Agro Climatice and Agro Ecology

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The main objectives of agro-climatic regions are:

 To optimize agricultural production;

 To increase farm income;
 To generate more rural employment;
 To make a judicious use of the available irrigation water;
 To reduce the regional inequalities in the development of agriculture.
The 15 agro-climatic zones are:-
Zone 1- Western Himalayan Region: Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh
Zone 2 - Eastern Himalayan Region: Assam, Sikkim, West Bengal and all North-
Eastern states
Zone 3 - Lower Gangetic Plains Region: West Bengal
Zone 4 - Middle Gangetic Plains Region: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar
Zone 5 - Upper Gangetic Plains Region: Uttar Pradesh
Zone 6 - Trans-Gangetic Plains Region: Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan
Zone 7 - Eastern Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and
West Bengal
Zone 8 - Central Plateau and Hills Region: MP, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh
Zone 9 - Western Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh and
Zone 10 - Southern Plateau and Hills Region: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
Zone 11 - East Coast Plains and Hills Region: Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
and Pondicherry
Zone 12 - West Coast Plains and Ghat Region: Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa, Karnataka,
Zone 13 - Gujarat Plains and Hills Region: Gujarat
Zone 14 - Western Dry Region: Rajasthan
Zone 15 - The Islands Region: Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep. (Map 1)

The 15 agro-climatic zones are:-

Zone 1- Western Himalayan Region: Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh.

 Summer season is mild (July average temperature 5°C-30°C), winter season
experiences severe cold conditions (January temperature 0°C to -4°C).
 The average annual rainfall is 150 cm.
 Valleys and duns have thick layers of alluvium while hill slopes have thin
brown hilly soils.
 The region is gifted with a number of perennial streams due to high rainfall and
snow covered mountain peaks of which Ganga, Yamuna, Jhelum, Chenab,
Satluj and Beas etc. are worthy of mention.
 Rice is the main crop, cultivated in terraced fields along the hill slopes.
 Maize, wheat, potato, barley are other important crops.
 Temperate fruits like apple and pear etc. are produced in some parts of Jammu
and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
 Similarly tea plantations have started in some areas of Garhwal-Kumaun hills

Zone 2 - Eastern Himalayan Region: Assam, Sikkim, West Bengal and all North-
Eastern states.

 The Eastern Himalayan region consists of Sikkim, Darjeeling area (West

Bengal), Arunachal Pradesh, Assam hills, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur,
Mizoram and Tripura.
 It is characterised by rugged topography, thick forest cover.
 Sub-humid climate (rainfall over 200 cm; temperature July 25°C-33°C, January
 The soil is brownish, thick layered and less fertile.
 Shifting cultivation (Jhum) is practised in nearly 1/ 3 of the cultivated area.
 Rice, potato, maize, tea and fruits (orange, pine-apple, lime, lichi etc.) are the
main crops.

Zone 3 - Lower Gangetic Plains Region: West Bengal.

 This region spreads over eastern Bihar, West Bengal and Assam valley.
 Average annual rainfall lies between 100 cm-200 cm.
 Temperature for July month varies from 26°C-41°C and for January month 9°C-
24 0C.
 Rice main crop which at times yields three successive crops (Aman, Aus and
Boro) in a year.
 Jute, maize, potato, and pulses are other important crops.

Zone 4 - Middle Gangetic Plains Region: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar.

 It incorporates eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar (except Chotanagpur plateau).
 It is a fertile alluvial plain drained by Ganga River and its tributaries.
 The average temperature of July month 26°C- 4I°C and that of January month
 The amount of annual rainfall lies between 100 cm and 200 cm. s.
 Rice, maize, millets in, kharif, wheat, gram, barley, peas, mustard and potato in
rabi are important crops

Zone 5 - Upper Gangetic Plains Region: Uttar Pradesh.

 This region encompasses central and western parts of Uttar Pradesh.

 The climate is subhumid continental.
 July month's temperature between 26°-41°C, January month's temperature
between 7°- 23°C.
 Average annual rainfall between 75 cm- 150 cm.
 The soil is sandy loam.
 This is an intensive agricultural region where in wheat, rice, sugarcane, millets,
maize, gram, barley, oilseeds, pulses and cotton are the main crops.

Zone 6 - Trans-Gangetic Plains Region: Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan.

 The Trans Ganga Plain consists of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Chandigarh and
Ganganagar district of Rajasthan.
 The climate has semiarid characteristics.
 July month's temperature between 26°C and 42°C, January temperature ranging
from 7°C to 22°C.
 Average annual rainfall between 70 cm and 125 cm.
 Private tube wells and canals provide principal means of irrigation.
 Important crops include wheat, sugarcane, cotton, rice, gram, maize, millets,
pulses and oilseeds etc.

Zone 7 - Eastern Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa
and West Bengal.

 It comprises the Chotanagpur plateau Rajmahal hills, Chhattisgarh plains and

 The region enjoys 26°C-34°C of temperature in July, 10°C-27° C in January and
80 cm-150 cm of annual rainfall.
 Soils are red and yellow with occasional patches of laterites and alluviums.
 The region is deficient in water resources due to plateau structure and non-
perennial streams.
 Rainfed agriculture is practised growing crops like rice, millets, maize, oilseeds,
ragi, gram and potato.

Zone 8 - Central Plateau and Hills Region: MP, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh.

 This region spreads over Bundelkhand, Baghelkhand, Bhander plateau, Malwa

plateau and Vindhyachal hills.
 The climate is semi-arid in western part to sub-humid in eastern part
 Temperature in July month 26°C-40°C, in January month 7°C-24°C.
 Average annual rainfall from 50 cm- 100 cm.
 Soils are mixed red, yellow and black growing crops like millets, gram, barley,
wheat, cotton, sunflower, etc.

Zone 9 - Western Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh and

 This comprises southern part of Malwa plateau and Deccan plateau

 July temperature between 24°C-41 °C, January temperature between 6°C- 23°C.
 Average annual rainfall of 25 cm-75 cm.
 Jowar, cotton, sugarcane, rice, bajra, wheat, gram, pulses, potato, groundnut and
oilseeds are the principal crops.
 The area is known for its oranges, grapes and bananas.

Zone 10 - Southern Plateau and Hills Region: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil

 It incorporates southern Maharashtra, Karnataka, western Andhra Pradesh and

northern Tamil Nadu.
 The temperature of July month lies between 26°C to 42°C, that of January
month between 13°C-21°C.
 Annual rainfall between 50 cm-100 cm.
 The climate is semi-arid with only 50 per cent of area cultivated, 81 per cent of
dry land farming, and low cropping intensity of 111 per cent.
 Low value cereals and minor millets predominate.
 Coffee, tea, cardamom and spices are grown along the hilly slopes of Karnataka

Zone 11 - East Coast Plains and Hills Region: Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
Nadu and Pondicherry.

 This region includes the Coromandel and Northern Circar coasts.

 climate is sub-humid maritime with May and January temperatures ranging
from 26°C-32°C and 20°C-29°C.
 Annual rainfall of 75 cm-150 cm.
 The soils are alluvial, loam and clay facing the menacing problem of alkalinity.
 The region accounts for 20.33 per cent of rice and 17.05 per cent of groundnut
production of the country.
 Main crops include rice, jute, tobacco, sugarcane, maize, millets, groundnut and

Zone 12 - West Coast Plains and Ghat Region: Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa,
Karnataka, Maharashtra.

 This region extends over the Malabar and Konkan coasts and the Sahyadris
 Soil is covered by laterite and coastal alluvials.
 This is a humid region with annual rainfall above 200 cm and average
 Temperatures of 26°C-32°C in July and 19°C-28°C in January.
 Rice, coconut, oilseeds, sugarcane, millets, pulses and cotton are the main
 The region is also famous for plantation crops and spices which are raised
along the hill slopes of the Ghats.

Zone 13 - Gujarat Plains and Hills Region: Gujarat.

 This region includes Kathiawar and fertile valleys of Mahi and Sabarmati rivers.
 It is an arid an semi-arid region with average annual rainfall between 50 cm-100
 Monthly temperature between 26°C-42°C in July and 13°C-29°C in January.
 Soils are regur in the plateau region, alluvium in the coastal plains, and red and
yellow soils in Jamnagar.
 Groundnut, cotton, rice, millets, oilseeds, wheat and tobacco are the main crops.
 It is an important oilseed producing region.

Zone 14 - Western Dry Region: Rajasthan. It comprises western Rajasthan west of

the Aravallis.

 It is characterised by hot sandy desert.

 Erratic rainfall (annual average less than 25 cm).
 High evaporation,
 Contrasting temperature (June 28°C- 45°C, and January 5°C-22°C).
 Absence of perennial rivers, and scanty vegetation.
 Bajra, jowar, and moth are main crops of kharif and wheat and gram in rabi.
 Livestock contributes greatly in desert ecology.

Zone 15 - The Islands Region: Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep.

 The island region includes Andaman-Nicobar and Lakshadweep.

 Which have typically equatorial climate (annual rainfall less than 300 cm.
 The mean July and January temperature of Port Blair being 30°C and 25°C
 The soils vary from sandy along the cost to clayey loam in valleys and lower
 The main crops are rice, maize, millets, pulses, areca nut, turmeric and cassava.
Classification of Agro-ecological zones:
The Agricultural regions, Forest Regions and the Livestock rearing zones are fully
controlled by a set of inter-related geographic factors.

They are:

 Climatic factors
 Soil properties and
 Physiographic settings (topography & drainage).

The land area of India is divided into 20 agro-ecological regions

a) Physiographic features.(mountains, river, landscape, rock type, evolutionary


b) Soil characteristics.

c) Bio-climatic features.

d) The Length of growing period.

They are the following:

1. Cold Arid Eco-region with Shallow Skeletal Soils.

2. Hot Arid Eco-region with Desert and Saline Soils.

3. Hot Arid Eco-region with Red and Black Soils.

4. Hot Semi-Arid Eco-region with Alluvium Derived soils.

5. Hot Semi Arid Eco-region with Medium and Deep Black Soils.
6. Hot Semi-Arid Eco-region with Shallow and Medium (Dominant) Black Soils.

7. Hot Semi Arid Eco-region with Red and Bla6k soils.

8. Hot Semi-Arid Eco-region with Red Loamy soils.

9. Hot sub humid (Dry) Eco-region with Alluvium- Derived Soils.

10. Hot Sub humid Eco-region with Red and Black Soils.

11. Hot Sub humid Eco-region with Red and Yellow Soils

12. Hot Sub humid Eco-region with Red and Lateritic soils

13. Hot Sub humid (Moist) Eco-region with Alluvium-derived soils

14. Warm Sub humid to Humid with Inclusion of Per humid Eco-region with
Brown Forest and Podzolic Soils.

15. Hot Sub humid (moist) to Humid (inclusion) of per humid Eco-region with
alluvium-derived soils

16. Warm per humid Eco-region with Brown and Red Hill Soils

17. Warm per humid Eco-region with Red and Lateritic Soils

18. Hot Sub humid to Semi-arid Eco-region with Coastal Alluvium-derived soils

19. Hot Humid Per humid Eco-region with Red, Lateritic and Alluvium-derived

20. Hot Humid/per humid Island Eco-region with Red loamy and Sandy Soils

Agro-ecological zones, their soil resource and cropping systems

1. Western Himalayas, cold arid eco-region

Area Eastern aspect of Ladakh Plateau
Subregion cold, hyper-arid eco-subregion
Soils shallow skeletal soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) Very Low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) <60 days
Standard Code A13Eh1
Area 1.2 Western Aspect of Ladakh Plateau and north
Kashmir Himalayas
Subregion cold to cool typic-arid
Soils shallow, loamy skeletal soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 60-90 days
Standard Code A13Et2

2. Western Plain, Kachchh and part of Kathiawar Peninsula,

hot arid eco-region (M9E1)
Area Marusthali
Subregion hot, hyper arid
Soils hallow and deep sandy desert soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) very low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) < 60 days
Standard Code M9Eh1

Area Kachchh Peninsula (Great Rann of Kutch as inclusion),
Subregion hot
Soils deep loamy saline and alkali soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) <60 days
Standard Code L12Eh1

Area Rajasthan Bagar, North Gujarat Plain and South-Western
Punjab Plain
Subregion hot typic- arid
Soils deep, loamy desert
soils (inclusion of saline phase),
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 60-90
Standard Code M9Et2

Area South Kachchh and North Kathiawar Peninsula
Subregion hot arid
Soils with deep loamy saline and alkali soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 60-90 days
Standard Code L12Et2

3 Deccan plateau, hot arid eco-subregion (K6E2)

Area Karnataka Plateau (Rayalseema as inclusion)
Subregion hot arid
Soils with deep loamy and clayey mixed Red and Black soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 60-90 days
Standard Code K6Et2

4. Northern Plain (and Central Highlands) including Aravallis, hot semi-arid ecoregion (N8D2)
Area 4.1 North Punjab Plain, Ganga-Yamuna Doab and
Subregion hot semi-arid
Soils deep loamy alluvium-derived
soils (occasional saline and sodic phases),
Available water Capacity (AWC) Medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120
Standard Code N8Dd3
Area North Gujarat Plain (inclusion of Aravalli range and east
Rajasthan Uplands),
Subregion hot dry semiarid
Soils deep loamy Gray Brown and alluvium-derived soils,
Available water Capacity (AWC) Medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code P14Dd3

Area 4.3 Ganga Yamuna Doab, Rohilkhand and Avadah Plain
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils deep, loamy alluvium-derived soils (sodic phase
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code N8Dm4

Area Madhya Bharat Plateau and Bundelkhand Uplands
Subregion hot, moist semi-arid
Soils Deep loamy and clayey mixed Red and Black soils,
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code N6Dm4

5 Central (Malwa) Highlands, Gujarat plains and Kathiawar

Peninsula Ecoregion (I5 D2)
Area Central Kathiawar Peninsula,
Subregion hot, dry semiarid
Soils shallow and medium loamy to clayey black soils (deep
soils as inclusion
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code L4Dd3
Area Madhya Bharat Plateau Western Malwa Plateau, Eastern
Gujarat Plain, Vindhyan and Satpura range and Narmada
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils medium and deep, clayey
Black soils (shallow black soils as inclusions)
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code I5Dm4

Area Coastal Kathiawar Peninsula
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils deep loamy coastal alluvium-derived soils (saline/phases
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code L7Dm4

6. Deccan Plateau, hot semi-arid eco-region (K4D2)

Area South Western Maharashtra and North Karnataka Plateau
Subregion hot dry semi-arid
Soils shallow and medium loamy Black
soils (deep clayey Black soils as inclusion)
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code K4Dd3

Area Central and Western Maharashtra Plateau and North
Karnataka Plateau and North Western Telangana Plateau
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils shallow and medium loamy to
clayey Black soils (medium land deep clayey Black soils
as inclusion)
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code K4Dm4
Area Eastern Maharashtra Plateau
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils medium land deep clayey Black soils (shallow loamy to
clayey Black soils as inclusion)
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code K5Dm4

Area North Sahyadris and Western Karnataka Plateau
Subregion hot dry subhumid
Soils -
Available water Capacity (AWC) -
Length of Growing Period(LGP) -
Standard Code

7. Deccan Plateau (Telangana) and Eastern Ghats, hot semiarid

ecoregion (K6D2)
Area South Telangana Plateau (Rayalseema) and Eastern Ghat
Subregion hot dry semi-arid
Soils Deep loamy to clayey mixed Red
and Black soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code K6Dd3

Area North Telangana Plateau
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils Deep loamy and clayey mixed Red and Black soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to very high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code K6Dm4

Area Eastern Ghat (South)
Subregion hot moist semi-arid/dry subhumid
Soils medium to deep, loamy to clayey mixed Red and Black
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code H6Dm/Cd5

8. Eastern Ghats and Tamil Nadu Uplands and Deccan

(Karnataka) Plateau, hot semiarid eco-region (H1D2)
Area Tamil Nadu Uplands and Leeward Flanks of South
Subregion hot dry semi-arid
Soils moderately deep to deep, loamy
to clayey, mixed Red and Black soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code H6Dd3

Area Central Karnataka Plateau
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils medium to deep Red loamy soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code K1Dm4

Area Tamil Nadu Uplands and Plains
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils deep red loamy soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code H1Dm4

9. Northern Plain, hot subhumid (dry) eco-region (N8C3)

Area Punjab and Rohilkhand Plains
Subregion hot dry/moist subhumid transitional
Soils deep, loamy to clayey alluvium-derived (inclusion of
saline and sodic phases) soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code N8Cm/Cd4

Area Rohilkhand, Avadh and south Bihar Plains
Subregion hot dry subhumid
Soils deep loamy alluvium-derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code N8Cd5

10. Central Highlands (Malwa and Bundelkhand), hot

subhumid (dry) eco-region (I6C3(4)
Area Malwa Plateau, Vindhyan Scarpland and Narmada
Subregion Hot dry subhumid
Soils medium and deep clayey Black soils
(shallow loamy Black soils as inclusion)
Available water Capacity (AWC) high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code 15Cd5

Area Satpura and Eastern Maharashtra Plateau
Subregion hot dry subhumid
Soils shallow and medium loamy to clayey Black soils (deep
clayey Black soils as inclusion)
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code K4Cd5

Area Vindhyan Scarpland and Bundelkhand Plateau
Subregion hot dry subhumid
Soils deep loamy to clayey mixed Red and
Black soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code I6Cd5

Area Satpura range and Wainganga Valley
Subregion hot moist subhumid
Soils shallow to deep loamy to clayey mixed Red and Black
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 180-210 days
Standard Code K6Cm6

11. Chattisgarh/Mahanadi Basin Agro-eco-region (J3 C3)

Area Moderately to gently sloping Chattisgarh/Mahanadi
Subregion Hot moist/dry subhumid transitional
Soils deep loamy lto clayey Red and Yellow soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code J3Cd/Cm5

12. Eastern Plateau (Chhotanagpur) and Eastern Ghats, hot

subhumid eco-region (J23C3(4)
Area Garjat Hills, Dandakaranya and Eastern Ghats
Subregion hot moist subhumid
Soils deep loamy Red and Lateritic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) Low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 180-210 days
Standard Code J2Cm6
Area Eastern Ghats
Subregion hot moist subhumid
Soils medium to deep loamy Red and Lateritic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 180-210 days
Standard Code H2Cm6

Area Chhotanagpur Plateau and Garjat Hills
Subregion hot, dry subhumid
Soils moderately deep to deep loamy to clayey Red and
Lateritic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code J2Cd5

13. Eastern Plain, hot subhumid (moist) ecoregion (08C4)

Area North Bihar and Avadh Plains
Subregion hot dry to moist subhumid transitional
Soils deep, loamy alluvium-derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) Low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 180-210 days
Standard Code O8Cd/Cm6

Area Foothills of Central Himalayas
Subregion warm to hot moist subhumid
Soils deep loamy to clayey Tarai soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 180-210 days
Standard Code B10Cm6

14. Western Himalayas, warm subhumid (to humid with

inclusion of perhumid) ecoregion [A15C(BA)4(5)]
Area South Kashmir and Punjab Himalayas
Subregion cold and warm by dry
semi-arid/dry subhumid
Soils shallow to medium deep loamy Brown Forest and
Podzolic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code A15Dd/Cd3

Area South Kashmir and Kumaun Himalayas
Subregion warm moist to dry subhumid transitional
Soils medium to deep loamy to
clayey Brown Forest and Podzolic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-210 days
Standard Code A15Cd/Cm6

Area Punjab Himalayas
Subregion warm humid to perhumid transitional
Soils shallow to medium deep loamy brown forest and
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 270-300+ days
Standard Code A15BA9

Area Kumaun Himalayas
Subregion warm humid to perhumid transitional
Soils shallow to medium deep loamy Red and Yellow soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 270-300+ days
Standard Code A3B/A9

Area Foothills of Kumaun Himalayas (Subdued)
Subregion warm moist subhumid
Soils medium to deep, loamy arai soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 270-300 days
Standard Code A10A9

15. Assam and Bengal Plain, hot subhumid to humid

(Inclusion of perhumid) eco-region (Q8C (BA) 5).
Area Bengal basin and North Bihar Plain
Subregion hot moist subhumid
Soils deep loamy to clayey alluvium-derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 210-240 days
Standard Code 08Cm7

Area Middle Brahmaputra Plain
Subregion hot humid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey alluvium-derived soil
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 240- 270 days
Standard Code Q8B8

Area Teesta, lower Brahmaputra Plain and Barak Valley
Subregion hot moist humid to perhumid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey alluviumderived
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 270-300 days
Standard Code Q8A9

Area Upper Brahmaputra Plain
Subregion warm to hot perhumid
Soils moderately deep to deep loamy, alluvium-derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 300 days
Standard Code Q8A10

16. Eastern Himalayas, warm perhumid eco-region (C11A5)

Area Foot-hills of Eastern Himalayas (Bhutan foot-hills)
Subregion warm to hot perhumid
Soils shallow to medium, loamy-skeletal to
loamy Tarai soils,
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 270-300 days
Standard Code C10A9

Area Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayas
Subregion warm perhumid
Soils shallow to medium deep loamy Brown and Red Hill soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) Low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 300 days
Standard Code C11A10

Area Arunachal Pradesh (Subdued Eastern Himalayas)
Subregion warm to hot perhumid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey Red Loamy
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 300 days
Standard Code C1A10

17. North-eastern Hills (Purvachal), warm perhumid ecoregion

Area Meghalaya Plateau land Nagaland Hill
Subregion warm to hot moist humid to perhumid
Soils medium to deep loamy to clayey
Red and Lateritic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 270-300+ days
Standard Code D2A9

Area Purvachal (Eastern Range)
Subregion warm to hot perhumid
Soils medium to deep loamy Red and Yellow soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 300 days
Standard Code D3A10

18. Eastern Coastal Plain, hot subhumid to semiarid

ecoregion (S7Cd2-5)
Area South Tamil Nadu Plains (Coastal)
Subregion hot dry semi-arid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey, alkaline Coastal and deltaic
alluvium-derived soil
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 90-120 days
Standard Code S7Dd3

Area North Tamil Nadu Plains (Coastal)
Subregion hot moist semi-arid
Soils deep, clayey and cracking Coastal land Deltaic alluvium
Available water Capacity (AWC) high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 120-150 days
Standard Code S7Dm4

Area Andhra Plain
Subregion hot dry subhumid
Soils deep, clayey Coastal and Deltaic alluvium-derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 150-180 days
Standard Code S7Cd5

Area Utkal Plain and East Godavari Delta
Subregion hot dry subhumid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey Coastal and deltaic alluvium
derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 180-210 days
Standard Code S7Cd6

Area Gangetic Delta
Subregion hot moist subhumid to humid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey Coastal and deltaic alluvium-
derived soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 240-270 days
Standard Code S7Cm7

19. Western Ghats and Coastal Plain, hot humid-perhumid

eco-region (E2BA5)
Area North Sahyadris and Konkan Coast
Subregion hot humid
Soils medium to deep loamy to clayey mixed Red and Black
Available water Capacity (AWC) medium to high
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 210-240 days
Standard Code E6B8

Area Central and South Sahyadris
Subregion hot moist subhumid to humid
Soils deep, loamy to clayey Red and Lateritic soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 210-270 days
Standard Code E2Cm/B7(9

Area Konkan, Karnataka and Kerala Coastal plain
Subregion hot humid to per humid transitional
Soils deep, clayey to loamy acidic coastal alluvium-derived
Available water Capacity (AWC) low
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 240-270 days
Standard Code (R7A(B8(7).

20. Islands of Andaman-Nicobar and Lakshadweep, hot humid to perhumid island ecoregion
Area Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands
Subregion hot perhumid
Soils shallow to medium deep, loamy to clayey Red and
Yellow and Red Loamy soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 300 days
Standard Code T3A10

Area Level Lakshadweep and group of Island
Subregion hot humid
Soils shallow to medium deep loamy to sandy Black, sandy
and Littoral soils
Available water Capacity (AWC) low to medium
Length of Growing Period(LGP) 240-270 days
Standard Code U16B8

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