Gibberish Generator: Input
Gibberish Generator: Input
Gibberish Generator: Input
Enter any text or choose a sample.
Samples: Management-ese Clear
As times have changed, the demands of the marketplace on our company
have increased markedly. We recognize that competitors operating at
world-class levels of performance - in quality, cycle time, cost
efficiencies, and new product development - are a likely part of our
future. We are now better able to understand the importance of our
customers' needs, and quality has a new meaning. To become a world-class
company will demand flexibility, teamwork, competencies, and focused
improvements that we would have found nearly inconceivable a few years
ago; and it won't be possible without the full involvement and
engagement of every person in the company. World-class companies have
i d h ff i l d hi d f l i
Generate Gibberish
World-class competencies have innovation, and nearly improduct designed as
ago; and environment to competitices. A competencies: People they need
designized the commitment. A companing. The focused on our full destiny
work engagement - innovatiny without the fundership and needs, systems ass
cost efficies, and praction a needs, and needs, and practive leaderson
ource policies: People time, companies: People in to importand market. A
work engagement the inconce - are designized on to proving. The imp
Gibberish Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Gibberish is generated by a remarkably simple computer program. For a description of the algorithm, see "What is Gibberish?"
Hints: This works best if the input is a paragraph of ordinary words with no line breaks, no tabs, and no extra spaces. Single
punctuation marks (periods, commas, etc.) work well, but paired punctuation marks (quotes, parentheses, etc.) do not work
You can see the source code in GibGen.htm and GibGen.js (JavaScript).