Veracity Logic UAT Testing Guide
Veracity Logic UAT Testing Guide
Veracity Logic UAT Testing Guide
and Templates
User Acceptance Test Plan
Action Notes
Any instructions for the tester that may or may not have been
included in your UAT Test Plan
The purpose of the test -- the specific function or rule you are
testing to be sure the system is working properly. (You can also
include a reference to the supporting document and the
sections which are being tested.) For example:
To confirm the system enforces collection of valid subject
information when screening a new subject. See User
Requirements Specification, section 3.
Action Notes
System Version number, Protocol and Sponsor Identification,
and your standard good documentation requirements
according to your company’s SOP.
Dates on which each test cycle was started and completed
Name the staff which executed test cases
List the status of each test case in each test cycle and
whether any action was required, for example, Test Cycle 1,
Test Case - Screening - Passed - no action required
Repeat the same for any additional test cycles
Approvals Section which includes a statement: I have
reviewed all executed test cases required for the study and
confirmed that both tester and reviewer signatures are
present. This system may be released for Production.
Protocol ID
System Vendor
System Name
Tester Instructions
When executing each test case, the tester will record "Pass" or "Fail" for each step
based on the following criteria:
• If the actual results match the expected results, write the word “Pass”.
• If the actual results do not match the expected results write the word “Fail”
and record the step number on the last page of this test case.
I approve this User Acceptance Test Plan and supporting documents. User
Acceptance Testing may begin.
Tester Signature:
Revision History
VLIRT Project Document Date Revision
Version Version Revision Approved Revision
Test Case Execution Prep Add any preparatory steps here. For example:
• users needing to be added or email address updated
• subjects needing to be added or be at a certain status
• shipments or kits needing to be in a certain state
• These will be "steps" that are not “Passed” or “Failed”, they are
to setup the necessary scenario to be able to confirm the
function of requirements being tested
# Steps # Steps
Version Test Cycle Total # Steps Executed # Steps Passed Failed
I confirm that I have executed this test case following the instructions
provided for each step above and in accordance with the Testing Instructions
Tester Signature:
Protocol ID
System Vendor
System Name
I have reviewed all executed test cases required for the study and confirmed
that both tester and reviewer signatures are present. This system may be
released for Production.
Tester Signature:
Veracity Logic (VL), based in North Carolina’s Research Triangle area, specializes in
providing subject and inventory management solutions using interactive response
technology (IRT) to support our clients' clinical trials.
At Veracity Logic, we’re as proud of our ability to manage the real-life demands of
clinical trials as we are of our technology. When you work with us, you’ll find that we
are reliable, responsive and user friendly -- we support your trial with our
experienced, helpful team that is dedicated to your success.
If you have comments or would like to learn more about how Veracity Logic can
support your next trial, please contact us at