National Parks

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Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

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Does local Natural Capital Accounting deliver useful policy and

management information? A case study of Dartmoor and Exmoor
National Parks
Michela Faccioli a, b, *, Sara Zonneveld b, c, Charles R. Tyler c, Brett Day b
School of International Studies & Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento, via Inama 5, 38122, Trento, Italy
Land, Environment, Economics and Policy (LEEP) Institute, Economics Department, Business School, University of Exeter (UK) Xfi Building, Rennes Drive, EX4 4PU,
Exeter, UK
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Biosciences, University of Exeter, Geoffrey Pope Building, Stocker Road, EX4 4QD, Exeter, UK


JEL classification: Natural capital accounting provides a systematic framework through which to quantify the benefits of natural
M48 assets. National-scale applications have demonstrated the feasibility of developing such accounts and their value
Government Policy and Regulation as a tool to support environmental policy and management decisions. Building on that success, there have been
increasing calls for sub-national organisations (for example, protected area authorities and water companies) to
Valuation of Environmental Effects
develop their own natural capital accounts. As we document in this paper, recent efforts by local organisations in
Environment and Development the UK to produce such accounts have tended to rely on a set of ‘standard practice’ methods, many borrowed
Environment and Trade directly from national natural capital accounting exercises. In this paper, we review those methods and apply
Sustainability them in producing natural capital accounts for two UK National Parks. Working with the National Park Au­
Environmental Accounts and Accounting thorities, we critically assess the usefulness of those accounts to inform local land management. On account of
Environmental Equity data gaps and significant sensitivity to methodological assumptions, our research shows that these local accounts
Population Growth are considered of limited practical use for land management decision making at a local scale. Through specific
Keywords: illustrative examples, we show that natural capital accounts for local decision-making can be improved through:
Environmental accounts the inclusion of fit-for-purpose data and valuation methods, the consideration of uncertainties, and the incor­
Local scale
poration of ecological information and spatial aspects. We also highlight the need for the development of both
‘Standard practice’
standardised guidelines and readily-available tools to quantify and value ecosystem services.
Critical assessment
Environmental policy and management
National parks

1. Introduction decision- and policy-making (Hanley and Barbier, 2009). In turn, the
social welfare benefits of preserving nature are largely overlooked and
Natural capital – the habitats and ecosystems that underpin our the social costs of exploiting natural resources are insufficiently
natural environment – provides numerous goods and services (e.g. food, considered (Atkinson et al., 2018).
timber, clean air and water, recreational opportunities, etc.) that are of The costs of environmental degradation and the benefits of envi­
great value to society (Guerry et al., 2015; Costanza et al., 2017). In­ ronmental protection can be made more visible by developing natural
formation on the values of these ecosystem services is, however, not capital accounts. Natural capital accounts record changes in the extent
readily available because most are not exchanged in markets and do not and condition of natural assets over time and measure the resulting
command a price that signals their economic importance. The absence of variation in the flow of ecosystem services they provide. This allows for
estimates of the economic importance of most ecosystem services im­ the valuation of the costs of environmental losses and the benefits of
plies that the value of nature to society is routinely underestimated in environmental conservation or enhancement (Dickie and Neupauer,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Faccioli), (S. Zonneveld), (C.R. Tyler),
(B. Day).
Received 2 October 2021; Received in revised form 30 April 2022; Accepted 11 September 2022
Available online 12 December 2022
0301-4797/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

2019), frequently quantified in monetary terms to enable comparison scale applications, however, to date little attention has been devoted to
with other market costs and benefits (Boyd et al., 2018). understanding the extent to which these approaches are appropriate at a
Within the field of natural capital accounting, initiatives to date have local scale (Natural Capital Committee, 2019; Dickie and Neupauer,
focused primarily on the development of national scale accounts. The 2019; Barker, 2019).
United Nations (through the System of Environmental Economic Ac­ Methods used for national natural capital accounting may, in fact,
counting, SEEA; UN, 2014a, 2014b) and the World Bank (through the not be appropriate or even feasible at the local scale. Difficulties may
Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services partner­ arise immediately due to the lack of suitable data, expertise and/or re­
ship, WAVES1) have created a suite of international standards and rules sources to comprehensively monitor natural capital and ecosystem ser­
for the design of natural capital accounts and, following these standards, vice flows. Scaled-down for local accounting applications, these
numerous countries (e.g. the UK, the Netherlands, China, Costa Rica) approaches may deliver only superficial, even highly-misleading as­
have built their own nationwide natural capital accounts (Bright et al., sessments if location-specific issues are overlooked. As a result, local
2019; Hein et al., 2020; Horlings et al., 2020). More recently (e.g. natural capital accounting assessments following international or na­
through the Natural Capital Protocol initiative; Natural Capital Coali­ tional guidelines and methods may be inaccurate, incomplete or biased.
tion, 2016), natural capital accounting has also been promoted at local To address the above research gaps, in this paper we critically assess
scale – at the level of businesses, NGOs or governmental departments the advantages and limitations of the methodologies currently used in
who own and/or manage environmental assets at sub-national or local natural capital accounting. To achieve this, we:
organisational scale (Agarwala et al., 2014). This is important as these
local and regional businesses and organisations play a crucial role in the • review recent natural capital accounting efforts, scoping and pilot
management and preservation of natural resources and hence in the case studies developed with, or for, organisations which are heavily
delivery of ecosystem services.2 involved in the conservation or management of the environment.
Natural capital accounting at local or organisational level can fulfil • replicate the approaches of the reviewed studies and produce natural
many purposes. For example, it can “document an organisation’s owner­ capital accounts for two UK National Parks: Dartmoor and Exmoor,
ship, liability and assets related to natural capital” (Provins et al., 2015) located in southwest England.
and it can help balance competing priorities and identify opportunities • then test the sensitivity of the accounts to the use of different data
to enhance ecosystem functioning. It can also promote awareness about sources and methodologies, and
the importance of natural capital and the interdependencies between the • draw conclusions regarding the informativeness of the accounts for
environment and people. Offering a systematic framework to monitor management purposes, by highlighting ways in which the overall
and assess changes in natural capital over time, natural capital accounts accuracy and usefulness of the accounts may be improved.
can also help identify trade-offs between different land uses and/or
ecosystem services. These tools can also be used to provide evidence 2. Methodology
regarding the importance and value of given natural assets or ecosystem
services that might be used to influence policy and funding decisions 2.1. Natural capital accounting in theory
(Bright et al., 2019).
Developing natural capital accounts at the local scale has been Natural capital accounting finds its origins in the natural capital
particularly encouraged in the UK for protected areas, such as National approach - a way of thinking about nature as a production system that
Parks, because these organisations own or manage significant habitats, provides humans with flows of valuable goods and services
and thus are key in achieving national or international conservation (Özdemiroğlu, 2019). The core focus of the natural capital approach has
goals (Brown et al., 2016; Natural Capital Committee, 2018 3). So far been in the field of project and policy appraisal. For clarity, we here
only a small number of natural capital accounting studies have been explain the key differences between natural capital appraisal and nat­
conducted for protected areas, most of them in the UK (e.g. White et al., ural capital accounting. In a natural capital appraisal setting, the task is
2015; Sunderland et al., 2019) with a few other examples in other to evaluate the environmental impacts of a project or policy; or, in the
countries (e.g. UNEP-WCMC, 2016; Franzese et al., 2017; Vassallo et al., language of the natural capital approach, to identify the impacts of the
2017; Paoli et al., 2018; Sutton et al., 2019). policy or project on natural capital and evaluate the changes in flows of
Many protected area management organisations (including National ecosystem services that arise as a consequence. This appraisal frame­
Park Authorities and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty partnerships), work progresses in four core steps:
however, struggle with the task of producing natural capital accounts.
This is mainly due to a lack of both resources and clear methodological 1. Establish the changes in the extent and condition of the natural
guidance to quantify the environmental assets that these organisations capital assets or stocks (i.e. the living and non-living components of
own or manage and value the ecosystem services that these assets pro­ the natural environment) that could be associated with or have
vide. In most cases, local natural capital accounting efforts (e.g. White resulted from a given environmental policy (Barbier, 2019).
et al., 2015) have adapted existing methods, primarily developed for 2. Map the pathways through which changes in natural capital result in
accounting at international and national scale; for example, methods changes in the flows of ecosystem goods and services (Dickie and
suggested in the SEEA Central Framework and the SEEA Experimental Neupauer, 2019).
Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EEA). Despite the growing number of local 3. Estimate the economic surplus generated by the identified changes in
the provision of ecosystem goods and services.
4. Use the information obtained from steps 1 to 3 to inform decision-
making, e.g. to design policies and management practices to
1 enhance natural capital and maximise the delivery of ecosystem
An illustrative example of this is water companies in the UK who are goods and services.
increasingly requested to incorporate natural capital accounting in their busi­
ness plans to ensure that organisational activities deliver environmental im­
There are two key things to note about this natural capital approach
provements that benefit society (Ofwat, 2019).
In its 2018 annual report, the Natural Capital Committee stated that “Eng­ to project and policy appraisal. First, the fact that the approach concerns
land’s National Parks contain very significant natural capital, and their powers and itself with ‘changes’; that is to say, appraisal is about understanding how
duties should be extended to support the objectives of the 25 Year Environment Plan some particular (or anticipated) change in natural capital arising from
… Where practical, each National Park should quantify and value the main natural the policy or project influences the flows of environmental goods and
capital assets in its area”. services enjoyed by society. Second, this approach is essentially an

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

extension of social cost-benefit analysis and follows the long-established the relative magnitude of the value generated by the different natural
rules of that appraisal method. For our purposes, the most important of capital stocks and how natural capital (and the related flow of goods and
those is that changes arising from an intervention are evaluated in terms services) varies over time.
of their impact on ‘economic surplus’.4 Accordingly, the natural capital Natural capital accounts consist of a series of interconnected and
approach to appraisal proceeds through first quantifying changes in structured accounts, including non-monetary (physical) stock (or asset)
flows of ecosystem services in biophysical units and metrics (e.g. tonnes accounts, non-monetary (physical) ecosystem service (or flow) accounts,
of CO2 sequestered by trees), and then converting those into measures of and monetary accounts (ONS, 2017). Typically, the development of a
economic surplus, usually through the application of techniques of non- natural capital account begins with the categorisation of natural capital
market valuation (for an overview, see Champ et al., 2003). This stocks, often using land cover classes as a proxy for different stocks.
approach allows decision makers to assess the relative merits of a pro­ Where possible, information on the condition of the natural capital
posed policy or project through presenting a comprehensive measure of stocks can also be included, since this may affect the capacity of natural
the associated environmental benefits and costs. capital to deliver ecosystem services. Biophysical information on the
While derived from the same fundamental idea (that natural capital extent and condition of natural capital stocks is usually summarised in
delivers value to society), natural capital accounting uses a methodology non-monetary stock or asset accounts. Non-monetary flow or service
distinct from social cost-benefit analysis. Natural capital accounts were accounts record information on the flow of ecosystem goods and services
originally conceived to expand the boundaries of the System of National provided by the identified stock of natural capital over a certain time
Accounts (SNA) to provide a more complete picture of the economic period (typically one year). Monetary accounts record information
wealth of nations. In the SNA the value of a nation’s capital stock is about the value (in monetary terms) of the benefits provided by
evaluated by first establishing the quantity of each different type of stock ecosystem services over time. Two types of monetary accounts can be
(e.g. buildings, the machinery used in factories, infrastructure like produced: flow accounts, focusing on the value of the ecosystem services
highways and ports, etc.) and then valuing those quantities at their provided by natural capital, typically over the period of one year; and
market prices.5 Roughly speaking, the purpose is to provide a snapshot stock accounts, focusing on the value of natural capital stocks, measured
of the state of a nation’s current stock of capital, valuing that stock at as the net present value of the flow of ecosystem goods and services that
market prices. Efforts to extend the SNA to include natural capital stocks are expected to be provided by that stock over its asset life.
(for example, the SEEA EEA) have sought to adhere to the same core
accounting rules. A challenge here is to establish market prices for 2.2. Local natural capital accounting in practice
natural capitals that are not traded in markets. This challenge has been
met by the development of methods to estimate per unit ‘exchange Only recently have efforts been made to develop natural capital ac­
values’; that is to say, an estimate of the payments that might change counts at the local level. In the UK, those initiatives have progressively
hands if natural capital were freely traded on a market (Obst et al., 2016; settled on a common set of approaches that have become ‘standard
Barton et al., 2019a; Fenichel and Hashida, 2019). practice’. In general, these ‘standard practices’ are approaches adapted
Accordingly, natural capital accounting differs from natural capital from those used in national-scale accounting exercises. The purpose of
appraisal in two fundamental ways: this paper is to examine those practices and assess the degree to which
they deliver outputs that appropriately capture the accounting value of
• First, natural capital accounting examines the value flow from the natural capital at a local scale and deliver information that meets the
current stock and not, as is the case with appraisal, with some policy- expectations of the organisations and land managers being tasked with
driven change in the levels of stocks. producing those accounts.
• Second, it values natural capital using estimates of exchange values Our assessment of the ‘standard practice’ approaches (see Section
and not, as in the case with appraisal, using estimates of economic 3.1) indicates that these tend to rely on the use of simplified method­
surplus.6 ologies and readily available datasets on natural assets (e.g. national
land cover datasets) and ecosystem services (e.g. literature on carbon
Natural capital accounts, therefore, provide a very different form of storage by habitat type). Valuation is invariably achieved through
informational input to decision makers and are essentially a monitoring multiplication by simple per unit values. Moreover, the unit values used
tool, as summarised in the Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) are often derived from studies measuring economic surplus rather than
guidance (Defra, 2021). When compiled at temporal intervals, they exchange values (Dickie and Neupauer, 2019). This “value × quantity”
provide a means through which decision-makers can observe the accu­ multiplicative approach has some clear strengths. It greatly simplifies
mulated impact of management decisions on natural capital stocks over the process of developing natural capital accounts and, by relying on
time. In addition, natural capital accounts provide a way to understand readily available data, minimises the informational resources needed for
accounting purposes. However, there are some key limitations and dif­
ficulties that need to be considered.
4 Often a “one-size-fits-all” approach, as arises from the application of
Put simply, economic surplus is a monetary measure of the benefits that
individuals derive, in this case, from flows of ecosystem services. Economic the ‘standard practices’, is neither appropriate nor generalizable, as
surplus is measured as the difference between the maximum amount that an natural capital assets have different characteristics and the ecosystem
individual would pay for that service (their willingness to pay) and the amount service flows they deliver depend critically on their specific spatial and
that they have to pay for it (for a market good, this would be its market price). ecological context. In addition, whilst potentially appropriate for a
More formally the SNA uses what it terms ‘exchange values’, or estimates of national-scale assessment, readily available datasets may not provide
the money changing hands in the trading of a good or service in an ‘arm’s the level of detail needed to suitably inform management decisions at
length’ transaction. The SNA generally takes market prices as exchange values local scales.
with a few exceptions particularly where market prices are difficult to observe. This paper aims to critically assess the advantages and limitations of
In those cases, exchange values may be estimated using alternative methods
applying ‘standard practice’ approaches to develop natural capital ac­
such as replacement costs, value transfer, etc. (Obst et al., 2016).
6 counts at the scale of protected areas and, for this purpose, we consider
To be clear, the measure of value provided by market prices (or exchange
values) and that provided by economic surplus are quite different things, as
Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks in the UK as case studies.
explained in footnotes 4 and 5. The economic surplus measure of value,
therefore, may bear little or no resemblance to the price measure of value; 2.3. The case study areas: Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks
economic surplus may be high when prices are low, it may be low when prices
are high or any other combination. Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks, two of fifteen National Parks

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

within the UK, are located in the South West of England. Both National produced natural capital accounts could meet the initial stakeholder
Parks were designated in the 1950s to promote the conservation and aspirations regarding the usefulness of these tools.
enhancement of natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage, as well as The second step involved the review of UK applications of local
to offer opportunities to the public to understand and enjoy the Parks’ natural capital accounting (listed in Appendix A1) and the identification
special qualities. of the ‘standard practice’ approaches used in those studies. The aim of
Dartmoor and Exmoor are diverse environments, characterised by a this step was to understand which methodologies, datasets and quanti­
mosaic of natural and anthropogenically-modified landscapes, subject to tative estimates are generally used for local-scale natural capital ac­
numerous human-induced pressures including: agriculture, urbanisa­ counting and could be applied to our case study areas. In particular, we
tion, population growth and climate change. Both National Parks collected information on: 1) the natural capital stocks and underpinning
encompass a variety of different land covers and host a diverse array of datasets for stock quantification (i.e. in most cases, stock classes were
native wildlife species. The parks include (semi-)natural ancient wood­ identified based on publicly available land cover datasets, such as the
lands and Rhos pasture (species-rich, marshy habitat with rushes and Land Cover Map (LCM) data, compiled by the Centre for Ecology and
purple moor-grass) and they have cultural heritage landscapes, con­ Hydrology (CEH) in the UK)8; 2) the ecosystem goods and service flows
sisting of a variety of historic settlements, buildings and archaeological typically considered and the data used to quantify these flows; and 3) the
features. As such, both Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks provide a valuation methodology and values used. In several cases, multiple
variety of ecosystem services of value to people and society – including methods were available to quantify the ecosystem services and values. In
recreational opportunities, water supply and carbon sequestration. such instances, the most plausible and practical approaches were
The two National Parks, however, also differ in specific character­ selected, based on the robustness of scientific information (well-estab­
istics. Exmoor features a long stretch of coastline with a gentle undu­ lished evidence based on ecological and environmental economics’
lating landscape. Dartmoor, in contrast, is land-locked and has a literature), local relevance (i.e. applicability to Dartmoor and Exmoor
somewhat harsher landscape with less woodland. Its characteristic fea­ habitats) and feasibility (e.g. the underpinning data being publicly
tures include extensive upland peat bogs, granite outcrops (or Tors) and available).
extensive Bronze Age archaeological remains. The third step involved the gathering of the necessary data on nat­
ural capital assets, ecosystem goods and services and valuation esti­
mates, in order to replicate the ‘standard practice’ approaches for our
2.4. Producing local natural capital accounts and assessing their case study areas. The selected approaches and datasets used in our
usefulness project, as well as in the source scoping studies, are reported in Tables 1
and 2. Information on natural capital stocks was obtained from the CEH
To critically assess the advantages and limitations of applying LCM data. Additionally, for Dartmoor, these data were complemented,
‘standard practice’ approaches to develop natural capital accounts at the as requested by the National Park Authority, with local information
scale of protected areas, we followed a series of steps, summarised in owned by the National Park Authority on ecologically-relevant habitats
Fig. 1. (i.e. Rhos pasture and Dry Grassland). We summarise the main steps
The first step consisted of holding a structured group discussion (in a taken to collect and adjust these data in Appendix A2.
workshop setting) with key senior staff members from both National Following ‘standard practice’ methodologies, step four involved
Park Authorities to identify their expectations regarding the use of using all collected data to produce natural capital flow accounts for
natural capital accounts to inform decision-making. Discussions, which Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks’ for the year 2015.9
took place in January 2019, were structured around a list of common Step five focused on assessing some of the limitations of, and po­
aspirations regarding the usefulness of natural capital accounting (along tential improvements to, the ‘standard practice’ local natural capital
the lines mentioned in the Introduction) and specific management am­ accounting approach employed to produce the accounts. We conducted
bitions, as informed by the National Park Authorities’ Management several tests to establish the sensitivity of the account to alternative
Plans (i.e. Dartmoor National Park State of the Park Report, 2017; and approaches for quantifying natural assets, flows of ecosystem services
Exmoor National Park State of the Park Report, 20177). The purpose of and values (based on the reviewed scoping studies, the academic liter­
this first step was to allow a subsequent assessment of whether the ature or alternative available datasets).
The final step, step six, consisted of critically assessing the usefulness
of natural capital accounts for the management of the National Parks.
The draft accounts were presented to the Chief Executives and other key
staff of Dartmoor and Exmoor National Park Authorities, and the merits
and limitations of the produced accounts were discussed in a workshop
setting. The discussion was focused on understanding whether the pro­
duced natural capital accounts met the initial aspirations (identified in
step 1).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Case study replication of ‘standard practice’ natural capital


Following the methodology outlined in step 2 of Fig. 1, we identified

Fig. 1. Summary of the key methodological steps followed.

The CEH Land Cover Map data are satellite-derived data on the UK land
cover classes (from grassland, woodland, fresh water to urban and sub-urban
Available at: build-up areas). These data are available from:
/81462/State-of-the-Park-2017-WEB.pdf and https://www.exmoor-nationalp -land-cover-maps.
9 2015 was selected because it represented the most recent year (at the time
or-Partnership-Plan-consultation.pdf respectively). of the project) for which Land Cover Map data were released for the UK.

M. Faccioli et al.
Table 1
List of approaches used to quantify the flows of ecosystem services provided by natural assets (based on the review of ‘standard practice’ approaches).
Ecosystem Quantification Approach Comments Reviewed Alternatives available from
good/service report(s) reviewed reports?
using this

Recreation Number of visitors/hectare/year. STEAM visitor models* were used to obtain estimates *For Dartmoor, we used information on visitor numbers D Yes (Monitor of Engagement
(outdoor Obtained from Dartmoor and Exmoor reports using of visitors. Visitor surveys were used to extract the obtained from the ORVal model (calibrated for Dartmoor with the Natural Environment
visits) the same approach as in the reviewed natural proportion of visits related to the natural National Park in a previous project) as these estimates (MENE) data)
capital accounting studies. environment. were deemed more reliable. To extract environment-
related visitor numbers for Dartmoor and Exmoor, we
applied a figure from Exmoor visitor survey showing that
85% of visitors have “landscape/scenery” as primary
reason for their trip. Similar data was not available for
Dartmoor. Resulting estimate of visitors interested in
nature/hectare/year are 69 for Dartmoor and 18 for

Wild food – Defra report on protected areas (White et al., 2015 Whilst in theory replicable, this approach requires data D No
(D)) used data on number of game/deer extracted in on game and deer numbers extracted within the National
each protected area Park boundaries each year. Such information was not

Carbon Tonnes of CO2/CO2e sequestered/ha/year. Carbon sequestration rates based on published studies Estimates of carbon sequestration were obtained from All Yes (Different rates of carbon
sequestration Broadleaved woodland: 10.71 of sequestration of different habitat types the report of the RSPB (2017) (R), which provides sequestration available,
Coniferous woodland: 17.51 information on sequestration rates based on a considering different
Open water: -5.4 comprehensive literature review across a wide range of greenhouse gases, vegetation
Bog: NA habitat types. Sequestration rates for bogs are unknown, types, etc.)
Heather grassland: 1.61 as sequestration is highly dependent on bog condition,
Heather: 3.45 for which information was unavailable. Data on

Improved grassland: NA improved grassland was unavailable from the reviewed

Acid/calcareous grassland: 1.61 reports. Data on littoral sediment was unavailable from
Fen/Marsh/Swamp: 3.91 the RSPB study and estimates from the ONS coastal
Species-rich dry grassland: 1.61 margin scoping study (O) were used instead.
Rhos pasture/neutral grassland: 1.55
Arable: -18.65
Saltmarsh: 4.2
Supralittoral sediment: 1.14

Timber m3 of overbark harvested/year/ha Timber production was estimated by dividing total UK – D,E No
Broadleaved woodland: 0.5 production of softwood and hardwood (Forestry
Coniferous woodland: 7.4 Commission data) by total UK area of coniferous and

Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

broadleaved woodland.

Livestock Numbers of livestock. Data on number of livestock was obtained from Defra Whilst livestock numbers could be obtained from Defra D No
Not available from reviewed reports, but obtained surveys. Livestock yield information was obtained surveys for Dartmoor and Exmoor, information on
for the National Parks from Defra data from other sources to provide estimate of annual livestock yield could not be located. Therefore, only
production of livestock. More details available upon “total livestock numbers” within the National Park could
request from the authors. be estimated. This does not take into account that some
animals take multiple years to mature, and some animals
are used only as breeding stock and not sold. The
estimates provided for Dartmoor and Exmoor therefore
represent the total livestock in the park, not an annual
value flow, and estimates are therefore inflated.

Crops Tonnes of yield/ha/year for various crop types Obtained from Defra agricultural datasets Regional yield data were available for oats, oilseed rape, D,N No
oats: 6 (“Agriculture in the United Kingdom”, “Cereal spring barley, winter barley, wheat. For those crops,
oilseed rape: 3.7 production survey” and “oilseed rape survey”) figures for the southwest of the UK were used.
spring barley: 5.5

(continued on next page)

M. Faccioli et al.
Table 1 (continued )
Ecosystem Quantification Approach Comments Reviewed Alternatives available from
good/service report(s) reviewed reports?
using this

winter barley: 7.1

wheat: 8.1
linseed: 1.5
sugar beet: 60.7
Peas & beans: 2.4
Potatoes (early): 15
Potatoes (main crop): 33

Drinking water – In the Defra study for protected areas (White et al., Estimates of water extraction volumes in the National D No
2015 (D)), data were used on annual m3 of freshwater Parks could not be obtained within the timeframe of this
extracted from surface and ground within the area of project. However, the approach outlined here could be
interest. replicated easily for the National Parks should extraction
data become available.

Air quality kg of absorbed PM10/ha/year The ONS scoping study on air quality (O) shows Pollutants other than PM10 could also be considered. O Yes (alternative estimates
purification Woodland: 11.91 pollutants captured by broad UK habitat type. The available for other pollutants)
Bog: NA estimates (per hectare) displayed here were obtained
Heather grassland: 0.64 by dividing figures on total pollution by the extent of
Heather: 0.42 each UK habitat type.
Improved grassland: 0.24
Semi-natural grassland: 0.46
Arable: 0.27
Coastal margins: 0.67

Minerals – Generally not considered by the reviewed natural capital – No

accounting studies

Plants and – Generally not considered by the reviewed natural capital – No

seeds accounting studies

Wildlife – No current developed methodology for incorporating – No

wildlife into natural capital accounts

Pollination Proportion of crop production (and agricultural Using worldwide coefficients of pollinator For oilseed rape and peas, pollinator dependencies could N No
value) dependent on pollinators dependence not be quantified as these depend on a variety of factors.
Beans: 0.25 Pollinator dependence was reported in a Nene Valley
Linseed: 0.05 study (N), but not all crops of interest were included.

Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Oats, Barley, Wheat, Sugar Beet and Potatoes are all not
pollinator dependent.

Flood – No methodology for quantifying links between assets A woodland study by Eftec (E) quantified the amount of – No
protection and levels of flood protection woodland positioned in/upstream from flood risk zones.
An ONS study (O) on coastal areas provided an estimate
for wetland flood protection, but no data based on which
to estimate extent of flood protective wetlands in Exmoor
(our only case study area with coastline).

Volunteering Number of volunteer hours per year. Data on the number of hours of volunteering work For Dartmoor and Exmoor, obtained from in-house data R No
Obtained from Dartmoor and Exmoor National within the area of interest
Parks’ reports using the same approach as in the
reviewed natural capital accounting studies.

Notes: D = Defra natural capital accounting study for protected areas (White et al., 2015); R = accounts for RSPB estates (RSPB, 2017); E = Eftec woodland natural capital account for the UK (Cryle et al., 2015); N = Nene
Valley report (Rouquette, 2016); O = ONS studies (air quality, valuing flood regulation and valuing coastal areas) (Jones et al., 2017; Smithers et al., 2016; Ricardo Energy and Environment, 2016; ONS, 2016).
M. Faccioli et al.
Table 2
List of the economic valuation assumptions employed (based on the review of current approaches).
Ecosystem Value (2015£) Valuation Approach Comment Reviewed Alternatives available?
good/service report(s) using
this approach

Recreation Woodlands: £3.61/visit Meta-analysis of valuation The values per visit were taken from Sen et al. (2014). all No
(outdoor River, lake or canal: £1.96/visit studies That study is a meta-analysis based on approximately 300
visits) Mountains, moors, heathlands: £5.43/visit estimates of the value of recreational visits to different
Semi-natural grassland: £1.67/visit habitats. Reviewed studies drew on a mix of stated and
Enclosed farmland: £1.67/visit revealed preference studies providing willingness to pay
Coastal: £4.28/visit information.

Wild food – – Wild food, game and fish were not included in the natural D No
capital accounts developed for Dartmoor and Exmoor due
to insufficient information being available on the
quantification of this ecosystem good/service.

Carbon £62.39/tonne of CO2e sequestered Abatement cost approach The value of carbon sequestration is based on DECC non- all No
sequestration traded carbon prices (central estimate) for 2015. This is a
standard approach employed by the reviewed reports.

Timber £14.74/m3 standing hardwood Literature review For softwood timber production, standing price per cubic D Yes (less conservative estimates
£14.07/m3 overbark softwood Resource rent, approximated meter of overbark (or stumpage price) is used (Forestry E available)
by using the UK Forestry Commission data). In the absence of equivalent prices for
Commission sale prices of hardwood, information was extracted from a review of
harvested timber the literature

Livestock Dairy cows: £1021.44/cow Resource rent approach (farm The Defra report (D) used market prices for livestock and D Yes (Defra market-based prices,

Finishing cattle: £157.36/head gross margins based on then applied resource rent ratios to estimate the resource with resource rent ratios, could be
Calves (<1 year): £94.23/head Redman, 2017) rents for livestock. We opted for using a more readily used as alternative estimates)
Breeding pig: £24.23/pig applicable but equivalent approach based on farm gross
Breeding ewe: £31.10/ewe margins (which, similar to resource rents, are calculated
Lamb (<1 year): £2.83/ewe by subtracting variable costs from market prices).
Poultry: £0.45/head

Crops Wheat (milling, winter): £80.09/tonne Resource rent approach (farm The Defra report (D) used market prices for crops and D Yes (Defra market-based prices,
Wheat (feed, winter): £81.98/tonne gross margins based on John then applied some resource rent ratios to estimate the with resource rent ratios, could be
Barley (malting, winter): £81.98/tonne Nix Pocketbook for Farm resource rents. We opted for using a more readily used as alternative estimates)
Barley (feed, winter): £71.61/tonne management 2018) applicable but equivalent approach based on farm gross
Spring barley: £94.61/tonne margins (which, similar to resource rents, are calculated
Oats (winter): £78.21/tonne by subtracting variable costs from market prices).

Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Oil seed rape (average price, winter): £178.09/tonne
Linseed (spring): £219.55/tonne
Sugar beet (average price): £9.42/tonne
Field peas (marrowfats): £111.19/tonne
Field beans (winter): £102.71/tonne
Field beans (spring): £103.65/tonne
Potatoes (early potatoes): £97.06/tonne
Potatoes (maincrop potatoes, based on all potatoes): £63.13/tonne

Drinking water 0.15/m3 of abstracted water Resource rent approach The values provided by the abstraction of drinking water D Yes (alternative estimates available
for public use are calculated by subtracting human input in the Defra report, assuming long-
from the market price of water (set by Ofwat). run marginal costs, abstraction
license costs or benefit transfer

(continued on next page)

M. Faccioli et al.
Table 2 (continued )
Ecosystem Value (2015£) Valuation Approach Comment Reviewed Alternatives available?
good/service report(s) using
this approach

Air quality £16.23/kg of PM10 absorbed Damage cost avoided Information on the value of air quality improvement is D Yes (alternative estimates available
purification estimated by considering the health benefits (in terms of for other pollutants based on the
damage avoided) resulting from lower concentrations of ONS scoping study on air quality)
PM10 in the air. The figure of £15,041/tonne of PM10
absorbed (2010 prices) was derived from the
Interdepartmental Group on Costs and Benefits (IGCB)
report and refers specifically to rural areas.

Minerals – – Generally not considered by the reviewed natural capital – No

accounting studies

Plants and – – Generally not considered by the reviewed natural capital – No

seeds accounting studies

Wildlife – – No appropriate information available on the monetary – No

value of wildlife preservation

Volunteering £7.31/hour of volunteering (lower bound) Costs avoided Heritage Lottery Fund value of work per hour for R No
unskilled workers

Pollination Pollinator dependencies rates: Pollinator dependency Pollinator-dependency coefficients are applied to the N No
oilseed rape: mixed response farm gross margins calculated for agriculture (crop) to
field beans: 0.25 determine the value of crop production attributable to the
linseed: 0.05 existence of pollinators (the value that, in the absence of
apples (dessert apples): 0.45 pollinators, would be lost).
apples (culinary apples): 0.28
pears: 0.09

plums: 0.08
cherries: 0.04
oats: 0
barley: 0
wheat: 0
sugar beet: 0
peas: mixed response
potatoes: 0

Flood Reducing flood risks in woodlands: Replacement cost approach Estimates of avoided expenditures on flood-related O No
protection Lower bound: £22.48/ha defenses due to reduced flood risks
Upper bound: £27.18/ha

Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

For coastal areas: Avoided costs Average costs avoided – savings (per km) from not D No
Lower bound: £1679.18/meter needing to replace coastal margin habitats with man-
Upper bound: £1740.95/meter made sea walls due to lower flood risks
For saltmarshes: Avoided costs Cost savings in seawall investments that would otherwise O No
£1.775/meter of saltmarsh (year unknown) be incurred in the absence of flood protection services
provided by saltmarshes

Notes: D = Defra natural capital account for protected areas (White et al., 2015); R = accounts for RSPB estate (RSPB, 2017); E = Eftec woodland NCA for the UK (Cryle et al., 2015); N = Nene Valley report (Rouquette,
2016); O = ONS scoping studies (valuing flood regulation, valuing coastal areas, air quality) (Smithers et al., 2016; Ricardo Energy & Environment 2016; ONS, 2016).
M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Table 3
(a) Natural capital flow account for Exmoor National Park for 2015 (in thousands £2015). (b) Natural capital flow account for Dartmoor
National Park for 2015 (in thousands £2015).

(a) (b)

Note: Each column reports the benefits calculated for the different ecosystem goods and services and each row summarises the values
provided by the different natural capital asset classes. Aggregate total values (in light blue) are also reported. In the bottom row, the total
values for each ecosystem service is reported and in the right-hand column the total values for each natural capital stock are summarised.
Boxes marked in orange indicate situations where the ecosystem service could only be partially quantified and valued (e.g. for some but not
all habitat sub-types). Red boxes with a cross (X) indicate those cases where ecosystem services could not be quantified and valued suc­
cessfully (e.g. due to data gaps). Grey boxes refer to those ecosystem services that are not quantified and valued because they are not provided
by the habitat in question. The ecosystem services are organised into two groups depending on whether they provide “private” benefits
(obtained by individuals or organisations) or “public” benefits (delivered to the wider society). Note that volunteering benefits are classified
as ‘private’ only because the ‘standard practice’ methodology tends to focus only on the private benefits (i.e. labour costs saved) rather than
also on the public benefits (i.e. mental health benefits for volunteers). For the reader of the printed version of this article, please refer to the
online manuscript for a colour version of the Tables.

a selection of the most plausible, scientifically-robust and locally- non-market benefits (e.g. biodiversity, cultural heritage, etc.), which
relevant ‘standard practice’ approaches (summarised in Tables 1 and represent a major component of the natural capital value of both Na­
2) employed in local natural capital accounts in similar settings to our tional Parks. In section 3.2 we explore further some of the gaps and
case study areas. We then applied these approaches to produce a natural limitations of the ‘standard practice’ approach to natural capital ac­
capital flow account for the year 2015 for Dartmoor and Exmoor Na­ counting, using a range of examples to illustrate key issues.
tional Parks. The full results of the accounts are reported in Appendix A3
(for Exmoor) and Appendix A4 (for Dartmoor). Table 3 reports a sum­ 3.2. Limitations and sensitivity of the accounts to alternative quantity and
mary of the estimated values of the ecosystem goods and services pro­ value estimates
vided by the different natural capital stocks on Dartmoor and Exmoor
National Parks, with a colour-coded indication of the completeness of In this section, we discuss some of the limitations of producing
the accounts (green indicates completeness, while orange and red ‘standard practice’ natural capital accounts, in relation to the mea­
respectively signal partially or completely missing information). surement of stock extent and the quantification and valuation of
Table 3 shows that following ‘standard practice’ accounting ap­ ecosystem service flows. Using specific examples, we test the sensitivity
proaches leads to substantial knowledge gaps for a number of goods and of the accounts to alternative methodologies and suggest potential im­
services of interest. These gaps refer to, for example, game hunting, provements in the ‘standard practice’ approaches to overcome some of
drinking water, biodiversity and flood protection, mostly due to a lack of the identified shortcomings.
information on the quantity (flow) of these ecosystem goods and ser­
vices and/or their monetised value. 3.2.1. Measuring stock extent
The account results show that Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks Any natural capital account requires data on the extent (amount) of
provide a mixture of both market benefits and non-market benefits10. the different types of natural capital that can be found within the area of
Despite non-market benefits exceeding market benefits in both areas, interest. In nearly all applications that we reviewed, the practice has
the ‘standard practice’ methodology fully or partially overlooks many been to quantify the extent of the natural capital assets in terms of units
of habitat or land use area. Given that locally-collected data are often
limited, we found that a standard approach has been to rely on national,
often satellite-derived, land cover data, such as the UK LCM data (CEH,
The differentiation between market and non-market goods is not common
2017). Using such national scale data, however, is subject to several
in ‘standard practice’ natural capital accounts but, as discussed in Dickie and
limitations as described in more detail below.
Neupauer (2019), this classification can be useful when the flow of goods and
services provided by the environment are both private and public, such that
conclusions can be drawn regarding the magnitude and relevance of the ben­ a. Level of detail
efits that accrue to individual stakeholders versus the wider society.

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Fig. 2. Example of habitat misclassification for the case of broadleaved woodland on Exmoor. Indicates detected broadleaved woodlands in 2007, indicates
coniferous woodlands in 2007, indicates detected broadleaved woodlands in 2015 and indicates detected coniferous woodland in 2015. For the reader of the
printed version of this article, please refer to the online manuscript for a colour version of the Figure.

In the CEH LCM data, habitats are categorised into relatively broad study woodland site on Exmoor was selected to illustrate the issue of
classes, meaning that certain ecosystem types which have local rele­ classification differences between data years. As shown in Fig. 2, a visual
vance from an ecological or management perspective are overlooked. comparison with publicly available satellite imagery (Google Earth,
For Dartmoor and Exmoor, for example, this is the case of ancient image A) indicates that, for the area of interest, LCM 2007 data better
woodland and Rhos pasture. To gather information on the extent and classify broadleaved woodlands (purple dots in image B) than LCM 2015
condition of these habitats, local datasets are therefore needed to com­ data (orange dots in image C). As image C shows, LCM 2015 data tend to
plement the LCM data. However, these local data are often available erroneously categorise other habitats (e.g. heather) as broadleaved
only for small geographical areas and are collected infrequently, thus woodland.
limiting their usefulness, given that natural capital accounts require data Of course, if natural capital stocks are not measured in an accurate
that cover the entire area of interest over multiple (ideally regular) time and repeatable way, natural capital accounts may be subject to sub­
periods. stantial error. An immediate and significant implication of these results
is that the design and management relevance of local natural capital
b. Classification accuracy accounts requires the development of a targeted programme of repeated
habitat extent and quality monitoring at fine spatial resolution. Such
The identification of natural capital stocks at local spatial resolution data are currently not readily available in the UK.
from national mapping data may also reveal issues with classification
accuracy. We illustrate this problem of misclassification for open 3.2.2. Measuring flows of ecosystem goods and services
moorland habitat on Exmoor. When cross-referencing the 2015 LCM The measures reported in natural capital accounts do not only
data with local data and site-specific knowledge from local experts depend on the accurate classification of natural capital stocks, but also
(National Park Authority ecology staff), it emerged that open moors on the identification and measurement of the ecosystem goods and
(heather) are often erroneously classified as acid grassland. Thus, we re- services those stocks support. In this section, we examine several com­
classified all acid grassland as heather and repeated the quantification plexities arising in measuring those service flows and explore the asso­
and valuation of the ecosystem services associated with these two hab­ ciated implications in terms of the completeness and/or reliability of
itats. This re-classification led to an increase in the total natural capital natural capital accounts.
account value by 13.54% (i.e. from £22.9 million to £26.0 million) (see
Appendix A5 for more details on the specific changes in ecosystem a. Missing data
services and the associated values following the re-classification). This
example illustrates that habitat classification inaccuracies can substan­ Missing data is a major problem when building local natural capital
tially affect the valuation estimates reported in natural capital accounts. accounts. Suitable ecological data to quantify certain ecosystem services
To limit issues with misclassification of natural capital assets, fine-scale (i.e. minerals, plants and seeds; wildlife) are often not available from the
and site-wide data on land cover (split into habitat categories of man­ literature or publicly-accessible datasets. Wildlife is particularly chal­
agement relevance) need to be collected. lenging, not only because of limited data availability for many species’
groups, but also because of the existence of a wide range of different
c. Repeatability issues metrics that are used as a measure of biodiversity (e.g. diversity versus
abundance of specific species). Data gaps are also common for
The usefulness of natural capital accounts arises largely from their ecosystem services which are highly context-specific, such as recrea­
ability to identify changes in natural capital and the value this delivers tional game shooting and drinking water provision, given that suitable
over time. As such, data on changes in natural capital stocks, ecosystem local data are often not readily available. Although data could be
goods/services and values need to be collected over time, using a collected ad hoc to enable the incorporation of these ecosystem services
repeatable and consistent methodology. At the time of the project, LCM into natural capital accounting, certain ecosystem services will still
data were available for multiple years (1990, 2000, 2007 and 2015). remain difficult to quantify due to limited availability of generalizable
However, due to changes in the protocol of satellite data imagery clas­ data or tools. For example, the modelling of flood risk regulation ser­
sification and modelling, that data series does not always offer a vices would require location-specific data, such as local land use, hy­
consistent tool with which to detect variations in natural capital at fine drological, geomorphological and wider ecological information.
scales. To illustrate this issue, we measured broadleaved woodland on
Exmoor, using LCM 2007 versus 2015 data, and found substantial dif­ b. Alternative assumptions and spatial heterogeneity
ferences. In 2007 5,764 ha of broadleaved woodland extent were
measured on Exmoor, whilst in 2015 this figure was 7,821 ha (i.e. an In many cases, the reviewed ‘standard practice’ approaches consider
increase of 35.69%). Consultation with the National Park Authority different datasets and underpinning methodologies to quantify the flow
suggested that such changes had not taken place on the ground. A case of ecosystem services provided by different habitats. Therefore, the

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Table 4
Implications of using local vs. national data to quantify and value crop production on Dartmoor.
Crop type Total production (tonnes) Value (£2015)

‘Standard Practice’ NEVO ‘Standard Practice’ NEVO

Wheat 7,804 4,719 £1,555,106 £940,310

spring barley 1,168 1,608 £208,782 £287,580
winter barley 1,519 1,333 £271,686 £238,310
oilseed rape 1,287 1,365 £457,778 £485,515
sugar beet 3,109 0 £100,393 £0
Totals 14,887 9,025 £2,593,745 £1,951,715

Table 5 included in both (i.e. wheat, spring barley, winter barley, oilseed rape
Using different approaches to value the recreational benefits of Dartmoor and and sugar beet, as outlined in Table 4). Depending on the approach
Exmoor National Parks. considered for crop quantification, different yield levels are estimated
Sen et al. (2014) ORVal model (columns 2 and 3 from left to right), leading to major differences also in
Dartmoor National Park £15,516,528 £20,260,274
the estimated value of crop production (columns 4 and 5). Using the
Exmoor National Park £2,762,899 £8,023,928 spatially-explicit estimates, based on NEVO, provides around a 40%
lower crop production levels and 25% lower crop production values.
Differences are especially significant for wheat production, mainly
because land allocated to this crop on Dartmoor is likely lower than the
choice of data and methodology will affect the resulting account esti­ national average. Considering spatially-specific information therefore is
mates. We show how our account results can be affected by the selection essential to provide accurate and reliable, and therefore management-
of alternative metrics by focusing on the example of carbon sequestra­ relevant, information on crop production.
tion. Multiple approaches and datasets are available to quantify the
tonnes of carbon sequestered per hectare of habitat (RSPB, 2017; Rou­ c. Incomplete ecological information
quette, 2016; White et al., 2015; Cryle et al., 2015), such as different
assumptions regarding the types of emissions considered (CO2 or CO2e - When estimating the flow of ecosystem services produced by a given
CO2 equivalent) and the rate of sequestration, which can produce very habitat, a wide range of ecologically complex, but nonetheless crucial,
large differences in the carbon sequestration benefits. For example, as factors are often entirely overlooked. One example is ecosystem condi­
we illustrate in more detail in Appendix A6, carbon sequestration ben­ tion, which determines the amount of ecosystem services that can be
efits of woodlands on Exmoor can range from £2.3 million to £5.3 produced by a given natural capital stock. For instance, considering
million for 2015, depending on the estimates of carbon sequestration peat, its condition determines whether it may sequester carbon (when in
rates considered. good condition) or emit carbon (when in poor condition; Leifeld et al.,
In addition, acknowledging that ecosystem goods and services are 2019). In the absence of such information, no climate regulation services
heterogeneously distributed across the landscape, local and context- can be estimated for these habitats. Other relevant ecological factors
specific data can offer an improved alternative to generic national that have also often been ignored by ‘standard practice’ approaches to
data for the measurement of ecosystem goods and services. To make this natural capital accounting are the type of soil (Obst, 2015) and the level
point (and discuss the associated implications), we present an illustra­ of precipitation, which are both important to measure, for example, the
tive example where we compare the quantity and value of crop pro­ total amount of drinking water that can be supplied by a given area.14
duction using different approaches. To estimate crop yields and values
for England, a frequently used approach in the reviewed studies relies on d. Accounting for aspects related to temporal dynamics
national data on agricultural land use and national averages of land
allocation by crop type. Such an approach is, however, not necessarily When building natural capital accounts, temporal aspects can also be
accurate for local analyses, due to the existence of regional variation in important and should be taken into consideration. The amount of
crop distribution. Spatially-specific information on agricultural pro­ ecosystem service flows and benefits can vary over time not only due to
duction therefore represents an improvement and is, for example, pro­ variations in the stock of natural capital, but also because of other fac­
vided by the NEVO (the Natural Environment Valuation Online) tool.11 tors, such as a change in the number of beneficiaries and users of the
NEVO is a map-based decision support tool which, among other func­ good. For example, it is likely that the total number of visitors to a given
tionalities, predicts farming activity and profits on a 2 km grid using area increases over time due to e.g. population growth, which can lead
data from the Farm Business Survey12 and the June Agricultural Census to an increase in the total recreation benefits provided, even when the
data.13 habitat extent (natural capital assets) and per unit value estimates of a
To illustrate the implications of using alternative assumptions, visit are kept the same. Ignoring that the flow of ecosystem services can
Table 4 compares the total crop production on Dartmoor and the asso­ change over time, as occurs in most of the reviewed ‘standard practice’
ciated values, using the ‘standard practice’ approach (based on national accounts, may misrepresent the actual quantification of the ecosystem
averages) and the approach used in NEVO (based on spatially-specific services and related benefits. Information on habitat extent and per-unit
models). More details are provided in Appendix A7. Given that the value, and the quantification of the ecosystem service flows, need to be
two approaches consider different crops, we only focus on those that are reviewed and updated over time.

3.2.3. Measuring the value of ecosystem goods and services

The ‘standard practice’ methodology gives relatively little

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

consideration to a series of factors that can substantially influence the In the reviewed natural capital accounts at local scale, the ‘standard
values that people derive from the environment. In the following sub- practice’ to valuing recreation has relied on the results of the Sen et al.
sections, we discuss some of these factors and we use examples to (2014) paper – which combines a trip generation function (estimated
illustrate the implications of ignoring or misrepresenting them when starting from the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment
developing natural capital accounts. (MENE) survey data) and a value per trip function (based on a
meta-analysis of approximately 300 valuation studies). An alternative
a. Missing economic values approach to the valuation of outdoor recreation is offered by the Out­
door Recreation Valuation (ORVal) Tool15 (Day and Smith, 2017, 2018).
The reviewed natural capital accounts often fail to, or are unable to, ORVal is based on a sophisticated travel cost model (using land cover
value a variety of ecosystem goods and services that provide important data and visitation information from the MENE survey) that estimates
benefits to people. One example is the value of biodiversity; despite the welfare value of a recreational day visit to different greenspaces in
widespread support for the inclusion of biodiversity into natural capital England and Wales.
accounts, this remains a major challenge, mostly due to insufficient data To illustrate the implications of using different valuation approaches,
availability and/or the lack of ‘off-the-shelf’ valuation methods to we calculated and compared (Table 5) the total yearly recreational
measure the value provided by biodiversity (Mace, 2019). Other ex­ benefits provided by Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks using the
amples of values often missing from natural capital accounts include the value estimates produced by Sen et al. (2014) and the alternative ORVal
benefits associated with the existence of beautiful and unique/diverse model. From this comparison, it emerges that the two valuation ap­
landscapes, as well as the appreciation of cultural heritage – which can proaches produce very different total recreational value estimates.
improve the recreational experience for visitors and the quality of life for To offer another example, we also estimated and compared the
the residents of an area. These benefits could be valued, for example, recreational values per habitat type using the Sen et al. (2014) and
using revealed preference methods (such as travel cost or hedonic price ORVal models. Despite both approaches controlling for habitat-specific
methods). However, implementing such approaches is not without differences in their underlying models (alongside a range of other
challenges, given the requirements for large amounts of data, sophisti­ important determinants such as a location’s characteristics, travel dis­
cated modelling approaches and tailored valuation methods (Lindhjem tance, the visitor’s characteristics, etc.), differences in the underlying
et al., 2015). assumptions and methodologies also mean that the values estimated
Given that wildlife, scenery and cultural heritage are central aspects differ. As summarised in Table 6, the Sen et al. (2014) model tends to
in the management and decision-making around land in protected nat­ provide higher values (compared to ORVal) for visits to e.g. mountain,
ural areas and National Parks, more efforts need to be made in the future moor and heathland habitats and lower values for visits to e.g. fresh­
to develop accessible valuation tools and methods to enable organisa­ water ecosystems.
tions to incorporate these ecosystem services and their values into nat­ While the choice of the specific valuation method can yield very
ural capital accounts. different benefit estimates, currently, there is no clear way for those
undertaking natural capital accounting to know which of the many
b. Partially-missing economic values alternative valuation methodologies should be employed. Clear guid­
ance is therefore needed from the expert academic community as to
In the reviewed natural capital accounting studies, the value esti­ which methods should be applied in different circumstances.
mates considered sometimes only give a partial quantification of the
benefits that the environment provides to people. This is the case, for d. Exchange values vs. economic surplus values
instance, of the value of flood risk regulation. When included in the
accounts, the value of avoided flooding events is generally calculated as Perhaps an even more profound challenge to the compiler of a local
the flood-related infrastructure costs avoided in the presence of lower natural capital account is the choice of which type of value to use in the
flood risks (Smithers et al., 2016). Such values, however, represent an valuation process. Both the Sen et al. (2014) and ORVal estimates are
under-estimate, as they do not consider the benefits of, for example,
avoiding threats to life and mental health distress associated with
Table 6
flooding events. A similar argument applies also to the benefits of vol­ Value per visit per habitat: comparing the ‘standard practice’ with alternative
unteering. These are often assumed to be equal to the savings in labour approaches.
costs by an organisation when tasks are carried out by volunteers for free
Sen et al. (2014) (£2015) ORVal model (£2015)
rather than by employees. This is a substantial underestimation of the
actual benefits of volunteering, as the mental and physical health ben­ Woodlands £ 3.61 £ 2.99
River, lake or canal 1.96 £ 3.67
efits of spending time outdoors are entirely overlooked with this
Mountains, moors heathlands £ 5.44 £ 4.55
approach (Fujiwara et al., 2013). Semi-natural grassland (Sen) £ 1.67
Natural grassland (ORVal) £ 3.42
c. Alternative valuation methods Managed grassland (ORVal) £ 2.78
Enclosed farmland (Sen) £ 1.67
Agriculture (ORVal) £2.78
The literature provides some guidance regarding which economic Graveyards and cemeteries £ 3.36
valuation methods are preferred for natural capital accounting purposes Allotments £6.24
(see Section 2.1). However, little direction is given concerning which
Note: there are some differences between the habitats considered in Sen et al.
methods within those suggested are best to use (see Horlings et al., 2020
(2014) and ORVal. For example, Sen et al. (2014) consider semi-natural grass­
for a discussion in relation to e.g. the valuation of crop provision). In this land, while ORVal includes natural and managed grassland. Similarly, Sen et al.
section we demonstrate that different valuation approaches can lead to (2014) considers enclosed farmland, while ORVal focuses on agricultural land.
different value estimates for use as input in natural capital accounting. Finally, ORVal provides information on recreational values from visits to
To illustrate this point, we focus on the value of outdoor recreation graveyards/cemeteries and allotments, which are instead not explicitly consid­
visits. ered in Sen et al. (2014).

Available at:

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

measures of economic surplus, values that would correctly be used in a Table 7

social cost-benefit analysis attempting to appraise the merits of some Flood protection value of permanent grazing land: comparing assumptions
proposed project or policy. The rules of natural capital accounting are, regarding the reference landcover condition.
however, clear in requiring that valuation in accounts should use esti­ Assumed reference Dartmoor (£2015 per year) Exmoor (£2015 per year)
mates of exchange values, rather than economic surplus measures (Obst landcover condition
et al., 2016). Estimates of exchange values for non-market goods are Ungrazed Natural -£ 43,660 -£ 50,610
though not readily available, which is why local natural capital accounts Grassland
have generally relied on economic surplus measures. Using the method Woodlands -£ 240,460 -£ 270,700
suggested in Barton et al. (2019b), Day (2021) used the ORVal model to
estimate exchange values for recreational landcovers in the UK. In this
paper, we used those estimates of exchange value to calculate recrea­
assume woodland (rather than ungrazed natural grassland) to be the
tional benefits of natural capital on Dartmoor and we contrasted the
alternative. Clearly the magnitude of the entry for any one natural
resulting figures with the values presented in Table 5 (based on the
capital stock and, therefore, its implied importance, is critically deter­
economic surplus measures). Importantly, in calculating those two
mined by an essentially arbitrary choice over the reference condition.
different value measures, identical assumptions were made concerning
The question of reference conditions is still a subject of debate in the
the availability and qualities of recreational natural capital. We found
natural capital accounting literature, with different assumptions being
that the exchange value of recreation for Dartmoor is £1,969,823, a full
made in different accounting exercises (Maes et al., 2020). The question
order of magnitude lower than the value estimated using the economic
of reference conditions was generally not even addressed in the local
surplus measures in Table 5.
natural capital accounts reviewed in this study, even though that choice
In the further development of natural capital accounts a major
can have significant implications for the magnitude and even sign of the
question is which of the two very different value measures should be
account entry for any particular natural capital stock.
used (Turner et al., 2019). To conform to accounting practices measures
of exchange value should be consistently applied in the valuation of
f. Accounting for aspects related to temporal dynamics
natural capital (or, more correctly, the ecosystem services that flow from
that natural capital). On the other hand, if the desire of the account
The reviewed scoping studies tend to report, along with flow ac­
compiler is to evaluate the benefits flowing from natural capital to so­
counts, also stock accounts. To build stock accounts, the value of the
ciety then perhaps a more appropriate message is provided by valuation
flow of ecosystem services provided by a given natural asset over a
using measures of economic surplus.
future time interval needs to be calculated and converted to net present
value equivalents. To do so, an appropriate discount rate needs to be
e. Reference conditions in non-market valuation for natural capital
selected, which reflects the importance that is given to future benefits. A
positive discount rate implies that the longer the waiting time before a
given good can be enjoyed, the lower the perceived value of that good
Unlike project or policy appraisal, natural capital accounts are not
(Weitzman, 2001). In environmental economics and policy-making, a
concerned with the impacts of changes in natural capital, rather they
range of possible discount rates are often considered and there is open
seek to evaluate the benefit flows that arise from the current endowment
debate regarding which is the most appropriate rate to use (Drupp et al.,
of natural capital. But for many natural capitals, the question of how
2018). The choice of the discount rate can have substantial implications
much benefit the current endowment of natural capital provides is not
for the total value calculated for given flows of ecosystem goods and
well formed. To illustrate this point, consider the flood protection ben­
services over time and it can therefore affect long-term management
efits that arise from a particular natural capital habitat, for example,
decisions. In Appendix A8, we look at the effects of considering different
improved permanent grazing land. The NEVO tool indicates that there
discount rates for the value of carbon sequestration.
are 47,110 ha of this habitat on Dartmoor and 42,130 ha on Exmoor.
Since this habitat provides permanent grass coverage to the soil we
might assume that it also provides some level of flood protection ben­ 3.3. Evaluating the usefulness of ‘standard practice’ accounts
efits. To assess those benefits we make use of the NEV flood model which
examines the impact of land use on the frequency and extent of down­ At the end of the project, discussions were held with the National
stream flood events and values those impacts in terms of changes in Park Authorities concerning the results of the natural capital accounts
flood-damage costs to property and infrastructure (Day et al., 2020). and to share details of the various complexities, omissions and un­
The question of the size of possible flood-protection benefits depends certainties examined in the previous section. Starting from the list of
crucially on what assumption we make about the state of the land if it ambitions highlighted by the National Park Authorities at the beginning
was not under permanent grazing, the so-called reference condition. If we of the project in relation to the use of the natural capital accounts (see
were to assume that alternative landcover were bare soil or even Table 8), each aspiration was discussed and a colour-coded system was
bedrock then we might be right to conclude that permanent grazing land used to evaluate the extent to which the produced accounts were
offers flood protection benefits. Of course, that is only one assumption perceived as meeting the initial expectations.
we might make. Indeed, in the context of Dartmoor and Exmoor Na­ As indicated by the colour-coded assessment, in a few cases only
tional Parks, it is far more realistic to assume that the alternative land were the natural capital accounts seen to satisfy initial expectations
cover would be ungrazed natural grassland or woodland. NEV estimates (green or orange boxes). Stakeholders thought that the produced ac­
of the value of the annual flood protection benefits delivered by per­ counts can provide a useful framework to classify natural capital stocks
manent grazing land in the two National Parks under those two different and value the related ecosystem services, which can be employed for
assumptions (as to the nature of the reference condition land use) are reporting purposes. The accounts were also perceived to be useful to
presented in Table 7. illustrate some knowledge gaps and information shortages, even though
Notice immediately that contrary to our original contention that this ambition was only partially met due to the account incompleteness
permanent grazing land offers value in protecting against floods, we and the wider limitations outlined earlier in this paper.
observe that the values in Table 7 are negative; natural grassland and However, as displayed in Table 8, in most cases (red boxes), the
woodland actually offer improved protection against floods and hence representatives at both National Park Authorities agreed that natural
maintaining permanent grazing land in its current use represents a cost capital accounts based on ‘standard practice’ approaches did not satisfy
to society. Notice also that those costs are five times larger when we initial expectations and are of limited usefulness to inform their

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Table 8
Evaluation of the usefulness of ‘standard practice’ natural capital accounting.

For the reader of the printed version of this article, please refer to the online manuscript for a colour version of the Table.

decision-making. For example, the accounts were perceived to fail to • Guidelines are needed to support the development of natural
provide specific guidance regarding the use of the land owned by the capital accounts at regional and local levels. Clear guidance is
National Park Authorities (which is only a subset of all land within the needed on the methodology and principles underlying natural capi­
National Park boundaries). This is because the ‘standard practice’ tal accounting at local scale to promote the adoption of common
approach in natural capital accounting does not generally provide in­ standards and prevent different organisations from using different
formation on land and ecosystem services by land-holding types approaches. The use of a consistent and robust methodology across
(Atkinson and Ovando, 2020). Moreover, it was felt that due to a different organisations is essential for comparability purposes. Cen­
mismatch between the expectations of what natural capital accounts can tral issues here include clear guidance as to whether local natural
be used for and what they can actually deliver, the produced accounts capital accounts should be using exchange values or can continue
could not help to inform a variety of management decisions. These using economic surplus values. Likewise, for natural capital accounts
included designing schemes to incentivise farmers to provide ecosystem to include meaningful values, guidance must be developed as to what
services; leveraging new funding; prioritising between different man­ alternative land uses should be considered as baselines from which to
agement options; and guiding decisions about investments. To achieve assess the benefit flows provided by current habitats.
these goals, which are more aligned with the remit of project appraisal, • Tools for natural capital assessment and monitoring, ecosystem
rather than the scope of natural capital accounting (see section 2.1), service quantification and valuation are needed to support the
other tools (such as cost-benefit analyses or risk registers) represent development of natural capital accounts and collaborations
perhaps more suitable options. with experts should be encouraged. The development of natural
capital accounts for organisations such as National Park Authorities
4. Conclusions can be challenging due to the limited availability of both resources
and expertise to develop and update the accounts. Developing a
The results of our work acknowledge that natural capital accounting natural capital account can be time-consuming and requires inter­
is likely a useful tool to inform policy-making, especially where the disciplinary knowledge and a range of technical and analytical skills,
required data are available. However, our critical assessment also il­ often not available in-house. Publicly available tools, developed by
lustrates a number of valuable lessons regarding methodological limi­ academics or other specialists, but tailored for use by non-specialists,
tations and data gaps within natural capital accounting applied at the are needed to enable smaller scale organisations to develop natural
local (i.e. sub-national) scale. Here, significant efforts are required in capital accounts. If organisations don’t have the necessary resources
order to design and develop more useful and informative tools for pol­ or skills to design natural capital accounts themselves, collaborations
icy- and decision-makers. These lessons learned are summarised as with specialists should be encouraged.
follows: • Data availability is a major issue and fit-for-purpose data
collection for natural capital accounting should be promoted.
• Greater clarity is needed regarding what natural capital ac­ Our work overall highlighted a lack of data to consistently and
counts are (and are not) and what their proposed uses are. To reliably measure natural assets over multiple years to detect change.
inform management decision-making, at local scale, there is a need In addition to this, data gaps also exist regarding the quantification of
to develop greater clarity regarding the capabilities and potential a range of important ecosystem goods and services (e.g. biodiversity
applications of the natural capital accounting approach. Based on the or landscapes - which are of particular interest especially to National
results of our project, we illustrate that natural capital accounts are Park Authorities). There is therefore a need to promote and support
often mistakenly perceived as project appraisal tools to support de­ the collection of fit-for-purpose data for local natural capital ac­
cisions regarding alternative investment options. To guide such counting purposes. At the very least, this should focus on repeatable
management decisions, alternative decision-support approaches (multi-year) data on assets across the whole area of National Parks,
(such as cost-benefit analyses or natural capital risk registers) could as well as on ecosystem service measures for those goods and services
represent more useful tools.

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

which cannot typically be derived from national data (e.g. water While seeking to identify the advantages and limitations of local
extraction, game harvesting and volunteer numbers). natural capital accounts, the analyses presented in this paper are also
• Valuation methods need to be fit-for-purpose for natural capital subject to some limitations. The conclusions and lessons learned in our
accounting. Based on our project results, it emerged that the values study are derived from the analysis of specific case studies and are
for the market goods generated by natural capital in the National therefore not necessarily valid for different contexts. More efforts are
Parks are relatively easy to assess in natural capital accounts, whilst hence needed to understand the generalisability of our findings and
some important non-market goods are either completely missing recommendations to other localised settings. Many aspects of local
from or only partially included in the accounts. Importantly, no natural capital accounting additionally require exploration in the future.
established methodology seems to be available to fully value the One issue which remains largely under-researched relates to the sus­
benefits of important services, such as flood protection, cultural tainability (or unsustainability) of extraction and/or use of natural
heritage and landscape values. More efforts are therefore needed to capital stocks. Flow accounts, which only focus on annual ecosystem
develop sound valuation methodologies in these areas. services’ supply, provide only a partial picture. Stock accounts, which
• Uncertainties need to be made explicit. Gaps in data and limita­ not only look at annual flows (e.g. timber extraction), but also at the
tions in the available methodologies need to be explicitly acknowl­ total stock (e.g. total standing timber) could be used to provide an
edged in natural capital accounting exercises to avoid the risk of improved framework for sustainability decision-making. A better un­
misinterpreting account results. Sensitivity tests need to be more derstanding of the implications of sustainable or unsustainable uses of
systematically performed in accounting exercises and the related natural capital stocks is crucial if natural capital accounting is to be used
estimates of uncertainties reported. to inform decision-making in the longer term. As highlighted in the
• The quantification of the flow of ecosystem goods and services ENCA guidance document (Defra, 2021), another area requiring further
should be better linked to the ecological condition of natural attention is the costs of maintaining natural capital stocks for the pro­
assets. While the capability of natural assets to provide goods and vision of ecosystem goods and services. One key conclusion from the
services that benefit people heavily depends on the ecological con­ review of previous natural capital accounts is that insufficient consid­
dition of the stock, this information is rarely accounted for in ‘stan­ eration has generally been given to the costs (compared to the benefits)
dard practice’ natural capital accounts. Wherever possible, data on of natural capital. Additionally considering the costs of ecosystem ser­
asset condition, as well as evidence on the effects of condition on vices’ provision and natural capital maintenance can provide a more
ecosystem service provision, should be included in the accounting complete and informative picture to guide management
process. decision-making.
• Spatial and temporal aspects need to be better incorporated into
natural capital accounting. Based on the reviewed natural capital Author contribution
accounting studies, it is possible to conclude that to date limited
consideration has been given to spatial and temporal aspects in Michela Faccioli: Conceptualization; Methodology; Formal analysis;
‘standard practice’ natural capital accounts. Despite evidence that Investigation; Writing – original draft; Writing – review & editing;
values are sensitive to geographical factors (Bateman et al., 2011; Project administration. Sara Zonneveld: Conceptualization; Methodol­
Johnston and Ramachandran, 2015; Schaafsma et al., 2012; ogy; Formal analysis; Investigation; Writing – original draft; Writing –
Schaafsma, 2015; Sagebiel et al., 2017), spatial dimensions relating review & editing; Project administration. Charles Tyler: Conceptuali­
to the valuation of the benefits arising from ecosystem services are zation; Investigation; Writing – review & editing; Supervision; Funding
largely ignored. Very few of the reviewed natural capital accounting acquisition. Brett Day: Conceptualization; Methodology; Formal anal­
studies have included maps illustrating the spatial distribution of the ysis; Investigation; Writing – review & editing; Supervision; Funding
various assets or ecosystem services supplied by a given area and acquisition.
none of them have considered the implications of the location of the
natural capital and related ecosystem services in terms of the benefits Declaration of competing interest
provided to people. Given that in the majority of cases, the location
of the natural asset and the associated goods and services is an The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
important driver of economic values, spatially explicit natural capi­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
tal accounting methodologies should be encouraged wherever the work reported in this paper.
possible. This is relevant especially if decisions about spatial plan­
ning are to be made based on the results of natural capital accounting Acknowledgements
exercises. Given the importance of natural capital accounting as a
tool to monitor changes over time, temporal dynamics also need to We would like to thank the Dartmoor and Exmoor National Park
be better understood. This concerns both the amount of ecosystem Authorities for their support and collaboration in this project. This
services produced over different years and the role of time in the research was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council
valuation of goods and services (i.e. through the choice of the dis­ (NERC) as part of the SWEEP programme (South West Partnership for
count rate). Environment and Economic Prosperity) [grant number NE/P011217/1].


A1. list of the reviewed relevant natural capital accounting scoping studies

The following list of reports was reviewed:

• White, C., Dunscombe, R., Dvarskas, A., Eves, C., Finisdore, J., Kieboom, E., Maclean, I., Obst, C., Rowcroft, P. & Silcock, P. (2015), Developing
ecosystem accounts for protected areas in England and Scotland, Department for Food, Environment & Rural Affairs/The Scottish Government
• RSPB (2017). Accounting for Nature: A Natural Capital Account of the RSPB’s estate in England
• Rouquette, J.R. (2016). Mapping Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services in the Nene Valley. Report for the Nene Valley NIA Project.

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

• Cryle, P., Krisht, S., Tinch, R., Provins, A., Dickie, I., Fairhead, A. (2015). Developing UK natural capital accounts: woodland ecosystem accounts.
Economics for the Environment Consultancy Ltd (Eftec) in association with Cascade Consulting for Defra
• Office for National Statistics scoping studies:
o Jones, L., Vieno, M., Morton, D., Cryle, P., Holland, M., Carnell, E., Nemitz, E., Hall, J., Beck, R., Reis, S., Pritchard, N., Hayes, F., Mills, G., Koshy,
A., Dickie, I. (2017). Developing Estimates for the Valuation of Air Pollution Removal in Ecosystem Accounts. Final report for Office of National
Statistics, July 2017
o Smithers, R., Korkeala, O., Whiteley, G., Brace, S., and Holmes, B. (2016). Valuing flood-regulation services for inclusion in the UK ecosystem
accounts. Ricardo Energy & Environment for the UK Office for National Statistics
o Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2016) Scoping the UK coastal margin ecosystem accounts

A range of other reports16 (including Exmoor’s “Towards a Register of Exmoor’s Natural Capital”) were included in the review, but could not be
used for the purposes of this project because they either provided only qualitative information, or they provided quantitative figures which were,
however, not readily transferrable to Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks.

Table. A2
List of the natural capital asset classes and sub-classes used to produce natural capital accounts for Dartmoor and Exmoor National
Parks (*)

Exmoor Dartmoor Adaptations made to Dartmoor classes

Woodland Woodland
Broadleaved Broadleaved 30% of Dartmoor National Park’s Rho
pasture extent was subtracted from total
Land Cover Map broadleaved extent
Coniferous Coniferous
Open water Open water
Freshwater Freshwater
Saltwater Saltwater
Mountain/heath/bog Mountain/heath/bog
Bog Bog
Heather grassland Heather grassland
Heather Heather
Inland Rock Inland Rock
Improved grassland Improved grassland Total Dartmoor National Park’s dry
grassland extent and 25% of Rhos pasture
extent was subtracted from total LCM
improved grassland extent
Semi-natural grassland Semi-natural grassland
Neutral Species-rich dry LCM Neutral and Calcareous grassland
extents were merged, and Dartmoor’s dry
grass extent added.
Calcareous Species-rich wet (Rhos pasture) Based on Dartmoor’s Rhos pasture extent
(subtracted from LCM extents of acid
grassland (45% of Rhos extent), improved
grassland (25% of Rhos extent) and
broadleaved woodland (30% of Rhos
Acid Acid 45% of Dartmoor’s Rhos pasture extent
subtracted from LCM acid grassland extent
Fen/marsh/swamp Fen/marsh/swamp
Arable/horticulture Arable/horticulture
Supra-littoral rock
Supra-littoral sediment
Littoral rock
Littoral sediment
(*) For Exmoor, LCM 2015 data and classifications were used. For Dartmoor, LCM 2015 data and classifications were adapted by
considering additional local data on Rhos pasture and dry grassland (adaptations are detailed in the table above).

List of reports reviewed but not providing quantitative and easily transferrable information to build standard practice natural capital accounts:• Deane R. and
Walker A. (2018). Towards a Register of Exmoor’s Natural Capital. Report to the Exmoor Society, Dulverton• Hölzinger, O., Laughlin, P. (2016). Cornwall Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Natural Capital Assessment• Whiteley, G., Shabb, K., Korkeala, O., Mccullough, A., Smithers, R. (2016). Reviewing cultural
services valuation methodology for inclusion in aggregate UK natural capital estimates. Report for Office National Statistics• Office for National Statistics (ONS)
(2017). UK natural capital: developing UK mountain, moorland and heathland ecosystem accounts.• Dickie I., Evans C., Smyth M.A., Artz, R. (2015). Scoping the
Natural Capital Accounts for Peatland, work package 3 of Report NR0165 for Defra.• Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2018). UK natural capital: developing semi-
natural grassland ecosystem accounts.• Office for National Statistics (2018). UK Natural Capital: Ecosystem service accounts 1997 to 2015.• Office for National
Statistics (2016). UK Natural Capital: Monetary estimates 2016.

Table A3

M. Faccioli et al.
Natural capital account table for Exmoor National Park


Natural capital stock Stock Recreation Climate regulation Timber Livestock Crops Volunteering Air quality Pollination
Annual Value Annual Value Annual Value Total Value Annual Value Annual Value Annual kg Value Annual Value
visitors tonnes of m3 livestock tonnes hours PM10 pollinator-
CO2e overbark no. absorbed dependent
seques. tonnes

Total goods & 69,890 1,258,024 £2,762,899 130,731 £8,156,890 28,935 £426,677 362,840 £7,257,879 21,589 £1,613,595 27,288 £199,436 155,495 £2,472,710.48 71 £7,432 £22,897,519

Woodland 11,254 202,572 £730,693 143,501 £8,953,676 28,935 £426,677 0 £0 134,035 £2,174,901.42 0 £0 £12,285,948
Broadleaved 7,876 141,768 £511,368 84,352 £5,263,109 3,938 £60,443 0 £0 93,803 £1,522,083.13 0 £0
Coniferous 3,378 60,804 £219,325 59,149 £3,690,566 24,997 £366,234 0 £0 40,232 £652,818.29 0 £0
Open water 234 4,212 £8,264 − 999 -£62,332 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0 -£54,069
Freshwater 185 3,330 £6,533 − 999 -£62,332 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Saltwater 49 882 £1,730 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Mountain/heath/ 3,407 61,324 £333,368 10,992 £685,852 0 £0 0 £0 1,496 £23,238.73 0 £0 £1,042,459
Bog 26 468 £2,544 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0
Heather grassland 356 6,408 £34,835 573 £35,762 0 £0 0 £0 228 £2,657.23 0 £0
Heather 3,020 54,360 £295,510 10,419 £650,090 0 £0 0 £0 1,268 £20,581.51 0 £0
Inland Rock 5 88 £479 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Improved grassland 34,113 614,034 £1,022,730 0 £0 0 £0 8,187 £132,847.09 0 £0 £1,155,577
Semi-natural 17,259 310,662 £517,436 27,766 £1,732,422 0 £0 0 £0 10,982 £128,823.28 0 £0 £2,378,682
Neutral 357 6,426 £10,703 553 £34,526 0 £0 0 £0 164 £2,664.69 0 £0

Calcareous 0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Acid 16,902 304,236 £506,733 27,212 £1,697,896 0 £0 0 £0 10,817 £126,158.59 0 £0
Fen/marsh/swamp 0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Arable/horticulture 2,736 49,248 £82,027 − 51,026 -£3,183,773 0 £0 21,589 £1,613,595 739 £11,986.73 71 £7,432 -£1,468,733
oats 70 420 £32,817 0 £0
oilseed rape 436 1,613 £287,312
spring barley 266 1,464 £137,949 0 £0
winter barley 268 1,905 £156,176 0 £0
wheat 1,208 9,786 £783,807 0 £0
linseed 11 16 £3,525 1 £176
sugar beet 64 3,898 £36,735 0 £0
peas 30 72 £7,998
field beans 118 283 71

Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

£29,025 £7,256
potatoes (early) 7 107 £10,389 0 £0
potatoes (main 61 2,025 £127,860 0 £0
other 196
Coastal 887 15,971 £68,381 498 £31,046 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 56 £913.22 0 £0 £100,340
Saltmarsh 84 1,512 £6,474 353 £22,013 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 56 £913.22 0 £0
Supra-littoral rock 471 8,478 £36,298 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Supra-littoral 3 59 £254 4 £235 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Littoral rock 90 1,620 £6,936 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0
Littoral sediment 239 4,302 £18,419 141 £8,798 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0.00 0 £0.00
M. Faccioli et al.
Table A4
Natural capital account table for Dartmoor National Park


Natural capital stock Stock Recreation Climate regulation Timber Livestock Crops Air quality Pollination
Annual Value Annual Value Annual Value Total Value Annual Value Annual kg Value Annual Value
visitors tonnes of m3 livestock tonnes PM10 pollinator-
CO2e overbark no. absorbed dependent
seques. tonnes

All stocks 94,322 6,508,218 £15,516,528 185,675 £11,585,099 32,000 £455,630 282,088 £8,193,537 17,218 £1,286,865 171,888 £2,788,461 57 £5,928 £39,832,048.46

Woodland 12,194 841,386 £3,034,945 156,125 £9,741,358 32,000 £455,630 0 £0 145,231 £2,356,562 0 £0 £15,588,495.40
Broadleaved 8,440 582,360 £2,100,618 90,392 £5,640,000 4,220 £64,771 0 £0 100,520 £1,631,079 0 £0
Coniferous 3,754 259,026 £934,327 65,733 £4,101,358 27,780 £390,859 0 £0 44,710 £725,482 0 £0
Open water 217 14,973 £29,376 − 1,172 -£73,114 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 -£43,738.15
Freshwater 217 14,973 £29,376 − 1,172 -£73,114 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0
Saltwater 0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0
Mountain/heath/bog 11,679 805,851 £4,380,738 8,654 £539,991 0 £0 0 £0 1,153 £18,055 0 £0 £4,938,783.57
Bog 8,928 616,032 £3,348,851 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0
Heather grassland 224 15,456 £84,021 361 £22,502 0 £0 0 £0 143 £1,672 0 £0
Heather 2,404 165,876 8,294 0 0 1,010 0

£901,729 £517,489 £0 £0 £16,383 £0

Inland Rock 123 8,487 £46,137 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0 0 £0
Improved grassland 29,035 2,003,415 £3,336,871 0 £0 0 £0 6,968 £113,072 0 £0 £3,449,942.46
Semi-natural grassland 39,015 2,692,035 £4,483,830 62,761 £3,915,970 0 £0 0 £0 17,947 £291,213 0 £0 £8,691,012.99
Acid 36,595 2,525,055 £4,205,710 58,918 £3,676,164 0 £0 0 £0 16,834 £273,150 0 £0
Fen/marsh/swamp 11 759 £1,264 43 £2,684 0 £0 0 £0 5 £82 0 £0
Species-rich dry grassland 1,107 76,383 £127,223 1,782 £111,204 0 £0 0 £0 509 £8,263 0 £0
Rhos pasture 1,302 89,838 £149,633 2,018 £125,919 0 £0 0 £0 599 £9,718 0 £0
Arable/horticulture 2,182 150,558 £250,768 − 40,694 -£2,539,106 0 £0 17,218 £1,286,865 589 £9,560 57 £5,928 -£985,985.23
oats 56 0 £0 335 £26,172 0 £0
oilseed rape 348 0 £0 1,287 £229,135
spring barley 212 0 £0 1,168 £110,017 0 £0
winter barley 214 0 1,519 0

Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

£0 £124,553 £0
wheat 964 0 £0 7,804 £625,098 0 £0
linseed 9 0 £0 13 £2,811 1 £141
sugar beet 51 0 £0 3,109 £29,297 0 £0
peas 24 0 £0 57 £6,379
field beans 94 0 £0 225 £23,148 56 £5,787
potatoes early 6 0 £0 85 £8,285 0 £0
potatoes main crop 49 0 £0 1,615 £101,970 0 £0
remainder (other) 157 0 £0
M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

A5. More details on the implications of misclassifying land cover data

Based on stakeholders’ consultation, it emerged that the LCM 2015 data tend to misclassify open grassland habitats (heather) as acid grassland for
Exmoor. We therefore tested for the effects of re-classifying acid grassland as ‘heather’. Initially, the LCM data estimated 16,902 ha of acid grassland
and 3,020 ha of heather on Exmoor. After re-classification, the total amount of heather habitat was changed to 19,922 ha, with no acid grassland. As a
result, the total natural capital account value changed from £22.9 million in the original account, to £26 million under the updated assumptions. The
re-classification of habitats only affected the provision and therefore the total value of some ecosystem services (i.e. recreation, climate regulation and
air quality). The quantity and value of the remaining ecosystem services was left unaffected, either because these services are not provided by acid
grassland and open moorland habitats or because the rate of provision of these two services is the same for both land cover types.
Table A5 summarises the changes in the ecosystem services’ value, before and after habitat re-classification, and in the last column it reports the
reasons underlying the detected variations:

Table A5
Changes in ecosystem services’ value, before and after habitat re-classification.

Ecosystem service Original value (in million) Value after habitat re-classification (in million) Specific reason for change

Recreation £2.76 £3.91 Different value per visit to grassland and moorland habitats
Climate Regulation £8.16 £10.10 Different rates of carbon capture in grassland and moorland habitats
Air Quality £2.47 £2.46 Different rates of PM10 capture between grassland and moorland habitats

A6. Alternative assumptions for the quantification of carbon sequestration services

Measures of the flow of carbon sequestration services provided by natural capital vary substantially in the reviewed studies due to the consid­
eration of different habitats or plant species which have different sequestration rates. Variations in the reported figures also depend on whether only
CO2 emissions or additionally other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide (measured as CO2e - CO2 equivalent), are accounted for.
Based on our review, the RSPB scoping study (RSPB, 2017) offered the most comprehensive figures by considering CO2e sequestration rates across
different habitat types. This is therefore the approach that we have replicated in our ‘standard practice’ accounts.
To test for the effect of alternative assumptions about sequestration rates, we considered various sources and metrics of carbon sequestration for
the case of woodland habitats in Exmoor (Tables A6a and A6b). To allow changes in the accounts to be driven only by variations in the biophysical
estimates of carbon sequestration, we kept constant the assumptions about the economic value per tonne of carbon (equal to the UK Government non-
traded carbon price).

Table A6a
The effects of different assumptions on the quantity of carbon sequestration services in broadleaved woodland in Exmoor

Broadleaved woodland

Carbon sequestration (tonnes/ha/year) Type Assumption source Total annual sequestration (tonnes/year) Climate regulation value

10.71 CO2e R 84,352 £5,263,109

9.37 CO2e N 73,798 £4,604,606
4.97 CO2 D 39,142 £2,442,358
4.71 CO2e E 37,096 £2,314,589

Table A6b
The effects of different assumptions on the quantity of carbon sequestration services in coniferous woodland in Exmoor

Coniferous woodland

Carbon sequestration (tonnes/ha/year) Type Assumption source Total annual sequestration (tonnes/year) Climate regulation value

17.51 CO2e R 59,149 £3,690,566

12.13 CO2e N 40,975 £2,556,629
12.66 CO2 D 42,765 £2,668,336
4.47 CO2e E 15,100 £942,138

Notes: D = Defra natural capital account for protected areas (White et al., 2015); R = accounts for RSPB estate (RSPB, 2017); E = Eftec woodland natural capital
account for the UK (Cryle et al., 2015); N = Nene Valley report (Rouquette, 2016).

In addition to the estimates provided in the RSPB scoping study, alternative figures found in the Defra/AECOM report (White et al., 2015), the Nene
Valley study (Rouquette, 2016) and the Eftec report on woodlands (Cryle et al., 2015) were also considered. The Defra/AECOM study offers a poor
estimation of carbon sequestration because it only focuses on one broadleaved and one coniferous species and overlooks greenhouse gases other than
CO2 entirely. Similarly, the Eftec and Nene Valley studies only report sequestration rates for a few habitat types, thereby providing a partial picture of
the carbon sequestration services offered by woodlands. The figures provided in the RSPB report represent more informed and accurate estimates.
However, these can be improved by collecting local data on the exact species and age composition of National Park woodlands, which could help with
the identification of more context-specific estimates of carbon sequestration in the scientific literature.

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Tables A6a and A6b show that when different carbon sequestration rates are selected, the estimates of total sequestration by woodlands can vary by
tens of thousands of tonnes and the climate regulation value can vary by several million pounds. Hence, the choice of the specific estimate to quantify
ecosystem services’ provision can play a substantial role on the total account results.

A7. The implications of using alternative assumptions of crop production

When discussing the initial account findings with National Park staff, it was clear that the ‘standard practice’ approach, employing national av­
erages to allocate agricultural land by crop type, is not readily applicable to Dartmoor and Exmoor. Agricultural land use in the two National Parks is
very different from the national averages. Data from the Defra June Survey Agricultural cut for National Parks17 was reviewed in order to identify
improved estimates of the proportions of different crop types on Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks’ arable land. However, these data are limited in
that they only consider a restricted number of crop categories (i.e. “cereals”, “other arable crops” and “horticultural crops”).
Alternative information on crop proportions for Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks are offered by the Farm Business Survey18 data, which
underpin the spatially-specific agricultural model contained in the NEVO tool.19 We converted the extent of crop types in NEVO into percentages of
arable land by crop type and compared these against the national percentages used in our ‘standard practice’ accounts (presented in Table 3). The
results of this comparison are outlined in Table A7a.

Table A7a
Estimates of crop proportions using national data versus more localised information

Crop type % of arable land based on national data % of Dartmoor arable land based on NEVO % of Exmoor arable land based on NEVO

Wheat 44.2 26.7 21.6

Spring barley 9.7 13.4 13.0
Winter barley 9.8 8.6 8.3
Oilseed rape 16 16.9 13.0
Sugar beet 2.4 0 0
Potatoes (early) 0.3 0.03 0
Potatoes (late) 2.2 0.03 0
Linseed 0.4 34.4 44.0
Oats 2.6 34.4 44.0
Peas 1.1 34.4 44.0
Field beans 4.3 34.4 44.0
Other 7 34.4 44.0

It has to be noted that NEVO uses fewer crop categories, as potatoes were not separated into “early” and “late”, and linseed, oats, peas and field
beans were not included (and therefore aggregated into the “other” category).
Table A7a illustrates that there are some substantial differences between national data and NEVO estimates of crop proportions on arable land. In
particular, the estimates of wheat produced on Dartmoor and Exmoor are substantially lower in NEVO, compared to the national averages based on
Defra data. The proportion of “other”, unspecified, crops is also considerably higher.
We then tested (Tables A7b and A7c) how different estimates of crop proportions can change the account results:

Table A7b
Implications of using different estimates of crop proportions on crop production and value (Dartmoor)

Crop type Total production (tonnes) Value (£2015)

Assuming ‘Standard Practice’ Assuming NEVO crop proportions Assuming ‘Standard Practice’ Assuming NEVO crop proportions
(national data) crop proportions (national data) crop proportions

Wheat 7,804 4,719 £1,555,106 £940,310

Spring barley 1,168 1,608 £208,782 £287,580
Winter barley 1,519 1,333 £271,686 £238,310
Oilseed rape 1,287 1,365 £457,778 £485,515
Sugar beet 3,109 0 £100,393 £0

Defra June Survey statistical data set geographical breakdowns, available at:
Further information on the Farm Business Survey:
Accessible at:

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

Table A7c
Implications of using different estimates of crop proportions on crop quantity and value (Exmoor)

Crop type Total production (tonnes) Value (£2015)

Assuming ‘Standard Practice’ Assuming NEVO crop proportions Assuming ‘Standard Practice’ Assuming NEVO crop proportions
(national data) crop proportions (national data) crop proportions

Wheat 9,786 4,787 £1,949,940 £953,867

Spring barley 1,464 1,958 £261,791 £350,132
Winter barley 1,905 1,612 £340,666 £288,206
Oilseed rape 1,613 1,317 £574,006 £468,664
Sugar beet 3,898 0 £125,882 £0

Given that the NEVO tool and the ‘standard practice’ approach focus on different crops, comparison of results is only possible for those crops that
are considered in both cases: wheat, spring barley, winter barley, oilseed rape and sugar beet. For barley, oilseed rape and sugar beet, variations in the
figures are relatively minor between the two approaches, with production varying by several hundred tonnes only. However, wheat production
amounts, and the resulting values, are very different between the national and NEVO estimates of crop proportion. Wheat production is overestimated
when using national estimates of crop proportions. As land allocated to wheat production in uplands on Dartmoor and Exmoor is likely lower
compared to the national average, NEVO estimates seem to represent a more realistic picture of true crop production for our case study areas. In order
to improve the ‘standard practice’ approach, whilst still focusing on a more complete list of crop types, we would recommend replacing national
estimates with data collected on the exact crop areas within the National Park boundaries.

A8. Making alternative assumptions about the discount rates

In the UK, the Government guidelines, as set in the HM Green Book, provide guidance regarding the appropriate discounting rate to apply to
environmental goods and services. Recommendations are generally that a discount rate of 3.5% is employed for flows of ecosystem services projected
out to 30 years, with discount rates declining to 3% for longer periods of time. This decline (to the so called ‘reduced‘ discount rate) is justified by the
fact that for significantly long periods into the future (i.e. exceeding 30 years) it is not ethically defensible not to employ a lower discount rate, given
the irreversible wealth transfers that is otherwise implied from the future generations to the present generation. Table A8a below summarises various
long-term discount rates that the Green Book considers for different ranges of time:

Table A8a
Overview of discount rates recommended by the Green Book over different periods of time

Period of years 0–30 31–75 76–125 126–200 201–300 301+

Standard rate as published in the Green Book 3.5% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00%
Reduced rate 3.00% 2.57% 2.14% 1.71% 1.29% 0.86%

Alternative discount rates for the valuation of the flows of environmental goods and services taking place in the very long term are recommended
elsewhere (e.g. Drupp et al., 2018). Drupp et al. (2018) report the results of a survey to a pool of experts who were asked about acceptable estimates of
the social discount rate for very long-term environmental problems. The median value estimated from this exercise was 2%, ranging from a lower
bound of 1% to an upper bound of 3.5%. The minimum value provided in the survey was 0% and the maximum was 10%. This shows that there can be
huge variation in the figures that can be considered for the social discount rate.
To illustrate the sensitivity of the account values to the choice of the discount rate we consider the case of carbon sequestration as an example. The
Defra/ONS (2014)20 document recommends to consider a time horizon of 50 years as the asset life of woodlands and, as such, the asset value of
woodland-related services (including carbon sequestration) should also be capitalised over the same period of time.
Below we compare the value of the flow of carbon sequestration services over the assumed period of time (50 years) for Dartmoor and Exmoor, by
considering different discount rates, to illustrate the sensitivity of the results to the choice of specific figures:

Table A8b
Carbon sequestration values assuming different discount rates

Discount rate

3.5% HM 3.5% + 3% 2% 1%

Dartmoor National Park £271,735,647 £284,082,468 £364,045,574 £454,090,888

Exmoor National Park £191,324,896 £200,018,104 £256,318,899 £319,718,422

Results of this exercise show that the total net present value figures for the annualised flows of carbon sequestration values vary considerably
depending on the discount rate, with much higher net present values calculated when lower discount rates are considered.

Defra/ONS (2014), Principles of ecosystem accounting. Paper for Natural Capital Accounting Steering Group.

M. Faccioli et al. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116272

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