Pol Sci XII

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Syllabus Book 1 .
Month wise plan. Blue print of paper.
Class12 Question Bank.
Practice papers.

Syllabus Book 2.
Month wise plan.
Class12 Question Bank.
Practice papers.
The month-- wise break up is in the lesson plan that is regularly uploaded.

APRIL to MAY : Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4,5
JULY to AUGUST: Chapters: 5 - 9
SEPTEMBER: Chapter 9 and Book 2

Sept -October through December we cover chapters 1 - 9.

Self study chapters on the Popular struggles and UNO- International organisations will be done as
unit tests and revision to introduce concept of reading and working on a project and SMUN. Students
will use : text, handouts & ppt‘s.

Procedure of change:

1. Text book.
2. Class12 question bank
3. Practice papers
4. Unit tests and term Exams
5. Use Google classroom and mail to post questions.

Page no. 1 XII Political Science

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Syllabus and course content: Class XII Book -1

1. Cold War Era in World Politics

Emergence of two power blocs after the second world war. Arenas of the cold war.
Challenges to Bipolarity: Non Aligned Movement, quest for new international economic order. India
and the cold war.

2. Disintegration of the „Second World‟ and the Collapse of Bipolarity.

New entities in world politics: Russia, Balkan states and, Central Asian states,
Introduction of democratic politics and capitalism in post-communist regimes. India‘s relations with
Russia and other post-communist countries.

3. US Dominance in World Politics:

Growth of unilateralism: Afghanistan, first Gulf War, response to 9/11 and attack on
Iraq. Dominance and challenge to the US in economy and ideology. India‘s renegotiation of its
relationship with the USA.

4. Alternative Centres of Economic and Political Power:

Rise of China as an economic power in post-Mao era, creation and expansion of European Union,
ASEAN. India‘s changing relations with China.

5. South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era:

Democratisation and its reversals in Pakistan and Nepal. Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka.
Impact of economic globalization on the region. Conflicts and efforts for peace in South Asia. India‘s
relations with its neighbours.

6. International Organizations in a unipolar World:

Restructuring and the future of the UN. India‘s position in the restructured UN. Rise of new
international actors: new international economic organisations, NGOs. How democratic and
accountable are the new institutions of global governance?

7. Security in Contemporary World:

Traditional concerns of security and politics of disarmament. Non-traditional or human security:
global poverty, health and education. Issues of human rights and migration.

8. Environment and Natural Resources in Global Politics.

Environment movement and evolution of global environmental norms. Conflicts over traditional and
common property resources. Rights of indigenous people. India‘s stand in global environmental

9. Globalisation and Its Critics.

Economic, cultural and political manifestations. Debates on the nature of consequences of
globalisation. Anti-globalisation movements. India as an arena of globalization and struggles against it

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1. Explain the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) and discuss how valid it was
as a strategy to prevent war?
2. Discuss the role of NPT. Why did India not sign it?
3. What is Arena of Cold War? Name two.
4. Define the following: a. Communism, b.Détente, c.Truman Doctrine. d. Domino effect e.
Molotov Plan f. Capitalism
5. Did the West‖ win ―the cold war? Give reasons for your answer.
6. The Cold war was a complex relationship combining elements of both conflict and
stability? Elaborate.
7. Who was the USSR President who decided to turn Cuba into a base?
8. What was the logic of deterrence? What was its relevance?
9. What was the Marshall plans intention?
10. Mention:- 3 countries each under the headings 1.Capitalist countries 2.Second world
countries 3. NAM members mark on the world map
11. Discuss the role of the NIEO. Why was it set up?
12. Why were military satellites important to the superpowers?
13. Sometimes it is said that ―the Cold War was the simple struggle for powers and that
ideology had nothing to do with it. It never became a hot war‖ Give reasons to support
your answer
14. Inspite of the intense rivalry the cold war never became a hot war. Comment.
15. What do you think of the statement that NAM has become irrelevant today?
16. What is India‘s response to the cold war? What interest did non alignment have with
reference to Indian foreign policy?
17. What was India‘s foreign policy towards the USA/USSR during the cold war? Do you
think that this policy helped India‘s interests?
18. Why did the superpowers have military alliances with smaller countries? Give reasons.
The cold war was a struggle for power or was it for ideology. Give reasons which aspect
you support with examples

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1. Who was Gorbachev? Write a short note on him.

2. What was the Soviet system?
3. Mention the year and the relevance of the breaking of the Berlin wall ?
4. What role did the World Bank play in integrating the Soviet states?
5. As a result of shock therapy to which economic system, each state of the Soviet bloc was
gradually to be absorbed?
6. Mention two characteristics of the Soviet political system.
7. Mark the states that emerged from the Soviet Union on a political map of the world.
8. Mention areas of diplomacy between India and USSR?
9. Bring out the difference between multipolar, bipolar and unipolar world.
10. Mention any three features that distinguish the Soviet economy from that of a capitalist
country like the US.
11. What were the major consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union for countries
like India?
13. India‘s relations with Russia are important aspects of Indian foreign policy. How was it of
great benefit to India.
14. Write a short note on the leaders of the USSR: Lenin Stalin and Yelstin.
15. How did the shock therapy destroy the social welfare system of Russia.
16. What is the CIS? What is collective security?
17. Mention some tensions that were seen in the post soviet states?
Do look the cartons carefully and read them. They are important.

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1. What is the jeans culture?

2. The hegemony of the USA is also based on its cultural presence. Explain
3. Write short notes on the following
a. Operation Infinite reach.
b. Operation Enduring freedom.
c. Operation Iraqi Freedom.
4. Describe the bandwagon strategy? Do you think it is relevant today?
5. How were the Clinton years in US administration different from the Bush years?
6. Mention three ways in which US dominance since the Cold War is different from its
position as a superpower during the Cold War?
7. Explain US hegemony as a structural power?
8. Discuss ways in which hegemony can be overcome.
What does history teach us about hegemony?
9. Give an example each of the three kinds of hegemony that are dealt with in the
chapter, which is the most relevant today?
10. Discuss India‘s changing relations with the US.
11. What are the constraints on American hegemony today? Which one of these do you expect
to get more important in the future?
12. Discuss the changing pattern of Indo US relations since 1991.
13. ―The predominance of the USA in the world today is based on its military power,
economic prowess and cultural presence‖ .Explain

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Alternative Centers of Power

1. On a World Map identify

a) Two old and two new member countries of The EU
b) Two countries which were in the Soviet bloc but are now a part of the EU
c) Two countries which were a part of the USSR but are now a part of the EU.
2. Why does the EU flag have 12 stars? What do they signify?
3. What are the ASEAN way, and Look East Policy??
4. What do ASEAN and FTA stand for?
5. What are the objectives of establishing regional organizations?
6. What are the components of the ASEAN Vision 2020?
7. Name the pillars and the objectives of the ASEAN Community.
8. What is a SEZ? How many were there in China?
9. What are the military features of the European Union and what are the factors that limit
the ability of the EU
10. What makes the European Union a highly influential regional organisation?
11. The emerging economies of China and India have great potential to challenge the unipolar
world. Do you agree with the statement? Substantiate your arguments.
12. How has China revived its economy? How is its present economy different to its command
13. On the time line of the European Union what is the relevance of the following dates
1. March 1957 2. January 1973 3. January 2007.

Study the above cartoons and explain the message that they want to convey

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Contemporary South Asia

1. What is South Asia?

2. Why is South Asia prone to conflict? Elaborate.
3. What are SAPTA and SAFTA? (Research on it on the net.)
4. Mention the member states that form the SAARC mark on the map.
5. What was the IPKF, what was its role in the Indian subcontinent.
6. Name two army dictators in Pakistan before 1990.
7. The movement for freedom in Bangladesh was led by which leader in the 1970‘s?
research his role.
8. What are some of the commonalities and differences between Bangladesh and Pakistan
in their democratic experiences?
9. List three challenges to democracy in Nepal.
10. Name the principal players in the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. How do you assess the
prospects of the resolution of this conflict.
11. How are the external powers influencing bilateral relations in South Asia? Write and
give examples to illustrate your point?
12. Discuss the role and the limitations of SAARC as a forum for facilitating economic
cooperation among the South Asian countries. What are the factors that have made our
neighbors suspicious of India‘s role in the association?
13. India‘s neighbors often think that the Indian government tries to dominate and interfere
in the domestic affairs of the smaller countries of the region. Is this a correct impression?
Give your opinion.

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Chapter 6 : International Organizations

1. Why are international organizations important?

2. In its initial years why was the UN a largely described as a talking shop?
3. Name the international organization that that draws attention to Human Rights abuse.
4. What is the role of the IMF and the World Bank?
5. Write a short note on Security Council.
6. Correct the following statement – In the Security Council the five permanent members are
China Australia Russia USA and UK
7. What are the functions of the 1.I.A.E.A, 2.W.T.O., 3.ECOSOC, 4.General Assembly
5. Amnesty International .
8. Mention two aims of the UN. What is the Veto Vote?
9. Discuss the structure of the UN.
10. What are the functions of the Secretary General, is his position ornamental?
11. What are the changes the world has seen in the last fifty years?
12. What are the four criteria that have been proposed for permanent and non permanent
members of the Security Council members?
13. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms to
reconstruct the UN.
14. Though the UN has failed in preventing wars and related miseries, nations prefer its
continuation. What makes the UN an indispensable organization?
15. ‗Reforming the UN means restructuring of the Security Council‘. Do you agree with this
statement? Give arguments for or against this position.
16. What are the factors that have contributed to the UNO still being a relevant body today
discusses its role in the last 60 years?
17. How has the US hegemony come in the way of the UNO functioning?

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Chapter Security in the contemporary world

1. What is human security?

2. What are health epidemics, name a few?
3. What are confidence building measures?
4. What are BWC‘s and CWC‘s?
5. Who are Migrants and Refugees?
6. Define the following
i Confidence Building Measures (CBMs)
ii. Arms Control
iii. Alliance
iv. Disarmament
7. What are the four components of Traditional security?
8. How can a problem qualify as a threat?
9. Is terrorism a traditional or non-traditional threat to security?
10. What are the choices available to a state when its security is threatened, according to the
traditional security perspective?
11. What are the objectives of military alliances? Give an example of a functioning military
alliance with its specific objectives.
12. How has Global poverty contributed to insecurity in the world?
13. Looking at the Indian scenario, what type of security has been given priority in India,
traditional or non-traditional? What examples could you site to substantiate the

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Environment and Natural resource

1. Why do issues of environment fall within the sphere of world politics?

2. What is Agenda 21?
3. What is sustainable development?
4. What were the outcomes of the Earth Summit and the Kyoto Protocol?
5. What are global commons?
6. What are environmental movements?
7. What is meant by the global commons? How are they exploited and polluted?
8. What is meant by ‗common but differentiated responsibilities‘?
9. Who are indigenous people? How has unplanned development impacted their lives?
10. List out the major problems with reference to ecological issues.
11. Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions:
―States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve,
protect and restore the health and integrity of the earth‘s ecosystem. In
view of the different contributions of the global environmental
degradation, states have common but differentiated responsibilities.‖
(a) Give two examples of the ecosystem being talked about here.
(b) Which part of the world has greater responsibility for environmental
protection? And why?
(c) To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the
Rio Summit?
12. Compromise and accommodation are the two essential policies required by states to save
planet Earth. Substantiate the statement in the light of the ongoing negotiations between
the North and South on environmental issues.

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1. How has technology contributed to globalisation?

2. Discuss the resistance to globalization.
3. How is globalization different from the flow of ideas and took place through much of
Human history?
4. What are meant by flows in relation to globalization?
5. What is meant by world wide interconnectedness? What are its components
6. How has cultural globalization impacted your life?
7. What has been the impact of globalization on marginal cultures?
8. What is cultural homogenization?
9. Read this passage and answer the following questions:
―If globalisation is about the flows of ideas, capital, commodities, and
people, it is perhaps logical to ask if there is anything novel about this
phenomenon. Globalisation in terms of these four flows has taken place
through much of human history. However, those who argue that there is
something distinct about contemporary globalisation point out that it is the
scale and speed of these flows that account for the uniqueness of
(a) Give an example of each of these four flows that distinguishes globalization
from similar flows in earlier times.
(b) Can we conclude from this way of looking at globalisation that it is essentially economic
and always positive? Give examples to support your position.
10. How has globalization impacted on India and how is India in turn impacting on

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1. Era of One-Party Dominance:
First three general elections, nature of Congress dominance at the national level, uneven dominance at
the state level, coalitional nature of Congress. Major opposition parties.

2. Nation-Building and Its Problems:

Nehru‘s approach to nation-building: Legacy of partition: challenge of ‗refugee‘ Resettlement, the
Kashmir problem. . Organization and reorganization of states; Political Conflicts over language.

3. Politics of Planned Development.

Five year plans, expansion of state sector and the rise of new economic interests. Famine and
suspension of five year plans. Green revolution and its political fallouts.

4. India‟s External Relations

Nehru‘s foreign policy. Sino-Indian war of 1962, Indo-Pak war of 1965 and 1971.
India‘s nuclear programme and shifting alliances in world politics. ,.

5. Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System:

Political succession after Nehru. Non-Congressism and electoral upset of 1967, Congress split and
reconstitution, Congress‘ victory in 1971 elections, politics of ‗garibi hatao‘.

6. Crisis of the Constitutional Order:

Search for ‗committed‘ bureaucracy and judiciary. Navnirman movement in Gujarat and the Bihar
movement. Emergency: context, constitutional and extra-constitutional dimensions, resistance to
emergency. 1977 elections and the formation of Janata Party.
Rise of civil liberties organisations.

7. Regional Aspirations and Conflicts

Rise of regional parties. Punjab crisis and the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. The Kashmir Situation.
Challenges and responses in the North East.

8. Rise of New Social Movements: Popular movements

Farmers‘ movements, Women‘s movement, Environment and Development-affected people‘s
movements. Implementation of Mandal Commission report and its aftermath.

9. Democratic Upsurge and Coalition Politics

Participatory upsurge in 1990s. Rise of the JD and the BJP. Increasing role of regional parties and
coalition politics. UF and NDA governments. Elections 2004 and UPA government. Recent issues and
challenges Challenge of and responses to globalization: new economic policy and its opposition. Rise
of OBCs in North Indian politics. Dalit politics in electoral and non-electoral arena. Challenge of
communalism: Ayodhya dispute, Gujarat riots..

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Challenges of Nation building

1. What were the challenges before India at the time of independence?

2. Who was Potti Sriramulu?
3. What was the SRC who were its members and when did it come into existence?
4. On the map mark : 1. Junagadh 2. Manipur 3. Hyderabad 4. Mysore
5. What were the main concerns/ challenges of partition?
6. How was the division and resettlement of the Eastern region different t the western?
7. Name the parent states and year of formation for 1. Nagaland 2. Gujarat 3. Arunachal
Pradesh 4. Jharkhand?
8. What was the vishal Andhra movement how did language evolve into a political
9. Discuss Nehru‘s approach to nation building? Do you think his reasons were prudential
or sentimental?
10. How were the princely states integrated? Were they willing to join India or were they
11. How did poets influence Indian unity?
12. How did Manipur integrate with India?
13. What was the task of the States Reorganization Commission? What was its most salient
recommendation? Name any one of its members.
14. Discuss the governments approach to the integration of Hyderabad and Manipur.
15. Discuss the major differences to nation building for the Eastern and Western regions of
the country at the time of independence
16. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
“In the history of nation-building only the Soviet experiment bears comparison with the
Indian. There too, a sense of unity had to be forged between many diverse ethnic groups,
religious, linguistic communities and social classes. The scale – geographic as well as
demographic was comparably massive. The raw material the state had to work with was
equally unpropitious: a people divided by faith and driven by debt and disease.” —
(a)List the commonalities that the author mentions between India and Soviet Union
and give one example for each of these from India.
(b) The author does not talk about dissimilarities between the two Experiments.
Can you mention dissimilarity?
(c) In retrospect which of these two experiment worked better.
(d)What has India in her foreign relations followed from the Soviet Union? How
have their relations developed in the last decade?

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Era of One-Party Dominance

1. What is the congress system?

2. How was the communist victory in Kerala unique?
3. Write a short note on the Swatantra party?
4. What was the PRI?
5. Who founded the BJS? Was it a powerful force in Indian politics?
6. Was Opposition needed in the years after independence?
7. Describe the nature of Party system in India between 1947-67.
8. Highlight some of the features of the Swatantra party.
9. Who was Sukumar Sen?
10. Write a short note on the Swatantrata party?
11. How was the victory in Kerala unique? Discuss.
12. Who was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee?
13. Did the prevalence of a ‗one party dominant system‘ affect adversely the democratic
nature of Indian politics?
14. Bring out three differences each between Socialist parties and the Communist party and
between Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra Party.

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Politics of Planned Development.

1. Where did India get the concept of planning?

2. What was the Bombay Plan?
3. Why did India adopt planning?
4. State 2 advantages of planning?
5. What is a plan holiday/ When did India go through this similar phase?
6. What were the key thrust in the first 5 year plan?
7. Write a short note on the 2nd plan?
8. Explain the food crisis in Bihar?
9. What were the early initiatives of planning?
10. Give a brief out line to the process of plan formation?
11. What was the Nehruvian model of planning?
12. What was the white revolution?
13. What was the Mahalanobis model of development?
14. What was the limitation of the first five year plan?
15. Discuss the role of the Planning commission?
16. What was the zoning policy? How did India overcome the food crisis?
17. How did land reforms prove to be a failure?
18. Discuss the Food crisis and Zoning policy of the 1960‘s.
19. What was the Green and White revolution?
20. What were the two limitations of the Green Revolution? Mark 2 states on the map where
it was successful.
21. Point out the two major controversies in planning.
22. Discuss the impact of planning on a country like India?
23. Discuss the significant features of the first plan and the second plan. How were they
24. What were the major differences in the approach towards development at the time of
Independence? Has the debate been resolved.

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India‟s External Relations

1. List the DPSP which are related to the the promotion of International peace and security.
2. What was the impact of Nehru in the framing of Indian foreign policy?
3. Discuss the two impacts of the 1962 war on politics in India?
4. How has the issue of Tibet embittered relations between India and China?
5. What is the CTBT? Why did India not sign it?
6. What is no first use deterrence approach of India?
7. What was the Tibet crisis? How has it affected Indo-China relations?
8. What is the LOOK EAST policy? Why is it relevant to India?
9. What was the Tashkent declaration?
What was the Shimla Accord?
10. Briefly discuss India‘s Nuclear policy.
11. Write a short note on the following:
a. Panchsheel.
b. Simla Accord.
c. Tashkent declaration.
d. DPSP wrt foreign policy.
12. Discuss the factors that influenced India‘s foreign policy?
13. Write a note on India‘s nuclear policy?
14. How has leadership affected our foreign policy?
15. What was the ―logic ―given about the Chinese invasion in 1962 by Nehru in Parliament?
16. What contributed to the communist party split?
17. Was Non alignment compromised in 1971 with the signing of the Indo –Soviet friendship
18. Fill in the blanks:
Vajpai went to China in ______. The communist party split in
_______, Nehru‘s defense minister was________.ARC was held in the year____ and the 1st
NAM summit was held at_______ in_____.

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Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System:

1 Define the term syndicate?

2 Define the Grand alliance?
3 What was the Aya and Gaya Ram issue?
4 Fill in the blanks: Coalition politics started in ______, Two states where the Congress fared
well in 1967 elections were________and _______Emergency was declared in_________..
5 What were the 2 major challenges faced by P.M Shastri?
6 What was the Privy purse issue? What was its larger repercussions?
7 How do you think a party should resolve its internal differences? Explain with examples.
8 What were the reasons for the Congress doing poorly in fourth elections?
9 Write a short note on the Presidential elections of 1969?
10 What were the factors which led to the popularity of Mrs. Gandhi‘s government in the
early 70‘s?
11 The cartoon and answer the following questions pg 90
a. Which year was this?
b. Name any two political parties seen here?
c. Why does the sign read as‖ KEEP RIGHT , NO TURN LEFT‖
12 How was the Congress of 1970 different from the earlier Congress?
13 Why were the 1967 elections results described as a ‗political earthquake‘?
14 Critically discuss the Congress party under the leadership of Ms Gandhi.
15 What does the term ‗syndicate‘ mean in the context of the Congress party of the sixties?
What role did the Syndicate play in the Congress party?

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Assignment 6

Crisis of the Constitutional Order

1. What were the reasons which led to the mid-term elections in 1980?
2. Who in India was the leader of the Naxalite movement?
3. Who was Jayaprakash Narain? Mention one achievement of his?
4. The Shah Commission was appointed in 1977 by the Janata Party Government. Why
was it appointed and what was were its findings?
5. Match the following
(a) Charan Singh (i) Congress for Democracy
(b) D. K. Barooah (ii) Bharatiya Lok dal
(c) Jagjivan Ram (iii) Congress (R)
(d) Morarji Desai (iv) Congress (O)
6. What was the relevance of the garibi hatao slogan?
7. Name the 2 States where agitation began prior to the emergency? Give one emergency
excess in Delhi.
8. What made the party system look like a 2 party system in 1977?
9. What was the Shah commission? Why it set up and what were its findings?
10. What caused splits in the Congress and Janta parties?
11. What were the lessons we learnt from the emergency?
12. Under which Article was emergency declared in June, 1975 ?
13. What was the naxalite movement?
14. What were the causes for the emergency?
15. What were the reasons for the mid term elections of 1980?
16. Critically discuss the 1977 elections?

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Assignment 7

Chapter 7 Regional aspirations

1. Define the concept of Regionalism? Is it Regional aspiration?

2. What is the Jammu and Kashmir problem?
3. What was the Dravidian movement, what lessons did the centre learn from it?
4. What is the relevance of articles 370, 371 and the 6th schedule?
5. Why did the Anandpur sahib resolution become so controversial?
6. The Assam movement was a combination of cultural pride and economic backwardness.
―Assam movement was a combination of cultural pride and economic backwardness‖.
Justify the statement
7. Read Hazarika‘s song on page 171 and answer the following
a. Which part of India does he talk about?
b. What is the Government‘s policy for this part of the country?
c. Name the states carved out of Assam. And name 2 Princely States in this region.
8. What was the Punjab accord? Name two politicians of Punjab in the 1980‘s around whom
the politics revolved then.
9. Correct the Statement- ―Goa was not merged with Maharashtra as the central government
did not want it‖.

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Rise o f New Social Movements

1. What are the situations that can lead to a popular movement?

2. On the same map of India as the one above mark the states where the Sardar sarovar
project and the Narmada sagar project are coming up.
3. What does the term‖ Dalit‖ mean; on the map mark 2 states where they are a powerful
group. Name any two of their leaders, and one contemporary poet. Who are dalit
panthers, how have they realized their political and social ambitions?
4. How are social movements different to revolutionary ideologies, what are the problems
of social movements?
5. Name any two women‘s movement and write short notes on each.
6. Write short notes on the 1.R.T.I. 2.N.B.A 3.Chipko movement.
7. Do movements and protests strengthen democracy? Justify your answers with
8. What is the B.K.U. name on of their leaders; also give 2 features of this movement
9. Do movements and protests in a country strengthen democracy? Justify your answer
with examples.
10. Discuss the lessons learnt from popular movements of the 1980‘s.

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Recent Political Developments

1. What was the Babri Masjid issue?

What were the major reasons for the Gujarat riots?
What do you mean by the leftist and rightist forces in Indian politics?
2. What was the result of the Ayodhya crisis? How was the state government of Uttar
Pradesh punished after the Ayodhya issue
3. What are the ―M‘s‖ that rule Indian politics today?
4. Define a coalition? Mention in point form the coalitions that we have seen since 1977.
5. Write a note on the rise of the backward classes and OBC‘S.
6. Discuss the term coalition, how far do you agree that it has come to stay in Indian politics?
7. a) Who were the parties in the National Front alliance?
b) Since 1989 until the elections of 2004 which party has been gaining strength in Lok
c) Discuss the rise of the BJP as a powerful force after emergency?
8. What do you understand by the concept of‖ growing consensus;‖ discuss the four
elements that comprise it. Which do you think is more relevant today
9. How has:
a. The Kashmir issue play a important part in India‘s domestic as well as international
b. North East played a similar role.
10. Do you agree that the Congress still dominates the politics of this country? Give reasons.
11. Briefly explain the coalitions of 1977, 1996, 1998 and 2004.
12. Discuss the North East problem with reference to integration.
13. Why did the Anandpur Sahib problem become controversial? Discuss the peace plan for
14. Discuss the Mandal issue.
15. Discuss the integration of Goa, how was it different to that of Sikkim.
16. What do you understand by the concept of‖ growing consensus;‖ discuss the four
elements that comprise it. Which do you think is more relevant today?
17. Do you agree that the Congress still dominates the politics of this country? Give reasons.
18. Explain the J&K problem, do you think it is justifiable, give reasons for your answer
19. What are the lessons learnt from the regional issues accommodation and integration.

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Q1. Name the western alliance and the year it came in to existence. 1
Q2. Why did the cold war produce an arms race as well as arms control. Name 2 2
Q3. Write against each true and False if false give the correct answer: 2
1. All members of the Security Council have a right to the veto vote.
2.It is a negative vote
3. One vote can stall the entire decision of the Security Council.
4. Pakistan exercised veto power in the Kashmir issue.
Q4. Fill in the blanks: 2
1. The U.N. agency theat is concerned with the peaceful use of nuclear
technology is__________
2. The __________provides shelter and medical help during emergencies.
3. _________ was the soviet leader involved in the cuban crisis.
4.________ was the soviet leader involved in invading Afghanistan.
Q5. Name any two Baltic Republics that broke away from the USSR. 2
Q6. Write short notes on any two:1.) C.I.S 2.) N.I.E.O. 3.) Marshall Plan 4
Q7. How did ideology lead to the cold war? Mention any two arenas of the cold 4
Q8. Discuss the role of the U.N.O. in the unipolar world today. 6
Q9. What was the Shock Therapy? Give the consequences of this therapy. 6
Q10. Discuss India‘s relations with the USA and USSR during the cold war. How 6
has the policy served India‘s interest?
Q11. Critically discuss India‘s Non alignment policy, is it still relevant today? 6

Page no. 22 XII Political Science

SmartSkills Sanskriti School

General Instructions:
a) 1m questions have a limit of 20 words.
b) 2m questions have a limit of 40 words.
c) 4m /5mquestions have a limit of 100 words.
d) 6m questions have a limit of 150 words.

1. Correct the following statement – In the Security Council the five permanent 1
members are China Australia Russia USA and UK
2. How has India benefited by maintaining relations with Russia? 1
3. What is Agenda 21? 1
4. Fill in the blanks: 1
1. The emergency of 1975 was proclaimed on grounds of________
2. Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from the year____ to_______
3. The 7th coalition upto2004 was the ________.
5. Explain the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) and discuss how 1
valid it was as a strategy to prevent war. .
6. What was dual party membership? Why did it become an issue? 1
7. When was the Election commission set up and who was the first Chief Election 1
8. The breaking of the Berlin wall was a symbol of which historical event? 1
9. Match the following four leaders with their parties just before the Lok Sabha 1
elections held in 1977
(a) Charan Singh (i) Congress for Democracy
(b) D. K. Barooah (ii) Bharatiya Lok dal
(c) Jagjivan Ram (iii) Congress (R)
(d) Morarji Desai (iv) Congress (O)
10. Name two poets who wrote during partition. What role did they play 1
11. Mention two features that differentiate the Soviet Economy from the Capitalist 2
12. What were the Shah commission‘s findings? 2
13. Briefly discuss and mention the article under which emergency was declared in 2
June 1975?
14. What were the Anandpur Sahib‘s controversial points? 2
15. Mention two aims of Nehru‘s domestic policy? 2
16. What do the following relate to 2
 Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
 Garibi Hatao
 Indira Hatao
 Grand alliance
17. State two differences in the policies followed by China before and after 1978? 2
18. Give two suggestions for the reform of the structure s and processes of the UNO. 2
19. How was the Soviet model of planning different to the Indian model of 2
20. ―Among the objectives identified in independent India land reforms did not take 2
place effectively‖. Explain.
21. a. Name two army dictators who usurped power in Pakistan from democratic 4
b. The movement for freedom in Bangladesh was focused on which issue.
c. Name the principal players in the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka

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d. Mention some of the recent agreements between India and Pakistan?
22. How is the ASEAN different from the EU? Is this the reason for the limited 4
success of the EU?
23. On the map of India mark with a key the following: 4
1.A state associated with the green revolution
2.A State that had protectorate status
3. A north Eastern area upgraded to a state.
4. A State that had regional aspirations based on linguistic identity along with
tension with the Centre.
On the Map of Asia mark with a key the following:
1. Where the 1st Afro-Asian conference was held.
2.The latest country to join the SAARC.
3.The first country to liberalize its economy in the South Asian region.
4.The only Asian G-8 member.
Q24 What are common property resources? In the context of India highlight some of 4
the ways in which they are protected
Q25 Discuss briefly the rise of the B.J.P. as a significant force in post emergency 4
Q26 Why does the syndicate mean in the context of the Congress party in the 1960‘s.
What role did it play in the Congress party?
Q27 What is the NFF? How is the fish worker‘s life threatened in a big way? What 4
steps has it taken to claim its demands?
Q28. Mention the reasons that led to the mid term elections of 1980? 4
Q29. How has India‘s security strategy countered traditional and non-traditional 4
Q30. How did the deaths at the top levels of Soviet leadership change the approach of 4
the Soviet Union toward the United States? What do you think would have
happened if the old leadership had remained? What was different about
Q31. How has Globalization impacted India and vice versa? 6
Why and how has resource Geopolitics contributed to interstate rivalry? Discuss
with reference to Oil and Water.
Q32. Critically discuss how India‘s relations with the super powers during the cold 6
war years helped to develop her national interest.
India‘s foreign policy was built around the principle of peace and cooperation.
But India fought three wars in the space of ten years, between 1962 to 1972. Was
it a failure of the Indian foreign policy or the demands of the international
situation? Give reasons for your answer.
Q33. What were the factors that led to the popularity of Mrs. Indira Gandhi‘s 6
government in the early 1970‘s? Discuss the 1971 elections; did they bring back
the lost glory of the Congress?
Discuss the effects of Emergency on the following aspects of our polity.
• Effects on civil liberties for citizens.
• Impact on relationship between the Executive and Judiciary
• Functioning of Mass Media
• Working of the Police and Bureaucracy.

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Q34. ‗In the midst of severe competition and many conflicts, a consensus appears to 6
have emerged among most of the political parties‖. In the light of the above
statement highlight any three points of consensus.
―Even after six decades of independence certain issues pertaining to national
integration are yet to be resolved‖. In the light of this statement, explain any
three unresolved issues.
Q35. Mention the key controversies, which arose in the strategy of development in the 6
early years? Also what were the steps the Government initiated to resolve this
Read and answer the following questions:
―In the history of nation building only the soviet experiment bears comparison
with the Indian. There too, a sense of unity had to be forged between diverse
ethnic groups, linguistic communities and social classes. The scale geographic
and demographic was comparably massive. The raw material the state had to
work with was equally un propitious: a people divided by faith and driven by
debt and disease‖- Ramchandra Guha
1. List the commonalities that the author mentions between India and the Soviet
Union and give one example for each of these from India.
2. Mention two dissimilarities between the two experiments.
3. Mention areas where both countries have worked together.
4. In retrospect, which experiment, has worked better and why?

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General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
1m questions have a limit of 25 words
2m questions have a limit of 50 words
4m questions have a limit of 80 words
6m questions have a limit of 120 words

1. Name 2 International agreements on global commons? 1

2. To be categorized as a security problem the issue must have certain 1
qualifications, name one.
3. What is an instrument of accession? 1
4. What is the open door policy? 1
5. Name the UN agency which is concerned with the safety and peaceful use of 1
nuclear technology?
6. Define the term CTBT? 1
7. Mention two characteristics of the Soviet political system. 1
8. State if the statement is true/false about military alliances made by the super 1
1.Member countries to support the super power both in terms of ideology and
military strategy
2. Super powers assist all the member countries to develop their own nuclear
9. The first general elections were held in_______ and was the simultaneous 1
elections of the____ with the Lok Sabha.
10. What is the Veto vote; name the countries that have it. 1
11. How is disarmament different to arms control? 2
12. What was the dilemma faced by the Socialist party in India after its formation? 2
13. Why were there protests in E. Pakistan after independence? 2
14. What were the inbuilt problems in the Soviet system? 2
15. Name the following countries: 2
1. One country which has recently signed the Kyoto protocol.
2.A NATO member
3.A SAARC member
4. Member of the Warsaw pact.
16. Why was the communist victory in Kerala in 1957 so unique and why was its 2
dismissal so controversial?
17. Mention one benefit each for India and Russia in their warm relationship. 2
18. Why were the first elections the biggest gamble in history? 2
19. What was the vishalandhra movement? 2
20. What was India‘s concern with respect to states being linguistically organized? 2
21. Cartoon attached answer the following questions 4
1. How are India and China taking away jobs from developed countries?
2. Mention one economic and one political consequence of the concept being
discussed in this cartoon.
22. On the map of India mark the princely states of 1. Mysore 2. Cooch Behar 4
3.Gwalior 4. Junagadh
23. Bring out the major differences between the challenges to nation building for the 4
Eastern and Western regions of the country at the time of independence.
24. Write a short note on the Swatantra party. 4

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25. Look at the map of India attached at the end study the performance of parties 4
and answer the 4 questions :(1x4)
1. Did the Congress maintain the increase in the members in these elections?
2. Which political party continued to gain seats in all the elections?
3.Name the political parties which contested only two of the three elections
4. What can you interpret from the map about the Indian political system?
26. Match the following: 4
1. Deen Dayal Upadhya - a. Communist leader from Kerala
2. A.K.Gopalan b.Education minister in the cabinet of free India.
3.Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur -- c. Member of the Bhartiya Jana Sangh
4. Maulana Abdul. K.Azad d. Minister of health in independent India.
27. Can the UNO serve as a balance against US dominance? Give reasons for your 4
28. What would you consider as the main differences between Mexico and India 4
under one party domination?
29. Name the achievements of Sri Lanka despite its continuing ethnic crisis; name 4
the main players in the conflict.
30. What is the ASEAN Way? Why is the ASEAN more successful than the SAARC? 4
31. Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions: 6
―States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and
restore the health and integrity of the ecosystem. In the view of different
contributions of the global environmental degradation, states have common but
differentiated responsibilities‖
1. What is the ecosystem being discussed here?
2. Which part of the world has greater responsibility for the environmental
protection and why?
3.To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the
Rio declaration
32. The transition from communism to capitalism was not a smooth one. Explain. 6
33. Discuss India‘s security policy. 6
34. What was the governments approach to bring princely states within the union? 6
The issue of Kashmir, Hyderabad and Manipur proved to be more difficult than
the rest? Comment.

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Practice Questions-4

1. W Describe the role and function of the Planning commission. What makes it unique?
2. How did land reforms prove to be a failure?
3. Would you consider the anti- arrack movement as a women‘s movement?
4. Who are Dalit panthers, what is their ideology and issues they address?
5. Discuss India‘s nuclear policy.
6. Give one reason to suggest why social movements in India emerged and one factor to
suggest why they are successful.
7. What are voluntary sector oganiasations?
8. Give reasons to suggest that:
1. NAM allowed India to get assistance from both USA and the USSR
2. Cold war affected the relationship between India and Pakistan.
9. What was the Bombay Plan?
10. What is a plan holiday? Why are some years called plan holidays?
11. What was the red: white: and green revolution, name a person involved with each.
12. What is the difference between right and left parties?

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School

General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
1m questions have a limit of 20 words.
2m questions have a limit of 40 words.
4m questions have a limit of 100 words.
6m questions have a limit of 150 words with an internal choice.
All questions have to be done in serial order.
1. Give one example when India used its foreign policy of Non alignment policy for 1
its economic advantage.
2. Name one Central Asian Republic. 1
3. What is meant by‖ flows‖ in globalization? 1
4. Mention one impact of Partition on our domestic and foreign policy. 1
5. Name the EU countries that have a veto vote? 1
6. What was the ―Congress System‖? 1
7. Why were the first elections the biggest gamble in history? 1
8. Which among the following statements does not reflect the objectives of NAM: 1
1. Enabling newly decolorized countries to pursue independent policies.
2.No to joining any military alliances
3.Following a policy of neutrality on global issues
4.Focus on elimination of global economic inequalities
9. Why were there protests in E. Pakistan after independence? 1
10. WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organizations 1
a. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
b. General Arrangement on Trade and Tariffs
c. World Health Organization
d. UN Development Programme
11. Name the international body/ agency/organ which performs the following 2
1. Oversees global financial system.
2. Provides good health to all
3. Debates and discusses global issues
4. Solves international disputes
12. What was the significance of the State Reorganization Act of 1956? 2
13. ―Congress had to taste bitter defeat in Kerala in 1957. Discuss. 2
14. Justify the statement that‖ cold war remained cool‖. Give two points to support 2
your arguments.
15. Mention two limitations of the SAARC? 2
16. Bring out two differences between the Socialist and Communist party of India. 2
17. Match the following 2
i. Confidence Building a. Giving up certain types of weapons
ii. Arms Control b. A process of exchanging information
between nations on a regular basis
iii. Alliance c. A coalition of nations meant to deter or defend against
military attacks
iv. Disarmament d. Regulates the acquisition of arms

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18. What was dual party membership? 2
19. Complete this: The first general elections of __________ were unique due to the 2
simultaneous elections of the ________________.
20. Give two reasons for Srilanka being in danger. 2
21. What are the factors that were responsible for the Congress dominance at the 4
national level?
22. Explain three ways in which USA‘s super power role is different today from the 4
cold war era?
23. Bring out the major differences between the challenges to nation building for the 4
Eastern and Western regions of the country at the time of independence
24. On the map mark the princely states of Junagarh, Manipur, Hyderabad and 4
Also why did the accession of these states prove more difficult than the rest? (2+2)
25. What is ‗Balance of Power‘? How could a state achieve this? 4
26. What are common property resources? In the context of India highlight some of 4
the ways in which they are protected
27. Why did the two super powers need smaller allies during the cold war? Give four 5
28. What are the reasons being used by Nehru for keeping India secular? Do you 5
think these reasons were only ethical or sentimental? Or were there some
prudential reasons as well?
29. How were the Clinton years in US administration different from the Bush years? 5
30. Cartoon attached answer the following questions – China and India on Food jobs. 5
1.) Name the countries and leaders involved?
2.) Mention the political consequence of the concept being discussed in this
3.) Discuss in detail on the outcome in Global affairs.
31. Evaluate the difficulties involved in the reforming of the Security Council with 6
reference to the following:
1.No agreement on criteria to determine who would get a permanent seat
2.Animosity and distrust among the member nation states
Suppose the cold war had not taken place and there were several major powers at
the end of the 2nd world war. How would the situation have affected India‘s
foreign policy? Identify any three aspects or regions and imagine the difference.
32. Describe the growth of Chinese economy since the 1970‘s. Mention one area of 6
conflict and one area of cooperation in Sino-Indian relations
―The ability to manufacture consent is more effective than any military or
economic power‖. Discuss With examples from day to day life in world politics.
33. Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions: 6
―States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and
restore the health and integrity of the ecosystem. In the view of different
contributions of the global environmental degradation, states have common but
differentiated responsibilities‖
1. What is the ecosystem being discussed here?
2. Which part of the world has greater responsibility for the environmental
protection and why?
3. To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the Rio

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34. Assess Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel‘s role in nation building? 6
35. Read the following passage and answer the questions below: 6
“In the history of nation-building only the Soviet experiment bears
comparison with the Indian. There too, a sense of unity had to be forged
between many diverse ethnic groups, religious, linguistic communities
and social classes. The scale – geographic as well as demographic
was comparably massive. The raw material the state had to work with
was equally unpropitious: a people divided by faith and driven by debt
and disease.” — RAMACHANDRA GUHA

(a )List the commonalities that the author mentions between India

and Soviet Union and give one example for each of these from
(b) The author does not talk about dissimilarities between the two
experiments. Can you mention two dissimilarities?
(c) In retrospect which of these two experiment worked better. Explain.

Page no. 31 XII Political Science

SmartSkills Sanskriti School

1. What were the three challenges before the Indian democracy?


2. Pakistan and Bangladesh were mapped on________________________________________

India and Pakistan were mapped on______________________________________________

3. a. Instrument of accession is _____________________________________________________

4. ________________________
b. Standstill agreement is

Name one state which signed each:.

5. Name 2 states that refused to sign accession with India?

6. Who gave the Tryst with Destiny speech? When and where was it delivered?

7. India was divided on the _________________________ there was____________ % Muslim

population left in India in 1951.
8. What are communal zones? Name two.

9. Who wrote ―Waris Shah‖?

10. How many princely states were therein India?

11. Who created Andhra Pradesh?

12. Give the dates of the formation:

1. Andhra _____________
2. States Reorganization Commission ________________
3. Gujarat _____________________________________
4. Punjab ________________________________________
5. Meghalaya __________________________________
6. Nagaland ______________________________________
7. Arunachal ____________________________________
8. Uttarakhand ____________________________________

Page no. 32 XII Political Science

SmartSkills Sanskriti School

1. When was the constitution ready and when did it come into effect?

2. When was the election commission set up and who was the 1st Election commissioner?

3. In the 1st elections there were______ eligible voters and only________ were literate.

4. We moved from ballot boxes to__________ in the year____________, by _________ the whole
country had moved to it.

5. Fill in:
a.1st elections were held in__________- congress got_____- seats
b.2nd elections were held in__________- congress got_____- seats
c. 3rd elections were held in__________- congress got_____- seats
6. In 1952 the Congress got__________% and__________% seats showing a

7. Article 356 was used in________________________________ to dismiss the

________________________. Article____
____ and __________ are also two more such emergency articles.

8. What happened in the Congress in 1934 and 1948 and how did it affect the party?

9. PRI stands for _______________________________________________________________ it was

formed in________________
The one major difference of this party to the Congress party of India

10. ________________________________was the founder of the Scheduled Caste federation he was

also ________________________________________________ and he converted to
_________________________ in____________________.

11. _________________________ was the first Minister for Communication of Free India.

12. In 1920 the _______________________ occurred in the USSR. The _________________

is pro SOVIET, some notable leaders of the party in India were________________________

13. BJS formed in_______________ roots traced to the_____________________ believed
14. ________________________formed in August 1959, philosophy and leader

Page no. 33 XII Political Science

SmartSkills Sanskriti School

1. What is a mixed Economy?

2. What is left and right ideology?

3. When was the Planning commission set up? Who heads it?

4. What was the Bombay plan? When was it set up?

5. When was the 1st plan proposed? What area did it address?

6. Mention the year of the 2ndplan and its key emphasis?

7. Who was Kumarappa?

8. What is the Kerala model?

9. Why did land reforms not really take off?

10. What is zoning?

11. Give 2 states that benefitted from the Green revolution and one from the white?

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School

1. With whom was the Panchsheel signed up with?

2. Land mark of Nehru‘s foreign policy was:

3. Dalai Lama came from_________

4. What was the Tashkent declaration? Who signed It and what was the outcome?

5. What was India‘s stand on the CTBT?

6. Why did the CPI split?

7. What is a ―no first use deterrence approach‖ in India‘s policy?

8. State two reasons for the Indo-Pak War of 1971?

9. Foundation of India‘s foreign policy was laid by the PM ____________ and his Minister

10. The Shimla accord signed by________________ in___________________.

11. Give two recent developments on Indo-Pak relations.

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School

1. Who succeeded Lal Bahadur Shastri?

2. India went to war with China in_______________and Pakistan in__________.

3. What was non congressism_________________________________________.

4. What was the electoral upset in 1967?

5 .Define the term Coalition?

6. What was the Syndicate?

7. What was one significant achievement of Shastri?

8. What is a Privy Purse?

9. Who was Ram Manohar Lohia?

10. Mention any one socialist measure adopted by Mrs Gandhi?

11. What was the “Grand Alliance”?

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School

1. What is a ―Committed bureaucracy‖?

2 What was the doctrine of basic structure?

3. What is meant by ―to supersede o a judge‖? Give an example.

4. What is the Navnirman movement?

5. Give one reason for the emergency? Name the years when it was in force?

6. What do you understand by the term extra constitutional.

7. What was the Shah Commission?

8. Why did the Janata Party experiment fail?

9. What is preventive detention?

10. Sweeping the polls cartoon talks of which elections and why was this term used?

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School
1. What is a popular movement?

2Why is Chipko as a movement so unique?

3. What is a party based movement?

4. Name a Dalit leader a poet, and a party.

5.What was the main objective of the BKU name their founder leader/

6. What is the RTI when did the procedure unfold?

7. Anti arrack movement is unique…………………..

8. Mention one lesson learnt from the Chipko movement?

9. Why are National fish movement s organized for?

10. What is the NBA? Which areas does the Dam cover.

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School
1. What is regionalism?

2. A state led movement against outsiders.

3. Name the organization that led the secessionist move in the North East

4. Who were Laldenga and Phizo how were they different to Periyar

5. What were the accords signed by Rajiv Gandhi give the dates .

6. How was Goa liberated?

7. What was the problem t in the 22nd state of India?

8. What is Dalmiapuram issue?

9. 1. AASU

2. AGP

3. MNF

10. What was Operation Blue star?

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School
1. What was MANDALISATION of politics?

2. What are the features of coalition politics?

3. What were the communal problems seen in India in the 1990-2000‘s.

4. Who introduced the NEP?

5. Which party led to the resurgence of the Dalits in Indian politics?

6. What was the Shah Bano case?

7. When was the BJP formed?

8. What was the Indira Sawhney case?

9. Give the post 2004 and 2009 scenario that unfolded in groups of parties in India?

10. What is the VHP and the RSS? Give the full form.

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1.The Western alliance headed by the USA represented the ideology of _________ and the 1
Eastern alliance headed by the Soviet Union represented the ideology of the _____________
2. What is Human Security? 1
3. What was the White Revolution? 1
4. When was Bill Clinton the President of the USA from? Give his years. 1
5. What is meant by a charismatic leader oriented party? 1
6. Correct the statement: Towards the end of the 1980‘s the Election Commission of India 1
started using the EVM‘s and by 2002 the entire country shifted to it.
7. What does the EU flag stand for? 1
8. Why did Jinnah propose the two nation theory? 1
9. What was the Kerala model of planning ? 1
10.Match the following: 1
1. Division of Vietnam 1. 38th parallel
2. Marshall Plan 2. Containment of Communism
3. Division of Korea 3. Reconstruction of Western Europe
4. Truman Doctrine 4. 17th Parallel
11. Bring out 2 differences between Socialist party and Communist party of India. 2
12. Mention the four component of the traditional notion of security from external threats. 2
13. Analyze the common problems of the South Asian countries? 2
14. Which among the following would give more weightage to India‘s proposal for a 2

permanent membership in the Security Council? Give reason for the chosen options:
a. Nuclear capability
b. It is located in Asia
c. India‘s growing economic power and stable economic system
15. Suggest any two ways to improve the functioning of the Security Council. 2
16. What is the Reorganization of the States? When did it take place? 2
17. Explain the term separatism with reference to Kashmir? 2
18. On the world map mark the following: 2
1.A member of the NATO and a permanent member in the UNSC
2.The country whose annual defense expenditure in 2004 was 2nd to the USA
19. What was the Agenda 21, why was it criticized? 2
20. What was operation “Blue Star” of June 1984? Name any two leading people involved. 2

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21. What does the clipping signify in Indian politics? 4
Language Issue in the text.
22. Was the Congress split in 1969 avoidable? If the split had not taken place how could it 4
have influenced the course of events in the 1970‘s.?
23. How was the ―one party system‖ in India different from similar systems elsewhere? 4
Did the dominance of one party mean that India was not really a democracy? Give reasons
to support your answer.
24. How does the geographical proximity influence the formation of regional 4
25. What does SAFTA stand for? When was it signed? What is the spirit behind it? 4

26. Discuss the Right to Information act? When and how was it passed? 4
27. What was the Tibet issue? How did India help the Tibetan migrants to settle down? 4
28. Briefly discuss the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in the disintegration of the USSR? 4
29. Like India, why could Democracy not take roots in Pakistan considering both 4

countries shared a common past, Discuss the factors that have been responsible for
Pakistan‘s failure in building a stable democracy.
30. Describe any four circumstances for the proclamation of the emergency in 1975. 4
31. Explain the causes of the partition of 1947 and analyze its consequences? 6

What are the major differences between the SAARC and the European Union as alternative
centers of power?
32.Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions: 6
―States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve,
protect and restore the health and integrity of the earth‘s ecosystem. In
view of the different contributions of the global environmental
degradation, states have common but differentiated responsibilities.‖
(a) Give two examples of the ecosystem being talked about here.
(b) Which part of the world has greater responsibility for environmental
protection? And why?
(c) To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the Rio
‗‘Non –alignment was a strategy evolved in the cold war context ―With the disintegration
of the USSR has it lost its relevance? Highlight arguments in support of your answer.

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33. From 1989 to 2004 there have been nine coalition governments in India. Analyze the rise 6
and fall of any two such coalition governments.
―The end of the eighties of the 20th century witnessed developments which made a long
lasting impact on Indian Politics‖. Assess any three such developments.
34. How did the fourth General Elections in India change the dynamics of Indian politics? 6
Read this Press review:
―Bhartiya Kisan Union wants agriculture out of the WTO purview‖. The BKU has warned
of socio economic upheavals in the country if India does not bargain to keep agriculture
out of the WTO purview. Addressing the conference today the BKU leader warned of
impending dangers if India went ahead with the next round of meetings in Hong Kong in
November.(Hindu 2005)
1. Who is the founder/famous leader being discussed here?
2. What are the BKU and the WTO?
3. What is the role of the BKU?
35.Read this passage and answer the following questions: 6
―If globalization is about the flows of ideas, capital, commodities, and people,
it is perhaps logical to ask if there is anything novel about this phenomenon.
Globalization in terms of these four flows has taken place through much of
human history. However, those who argue that there is something distinct
about contemporary globalization point out that it is the scale and speed of
these flows that account for the uniqueness of globalization.‖
(a) Give an example of each of these four flows that distinguishes globalization
from similar flows in earlier times.
(b) Can we conclude from this way of looking at globalization that it is essentially
economic and always positive? Give examples to support your position.
Compare the present Chinese economy with the previous command economy. How are the
relations of India with China?(4+2)

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Sample Paper

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100

 This question paper has four printed sides.

 There 27 questions.
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory. There are4 printed sides.
- 1m (5) questions have a limit of 15-30 words (very short answer)
- 2m (5) questions have a limit of40- 50 words (very short answer)
- 4m (6) questions have a limit of 75 - 100 words (short answer)
- 5m (5) questions have a limit of 125 words (passage/ map/ picture/ cartoon interpretation)
- 6m (6) questions have a limit of 150/200 words (Long Answers)
- All questions have to be done in serial order. All the best!
1 What is meant by trade liberalization? 1
2 Why did India not sign the CTBT? 1
3 What is the Balance of Power? 1
4 What is Gandhian socialism? 1
5 What does MAD mean in international politics? 1

6 What is meant by the dangerous decade in the context of Indian politics and why 2
was it so.
7 Mention why South Asia is known to be a conflict prone zone? 2
8 What is the difference between traditional and nontraditional concepts of security 2
9 What was the Swatantra Party ideology? 2
10 How can International organizations play an important role in Global warming? 2
11 Explain any two aspects each of cordiality and tension in the relationship between 4
India and China.
12 Why was the SAARC set up, mention its objectives? 4
What is the SAFTA? Why it signed and what was the spirit behind it?
13 Explain India‘s security strategy with reference to changes at the global level. 4
14 What is Operation Enduring freedom, and Operation Desert storm? 4
15 Why did Nehru regard the conduct of foreign relations as an essential indicator of 4
independence? State any two reasons with examples to support your reading.
16 Map of the world mark the following 4
a. Where is the secretariat of the ASEAN?
b. The only Asian G-8member

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c. The country that has had Sinhala issues?
d. A country in Central Asia which witnessed a civil war for 10 years till 2001.
e. Where the ―open door policy ―came up.
f. A landlocked country in the Indian subcontinent with a respected Monarchy.
g. A country that is a democracy and has faced partition. It has been often called a
regional bully.
h. The continuator state of USSR.
17 Write short notes on:- 5
1. Sikkim‘s merger.
2. Chipko movement
18 5

What does the cartoon signify? What is Global security? Give two new forms of
threat that the world faces today.
19 ―Patel, the organizational man of the Congress, wanted to purge the congress of 5
the other political groups and sought to make it a cohesive and disciplined
political party. He wanted to take it away from an all embracing to a close knit
party with disciplined cadres. Being a realist he looked more for discipline while
Gandhi has a romantic view of carrying the movement . Patel‘s idea of
transforming the Congress Party into a strictly political party with an ideology
and discipline showed an equal lack of understanding of the eclectic role that the
Congress, as a government, was to be called upon to perform in the decades to
1. Why does the author think that the Congress should not have been

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a cohesive and disciplined party?
2. Give examples of the ―eclectic‖ role of the Congress in the early
3. Why does the author feel that Gandhi had a romantic view about
the Congress party‘s future?
20 5

Read the cartoon and discuss why is there a sense of insecurity.

21 ―The Non Aligned Movement came in to being as an institutional pragmatic 5
response to an era of dangerous rivalry in global affairs. The over reaching
doctrine was that those who were not superpowers or their associates were not
entitled to real choices. Our leaders, however, resisted that impulsion and refused
to join either camps, opting for NAM.
a. What was the global rivalry the paragraph refers to.
b. Name the two superpowers that were in conflict
c. Who were the two leaders of this movement
d. Mention why India decided to join the Non aligned movement, is it
relevant today if so or not give reasons.
22 How did the European countries resolve their post second world problem? Briefly 6
outline the attempts that led to the formation of the European union. What has
been the latest debacle?
23 Write on the role of the US as a hegemon in international affairs; study it as a hard 6
soft and structural power.
24 What is ―the shock therapy‖, how did it change the economic system at the global 6
level? Also mention its impact on Russia.
25 What were the causes of emergency and its consequences, what were the lessons 6

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26. Discuss India‘s stand on environmental issues. 6

27. What is Agenda 21? What is the Kyoto Protocol? What is meant by Common but 6
differentiated responsibilities.

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There are 27 questions in a paper the format is below for you to understand:
Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks Allotted Total marks
Very Short Answer – 5 1 5
20 words approx. objective
and fill in the blanks
Very Short Answer – 2 5 2 10
40 words approx
Very short answers
Short Answer 6 4 24
100 words approx
Map and cartoon also 2 5 10
tested here, interpretation
skill will also be marked.
Knowledge based
questions asked
Long Answers 3 5 15
based on passages/quotes
and boxes
Essay Type 6 6 36
150 words approx
Long questions, Para
interpretation and
critically analyze issues
will be marked on.
Total 27 100

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Sr# Name of Chapter Marks allocated Marks allocated in

FINAL Examination


Total Marks 100 100

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General Instructions:-
a) All questions are compulsory.
b) Question nos. 1 to 5 carry 1 mark each. Answer should not exceed 20 words each.
c) Question nos. 6 to 10 carry 2 marks each. Answer should not exceed 40 words each.
d) Question nos. 11 to 16 carry 4 marks each. Answer should not exceed 100 words each.
e) Question nos. 17 to 21 carry 5 marks each. Answer should not exceed 150 words each.
f) Question no 21 is a map –based question. Write its answer in your answer book
g) Question nos. 22 to 27 carry 6 marks each. Answer should not exceed 150 words each.
1. Name the paramilitary force of Hyderabad Nizam to counter communist forces during 1947.
2. Which one of the following statements about the Bandwagon Strategy is false?
A. advisable to extract benefits by operating within the hegemonic system
B. to take advantage of the opportunities that hegemony creates
C. staying as far removed from the dominant power as possible
D. for raising economic power work with hegemony.
3. Why was BAMCEF established?
4. How did the Anti Arrack Movement lead to 73rd and 74th amendment of the Indian Constitution?
5. Mention any two reforms initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union
6. Match the following Secretary Generals of UNO with their respective countries:
A. Trygve Lie i. Egypt
B. Boutros-Boutros Ghali ii. Ghana
C. Kofi Annan iii. Burma (Myanmar
D. U Thant iv. Norway
7. How is oil continued to be the most important resource in the global strategy? Explain with an
8. Why was Shah Commission appointed? Mention any one of its finding 1+1=2
9. State the outcomes of Punjab Accord.
10. How did the opposition parties of 1950s play a crucial role in making the democratic character of
the system? Explain
11. How can peace and cooperation be enhanced in the SAARC region? Give any four reforms. 4
12. Mention the role of E V Ramaswamy Naicker in the Dravidian Movement 4
13. European Union has become a Supra-National organization. Explain. 4

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14. Examine the key controversies over the strategy of economic development in the early years of
independence. 4
15. Highlight the political and social aspects of the soviet system prior to 1991.
16. ‘The question of indigenous people brings the issue of environment, resources and politics
together‘. Explain the statement.
17. Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
The process of nation-building did not come to an end with the partition and integration of princely
states. Now the challenge was to draw the internal boundaries of the Indian states. The boundaries
had to be drawn in a way so that the linguistic and cultural plurality of the country could be reflected
without affecting the unity of the nation.
a) Which commission was appointed to look into the question of redrawing of boundaries of the states
on the lingual basis?
b) Why did the lingual issues become the basis of the formation of Andhra Pradesh?
c) How is democracy associated with plurality?
18. Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
The emergency and the period around it can be described as a period of the constitutional crisis
because it had its origins in the constitutional battle over the jurisdiction of the parliament and the
judiciary. On the other hand, it was also a period of political crisis. The party in power had absolute
majority and yet, its leadership decided to suspend the democratic process.
a) Why is the period of emergency described as a period of political crisis? 1
b) What were the issues of dispute between judiciary and parliament during 1970‘s? 2
c) How did the role of mass protest during emergency reflect the attributed aspiration of people?
19. Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
The Cuban missile crisis was a high point of what came to be known as the cold war. The cold war
referred to the competition, the tensions and a series of confrontations between the United States and
Soviet Union, backed by their respective allies. Fortunately, it never escalated into a hot war, that is a
full scale war between these two powers.
a) Why was the Cuban missile crisis considered as a high point of cold war?
b) Mention any two contentious issues between USA and USSR.
c) Name any two military alliances formed by the USA during the cold war.
20. Read the following Cartoon and answer the following questions:
a) Which country is represented as thumb? 1
b) What does this cartoon say about the nature of hegemony?
c) Mention any one operation undertaken by this country. 2

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a) Which country in the world is having global dominance? 1
b) Mention the military dominance of that country in the world. 2
c) State its structural hegemony. 2
i. State to which the Nizam belonged to.
ii. State which is related with article 370 of Indian constitution.
iii. State where the operation blue star was launched.
iv. State from where the J.P.Narayan demanded the dismissal of congress govt. in 1974.
V. State which is highly affected the Naxalites. 5x1=5
22. Describe any six consequences of the disintegration of USSR. 6
Explain the relevance of NAM in the contemporary scenario.
23. It is believed that a strengthened and revitalized UN is desirable in the changing world. Highlight
the necessary reforms for its strengthening. 6
The non -traditional concepts both human security and global security focus on the change nature of
threats and security. Substantiate the statement.
24. What do inter-connected world mean? State the cultural and political dimensions of it. 6
Explain common but differential responsibility. Mention any two steps taken up by the global world
in this direction.
25. Why did India and China both view themselves as rising powers in the global politics in spite of
tensions between them? Substantiate your answer by giving any four areas that have brought
cordiality in their relationship.
Analyse the relationship between India and Pakistan
26. Describe the three major issues in the North-Eastern States of India.
Explain the factors responsible for the formation of Bhartiye Kisan Union.
27. Analyse any three major factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi govt. in the early
Analyse any three major reasons for the split of congress (o) and congress (R) in 1969.

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1. The Razakaras
2. C1
3. For giving political power to Dalits
4. Anti Arrack Movement - due to domestic violence movement for the
demand of equal representation
5 Mikhail Gorbachev‟s reforms-
1. Glasnost
2. Perestroika
3. Acceleration (any two )
6. Secretary Generals of United Nations
a. Trygve Lie iv. Norway
B. Boutros-Boutros Ghali i. Egypt
C. Kofi Annan ii. Ghana
D. U Thant iii. Burma (Myanmar)
7. Oil the most important resource- In their uneven distribution and nonavailability to some nations,
there always has been a struggle over them.
The first and the second gulf war are the prime examples of this struggle.
8. Shah Commission was appointed to look into the abuse of authority taken in the wake of the
emergency proclaimed on the 25th June 1975 Shah Commission found that there were many‘ excesses‘
committed during the emergency
9. Punjab Accord.
Chandigarh was transferred to Punjab
ii. Punjab and Haryana border dispute was solved
iii. Ravi- Beas river dispute was resolved between Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan
iv. Compensation to the people affect by the militancy
Any two points to be explained
10. Opposition parties–
i. Groomed leaders
ii. Check and balance mechanism
iii. Principled criticism
iv. Provided political alternatives
Any two points to be explained

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11 i. In spite of many conflicts, the states of South Asia recognize the importance of peace and
cooperation and friendly relationship among themselves.
ii. (SAARC) is a major initiative of South Asian States to evolve cooperation through multilateral
iii. SAARC countries signed the South Asian Free Trade (SAFTA)
iv. Although India – Pakistan relations seems to be a story of Endemic conflict and violence, there
have been a series of efforts to manage tensions and build peace.
v. The two countries have started many confidence building measures to reduce the risk of war.
vi. US is increasingly acting as a moderator between India and Pakistan.
(Any other relevant point)
12 The role of E V Ramaswamy Naicker in the Dravidian Movement :
i) Raised anti-caste struggle and raised the rediscovery of Dravidic identity
ii) Founded Dravid Kazgham
iii) Opposed Brahmin domination and affirmed regional pride against domination of the north
iv) His movement acquired political power in the state and became influential at the national level
v) Movement transferred to DMK
13 i. EU is the world‘s biggest economy
ii. Its currency (the euro) can pose a threat to the dominance of the US Dollar
iii. Its share in the world trade is three times larger than that of the USA
iv. Is has enormous economic influence
v. Its armed forces are the second largest in the world
vi. Britain and France have nuclear arsenals
vii. It is second in communication and technology
Any four to be explained
14. Key controversies
i) Agricultural vs. industrial development
ii) Public vs. private sector
15. i) Soviet system gave primary importance to the state and the institution of the party.
ii) The soviet political system centered on the communist party and no other political party or
opposition was allowed.
iii) The economy was planned and controlled by the state
iv) It was then more developed than rest of the world except the US.
v) It had a complex communications network, vast energy resources
(Any other relevant point)

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16. i) 30 crore indigenous population spread across the world
ii) Irrespective of their geographical location, they are strikingly similar with respect to their land
and variety of life systems supported by it.
iii) The loss of land is the most obvious threat to their survival
iv) They depend upon their subsistence on the cultivation of land
v) They enjoy constitutional protection in political representation
vi) They are displaced by various developmental projects
(Any other relevant point)
17 a) State Reorganization Commission
b) The creation of Andhra Pradesh on the basis of linguistic basis opened the flood gates of linguistic
passions and demands for creation of linguistic states were raised from various quarters.
c) Democracy associated with plurality – as it believes in accommodation and social justice
18. a. The period of emergency is described as a period of political crisis because of:
i. Invoked article 352 of the constitution
ii. Grave crisis
iii. Suspension of fundamental rights
iv. Press censorship and electricity failure
b. The issues of dispute between judiciary and parliament during 1970‘s were :
i. Abridgement of fundamental rights
ii. Curtailment of right to property
iii. Abridge fundamental rights to give effect to directive principles of the state policy
c. The role of mass protest during emergency :
i. reflected the attributed aspiration of people
ii. call for nationwide strike
iii. Mass agitations
iv. railway strike
19. a) The Cuban missile crisis was considered as a high point of cold war because of :
i. Conflict between US &USSR over the military base of USSR in Cuba against US interest
ii. Kennedy ordered American warships to intercept any soviet ships heading to cuba as a way of
b) Contentious issues between US A and USSR :
i. Ideological issues
ii. Spread of communism against American interest
iii. Military blocs

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iv. Containment issue
c) The military alliances formed during the cold war were :
iii. CENTO
20. a) AMERICA is represented as thumb
b) The nature of hegemony - soft, structural and hard hegemonic dominance
c) operation undertaken by this country- operation Iraqi freedom/ operation desert storm
a) America in the world is has a global dominance
b) military dominance – in absolute and relative terms
i. high expenditure
ii. high budget allotment
iii. military dominance
iv. high tech chasm
c) State its structural hegemony
i. Global public goods
iii. Internet
iv. World trade
21. Map questions
i) Nizam belonged to Hyderabad (present Telangana)
ii) article 370 of Indian constitution related with Jammu and Kashmir
iii) operation blue star was launched in Punjab
iv) J.P.Narayan demanded the dismissal of congress govt. in 1974 -Bihar
v) State which is highly affected the Naxalites.- West Bengal
i. naxalite movement a threat to the democracy?-violent methods used by them, splintered into
parties, bloodshed by them ii. naxalite movement splintered into political parties –
iii–ADIVASIS section of Indian society are most affected by the naxalite movement

22. Consequences of disintegration of USSR :

i. It meant the end of World war confrontation between USA and USSR.
ii. US became the sole super power.

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iii. Capitalist economy became more dominant and was supported by World Bank and IMF.
iv. Many new countries emerged, especially the Baltic and Eastern
European states.
v. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and European Union became very strong regional
vi. SHOCK therapy and expansion of capitalism
23 Relevance of NAM
i. Opposition to racism
ii. Respect for human rights and dignity
iii. Opposition to counter neo colonialism
iv. Maintain environmental balance
vi. To curb terrorism
23. Reforms for strengthening of UN :
i) Reforms in the organizations structure and processes
ii) Review of the issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the organization
iii) major concerns has been the composition of the Security Council, which has remained
largely static while the UN General Assembly Membership has expanded
iv) Increase in the number of both permanent and non-permanent members in UNSC
v) Security Council should have more developing countries in it like Asia, Africa and South
vi) Proposal to improve UNs budgetary procedures and its administration
vii) Some countries want the organization to play a greater role in peace and security missions
viii) Others want it play humanitarian role
ix) Any other relevant point
The non -traditional concepts both human security and global security focus on the change nature
of threats and security :
i. Human rights
ii. Global poverty
iii. Terrorism
iv. Environmental threats
v. Diseases

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Any three
24 Inter-connected world mean- global world which is integrated through exchange of people,
information, goods and services
Cultural and political dimensions –
i. Political dimensions of globalization at the most simple level, result in an erosion of state capacity,
i.e the ability of government to do what they do. All over the world, ‗welfare state‘ is now giving away
to a more minimalist state that performs certain core function such as the maintenances of law and
order and the security of its citizens.
ii. Culturally it leads to the risk of a uniform culture or what is called as cultural homogenization. The
risk of a uniform culture is not the emergence of a global culture. What we have in the name of global
culture is the imposition of Western Culture
Common but differential responsibility:
i. Common but differentiated responsibility means that every country has to work for protecting
environment but more responsibility lies on developed countries.
ii. This argument was accepted in the Rio Summit in 1992.
iii. The developed countries of the North want to discuss the environmental issue as it stands now and
want everyone to be equally responsible for ecological conservation.
iv. However the developing countries of the South say that much of the ecological degradation in the
world is the product of industrial development undertaken by the developed countries.
v. If they have caused more degradation, they must also take more responsibility for undoing the
damage now.
vi. States shall cooperate in the spirit for ecological protection
Any other relevant point
25 i. High potential of economic growth
ii. Working potential
iii. Global trade relations
Areas that have brought cordiality in their relationship are :
i. Mutual peace talks
ii. Trade relations
iii. Cultural interactions
iv. Negotiations over disputed issues
The relationship between India and Pakistan :

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i. Jammu and Kashmir issue
ii. Siachen glacier issue
iii. Infiltrators in India and terrorism
iv. Bangladesh crisis
v. Competitive military interest
vi. Arms race between the two
Any other relevant point
26 Three major issues in the north-eastern states of India :
i. Movement against outsiders
ii. Succession issue
iii. Demand for autonomy
The factors responsible for the formation of Barite Kisan Union :
i. Regular electricity with subsidized rated
ii. Abolition of restrictions on the interstate movement
iii. Guaranteed supply
iv. Waiving of payments due to loan to farmers
v. Pension for farmers
vi. Higher floor prices for sugarcane
27 Three major factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi govt. in the early 1990s :
1. Garibi hatao program of Gandhi
2. Land to landless labourers
3. Support to dalits , adivasis, minorities and women
Major reasons for the split of congress (o) and congress (R) :
i. She gave left orientation to the govts policies ignoring syndicates
ii. For presidential elections , supported v v giri
iii. Abolished privy purse
iv. Banks were nationalized against old members of congress
v. Sidelined syndicates
vi. Neglected them in all the policies

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Set – 1 & 2

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100

 This question paper has three printed sides.
 There are 27 questions in the paper. A map is also there.
General Instructions:
General Instructions - All questions are compulsory.
- 1m (5) questions have a limit of 15-30 words (very short answer)
- 2m (5) questions have a limit of 40- 50 words (very short answer)
- 4m (6) questions have a limit of 75 - 100 words (short answer)
- 5m (5) questions have a limit of 125 words (passage/ map/ picture)
- 6m (6) questions have a limit of 150/200 words (Long Answers)
- Map to be attached inside the answer sheet.
- All questions have to be done in serial order. All the best!
SET - 2
Q1. Akalis discovered that despite the redrawing of the boundaries, their political 1
position remained precarious.‖Give one reason why.
Q2. What were the election symbols of the Congress party and the Bhartiya Jana 1
Sangh in the first General Elections of 1952?
Q3. What is meant by the term Cold War? 1
Q4. Two recommendations of the Mandal Commission. 1
Q5. What was the biggest obstacle in nation building at the time of India‘s 1
Q6. What were the ―challenges of political succession‖ in the 1960‘s? 2
Q7. Write any two objectives of the ASEAN. 2
Q8. Write a note on the role of the W.T.O.? 2
Q9. What was Operation Enduring freedom? 2
Q10. Differentiate between modernization and westernization as developmental 2
Q11. ―Global commons have not only common, but differentiated responsibilities. 4
Do you agree with this view? Why?
Q12. What led to the evolution of the EU from an economic union to an 4
increasingly political one?
SET – 1 / SET – 2 (Common)
Q13. What was the approach of the Indian Government of India towards the 4

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Princely States immediately after partition? Also discuss the issue of
Q14. Write the four developments that were to make a long lasting impact on our
politics since 1989.
Q15. Write on the following: -
1.Panchsheel. 2. Maastricht treaty 3. Agenda 21. 4. CTBT
Q16. 4

Describe the cartoon.How is it relevant in todays world. Why do the Nuclear

powers feel insecure with new entrants.
Q17. ―These proceedings have the echo of the disastrous event that ended in 5
the demolition on the 6/12/92 of the disputed structure ―Ram Janma
Bhoomi-Babri Masjid‖ in Ayodhya. Thousands of innocent lives were lost,
extensive damage to the property and damage to the image of this great land
as one fostering great traditions tolerance brotherhood amongst
communities…. The Chief Minister has been convicted of an offence of
Contempt of court….as it affects the secular fabric of our nation…‖

1. Who gave the following observations and when?

2. Who was the Chief minister of UP, what was the promise made by him?
3. What were the damages to India and what implications were it for both
India and for the state of UP?
Q18. On the map mark the following:- 5
1. A member of the NATO and a permanent member in the UNSC.
2. The country which has signed the Indus Waters Treaty with India.

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3. Soviet invaded this country in 1979.
4.The Central Asian Republic that witnessed a civil war from 2001 for 10
5. G.A. Nasser was the Premier of which country?
Q19. What are the threats the third world faces as contrasted to the first world 5
Q20. Describe hegemony as a Hard power with reference to the position of the 5
USA in world politics.
Q21. What was the green revolution? Which areas did it affect? Mention two 5
positive and two negative consequences?
Q22. State the various components of India‘s security strategy? 6
Q23. Write a short note on the invasion of 1962, how did it impact India? 6
Q24. What were the four flows of Globalization? Can we conclude that 6
Globalization is essentially economic and always positive? Give examples to
support your answer.
Q25. Describe the consequences of Partition. (4) 6
Sardar Patel‘s role in India‘s integration.(2)
Q26. Analyze any three reasons for imposing emergency on the 25th June, 1975. 6
Did the Government misuse its emergency powers? Give any three
arguments in support of your answers.
Q27. The Anti arrack struggle was a women‘s movement .Describe the rise and its 6
role in Indian politics.

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Set – 1

1. Vishalandhra mvmt, Potti Sriramalu fasting - led to a separate telegu speaking state
This way linguistic & cultural plurality could be accommodated without affecting the unity of
the nation
2. March 1957, CPI defeated Congress in Kerela.
3. Areas where crisis & war occurred or threatened to occur to threaten the alliance sys but did
not cross certain limits. There was no nuclear war or world hostilities.
4. i)United Nations Environment Plan – highlights envi issues, promotes detail study of env
ii)United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – formed in 1992, promotes
envi as common to all with varied & differentiated responsibilities. Expects member nations
to fulfil this responsibility
5. Descendants of people who once inhabited the present territory of a country at the time when
persons of a diff culture, ethnic origin arrived from other parts of the world and subverted
6. - Nehru passed away in May 1964 creating a void difficult to fill.
- Whether India‘s demo experiment would continue
-Outsiders & critics doubted pol demo to continue amidst several internal crisis (poverty,
inequality, communal & reg divisions)
- Decade of 1960s was labelled as a `dangerous decade‘
7. Any 2 : Processes & reconstruction / Peace Building Commission/ Agreements to achieve
millennium dev goals/ condemn terrorism/ effective Human Resource Council….
8. Related to geo-political affairs which deal with allocation & distribution of natural resources
among nation states of the world. Its all abt who gets what, when, where & how?
9. NA was a 2 way policy… India did not side any of the two powers, instead raised voice
against newly independent nations aligning with any one superpower.
India‘s stand was not one of fleeing away- in fact actively involved itself in world affairs to
dilute CWar rivalries. In this sense India‘s stand was neither neutral (aloof/ indifferent) nor
that of maintaining diplomatic relations for namesake.
10. Modernization refers to economic and social betterment as objectives of dev, while
conserving desirable aspects of tradition & culture. It is more permanent.
Westernization is often imbibing western practices in economic and social practices to please
and garner favour from the western world. This may not be easily acceptable to the society &

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often threatens culture & tradition of the area or region.
11. Commons are resources which are collectively shared by a community. This also applies to
regions which do not belong to any specific state. It is expected that they are preserved by the
intnl community. These are referred to as global commons.
Antarctic treaty 1959, Montreal Protocol 1987 & Antarctic Envi Protocol 1991 hv been some
pathbreaking agreements, yet no consensus on common envi agenda.
Envi protection responsibility is severely influenced by North South inequalities. Dev
countries of North are equipped with scientific & technological knowhow & thus exploit
Dev countries of the North want everyone to take responsibility. But South feels that much of
envi degradation is a product of indus dev under taken by dev countries. Since they hv
caused more degradation, they should take more responsibility towards protecting the envi.
This was accepted at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and it was called the Principle of common
but differentiated responsibility.
12. WW2 changed the equations between European nations.
-major eco ruin in 1945 – US extended financial aid – Marshall Plan.
-Creation of NATO & OEEC under Marshall Plan.
-Under OEEC – western Europe began cooperating in trade & eco issues.
-Council of Europe (1949) step towards political cooperation.
-Eco integration of Europe‘s capitalist countries led to the formation of EEco Committee
-Process acquired pol dimension with creation of European Parliament
-Disintegration of USSR speeded the formn of the EU in 1992.
-Subsequently fdn laid down for common foreign & sec policy, co-opn on justice & home
affairs, creation of a single currency
-EU began to function as a nation state.
-Though EU does not hv its own constitution, it has its own anthem,founding date, currency.

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Common question of set 1 and set 2

13. British announced that with the end of their rule their paramountcy on the princely states
As many as 565 states would be independent. Princely states were given freedom to join
either Pakistan or India.
Refusal of Travancore, H‘bad & Bhopal to join either, generated new fears of new small
countries being formed creating new smaller communal divides.
Interim govt (INC) took a firm stand angst further division. IMLeague opposed this view of
Sardar Patel, India‘s Dep PM & Home Minister played crucial role negotiating with the
princely states.
Govt‘s approach was guided by 3 considerations:
i) People of princely states wanted to be part of Indian Union
ii) Govt prepared to be flexible in giving autonomy to some regions
iii) In the backdrop of partition, integration & consolidation of territorial boundaries.
By Aug 1947 almost all smaller states had signed the Instrument of Accession
Hydrabad: Largest princely state. Ruler carries title of Nizam, who was one of the world‘s
richest men. He entered into a standstill agreement with India in Nov, 1947 for a year while
negotiations were still on.
The people of Hyderabad state opposed this action of Nizam. The peasantry in Telangana
region who were also a victim of Nizam‘s oppressive rule, rose against him. Communists and
Hydrabad congress joined the movt.
Nizam unleashed a paramilitary force called Razakars on the people. Th atrocities and
communal nature for Razakars forced the central govt to order the army to tackle the
situation. In sept 1948, Indian army moved in to control Nizam‘s forces after a short
resistance, when Nizam was surrendered, Hydrabad was acceded to India.
14. Cartoon depicts nuclear power club countries, permanent members of the UN (China, France,
UK, USA – Shown in pic and USSR not in the pic). These are rich and advanced countries.
They use this position to pressurize and suppress other smaller countries like shown in the
pic (iran and north korea who also want to become nuclear powers).
It is relevant in todays times as the permanent members impose nuclear NPT on the rest of
the world. Most nations agree upon it due to their eco and mil dependence on these
developed countries
Nuclear powers feel that new entrants would threaten their supremacy in world politics so

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they pressurise them in every possible way. For example, India conducted nuclear test in
1974, pak in 1998- intnl committee was critical and imposed sanctions on both nations.
15 1. India signed Kyoto protocol (1997) in aug 2002
2. G-8 mtg (2005). India observes emission rates of developed nations are higher than the
developing world.
3. India completely agrees with the principles of common but diff responsibilities and
feels major responsibility of curbing carbon emissions lies with the developed
4. Relies heavily on historical responsibility as mentioned in UNFCC.
5. Constant upgrading and implementation of environmental programmes / policies.
For example national auto fuel policy, energy conservation act, electricity act of 2003
6. Developed countries should provide cleaner tech to developing countries
7. Common agenda by SAARC on global environment concerns.
1. Kashmir issue, cause of conflict, immediately after partition
2. Proxy war b/w India and Pak. Issue referred to UN
3. Despite Kashmir conflict, govt of India and Pak contd co-operation on various
accounts for example, minimising hostilities, Indus Water Treaty (1960) b/w Nehru
and general Ayub Khan
4. In 1965, Lal Bahadur Shastri became PM
5. Pak attacked Rann of Kuchh followed by offensive in J&K in Aug-Sept
6. Pak hoped to get support, but it didn‘t happen
7. Shastri ordered counter offensive along Punjab border
8. Hostilities came to end with UN intervention
9. In 1966, with intervention of USSR, Aayub Khan and Lal Bahadur Shastri signed
tashkant agreement.
10. This war though led to considerable military loss for Pak, but added considerably to
India‘s, depleting eco condition.
Signed on 7th Feb, 1992. Established EU and laid down the foundation for foreign security
policy co-operation and justice, home affairs and creation of a single currency Euro. It was
signed by heads of govt of states of the EC.
A small neutral country located b/w two large hostile countries and serving to prevent the

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outbreak of regional conflict. For eg Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, serve as buffer state b/w india
and china during the 1962 Sino Indian war.
CTBT-1996 UNGA, India finds it discriminatory, no time bound nuclear disarmament
schedule for nuclear weapon states, only bans nuclear explosive testing, not other activities
related to nuclear weapon.
17 1. CJI- Venkatachalliah and Justice GN Ray (1994)
2. Kalyan Singh- BJP, promised to protect the Ram Janmabhumi Babri masjid structure
before national INT council
3. Situation tense all over the country/BJP govt in UP dismissed/ other states with BJP
in power were put under presidents rule/ case filed against CM in SC/ central govt
appointed commission for investigation the incident
India‘s demo politics came under serious debate across the world. The act went
against secular principle and questions were raised over security of minorities. It was
criticised for using community politics for electoral purposes.
18 MAP 1. Japan & Russian fed
2. Pakistan
3. Afghanistan
4. Tajikistan
5. Gamal Abdel Nasser – President of Egypt
19. GREEN REVOLUTION - GR was an initiative taken by the govt in 1960s (1965) to increase
food grain production by introducing revolutionary changes in agricultural practices. The
govt offered
a) High yielding variety of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and better irrigation facilities at
subsidized prices to the farmers.
b) Govt assured fixed minimum price to purchase produce from the farmers.
The GR had mixed impact. The positive outcome was as follows:
- It encouraged left-wing orgn to organise poor peasants under their wings.
- Farmers with medium size holdings benefitted from the changes and emerged into Higher
middle class section in the society. They exercised great pol influence in many parts of the
The Negative outcomes were:
- It widened the divide between rich landlords and the poor peasants.
- Despite large scale measures agriculture growth obtained was moderate that too only rice
and wheat production.

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- The northern states (Punjab, Haryana & UP) prospered while others remained backward.
The White Revolution in India, also known as Operation Flood, was a plan of three phases by
the National Dairy Development Board to revitalize India's dairy production until India
became self-sufficient in milk. The program was so successful that by 1998, India was the
world's largest milk producer. According to the official website of India's National Dairy
Development Board, the aim of the White Revolution was not only to increase milk
production, but also to bring producer and consumer closer by eliminating middle men,
assuring producers a regular income. It provided millions of people in rural areas with
employment, income and development.
Dr. Varghese Kurien, nicknamed the `Milkman of India‘ played a crucial role in the creation
of India‘s first dairy co-operative in Anand town in Gujarat‘s Kheda district.
Benefits: It saw dairying as a path to dev for generating employment & income in rural
households and alleviating poverty. Women members are a sign of social dev.
20. Hegemony refers to predominance in world politics. Hegemony as hard power relates to all
relations, patterns and balances of military capability betn states. US mil power is superiornto
all other states as can be confirmed by the following:
i)The US has mil capabilities which is accurate, lethal and precise.
ii)No other power can match the US capabilities.
iii)US has tremendous budgetary allocation for military & warfare research & dev resulting in
sophisticated & advanced technologies in warfare
iv)These tech work effectively with minimum or no loss to the US forces. For eg US war on
Iraq (explained in detail)
21. 3rd world countries face threats not just from outside but also from within. All of these may
and often work simultaneously.
The WW1 did not did not majorly affect the developed countries from within.
Most of the threats were from outside borders.
New states feel threatened by Separatist movement from within, who get outside support.
22. 1. Strengthening India‘s military capabilities. Conflicts with neighbours (1947---1977).
India is surrounded by nuclear armed countries.
2. Strengthen international norms & intnl institutions. J Nehru Asian solidarity, NAM, NIOS,
India signed Kyoto Protocol, India‘s role in UN
3. Preserve national unity by adopting democratic pol sys, allowing polity to share power.
4. Develop India‘s economy to remove poverty and inequality.
23. Chinese invasion in 1962 over boundary dispute in J&K and the north east redefined India‘s

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equations with neighbouring countries.
The China war and lack of support for the same from USSR resulted in a sense of national
humiliation. Top army commanders resigned, the then defence minister V. Krishna Menon
left the cabinet. Nehru‘s standing was severely affected due to his miscalculations of Chinese
intentions and India‘s military preparedness. For the first time no confidence motion was
moved against Congress leading to by-elections to the Lok Sabha.
It took more than a decade for India and china to resume normal relations, in 1996 full
diplomatic relations were restored b/w two countries. Vajpayee became the first top level
leader to visit China in 199 later PM Rajeev Gandhi visited china. Presently, emphasis is more
on trade relations and regional development.
War with China alerted Indian leadership to the state of affairs in the north-east region. Need
to develop military preparedness was also highlighted.
Politically Sino-Indian conflict created differences within CPI. Pro-USSR faction moved closer
ties with congress while the other faction became closer to China. CPI split in 1964 into CPI
and CPIM.
24 Flows of Globalisation
1. Flow of Ideas
2. Flow of Capital
3. Flow of commodities
4. Flow of People
All of these components result in interconnecting the world, ensuring continuous and
sustained flows.
Economic Globalisation is related to international organisations lie IMF and WTO. They
determine economic policies across the world. Economic globalisation leads to flow or
exchange of commodities, capital, people and ideas. It has increased trade in commodities
because restrictions on imports have been removed.
Liberalisation has led to India deregulating its foreign investment sector attracting MNC‘s
and widening market, leading to growth that is shared by everyone.
25 A) Consequences OF Partition
1. One of the largest, most abrupt, tragic transfer of population in human history
2. Killings and atrocities on both sides of the border, in the name of
religion/community. Lahore, Amritsar, Kolkata was divided into communal
3. Minorities on both sides, fled their home and took shelter in refugee camps and

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travelled long distances by foot.
4. During these journeys they were often attacked, killed or raped, forced to convert
to the religion of the abductor and get married.
5. Many killed their family members to preserve family honour
6. Writers, poets, filmmakers in India and Pakistan expressed the trauma of partition
through their works describing partition as division if hearts.
7. Partition also divided financial assets and commodities including employees of
govt and railways.
8. New challenge before Indian leaders to accommodate religious minorities.
B) Sardar Patel‘s Role in India‘s Integration (see part 1 on answer 13)
26 3 reasons for imposing emergency
1. Govt alleged that opposition parties were hindering democratic processes with
frequent agitations, protests etc
2. Opposition parties, extra parliamentary politics, resulted in instability in the routine
task of the govt.
3. IG write to Shah Commission that subversive forces were trying to obstruct
progressive programs and attempting to dislodge her through extra constitutional
27 AAM was a spontaneous mobilisation of women demanding ban on sale of alcohol in their
neighbourhood. Rural women from the state of Andhra Pradesh, fought a battle against
alcoholism, mafia and against the govt. These agitations came to be known as AAM. Village
Dubagunta in Nellore district of AP saw several women enrolling in adult literacy drive in
the 1990‘s.
They complained about the locally brewed alcohol- Arrack by men in their families
They complained that alcoholism is deeply rooted and was ruining the health of people. After
Alcohol consumption. Men stopped working, crime rate grew, domestic violence also
increased, small children also began to copy the adult men.
Women campaigned against all of this along with dowry.
Women came to the forefront by getting elected as representatives. 73rd-74th amendment
(getting women employed at local offices)
Many of these women groups have emerged as political parties and demand quota in higher
political offices.

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Set 2
1 The political position of the Akali‘s remained precarious because
1. Their govt was dismissed by the center midway through its term
2. They didn‘t enjoy strong support from the Hindu
3. Internally, the Sikh community was differentiated on caste and class lines
4. The congress got more support amongst the Dalits, both Hindu and Sikh than the
2 1. Two bulls with yolk on them
2. Lamp- diya
3 Competition, tensions and series of confrontation between the two superpowers- US, USSR;
along with their allies, without actual use of weapon is referred to as the cold war.
4 The Mandal commission gave its recommendation in 1980, according to which
a. Backward classes would be understood as backward class
b. 27% of seats in edu institutions and govt jobs were reserved for OBC.
5 Challenges before nation building
a. Accommodating diversity of our country
b. To establish democracy
c. Eradication od poverty and economic development.
6 The 1960‘s is referred to as the dangerous decade. After Nehru passed away in 1964, questions
arose from serious doubt on India‘s democratic experiment. There were multiple issues which
were feared could lead to the political role for the army like most other newly formed countries,
there were fears if India would manage democratic succession. Unresolved problems like
poverty, inequality, communal and regional divisions etc could lead to the failure of democratic
project and disintegrate the country.
7 Two objectives of ASEAN
a. To accelerate economic growth and through that, social progress and cultural
b. Promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles of united
nations charter
8 WTO sets rule for global trade. Set up in 1995. Created GAAT after WW2. It has 157 members as
on September 2012. All decisions are taken unanimously, but the major economic growth for
example, US, EU and Japan have managed to use WTO to frame rules for trade to advance their
own interests.
9 As a part of its global war on terror, US launched operation ‗enduring freedom‘ against all those
suspected to be behind the attacks on Al Qaida and Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The Taliban
regime was overthrown while Al Qaida has remained in power.
10 1. Same as set 1
2. Maharaja of Manipur, Bodhachandra Singh signed the instrument of accession with the
Indian govt under pressure for public opinion, the maharaja, helped election in June
1948, and thus Manipur was the first part of India to hold elections based on UAF.

11 1. PANCHSHEEL. Five principles of peaceful coexistence or the peaceful treaty was signed
between Nehru and the Chinese premier, Zhau Enlai on 13th October, 1954 as a step in
the direction of stronger relationship with chin.
2. Same as set 1 q13 part ii
3. AGENDA 21: It refers to conventions dealing with climate change, biodiversity , forestry
and recommended list of development practices. It was left unresolved, due to the
differences between the member country.
4. Same as set 1 q16 part iv

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12 Map work : i. Frace/UK/US
ii. Pakistan
iii. Afghanistan
iv. Tajakistan
v. Egypt.

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Time:3 hrs. M.M. 100
1. The question paper is divided into A,B,C,D and E sections.
2. All questions are compulsory
3. Q.No.1-5 are of1 mark each and should be answered in about 20 words each.
4. Q.No.6-10 are of 2 marks each and should be answered in about40 words each.
5. Q. No.11-16 are of 4 marks each and should be answered in about 100 words each.
6. Q.No.17-21 are of 5 marks each and should be answered in about 150 words each.
7. Q.No. 21 is a map- based question. Write its answer in your answer book.
8. Q.No.22-27 are of 6 marks each and should be answered in about 200 words each.


Q.1 why was the north Atlantic Treaty Organization also called Western Alliance? (1)
Q.2 What is meant by Hegemony? (1)
When and where was the first non- Congress State government formed after India‘s
Q.3 which major factor was responsible for dramatic victory of Indira Gandhi in 1971 (1)
In the first general election, how many seats did the Congress win? How many seats did
the next largest party (CPI) win?
Q.4. Name three social and political regions of the northern most state of India? (1)
Q.5 Why were the seven small states were created in North – East India? (1)
Q.6 What is meant by Cuban missile crisis? (2)
Q.7 suggest any two steps to be taken by government to check pollution and save (2)
Identify the leaders associated with the following:
a. Total revolution

b. Proclamation of Emergency on 26th June 1975

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c. Congress for Democracy

d. Compulsory Family Planning Programme

Q.8. ―Welfare state is getting replaced by market.‖ Analyse the reason for this change. (2)
State any two reasons for the instability of democracy in Pakistan.
Q.9. how did Sino -Indian conflict affect the opposition also? (2)
State any two recommendations of Mandal Commission.
Q.10. How did the dominance of congress party in the first three general elections help in (2)
establishing a democratic set-up in India?
Q.11. Why did India distance itself from the two-camp led by the U.S. and the Soviet (4)
Union? Explain.
Why is the fourth general election to the Lok Sabha and State Assembly considered a
‗political earthquake‘?
Q.12. Describe any four major developments in the Indian politics since 1989. (4)
Q.13. How has the European Union evolved over time from an economic union to an (4)
increasingly political one?
Q.14.Explain any two merits and two demerits each of the Green Revolution. (4)
What are the choices available to a state when its security is threatened, according to the
traditional security perspective?
Q.15. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms (4)
to reconstruct the U.N.
Q.16. Assess any two positive aspects of the Chipko Movement. (4)
Who are indigenous people? Describe the issues related to the rights of Indigenous

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Q.17.Read the passage given below carefully and answer the following questions: (5)
The interim government took a firm stance against the possible division of India into
smaller principalities of different sizes. The Muslim League opposed the Indian National
Congress and took the view that the states should be free to adopt any course they liked.
Sardar Patel, India‘s deputy prime minister and the Home Minister during the crucial
period, immediately after the Independence, played a historic role in negotiating with
the rulers of the Princely States in bringing them into the Indian Union.
i. Which government has been referred to as the interim government?

ii. Why did the Muslim League oppose the Indian National Congress?

iii. What makes the role of Sardar Patel a historic one? Explain.

Read this passage and answer the following questions:

―even as political parties act within the sphere of a given consensus, political movements
and organizations are simultaneously identifying new forms, visions and pathways of
development. Issues like poverty. Displacement, minimum wages, livelihood and social
security are being put on the political agenda by peoples‘ movements, reminding the state
of its responsibility.‘‘
a. What is the ‗consensus‘ mentioned in this passage?
b. What is the relationship between political parties and movements in contemporary India?
c. Substantiate the point made in this passage with the example of any popular movement.

Q.18. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the following questions? (5)
The new congress had something that its big opponents lacked- it had an issue, an
agenda and a positive slogan. The Grand Alliance did not have a coherent political
program ‗Indira Hatao‘. In contrast to this, she put forward a positive program captured
in the famous slogan ‗GaribiHatao‘
i. Which Congress is being referred to as ‗The New Congress‘?

ii. Highlight any two steps taken by Indira Gandhi to remove poverty.

iii. How far is it justified to call the ‗opposition alliance‘ as the ‗Grand Alliance‘?

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The conflict of 1962, in which India suffered military reserves, had long-term implications
for India-China relations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were
downgraded until 1976. Thereafter, relations between the two countries began to improve
slowly. After the change in china‘s political leadership from the mid to late 1970, china‘s
[policy became more pragmatic and less ideological. So it was prepared to put off the
settlement of contentious issues while improving relation with India. A series of talks to
resolve the moderation were also initiated in 1981.

Study the paragraph given above carefully and answer the following questions:
i) Why did India suffer military reverses as a result of the conflict of 1962?

ii) When did the relation between India and china slowly improve?

iii) What were the change in the policy of china in the seventies?

iv) Which efforts were made to resolve the border issue between India and china?

Q19. Read the passage given bellow carefully and answer the following questions: (5)
The cold war was not simply a matter of power rivalries, military alliances and of
balance of power. These were accompanied by a real ideological conflict as well, a
difference over the best and most appropriate way of organizing political, economic, and
social life all over the world.
i. Why is a war like situation called a cold war?

ii. Identify one military pact each signed by each of the two super powers to balance the
power rivalries.

iii. Differentiate between the ideologies represented by the rival blocs.

Q20. (5)

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Study the cartoon given above and answer the following questions:
i. Which country is represented by this mighty soldier?

ii. Why have the names of so many countries been written on the uniform of the soldier?

iii. What message does this cartoon convey to the international community?

Q21. (5)

In the outline political map of India given above, five states have been marked as A, B, C,
D, and E. With the help of the information given below, identify them and write their
correct names in your answer book along with the serial number of information used and
the related alphabet in the map.
i. The state to which C. Rajagopalachari, the first Indian Governor- General of India,

ii. The state where the first non-congress government was formed by E.M.S.

iii. The state to which Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, the Union Minister for Food and Agriculture

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(1952-54) belonged.

iv. The state which faced the most acute food crisis in 1965-67

v. The state which led the country to White Revolution through Dairy Cooperative


Q22. Describe any six criteria for the new membership of Security Council as suggested (6)
after 1997.
What is meant by security? Mention any four components of Indian Security Strategy.
Q23. Describe any six factors responsible for the disintegration of U.S.S.R. (6)
What is meant by New International Economic Order? Mention any four reforms of the
global trading system proposed by UNCTAD in 1972.
Q24. Explain globalization. How has technology contributed in promoting globalization? (6)

Explain the meaning of ‗global commons. How are environmental concerns becoming
important in global politics?
Q25. Examine any three factors responsible for the US hegemony in the world politics? (6)
Assess the positive and negative aspects of India‘s relations with Bangladesh.
Q26. Suppose you are an important leader of the farmers‘ agitation. The government (6)
authorities ask you to present any three demands on behalf of the farmers. On priority
basis, which three demands will you make? Support your demands with appropriate

In 2014 elections, people have voted for a stable government at the Centre. Do you think
that the era of coalition has ended? Support your answer with suitable arguments.

Q27- Analyse the three lessons learnt from the emergency of 1975. (6)
Analyse any three major factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi‘s
government in the early 1970s.

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Time:3 hrs. M.M. 100

1. The question paper is divided into A, B, C, D and E sections.
2. Attempt all questions.
3. Q.No.1-5 are of 1 mark each and should be answered in about 20 words each.
4. Q.No.6-10 are of 2 marks each and should be answered in about40 words each.
5. Q. No.11-16 are of 4 marks each and should be answered in about 100 words each.
6. Q.No.17-21 are of 5 marks each and should be answered in about 150 words each.
7. Q. No. 21 is a map- based question. Write its answer in your answer book.
8. Q.No.22-27 are of 6 marks each and should be answered in about 200 words each.


Q1. Why was the Warsaw Pact also called the ‗Eastern Alliance‘ 1
Q2. What was ‗Operation Enduring Freedom‘? 1
What was the basis of the report of the States Reorganization Commission?
Q3. Why were the seven small states were created in North – East India? 1
Which theoretical argument did Rammanohar Lohia give in defense of non- Congressism?
Q4. Which major factor was responsible for dramatic victory of Indira Gandhi in 1971 elections? 1

Q5. Name three social and political regions of the northern most state of India? 1
Q6. How did Sino -Indian conflict affect the opposition also? (2)
Q7. How did the dominance of congress party in the first three general elections help in (2)
establishing a democratic set-up in India?
What was the change in the electoral performance of the Congress party and BJP from 1984-
Q8. What is meant by Cuban missile crisis? (2)
What do the following relate to:
a. Privy Purse
b. Conscience vote
Q9. ―Welfare state is getting replaced by market.‖ Analyse the reason for this change. (2)

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What is Ayodhya dispute? Explain.
Q10. suggest any two steps to be taken by government to check pollution and save (2)

Q11. Describe any two major objectives of Nehru‘s foreign policy. (4)
‗Describe the mixed record of democratic experience, the people of all the countries of South
Asia share the aspirations of democracy‘. Explain.
Q12. Describe the era of multi-party system in India after 1989. (4)
Q13. Explain the economic and military influence of the European Union. (4)
Q14. Which two models of modern development were there before India on the eve of (4)
independence? Which model did India decide to choose and why?
How does political leadership of a nation affect its foreign policy? Explain with the help of any
two examples from India‘s foreign policy.
Q.15. Assess any two positive aspects of the Chipko Movement. (4)
Q.16. Critically evaluate the difficulties involved in implementing the suggested reforms to (4)
reconstruct the U.N.
What is the rationale of the non- aligned movement after the end of the Cold War?
Q17. Read the passage given bellow carefully and answer the following questions: (1+2+2=5)
The cold war was not simply a matter of power rivalries, military alliances and of balance of
power. These were accompanied by a real ideological conflict as well, a difference over the best
and most appropriate way of organizing political, economic, and social life all over the world.
i. Why is a war like situation called a cold war?
ii. Identify one military pact each signed by each of the two super powers to balance the
power rivalries.
iii. Differentiate between the ideologies represented by the rival blocs.
Read this passage and answer the following questions:
―even as political parties act within the sphere of a given consensus, political movements and
organizations are simultaneously identifying new forms, visions and pathways of development.

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Issues like poverty. Displacement, minimum wages, livelihood and social security are being put
on the political agenda by peoples‘ movements, reminding the state of its responsibility.‘‘
a. What is the ‗consensus‘ mentioned in this passage?
b. What is the relationship between political parties and movements in contemporary
c. Substantiate the point made in this passage with the example of any popular movement.
Q18. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the following questions: (1+2+2=5)
The interim government took a firm stance against the possible division of India into smaller
principalities of different sizes. The Muslim League opposed the Indian National Congress and
took the view that the states should be free to adopt any course they liked. Sardar Patel, India‘s
deputy prime minister and the Home Minister during the crucial period, immediately after the
Independence, played a historic role in negotiating with the rulers of the Princely States in
bringing them into the Indian Union.
iv. Which government has been referred to as the interim government?
v. Why did the Muslim League oppose the Indian National Congress?
vi. What makes the role of Sardar Patel a historic one? Explain.
The conflict of 1962, in which India suffered military reserves, had long-term implications for
India-China relations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were downgraded until
1976. Thereafter, relations between the two countries began to improve slowly. After the change
in china‘s political leadership from the mid to late 1970, china‘s [policy became more pragmatic
and less ideological. So it was prepared to put off the settlement of contentious issues while
improving relation with India. A series of talks to resolve the moderation were also initiated in
Study the paragraph given above carefully and answer the following questions:
i. Why did India suffer military reverses as a result of the conflict of 1962?
ii. When did the relation between India and china slowly improve?
iii. What were the change in the policy of china in the seventies?
iv. Which efforts were made to resolve the border issue between India and China?
Q.19. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the following questions? (1+2+2=5) (1+2+2=5)
The new congress had something that its big opponents lacked- it had an issue, an agenda and a
positive slogan. The Grand Alliance did not have a coherent political programme ‗Indira
Hatao‘. In contrast to this, she put forward a positive programme captured in the famous slogan
‗Garibi Hatao‘

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iv. Which Congress is being referred to as ‗The New Congress‘?
v. Highlight any two steps taken by Indira Gandhi to remove poverty.
vi. How far is it justified to call the ‗opposition alliance‘ as the ‗Grand Alliance‘

Study the cartoon given above and answer the following questions:
iv. Identify any four national leaders from the above cartoon and mention the serial number
of each.
v. Which was the most controversial issue of the period related to leader number 2 as
prime minister of India?
vi. What was the position of the party led by leader number 1 in the Lok Sabha elections of
Q21. ( 5)

Study the given map of the world and answer the following questions in your answer book:
i. Identify the name of the countries marked A, B, C, D and E respectively.
ii. Write the names of the following UN secretary generals with names of the
countries they belonged to. Mark the countries on the map.

1. Dag Hammarskjold

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2. Kurt Waldheim
3. Boutros Boutros- Ghali
4. Kofi A. Annan
5. Trygve Lie
Q22. Examine any three factors responsible for the US hegemony in the world politics? (6)
Assess the positive and negative aspects of India‘s relations with Bangladesh.
Q.23 Describe any three reasons for the superpowers to have military alliances with smaller (6)
countries during the cold war period.
Describe the role of Gorbachev to reform the Soviet System and the effects of these reforms
on the USSR
Q24. Define the ‗Indigenous People‘ and highlight any two threats to their survival. (6)
Explain the positive impacts of globalization on the present-day world.
Q25 Analyse the three lessons learnt from the emergency of 1975. (6)
Analyse any three major factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi‘s government
in the early 1970s.
Q25 Analyse the three lessons learnt from the emergency of 1975. (6)
Analyse any three major factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi‘s government
in the early 1970s.
Q26. Describe any six criteria for the new membership of Security Council as suggested after (6)
What is meant by security? Mention any four components of Indian Security Strategy.
Q27. Suppose you are an important leader of the farmers‘ agitation. The government authorities (6)
ask you to present any three demands on behalf of the farmers. On priority basis, which three
demands will you make? Support your demands with appropriate arguments.
In 2014 elections, people voted for a stable government at the Centre. Do you think that the era
of coalition has ended? Support your answer with suitable arguments

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