-603.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Retrieval Request Acknowledgement transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-605.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Collection Only Retrieval Request Acknowledgement
transactions with the Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-605.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Financial Detail Addendum transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-696.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Collection Only Financial Detail Addendum transactions
with the Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-696.
File Transmission—Issuer—FT
The File Transmission—Issuer service bills issuers per byte of Clearing and Collection Only data (if
applicable), and per kilobyte of Electronic Warning Bulletin data.
This event bills the issuer weekly for transactions with the following Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code combinations:
This event bills the issuer weekly for transactions with the following Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code combinations:
This event bills the issuer weekly for Collection Only transactions with the following Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code combinations:
This event bills the issuer weekly for First Presentment transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1240-200.
This event bills the issuer weekly for Retrieval Request transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-603.
125 of 529
2FT6032OU File Transmission Fee Retrieval Request On-Us FT
This event bills the issuer weekly for Collection Only Retrieval Request transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-603.
This event bills the issuer weekly for Retrieval Request Acknowledgement transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-605.
This event bills the issuer weekly for Financial Detail Addendum transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-696.
This event bills the issuer for transmission of bulk ID T314—AMS Regional/Composite Data—
Weekly Electronic Warning Bulletin (EWB). The rate billed is per kilobyte of EWB data.
126 of 529
2RP6316 File Transmission Fee FT
This event bills for transmission of bulk ID T316—AMS Regional/Composite Restricted Card
Daily Update. The rate billed is per kilobyte of data.
File Transmission—Customer—FU
The File Transmission—Customer service bills customers per byte of Clearing and Collection Only
data (if applicable), and per kilobyte of Electronic Warning Bulletin data.
This event bills the customer weekly for transactions with the following Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code combinations when they are in the originating position in the transaction:
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only transactions with the following Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code combinations when they are in the originating position in
the transaction:
This event bills the customer weekly for transactions with the following Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code combinations when they are in the destination position in the transaction:
This event bills the customer weekly for File Currency Update transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-640 when they are in the originating position in the
128 of 529
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only File Currency Update transactions with
the Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-640 when they are in the originating
position in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for File Currency Update transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-640 when they are in the destination position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for File Currency Summary transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-680 when they are in the destination position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only File Currency Summary transactions
with the Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-680 when they are in the destination
position in the transaction.
129 of 529
2FT6852 File Transmission Fee Financial Position Detail—
This event bills the customer weekly for Financial Position Detail transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-685 when they are in the destination position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only Financial Position Detail transactions
with the Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-685 when they are in the destination
position in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for Settlement Position Detail transactions with the Message
Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-688 when they are in the destination position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only Settlement Position Detail transactions
130 of 529
with the Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-688 when they are in the destination
position in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for Message Exception transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-691 when they are in the originating position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only Message Exception transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-691 when they are in the originating position
in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for Message Exception transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-691 when they are in the destination position in the
131 of 529
2FT6931 File Transmission Fee Text Message—Sender FU
This event bills the customer weekly for Text Message transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-693 when they are in the originating position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only Text Message transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-693 when they are in the originating position
in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for Text Message transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-693 when they are in the destination position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for File Trailer transactions with the Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code 1644-695 when they are in the destination position in the transaction.
132 of 529
2FT6952OU File Transmission Fee File Trailer—Receiver On-
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only File Trailer transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-695 when they are in the destination position
in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for File Header transactions with the Message Type
Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-697 when they are in the destination position in the
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only File Header transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-697 when they are in the destination position
in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for File Reject transactions with the Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code 1644-699 when they are in the originating position in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for Collection Only File Reject transactions with the
Message Type Identifier (MTI)/Function Code 1644-699 when they are in the originating position
in the transaction.
This event bills the customer weekly for File Reject transactions with the Message Type Identifier
(MTI)/Function Code 1644-699 when they are in the destination position in the transaction.
Global Service—Debit—GD
MasterCard uses the Global Service—Debit service to bill for activity related to the MasterCard
Global™ Service Debit program. Cardholders access the MasterCard Assistance Center using country-
specific, toll-free telephone numbers or, from countries where toll-free service is not available, a
collect phone number. The MasterCard Assistance Center helps cardholders in accordance with
comprehensive instructions specified by the issuer. Support provided to cardholders that MasterCard
bills under this service includes:
The events in Global Service—Debit bill for support using a tiered service plan that is based on the
method of delivery and the level of support provided by the MasterCard Assistance Center. The
MasterCard Assistance Center delivers these services using interactive voice response (IVR) (events
ending in 1I, 2I, or 3I), a live agent (events ending in 1A, 2A, or 3A), or a combination of both.
134 of 529
2GD19001A Telecom Fixed GD
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GD19001I Telecom Fixed GD
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GD19002A Telecom Fixed GD
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GD19002I Telecom Fixed GD
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
135 of 529
2GD19003A Telecom Fixed GD
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GD19003I Telecom Fixed GD
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GD30041A ATM Locator GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30041I ATM Locator GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30042A ATM Locator GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30042I ATM Locator GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30043A ATM Locator GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
137 of 529
2GD30043I ATM Locator GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30081A Medical Referral/Assistance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30081I Medical Referral/Assistance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
138 of 529
2GD30082A Medical Referral/Assistance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30082I Medical Referral/Assistance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30083A Medical Referral/Assistance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30083I Medical Referral/Assistance GD
139 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30091A Purchase Protection GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30091I Purchase Protection GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30092A Purchase Protection GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
140 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30092I Purchase Protection GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30093A Purchase Protection GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30093I Purchase Protection GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
141 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
143 of 529
2GD30121A Automobile Roadside Assistance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer weekly for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard
Assistance Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with
information, provide the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the
cardholder to the issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using
the Global Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by
the issuer or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30131A Legal Referral GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
145 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30131I Legal Referral GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30132A Legal Referral GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30132I Legal Referral GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
146 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30133A Legal Referral GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30133I Legal Referral GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30231A Account Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30231I Account Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30232A Account Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30232I Account Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
148 of 529
2GD30233A Account Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30233I Account Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30261A Authorization Problem GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
149 of 529
2GD30261I Authorization Problem GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30262A Authorization Problem GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30262I Authorization Problem GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30263A Authorization Problem GD
150 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30263I Authorization Problem GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30271A Activate Card GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30271I Activate Card GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
151 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30272A Activate Card GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30272I Activate Card GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30273A Activate Card GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
152 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GD30273I Activate Card GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30341A PIN Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30341I PIN Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30342A PIN Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30342I PIN Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30343A PIN Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
154 of 529
2GD30343I PIN Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
156 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
157 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30471A Masterphone Issues GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30471I MasterPhone Issues GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30472A MasterPhone Issues GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
159 of 529
2GD30472I MasterPhone Issues GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30473A MasterPhone Issues GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30473I MasterPhone Issues GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
160 of 529
2GD30491A Pre-Trip Information GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30491I Pre-Trip Information GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30492A Pre-Trip Information GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30492I Pre-Trip Information GD
161 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30493A Pre-Trip Information GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30493I Pre-Trip Information GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30501A Law Enforcement GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
162 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30501I Law Enforcement GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30502A Law Enforcement GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30502I Law Enforcement GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
163 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GD30503A Law Enforcement GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30503I Law Enforcement GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30531A Concierge Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30531I Concierge Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30532A Concierge Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30532I Concierge Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
165 of 529
2GD30533A Concierge Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30533I Concierge Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
167 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30561A Reward/Loyalty Programs GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30561I Reward/Loyalty Programs GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
168 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30562A Reward/Loyalty Programs GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30562I Reward/Loyalty Programs GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30563A Reward/Loyalty Programs GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30563I Reward/Loyalty Programs GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
170 of 529
2GD30572A Common Carrier Accident Insurance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
171 of 529
2GD30573I Common Carrier Accident Insurance GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30641A Translation GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30641I Translation GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30642A Translation GD
172 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30642I Translation GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30643A Translation GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30643I Translation GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
173 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30811A Transfer/Gave Information GD
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GD30811I Transfer/Gave Information GD
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GD30812A Transfer/Gave Information GD
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
174 of 529
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GD30812I Transfer/Gave Information GD
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GD30813A Transfer/Gave Information GD
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GD30813I Transfer/Gave Information GD
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
175 of 529
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
176 of 529
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
177 of 529
2GD30823I Emergency Busy/Unavailable Convert to
MasterCard Assistance Center
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
178 of 529
2GD30852A Auto Rental/Collision Damage—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
179 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
180 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
181 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GD30871A Extended Warranty—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30871I Extended Warranty—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30872A Extended Warranty—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30872I Extended Warranty—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30873A Extended Warranty—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30873I Extended Warranty—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
183 of 529
2GD30881A Extended Warranty—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30881I Extended Warranty—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30882A Extended Warranty—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30882I Extended Warranty—Inquiry GD
184 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30883A Extended Warranty—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30883I Extended Warranty—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30891A Purchase Assurance—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
185 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30891I Purchase Assurance—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30892A Purchase Assurance—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30892I Purchase Assurance—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
186 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30893A Purchase Assurance—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30893I Purchase Assurance—Claims GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30901A Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30901I Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30902A Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30902I Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
188 of 529
2GD30903A Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD30903I Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD31001A MasterAssist Calls GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GD31001I MasterAssist Calls GD
189 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GD31002A MasterAssist Calls GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GD31002I MasterAssist Calls GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GD31003A MasterAssist Calls GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GD31003I MasterAssist Calls GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GD31011A Literature Fulfillment GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GD31011I Literature Fulfillment GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GD31012A Literature Fulfillment GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
191 of 529
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GD31012I Literature Fulfillment GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GD31013A Literature Fulfillment GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GD31013I Literature Fulfillment GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GD31031A Promotions GD
192 of 529
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GD31031I Promotions GD
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GD31032A Promotions GD
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GD31032I Promotions GD
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GD31033A Promotions GD
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
193 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GD31033I Promotions GD
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GD31041A Insurance Services GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD31041I Insurance Services GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
194 of 529
2GD31042A Insurance Services GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD31042I Insurance Services GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD31043A Insurance Services GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD31043I Insurance Services GD
195 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GD39991A Other Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GD39991I Other Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GD39992A Other Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
196 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GD39992I Other Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GD39993A Other Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GD39993I Other Service GD
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
197 of 529
or MasterCard under this event.
This event bills the issuer for lost/stolen card reporting (LSR) services provided by the MasterCard
Assistance Center.
This event bills the issuer for lost/stolen card reporting (LSR) services provided by the MasterCard
Assistance Center.
This event bills the issuer for lost/stolen card reporting (LSR) services provided by the MasterCard
Assistance Center.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6009
indicates that a Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) service required more than two contacts
198 of 529
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6009
indicates that a Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) service required more than two contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6009
indicates that a Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) service required more than two contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center completes an Emergency Card
Replacement (ECR) transaction on behalf of the issuer. The MasterCard ECR service enables
cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives from
the issuer.
199 of 529
2GD61042A Emergency Card Replacement Transaction Non-
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center completes an Emergency Card
Replacement (ECR) transaction on behalf of the issuer. The MasterCard ECR service enables
cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives from
the issuer.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center completes an Emergency Card
Replacement (ECR) transaction on behalf of the issuer. The MasterCard ECR service enables
cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives from
the issuer.
2GD61061A Emergency Authorization GD
This event bills the issuer for emergency authorizations provided by the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Emergency Authorization service enables the issuer to provide a new
account number if a card is lost or stolen and an emergency card replacement is not required.
2GD61062A Emergency Authorization GD
This event bills the issuer for emergency authorizations provided by the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Emergency Authorization service enables the issuer to provide a new
account number if a card is lost or stolen and an emergency card replacement is not required.
200 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 125.00
2GD61063A Emergency Authorization GD
This event bills the issuer for emergency authorizations provided by the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Emergency Authorization service enables the issuer to provide a new
account number if a card is lost or stolen and an emergency card replacement is not required.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) and later canceled the request before the card was embossed. MasterCard ECR service
enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives
from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) and later canceled the request before the card was embossed. MasterCard ECR service
enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives
from the issuer.
201 of 529
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) and later canceled the request before the card was embossed. MasterCard ECR service
enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives
from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer declined an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) request. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement
card for use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer declined an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) request. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement
card for use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer declined an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) request. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement
card for use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
202 of 529
2GD61131A Emergency Card Replacement Refer to Issuer GD
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Card Replacement (ECR); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction, and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the
issuer. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Card Replacement (ECR); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction, and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the
issuer. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Card Replacement (ECR); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction, and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the
issuer. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
203 of 529
This event is a pass-through fee that indicates that the issuer requested the MasterCard Assistance
Center to send an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) by special courier to meet the cardholder's
needs. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The
USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through fee that indicates that the issuer requested the MasterCard Assistance
Center to send an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) by special courier to meet the cardholder's
needs. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The
USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through fee that indicates that the issuer requested the MasterCard Assistance
Center to send an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) by special courier to meet the cardholder's
needs. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The
USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct charge.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6123
indicates that an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) service required more than four contacts
204 of 529
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6123
indicates that an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6123
indicates that an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "U.S." in the billing event name
indicates that the card was delivered in the United States.
205 of 529
2GD62012A Remote Card Delivery Transaction U.S. GD
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "U.S." in the billing event name
indicates that the card was delivered in the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "U.S." in the billing event name
indicates that the card was delivered in the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "Non-U.S." in the billing event
name indicates that the card was delivered outside the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "Non-U.S." in the billing event
name indicates that the card was delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been delivered in
the United States.
207 of 529
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been delivered in
the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been delivered in
the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "Non-US" in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been
delivered outside the United States.
208 of 529
2GD62092A Remote Card Delivery Transaction Cancel Non-
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "Non-US" in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been
delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "Non-US" in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been
delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an Emergency Cash
Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders
to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
209 of 529
2GD63042A Emergency Cash Advance Transaction Non-U.S. GD
This event indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an Emergency Cash
Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders
to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an Emergency Cash
Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders
to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Cash Advance
(ECA) and later canceled the request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive
cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Cash Advance
(ECA) and later canceled the request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive
210 of 529
cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Cash Advance
(ECA) and later canceled the request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive
cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the issuer or the cardholder declined an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA)
request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or
stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a
convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the issuer or the cardholder declined an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA)
request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or
stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a
convenient designated service provider location.
211 of 529
2GD63093A Emergency Cash Advance Decline GD
This event indicates that the issuer or the cardholder declined an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA)
request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or
stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a
convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the issuer.
MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The
MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient
designated service provider location.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the issuer.
MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The
MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient
designated service provider location.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
212 of 529
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the issuer.
MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The
MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient
designated service provider location.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6317xx
indicates that an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing calls).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6317xx
indicates that an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing calls).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GD6317xx
indicates that an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing calls).
This event bills the issuer for the service of providing confirmation that the cardholder collected
an Emergency Cash Advance from the cash provider.
This event bills the issuer for the service of providing confirmation that the cardholder collected
an Emergency Cash Advance from the cash provider.
IPM Issuer—GE
MasterCard owns and operates a centralized clearing facility for the daily processing and routing of
worldwide financial transactions between MasterCard and its customers. A transaction that qualifies
for the Integrated Product Messages (IPM) Service is assigned billing events based on individual IPM
messages processed. Refer to the IPM Clearing Formats manual for more information about IPM
This event bills the customer for GCMS and Debit files that have been recreated or resent at the
customer's request. This fee is billed monthly after the request has been processed. The rate billed
is per file.
214 of 529
2GC1004 PayPass Primary Account Number Mapping Fee GE
This event bills the issuer weekly when using the MasterCard ® PayPass™ Mapping Service to
map the PayPass account number (PPAN) with the primary account number (PAN) for a clearing
transaction. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills the issuer weekly for chip to magnetic stripe conversion for issuer presentments.
This event bills the issuer weekly for a Second Presentment (1240/205 and 1240/282) message.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer weekly for Combined (First and Arbitration) Chargeback (1442/450,
1442/451, 1442/453, and 1442/454) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the customer weekly for Fee Collection (1740/700, 1740/780, 1740/781,
1740/782, and 1740/783) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
216 of 529
Tier Tier Ending Value Rate
1 38,500 USD 0.0025
2 77,000 USD 0.0023
3 154,000 USD 0.0021
4 270,000 USD 0.0018
5 385,000 USD 0.0015
6 Greater than 385,000 USD 0.0013
This event bills the issuer weekly for First Presentment (1240/200) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer weekly for Retrieval Request (1644/603) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
217 of 529
2GC6402 Currency Update GE
This event bills the issuer weekly for Currency Update (1644/640) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer weekly for File Currency Summary (1644/680) messages.
218 of 529
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer weekly for Settlement Position Detail (1644/688) messages.
This event bills the issuer weekly for Financial Position Detail (1644/685) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills weekly the customer in the Destination ICA field in the Settlement Position Detail
message as an issuer event.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
2GC6912 Message Exception GE
This event bills the issuer weekly for Message Exception (1644/691) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
2GC6932 Text Message GE
This event bills the issuer weekly for Text Message (1644/693) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
2GC6952 File Trailer GE
This event bills the issuer weekly for File Trailer (1644/695) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
221 of 529
1 38,500 USD 0.0025
2 77,000 USD 0.0023
3 154,000 USD 0.0021
4 270,000 USD 0.0018
5 385,000 USD 0.0015
6 Greater than 385,000 USD 0.0013
2GC6972 File Header GE
This event bills the issuer weekly for File Header (1644/697) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
2GC6992 File Reject GE
This event bills the issuer weekly for File Reject (1644/699) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
222 of 529
Tier Tier Ending Value Rate
1 38,500 USD 0.0025
2 77,000 USD 0.0023
3 154,000 USD 0.0021
4 270,000 USD 0.0018
5 385,000 USD 0.0015
6 Greater than 385,000 USD 0.0013
This event bills the issuer based on a progressive tiered pricing structure for all intracountry IPM
messages. This tier uses the parent/child relationship between principals and their affiliates to
determine the tier rate for each customer. The total message volume for every child is added to
that of the parent to determine the tier level for billing. The “family's” tiered volume rate is then
applied to the individual volumes for the parent and each child.
Tier event ID TGC79943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
IPM Acquirer—GF
MasterCard owns and operates a centralized clearing facility for the daily processing and routing of
worldwide financial transactions between MasterCard and its customers. A transaction that qualifies
for the IPM Service is assigned billing events based on individual IPM messages processed. Refer to
the IPM Clearing Formats manual for more information about IPM messages.
This event bills the acquirer weekly for mapping a transaction from a PayPass account number to
223 of 529
a Primary Account Number (PAN). The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills the acquirer for a Second Presentment (1240/205 and 1240/282) message.
Tier event ID TGC79543 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer for Combined (First and Arbitration) Chargeback (1442/450,
224 of 529
1442/451, 1442/453, and 1442/454) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79543 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer for Fee Collection (1740/700, 1740/780, 1740/781, 1740/782, and
1740/783) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79543 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer weekly for Retrieval Request (1644/603) messages.
Tier event ID TGC79543 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
226 of 529
Tier Tier Ending Value Rate
1 38,500 USD 0.004
2 77,000 USD 0.0038
3 154,000 USD 0.0031
4 270,000 USD 0.0026
5 385,000 USD 0.0022
6 Greater than 385,000 USD 0.0021
This event is a pass-through that indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer against a non-MasterCard
account. This event collects the principal amount of cash issued to the cardholder, which is not
collected through GCMS. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The USD 1.00 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through that indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer against a non-MasterCard
account. This event collects the principal amount of cash issued to the cardholder, which is not
collected through GCMS. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The USD 1.00 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through that indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an
227 of 529
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer against a non-MasterCard
account. This event collects the principal amount of cash issued to the cardholder, which is not
collected through GCMS. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The USD 1.00 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through that indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer against a non-MasterCard
account. This event collects the principal amount of cash issued to the cardholder, which is not
collected through GCMS. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The USD 1.00 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through that indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer against a non-MasterCard
account. This event collects the principal amount of cash issued to the cardholder, which is not
collected through GCMS. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The USD 1.00 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through that indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer against a non-MasterCard
account. This event collects the principal amount of cash issued to the cardholder, which is not
collected through GCMS. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The USD 1.00 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
Global Service—GS
MasterCard uses the Global Service system to bill for all activity pertaining to the MasterCard Global
Service™ program.
MasterCard Global Service is a customer service program designed to extend the issuer's customer
service infrastructure around the world. Available to all MasterCard cardholders, MasterCard Global
Service provides unprecedented customer service anytime, anywhere, and in any language.
Cardholders access the MasterCard Assistance Center using country-specific, toll-free telephone
numbers or, from countries where toll-free service is not available, a collect telephone number.
MasterCard makes it easy for cardholders to access the MasterCard Assistance Center by providing the
toll-free numbers in printed telephone directories, directory assistance, hotels in top travel markets,
and the MasterCard Web site.
The MasterCard Assistance Center helps cardholders in accordance with comprehensive servicing
instructions specified by the issuer. The MasterCard Assistance Center provides the following services
to cardholders:
The events in Global Service bill for support using a tiered service plan that is based on the method of
delivery and the level of support provided by the MasterCard Assistance Center. The MasterCard
Assistance Center delivers these services using interactive voice response (IVR) (events ending in 1I,
2I, or 3I), a live agent (events ending in 1A, 2A, or 3A), or a combination of both.
For more information about services included in the MasterCard Global Service program, please refer
to the MasterCard Global Service™ Reference Guide or contact the Customer Operations Services
(COS) team.
2GS19001A Telecom Fixed GS
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
229 of 529
2GS19001I Telecom Fixed GS
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GS19002A Telecom Fixed GS
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GS19002I Telecom Fixed GS
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GS19003A Telecom Fixed GS
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GS19003I Telecom Fixed GS
230 of 529
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
inquiries and for emergency services.
2GS30041A ATM Locator GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30041I ATM Locator GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30042A ATM Locator GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
231 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30042I ATM Locator GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30043A ATM Locator GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30043I ATM Locator GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30081A Medical Referral/Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30081I Medical Referral/Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30082A Medical Referral/Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
233 of 529
2GS30082I Medical Referral/Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30083A Medical Referral/Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30083I Medical Referral/Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
234 of 529
2GS30091A Purchase Protection GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30091I Purchase Protection GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30092A Purchase Protection GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30092I Purchase Protection GS
235 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30093A Purchase Protection GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30093I Purchase Protection GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MMasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the
issuer or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
236 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
237 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
239 of 529
2GS30123A Automobile Roadside Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30131A Legal Referral GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30131I Legal Referral GS
240 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30132A Legal Referral GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30132I Legal Referral GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30133A Legal Referral GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
241 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30133I Legal Referral GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30231A Account Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30231I Account Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
242 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30232A Account Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30232I Account Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30233A Account Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30233I Account Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30261A Authorization Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30261I Authorization Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
244 of 529
2GS30262A Authorization Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30262I Authorization Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30263A Authorization Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
245 of 529
2GS30263I Authorization Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30271A Activate Card GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30271I Activate Card GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30272A Activate Card GS
246 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30272I Activate Card GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30273A Activate Card GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30273I Activate Card GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
247 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30341A PIN Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30341I PIN Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30342A PIN Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
248 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GS30342I PIN Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30343A PIN Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30343I PIN Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
250 of 529
2GS30392I ATM Access Problem GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
252 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30471A MasterPhone Issues GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
253 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30471I MasterPhone Issues GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30472A MasterPhone Issues GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30472I MasterPhone Issues GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30473A MasterPhone Issues GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30473I MasterPhone Issues GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30491A Pre-Trip Information GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
255 of 529
2GS30491I Pre-Trip Information GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30492A Pre-Trip Information GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30492I Pre-Trip Information GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
256 of 529
2GS30493A Pre-Trip Information GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30493I Pre-Trip Information GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30501A Law Enforcement GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30501I Law Enforcement GS
257 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30502A Law Enforcement GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30502I Law Enforcement GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30503A Law Enforcement GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
258 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30503I Law Enforcement GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30531A Concierge Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30531I Concierge Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
259 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GS30532A Concierge Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30532I Concierge Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30533A Concierge Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30533I Concierge Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
261 of 529
2GS30542A Lost Luggage/Documents/Ticket Assistance GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
263 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
264 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
266 of 529
2GS30641A Translation Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30641I Translation Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30642A Translation Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
267 of 529
2GS30642I Translation Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30643A Translation Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30643I Translation Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30811A Transfer/Gave Information GS
268 of 529
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GS30811I Transfer/Gave Information GS
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GS30812A Transfer/Gave Information GS
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GS30812I Transfer/Gave Information GS
269 of 529
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GS30813A Transfer/Gave Information GS
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
2GS30813I Transfer/Gave Information GS
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or transfers the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to the
issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
271 of 529
2GS30822I Emergency Busy/Unavailable Convert to
MasterCard Assistance Center
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
Some issuers elect to provide Lost and Stolen Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement,
Emergency Authorization, and Emergency Cash Advance services directly to their cardholders.
When these issuers' cardholders contact the MasterCard Assistance Center for these services, the
MasterCard Assistance Center provides a referral telephone number for the cardholder to contact
the issuer or will transfer the cardholder to the issuer. If the attempt to transfer the cardholder to
the issuer is unsuccessful, the MasterCard Assistance Center provides the requested service to the
cardholder. This event bills the issuer for this service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
273 of 529
2GS30852I Auto Rental/Collision Damage—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
275 of 529
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30871A Extended Warranty—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
276 of 529
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30871I Extended Warranty—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30872A Extended Warranty—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30872I Extended Warranty—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30873A Extended Warranty—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30873I Extended Warranty—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30881A Extended Warranty—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
278 of 529
2GS30881I Extended Warranty—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30882A Extended Warranty—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30882I Extended Warranty—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
279 of 529
2GS30883A Extended Warranty—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30883I Extended Warranty—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30891A Purchase Assurance—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30891I Purchase Assurance—Claims GS
280 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30892A Purchase Assurance—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30892I Purchase Assurance—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30893A Purchase Assurance—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
281 of 529
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30893I Purchase Assurance—Claims GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30901A Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30901I Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
282 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2GS30902A Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30902I Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30903A Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS30903I Purchase Assurance—Inquiry GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS31001A MasterAssist Calls GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GS31001I MasterAssist Calls GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
286 of 529
2GS31002A MasterAssist Calls GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GS31002I MasterAssist Calls GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GS31003A MasterAssist Calls GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ®, and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GS31003I MasterAssist Calls GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
® ®
287 of 529
MasterCard card, World MasterCard card, MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions , and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2GS31011A Literature Fulfillment GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GS31011I Literature Fulfillment GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GS31012A Literature Fulfillment GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GS31012I Literature Fulfillment GS
288 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GS31013A Literature Fulfillment GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GS31013I Literature Fulfillment GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2GS31031A Promotions GS
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GS31031I Promotions GS
289 of 529
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GS31032A Promotions GS
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GS31032I Promotions GS
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GS31033A Promotions GS
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GS31033I Promotions GS
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
290 of 529
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2GS31041A Insurance Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS31041I Insurance Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS31042A Insurance Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS31042I Insurance Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS31043A Insurance Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
2GS31043I Insurance Services GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under billing event 2GD3999—Other Service.
292 of 529
2GS39991A Other Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GS39991I Other Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GS39992A Other Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
293 of 529
2GS39992I Other Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GS39993A Other Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
2GS39993I Other Service GS
This event bills the issuer for cardholder services provided through the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Assistance Center may provide the cardholder with information, provide
the cardholder with a telephone number to contact the issuer, or transfer the cardholder to the
issuer. If the issuer has not provided MasterCard with service instructions using the Global
Service Questionnaire, MasterCard bills general inquiries and enhancements offered by the issuer
or MasterCard under this event.
294 of 529
This event bills the issuer for Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) services provided by the
MasterCard Assistance Center.
This event bills the issuer for Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) services provided by the
MasterCard Assistance Center.
This event bills the issuer for Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) services provided by the
MasterCard Assistance Center.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6009xx
indicates that a Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) service required more than two contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
295 of 529
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6009xx
indicates that a Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) service required more than two contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6009xx
indicates that a Lost/Stolen Card Reporting (LSR) service required more than two contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center completes an Emergency Card
Replacement (ECR) transaction on behalf of the issuer. The MasterCard ECR service enables
cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives from
the issuer.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center completes an Emergency Card
Replacement (ECR) transaction on behalf of the issuer. The MasterCard ECR service enables
cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives from
the issuer.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center completes an Emergency Card
Replacement (ECR) transaction on behalf of the issuer. The MasterCard ECR service enables
cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives from
the issuer.
2GS61061A Emergency Authorization GS
This event bills the issuer for emergency authorizations provided by the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Emergency Authorization service enables the issuer to provide a new
account number if a card is lost or stolen and an emergency card replacement is not required.
2GS61062A Emergency Authorization GS
This event bills the issuer for emergency authorizations provided by the MasterCard Assistance
Center. The MasterCard Emergency Authorization service enables the issuer to provide a new
account number if a card is lost or stolen and an emergency card replacement is not required.
2GS61063A Emergency Authorization GS
This event bills the issuer for emergency authorizations provided by the MasterCard Assistance
297 of 529
Center. The MasterCard Emergency Authorization service enables the issuer to provide a new
account number if a card is lost or stolen and an emergency card replacement is not required.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) and later canceled the request before the card was embossed. MasterCard ECR service
enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives
from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) and later canceled the request before the card was embossed. MasterCard ECR service
enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives
from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) and later canceled the request before the card was embossed. MasterCard ECR service
enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for use until a permanent card arrives
from the issuer.
298 of 529
2GS61111A Emergency Card Replacement Decline GS
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer declined an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) request. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement
card for use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer declined an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) request. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement
card for use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer declined an Emergency Card Replacement
(ECR) request. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement
card for use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Card Replacement (ECR); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction, and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the
issuer. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Card Replacement (ECR); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction, and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the
issuer. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Card Replacement (ECR); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction, and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the
issuer. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer.
This event is a pass-through fee that indicates that the issuer requested the MasterCard Assistance
Center to send an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) by special courier to meet the cardholder's
needs. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The
USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct charge.
300 of 529
2GS61162A Emergency Card Replacement Express Deliver
Issuer Fee
This event is a pass-through fee that indicates that the issuer requested the MasterCard Assistance
Center to send an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) by special courier to meet the cardholder's
needs. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The
USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct charge.
This event is a pass-through fee that indicates that the issuer requested the MasterCard Assistance
Center to send an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) by special courier to meet the cardholder's
needs. MasterCard ECR service enables cardholders to receive a temporary replacement card for
use until a permanent card arrives from the issuer. The actual amount is passed to Billing. The
USD 0.01 rate is used to apply the decimal for the correct charge.
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6123XX
indicates that an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
301 of 529
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6123XX
indicates that an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6123XX
indicates that an Emergency Card Replacement (ECR) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "U.S." in the billing event name
indicates that the card was delivered in the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "U.S." in the billing event name
indicates that the card was delivered in the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "U.S." in the billing event name
indicates that the card was delivered in the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "Non-U.S." in the billing event
name indicates that the card was delivered outside the United States.
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "Non-U.S." in the billing event
name indicates that the card was delivered outside the United States.
303 of 529
2GS62023A Remote Card Delivery Transaction Non-U.S. GS
This event bills the issuer for the installation and use of the MasterCard Remote Card Delivery
(RCD) computer system. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the issuer's
premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the MasterCard
global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with temporary
replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available. A "Non-U.S." in the billing event
name indicates that the card was delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been delivered in
the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been delivered in
the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been delivered in
the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "Non-US" in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been
delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "Non-U.S." in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been
305 of 529
delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested a Remote Card Delivery (RCD)
and later canceled the request. MasterCard RCD is a personal computer system located on the
issuer's premises that enables the issuer to deliver fully encoded replacement cards using the
MasterCard global delivery platform. RCD allows issuers to directly supply their cardholders with
temporary replacement cards to use until permanent cards are available.
A "Non-US" in the billing event name indicates that the card originally was to have been
delivered outside the United States.
This event indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an Emergency Cash
Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders
to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an Emergency Cash
Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders
to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the MasterCard Assistance Center completed an Emergency Cash
Advance (ECA) transaction on behalf of the issuer. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders
to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Cash Advance
(ECA) and later canceled the request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive
cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the cardholder or the issuer requested an Emergency Cash Advance
(ECA) and later canceled the request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive
cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the
cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the issuer or the cardholder declined an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA)
request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or
stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a
convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the issuer or the cardholder declined an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA)
request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or
stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a
convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that the issuer or the cardholder declined an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA)
request. MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or
stolen. The MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a
convenient designated service provider location.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the issuer.
MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The
MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient
designated service provider location.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the issuer.
MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The
MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient
designated service provider location.
This event indicates that a cardholder contacted the MasterCard Assistance Center for an
Emergency Cash Advance (ECA); the issuer required additional information to complete the
transaction and requested that the MasterCard Assistance Center refer the cardholder to the issuer.
MasterCard ECA service enables cardholders to receive cash if their cards are lost or stolen. The
MasterCard Assistance Center arranges for the cardholder to pick up the cash at a convenient
designated service provider location.
309 of 529
2GS63171A Global Service—Emergency Cash Advance GS
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6317
indicates that an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6317
indicates that an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer when the MasterCard Assistance Center must make follow-up contacts
beyond a reasonable number to provide a MasterCard Emergency Service. The event 2GS6317
indicates that an Emergency Cash Advance (ECA) service required more than four contacts
(incoming or outgoing telephone calls or faxes).
This event bills the issuer for the service of providing confirmation that the cardholder collected
an Emergency Cash Advance from the cash provider.
This event bills the issuer for the service of providing confirmation that the cardholder collected
an Emergency Cash Advance from the cash provider.
Issuer Assessment—IA
The Issuer Assessment service is the service under which MasterCard may bill issuers for annual cost
based on accounts, transaction volumes, and/or transaction counts reported in the Quarterly
MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaire. These questionnaires are sent to customers during the last
month of each quarter for submission via the QMR Direct online reporting system. MasterCard must
receive these questionnaires by the 15th of the first month of the next quarter with the previous
quarter's volumes.
Assessments for Open Accounts and Transaction Volumes (GDV) are billed separately by product and
program. A two-digit code identifying the product or program, appears in the second and third position
of the billing event number.
This event bills the issuer for Local Use Only domestic On-Us purchase volume completed with
the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event
Tier event ID TCC399DBECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BK1011 MasterCard Standard Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BL1011 MasterCard Gold Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BU1011 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA1011 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC1011 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD1011 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD1011 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG1011 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
311 of 529
2JZ1011 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK1011 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL1011 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT1011 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399CRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BM1011 MasterCard Standard Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BN1011 MasterCard Gold Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BP1011 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB1011 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE1011 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF1011 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG1011 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI1011 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ1011 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL1011 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR1011 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS1011 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT1011 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU1011 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW1011 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX1011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY1011 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA1011 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
312 of 529
2JB1011 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC1011 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF1011 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK1011 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL1011 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM1011 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN1011 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP1011 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ1011 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR1011 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY1011 Private Label Card
2QD1011 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE1011 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF1011 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG1011 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH1011 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI1011 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ1011 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN1011 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO1011 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP1011 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ1011 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR1011 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS1011 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU1011 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV1011 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW1011 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399CLECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR1011 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS1011 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH1011 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
313 of 529
2HN1011 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX1011 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399PRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT1011 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ1011 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE1011 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH1011 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS1011 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for Local Use Only domestic On-Us cash advance volume completed
with the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event
Tier event ID TCC399D1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
314 of 529
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BK1020 MasterCard Standard Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BL1020 MasterCard Gold Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BU1020 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA1020 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC1020 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD1020 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD1020 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG1020 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ1020 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK1020 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL1020 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT1020 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399C1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BM1020 MasterCard Standard Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BN1020 MasterCard Gold Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BP1020 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB1020 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE1020 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF1020 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG1020 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI1020 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ1020 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL1020 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR1020 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
315 of 529
2HS1020 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT1020 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU1020 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW1020 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX1020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY1020 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA1020 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB1020 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC1020 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF1020 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK1020 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL1020 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM1020 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN1020 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP1020 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ1020 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR1020 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY1020 Private Label Card
2QD1020 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE1020 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF1020 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG1020 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH1020 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI1020 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ1020 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN1020 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO1020 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP1020 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ1020 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR1020 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS1020 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU1020 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV1020 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW1020 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399L1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR1020 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS1020 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH1020 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN1020 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX1020 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399P1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT1020 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ1020 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE1020 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH1020 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS1020 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
317 of 529
2**1111 Domestic MasterCard Processed Purchase Local Use
This event bills the issuer for Local Use Only, domestic, interchange, purchase volume completed
with the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event
Tier event ID TCC399DBECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BK1111 MasterCard Standard Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BL1111 MasterCard Gold Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BU1111 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA1111 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC1111 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD1111 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD1111 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG1111 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ1111 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK1111 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL1111 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT1111 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399CRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BM1111 MasterCard Standard Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BN1111 MasterCard Gold Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BP1111 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB1111 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE1111 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF1111 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
318 of 529
2HG1111 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI1111 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ1111 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL1111 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR1111 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS1111 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT1111 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU1111 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW1111 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX1111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY1111 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA1111 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB1111 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC1111 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF1111 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK1111 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL1111 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM1111 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN1111 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP1111 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ1111 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR1111 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY1111 Private Label Card
2QD1111 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE1111 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF1111 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG1111 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH1111 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI1111 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ1111 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN1111 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO1111 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP1111 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ1111 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR1111 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS1111 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU1111 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV1111 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
319 of 529
2QW1111 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399CLECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR1111 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS1111 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH1111 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN1111 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX1111 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399PRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT1111 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ1111 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE1111 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH1111 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS1111 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for Local Use Only, domestic, interchange, cash volume completed with
the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event
Tier event ID TCC399D2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BK1120 MasterCard Standard Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BL1120 MasterCard Gold Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BU1120 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA1120 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC1120 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD1120 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD1120 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG1120 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ1120 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK1120 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL1120 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT1120 ATM-Only
321 of 529
Tier event ID TCC399C2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BM1120 MasterCard Standard Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BN1120 MasterCard Gold Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BP1120 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB1120 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE1120 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF1120 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG1120 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI1120 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ1120 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL1120 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR1120 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS1120 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT1120 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU1120 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW1120 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX1120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY1120 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA1120 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB1120 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC1120 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF1120 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK1120 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL1120 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM1120 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN1120 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP1120 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ1120 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR1120 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY1120 Private Label Card
2QD1120 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE1120 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF1120 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG1120 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH1120 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
322 of 529
2QI1120 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ1120 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN1120 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO1120 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP1120 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ1120 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR1120 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS1120 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU1120 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV1120 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW1120 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399L2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR1120 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS1120 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH1120 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN1120 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX1120 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399P2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
323 of 529
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT1120 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ1120 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE1120 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH1120 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS1120 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for domestic On-Us purchase volume completed with the card product
represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event number.
Tier event ID TCC399CRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BP2011 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB2011 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE2011 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF2011 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG2011 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI2011 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ2011 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL2011 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR2011 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS2011 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
324 of 529
2HT2011 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU2011 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW2011 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX2011 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY2011 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA2011 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB2011 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC2011 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF2011 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK2011 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL2011 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM2011 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN2011 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP2011 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ2011 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR2011 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY2011 Private Label Card
2QD2011 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE2011 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF2011 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG2011 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH2011 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI2011 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ2011 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN2011 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO2011 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP2011 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ2011 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR2011 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS2011 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU2011 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV2011 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW2011 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399CLECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR2011 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS2011 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH2011 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN2011 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX2011 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399PRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT2011 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ2011 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE2011 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH2011 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS2011 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
Tier event ID TCC399DBECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BU2011 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
326 of 529
2HA2011 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC2011 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD2011 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD2011 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG2011 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ2011 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK2011 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL2011 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT2011 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC3963PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2JT2011 Maestro Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
2JU2011 Maestro Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JV2011 Maestro Business Debit Card
2QB2011 Maestro Standard Debit Card
2QX2011 Maestro Gold Debit Card
327 of 529
2**2020 Domestic On-Us Cash Volume IA
This event bills the issuer for domestic On-Us cash volume completed with the card product
represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event number.
Tier event ID TCC399C1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BP2020 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB2020 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE2020 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF2020 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG2020 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI2020 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ2020 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL2020 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR2020 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS2020 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT2020 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU2020 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW2020 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX2020 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY2020 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA2020 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB2020 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC2020 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF2020 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK2020 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL2020 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM2020 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN2020 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP2020 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ2020 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR2020 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY2020 Private Label Card
2QD2020 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE2020 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
328 of 529
2QF2020 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG2020 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH2020 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI2020 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ2020 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN2020 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO2020 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP2020 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ2020 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR2020 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS2020 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU2020 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV2020 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW2020 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399L1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR2020 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS2020 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH2020 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN2020 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX2020 MasterCard Distribution Card
329 of 529
9 Greater than 234,375,000 USD 0.00065
Tier event ID TCC399P1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT2020 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ2020 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE2020 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH2020 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS2020 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
Tier event ID TCC399D1ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BU2020 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA2020 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC2020 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD2020 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD2020 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG2020 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ2020 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK2020 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL2020 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT2020 ATM-Only
This event bills the issuer quarterly for all domestic purchase volume completed with the
Maestro ® card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing
event number.
Tier event ID TCC3963PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2JT2611 Maestro Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
2JU2611 Maestro Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JV2611 Maestro Business Debit Card
2QB2611 Maestro Standard Debit Card
2QX2611 Maestro Gold Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for domestic cash volume completed with the card product represented
by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event number but not processed by
MasterCard. The amount billed is based on the volume of activity as reported in the Quarterly
MasterCard Report questionnaire.
Tier event ID TCC3963CECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
331 of 529
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2JT2621 Maestro Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
2JU2621 Maestro Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JV2621 Maestro Business Debit Card
2QB2621 Maestro Standard Debit Card
2QX2621 Maestro Gold Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for domestic purchase volume completed with the card product
represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event number.
Tier event ID TCC399CRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BP3111 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB3111 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE3111 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF3111 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG3111 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI3111 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ3111 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL3111 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR3111 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
332 of 529
2HS3111 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT3111 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU3111 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW3111 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX3111 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY3111 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA3111 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB3111 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC3111 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF3111 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK3111 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL3111 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM3111 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN3111 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP3111 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ3111 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR3111 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY3111 Private Label Card
2QD3111 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE3111 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF3111 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG3111 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH3111 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI3111 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ3111 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN3111 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO3111 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP3111 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ3111 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR3111 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS3111 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU3111 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV3111 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW3111 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399CLECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR3111 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS3111 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH3111 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN3111 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX3111 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399PRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT3111 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ3111 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE3111 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH3111 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS3111 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
Tier event ID TCC399DBECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
334 of 529
2BU3111 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA3111 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC3111 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD3111 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD3111 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG3111 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ3111 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK3111 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL3111 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT3111 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC3963PECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2JT3111 Maestro Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
2JU3111 Maestro Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JV3111 Maestro Business Debit Card
2QB3111 Maestro Standard Debit Card
2QX3111 Maestro Gold Debit Card
335 of 529
2**3120 Domestic Interchange MasterCard Processed Cash
This event bills the issuer for domestic, interchange, MasterCard processed, cash volumes
completed with the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the
billing event number.
Tier event ID TCC399C2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BP3120 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB3120 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE3120 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF3120 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG3120 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI3120 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ3120 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL3120 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR3120 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS3120 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT3120 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU3120 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW3120 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX3120 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY3120 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA3120 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB3120 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC3120 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF3120 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK3120 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL3120 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM3120 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN3120 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP3120 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ3120 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR3120 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY3120 Private Label Card
336 of 529
2QD3120 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE3120 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF3120 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG3120 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH3120 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI3120 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ3120 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN3120 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO3120 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP3120 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ3120 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR3120 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS3120 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU3120 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV3120 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW3120 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399L2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR3120 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS3120 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH3120 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN3120 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX3120 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399P2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BT3120 MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Debit Card
2HZ3120 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE3120 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH3120 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS3120 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
Tier event ID TCC399D2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BU3120 MasterCard World Elite Debit Card
2HA3120 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC3120 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD3120 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD3120 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG3120 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ3120 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK3120 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL3120 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT3120 ATM-Only
This event bills for domestic purchase transaction volume completed with the card product
represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event number but not
processed by MasterCard. MasterCard assesses issuers quarterly based on the volume of domestic
purchase transactions that are not processed by MasterCard as reported in the Quarterly
MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaire.
Tier event ID TCC399CRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BP3611 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB3611 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE3611 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF3611 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG3611 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI3611 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ3611 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL3611 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR3611 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS3611 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT3611 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU3611 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW3611 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX3611 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY3611 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA3611 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB3611 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC3611 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF3611 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
339 of 529
2JK3611 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL3611 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM3611 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN3611 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP3611 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ3611 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR3611 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY3611 Private Label Card
2QD3611 MasterCard Standard Credit Card
2QE3611 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF3611 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG3611 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH3611 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI3611 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ3611 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN3611 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO3611 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP3611 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ3611 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR3611 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS3611 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU3611 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV3611 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW3611 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399CLECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR3611 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS3611 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH3611 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN3611 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX3611 MasterCard Distribution Card
340 of 529
Tier Tier Ending Value Rate
1 1,250,000 USD 0.00085
2 3,125,000 USD 0.000845
3 7,812,500 USD 0.000815
4 19,531,250 USD 0.000794
5 39,062,500 USD 0.000755
6 78,125,000 USD 0.000725
7 156,250,000 USD 0.000695
8 234,375,000 USD 0.00065
9 Greater than 234,375,000 USD 0.00064
Tier event ID TCC399DBECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2HA3611 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC3611 Brokerage Debit Card
2JG3611 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ3611 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK3611 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL3611 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT3611 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399PRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2HZ3611 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE3611 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH3611 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS3611 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills for domestic cash transaction volume completed with the card product represented
by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event number but not processed by
MasterCard. MasterCard assesses issuers quarterly based on the volume of domestic cash
transactions that are not processed by MasterCard as reported in the Quarterly MasterCard Report
(QMR) questionnaire.
Tier event ID TCC399C2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BP3620 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB3620 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE3620 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF3620 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG3620 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI3620 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ3620 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL3620 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR3620 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS3620 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT3620 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HV3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW3620 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX3620 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY3620 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA3620 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB3620 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
342 of 529
2JC3620 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF3620 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK3620 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL3620 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM3620 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN3620 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP3620 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ3620 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR3620 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY3620 Private Label Card
2QF3620 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG3620 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH3620 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI3620 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ3620 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QP3620 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ3620 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR3620 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS3620 MasterCard Combination Card
2QV3620 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399L2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR3620 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS3620 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH3620 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN3620 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX3620 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399D2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2HA3620 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC3620 Brokerage Debit Card
2JG3620 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ3620 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK3620 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL3620 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT3620 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399P2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2HZ3620 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE3620 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH3620 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS3620 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for domestic Local Use Only (LUO) purchase transaction volume
completed with the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the
billing event number but not processed by MasterCard. MasterCard assesses issuers quarterly
based on the volume of domestic LUO purchase transactions that are not processed by MasterCard
as reported in the Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaire.
Tier event ID TCC399DBECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BK3811 MasterCard Standard Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BL3811 MasterCard Gold Debit Card - Local Use Only
2HA3811 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC3811 Brokerage Debit Card
2JD3811 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG3811 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ3811 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK3811 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL3811 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT3811 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399CRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BM3811 MasterCard Standard Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BN3811 MasterCard Gold Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BP3811 MasterCard Black Credit Card
345 of 529
2BQ3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB3811 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE3811 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF3811 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG3811 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI3811 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ3811 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL3811 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR3811 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS3811 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT3811 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU3811 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW3811 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX3811 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY3811 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA3811 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB3811 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC3811 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF3811 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK3811 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL3811 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM3811 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN3811 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP3811 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ3811 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR3811 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY3811 Private Label Card
2QE3811 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF3811 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
2QG3811 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH3811 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI3811 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ3811 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN3811 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO3811 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP3811 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ3811 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR3811 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
346 of 529
2QS3811 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU3811 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV3811 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW3811 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399CLECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR3811 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS3811 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH3811 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN3811 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX3811 MasterCard Distribution Card
Tier event ID TCC399PRECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2HZ3811 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE3811 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH3811 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS3811 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills the issuer for domestic Local Use Only (LUO) cash transaction volume completed
with the card product represented by the code in the second and third positions of the billing event
number but not processed by MasterCard. MasterCard assesses issuers quarterly based on the
volume of domestic LUO cash transactions that are not processed by MasterCard as reported in
the Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaire.
Tier event ID TCC399D2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BK3820 MasterCard Standard Debit Card - Local Use Only
2BL3820 MasterCard Gold Debit Card - Local Use Only
2HA3820 MasterCard Platinum Debit Card
2HC3820 Brokerage Debit Card
2HD3820 MasterCard Miscellaneous Debit Card
2JD3820 MasterCard Unembossed Debit Card
2JG3820 MasterCard Electronic Debit Card
2JZ3820 MasterCard World Debit Card
2QK3820 MasterCard Standard Debit Card
2QL3820 MasterCard Gold Debit Card
2QT3820 ATM-Only
Tier event ID TCC399C2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BM3820 MasterCard Standard Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BN3820 MasterCard Gold Credit Card - Local Use Only
2BP3820 MasterCard Black Credit Card
2BQ3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-branded Black Credit Card
2HB3820 MasterCard BusinessCard Debit Card
2HE3820 MasterCard Corporate Executive Credit Card
2HF3820 MasterCard Corporate Executive Charge Card
2HG3820 MasterCard Corporate Card
2HI3820 MasterCard Virtual Credit Card
2HJ3820 MasterCard Corporate Multi Card
2HK3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded BusinessCard Credit Card
2HL3820 MasterCard Electronic Card
2HM3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Secured Credit Card
2HO3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Corporate Credit Card
2HP3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Electronic Credit Card
2HQ3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Virtual Credit Card
2HR3820 MasterCard Corporate Debit Card
2HS3820 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Credit Card
2HT3820 MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Charge Card
2HU3820 MasterCard Platinum Charge Card
2HV3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card
2HW3820 MasterCard World Charge Card
2HX3820 MasterCard Affinity/Co-Branded World Credit Card
2HY3820 MasterCard Corporate Charge Card
2JA3820 MasterCard Professional Credit Card
2JB3820 MasterCard World Elite Credit Card
2JC3820 MasterCard Unembossed Credit Card
2JF3820 MasterCard Unembossed Commercial Credit Card
2JK3820 MasterCard Electronic Business Credit Card
2JL3820 MasterCard Electronic Commercial Credit Card
2JM3820 MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
2JN3820 MasterCard Corporate World Credit Card
2JP3820 MasterCard Corporate World Elite Credit Card
2JQ3820 MasterCard Business World Credit Card
2JR3820 MasterCard Business World Elite Credit Card
2JY3820 Private Label Card
2QE3820 MasterCard Gold Credit Card
2QF3820 MasterCard BusinessCard Credit Card
349 of 529
2QG3820 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QH3820 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Credit Card
2QI3820 MasterCard Secured Credit Card
2QJ3820 MasterCard Purchasing Credit Card
2QN3820 MasterCard Standard Charge Card
2QO3820 MasterCard Gold Charge Card
2QP3820 MasterCard BusinessCard Charge Card
2QQ3820 MasterCard Standard Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QR3820 MasterCard Gold Affinity/Co-branded Charge Card
2QS3820 MasterCard Combination Card
2QU3820 MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
2QV3820 MasterCard Fleet Credit Card
2QW3820 MasterCard World Credit Card
Tier event ID TCC399L2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2BR3820 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Air
2BS3820 MasterCard Central Travel Solution Land
2HH3820 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Credit Card
2HN3820 MasterCard Public Sector Payment Solutions Debit Card
2JX3820 MasterCard Distribution Card
350 of 529
Tier event ID TCC399P2ECU Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
Event ID Product/Program/Service
2HZ3820 MasterCard Consumer Prepaid Debit Card
2JE3820 MasterCard Unembossed Prepaid Debit Card
2JH3820 MasterCard Electronic Prepaid Card
2JS3820 MasterCard Commercial Prepaid Debit Card
This event bills the issuer based on the number of accounts reported in the Quarterly MasterCard
Report. The annual fee is billed per account on a quarterly basis.
This event bills the issuer based on the number of accounts reported in the Quarterly MasterCard
Report. The annual fee is billed per account on a quarterly basis.
This event bills the issuer quarterly based on the total number of Local Use Only (LUO) Maestro ®
or Cirrus® cards in issuance as reported in the Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR)
353 of 529
This event bills the issuer based on the number of accounts reported in the Quarterly MasterCard
Report. The annual fee is billed per account on a quarterly basis.
This event bills customers that did not incur a minimum of USD 14,000 in assessment fees during
the quarter for the assessments listed below. The amount billed is the difference between the
minimum fee and the actual assessment fees incurred during the quarter. For new customers,
charges are prorated from the date that the customer joined MasterCard. This event is billed once
per quarter.
MasterCard owns and operates a centralized clearing facility for the daily processing and routing of
worldwide financial transactions between MasterCard and its customers. Charges under this service are
related to the installation and maintenance of this system at the member site.
This event bills members the monthly license fee for IPM Pre-edit and Utilities Workstation Plus
This event bills members the monthly license fee for IPM Pre-edit and Utilities Mainframe
This event bills members the monthly license fee for both IPM Pre-edit and Utilities Workstation
Plus and Mainframe software.
357 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 2300.00
This event bills Type 1 Third Party Processors the monthly license fee for IPM Pre-edit and
Utilities Workstation Plus software.
This event bills Type 1 Third Party Processors the monthly license fee for IPM Pre-edit and
Utilities Mainframe software.
This event bills Type 1 Third Party Processors the monthly license fee for both IPM Pre-edit and
Utilities Workstation Plus and Mainframe software.
This event bills for recreating and resending an IPM file per customer's request. MasterCard
charges for each file that is resent to a customer.
This event bills a noncompliance fee for failure to adhere to the committed conversion date for a
replacement MasterCard interface processor (MIP) without sufficient cause. MasterCard bills this
fee monthly until the customer is compliant.
MasterCard uses the Member Card Program to bill customers for items such as brochures, statement
inserts, and promotional items that support various MasterCard programs and services. MasterCard
also bills the customer for the costs incurred in the shipment of these items, including postage, freight,
duties, and customs fees.
2FL1870 Additional ICA—Global MC
This billing event is a fee charged to the issuer for additional ICAs requested by customers. The
additional fee is a one-time fee charged upon assignment.
2FL1871 Additional BIN—Global MC
This billing event is a fee charged to the issuer for additional BINs. The additional fee is a one-
time fee charged upon assignment.
This event bills the issuer for low volume ICA numbers which are ICA numbers that have less
than 1,000 transactions per quarter (this includes ICA numbers that customers have not activated
within one year of assignment). Customers will be granted a grace period of one year for newly
assigned ICA numbers to achieve transaction levels of more than 1,000 transactions per quarter.
Additional ICAs can be assigned to customers and are charged under a separate billing event
Because of the finite supply of ICA numbers and increased demand for MasterCard ICA numbers
for non-MasterCard purposes, related maintenance fees have been introduced to encourage the
return of unused or minimal traffic ICA numbers.
This event bills principals with one to nine affiliates a Monthly Affiliate Membership Fee for each
sponsored affiliate in one or more of the MasterCard ®, Maestro ®, and Cirrus® programs.
Tier event ID TFL1894 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
360 of 529
2FL5206 ISO BIN Assignment MC
This event bills the customer for the assignment of an International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) issuer identification number (IIN).
This event indicates a pass-through fee that charges for the shipping and handling involved with
the MasterCard® SecureCode™ inserts provided to card issuers. The USD 0.01 rate is used to
apply the correct charge.
2MC10003 Concierge Services MC
This event bills the member for the Concierge Service. Issuers pay this fee quarterly based on the
total number of Platinum MasterCard ® cards issued during the previous quarter.
This event bills issuers a quarterly fee based on the total number of Platinum MasterCard ® cards
as reported in the Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR). The rate billed is per quarter, per card.
361 of 529
2MC1301 Variance Evaluation Fee MC
This event bills the customer a per-request fee for the processing of a variance request to the
MasterCard, Maestro, and/or Cirrus rules. The minimum fee is USD 1,000.00.
This event bills a fee for production implementations on a reduced time frame that is two to five
business days before the requested effective date of live processing. The fee applies to both single
and dual message platform implementations. The rate billed is per bank identification number
(BIN) or Routing and Transit change request.
This event bills a fee for production implementations on a reduced time frame that is less than 24
hours before the requested effective date of live processing. The fee applies to both single and
dual message platform implementations. The rate billed is per bank identification number (BIN)
or Routing and Transit change request.
This event bills a fee for a deliberate interruption to the MasterCard Member Parameter System
with the intention to stage and make immediately effective an unscheduled change in the
MasterCard production environment. The rate billed is per instance.
362 of 529
Ecuador USD 5000.00
2MC1833 Variance Fee MC
This event bills the customer for granting a variance not to comply with a MasterCard Standard.
2MC1853 Operations Training MC
This event bills for training that provides a significant level of operational detail.
2MC1901 Termination Fee MC
This event bills any MasterCard member that ceases to be a member of MasterCard International
Incorporated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. The Termination Fee is the greater of USD 500
or the sum of:
1. The highest total amount the member was billed and/or paid (or would have been billed or
paid, in the case of an affiliate member, had it been a principal member) as assessments and
as fees and charges for services provided directly or indirectly by MasterCard International
Incorporated respecting the member's MasterCard-branded activities and other fees included
within the region's annual budget, in a single year during the four calendar years preceding
the year in which the termination is effective, or in that year itself; if the member has not
been a MasterCard member for one or more calendar years, as of the date on which the
termination is effective, this amount will be equal to the total billed or paid, or that would
have been billed or paid in the case of an affiliate member had it been a principal member,
in the 12 calendar months preceding the month in which the termination is effective; and
2. A pro rata share (defined as the percentage derived by dividing the highest number of the
terminating member's MasterCard votes in a single year during the four calendar years
preceding the year in which the termination is effective, or in that year itself, by the total
number of MasterCard votes for the year in which the termination is effective) of any long-
term obligations, including leases and loans of all types (excepting contracts and leases
covered in section 4 below), but not giving any effect to present values of future payments
or to any escalation provision, of this Corporation and its subsidiaries as of the end of the
month preceding the date on which the termination is effective; and
363 of 529
3. Any federal, state, local, or other government taxes or charges that are attributable to the
above amounts; and
4. Termination charges and penalties arising from the cancellation of contracts and leases for
equipment and supplies arranged for or entered into in order to accommodate, or on behalf
of, the terminating member.
This event bills the issuer for fees charged for optional Priority Pass Airport Lounge programs.
364 of 529
This event bills the issuer for optional Priority Pass Airport Lounge guest visits.
This event bills the issuer for fees charged for optional Priority Pass Airport Lounge programs.
This event bills issuers for airport lounge administration costs. The annual administration fee is
payable in two semi-annual installments.
This event bills issuers for airport lounge administration costs. The annual administration fee is
payable in two semi-annual installments.
This event bills issuers the bi-annual Airport Lounge Administration Fee.
This event bills the issuer a per card fee for optional Priority Pass Airport Lounge programs.
This event bills issuers for airport lounge annual memberships (premium).
This event bills for the Corporate Card Employer Insurance Coverage.
This event bills the issuer a quarterly insurance premium for optional Gold MasterCard ® Card
benefits provided by MasterCard (for example, collision damage waiver insurance, extended
warranty insurance, or ID theft insurance).
This event bills the issuer a quarterly insurance premium for optional Platinum MasterCard ® Card
benefits provided by MasterCard (for example, collision damage waiver insurance, extended
warranty insurance, or ID theft insurance).
This event bills the issuer a quarterly insurance premium for optional World MasterCard™ Card
benefits provided by MasterCard (for example, collision damage waiver insurance, extended
warranty insurance, or ID theft insurance).
This event bills the issuer a one time setup fee for MasterCard development of the interface
between MasterCard and the issuer (including set up application, server, and Web site co-
This event bills the initial fee for a MasterCard Card Customization Service (MCCS) program.
This event bills the issuer for subsequent MasterCard Card Customization Service (MCCS)
programs after the initial program.
This event bills the issuer a monthly fee for the initial MasterCard Card Customization Service
(MCCS) program.
This event bills the issuer a monthly fee for subsequent MasterCard Card Customization Service
(MCCS) programs. The monthly fee for the initial MCCS program is billed under Billing Event
ID 2MC2083.
This event bills the issuer for each image submitted, both approved and rejected, to the
MasterCard Card Customization Service (MCCS) program.
This event bills the issuer for the MasterCard ® SecureCode™ Hosted Service for customization of
SecureCode Web pages. The fee applies to all principal members enrolled as issuers in the
SecureCode program and is billed on a quarterly basis.
369 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador Variable
This event bills the issuer for the MasterCard ® SecureCode™ Hosted Service for monthly
enrollment and support fees. The fee applies to all principal members enrolled as issuers in the
SecureCode program and is billed on quarterly basis.
This event bills the issuer for the MasterCard ® SecureCode™ Hosted Service for monthly
transaction fees. The fee applies to all principal members enrolled as issuers in the SecureCode
program and is billed on a quarterly basis.
This event bills the issuer a one-time setup fee for MasterCard ® SecureCode™ Hosted Service.
The fee applies to all principal members enrolled as issuers in the SecureCode program.
This event bills the issuer for the MasterCard ® SecureCode™ Hosted Service for the setup and
storage of SecureCode uploaded data. This one-time fee applies to all principal members enrolled
370 of 529
as issuers in the SecureCode program.
This event bills the customer for attending the Global Risk Management Symposium.
2MC2530 MasterCard Training/Seminar/Conference MC
This event bills the customer for MasterCard training at a seminar or conference.
This event bills the customer for attending the Global Risk Management Conference.
This event bills the customer for training courses provided by the Academy of Risk Management.
371 of 529
Ecuador Variable
This event bills the issuer for expenses associated with ongoing services provided by the
MasterCard Travelers Cheques Direct Issuer Program.
This event bills the principal a one-time fee for each of its programs. The fee is charged to an
issuer using a MasterCard® card to facilitate a proprietary payment that is not routed through the
MasterCard Network.
This event bills a one-time fee to affiliate members that have been approved to launch a Brand
Value Transaction program. The rate billed is per program per issuer.
This event bills the acquirer for each electronic enrollment of a merchant in the Automatic Billing
Updater (ABU).
This event bills the acquirer for each manual enrollment of a merchant in the Automatic Billing
Updater (ABU).
The Maestro service bills fees for Maestro ® transactions processed by the Single Message System.
Switch fees for Maestro transactions are billed under the Maestro International Point of Interaction
Debit Program.
373 of 529
MasterCard OnLine—ML
MasterCard OnLine® is an advanced technological platform that gives customers desktop access to
PC-based products, programs, and services, and connects them to the support tools they need to make
timely, informed business decisions and improve business performance.
With MasterCard OnLine, customers benefit from a more efficient, integrated, and secure two-way
communication process. The client/server structure allows easy desktop access to the powerful
MasterCard technological architecture and information warehouse. Customers may access the
information provided through MasterCard OnLine, export it directly into existing software packages,
and combine it with proprietary databases, saving resources previously spent on re-keying and other
manual processes. MasterCard OnLine billing events bill customers for access and telecommunications
fees associated with this service.
2NA6012 PortfolioAnalytics InfoPack ML
This event bills the applicable monthly InfoPack Program Fee. InfoPack provides an array of
client specific information spanning across the entire transaction process, including marketing,
operations, fraud, and ATM-related data. Reports highlighting global and regional trends are also
included to provide insight into key business questions.
Note: Members in Tier 4 will not receive the package automatically but can purchase the
package at the Tier 3 price if desired.
PortfolioAnalytics provides clients with a secure Web-based access to the MasterCard state-of-
the-art transactional data warehouse. Clients use PortfolioAnalytics to gain actionable insights into
their card portfolios, which can optimize operational and marketing performance. By providing
both client-specific and industry-wide marketing, risk, operations and fraud data, clients can
understand trends, efficiently manage their portfolios, evaluate effectiveness of their business
374 of 529
strategies, and identify opportunities to deepen cardholder and merchant relationships.
This event bills the acquirer a quarterly fee for use of the Member Alert to Control High-Risk
Merchants (MATCH™) service and the MOST service.
2NB0012 MATCH Noncompliance ML
This event bills acquirers a noncompliance assessment for failure to comply with certification or
use requirements for MasterCard MATCH™, the Member Alert to Control High-Risk Merchants
system. For more information, refer to the MATCH User Manual.
2NB0015 MATCH Inquiry ML
This event bills a quarterly fee to the customer for each Member Alert to Control High-Risk
Merchants (MATCH™) inquiry.
Tier event ID TNB0015 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills a quarterly fee to the customer for each Member Alert to Control High-Risk
Merchants (MATCH™) inquiry via the API.
Tier event ID TNB0016 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
The POS Acquirer Switch Fees service bills switch fees for Maestro ® transactions processed by the
Single Message System. Switch fees for Maestro transactions are billed under the Maestro
International Point of Interaction Debit Program.
This event bills the acquirer for Maestro ® transactions. The rate billed is per transaction.
376 of 529
2MO3003 Maestro POS Acquirer Merchant Authorization
Switch Fee
This event bills the acquirer for Maestro ® transactions. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills the acquirer for Maestro ® transactions. The rate billed is per non-completed
This event bills the acquirer for Maestro ® transactions. The rate billed is per completed
This event credits the acquirer for each E-Commerce Fraud Alert submitted to the issuer by
reversal message in the Single Message System. E-Commerce Fraud Alert for Issuers is a
mechanism that allows acquirers to inform issuers that a previously approved transaction has been
declined due to suspect fraud.
This event bills the acquirer a Maestro ® switch fee for MasterCard® rePower™ Payment
Transaction activity. The rate billed is per transaction.
The POS Issuer Switch Fees service bills switch fees for Maestro ® transactions processed by the
Single Message System. Switch fees for Maestro transactions are billed under the Maestro
International Point of Interaction Debit Program.
378 of 529
2MO3002 POS Issuer Switch Fee MO
This event bills the issuer for POS transactions. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills the issuer for POS transactions processed through an Integrated Service for
Intracurrency Settlement (ISIS) agreement. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event bills the issuer daily for POS transactions. The rate billed is per pre-authorization
This event bills the issuer for Maestro ® POS transactions. The rate billed is per transaction.
379 of 529
The following rates apply:
Acquirer Issuer Rate
Domestic and Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador USD 0.03
SAMEA Ecuador USD 0.03
Europe Non-SEPA Ecuador USD 0.03
Europe SEPA Ecuador USD 0.03
Asia Pacific Ecuador USD 0.03
Canada Ecuador USD 0.03
U.S. Ecuador USD 0.03
This event bills the issuer for each E-Commerce Fraud Alert received via reversal message in the
Single Message System. E-Commerce Fraud Alert for Issuers is a mechanism that allows
acquirers to inform issuers that a previously approved transaction has been declined due to
suspect fraud.
The MasterCom® Issuer service streamlines the presentation of cardholder disputes by using image
technology to automate dispute document exchange applications. Charges pertaining to MasterCom
services are billed on a monthly basis.
This event bills a per transaction fee for retrieval request transactions.
This event identifies fixed fees used each month to bill for image review decisions. The billing is
380 of 529
applied to the ruled-against party.
This event bills the monthly Hosted Service transaction fee for retrieval requests, chargeback
support documentation, and image review decisions. The rate billed is per transaction.
This event identifies a monthly Hosted Service participation fee. The participation fee is
determined by the total volume of all transactions for the month.
Tier event ID TMS1999 Flat Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills customers for chargeback support documentation transactions. A fixed rate fee is
applied to the transaction. Additionally, tiered rates are applied to transactions and billed under
event 2MS5331—Chargeback Support Documentation Transaction Value Fee based on the U.S.
dollar transaction value.
381 of 529
The following rates apply:
Acquirer Issuer Rate
Ecuador Domestic and Latin America and the Caribbean USD 0.45
Ecuador SAMEA USD 0.45
Ecuador Europe Non-SEPA USD 0.45
Ecuador Europe SEPA USD 0.45
Ecuador Asia Pacific USD 0.45
Ecuador Canada USD 0.45
Ecuador U.S. USD 0.45
The MasterCom® Acquirer service streamlines the presentation of cardholder disputes by using image
technology to automate dispute document exchange applications. Charges pertaining to MasterCom
Services are billed on a monthly basis.
This event bills a per transaction fee for retrieval request transactions.
This event identifies fixed fees used each month to bill for image review decisions. The billing is
applied to the ruled-against party.
This event identifies the flat fee used each month to bill Hosted Service transactions for retrieval
requests, chargeback support documentation, and image review decisions. The rate billed is per
382 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 9.50
This event bills customers for chargeback support documentation transactions. A fixed rate fee is
applied to the transaction. Additionally, tiered rates are applied to transactions and billed under
event 2MS5331—CSD Transaction Value Fee based on the U.S. dollar transaction value.
The MasterCom® service streamlines the presentation of cardholder disputes by using image
technology to automate dispute document exchange applications. Charges pertaining to MasterCom
Services are billed on a monthly basis.
This event bills a one-time implementation fee that covers MasterCom workstation installation,
testing, and training for workstation users.
This event bills a one-time charge for installation of the image interface and training on the use of
the interface.
383 of 529
2MS2203 OCR License Fee MS
This billing event identifies a monthly fee to the member for access to the MasterCom ® Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) software.
This event bills a monthly licensing fee based on the number of accumulated monthly retrieval
request and chargeback transactions processed through Image Interface. The rate billed is per item
Tier event ID TMS2212 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills a monthly licensing fee for unlimited access to the MasterCom ® and Case Filing
electronic imaging system. The tiered rate is based on the monthly usage of MasterCom and Case
Filing dispute processing applications.
The Tier 2 fee indicates a monthly volume of 1–499 processing actions taken within MasterCom
and Case Filing.
The Tier 3 fee indicates a monthly volume of 500–999 processing actions taken within
MasterCom and Case Filing.
This event bills a monthly licensing fee for unlimited access to the MasterCom ® and Case Filing
electronic imaging system. The tiered rate is based on the monthly usage of MasterCom and Case
Filing dispute processing applications.
The Tier 4 fee indicates a monthly volume of 1,000–4,999 processing actions taken within
MasterCom and Case Filing.
This event bills a monthly licensing fee for unlimited access to the MasterCom ® and Case Filing
electronic imaging system. The tiered rate is based on the monthly usage of MasterCom and Case
Filing dispute processing applications.
The Tier 5 fee indicates a monthly volume of 5,000–9,999 processing actions taken within
MasterCom and Case Filing.
385 of 529
This event bills a monthly licensing fee for unlimited access to the MasterCom and Case Filing
electronic imaging system. The tiered rate is based on the monthly usage of MasterCom and Case
Filing dispute processing applications.
The Tier 6 fee indicates a monthly volume of 10,000–19,999 processing actions taken within
MasterCom and Case Filing.
This event bills a monthly licensing fee for unlimited access to the MasterCom ® and Case Filing
electronic imaging system. The tiered rate is based on the monthly usage of MasterCom and Case
Filing dispute processing applications.
The Tier 7 fee indicates a monthly volume of 20,000 or more processing actions taken within
MasterCom and Case Filing.
2MS2300 Miscellaneous Items MS
This event bills for MasterCom products or services that do not qualify for billing under any other
events defined within this service.
This event bills the member for the seminar expenses associated with a customized on-site
exception item training session.
386 of 529
2MS2303 Exception Item Processing Disputes (Debit) MS
This billing event is the processing fee for disputed debit transactions. These transactions are
ATM debit disputes in which the acquirer failed to provide required documentation for re-
presentments following a chargeback.
This event bills the customer for travel expenses incurred by MasterCard personnel that perform
on-site services.
This event bills users licensed explicitly for Xpress Services per month, per user. Xpress Services
currently supports the Collection Letter/Good Faith documentation exchanges. Licensed
MasterCom and Case Filing users may be licensed for Xpress Services at no additional cost.
2MS2400 Filing Fee MS
This event bills MasterCard members (found responsible for fee) for arbitration and compliance
items processed on the MasterCom® Case Filing Application.
387 of 529
2MS2410 Technical Violation Fee MS
This event bills MasterCard members (found responsible for fee) for arbitration and compliance
items processed on the MasterCom® Case Filing Application.
2MS2420 Administrative Fee MS
This event bills MasterCard customers (found responsible for fee) for arbitration and compliance
items processed on the MasterCom® Case Filing Application.
This event bills for MasterCard service related to Arbitration cases processed in the MasterCom ®
Case Filing Application. The rate billed is per case.
This event bills for MasterCard service related to Compliance cases processed in the MasterCom ®
Case Filing Application. The rate billed is per case.
388 of 529
2MS2450 MasterCom Processing Fee—Pre-Compliance MS
This event bills for MasterCard service related to Pre-Compliance cases processed in the
MasterCom® Case Filing Application. The rate billed is per case.
This event bills for arbitration and compliance case decision appeals.
This event bills a fixed-rate fee to hub site customers for the processing of Pre-Compliance,
Compliance, and Arbitration cases. The rate billed is per case.
This event identifies flat fees used to bill MasterCard hub site customers for Dispute Resolution
Seminars. The rate billed is fixed per participant.
2MS2500 Arbitration/Compliance Seminar MS
This event bills customers for Dispute Resolution Seminars. The rate billed is per participant.
This event bills a cancellation fee for the Dispute Resolution Management seminar.
This event credits the customer with a 10 percent group discount for the Dispute Resolution
Management seminar.
390 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador Variable
This billing event identifies a fee assessed per arbitration case withdrawal before MasterCard has
issued a ruling.
2MS2601 Member Mediation—Receiver MS
2MS2602 Member Mediation—Sender MS
This event bills for Member Mediation, an automated pre-arbitration document exchange feature
allowing customers to resolve disputes before proceeding to arbitration. The rate is billed per item
391 of 529
initiated and for any responses issued to incoming transactions (for example, "Accept").
Xpress Services was created to host a suite of new MasterCom ® products and services. Collection
Letter Service is the first application to be introduced. Licensed MasterCom and Case Filing users
may also be licensed for Xpress Services at no additional cost. Users licensed explicitly for Xpress
Services are charged at a set rate per month, per user. The Collection Letter Transaction Fee is
billed to the sender.
This event bills a handling fee for sending and receiving collection letter transactions using the
MasterCom® hub site. Collection Letter is a feature that allows customers to process unregulated
disputes using the MasterCom system. The rate billed is per transaction, per month.
This event identifies flat fees used to bill MasterCard hub site customers for Dispute Resolution
Seminars. The rate billed is fixed per participant.
This event bills a per-page fee to acquirers for every page over four that is sent in the MasterCom
retrieval fulfillment file.
MasterCard University—MU
The MasterCard University service provides customers with workshops designed to increase
understanding of MasterCard® programs and services and knowledge of the bankcard industry.
MasterCard University billing events bill for the workshops provided. Please refer to the Global
Customer Service (GCS) team for more detailed explanations of courses.
The MCBS documentation presents course fees for customers of MasterCard. Prices are slightly higher
for non-customers.
This event bills a fee for each attendee that registers for the Tactical Forum by the published early
registration date. A fee will be assessed to participants that cancel after the published date, or that
register but do not attend.
This event bills a fee for a registered attendee that cancels a registration after the Tactical Forum
published early registration date. This fee is in lieu of the registration fee.
393 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 100.00
This event bills a fee for each attendee that registers for the Tactical Forum after the published
early registration date. A fee will be assessed to participants that cancel after the published date, or
that register but do not attend.
This event bills a fee for each registered attendee that registers for the Tactical Forum but does
not attend and fails to cancel the registration. This fee is in lieu of the registration fee.
This event bills the customer for the trainer’s travel expenses.
This event bills a per-member course cost only for a MasterCard ® e-Learning course, and not to a
specific course title itself.
This event bills a per-member course cost only for a MasterCard ® e-Learning course, and not to a
specific course title itself.
395 of 529
2MU6000 European Tactical Forum Early Registration Fee MU
This event bills a fee in U.S. dollars for each attendee that registers for the European Tactical
Forum by the published early registration date. This fee includes one night of hotel
accommodations at the host venue. A fee will be assessed to participants that cancel after the
published date, or that register but do not attend.
This event bills a fee in U.S. dollars for each attendee that registers for the European Tactical
Forum after the published early registration date. This fee includes one day of hotel
accommodations at the host venue. A fee will be assessed to participants that cancel after the
published early registration date, or that register but do not attend.
This event bills a fee in U.S. dollars for each registered attendee that cancels registration after the
European Tactical Forum published early registration date. This fee is in lieu of the registration
This event bills a fee in U.S. dollars for each registered attendee that registers for the European
Tactical Forum but does not attend and fails to cancel the registration. This fee is in lieu of the
registration fee.
The MasterCard Exclusives program promotes card use by providing cardholders with savings
opportunities. Top national merchants including retailers, catalogs, and manufacturers participate in the
MasterCard Exclusives program. Statement inserts advertise offers available at participating merchants
to different groups of cardholders.
This event bills for purchasing statement inserts for MasterCard Exclusives promotion programs.
MasterCom CSD—MW
This event bills customers for chargeback support documentation (CSD) transactions. The total
number of CSD transaction records is accumulated (events 2MS5341and 2MS53412) and includes
all CSD transactions; the accumulation is not dependent on the CSD cycle.
The total chargeback transaction volume is used to retrieve the Standard Tier rate value, which is
applied against the customer's total monthly chargeback amount (USD) for all MasterCom CSD
"sending" and "receiving" activity.
For example, the tiered rate for 4,500 transactions with a total value of USD 33,000 is calculated
as follows: USD 33,000 x USD 0.0065 = USD 214.50.
Tier event ID TMS5331 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
Domestic transactions
Transactions between Ecuador and Latin America and the Caribbean
Transactions between Ecuador and the SAMEA region
Transactions between Ecuador and the Europe region
Transactions between Ecuador and the Asia Pacific region
397 of 529
Transactions between Ecuador and the Canada region
Transactions between Ecuador and the U.S. region
The MasterCom® Dispute service includes events that address agreements made within the Member
Mediation, Arbitration, Pre-Compliance, Compliance, and Collection Letter dispute processes.
This event bills customer-to-customer debits that result from customer dispute processing via the
MasterCom Case Filing system. The case dispute amount is the resolution of Arbitration, Pre-
Compliance, and Compliance agreements. This is not a MasterCard to customer fee.
This event bills customer-to-customer credits that result from customer dispute processing via the
MasterCom Case Filing system. The case dispute amount is the resolution of Arbitration, Pre-
Compliance, and Compliance agreements. This is not a MasterCard to customer fee.
Non-MasterCard Authorizations—NM
The Non-MasterCard Authorizations service permits communication between MasterCard and non-
MasterCard networks through the MasterCard Worldwide Network using the MasterSwitch®
398 of 529
Authorization Network. Transactions under this service were formerly billed as gateway fees. Refer to
the Authorization Manual for more information about the Non-MasterCard Authorization Service.
This event bills a processing fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has an American Express® proprietary BIN (starts with a 340–349 or 370–379).
This authorization is billed to the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the
service using the MasterCard Network link to American Express.
This event bills an access fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has an American Express® proprietary BIN (starts with a 340–349 or 370–379).
This authorization is billed to the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the
service using the MasterCard Network link to American Express.
This event bills a processing fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has a Discover bank identification number (BIN). This authorization is billed to
the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the service using the MasterCard
Network link to Discover.
This event bills an access fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has a Discover bank identification number (BIN). This authorization is billed to
the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the service using the MasterCard
Network link to Discover.
This event bills a processing fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has a Visa ® BIN (starts with a 4). This authorization is billed to the MasterCard
acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the service using the MasterCard Network link to
This event bills a processing fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has a Japan Credit Bureau ® (JCB) BIN (starts with 353–358 or 3528–3529).
This authorization is billed to the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the
service using the MasterCard Network link to JCB.
This event bills an access fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has a Japan Credit Bureau ® (JCB) BIN (starts with 353–358 or 3528–3529).
This authorization is billed to the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the
service using the MasterCard Network link to JCB.
This event bills an access fee for a transaction in which a MasterCard customer acquires an
authorization that has a Diners bank identification number (BIN). This authorization is billed to
the MasterCard acquirer, not the issuer. The acquirer pays for the service using the MasterCard
Network link to Diners.
Investment Fees—OS
MasterCard owns and operates a centralized clearing facility for the daily processing and routing of
worldwide financial transactions between MasterCard and its customers. A transaction that qualifies
for the Investment Fees service is assigned billing events based on individual IPM messages processed.
See the IPM Clearing Formats manual for more information about IPM messages.
This event bills issuers in the Latin America and the Caribbean region a Merchant Investment Fee
(MIF) on the volume generated by all intercountry purchase transactions effected with a
MasterCard card and captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS). MasterCard
bills and collects the MIF on a daily basis.
402 of 529
This event bills issuers in the Latin America and the Caribbean region a Merchant Investment Fee
(MIF) on the volume generated by all intercountry Payment Transactions effected with a
MasterCard card and captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS). MasterCard
bills and collects the MIF on a daily basis.
This event bills issuers in the Latin America and the Caribbean region a Merchant Investment Fee
(MIF) on the volume generated by all intercountry unique transactions effected with a MasterCard
card and captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS). MasterCard bills and
collects the MIF on a daily basis.
MasterCard assesses issuers in the Latin America and the Caribbean region a Merchant
Investment Fee (MIF) on the volume generated by all intercountry transactions occurring on Latin
America and Caribbean-issued MasterCard cards. MasterCard bills and collects the MIF on a
daily basis.
403 of 529
Europe Non-SEPA Ecuador USD 0.0002
Europe SEPA Ecuador USD 0.0002
Asia Pacific Ecuador USD 0.0002
Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador USD 0.0002
Canada Ecuador USD 0.0002
U.S. Ecuador USD 0.0002
This event reverses the Merchant Investment Fee (MIF) that MasterCard assesses issuers in the
Latin America and the Caribbean region. This event is based on the volume of chargebacks
generated for all intercountry transactions effected with a MasterCard card and captured by the
Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
This event bills issuers in the Latin America and the Caribbean region a Merchant Investment Fee
(MIF) on the volume generated by all intercountry representment transactions effected with a
MasterCard card and captured by the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS). MasterCard
bills and collects the MIF daily.
404 of 529
Assessment Noncompliance—PA
The Assessment Noncompliance service collects noncompliance fees from members for Quarterly
Member Report questionnaires received after the questionnaire due date or for failure to comply with
MasterCard transaction requirements or other MasterCard rules.
This event bills for failure to meet the 1 May 2012 deadline to commit to a conversion month that
is before 30 November 2012 for the replacement of an IBM model X205 MasterCard interface
processor (MIP).
This event bills for failure to adhere to the committed conversion date (without sufficient cause)
for replacement of an IBM model X205 MasterCard interface processor (MIP). The rate billed is
per month until the customer completes conversion.
This event bills for failure to complete conversion from IBM model X205 hardware to an
upgraded MasterCard interface processor (MIP) by 30 November 2012. The rate billed is per
month until the customer completes conversion.
405 of 529
2PN2317 Late Filing Fee PA
This event bills for Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaires received after the due
date. Customers are billed one fee quarterly for late QMR questionnaires.
Note: Customers will be billed USD 500.00 for late QMR questionnaires plus USD 100.00 for
every day of late reporting, regardless of the number of late questionnaires, each quarter.
Global Publications—PB
MasterCard produces a variety of documentation for member reference through the Manuals and
Publications (M&P) Department. The Global Publications service bills members for manuals,
bulletins, and other publications produced by M&P. Each publication billing event is assigned one of
the following billing event numbers:
In the above explanation of publications billing event numbers, “XX” represents the publication code.
Only one of the above billing event numbers may be assigned to each transaction.
The Event ID column provides the two-digit code identifying the Global Publications service
(positions 2–3). The next two digits (positions 4–5) identify the publication.
MasterCard bills all events categorized under the Global Publications service on the last day of each
This event bills the monthly fee for access to Domestic Rules on MasterCard Connect™. The rate
billed is per member ID/ICA number.
406 of 529
This event bills for reissue of the Account Management System User Manual.
This event bills for reissue of the MasterCard Electronic Library CD.
This event bills for reissue of the Customer Interface Specification manual.
This event bills for reissue of the MasterCard Electronic Library LAN.
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual CD-ROM Tier 1 for one user. The
Member Information Manual currently is available on CD-ROM, cartridge, and CTC, in hard
copy, and online.
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual CD-ROM Tier 2 for two to five
users. The Member Information Manual currently is available on CD-ROM, cartridge, and CTC,
in hard copy, and online.
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual CD-ROM Tier 3 for 6–25 users.
The Member Information Manual currently is available on CD-ROM, cartridge, and CTC, in hard
copy, and online.
408 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 256.88
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual CD-ROM Tier 4 for 26–50 users.
The Member Information Manual currently is available on CD-ROM, cartridge, and CTC, in hard
copy, and online.
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual CD-ROM Tier 5 for 51 or more
users. The Member Information Manual currently is available on CD-ROM, cartridge, and CTC,
in hard copy, and online.
This event bills for reissue of the IPM Clearing Formats manual.
409 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 708.62
This event bills for reissue of the Single Message System Suite CD-ROM (formerly known as the
MasterCard Debit Switch Suite).
2PBL104 Publications Online PB
This event bills a monthly fee for licensed use of online publications on MasterCard Connect™.
The rate billed is per member ID/ICA number.
This event bills for reissue of the single user version of the MasterCard Electronic Library on
CD-ROM in both English and Spanish.
This event bills for reissue of the LAN version of the MasterCard Electronic Library on CD-
ROM in both English and Spanish.
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual through CTC.
This event bills for reissue of the Member Information Manual through MasterCard File Express.
This event bills for reissue of the Security Rules and Procedures manual.
Purchase Card—PC
MasterCard Smart Data for Windows ® is a powerful MIS software solution that offers organizations
the ability to easily track and control their purchasing, travel, entertainment, and fleet expenditures.
This event bills the issuer for all travel expenses incurred by MasterCard staff to provide Smart
Data Corporate Services—Implementation Service to issuers or their customers. The fee includes
total travel costs, plus a 15 percent administration fee.
This event bills the issuer an hourly fee for Smart Data Corporate Services—Implementation
This event bills the issuer an hourly fee for miscellaneous consultancy related to the Smart Data
Corporate Services—Implementation Service. Miscellaneous consultancy includes subject matter
413 of 529
expertise and pre-sales support.
This event bills the implementation fee for the Common Data Format (CDF) 3 implementation
testing while validating the sending of data to the Global Data Repository. The issuer is being
certified on an existing processor. The rate billed is per incident.
This event bills the implementation fee for the Common Data Format (CDF) 3 implementation
testing while validating the sending of data to the Global Data Repository. The issuer is being
certified on a new processor. The rate billed is per incident.
This event bills the issuer the monthly endpoint support and maintenance fee. This fee applies to
all mailboxes that are active at the beginning of each month. This fee does not apply to Smart
Data online endpoints.
414 of 529
This event bills for the initiation of a new endpoint for Smart Data File Express, FTP Push,
MasterCard Connect™, MasterCard File Express, and Custom Outbound File Processing.
This event bills the issuer the established charge for Smart Data OnLine transactions.
Tier event ID TPC1626 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer the established charge for Smart Data OnLine transactions.
This event bills the issuer the established charge for Smart Data OnLine transactions.
This event bills the issuer the established charge for Smart Data OnLine transactions.
This event bills the customer for transactions sent to Smart Data OnLine that are not MasterCard
This event bills the issuer the established monthly minimum charge for Smart Data OnLine
This event bills the established monthly minimum charge for smartdata.gen2 transactions. A
minimum charge of USD 250.00 is billed if the fee total is less than USD 250.00 per month.
This event bills a one-time fee for the implementation of a new issuer in smartdata.generation2.
This event bills a one-time fee for the implementation of a new non-MasterCard branded issuer in
This event bills a one-time fee for the implementation of a new issuer in smartdata.generation2.
This event bills a one-time fee to the issuer for smartdata.gen2 Extensive Co-Branding.
This event bills a monthly licensing fee for using the sdg2 for Business market segment in the
smartdata.generation2 application.
This event bills the monthly maintenance fee for using the sdg2 for Business market segment in
the smartdata.generation2 application.
This event bills the customer for transactions sent to smartdata.gen2 that are not MasterCard
This event bills the customer for transactions sent to Smart Data OnLine that are not MasterCard
This event bills the customer for transactions sent to smartdata.gen2 that are not MasterCard
This event bills the customer for Smart Data record processing, storage, and/or delivery costs for
records that are not related to MasterCard transactions. The rate billed is per record sent to the
421 of 529
issuer's system or delivered to an external system via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or similar
transmission facility.
This event bills the issuer at an hourly rate for custom work in Smart Data OnLine.
This event bills the issuer at an hourly rate for custom work in smartdata.gen2.
This event bills the issuer at an hourly rate for custom work in the Global Data Repository (GDR).
This event bills the issuer at a daily rate for training administered for Smart Data OnLine.
This event bills the issuer at a daily rate for training administered for smartdata.gen2.
This event bills the issuer at a daily rate for training administered for the Global Data Repository
This event bills the issuer for MasterCard Smart Data record processing, storage, and/or delivery
costs. The rate billed is per record sent to the issuer's system or delivered to an external system via
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or similar transmission facility.
Noncompliance Fees—PN
The Noncompliance Fees service collects fees from customers that fall short of minimum fees or that
fail to comply with MasterCard ® transaction requirements or other MasterCard rules.
This event bills customers for failing to settle their clearing accounts. The fee is billed monthly to
customers that settle in U.S. currency.
423 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador Variable
This event bills customers for failing to settle their clearing accounts. The fee is billed monthly to
customers that settle in local currency.
This event bills the customer interest on its clearing settlement failures. It is billed monthly to
customers that settle in U.S. currency.
This event bills the customer interest on its clearing settlement failures. It is billed monthly to
customers that settle in local currency.
This event bills customers that fail to settle before the 15:00 New York time settlement deadline.
This event bills monthly to customers that settle in U.S. dollars.
This event bills the customer that fails to settle after the second violation in a given month when
the customer fails the 15:00 New York time cut-off deadline.
This event bills in U.S. dollars to customers for failing to settle their clearing accounts. This fee
bills when multiple failures occur. This is billed monthly.
This event bills the customer for multiple failures to settle clearing accounts in local currency.
This event is billed monthly.
This event assesses customers for each RSA SecurID hardware token in use for access to
MasterCard Connect™. The rate billed is per user per quarter.
For more information, see Global Operations Bulletin No. 11, 1 November 2011.
This event bills the customer for having more than one Automated Clearing House (ACH) account
for the same institution.
This event bills customers for failing to comply with MasterCard Risk Management requests in a
timely manner, such as the establishment of a protective arrangement, provision of audited
financials and various other MasterCard risk requests. For more details on the MasterCard risk
standards, customers should read the Global Risk Management Policies and Procedures document
available on MasterCard Connect.
426 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador Variable
This event bills a noncompliance assessment to acquirers licensed by MasterCard who acquire for
merchants deemed to be selling goods and services that are either illegal or brand damaging to
MasterCard. For additional information, please refer to the MasterCard Rules manual.
2PN2102 Magnetic Stripe PN
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for invalid use of point-
of-sale values, transaction category code (TCC), or both when compared to the use of magnetic
stripe. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit
category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for an invalid or blank
country code which reflects the POS location for countries identified as using postal codes. The
rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and
per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
427 of 529
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the Card Acceptor
ID is invalid or blank. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data
integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves
the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the Point-of-
Service Condition Code contains invalid values. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance
assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number
until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when electronic
commerce processing fields are blank or contain invalid data. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member
ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when Data Element
(DE) 48 (Additional Data) contains values that are invalid or improperly formatted or when DE 48
contains unrecognizable data in one or more subelements. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member
ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for invalid use of MCC
5542—Fuel Dispenser, Automated. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment
billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when Card Acceptor
Name/Location is not present or is formatted incorrectly. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member
ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when terminal
processing subfields contain invalid data. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance
assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number
until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for invalid use of the
card acceptor business code (MCC). The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment
billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the Card Acceptor
ID does not uniquely identify the card acceptor location. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member
ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when Data Element
(DE) 43 (Card Acceptor Name/Location) contains improper values or values that are inconsistent
with formatting requirements. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed
per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer
resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the postal code is
invalid for countries and states identified as using a postal code. This code should reflect the POS
location. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit
category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
430 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 2500.00
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the POS
authorization message and POS clearing message data are not in agreement. The rate billed is per
edit per ICA number.
For more information, see the Data Integrity Monitoring Program manual.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when “unknown” is
populated in the Card Acceptor Street Address, when invalid character sets are populated in the
Card Acceptor City, or when the Card Acceptor Postal Code is not a match for the Card Acceptor
City for specific countries. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per
data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer
resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when Card Data Input
Capability Indicator indicates no terminal used while the Terminal Operating Environment
indicates that the terminal was used or Card Data Input Mode indicates that the mode is not
unknown or manually entered Primary Account Number (PAN). The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member
ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when Card Data Input
Capability and Input Mode do not match. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance
assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number
until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the Point-of-Sale
(POS) Card and the Cardholder Presence indicators are not in agreement. The rate indicated is a
monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or
member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when the card acceptor
street address is invalid. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data
integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves
the issues.
For more information, see the Data Integrity Monitoring Program manual.
432 of 529
2PN2140 Chip Clearing Transaction Error Fee PN
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for a clearing transaction
in which Data Element (DE) 23 (Card Sequence Number) is missing while DE 55 (Integrated
Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) is present. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member
ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for a clearing transaction
in which one or more mandatory Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) tags in Data Element
(DE) 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) is missing. The rate indicated is a
monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or
member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for a clearing transaction
in which one or more mandatory Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) tags in Data Element
(DE) 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) does not have the specified length.
The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category
and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for a clearing transaction
in which the format of one or more mandatory Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) tags in
433 of 529
Data Element (DE) 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) is not correct. The
rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and
per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for a clearing transaction
in which one or more optional Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) tags in Data Element (DE)
55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) does not have the specified length. The
rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and
per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program for a clearing transaction
in which one or more non-specified Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) tags are present in
Data Element (DE) 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data). The rate indicated is
a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID
or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when a non-chip
certified acquirer sends a chip transaction in which Data Element (DE) 55 (Integrated Circuit
Card [ICC] System-Related Data) is present. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance
assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number
until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when a non-chip
certified acquirer sends a chip transaction in which Data Element (DE) 55 (Integrated Circuit
Card [ICC] System-Related Data) is not present. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance
assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number
until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when a chip certified
acquirer sends a chip transaction in which Data Element (DE) 23 (Card Sequence Number) is
missing. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit
category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when a chip certified
acquirer sends a chip transaction in which Data Element (DE) 23 (Card Sequence Number) and
DE 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) are missing. The rate indicated is a
monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or
member ID/ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
435 of 529
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity Monitoring program when a chip certified
acquirer sends a chip transaction in which Data Element (DE) 12 (Time, Local Transaction) and
DE 13 (Date, Local Transaction) are missing. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance
assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per customer ID or member ID/ICA number
until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills customers for noncompliance events in accordance with the MasterCard Anti-
Money Laundering (AML) program.
2PN2210 MCC Miscoding PN
This event bills a noncompliance assessment to the acquirer who, at the time of on-boarding a
merchant, fails to code that merchant with a category code recognized by MasterCard. For
additional information, please refer to the Quick Reference Booklet.
This event bills the customer in USD for a violation of rules. For more details, refer to the
MasterCard Rules.
This event bills an assessment for noncompliance with the MasterCard Site Data Protection (SDP)
Program requirements. (Refer to section 10.3 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual.)
This event bills for noncompliance with Regional Minimum Standards, outlined as follows:
Note: The customer is billed separate charges for noncompliance with each indicator.
437 of 529
2PN2312 Noncompliance Assessment Review Fee PN
This event bills per request for review of a noncompliance assessment. For more information, see
MasterCard Rules section 2.1.6.
This event bills the customer in an effort to reduce chargeback volume resulting from duplicate
processing and unauthorized transactions. It is designed to help members achieve the chargeback-
related global minimum standards under the MasterCard Global Performance Standards program.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program for invalid use of card
acceptor business code (MCC) 5542—Fuel Dispenser, Automated. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per processor ID until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program when magstripe data in Data
Element (DE) 45 (Track 1 Data) and DE 35 (Track 2 Data) does not match DE 48 Transaction
Category Code (TCC) and DE 22 (POS Entry Mode) values. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per processor ID until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program for an invalid Merchant Type
Code and Transaction Category Code (TCC) combination. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per processor ID until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program for an invalid or blank country
code and an invalid or blank postal code. This code should reflect the POS location for countries
identified as using postal codes. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed
per data integrity edit category and per processor ID until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program when the Card Acceptor
Name/Location is not present or is incorrectly formatted. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per processor ID until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program when terminal processing
439 of 529
fields are invalid. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data
integrity edit category and per processor ID until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Debit Data Integrity program when POS Condition Codes
are invalid (POS transactions only). The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment
billed per data integrity edit category and per processor ID until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity program when the transmission date and
transmission time are not present or are not accurate. The rate indicated is a monthly
noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and per ICA number until the
acquirer resolves the issues.
2PN2409 Trace ID PN
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity program when the Trace ID in the Dual
Message System (Clearing) transaction does not contain the original authorization transaction
Trace ID and settlement date. The rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed
per data integrity edit category and per ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
440 of 529
2PN2410 Authorization Postal Code PN
This event bills the acquirer from the Data Integrity program when the Dual Message System
Authorization postal code does not match the Dual Message System Clearing postal code. The
rate indicated is a monthly noncompliance assessment billed per data integrity edit category and
per ICA number until the acquirer resolves the issues.
This event bills issuers for SAFE noncompliance with the Utilization category.
This event bills issuers for SAFE noncompliance with the Timeliness category.
This event bills customers for violating section 8.6 (Excessive Chargeback Program) of the
Security Rules and Procedures manual.
This event bills the acquirer an assessment for noncompliance with MasterCard Registration
Program (MRP) registration requirements. For additional information, please refer to the Security
Rules and Procedures manual.
This event is for noncompliance with the Common Point of Purchase requirements as published in
the Security Rules and Procedures manual, section
This event bills customers for noncompliance of the MasterCard Alerts application.
2SC2324 Noncompliance Assessments PN
This event bills a noncompliance assessment to acquirers who are in violation of Rule 5.1
Merchant Agreement or Rule 5.6 Merchant Identification and Responsibility for Transactions. For
additional information, please see the MasterCard Rules manual.
442 of 529
2SC2325 Account Data Compromise PN
This event bills issuers that successfully processed fraud-related chargebacks but did not report
the transaction to SAFE within 60 days of charging back. This event is billed when an ICA is
noncompliant for two consecutive quarters or is noncompliant in its Promise period.
The noncompliance fee is the sum of USD 15,000.00 plus a USD 1,000.00 fee that MasterCard
may assess for each transaction that an issuer charged back under a fraud-related message reason
code, but did not report to SAFE.
The fee is billed quarterly at the parent ICA level for each noncompliant child ICA. The rate billed
is per child ICA.
This event bills issuers that have a significant number of clearing transactions but no fraud
reported to SAFE in the same period. This event is billed when an ICA is noncompliant for two
consecutive quarters or is noncompliant in its Promise period. The fee is billed quarterly at the
parent ICA level for each noncompliant child ICA. The rate billed is per child ICA.
443 of 529
This event bills issuers that have substantial gross dollar volume (GDV) reported on their
Quarterly Member Report (QMR) but have underreported their gross fraud in SAFE compared
with their peers. This event is billed when an ICA is noncompliant for two consecutive quarters or
is noncompliant in its Promise period. The fee is billed quarterly at the parent ICA level for each
noncompliant child ICA. The rate billed is per child ICA.
This event bills the issuer for noncompliance with data accuracy criteria. This event is billed when
an ICA is noncompliant for two consecutive quarters or is noncompliant in its Promise period. The
fee is billed quarterly at the parent ICA level for each noncompliant child ICA. The rate billed is
per child ICA.
This event bills issuers for SAFE transactions that are rejected and that remain uncorrected after
60 days of rejecting. This event is billed when an ICA is noncompliant for two consecutive
quarters or is noncompliant in its Promise period. The fee is billed quarterly at the parent ICA
level for each noncompliant child ICA. The rate billed is per child ICA.
This event bills the issuer a noncompliance assessment for deleting an excessive number of
transactions already reported to SAFE. The rate billed is per quarter.
444 of 529
Prior Quarter Assessment Adjustment—PQ
The Prior Quarter Assessment Adjustment service bills the member for adjustments resulting from
filing an amended Quarterly MasterCard Report questionnaire for previous quarters. Members may be
credited for amended Quarterly MasterCard Report questionnaires submitted for up to five prior
quarters, and debited for questionnaires submitted for up to eight prior quarters. According to the
MasterCard Rules manual, rule 3.8 provides inter alia:
a. In the event a member’s quarterly questionnaire is not submitted when due, the Corporation’s
staff is authorized to:
1. impose upon the member, after review of the member’s last submitted quarterly
questionnaire and assessment paid, an assessment equal to, or greater than, the member’s
assessment for such calendar quarter; and
2. impose upon the member a USD 500 assessment; and
3. in the event staff’s estimate of payment due of the calendar quarter results in an
underpayment by the member, collect the amount of the underpayment due and impose on
such amount an interest fee of the higher of 2% per month or the highest rate permitted by
law, from the date the assessment payment was first due through the date on which the
additional amount due is paid.
This event bills for the net adjustment of debits and credits for amended volumes reported in the
Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaire.
The Reports service events bill for reports that members receive from MasterCard. Each report
generated is assigned a billing event number. The price per line depends on whether the report is
mandatory or optional and whether it is received online (for example, MasterCard eService or File
Transfer) or received offline (for example, paper, fax, or microfiche).
The following table provides the price per line per user in USD.
Optional Reports
Online Offline Online Offline
USD 0.00 USD 0.01 USD 0.01 USD 0.03
Reports on which individual transaction data uses two lines are billed at USD 0.005 per line instead of
445 of 529
USD 0.01 per line.
Although most report fees are billed per line, several are billed per report as indicated in the billing
event description.
This event bills for receipt of Excessive Stand-In Detail Report, AB531010-AA.
This event bills for receipt of Processing Product Delivery General Reports.
446 of 529
2RP1660 Risk Issuer Loss Data RP
This event bills the issuer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional data files. This data file contains all transactions reported
to SAFE by the issuer within the most recent 13 months. Deleted transactions are not included in
this file. Modified transactions contain the latest information. Each issuing member ID/ICA
number pays this fee monthly based on the number of data records created at its request. Please
refer to the SAFE Products User Guide for a description of this data file.
This event bills the aquirer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional data files. This data file contains all transactions reported
to SAFE against the acquirer's merchants within the most recent 13 months. Deleted transactions
are not included in this file. Modified transactions contain the latest information. Each acquiring
member ID/ICA number pays this fee monthly based on the number of data records created at its
request. Please refer to the SAFE Products User Guide for a description of this data file.
This event bills the issuer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional report files. This print image file contains all transactions
reported to SAFE by the issuer within the most recent 13 months. Deleted transactions are not
included in this report. Modified transactions contain the latest information. Each issuing member
ID/ICA number pays this fee monthly based on the number of print lines created at its request.
Please refer to the SAFE Products User Guide for a description of this report.
448 of 529
This event bills for receipt of AB202010.
2RP1710 Report—X-Code/Limit-1 Detail RP
This event bills for receipt of GB712010-CC, MasterAssist Issuer Detail Report.
This event bills for receipt of the Authorization Velocity Monitoring Report.
2RP1755 Reports Affiliates RP
450 of 529
This event bills for receipt of affiliate billing reports. The rate billed is per affiliate billing report
received for the previous billing cycle.
This event assesses acquirers that receive affiliate reporting at the card acceptor/merchant ID
number level. The rate billed is per unique card acceptor/merchant ID number. The billing
frequency is weekly.
Tier event ID TRP1756 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer for receipt of the SI738010-AA Transaction Blocking ICA Level Block
Summary Report.
This event bills for moving a BIN from one ICA to another. There is a fee per request, plus an
additional charge for each BIN involved in the conversion.
This event bills for blank (missing from a required field) or invalid contact data in the Member
Information Manual. Examples of required information include required contact types, first name,
last name, phone number, address, private email address, state, and ZIP code (where applicable).
Examples of invalid data include incorrect street address, phone number, or fax number.
The codes and the corresponding contact types that may appear on the invoice are as follows:
Code Contact Type
AU Authorization
CH Chargeback
CQ Compliance
CS Customer Service
LE Legal
MK Marketing
ML Member Profile
PC Principal
QC Quarterly MasterCard Report
RE Retrieval
SC Security
ST Settlement
UN Urgent Notification
This event bills for receipt of AM-R-M-AM720010-AA-C/R. The rate billed is per report.
452 of 529
2RP1911 Account Management System (AMS) Detail Account
This event bills for receipt of the Account Management System (AMS) Detail Account Report.
This event bills for receipt of the Account Management System (AMS) Merchant Billing Report.
This event bills for receipt of the Electronic Warning Bulletin file for the Account Management
System (AMS) region denoted in the report number. The rate billed is per report.
453 of 529
2RP1916 Account Management System (AMS) Composite
Electronic Warning Bulletin File
This event bills for receipt of the composite Electronic Warning Bulletin file for the Account
Management System (AMS). The rate billed is per report.
This event bills for receipt of regional daily updates from the Account Management System for
the region denoted in the report number. The rate billed is per report.
This event bills for receipt of AM-F-D-RCDU-ALL which contains composite daily updates from
the Account Management System. The rate billed is per report.
This event bills for receipt of the Electronic Warning Bulletin file listing all restricted cards
requested by region 1, A, B, C, D, or E. This file is offered weekly, biweekly, monthly, and
This event bills for receipt of the Electronic Warning Bulletin file listing all restricted cards. This
file is offered weekly, biweekly, monthly, and quarterly.
This event bills the acquirer for receipt of subregional Electronic Warning Bulletin files in report
ID AM-F-W-666-RGN-B-CTRY. This report is generated weekly by MasterCard.
This event bills the acquirer for receipt of subregional Electronic Warning Bulletin files in report
ID AM-F-D-RCDU-RGN-B-CTRY. This report is generated daily by MasterCard.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP727010-AA, Reconciliation Acknowledgement
This event bills for receipt of report number IP727020-AA, Reconciliation Notification Report.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP728010-AA, Clearing Cycle Summary.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP857010-AA, Error Detail Report.
456 of 529
2RP2220 GCMS Report IP857010-BB RP
This event bills for receipt of report number IP857010-BB, Error Detail Report—Collection Only.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776010-AA, GCMS Transaction/Chargeback
Analysis Report—Acquirer.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776010-BB, Transaction/Chargeback Analysis
457 of 529
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776010-CC, Transaction/Chargeback Analysis
Report—Member Total.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776020-AA, Chargeback Activity Summary—
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776020-BB, Chargeback Activity Summary—
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776020-CC, Chargeback Activity Summary—
Member Total.
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776030-AA, Dollar/Volume Summary Report—
458 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 0.01
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776030-BB, Dollar/Volume Summary Report—
This event bills for receipt of report number IP776030-CC, Dollar/Volume Summary Report—
Member Total.
This event bills for receipt of the NICS™ Adjustment History Report—Acquirer.
This event bills for receipt of the NICS™ Adjustment History Report—Issuer.
This event bills for receipt of GB074010-AA, the Customer Service Roll-up Report.
This event bills for receipt of GB553010-AA. The Miscellaneous Billing Detail Report is a
mandatory report.
This event bills the issuer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional report file on paper. This paper report contains all
transactions reported to SAFE by the issuer within the most recent 13 months. Deleted
transactions are not included in this report. Modified transactions contain the latest information.
Each issuing member ID/ICA number pays this fee monthly based on the number of print lines
created for hard copy mailing at its request. Please refer to the SAFE Products User Guide for a
description of this report.
This event bills the acquirer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional report file on paper. This paper report contains all
transactions reported to SAFE against the acquirer's merchants within the most recent 13 months.
Deleted transactions are not included in this report. Modified transactions contain the latest
information. Each acquiring member ID/ICA number pays this fee monthly based on the number
of print lines created for hard copy mailing at its request. Please refer to the SAFE Products User
Guide for a description of this report.
This event bills for receipt of GB230010-AA which contains the GCMS Cross-border Transaction
Detail Report—Issuer.
463 of 529
This event bills for receipt of GB232010-AA which contains the MasterCard Debit Switch
(MDS)/APC Cross-border Transaction Detail Report—Issuer.
2RP2351 GB232010-FIL RP
This event bills the acquirer for receipt of GB247010-AA, Acquirer Program Transaction Detail
This event bills for receipt of Acquirer Program Transaction Detail File— GB247010-FIL
464 of 529
This event bills the issuer for receipt of AM700010-BB, ALM Daily Activity Report.
This event bills the issuer for receipt of AM700010-DD, PayPass Daily Account Report.
This event bills for receipt of Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) Issuer Account Summary by ICA
Report BU510010-AA via MasterCard eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) Issuer Error Summary Report
465 of 529
BU520010-AA via MasterCard eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) Acquirer Summary Report by
Merchant BU530010-AA via MasterCard eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) Acquirer Merchant Registration
Report BU540010-AA via MasterCard eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) Issuer Account Summary by
Merchant Report BU570010-AA via MasterCard eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of AB530010-AA, Excessive Stand-In Summary Report.
468 of 529
2RP2460 Acquirer Automated Referral Service (ARS) Monthly
Response Below Target
469 of 529
This event bills for receipt of GB405010-ES.
This event bills the issuer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional report and data files provided via eService Reports. Each
issuing member ID/ICA number pays this fee monthly based on the number of data records or
print lines created at its request. Please refer to the SAFE Products User Guide for descriptions of
these reports and files.
This event bills the acquirer a fee to support the production of the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) month-end optional report and data files provided via eService Reports. Each
acquiring member ID/ICA number pays this fee monthly based on the number of data records or
print lines created at its request. Please refer to the SAFE Products User Guide for descriptions of
these reports and files.
This event bills for receipt of the Electronic Warning Bulletin (EWB) file for Region D, which
includes all accounts listed to date in a Region D country or subcountry. The rate billed is per file.
This event bills for receipt of the Restricted Card Daily Update file for Region D, which includes
all accounts listed to date in a Region D country or subcountry. The rate billed is per file.
This event bills for receipt of AM-R-R-AM730010-AA, AMS Detail Account Report.
2RP2513 X-Code/Limit-1 AB110010-AA RP
472 of 529
2RP2523 Cardholder Service Detail Report RP
474 of 529
2RP2546 GCMS Report IP776030-CC RP
This event bills for receipt of GB712010-AA, Global Service Detail Report.
This event bills for receipt of AB301010-AA, File Maintenance Detail Report.
This event bills for receipt of AB301010-DD, File Maintenance Detail Report.
This event bills for a bulk (raw) file containing data found on the IP170010-AA, Acquirer Funded
Refund Presentments Created on Behalf of a Member report.
476 of 529
2RP2645 GCMS Report IP170010-AA XML Data File RP
This event bills for a bulk (XML) file containing data found on the IP170010-AA, Acquirer
Funded Refund Presentments Created on Behalf of a Member report.
This event bills for a bulk (raw) file containing data found on GCMS Report IP142110-AA.
This event bills for a bulk (XML) file containing GCMS Report IP142110-AA data.
This event bills for receipt of GCMS Report IP142520-AA, On-behalf Service Fee Collection
477 of 529
This event bills for a bulk (raw) file containing data found on GCMS Report IP142520-AA, On-
behalf Service Fee Collection Report.
This event bills for a bulk (XML) file containing data found on the IP142520-AA, On-behalf
Service Fee Collection Report.
This event bills for receipt of Account File Updates—SWCHD141-1 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of Account File Updates—SWCHD141-1 by MasterCard eService
Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Member Test MTD Denial Summary—SWMTM07 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of Member Test MTD Denial Summary—SWMTM07 by MasterCard
eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of MDS Stand-In Negative File Updates—SWCHD147-1 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of MDS Stand-In Negative File Updates—SWCHD147-1 by
MasterCard eService Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Monthly Control Report—SWCHM363 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of Monthly Control Report—SWCHM363 by MasterCard eService
Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of MTD Denial Summary—SWCHM07 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of MTD Denial Summary—SWCHM07 by MasterCard eService
Online Reports.
480 of 529
2RP2668B Same Day Reversals Report—SWCHD353 RP
This event bills for receipt of Same Day Reversals Report—SWCHD353 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of Same Day Reversals Report—SWCHD353 by MasterCard eService
Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Stand-In Transaction Audit—SWCHD149 by bulk file.
This event bills for receipt of Stand-In Transaction Audit—SWCHD149 by MasterCard eService
Online Reports.
This event bills for receipt of Transaction Interchange MTD—SWCHM03 by bulk file.
481 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 0.012
The Security service bills the customer for security items pertaining to use of MasterCard ® products,
programs, or services.
This event bills the issuer an administrative fee to cover costs associated with managing the
issuer's account data compromise (ADC) fraud recovery amount. The fee is derived from a
percentage of the issuer's final fraud recovery amount. See the Account Data Compromise User
Guide for the current fee.
This event bills the responsible member for all investigation and other costs incurred by
MasterCard in connection with an account data compromise (ADC) event or a potential ADC
482 of 529
2SC1203 Reformatting Account Data Compromise File Fee—
Tier 1
This event bills for reformatting 1–100,000 accounts that were not submitted in the defined layout
and format for account data related to an account data compromise (ADC) or investigation.
This event bills for reformatting 100,001–500,000 accounts that were not submitted in the defined
layout and format for account data related to an account data compromise (ADC) or investigation.
This event bills for reformatting 500,001–1,000,000 accounts that were not submitted in the
defined layout and format for account data related to an account data compromise (ADC) or
This event bills for reformatting 1,000,001–3,000,000 accounts that were not submitted in the
defined layout and format for account data related to an account data compromise (ADC) or
483 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 3500.00
This event bills for reformatting more than 3,000,000 accounts that were not submitted in the
defined layout and format for account data related to an account data compromise (ADC) or
This event debits the responsible acquirer as a result of an account data compromise event after
the investigation and fraud recovery calculation are complete.
This event bills the issuer an administrative fee to defray costs associated with managing the
issuer's account data compromise (ADC) operational reimbursement amount. The fee is derived
from a percentage of the final operational reimbursement amount.
484 of 529
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 1–10,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC
cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1231—Account Data Compromise Case Management—1 to 10,000 Accounts—
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 10,001–25,000 accounts. This rate applies to
ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1232—Account Data Compromise Case Management—10,001 to 25,000
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 25,001–50,000 accounts. This rate applies to
ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1233—Account Data Compromise Case Management—25,001 to 50,000
485 of 529
2SC1224 Account Data Compromise Case Management—
50,001 to 100,000 Accounts
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 50,001–100,000 accounts. This rate applies to
ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1234—Account Data Compromise Case Management—50,001 to 100,000
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 100,001–500,000 accounts. This rate applies to
ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1235—Account Data Compromise Case Management—100,001 to 500,000
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 500,001–1,000,000 accounts. This rate applies to
ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1236—Account Data Compromise Case Management—500,001 to 1,000,000
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 1,000,001–5,000,000 accounts. This rate applies
to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1237—Account Data Compromise Case Management—1,000,001 to 5,000,000
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving 5,000,001–15,000,000 accounts. This rate
applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1238—Account Data Compromise Case Management—5,000,001 to 15,000,000
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard for an
account data compromise (ADC) event involving over 15,000,000 accounts. This rate applies to
ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
For the case management fee incurred when the acquirer voluntarily reports an ADC event, see
billing event 2SC1239—Account Data Compromise Case Management—Over 15,000,000
487 of 529
The following rates apply:
Acquirer Rate
Ecuador USD 400000.00
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving 1–10,000
accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving 10,001–
25,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving 25,001–
50,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving 50,001–
100,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving 100,001–
500,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving 500,001–
1,000,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving
1,000,001–5,000,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30
489 of 529
September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving
5,000,001–15,000,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30
September 2011.
This event bills the acquirer for investigation and other costs incurred by MasterCard when the
acquirer voluntarily reports a potential account data compromise (ADC) event involving over
15,000,000 accounts. This rate applies to ADC cases opened by MasterCard after 30 September
This event debits the responsible acquirer for a portion of the operational reimbursement cost
incurred by issuers as a result of an account data compromise (ADC).
490 of 529
2SC1333 MasterCard Registration Program SC
This billing event reflects the total fee billed for new MasterCard Registration Program (MRP)
registrations and annual renewals in the previous month. An annual fee is billed for merchants
under selected merchant categories registered in MRP. (Refer to sections 9.1 and 9.2.1 of the
Security Rules and Procedures manual.)
This event bills the principal a quarterly fee for the mandated MasterCard Alerts system.
The MasterCard Alerts fee is based on a tiered pricing structure dependent on the total number of
accounts (open and blocked) reported by the principal/parent member ID/ICA number in their
Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) in the previous quarter. The tier and the accompanying
quarterly fees are provided below:
For additional information about the MasterCard Alerts product, please refer to Account Data
Compromise User Guide chapter 4.
This event bills a service fee to customers not licensed for the MasterCard Alerts product as
published in the Account Data Compromise User Guide. The fee is applied for each instance
where MasterCard must deliver information outside the MasterCard Alerts system.
This event bills acquirers reporting chargeback monitored merchants (CMM) in accordance with
the Excessive Chargeback Program. The rate billed is per CMM report submitted.
This event bills acquirers reporting excessive chargeback merchants (ECM) in accordance with the
Excessive Chargeback Program. The rate billed is per ECM report submitted.
This event bills the acquirer for late submission of reports for chargeback monitored merchants
(CMM) in accordance with the Excessive Chargeback Program.
This event bills the acquirer for late submission of reports for excessive chargeback merchants
(ECM) in accordance with the Excessive Chargeback Program.
492 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador Variable
This event bills the acquirer for exceeding the excessive chargeback merchant (ECM) thresholds
defined by the Excessive Chargeback Program.
This event bills the acquirer for exceeding the excessive chargeback merchant (ECM) thresholds
defined by the Excessive Chargeback Program. These assessments are reimbursed to the issuers.
This event credits issuers impacted by acquirer violations of the Excessive Chargeback Program.
This event bills the acquirer for exceeding the excessive chargeback merchant (ECM) thresholds
493 of 529
defined by the Excessive Chargeback Program for more than twelve (12) months.
This event bills for a Fraud Management Program (FMP) review to assess a member's or Member
Service Provider's ability to anticipate and protect against the risk inherent in new card issuing
programs and merchant acquiring programs. The FMP review also determines the effectiveness of
existing fraud loss controls and other risk reduction measures and assists members in identifying
specific areas where such measures may be inadequate.
This event bills for the questionnaire format Fraud Management Program (FMP) Level 1 new
member review. The rate billed is per review.
Note: FMP review fees are based on a review of either the issuer or the acquirer business.
For a dual review (one that examines both the issuer and the acquirer business) the fee is
This event bills for a Fraud Management Program (FMP) Level 4 consultative review initiated by
the member or Member Service Provider (MSP).
This event bills for a Fraud Management Program (FMP) Level 3 on-site member review initiated
by MasterCard.
Note: FMP review fees are based on a review of either the issuer or the acquirer business.
For a dual review (one that examines both the issuer and the acquirer business) the fee is
This event bills for a Fraud Management Program (FMP) Level 2 onsite Member Service Provider
(MSP) annual review. The rate billed is per issuer or acquirer review.
This event bills the issuer whose authorization request goes to Stand-In processing and triggers a
Stand-In Investigation Service (SIS) Attack fraud investigation. The rate billed is per incident up
to a maximum of three (3) bank identification numbers (BINs). If more than three (3) BINs of an
issuer are attacked in the same incident, billing will be in groups of three (3) plus any remainder.
For example, if seven BINs for the same issuer are attacked in the same incident, the issuer is
billed three times, once for the first three BINs, again for the next three BINs, and once more for
the remaining one BIN.
495 of 529
2SC1451 Stand-In Investigation Service Attack Follow-up SC
This event bills the issuer a daily fee until they respond to a Stand-In Investigation Service Attack
query. If more than three (3) bank identification numbers (BINs) of an issuer are attacked in the
same incident, billing will be in groups of three (3) plus any remainder.
For example, if seven BINs for the same issuer are attacked in the same incident, the issuer is
billed three times, once for the first three BINs, again for the next three BINs, and once more for
the remaining one BIN.
This event bills the issuer for setting up customized monitoring criteria of their authorization
requests going to Stand-In processing. The rate billed is per issuer request.
This event bills issuers a daily monitoring fee for customized monitoring of their authorization
requests going to Stand-In processing.
This event bills the issuer for authorization requests sent to Stand-In processing that trigger a
Stand-In Investigation Service (SIS) Warning fraud investigation. The rate billed is per incident. If
more than three (3) bank identification numbers (BINs) of an issuer are included in the same
incident, billing will be in groups of three (3) plus any remainder.
For example, if seven BINs for the same issuer are attacked in the same incident, the issuer is
496 of 529
billed three times, once for the first three BINs, again for the next three BINs, and once more for
the remaining one BIN.
This event bills the issuer a daily fee until they respond to a Stand-In Investigation Service (SIS)
Warning fraud investigation query. If more than three (3) bank identification numbers (BINs) of
an issuer are attacked in the same incident, billing will be in groups of three (3) plus any
For example, if seven BINs for the same issuer are attacked in the same incident, the issuer is
billed three times, once for the first three BINs, again for the next three BINs, and once more for
the remaining one BIN.
This event bills a noncompliance assessment for the failure to provide the required documentation
to MasterCard within 90 days of the date that MasterCard requested the documentation from the
Type 1 Third Party Processor (TPP) or for the failure to comply with the established compliance
due dates. MasterCard bills this noncompliance assessment each month until such documentation
is received or compliance is achieved.
This event bills each Type 1 Third Party Processor (TPP) the Type 1 TPP Evaluation annual fee.
497 of 529
Ecuador USD 50000.00
This event is an initial registration fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus® program,
a Maestro ® program, or both.
This event is an initial renewal fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus® program,
a Maestro ® program, or both.
This event bills an initial registration fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
498 of 529
2SC1827 Global Member Service Provider (MSP) Renewal Fees SC
This event bills an annual fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliate members) that has
renewed a Member Service Provider (MSP) to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
This event bills an initial renewal fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
This event bills an initial registration fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that
has registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus®
program, a Maestro ® program, or both.
499 of 529
Ecuador USD 5000.00
This event bills an initial renewal fee charged to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered a Third Party Provider (TPP) to provide Program Services in support of a Cirrus®
program, a Maestro ® program, or both.
This event bills a fee to support the operation of the System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (SAFE).
Parent or orphan, issuers pay this fee monthly based on the number of issued cards reported in
their Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaires. If no QMR data can be found, the
issuer will be billed the minimum fee. The fee is determined monthly. The fee is determined at the
ICA level but totaled and billed to the parent if the issuer has multiple ICA numbers. A cap
ensures that no parent-level issuer pays more than USD 1,000.00 each month.
This event bills a fee to support the operation of the System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (SAFE).
Parent or orphan, acquirers pay this fee monthly based on the number of merchants reported in
their Quarterly MasterCard Report (QMR) questionnaires. If no QMR data can be found, the
acquirer will be billed the minimum fee. This fee is determined monthly. The fee is determined at
the ICA level but totaled and billed to the parent if the acquirer has multiple ICA numbers. A cap
ensures that no parent-level or orphan acquirer pays more than USD 1,000.00 each month.
This event bills for travel and expenses incurred by MasterCard while performing an on-site Fraud
Management Program (FMP) review.
This event bills for correcting data in a transaction that received Return Code 24511—Transaction
and billing amounts differ by more than 10 percent. The rate billed is per correction.
This event bills customers for changes related to accuracy in the customers' SAFE data. If
MasterCard determines that an issuer reported a transaction to SAFE that includes data errors,
MasterCard will notify the issuer and allow the issuer 30 days to correct the error. MasterCard
may correct errors in SAFE and charge the issuer a minimum fee of USD 50.00 for changes made
to up to five transactions. For any additional transactions, MasterCard will apply a USD 10.00 per
transaction fee. If, however, the issuer corrects the error within the 30-day period, MasterCard
will not impose a fee.
This event bills a one time fee for a variance to deviate from MasterCard triple DES mandates.
2SC2520 RiskFinder Scoring SC
This event bills the issuer for using the RiskFinder scoring services.
This event bills the issuer for MasterCard Fraud Protection Center back office support in
monitoring the alerts produced by RiskFinder. Fees are based on the number of transactions
processed per month; minimums may apply.
2SC2525 RiskFinder Alerts SC
This event bills the issuer for using RiskFinder's case management tool, RiskFinder Alerts.
This event bills for the MasterCard Fraud Awareness Kit. The rate billed is per kit for quantities
of 1–25 kits.
This event bills for the MasterCard Fraud Awareness Kit. The rate billed is per kit for quantities
of 26–50 kits.
This event bills the shipping cost and a handling charge for each MasterCard Fraud Awareness
Kit order.
This event bills a one-time fee per installation for Expert Monitoring System (EMS)
implementation support, customization, and on-site training.
This event bills a yearly fee for the license and standard support of the Expert Monitoring System
(EMS). The usage fee for the current year is based on the volume of records classified by the
system the previous year.
This event bills the annual fee for the optional Expert Monitoring System (EMS) premium support
and maintenance service.
This event bills an initial registration fee to each principal (for itself or its affiliates) that has
registered an ISO Service Provider to provide Program Services in support of any of the
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
A MasterCard program
A MasterCard program and a Cirrus® program
A MasterCard program and a Maestro ® program
A MasterCard program, a Cirrus program, and a Maestro program
This event bills the monthly Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) mBlox per transaction fee.
This event bills the monthly account management fee for the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS)
mBlox service.
This event bills the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) Profiler implementation fee.
This event bills the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) Profiler yearly license fee.
This event bills for customized consultancy (for example, a system build-up or a feasibility study)
or training in relation to any of the Fraud Management Solutions services. The amount billed
includes a daily consultancy fee plus travel and expenses.
This event bills the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) implementation fee.
This event bills the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) yearly license fee.
506 of 529
2SC5432 Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) FraudTracker
Yearly License
This event bills the yearly license fee for Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) FraudTracker.
This event bills the yearly license fee for Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) Communicator.
This event bills the yearly license fee for the Dynamic Monitoring System (DMS) LiveTracker
This event bills a one-time fee for the installation and implementation of the Dynamic Monitoring
System (DMS) LiveTracker module.
507 of 529
2SC5505 Expert Monitoring System/iPrevent License Fee SC
This event bills the Expert Monitoring System (EMS)/iPrevent license fee.
This event bills the Expert Monitoring System (EMS)/iPrevent per transaction fee.
This event bills the Expert Monitoring System (EMS)/iPrevent annual maintenance and support
This event bills the Expert Monitoring System (EMS)/iPrevent consultancy fee.
This event bills issuers that use the Expert Monitoring System (EMS) for their access to central
hosted scoring and is applied per transaction scored.
This event bills the issuer a one-time fee for activation of the Expert Monitoring System (EMS)
Central service.
This event bills the issuer per transaction for access to the Case Management Tool for receiving
results from the Expert Monitoring System (EMS) Central Scoring service.
This event bills the issuer a call referral fee when MasterCard provides law enforcement
information about how to contact issuer security personnel with regard to a security issue.
509 of 529
2SC6001 Law Enforcement Call Referral—MasterCard Staff SC
This event bills the issuer a call referral fee when MasterCard staff provides law enforcement
information about how to contact issuer security personnel.
This event bills the issuer monthly on a sliding scale for each record received into the Automatic
Billing Updater (ABU) database.
Tier event ID TSC6600 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer the monthly minimum fee for records received into the Automatic
Billing Updater (ABU) database.
This event bills acquirers monthly for Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) database matches for
510 of 529
each of their merchants.
Tier event ID TSC6602 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills an issuer new to the Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) program a one-time flat
rate fee regardless of its portfolio size. The issuer must provide a one-time initial load of all active
accounts to the ABU Issuer Account Change Database to support the ABU Account Validation
This event bills the issuer an Issuer Domestic Switching Fee for each domestic Cirrus® ATM
511 of 529
transaction switched by the Single Message System. MasterCard collects this fee weekly through
the tiered event.
Tier event ID TCM399943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event assesses the Issuer Domestic Switching Fee for each domestic ATM transaction
completed with a Cirrus® card and switched by the Single Message System (formerly referred as
to the MasterCard® Debit Switch [MDS]). MasterCard assesses this fee weekly.
Tier event ID TCM399943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the issuer an Issuer Domestic Switching Fee for each domestic Maestro ® purchase
transaction switched by the Single Message System. MasterCard collects this fee weekly through
the tiered event.
512 of 529
Tier event ID TCM399943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event assesses the Issuer Domestic Switching Fee for each domestic purchase transaction
completed with a Maestro ® card and switched by the Single Message System (formerly referred
as to the MasterCard® Debit Switch [MDS]). MasterCard assesses this fee weekly through the
tiered event.
Tier event ID TCM399943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
This event bills the acquirer an Acquirer Domestic Switching Fee for each domestic Maestro ®
purchase transaction switched by the Single Message System. MasterCard collects this fee weekly
through the tiered event.
Tier event ID TCN399943 Progressive Tier rates apply for the following:
The Clearing 1740 Miscellaneous Collection service identifies miscellaneous items that need to be
billed directly to the customer's settlement account.
This event bills a noncompliance assessment for a rejected Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Tier event ID TSS1000 Flat Tier rates apply for the following:
MasterCard bills all events related to the Settlement Program through MCBS.
This event bills a monthly fee per ICA for participation in the MasterCard non-USD local
currency settlement program. MasterCard charges this fee to recover costs associated with the FX
transactions that are necessary to convert these exposures to base currency and compensate
MasterCard for the added risk.
This event bills a monthly fee for member settlement advisements sent via fax, email, or SWIFT
(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). The rate billed is per
advisement type and per destination that elects to receive the optional settlement advisement by
fax, email, or SWIFT. For example, a customer choosing to receive a Member Detail Advisement
and a Member Summary Advisement via two fax machines and one email address would be billed
for six advisements for a total of USD 1,440.00.
This event bills a monthly fee for transfer agent settlement advisements sent via fax, email, or
515 of 529
SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). The rate billed is per
advisement type and per destination that elects to receive the optional settlement advisement by
fax, email, or SWIFT. For example, a customer choosing to receive a Transfer Agent Detail
Advisement and a Transfer Agent Summary Advisement via two fax machines and one email
address would be billed for six advisements for a total of USD 1,440.00.
This event bills for account maintenance and bank service fees for the administration of local
daily net settlement. This fee is billed monthly per ICA per service to customers participating in
intracurrency settlement services.
This event bills for account maintenance and bank service fees for the administration of global
daily net settlement. This fee is billed monthly per ICA per service to customers participating in
U.S. dollar regional settlement services.
This event bills for account maintenance and bank service fees for the administration of global
daily net settlement. This fee is billed monthly per ICA per service to customers participating in
non-U.S. dollar regional settlement services.
516 of 529
2ST6119M Settlement Advisement Fee—eService ST
This event bills a monthly fee per ICA per recipient for net settlement advisements sent to
members via MasterCard eService.
This event bills a monthly fee per ICA per recipient for net settlement advisements sent to transfer
agents via MasterCard eService.
Cardholders may dial 1-800-MCASSIST to use this service. Issuers are billed for cardholder calls to
the MasterAssist telephone line.
2UG50011A Issuer Referral UG
This event bills the issuer for calls to the MasterCard Assistance Center requesting information
that MasterCard must obtain from the issuer (such as change of address information, increase of
credit line, or dispute of charges). The MasterCard Assistance Center refers the cardholder to the
issuer's customer service telephone number.
517 of 529
2UG50011I Issuer Referral UG
This event bills the issuer for calls to the MasterCard Assistance Center requesting information
that MasterCard must obtain from the issuer (such as change of address information, increase of
credit line, or dispute of charges). The MasterCard Assistance Center refers the cardholder to the
issuer's customer service telephone number.
2UG50012A Issuer Referral UG
This event bills the issuer for calls to the MasterCard Assistance Center requesting information
that MasterCard must obtain from the issuer (such as change of address information, increase of
credit line, or dispute of charges). The MasterCard Assistance Center refers the cardholder to the
issuer's customer service telephone number.
2UG50012I Issuer Referral UG
This event bills the issuer for calls to the MasterCard Assistance Center requesting information
that MasterCard must obtain from the issuer (such as change of address information, increase of
credit line, or dispute of charges). The MasterCard Assistance Center refers the cardholder to the
issuer's customer service telephone number.
2UG50013A Issuer Referral UG
This event bills the issuer for calls to the MasterCard Assistance Center requesting information
that MasterCard must obtain from the issuer (such as change of address information, increase of
credit line, or dispute of charges). The MasterCard Assistance Center refers the cardholder to the
issuer's customer service telephone number.
518 of 529
The following rates apply:
Customer Rate
Ecuador USD 7.75
2UG50013I Issuer Referral UG
This event bills the issuer for calls to the MasterCard Assistance Center requesting information
that MasterCard must obtain from the issuer (such as change of address information, increase of
credit line, or dispute of charges). The MasterCard Assistance Center refers the cardholder to the
issuer's customer service telephone number.
2UG50021A MasterAssist Calls UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, and MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ® and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2UG50021I MasterAssist Calls UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, and MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ® and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
519 of 529
2UG50022A MasterAssist Calls UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, and MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ® and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2UG50022I MasterAssist Calls UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, and MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ® and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2UG50023A MasterAssist Calls UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, and MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ® and
Public Sector Payment Solutions ® cardholders.
2UG50023I MasterAssist Calls UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for travel assistance, medical referral, or legal
referral information. These services are available to Gold® MasterCard card, Platinum®
MasterCard card, World® MasterCard card, and MasterCard Corporate Payment Solutions ® and
520 of 529
Public Sector Payment Solutions cardholders.
2UG50041A Literature Fulfillment UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2UG50041I Literature Fulfillment UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2UG50042A Literature Fulfillment UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2UG50042I Literature Fulfillment UG
521 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2UG50043A Literature Fulfillment UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2UG50043I Literature Fulfillment UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder requests for the appropriate MasterCard Guide to
Benefits documents. The MasterCard Assistance Center sends these documents to the cardholder
on request.
2UG50051A Insurance Services UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder calls pertaining to insurance programs, claim filings, and
claim follow-up for the core MasterCard insurance programs and other optional insurance
programs provided through MasterCard.
2UG50051I Insurance Services UG
522 of 529
This event bills the issuer for cardholder calls pertaining to insurance programs, claim filings, and
claim follow-up for the core MasterCard insurance programs and other optional insurance
programs provided through MasterCard.
2UG50052A Insurance Services UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder calls pertaining to insurance programs, claim filings, and
claim follow-up for the core MasterCard insurance programs and other optional insurance
programs provided through MasterCard.
2UG50052I Insurance Services UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder calls pertaining to insurance programs, claim filings, and
claim follow-up for the core MasterCard insurance programs and other optional insurance
programs provided through MasterCard.
2UG50053A Insurance Services UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder calls pertaining to insurance programs, claim filings, and
claim follow-up for the core MasterCard insurance programs and other optional insurance
programs provided through MasterCard.
523 of 529
2UG50053I Insurance Services UG
This event bills the issuer for cardholder calls pertaining to insurance programs, claim filings, and
claim follow-up for the core MasterCard insurance programs and other optional insurance
programs provided through MasterCard.
2UG50061A Promotions UG
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2UG50061I Promotions UG
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2UG50062A Promotions UG
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
524 of 529
2UG50062I Promotions UG
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2UG50063A Promotions UG
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
2UG50063I Promotions UG
This event bills the issuer when a cardholder places a call to the MasterCard Assistance Center
about a promotional MasterCard program.
This event bills the issuer for operator-assisted calls that provide cardholders with information to
find ATMs near their locations. The rate billed is per call.
This event bills the issuer for operator-assisted calls that provide cardholders with information to
find ATMs near their locations. The rate billed is per call.
This event bills customers per call for information provided via a suite of Web sites and a toll-
free automated voice recognition system that cardholders use to find ATMs near their locations.
2UG5099 Fixed Telecom UG
This event bills the issuer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
MasterAssist ATM—UT
The MasterAssist® ATM service is the ATM locator service fulfilled by the MasterAssist Call Center
and provided to cardholders.
526 of 529
Cardholders may call 1-800-MCASSIST to use this service. Issuers are billed for cardholder calls to
the MasterAssist telephone line.
This event bills customers per call for information provided via a suite of Web sites and a toll-
free automated voice recognition system that cardholders use to find ATMs near their locations.
This event bills customers for information provided via a suite of Web sites and a toll-free
automated voice recognition system that cardholders use to find ATMs near their locations. The
rate billed is per ATM location provided.
2UT5199 Fixed Telecom UT
This event bills the acquirer the telecom fees associated with providing general account/benefit
The MasterAssist® ATM Locator Internet service is the ATM locator service fulfilled from the
MasterCard Web site and provided to cardholders.
527 of 529
This event bills a marketing fee for each ATM Detail Page requested by the cardholder via a suite
of Web sites. Each page contains detailed information about the ATM including, in some cases,
maps, directions, and travel time to the ATM.
This event bills customers for information provided via a suite of Web sites and a toll-free
automated voice recognition system that cardholders use to find ATMs near their locations.
This event bills customers for information provided via a suite of Web sites and a toll-free
automated voice recognition system that cardholders use to find ATMs near their locations.
This event bills the principal acquirer a marketing fee for each owned ATM presented to the
cardholder over a Smartphone phone. The tiered fee is based on the number of ATMs presented to
the acquirer's cardholders in a given week.
Tier event ID TUG7300 Standard Tier rates apply for the following:
529 of 529