Pol Sci XII
Pol Sci XII
Pol Sci XII
Syllabus Book 2.
Month wise plan.
Class12 Question Bank.
Practice papers.
The month-- wise break up is in the lesson plan that is regularly uploaded.
APRIL to MAY : Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4,5
JULY to AUGUST: Chapters: 5 - 9
SEPTEMBER: Chapter 9 and Book 2
Sept -October through December we cover chapters 1 - 9.
Self study chapters on the Popular struggles and UNO- International organisations will be done as
unit tests and revision to introduce concept of reading and working on a project and SMUN. Students
will use : text, handouts & ppt‘s.
Procedure of change:
1. Text book.
2. Class12 question bank
3. Practice papers
4. Unit tests and term Exams
5. Use Google classroom and mail to post questions.
1. Explain the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) and discuss how valid it was
as a strategy to prevent war?
2. Discuss the role of NPT. Why did India not sign it?
3. What is Arena of Cold War? Name two.
4. Define the following: a. Communism, b.Détente, c.Truman Doctrine. d. Domino effect e.
Molotov Plan f. Capitalism
5. Did the West‖ win ―the cold war? Give reasons for your answer.
6. The Cold war was a complex relationship combining elements of both conflict and
stability? Elaborate.
7. Who was the USSR President who decided to turn Cuba into a base?
8. What was the logic of deterrence? What was its relevance?
9. What was the Marshall plans intention?
10. Mention:- 3 countries each under the headings 1.Capitalist countries 2.Second world
countries 3. NAM members mark on the world map
11. Discuss the role of the NIEO. Why was it set up?
12. Why were military satellites important to the superpowers?
13. Sometimes it is said that ―the Cold War was the simple struggle for powers and that
ideology had nothing to do with it. It never became a hot war‖ Give reasons to support
your answer
14. Inspite of the intense rivalry the cold war never became a hot war. Comment.
15. What do you think of the statement that NAM has become irrelevant today?
16. What is India‘s response to the cold war? What interest did non alignment have with
reference to Indian foreign policy?
17. What was India‘s foreign policy towards the USA/USSR during the cold war? Do you
think that this policy helped India‘s interests?
18. Why did the superpowers have military alliances with smaller countries? Give reasons.
The cold war was a struggle for power or was it for ideology. Give reasons which aspect
you support with examples
Study the above cartoons and explain the message that they want to convey
1. List the DPSP which are related to the the promotion of International peace and security.
2. What was the impact of Nehru in the framing of Indian foreign policy?
3. Discuss the two impacts of the 1962 war on politics in India?
4. How has the issue of Tibet embittered relations between India and China?
5. What is the CTBT? Why did India not sign it?
6. What is no first use deterrence approach of India?
7. What was the Tibet crisis? How has it affected Indo-China relations?
8. What is the LOOK EAST policy? Why is it relevant to India?
9. What was the Tashkent declaration?
What was the Shimla Accord?
10. Briefly discuss India‘s Nuclear policy.
11. Write a short note on the following:
a. Panchsheel.
b. Simla Accord.
c. Tashkent declaration.
d. DPSP wrt foreign policy.
12. Discuss the factors that influenced India‘s foreign policy?
13. Write a note on India‘s nuclear policy?
14. How has leadership affected our foreign policy?
15. What was the ―logic ―given about the Chinese invasion in 1962 by Nehru in Parliament?
16. What contributed to the communist party split?
17. Was Non alignment compromised in 1971 with the signing of the Indo –Soviet friendship
18. Fill in the blanks:
Vajpai went to China in ______. The communist party split in
_______, Nehru‘s defense minister was________.ARC was held in the year____ and the 1st
NAM summit was held at_______ in_____.
1. What were the reasons which led to the mid-term elections in 1980?
2. Who in India was the leader of the Naxalite movement?
3. Who was Jayaprakash Narain? Mention one achievement of his?
4. The Shah Commission was appointed in 1977 by the Janata Party Government. Why
was it appointed and what was were its findings?
5. Match the following
(a) Charan Singh (i) Congress for Democracy
(b) D. K. Barooah (ii) Bharatiya Lok dal
(c) Jagjivan Ram (iii) Congress (R)
(d) Morarji Desai (iv) Congress (O)
6. What was the relevance of the garibi hatao slogan?
7. Name the 2 States where agitation began prior to the emergency? Give one emergency
excess in Delhi.
8. What made the party system look like a 2 party system in 1977?
9. What was the Shah commission? Why it set up and what were its findings?
10. What caused splits in the Congress and Janta parties?
11. What were the lessons we learnt from the emergency?
12. Under which Article was emergency declared in June, 1975 ?
13. What was the naxalite movement?
14. What were the causes for the emergency?
15. What were the reasons for the mid term elections of 1980?
16. Critically discuss the 1977 elections?
Q1. Name the western alliance and the year it came in to existence. 1
Q2. Why did the cold war produce an arms race as well as arms control. Name 2 2
Q3. Write against each true and False if false give the correct answer: 2
1. All members of the Security Council have a right to the veto vote.
2.It is a negative vote
3. One vote can stall the entire decision of the Security Council.
4. Pakistan exercised veto power in the Kashmir issue.
Q4. Fill in the blanks: 2
1. The U.N. agency theat is concerned with the peaceful use of nuclear
technology is__________
2. The __________provides shelter and medical help during emergencies.
3. _________ was the soviet leader involved in the cuban crisis.
4.________ was the soviet leader involved in invading Afghanistan.
Q5. Name any two Baltic Republics that broke away from the USSR. 2
Q6. Write short notes on any two:1.) C.I.S 2.) N.I.E.O. 3.) Marshall Plan 4
Q7. How did ideology lead to the cold war? Mention any two arenas of the cold 4
Q8. Discuss the role of the U.N.O. in the unipolar world today. 6
Q9. What was the Shock Therapy? Give the consequences of this therapy. 6
Q10. Discuss India‘s relations with the USA and USSR during the cold war. How 6
has the policy served India‘s interest?
Q11. Critically discuss India‘s Non alignment policy, is it still relevant today? 6
General Instructions:
a) 1m questions have a limit of 20 words.
b) 2m questions have a limit of 40 words.
c) 4m /5mquestions have a limit of 100 words.
d) 6m questions have a limit of 150 words.
1. Correct the following statement – In the Security Council the five permanent 1
members are China Australia Russia USA and UK
2. How has India benefited by maintaining relations with Russia? 1
3. What is Agenda 21? 1
4. Fill in the blanks: 1
1. The emergency of 1975 was proclaimed on grounds of________
2. Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from the year____ to_______
3. The 7th coalition upto2004 was the ________.
5. Explain the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) and discuss how 1
valid it was as a strategy to prevent war. .
6. What was dual party membership? Why did it become an issue? 1
7. When was the Election commission set up and who was the first Chief Election 1
8. The breaking of the Berlin wall was a symbol of which historical event? 1
9. Match the following four leaders with their parties just before the Lok Sabha 1
elections held in 1977
(a) Charan Singh (i) Congress for Democracy
(b) D. K. Barooah (ii) Bharatiya Lok dal
(c) Jagjivan Ram (iii) Congress (R)
(d) Morarji Desai (iv) Congress (O)
10. Name two poets who wrote during partition. What role did they play 1
11. Mention two features that differentiate the Soviet Economy from the Capitalist 2
12. What were the Shah commission‘s findings? 2
13. Briefly discuss and mention the article under which emergency was declared in 2
June 1975?
14. What were the Anandpur Sahib‘s controversial points? 2
15. Mention two aims of Nehru‘s domestic policy? 2
16. What do the following relate to 2
Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
Garibi Hatao
Indira Hatao
Grand alliance
17. State two differences in the policies followed by China before and after 1978? 2
18. Give two suggestions for the reform of the structure s and processes of the UNO. 2
19. How was the Soviet model of planning different to the Indian model of 2
20. ―Among the objectives identified in independent India land reforms did not take 2
place effectively‖. Explain.
21. a. Name two army dictators who usurped power in Pakistan from democratic 4
b. The movement for freedom in Bangladesh was focused on which issue.
c. Name the principal players in the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
1m questions have a limit of 25 words
2m questions have a limit of 50 words
4m questions have a limit of 80 words
6m questions have a limit of 120 words
1. W Describe the role and function of the Planning commission. What makes it unique?
2. How did land reforms prove to be a failure?
3. Would you consider the anti- arrack movement as a women‘s movement?
4. Who are Dalit panthers, what is their ideology and issues they address?
5. Discuss India‘s nuclear policy.
6. Give one reason to suggest why social movements in India emerged and one factor to
suggest why they are successful.
7. What are voluntary sector oganiasations?
8. Give reasons to suggest that:
1. NAM allowed India to get assistance from both USA and the USSR
2. Cold war affected the relationship between India and Pakistan.
9. What was the Bombay Plan?
10. What is a plan holiday? Why are some years called plan holidays?
11. What was the red: white: and green revolution, name a person involved with each.
12. What is the difference between right and left parties?
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
1m questions have a limit of 20 words.
2m questions have a limit of 40 words.
4m questions have a limit of 100 words.
6m questions have a limit of 150 words with an internal choice.
All questions have to be done in serial order.
1. Give one example when India used its foreign policy of Non alignment policy for 1
its economic advantage.
2. Name one Central Asian Republic. 1
3. What is meant by‖ flows‖ in globalization? 1
4. Mention one impact of Partition on our domestic and foreign policy. 1
5. Name the EU countries that have a veto vote? 1
6. What was the ―Congress System‖? 1
7. Why were the first elections the biggest gamble in history? 1
8. Which among the following statements does not reflect the objectives of NAM: 1
1. Enabling newly decolorized countries to pursue independent policies.
2.No to joining any military alliances
3.Following a policy of neutrality on global issues
4.Focus on elimination of global economic inequalities
9. Why were there protests in E. Pakistan after independence? 1
10. WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organizations 1
a. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
b. General Arrangement on Trade and Tariffs
c. World Health Organization
d. UN Development Programme
11. Name the international body/ agency/organ which performs the following 2
1. Oversees global financial system.
2. Provides good health to all
3. Debates and discusses global issues
4. Solves international disputes
12. What was the significance of the State Reorganization Act of 1956? 2
13. ―Congress had to taste bitter defeat in Kerala in 1957. Discuss. 2
14. Justify the statement that‖ cold war remained cool‖. Give two points to support 2
your arguments.
15. Mention two limitations of the SAARC? 2
16. Bring out two differences between the Socialist and Communist party of India. 2
17. Match the following 2
i. Confidence Building a. Giving up certain types of weapons
ii. Arms Control b. A process of exchanging information
between nations on a regular basis
iii. Alliance c. A coalition of nations meant to deter or defend against
military attacks
iv. Disarmament d. Regulates the acquisition of arms
6. Who gave the Tryst with Destiny speech? When and where was it delivered?
1. When was the constitution ready and when did it come into effect?
2. When was the election commission set up and who was the 1st Election commissioner?
3. In the 1st elections there were______ eligible voters and only________ were literate.
4. We moved from ballot boxes to__________ in the year____________, by _________ the whole
country had moved to it.
5. Fill in:
a.1st elections were held in__________- congress got_____- seats
b.2nd elections were held in__________- congress got_____- seats
c. 3rd elections were held in__________- congress got_____- seats
6. In 1952 the Congress got__________% and__________% seats showing a
8. What happened in the Congress in 1934 and 1948 and how did it affect the party?
11. _________________________ was the first Minister for Communication of Free India.
3. When was the Planning commission set up? Who heads it?
5. When was the 1st plan proposed? What area did it address?
11. Give 2 states that benefitted from the Green revolution and one from the white?
4. What was the Tashkent declaration? Who signed It and what was the outcome?
9. Foundation of India‘s foreign policy was laid by the PM ____________ and his Minister
5. Give one reason for the emergency? Name the years when it was in force?
10. Sweeping the polls cartoon talks of which elections and why was this term used?
5.What was the main objective of the BKU name their founder leader/
10. What is the NBA? Which areas does the Dam cover.
3. Name the organization that led the secessionist move in the North East
4. Who were Laldenga and Phizo how were they different to Periyar
5. What were the accords signed by Rajiv Gandhi give the dates .
9. 1. AASU
2. AGP
3. MNF
9. Give the post 2004 and 2009 scenario that unfolded in groups of parties in India?
10. What is the VHP and the RSS? Give the full form.
1.The Western alliance headed by the USA represented the ideology of _________ and the 1
Eastern alliance headed by the Soviet Union represented the ideology of the _____________
2. What is Human Security? 1
3. What was the White Revolution? 1
4. When was Bill Clinton the President of the USA from? Give his years. 1
5. What is meant by a charismatic leader oriented party? 1
6. Correct the statement: Towards the end of the 1980‘s the Election Commission of India 1
started using the EVM‘s and by 2002 the entire country shifted to it.
7. What does the EU flag stand for? 1
8. Why did Jinnah propose the two nation theory? 1
9. What was the Kerala model of planning ? 1
10.Match the following: 1
1. Division of Vietnam 1. 38th parallel
2. Marshall Plan 2. Containment of Communism
3. Division of Korea 3. Reconstruction of Western Europe
4. Truman Doctrine 4. 17th Parallel
11. Bring out 2 differences between Socialist party and Communist party of India. 2
12. Mention the four component of the traditional notion of security from external threats. 2
13. Analyze the common problems of the South Asian countries? 2
14. Which among the following would give more weightage to India‘s proposal for a 2
permanent membership in the Security Council? Give reason for the chosen options:
a. Nuclear capability
b. It is located in Asia
c. India‘s growing economic power and stable economic system
15. Suggest any two ways to improve the functioning of the Security Council. 2
16. What is the Reorganization of the States? When did it take place? 2
17. Explain the term separatism with reference to Kashmir? 2
18. On the world map mark the following: 2
1.A member of the NATO and a permanent member in the UNSC
2.The country whose annual defense expenditure in 2004 was 2nd to the USA
19. What was the Agenda 21, why was it criticized? 2
20. What was operation “Blue Star” of June 1984? Name any two leading people involved. 2
26. Discuss the Right to Information act? When and how was it passed? 4
27. What was the Tibet issue? How did India help the Tibetan migrants to settle down? 4
28. Briefly discuss the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in the disintegration of the USSR? 4
29. Like India, why could Democracy not take roots in Pakistan considering both 4
countries shared a common past, Discuss the factors that have been responsible for
Pakistan‘s failure in building a stable democracy.
30. Describe any four circumstances for the proclamation of the emergency in 1975. 4
31. Explain the causes of the partition of 1947 and analyze its consequences? 6
What are the major differences between the SAARC and the European Union as alternative
centers of power?
32.Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions: 6
―States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve,
protect and restore the health and integrity of the earth‘s ecosystem. In
view of the different contributions of the global environmental
degradation, states have common but differentiated responsibilities.‖
(a) Give two examples of the ecosystem being talked about here.
(b) Which part of the world has greater responsibility for environmental
protection? And why?
(c) To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the Rio
‗‘Non –alignment was a strategy evolved in the cold war context ―With the disintegration
of the USSR has it lost its relevance? Highlight arguments in support of your answer.
6 What is meant by the dangerous decade in the context of Indian politics and why 2
was it so.
7 Mention why South Asia is known to be a conflict prone zone? 2
8 What is the difference between traditional and nontraditional concepts of security 2
9 What was the Swatantra Party ideology? 2
10 How can International organizations play an important role in Global warming? 2
11 Explain any two aspects each of cordiality and tension in the relationship between 4
India and China.
12 Why was the SAARC set up, mention its objectives? 4
What is the SAFTA? Why it signed and what was the spirit behind it?
13 Explain India‘s security strategy with reference to changes at the global level. 4
14 What is Operation Enduring freedom, and Operation Desert storm? 4
15 Why did Nehru regard the conduct of foreign relations as an essential indicator of 4
independence? State any two reasons with examples to support your reading.
16 Map of the world mark the following 4
a. Where is the secretariat of the ASEAN?
b. The only Asian G-8member
What does the cartoon signify? What is Global security? Give two new forms of
threat that the world faces today.
19 ―Patel, the organizational man of the Congress, wanted to purge the congress of 5
the other political groups and sought to make it a cohesive and disciplined
political party. He wanted to take it away from an all embracing to a close knit
party with disciplined cadres. Being a realist he looked more for discipline while
Gandhi has a romantic view of carrying the movement . Patel‘s idea of
transforming the Congress Party into a strictly political party with an ideology
and discipline showed an equal lack of understanding of the eclectic role that the
Congress, as a government, was to be called upon to perform in the decades to
1. Why does the author think that the Congress should not have been
27. What is Agenda 21? What is the Kyoto Protocol? What is meant by Common but 6
differentiated responsibilities.
1. The Razakaras
2. C1
3. For giving political power to Dalits
4. Anti Arrack Movement - due to domestic violence movement for the
demand of equal representation
5 Mikhail Gorbachev‟s reforms-
1. Glasnost
2. Perestroika
3. Acceleration (any two )
6. Secretary Generals of United Nations
a. Trygve Lie iv. Norway
B. Boutros-Boutros Ghali i. Egypt
C. Kofi Annan ii. Ghana
D. U Thant iii. Burma (Myanmar)
7. Oil the most important resource- In their uneven distribution and nonavailability to some nations,
there always has been a struggle over them.
The first and the second gulf war are the prime examples of this struggle.
8. Shah Commission was appointed to look into the abuse of authority taken in the wake of the
emergency proclaimed on the 25th June 1975 Shah Commission found that there were many‘ excesses‘
committed during the emergency
9. Punjab Accord.
Chandigarh was transferred to Punjab
ii. Punjab and Haryana border dispute was solved
iii. Ravi- Beas river dispute was resolved between Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan
iv. Compensation to the people affect by the militancy
Any two points to be explained
10. Opposition parties–
i. Groomed leaders
ii. Check and balance mechanism
iii. Principled criticism
iv. Provided political alternatives
Any two points to be explained
1. Vishalandhra mvmt, Potti Sriramalu fasting - led to a separate telegu speaking state
This way linguistic & cultural plurality could be accommodated without affecting the unity of
the nation
2. March 1957, CPI defeated Congress in Kerela.
3. Areas where crisis & war occurred or threatened to occur to threaten the alliance sys but did
not cross certain limits. There was no nuclear war or world hostilities.
4. i)United Nations Environment Plan – highlights envi issues, promotes detail study of env
ii)United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – formed in 1992, promotes
envi as common to all with varied & differentiated responsibilities. Expects member nations
to fulfil this responsibility
5. Descendants of people who once inhabited the present territory of a country at the time when
persons of a diff culture, ethnic origin arrived from other parts of the world and subverted
6. - Nehru passed away in May 1964 creating a void difficult to fill.
- Whether India‘s demo experiment would continue
-Outsiders & critics doubted pol demo to continue amidst several internal crisis (poverty,
inequality, communal & reg divisions)
- Decade of 1960s was labelled as a `dangerous decade‘
7. Any 2 : Processes & reconstruction / Peace Building Commission/ Agreements to achieve
millennium dev goals/ condemn terrorism/ effective Human Resource Council….
8. Related to geo-political affairs which deal with allocation & distribution of natural resources
among nation states of the world. Its all abt who gets what, when, where & how?
9. NA was a 2 way policy… India did not side any of the two powers, instead raised voice
against newly independent nations aligning with any one superpower.
India‘s stand was not one of fleeing away- in fact actively involved itself in world affairs to
dilute CWar rivalries. In this sense India‘s stand was neither neutral (aloof/ indifferent) nor
that of maintaining diplomatic relations for namesake.
10. Modernization refers to economic and social betterment as objectives of dev, while
conserving desirable aspects of tradition & culture. It is more permanent.
Westernization is often imbibing western practices in economic and social practices to please
and garner favour from the western world. This may not be easily acceptable to the society &
13. British announced that with the end of their rule their paramountcy on the princely states
As many as 565 states would be independent. Princely states were given freedom to join
either Pakistan or India.
Refusal of Travancore, H‘bad & Bhopal to join either, generated new fears of new small
countries being formed creating new smaller communal divides.
Interim govt (INC) took a firm stand angst further division. IMLeague opposed this view of
Sardar Patel, India‘s Dep PM & Home Minister played crucial role negotiating with the
princely states.
Govt‘s approach was guided by 3 considerations:
i) People of princely states wanted to be part of Indian Union
ii) Govt prepared to be flexible in giving autonomy to some regions
iii) In the backdrop of partition, integration & consolidation of territorial boundaries.
By Aug 1947 almost all smaller states had signed the Instrument of Accession
Hydrabad: Largest princely state. Ruler carries title of Nizam, who was one of the world‘s
richest men. He entered into a standstill agreement with India in Nov, 1947 for a year while
negotiations were still on.
The people of Hyderabad state opposed this action of Nizam. The peasantry in Telangana
region who were also a victim of Nizam‘s oppressive rule, rose against him. Communists and
Hydrabad congress joined the movt.
Nizam unleashed a paramilitary force called Razakars on the people. Th atrocities and
communal nature for Razakars forced the central govt to order the army to tackle the
situation. In sept 1948, Indian army moved in to control Nizam‘s forces after a short
resistance, when Nizam was surrendered, Hydrabad was acceded to India.
14. Cartoon depicts nuclear power club countries, permanent members of the UN (China, France,
UK, USA – Shown in pic and USSR not in the pic). These are rich and advanced countries.
They use this position to pressurize and suppress other smaller countries like shown in the
pic (iran and north korea who also want to become nuclear powers).
It is relevant in todays times as the permanent members impose nuclear NPT on the rest of
the world. Most nations agree upon it due to their eco and mil dependence on these
developed countries
Nuclear powers feel that new entrants would threaten their supremacy in world politics so
11 1. PANCHSHEEL. Five principles of peaceful coexistence or the peaceful treaty was signed
between Nehru and the Chinese premier, Zhau Enlai on 13th October, 1954 as a step in
the direction of stronger relationship with chin.
2. Same as set 1 q13 part ii
3. AGENDA 21: It refers to conventions dealing with climate change, biodiversity , forestry
and recommended list of development practices. It was left unresolved, due to the
differences between the member country.
4. Same as set 1 q16 part iv
Q.8. ―Welfare state is getting replaced by market.‖ Analyse the reason for this change. (2)
State any two reasons for the instability of democracy in Pakistan.
Q.9. how did Sino -Indian conflict affect the opposition also? (2)
State any two recommendations of Mandal Commission.
Q.10. How did the dominance of congress party in the first three general elections help in (2)
establishing a democratic set-up in India?
Q.11. Why did India distance itself from the two-camp led by the U.S. and the Soviet (4)
Union? Explain.
Why is the fourth general election to the Lok Sabha and State Assembly considered a
‗political earthquake‘?
Q.12. Describe any four major developments in the Indian politics since 1989. (4)
Q.13. How has the European Union evolved over time from an economic union to an (4)
increasingly political one?
Q.14.Explain any two merits and two demerits each of the Green Revolution. (4)
What are the choices available to a state when its security is threatened, according to the
traditional security perspective?
Q.15. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms (4)
to reconstruct the U.N.
Q.16. Assess any two positive aspects of the Chipko Movement. (4)
Who are indigenous people? Describe the issues related to the rights of Indigenous
ii. Why did the Muslim League oppose the Indian National Congress?
iii. What makes the role of Sardar Patel a historic one? Explain.
Read this passage and answer the following questions:
―even as political parties act within the sphere of a given consensus, political movements
and organizations are simultaneously identifying new forms, visions and pathways of
development. Issues like poverty. Displacement, minimum wages, livelihood and social
security are being put on the political agenda by peoples‘ movements, reminding the state
of its responsibility.‘‘
a. What is the ‗consensus‘ mentioned in this passage?
b. What is the relationship between political parties and movements in contemporary India?
c. Substantiate the point made in this passage with the example of any popular movement.
Q.18. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the following questions? (5)
The new congress had something that its big opponents lacked- it had an issue, an
agenda and a positive slogan. The Grand Alliance did not have a coherent political
program ‗Indira Hatao‘. In contrast to this, she put forward a positive program captured
in the famous slogan ‗GaribiHatao‘
i. Which Congress is being referred to as ‗The New Congress‘?
ii. Highlight any two steps taken by Indira Gandhi to remove poverty.
iii. How far is it justified to call the ‗opposition alliance‘ as the ‗Grand Alliance‘?
The conflict of 1962, in which India suffered military reserves, had long-term implications
for India-China relations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were
downgraded until 1976. Thereafter, relations between the two countries began to improve
slowly. After the change in china‘s political leadership from the mid to late 1970, china‘s
[policy became more pragmatic and less ideological. So it was prepared to put off the
settlement of contentious issues while improving relation with India. A series of talks to
resolve the moderation were also initiated in 1981.
Study the paragraph given above carefully and answer the following questions:
i) Why did India suffer military reverses as a result of the conflict of 1962?
ii) When did the relation between India and china slowly improve?
iii) What were the change in the policy of china in the seventies?
iv) Which efforts were made to resolve the border issue between India and china?
Q19. Read the passage given bellow carefully and answer the following questions: (5)
The cold war was not simply a matter of power rivalries, military alliances and of
balance of power. These were accompanied by a real ideological conflict as well, a
difference over the best and most appropriate way of organizing political, economic, and
social life all over the world.
i. Why is a war like situation called a cold war?
ii. Identify one military pact each signed by each of the two super powers to balance the
power rivalries.
Q20. (5)
ii. Why have the names of so many countries been written on the uniform of the soldier?
iii. What message does this cartoon convey to the international community?
Q21. (5)
In the outline political map of India given above, five states have been marked as A, B, C,
D, and E. With the help of the information given below, identify them and write their
correct names in your answer book along with the serial number of information used and
the related alphabet in the map.
i. The state to which C. Rajagopalachari, the first Indian Governor- General of India,
ii. The state where the first non-congress government was formed by E.M.S.
iii. The state to which Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, the Union Minister for Food and Agriculture
iv. The state which faced the most acute food crisis in 1965-67
v. The state which led the country to White Revolution through Dairy Cooperative
Q22. Describe any six criteria for the new membership of Security Council as suggested (6)
after 1997.
What is meant by security? Mention any four components of Indian Security Strategy.
Q23. Describe any six factors responsible for the disintegration of U.S.S.R. (6)
What is meant by New International Economic Order? Mention any four reforms of the
global trading system proposed by UNCTAD in 1972.
Q24. Explain globalization. How has technology contributed in promoting globalization? (6)
Explain the meaning of ‗global commons. How are environmental concerns becoming
important in global politics?
Q25. Examine any three factors responsible for the US hegemony in the world politics? (6)
Assess the positive and negative aspects of India‘s relations with Bangladesh.
Q26. Suppose you are an important leader of the farmers‘ agitation. The government (6)
authorities ask you to present any three demands on behalf of the farmers. On priority
basis, which three demands will you make? Support your demands with appropriate
In 2014 elections, people have voted for a stable government at the Centre. Do you think
that the era of coalition has ended? Support your answer with suitable arguments.
Q27- Analyse the three lessons learnt from the emergency of 1975. (6)
Analyse any three major factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi‘s
government in the early 1970s.
Q5. Name three social and political regions of the northern most state of India? 1
Q6. How did Sino -Indian conflict affect the opposition also? (2)
Q7. How did the dominance of congress party in the first three general elections help in (2)
establishing a democratic set-up in India?
What was the change in the electoral performance of the Congress party and BJP from 1984-
Q8. What is meant by Cuban missile crisis? (2)
What do the following relate to:
a. Privy Purse
b. Conscience vote
Q9. ―Welfare state is getting replaced by market.‖ Analyse the reason for this change. (2)
Q11. Describe any two major objectives of Nehru‘s foreign policy. (4)
‗Describe the mixed record of democratic experience, the people of all the countries of South
Asia share the aspirations of democracy‘. Explain.
Q12. Describe the era of multi-party system in India after 1989. (4)
Q13. Explain the economic and military influence of the European Union. (4)
Q14. Which two models of modern development were there before India on the eve of (4)
independence? Which model did India decide to choose and why?
How does political leadership of a nation affect its foreign policy? Explain with the help of any
two examples from India‘s foreign policy.
Q.15. Assess any two positive aspects of the Chipko Movement. (4)
Q.16. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms to (4)
reconstruct the U.N.
What is the rationale of the non- aligned movement after the end of the Cold War?
Q17. Read the passage given bellow carefully and answer the following questions: (1+2+2=5)
The cold war was not simply a matter of power rivalries, military alliances and of balance of
power. These were accompanied by a real ideological conflict as well, a difference over the best
and most appropriate way of organizing political, economic, and social life all over the world.
i. Why is a war like situation called a cold war?
ii. Identify one military pact each signed by each of the two super powers to balance the
power rivalries.
iii. Differentiate between the ideologies represented by the rival blocs.
Read this passage and answer the following questions:
―even as political parties act within the sphere of a given consensus, political movements and
organizations are simultaneously identifying new forms, visions and pathways of development.
Study the cartoon given above and answer the following questions:
iv. Identify any four national leaders from the above cartoon and mention the serial number
of each.
v. Which was the most controversial issue of the period related to leader number 2 as
prime minister of India?
vi. What was the position of the party led by leader number 1 in the Lok Sabha elections of
Q21. ( 5)
Study the given map of the world and answer the following questions in your answer book:
i. Identify the name of the countries marked A, B, C, D and E respectively.
ii. Write the names of the following UN secretary generals with names of the
countries they belonged to. Mark the countries on the map.
1. Dag Hammarskjold