Jasrae Issue 4 Vol 16 211192
Jasrae Issue 4 Vol 16 211192
Jasrae Issue 4 Vol 16 211192
Internationally Indexed, Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Approved and Indexed by UGC
Abstract – According to Indian philosophy, the entire universe is created out of the conglomeration of the
sub-atomic particles which influence the five gross elements - earth, water, fire, air and space. All living
beings, animate or inanimate, come under this classification. So, life forms are created on the backdrop of
the gross elements. The five gross elements do inherently carry a link with the five human cognitive
organs. The nose carries an inherent relation with the earth, the tongue with the water, the eyes with the
fire, the touch with the air and finally, the ear with the space. Hence, a symbiotic relation between macro
and micro level environment is apparent in ancient Indian philosophical thought. ―These Five
Mahabhutas are cosmic elements which create, nurture and sustain all forms of life, and after death or
decay they absorb what was created earlier; thus they play an important role in preserving and
sustaining the environment‖
Environmental Protection in Ancient Indian Religion System
influences which affect the growth, development and and protects the earth. In Yajurveda, it has been
existence of a living being it means ' the mentioned that yajna be performed by offering butter
circumstances or conditions that surround or and firewood into the sacrificial fire so that it mixes in
organism or group organism,' or the complex of the atmosphere and makes the environment free
social or cultural condition that affect an individual or from impurities. It mentions about keeping the sky
community." clean and about praying to the water bodies as they
sustain life. The Samaveda like all other Vedas also
Literally Meaning: "The surroundings and recognizes the importance of maintenance of the
conditions under which man lives and works." Thus, seasons‘ cycles that are likely to get altered due to
the context of human beings, environment is the sum climate change owing to inappropriate human
of all social, economical, biological, physical or actions. In Atharvaveda, there is a clear concept of
chemical factors which constitute the surroundings of give and take which means that one can take from
man, who is both creator and molder to his own the earth and atmosphere only so much as one
environment. would give back to them. Many other things are also
highlighted in the Atharvaveda like purity of water,
According to section 2(a) of Environment (protection) protection of wild life and domestication of animals
Act, 1986 "Environment includes water, air and Land like cattle.
and the inter-relationship, which exists among and
between water, air and land and human beings, In ancient India, philosophers like Chanakya
other Living creatures, plants, micro-organism and emphasized on the importance of environment
property." protection. In his jurisprudence, the State wets
required to maintain forests, fines were imposed for
HISTORY OF INDIAN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW cutting trees and damaging forests, forest reserves
were for wild animals and they would be killed or
India has an ancient tradition of protecting the bound in outside the reserve forests when harmful.
environment. Most ancient texts teach us that it is the
Dharma of each individual in any society to protect ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS IN OTHER
nature. This is why people have always worshipped RELIGIONS IN INDIA
the objects of nature. Trees, water, land and animals
have an important mention in our ancient texts. The It is not only in ancient Hindu religion that
importance of environment protection in India can be environmental protection was given special
traced back to the period between 321 B.C. and 300 attention for the survival and well being of the
B.C. In Kautiiya‟s Arthashastra, great importance has mankind and other living organisms, but other
been laid on environment protection, and clear communities also laid emphasis on purity of
punishments have been prescribed on the basis of ecosystem and protection of environment.
the importance of various parts of a particular tree. Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and s am also
Manusmriti mentions about the optimum use of the preached for conservation of environment and
resources of nature and also prescribes different protection of ecosystem through their religious
punishment for causing injury to plants. tenets.
People in Vedic times regarded nature and the The Great King Ashok is known to have
environment in a holistic manner and revered each of relinquished the throne out of compassion for living
its constituents and entities by carefully preserving creatures and preached Ahimsa (non-violence). It
them. In Rigveda, it has been mentioned that there was perhaps the first ruler who opened veterinary
are five elements which give basis to life and these hospitals for the care and treatment of ailing
elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Space and Air. The animals and cattle and started nurseries for the
Rigveda makes a clear reference to the presence of care and protection of plants. He vigorously
a protective layer which we know now to be the
ozone layer that filters the harmful rays of the sun
Sonia* 1207
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education
Vol. 16, Issue No. 4, March-2019, ISSN 2230-7540
campaigned for plantation of trees on both side of must be maintained at all costs. Bible ordains man
the roads throughout his kingdom. not to exhaust natural resources by misuse as they
are immensely useful in maintaining ecological
Jainism: The followers of Jainism also abhored equilibrium and clear environment. The natural
killing of animals and plants as they were the natural resources are gift from God given to mankind for its
resources for supporting the human life. Like survival and therefore, they have to be preserved for
Buddhism, the Jainism also laid great emphasis on the survival of life on earth.
truth, non-violence and compassion for living
creatures including animals, birds, aquatics, worms A perusal of Hindu religious scriptures called the
and insects. They believed that plants and trees also Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis, Puranas, Ramayana,
had life and therefore, (destroying them was an act Mahabharata, Gita, mythological literature including
of violence which was against the principle of non- stories, social and moral codes, and political rules
violence. Every follower of Jainism was supposed to reveal I that the following were the general guiding
take fifteen vows such as Karma, Karmdan, Van principles to be observed by all in their daily life:
Karm, Sphotrik Karm, Nirlanchan Karm, Asotipasan
Karm etc. which were exclusively related to 1. Respect Nature.
protection of environment against any kind of
pollution. 2. Life in living is dependent on various
components of nature.
Sikhism: The religious tenets of Sikhism also
accepted that preservation of environment is one of 3. Keep harmony with nature.
the sacred duties of every follower of this religion.
There are references in holy religious discourse in 4. Protect natural environment.
Guru Nanak Bani about Joga and Jagat tracing
creation of world from natural resources of water, 5. Utilise natural resources only to satisfy the
fire, air, sky and God. It is analogues to the ancient needs of the people.
religious belief that human body is composed of
Panchatatva and any life without these elements 6. Presence of the divinity of nature in all
(Tatvas) cannot exist on the earth. Sikhism believes living and non-living objects.
that imminent spirit of God is present in nature. All
living creatures and human actions are guided by 7. Destruction of nature means destruction of
Almighty‘s wishes. It is therefore, an ardent duty of mankind.
every person to protect animals, plants, trees, rivers,
mountains which are the natural source for human 8. All must have compassion for animate
existence and life on earth. objects; for example, trees, animals, birds,
aquatic life, etc.
Islam: The followers of Islamic faith also believe in
peace with nature based on divine ethical principles 9. Air, water, land, sky, trees, animals are the
of mutual coexistence. It believes that human beings creation of God and He dwells in all of
must maintain a balance with nature and natural them. Therefore, to worship them is to
resources which are valuable gifts of nature which worship Him—the creator of the universe.
need to be preserved from destruction or spoliation.
Protection of environment against any kind of 10. Man, being one of the creations of God,
pollution has been a cardinal principle of Islamic has no special privilege or authority over
religious philosophy. It believes that Allah (God) has other creatures, on the other hand he has
created the earth and implanted therein mountains, more obligations and duties to protect and
hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, springs, forests, pastures, improve them.
plaits etc., wherein live human beings along with
animals, birds and thousands of other living 11. Ahimsa Parmo Dharmah (non-violence) is
creatures serving the mankind. Each of these has a the dharma of the highest order, one
function and role in maintenance of ecological should be non-violent towards animals,
balance. tree's, and other microorganisms alike.
Hinsa (violence) was considered as a sin.
According to Islamic concept of environmental
conservation, human beings are mere trustees of 12. Drought, fury of floods and storms, heavy
natural resources which they are supposed to rains, cloudbursts, light- ning, earthquakes,
preserve for the benefit of the society. volcanic eruptions, heavy tides is the
Environmental Protection in Ancient Indian Religion System
13. Purity of thought and expression, and There are mentions of ―panchvati‖ in ancient Indian
cleanliness of the environment around us text including famous epic Ramayana; a ―panch‖
should be observed. means ―five‖ and ―vati‖ means ―grove‖, meaning
thereby a grove consisting of five trees. Giving
14. All lives, human and non-human including importance to five kinds of trees, denotes a forest in
trees, are of equal value and all have the which there is abundance of those five kinds of trees.
same right to existence. It shows that the In Sanskrit literature, the most important of the five
principle of sanctity of life is clearly ingrained trees is ―vata‖ (banyan) tree. This tree represents the
in the Hindu religion. floor of sub-generating trees by turning its branches
into trunks and when they reach the soil, it starts
The oldest and simplest form of nature — worship taking roots and becomes a tree. It has great
finds expression in Vedic texts and more particularly medicinal value. Second tree is ―peepal‖ (ficus
in Rigveda. The origin of environmental science can religiosa) which is also mentioned in Sanskrit
be seen long back in the Vedic and ancient Sanskrit literature. It also has medicinal value as mentioned in
literature. Vedic view on environment is well-defined Atharvaveda. Other three mentioned in olden
in one verse of the Atharvaveda where three literature are ―ashoka‖ (polyalthia longifolia), ―bael‖
coverings of our surroundings are referred as (aegle marmelos) and ―harad‖ (myrobalan
Chandamsi: terminalia chebula). But nowadays they are named
as Amla, Neem, Tulsi. But one thing is common
Wise utilise three elements variously which are that these all have great medicinal value and keep
varied, visible and full of qualities. These are water, people hale and hearty.
air and plants or herbs. They exist in the world from
the very beginning. They are called as Chandamsi Many verses in the Rigveda and Atharvaveda have
meaning coverings available everywhere. been devoted to the praise of Lord Surya (sun),
Vayu Devta (Lord of the winds), Agni Devta (God of
It proves the knowledge of Vedic seers about the fire), Varuna Devta (God of water), Prithvi Mata
basic elements of environment. (Mother Earth), Vanya Devi (Goddess of forests),
etc. Therefore, cutting of trees, polluting air, water,
"According to one indigenous theory established in land were regarded as sins as elements of nature
the Upanishads, the universe consists of five basic were to be respected and regarded as Gods and
elements, viz.1) earth or land, 2) water, 3) light or Goddesses. Protection of their purity and
luster 4) air, and 5) ether. The nature has maintained wholesomeness was considered to be the duty of
a status of balance between and among these everyone. Hindu society did not consider it proper
constituents or elements and living creatures. A even to throw dust on a public path (highway).
1 1 1
disturbance in percentage of any constituent of the Rigveda , Manusmriti and Charaka Samhita have
environment beyond certain limits disturbs the emphasised on the purity of water and healing and
natural balance, and any change in the natural medicinal value of water. Because of these
balance causes lots of problems to the living injunctions a system of Maryada (code of conduct)
creatures in the universe. The relation of human developed in Indian society to keep water clean
beings with the environment is very natural as he and wholesome,
cannot live without it. Rigvedic hymns are devoted to
natural forces and they have been identified with Similarly, trees and plants have been regarded as
deities. In these hymns, we find prayers for certain indispensable in the life of human beings. They
natural elements such as air, water, earth, sun, rain, have been considered as revered, bestow- ers of
dawn, etc. good and protectors from evil with a concept of
God living in them. Trees and plants are
In Rigveda, one Aranyani Sukta is addressed to the considered as the abode of various Gods and
deity of forest and Oshadhi Sukta cautioned that Goddesses. This sense of worship has also a
they should not be destroyed. Rigveda background of utility and spiritfulness. The Rigveda
acknowledged air (vayu) as one of deities and devoted an entire hymn to the praise of healing
mentioned that ―Let wind blow in the form of properties of trees. Some of the names of trees
medicine and bring me welfare and happiness‖ and associated with Gods and Goddesses are given in
that it has medicinal value. Animals and birds have Table:
also been accepted as part of nature and
environment. It has also been warned that animals
should be safe, protected and healthy. The
Atharvaveda talks about the relation of plants with
earth, ―The earth is keeper of creation, container of
Sonia* 1209
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education
Vol. 16, Issue No. 4, March-2019, ISSN 2230-7540
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