Lesson Plan

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Using 4A’s Approach

In English VIII

Group Members: Aguro, Bantas, Candido, De Jesus, Ellama, Fuertes, Langig, Palomaria
Rollo, Señerez
Teacher: Group 2 Date: March 18, 2023
Grade Level: Grade 8 – Pearl Time Frame: 1 hour/ 1 day
LC: EN8V-Ia-10.2
At the end of the lesson, the 75% of the class will be able to:

 Recite the meaning of Idiomatic Expression

 Appreciate the use of Idiomatic Expression by developing a clearer understanding
through expressing ideas orally; and
 Use Idiomatic expression by noting context clues and collocations in making a
Topic: Determine the meaning of Idiomatic Expression by noting context clues and
Reference: ENGLISH8 Q1 Module12_Determine the meaning of Idiomatic Expressions by
noting context clues and collocations_v1 (14 pages)
Materials: laptop, visual aids, paper, marker, pen, and book
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Reminders

Lesson Proper
A. ACTIVITY: Think outside the box
• The teacher will give a five sentence which consist of idiomatic expression. The
possible answer is given in the box.
• The teacher will give a ball to the students and then will sing a “twinkle, twinkle
little star, whoever catch the ball at the end of the song will answer the following
• The student who answered the number one sentence will throw the ball, and will
start to sing again, whoever catch the next ball at the end of the song will answer
the number two sentence, then the activity will continue until all of the sentences
are answered.
a. very hard rain b. just joking

c. for a very long time

d. it is extremely expensive e. very easy

1. I could play outside till the cows come home.

2. Bring your umbrella. It’s raining cats and dogs out there!
3. This exam is a piece of cake.
4. Yikes! This shirt costs an arm and a leg.
5. I was just pulling your leg.

After completing the activity, the teacher asks the following questions:
1. What have you observed form the activity that we did?
2. What do you think these sentences are trying to tell us?
3. What do you think is our lesson for today?

• Setting of objectives
• The teacher will discuss about the idiomatic expressions
Unlocking difficulties

• Idiomatic expression – are a type of informal language that have a meaning

different from the meaning of the words in the expression.

Idiomatic Expression

An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression, word, or

phrase that has a figurative meaning conventionally understood by
native speakers. This meaning is different from the literal meaning of the
idiom's individual elements.

Here’s an example of an idiomatic expression:

Hold your tongue

This idiom doesn’t actually mean that you should stick your fingers in your
mouth and grab a hold of your tongue. It means that you shouldn’t talk.

Some examples:

1. He’s been down in the dumps lately. (sad or depressed)

2. I feel sick as a dog. (very sick)
3. We’re all in the same boat. (all of us are in the same position)
4. I will clean my room when pigs fly. (never)

Motive questions

• Who can define idiomatic expression?

• How do idiomatic expression matter in using in a sentence?
• Who can give an example of sentence with idiomatic expression in it?
• The teacher will administer a 5-item quiz. (quiz will be posted on the blackboard)
Direction: Match and underline the idiomatic expression in Column A with its meaning in
Column B
Column A Column B
1. I’m trying to find the remote, • honest
but it’s a needle in a
2. Anna went broke after her • revealed a secret
salon business was closed.
3. Miss Lucy gave the students a
fair and square rating for • having a hard time finding it
their class performance.
4. Hundreds of visitors arrived
out of the blue during the • unexpectedly
5. I got mad with my cousin
• penniless
when she spilled the beans
about the guy I admired.

E. Valuing
 Appreciate the use of Idiomatic expression from different life experiences.


 The teacher will group the student into five through a count-off.
 The student will think of an example of idiomatic expressions and the student will
use it in the sentence.
 After the group constructed their sentences, they will read it in front of the class and
the other group will identify the idiomatic expressions in the sentences.
 Rubric will be posted as it will be the basis of rating the scores per group.

Excellent Good Fair Needs

Criteria (5) (4) (3) improvemen
t (2)
Usage Correctly used Idiom was used Idiom correctly Idiom was
idiom. correctly but used in the not used or
details do not sentence, but was used
-Details clearly further clarify details do not incorrectly.
demonstrate the situation match how
student presented idiom was used
understanding in the sentence
Conventions Only 1 2 misspelled 3 misspelled More than 3
misspelled word, words, and they words, and they misspelled
and it is not a are not sight are not sight words; some
sight word words words may be sight
-No -1 error in -2 errors in
capitalization or capitalization or capitalization -3 or more
punctuation punctuation and/or errors in
errors punctuation capitalization
Presentation Work is neat, Work is neat but Has several Has many
clean, and free has either erasures and/or erasures,
of visible visible erasures smudge marks smudges,
erasures and/or or smudge that detract and/or
smudge marks marks from markings
The message to The message to The message to The
the listener is the listener is the listener is message to
clear and strong clear somehow clear the listener is

Instructions: Analyze the following idioms and use each in a sentence. Write your output in a
½ sheet of paper.
1. Barking up the wrong tree – looking in the wrong place
2. Add insult to injury – aggravate a bad situation
3. Calm up – be secretive
4. All ears – attentive
5. Anybody’s game – a contest in which no one is sure of winning

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