TOR GBV Amended - V2.0
TOR GBV Amended - V2.0
TOR GBV Amended - V2.0
ADB Financed Health System Enhancement Project (Additional Financing), Sri Lanka
1. The Health System Enhancement Project (HSEP) is a primary health care serve
development project financed by ADB. The value of the project is USD 60 million
comprising USD 37.5 million in concessionary loan, USD 12.5 million grant and USD 10
million as counterpart contribution from the Government of Sri Lanka. The project is
delivered through a project investment modality and is effective from February 2019 and will
be closed on May 2025. The project also granted additional financing. The additional
financing is the most appropriate and efficient modality to finance the scale up of the outputs
of a well performing ongoing project, addressing the government’s urgent financing
requirements to support and manage the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic, and the
replenishment of reallocated funds approved in 2020 to complete the originally planned
activities mainly related to PHC development. The total additional financing to the original
project will be for $123 million which includes $110 million from ADB country allocation,
$3 million grant resources via the ADB-managed Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR); 1
and $10 million as Government of Sri Lanka counterpart funds. The project will be
implemented in all nine Provinces in Sri Lanka.
2. The proposed project will improve efficiency, equity, and responsiveness of the
Primary Health Care (PHC) system based on the concept of providing universal health
coverage and continuum of care to quality essential health services. The project pursues an
equity perspective in planning and delivering of essential primary health care services. It
expects to further inform and operationalize government PHC reform initiatives to reduce
bypassing of PHC facilities by providing more comprehensive services via shared care cluster
services. Furthermore, the project will target underserved communities’ access to PHC and
address selected gaps in core public health disease surveillance in line with the International
Health Regulations (IHR).
JFPR is a possible funding source subject to the approval of the Government of Japan.
a. Output 1: Primary Health Care services enhanced in Central, North Central,
Sabaragamuwa and Uva provinces.
b. Output II: Health Information and disease surveillance capacity strengthened.
c. Output III: Capacities of Policy development, Project management and
Human Resource Development strengthen.
(i) Primary and secondary health care enhanced in Central, North Central,
Sabaragamuwa, and Uva provinces;
(ii) Health information system, disease surveillance capacity, and COVID-19
response strengthened; and
(iii) Policy development, capacity building, and project management supported.
Additional Information
Possibility of Not Known Possibility of consideration Not known
contract extension: for downstream
Indefinite Delivery No Country of Assignment: Sri Lanka
Country of eligibility Same as country of
for national assignment
The consultant will support the design and implementation of project’s GAP and its extension.
These include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Support the HSEP and FHB in establishing and launching GBV care centers (Strengthening
where already established) in the nine Apex Hospitals in the 9 districts which will be a part
of the national network of Mithurupiyasa/Natpunilayam network managed by the
b. Reach consensus with relevant stake holders regarding the plans and implementation of the
above activities
c. Support the Gender Consultant in implementing the activities of the GAP especially related
to the Activity 3.5.1, 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 community organizations on establishing partnerships
and male engagement in concurrence with Director HSEP, Gender Consultant and
Programme director Gender and Women’s Health.
d. Conduct a mapping activity for all the stakeholders (such as the Divisional Secretariat,
Grama Niladhari, Social Service Department, Sri Lanka Police Department, Community
Based Organisations and NGOs) involved in the prevention of GBV to the Mithurupiyasa/
Natpunilayam centre in the 9 districts.
e. Establish a social service network connected to the Mithurupiyasa/ Natpunilayam centre in
the 9 districts to help in the prevention of GBV and for the reporting of GBV incidences
effectively to the centre.
f. Conduct an awareness programme to support the establishment of the GBV prevention
network in collaboration with the FHB to the identified non-health stakeholders.
g. Prepare a module on gender base violence to delivered through Distance Learning with the
support of the Distance Education Consultant and the FHB.
The Consultant will be guided and supported by the Gender Consultant of the HSEP. The
Consultant should consult and get approval from Programme Manager Gender and Women’s
Health of Family Health Bureau through the Project Director in all matters related to the mentioned
The payment is based on the number of days worked each month as per the consultant’s timesheet
approved by the Project Director-HSEP, and acceptance of the monthly interim report giving the
details of the task carried out, along with all documents (including draft documents) Prepared
during the referred time period.
Schedule Type: Intermittent 120 Man days during the project
implementation period.
Cost Estimate:
Total Engagement period will be 12 man-months within the project period.
c Contingency
TOTAL 6,719,000.00