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VERSAWRAP One Piece Column Wrap TIP: Test fit the column before installation; if the lock miter

Installation Guidelines joint is tight, consider wrapping a piece of 320 grit

sandpaper around a paint stick or ruler and run it through
VERSAWRAP column wraps are individually packaged in a the groove to open the joint.
cardboard sleeve and folded to protect the exterior faces of the
wrap. Care should be taken in handling the individual wraps to 4. Secure the VERSAWRAP column wrap to the structural
prevent tape tearing or excessive cracking at the lock miter joints. column using stainless steel nails that penetrate through
If possible, keep the wraps in their packaging and in a warm the furring strips to the structural post.
place before use.
CAUTION: If the post is new, allow the post to dry, wait to
1. Ensure the structural fasten to the post until the post is dry, which may take
post is structurally several months.
sound and straight. If
necessary, install thin 5. Remove the tape from the corners at most four hours after
furring strips, shims or installation. To remove the tape, be sure the entire width of
window and door spray tape has been lifted across the top before pulling it slowly
foam insulation by down the column. Most PVC adhesives set in minutes, not
Great Stuff™ (For Spray hours, allowing you to remove the tape soon after the
foam insulation, spray four column has been installed.
1" beads leaving 12 inches at the top and bottom without
foam, this foam will expand and fill in the gaps between the 6. Take a sanding block with 320 grit sandpaper and gently
column and the wrap.) If using shims, attach them evenly on
hit the locking joint to remove any roughness.
all four (4) sides to maintain equal spacing around the
column/post.) Be sure the furred/shimmed strips outside
dimensions are no wider than the inside dimension of NOTE: Leaving the tape on the column wrap and exposed to
the VERSAWRAP column wrap. the sun’s UV rays for more than 24 hours could make
removing it difficult and may leave adhesive residue on the
2. Apply an adhesive that offers column wrap.
enough cure/working time to be
applied in the four joints and
wrapped around the structural
column/post before curing. PVC
glues with solvent work well,
provided you apply them quickly.

3. Apply PVC glue into the four joints

using a plastic squeeze bottle with
a thin, tapered nozzle applicator,
like a ketchup bottle or a 5-ounce
tube of PVC adhesives. Do not use
thick 2-component or single TIP: Mild cleaners or a solvent can remove any
component adhesives. They will fracture the miter corners. residual adhesive from leaving the tape on the column
PVC glue softens the joint of the VERSAWRAP, reducing the wrap for an extended period.
cracking of the cellular PVC at the outside corners of the
wrap. Remember to apply the adhesive to only one surface TIP: Use a hair dryer to help remove the tape at
of the miter lock joints. temperatures below 40oF.

TIP: For ease of installation, glue the two corners opposite

male & female panels, forming a “U”. Wrap the “U”around
your post and glue the remaining 2 corners of the wrap.

NOTE: Four VERSAWRAPS can be glued using one 5-ounce

tube of adhesive regardless of column length.

VERSAWRAP One-Piece Colum Wrap Installation Guidelines Rev 2/23

VERSATEX does not require painting for protection. Use paints
that are 100% acrylic latex or acrylic latex with urethane additive.



Options for dark colors: consult PPG or AquaSurTech on “heat

reflective” paints in applications where the paint color has an
LRV value of fewer than 50 units. When using paints, the liability
of performance rests with the paint manufacturer.

To obtain adequate paint adhesion, be sure the surface of the

VERSATEX Trimboard is clean, dry, and free of dirt, loose or
peeling paint, mildew, chalk, grease, and any other surface
contaminants before applying paint. Use a mild detergent (Spic
and Span®) and water or denatured alcohol for cleaning.

Paint can take up to 30 days to fully cure depending on outside

temperatures, humidity conditions, and other local factors.

Paint Life: You can expect an extended paint life of up to 10

years beyond wood due to the absence of moisture in our trim.

Follow the paint manufacturer’s surface preparation and

application recommendations.

In most cases, the paint manufacturer will require a primer if the

homeowner wants the paint warranty.

VERSATEX can be installed at or below grade, as it does not wick
moisture. VERSATEX is perfect for use in moisture-prone
applications such as garage door jambs, column wraps, ground
contact, masonry contact, hot tub surrounds, and at rooflines.

VERSATEX will not support mold and mildew growth. (ASTM G-
21-96) n I f product gets dirty, clean with products like Soft
Scrub® with Bleach,

Spin and Span®, Clorox® Regular Bleach, Clorox® Clean-Up®,

Clorox® Outdoor Bleach Cleaner, or Corte Clean. Use a nylon
brush for stub born stains or to get dirt out of the cells.

VERSAWRAP One-Piece Colum Wrap Installation Guidelines Rev 2/23

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