2. Cooling capacity: 3. Compressor work: 4. Compressor input power: 5. Condenser heat rejection: 6. Coefficient of performance: 7. Air mixing process: a. Mass conservation m1 m 2 m 3 b. Energy conservation (in terms of DB temperature) m1 TDB1 m 2 TDB 2 m 3 TDB 3 c. Energy conservation (in terms of humidity ratio) m1 1 m2 2 m3 3 d. Energy conservation (in terms of enthalpy) m1 h1 m2 h2 m3 h3 8. Sensible heat transfer from air at cooling coil QS m cair (T ) 9. Latent heat transfer from air at cooling coil QL m l h2o ( ) 10. Sensible Heat Ratio SHR Qs /(Qs QL ) 11. Total heat transfer from air at cooling coil QTotal m(h) 12. Evaporator/Condenser Load for water-cooled chiller: Q m cw (T ) 13. Heat Balance: Qcond Qevap Wcomp
Constants and Conversion
Specific heat capacity for air (Cair) = 1.005 kJ/kgK Specific heat capacity for water (Cw) = 4.19 kJ/kgK Latent heat of vaporization (lh20) = 2260 kJ/kg Air density (ρ) = 1.2 kg/m3
1 refrigeration ton (Rton) = 3.517 kW
Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation System (EPED001) Page 14