Rev. in Auto Contol System

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Automation Control System (ACS) is an purpose of dynamics is to study how time and force

application of control theories for the regulation of act on a mechanism.

processes without direct human involvement that is
used in the various control systems for the transfer function= defines the mathematical
operating equipment such as machineries, relationship between the input and the output.
processes in the productions. System transfer function= provides a concise
Feedback - is an electric signal which is transferred representation of the system's dynamic behavior,
from the output to the controller, so the controller allowing engineers to analyze and design control
would be able to calculate how the output is systems.
different from the required value. Sensitivity= refers to how changes in system
Types of Feedback Control System parameters or inputs affect the system's
Positive Feedback performance, stability, or behavior.
= In the positive feedback type, the feedback signal block manipulation= typically refers to the
is added with the input signal in the controller. A manipulation and analysis of block diagrams.
positive feedback type control system is rarely
used, because of its less control over the error. multiple inputs= typically refers to systems or
Negative Feedback processes that can be influenced or driven by more
= In the negative feedback type, the feedback than one input variable or factor.
signal is subtracted from the input signal in the
Control System= is a system that is used to
controller. A negative feedback type control system
control the behavior of a device or process. It is
is generally used because it has great accuracy
made up of three main components: a sensor, a
and control in the process.
controller, and an actuator.

system models= are dynamic behavior of the

systems being controlled. These models provide Importance of Control System
insights into how the system responds to inputs,
disturbances, and changes in operating conditions. - Improving productivity - Enhancing the
best practices
4 of automatic control
- Eliminate the redundant manual controls
1. open-loop control 2. Closed loop
control - Reduce human errors

3. feedback control 4. compound Components of Control System

control based 1. Plant 2. Sensors 3.
open-loop controller= also called a non-feedback Controllers
controller, is a type of controller that computes its 4. Actuators 5. Feedback
input into a system using only the current state and
its model of the system. Plant= Physical system that produces desired
output by regulating the output to accomplish a
closed loop control system= is a mechanical or specific objective. It means something which can
electronic device that automatically regulates a be controlled.
system to maintain a desired state or set point
without human interaction. Sensors or transducers= are devices which
convert physical changes like change in
feedback control= the variable being controlled is temperature, pressure and etc into electrical
measured and compared with a target value. signals.
Compound control= combines elements of both Controllers= are used to control the behavior of
open-loop and feedback control. It utilizes dynamic system. Controllers have fast response to
predefined instructions and incorporates feedback errors but cannot remove steady-state error.
information to achieve the desired output.
Actuators= are used to implement the actions
dynamic system= is one in which the state of the which are determined by controller. They convert
system changes continuously over time. The the control system received from controller into
physical actions.
Feedback= loop connects the output of the plant Single-input single-output (SISO) control
from sensors to input of controller so that the systems: These systems have a single input and a
controller can continuously adjust itself based on single output, which means that there is only one degree
the signals from sensor. of freedom in the system. SISO systems are relatively
simple to analyze and control and are often used in basic
Control System Types control systems.

1. Open-loop control systems: These systems do Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) control

not use feedback, which means that the output is systems: These systems have multiple inputs and
multiple outputs, and may be more complex to analyze
not influenced by the actual performance of the
and control than SISO systems. MIMO systems can be
system. used to control systems with multiple degrees of freedom
2. Closed-loop control systems: These systems or to achieve more advanced control objectives.
use feedback to compare the desired output of the Control System Applications
system to the actual output, and adjust the input to
the system based on the difference between these Manufacturing and production processes: Control
two signals (called the error systems are used to automate and optimize production
processes in factories, mills, and other manufacturing
3. Continuous control systems: These systems facilities.
operate over a continuous range of time and/or Building and home automation: Control systems are
output values. They may use analog or digital used to automate and control various systems in
signals to represent the input and output of the buildings, such as lighting, heating and air conditioning,
system. and security.
4. Discrete control systems: These systems Transportation systems: Control systems are used to
operate at discrete points in time, and the input and automate and control various aspects of transportation
output are typically represented by digital signals. systems, such as traffic control systems, railway
signaling systems, and aircraft autopilot systems.
Power generation and distribution: Control systems
Linear control systems: These systems can be are used to monitor and control power generation and
represented by linear differential equations, which distribution systems, such as power plants and electric
means that the system dynamics are proportional grids.
to the input and can be described using linear Medical equipment: Control systems are used to
mathematical operations. Linear control systems automate and control various types of medical
have certain properties (such as superposition) that equipment, such as dialysis machines, ventilators, and
make them relatively easy to analyze and control. X-ray machines.

Nonlinear control systems: These systems Agricultural and farming applications: Control
cannot be represented by linear differential systems are used to automate and optimize various
equations, and may exhibit complex behaviors such farming and agricultural processes, such as irrigation,
as bifurcations and chaos. Nonlinear control fertilization, and crop harvesting.
systems can be more challenging to analyze and Military and defense systems: Control systems are
control than linear systems and may require used to automate and control various military and
specialized techniques or algorithms. defense systems, such as missile defense systems,
drones, and radar systems.
Time-invariant control systems: These systems
have the same input-output relationship at all times, Robotics: Control systems are used to design and
which means that the system dynamics do not control the movement and behavior of robots.
change over time. Time-invariant systems are often System Parameters
used in applications where the system parameters 1. First Order Control System - in the system in which
are not expected to vary significantly over time. as input changes, output also changes but not
Time-varying control systems: These systems 2. Second Order Control System - in the system in
have a time-varying input-output relationship, which which as input changes, output also changes but with
may be caused by changes in the system dynamics some delay and oscillation.
or external factors. Time-varying systems can be 3. Stability - A system is said to be stable, if its output is
more challenging to analyze and control than time- under control. Otherwise, it is said to be unstable. A
invariant systems, as the system dynamics may stable system produces a bounded output for a given
change over time. bounded input.

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