Gas Turbine Interview Questions
Gas Turbine Interview Questions
Gas Turbine Interview Questions
Study the top 100 Gas Turbine Interview Questions and Answers
useful to review the basics and prepare for common technical
questions on Gas Turbine.
What is shroud?
Unlike the compressor blading, the turbine bucket tips don’t run
directly against an integral machined surface of the casing but
against annular curved segments called turbine shrouds.
What is flashpoint?
Flashpoint is the temperature at which the fluid contained in a test
cup and heated at a constant rate will flash but not burn when a
flame is passed over the cup.
After passing through the 3rd stage buckets, the exhaust gases
directed into the exhaust hood and diffuser. Then, the gases pass
into exhaust plenum.
The turbine shell controls the axial & radial positions of the shrouds
and nozzles. It determines turbine clearances and the relative
position of the nozzles to the turbine buckets. The position is critical
to gas turbine performance.
Fuel nozzles
Combustion liners and cross fire tube
Transition pieces
Firing system and flame detectors
Possibility to achieve a boroscopic inspection.
Which types of inspection include in hot gas
path inspection?
The inspection includes the combustion inspection, in addition, a
detailed inspection of the following parts which can be achieved
after removal of the upper shell of the turbine.