Topical Review Article

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Topical Review Article

Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

Volume 25: 1-12
Role of Yoga and Meditation as ª The Author(s) 2020
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DOI: 10.1177/2515690X20949451
Stress-Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders:
Utilization of Brain Waves Activity as Novel

Medha Kaushik1,2, Akarshi Jain3, Puneet Agarwal2,

Shiv Dutt Joshi4, and Suhel Parvez1

During recent decades, stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, chronic tension headache, and
migraine have established their stronghold in the lives of a vast number of people worldwide. In order to address this global
phenomenon, intensive studies have been carried out leading to the advancement of drugs like anti-depressants, anxiolytics, and
analgesics which although help in combating the symptoms of such disorders but also create long-term side effects. Thus, as an
alternative to such clinical practices, various complementary therapies such as yoga and meditation have been proved to be
effective in alleviating the causes and symptoms of different neuropsychiatric disorders. The role of altered brain waves in this
context has been recognized and needs to be pursued at the highest level. Thus, the current study provides a review focused on
describing the effects of yoga and meditation on anxiety and depression as well as exploring brain waves as a tool for assessing the
potential of these complementary therapies for such disorders.

depression, anxiety, EEG, brain oscillatory rhythms

Received March 18, 2020. Received revised July 14, 2020. Accepted for publication July 19, 2020.

Introduction stress is the largest contributor to neuropsychiatric disorders.

Stress can be defined as the situation of emotional and mental
Neuropsychiatric disorders are the leading cause of disability
strain when a person is exposed to demanding situations.5
worldwide. Epidemiological data suggest that neuropsychiatric
Modern-day lifestyle has often been attributed to cause
disorders can be a burden to society and include several differ-
unwanted stress. Day to day encounters with a varied form of
ent disorders, including depression, anxiety, tension, and head-
ache. In addition, these disorders may co-exist with other
health disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, cognitive def- 1
Department of Toxicology, School of Chemical and Life Sciences, Jamia
icits, and memory impairments.1 Neuropsychiatric disorders Hamdard, New Delhi, India
are being prevalent not only in adults but also among children School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of
Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
and adolescents. According to a World Health Organization 3
Department of Computer Science, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,
report, at least 350 million people worldwide live with depres- Tamil Nadu, India
sion.2 As a critical neuropsychiatric disorder, anxiety accounts 4
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz
for, on average, 16 to 31% of prevalence rate worldwide.3 In Khas, New Delhi, India
addition, approximately 3 billion individuals worldwide suffer
Corresponding Author:
from tension-type and other forms of headache as per the 2016 Suhel Parvez, Department of Medical Elementology and Toxicology, School of
report of Global Burden of Disease Study by the Institute of Chemical and Life Sciences, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India.
Health Metrics and Evaluation.4 Exposure to a varied form of Email:

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2 Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

stress results in the transformation of minor stress to chronic Stress, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, and
stress via psychological factors acting as the catalysts in this Brain Waves
Psychological stress leads to activation of the sympathetic A linear relation between anxiety and depression with daily life
nervous system, which is responsible for fight or flight stress has been reported in the literature.20 As discussed earlier,
response in the body. As a result, the activity of the parasym- interference in the HPA axis leads to the release of large
pathetic system is down-regulated. This interference in the amounts of cortisol in the brain, which in turn triggers the
autonomic nervous system affects several unconscious activi- excessive formation of neurotransmitter glutamate, thus dama-
ties carried out by the brain, such as respiration, digestion, ging the hippocampus of brain.21 On the other hand, suppres-
sion of BDNF leads to mood disorders, anxiety and
metabolic reactions, and so on.7 A stressor may activate the
depression.22 Researchers have previously observed the impli-
hypothalamus in the brain to release corticotrophin-releasing
cations of these molecular players such as neurotransmitters,
factor (CRF), which further stimulates the anterior pituitary to
and hormones at cellular level. It has been found that the inter-
release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).7 ACTH sends a
action between neurons gives rise to oscillatory rhythms of
signal to the cortex of the adrenal gland to release the corticos-
different frequencies, which can easily depict the mental state
teroids, namely, cortisol and aldosterone.8 This cascade, also
and its well-being.23 There are 5 major types of brain waves,
known as Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, further
namely delta (0.5-3 Hz), theta (3-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), beta
alters the neuro-hormonal levels in the limbic system of the
(13-40 HZ), and gamma wave (40-100 Hz).24 These oscillatory
brain due to a stress stimuli by elevating the production of
rhythms or brain waves were first detected in a human partici-
cortisol as well as the catecholamines (epinephrine, norepi-
pant using electroencephalography (EEG) in 1924 by Hans
nephrine, and dopamine) which lead to a chain of physiological
Berger, a German psychiatrist.25 EEG is a fundamental and
changes in the body like memory impairments, cognitive def-
sensitive method for the detection of the brain pattern of an
icits, and mood disorders.1 A functional disconnection between
individual and could easily decipher the mental state of the
the amygdala and prefrontal cortex is often observed in patients person depending on the type of prominent wave at that par-
suffering from chronic stress. Further, a reduction in 5- hydro- ticular instant.26 It has been reported that all types of brain
xytryptamine (5-HT1A) receptors in the limbic system, specif- waves are present in the brain throughout the day. However,
ically within the hippocampus, 9 and decreased level of one particular type of brain wave, as described earlier, is domi-
serotonin may lead to various mood disorders. The endocanna- nant depending on the state of consciousness. For instance,
binoid system is also activated for the purpose of stress regu- during deep sleep state, delta waves are highly prominent.
lation, leading to activated HPA axis, increased anxiety, and Similarly, theta waves represent a state of sleepiness, alpha
pain perception.10 waves represent resting and quiet state of brain, beta waves are
Hyperactivation of HPA axis has also been linked to auto- representation of active brain involved in cognition and think-
nomic changes including increased neural excitability, cardio- ing task and gamma waves are usually found in deep meditative
vascular activity, increased blood sugar level, respiratory state of mind.27 Several successful attempts have been made to
problems, and reduction in antibody formation.6 These physio- capture and classify the brain waves using EEG by the appli-
logical changes further affect the homeostasis process of the cation of advanced algorithms in order to identify the mental
body and initiate possible causation of different neuropsychia- task being performed at the instance.28,29 Klimesch et al., 1998
tric disorders. In addition, chronic stress triggers the release of successfully demonstrated that slower alpha frequencies are
various inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), linked to attention and alertness of brain.30 Another study
interleukin 1b (IL-1b), and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a). demonstrated the importance of frequency domain feature of
These immune-markers often act as stress biomarkers along EEG signals to predict the level of attention.31 Thus, brain
with Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), and over- waves classification has the potential to identify an unhealthy
activated glial cells.11-15 It has also been found that higher state of brain from the healthy state.
NO and COX-2 levels caused due to stress are responsible for Since neurotransmission is carried out with the help of neu-
neuronal functional impairment and brain cell damage, subse- rotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, nor-epinephrine,
quently resulting in neuroinflammation.16 In addition, stress is stress often affects the level of these neurotransmitters as
a leading cause of autoimmune disorders in which excessive observed through alteration in brain waves pattern.7 In a similar
inflammation acts as the center of reaction. It has been study, decreased serum cortisol levels have been found to have
observed that chronically activated acute stress severely affects negative correlation with alpha wave activation.32 Another
the immune system resulting in major physical as well as men- study demonstrated the roles of cholinergic, dopaminergic, ser-
tal health disorders.6 Chronic stress is a leading cause of phys- otonergic and GABAergic systems in modulating the EEG
ical disorders such as Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, power spectral peaks,33 thus establishing the fact that neuro-
Cognitive Impairment and Physical Pain.17-19 However, a transmitter level changes directly alters the brain waves pat-
stressor foremostly targets the mental health of an individual tern. Thus, stress not only imbibes the neuropsychiatric
causing neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, disorders within the human body but also contributes to altera-
psychogenic epilepsy and many more. tions in normal state brain wave patterns.
Kaushik et al 3

Moreover, brain waves pattern has been potentially explored potentially elevate the level of BDNF in brain and eventually
for the identification and classification of several psychological enhances brain plasticity.48 A similar study demonstrated the
disorders with the help of EEG as a tool. A study by Perlis et al. increase in brain GABA levels among regular yoga practi-
(2000) confirmed the changes in beta and gamma activity dur- tioners.49 Another study explicitly highlighted the modulations
ing primary and secondary insomnia,34 Several other studies in neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine
also classified sleep disorders and sleep stages, as well as epi- and melatonin post meditation and yoga exercises.50,51 Since
leptic seizures using machine learning tools for EEG analy- neurotransmitter levels are reliable measures to examine psy-
sis.35-37 Additionally, EEG signal processing has also been chological disorders, these evidences further provide a deep
vastly explored for the diagnosis of mental disorders like schizo- insight on the positive effects of complementary therapies such
phrenia, major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders.38-42 as yoga and meditation on human body.
Hence, brain waves analysis is a novel diagnostic and therapeu- Yoga involves various breathing exercises and asanas (pos-
tic tool for synergism with complimentary therapies in the treat- tures), which exhibit a positive effect while dealing with stress
ment of stress related neuropsychiatric disorders as it could disorders (Table 1). Anulom-Vilom pranayama is an alternate
efficiently measure the efficacy of interventions and could be nostril breathing exercise which when studied as a 3-month
utilized in providing a better prognostic index. intervention program, showed a significant reduction in anxiety
and depression levels among 30 participants (age range ¼ 60-
70 years).52 In another study, the effects of controlled breathing
Complementary Therapies for Stress Related exercises were studied among patients with acute Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with co-existing mod-
Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Yoga and
erate to severe anxiety and depression. It was found that 30
Meditation minutes of daily breathing exercise significantly improved the
Conventional treatments for stress related neuropsychiatric dis- healthy state of these participants from their prior anxious
orders depend on the neurobiology of a particular disorder such states. Also, personal domains such as self-care, mobility, usual
as depression or anxiety. In order to suppress the causes and activities, discomfort exhibited an improvement for the overall
symptoms of depression, anti-depressants like ketamine act by quality of life of these patients.53 A month’s regular practice of
regulating the levels of glutamate neurotransmitter and its cor- Iyengar yoga, a kind of yoga involving both breathing exercises
responding NMDA receptor in the brain. 43 Other anti- and yoga asanas, has also been reported to result in decreased
depressants like tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs), selective levels of depression and anxiety.54,55 In addition, Hatha yoga, a
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), serotonin, and nor- kind of controlled breathing exercise, has been observed to
epinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) provide relief from the create substantial improvement in levels of anxiety, depression,
depressive mental state by regulating the levels of serotonin and anger among psychiatric in-patients as well as result in a
and nor-epinephrine neurotransmitters in brain, as well as by significant reduction of post-traumatic stress disorder symp-
activating their anti-inflammatory mechanistic route.44 Simi- toms. 56,57 Finally, significant improvements have been
larly, various anxiolytic drugs are used to treat anxiety disor- reported due to practice of breathing exercises for 1 month
ders. Benzodiazepine derivatives are most extensively used leading to changes from depressive symptoms to a relatively
anxiolytics acting on GABA receptors in order to suppress the normal healthy state among participants.58
anxious state. Some anti-depressants like ketamine have also Apart from yoga, meditation practices such as mindfulness-
found their use as anxiolytic drugs.45 These drugs, although based cognitive therapy and mindfulness meditation have been
effective, have a major side effect of addiction thereby making reported to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety
an individual drug-dependent. (Table 1). A study examining the effect of mindfulness medita-
TCAs have been associated with higher cardiovascular dis- tion on patients of chronic pain in back, neck, shoulder, and
orders and drop-out rates. On the other hand, SSRIs and SNRIs chronic headache has reported a significant reduction in pain
have been found to produce sexual dysfunctionality and hypo- rating indices as well as improvement in mood disturbances
natremia when used long-term.46 As a consequence of these and lifestyle of participants.59 Pain rating scoring was com-
drug-related side effects, many studies are being conducted pleted both before and after the intervention, and the scores
nowadays to identify complementary ways for the treatment were then statistically analyzed for significant improvement.
of neuropsychiatric disorders. Some of the therapies include Anxiety and depression were measured with Hamilton anxiety
music, acupuncture, dietary plans, mind-body relaxation exer- (HAM-A) and Hamilton depression (HAM-D) scales, respec-
cises, yoga, and meditation. Among these therapies, yoga and tively.60 Mindfulness meditation showed a positive effect on
meditation have been vastly explored for their beneficial patients of depression and generalized anxiety disorder.
effects in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders,47 due Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was examined in another
to their strong neurotransmitter levels alteration abilities. study to determine any possible reduction in levels of acute
Yoga and meditation therapies have been associated with depression and chronic pain. Depression and pain levels were
changes in the levels of several neurotransmitters in brain analyzed using a set of questionnaires, both pre and post-
which are crucial for the maintenance of mental health. Xiong meditation sessions. A significant reduction in the levels of
et al., 2009 in their study argued that meditation practice could depressive state and pain was observed after completion of the
Table 1. Overview of the Effects of Complementary Therapies on Various Stress Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Studies Conducted Only Analyzed the Effects of Complementary Therapies
on Stress Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Did Not Consider the Changes in Brain Waves of the Test Subjects.

Type of comple-
mentary Inclusion and exclusion
therapy Type of stress disorder Subjects criteria Period of intervention Method of analysis Key findings Study reference

Anulom Vilom Anxiety and Depression 30 senior citizens; 60-70 Not Considered 3 months Pre and Post anxiety Significant decrease Gupta et al., 2010
Pranayam years age group and depression in the level of
scale analysis using anxiety and
Beck depression depression
inventory and
Sinha anxiety scale
Controlled Anxiety and Depression 46 male subjects; 67-86 Patients with cancer, 30 minutes daily exercise Pre and Post hospital Significant Valenza et al.,
Breathing years age group; organ failure and non- till the period of anxiety and improvement in 2014
hospitalized with acute cooperative behavior discharge depression scales; the anxiety and
COPD exacerbation were excluded quality of life quality of life
Breathing Depression 57 patients on hemodialysis Patients above 18 years in 1-month intervention Pre and post analysis Significant Siou-Hung et al.,
Exercise age and without hearing (twice weekly) of scores from BDI improvement in 2015
impairment were II depressive state
included in the study
Yogasan, Anxiety and Depression 60 caregivers of patients in Patients with severe 1-month intervention Pre and post test Significant decrease Varambally et al.,
Pranayam and neurology ward (17 mental illness and scores for anxiety, in anxiety and 2013
Chanting defaulters) substance abuse history depression and depression
were excluded quality of life
Hatha Yoga Anxiety, Depression, 113 psychiatric inpatients Length of stay was Single session of 45 Pre and post session Significant Lavey et al., 2005
Anger, Tension considered to be 10 minutes analysis via POMS improvement in
days minimum for subscales anxiety,
inclusion in the study depression and
mood states
Hatha Yoga PTSD 9 women with chronic Subjects with substance 20-week trauma sensitive Pre and post analysis Significant reduction Price et al., 2017
treatment resistant abuse, pregnancy, active yoga involving hatha of PTSD scales in PTSD
PTSD suicide risk or previous yoga practice, TCTSY
yoga therapy doer were exercise
Iyengar Yoga Anxiety and Depression 28 young volunteers with Patients without any 5 weeks intervention Pre and Post analysis Significant decrease Woolery et al.,
mild depression; 18-29 psychiatric treatment, (twice weekly) using BDI, state in the symptoms 2004
years age group non-smokers and with trait anxiety of depression and
no current problem of inventory, POMS, anxiety
substance abuse were morning cortisol
included in the study levels
Mindfulness Anxiety and Depression 22 subjects with generalized Patients with severe 8 weeks meditation cycle Pre and Post analysis Significant reduction Kabat-zinn et al.,
Meditation anxiety disorder mental illness and using HAM-D and in the symptoms 1992
substance abuse history HAM-A scores of anxiety and
were excluded depression
Table 1. (continued)

Type of comple-
mentary Inclusion and exclusion
therapy Type of stress disorder Subjects criteria Period of intervention Method of analysis Key findings Study reference

Mindfulness Chronic Pain and Active 40 participants with Patients with serious 8 weeks intervention Pre and Post analysis Significant effect of de Jong et al.,
Based Depression persistent chronic pain suicide risk, history of (once a week for 2 hrs) using PCS and MBCT on 2016
Cognitive and depressive psychotic disorder, QIDS-C16 scales depressive state
Therapy symptoms personality disorder or and reduction in
(MBCT) severe health illness pain
were excluded
Mindfulness Stress and Depression 44 college undergraduates; Only those participants 8-week intervention (once Pre and post analysis Significant reduction Oman et al., 2008
Based Stress 18-24 years age group who volunteered for a week); sitting using a set of in stress
Reduction the study were included meditation, passage questionnaires
(MBSR) meditation, focused
attention, slowing down
Mindfulness Chronic Pain 51 Chronic pain patients 10 weeks stress reduction Pre and Post Decrease in the pain Kabat-zinn., 1982
Meditation (low back, neck, and relaxation program evaluation via Pain rating indices as
shoulder, headache) (Sweeping, Mindfulness Rating Index and well as reduction
breathing and hatha other similar in mood
yoga postures; once a indices disturbances and
week for 2 hrs) psychiatric
Brain Wave Anxiety and Depression 35 healthy adults; 18-50 Not considered 5 weeks intervention Pre and post analysis All interventions Bowden et al.,
Vibration years age group involving 75 minutes of various scales improved stress 2012
Training BWV class, Iyengar yoga for anxiety, stress, and depression
(BWV), and mindfulness depression scales
Iyengar Yoga meditation
Abbreviations used: COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; POMS: Profile of Mood States; PTSD: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; TCTSY: Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga; BDI: Beck Depression
Inventory; HAM-D: Hamilton Depression Questionnaire; HAM-A: Hamilton Anxiety Questionnaire; PCS: Pain Catastrophizing Scale; QIDS-C16: Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology- Clinician Rated

6 Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

intervention period.61,62 In conclusion, yoga and meditation In a similar study involving the practice of alternate nostril
practices have been reported to be highly effective not only breathing exercises (based on classical Hatha yoga descrip-
when practiced individually but also when performed together. tion), a significant increase in mean power of alpha and beta
For example, when Iyengar yoga is practiced along with mind- bands was observed along with a balancing effect on the func-
fulness meditation, the stress levels are reduced more tional activity of participants left and right hemisphere. The
efficiently.63 activity was observed using spectral power and spectral maps
It is to be noted that Meditation and Yoga exercises have of various frequency bands.75 The amplitude of P300 waves
been explored for their effects in other psychiatric illness as was found to be increased significantly at Fz, Pz, and Cz elec-
well. Several studies have highlighted the merits of Yoga thera- trode sites after 40 minutes of alternate nostril breathing exer-
pies inclusive of yoga postures, breathing exercises and cise and breath awareness among 20 yoga practitioners. The
meditation-based relaxation techniques in the treatment of psy- study findings suggested enhanced learning and memory in
chiatric disorders such as Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compul- these participants.76 It was also observed that the amplitude
sive Disorder, Eating Disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress of the P300 wave, which is elicited in the process of
Related Disorders.64-67 While the research in yoga and medita- decision-making increases after the practice of rhythmic
tion has been done in varied styles, the efficacy of yoga and breathing along with anti-depressant behavior of the exer-
meditation needs to be examined further on other stress-related cise.77,78 An important form of yoga exercise, Yoga Nidra has
disorders as well as neuropsychiatric symptoms other than a substantial effect on mental relaxation and is responsible for
anxiety and depression. alpha dominance in brain after 40 days of yoga nidra practice
Additionally, it has been found recently that alternative among young students.79 In addition, regular practitioners of
therapies like yoga and meditation sometimes pose adverse Sahaja Yoga have shown prominent increase in theta-1, theta-2
effects on the practitioners. For instance, a multicentric survey and alpha-1 waves activity in midline frontal and central
by Cebolla et al. (2017) concluded that unwanted effects were regions during meditative state. Increased activity has also
prevalent among 25% of the participants practicing mindful- been found after examining the non-linear dynamic complexity
ness meditation.68 A similar study was conducted by Schlosser of EEG recorded during the meditative state.80 Sahaja Yoga
et al. (2019) highlighting the unpleasant meditation experi- meditation is found to enhance the alpha and theta waves syn-
ences among the regular practitioners.69 Anderson et al. chronization in anterior frontal region of brain. Increased activ-
(2018) in their work also explored the importance of studying ity has also been observed by examining the spectral power
the negative effects associated with meditation practices.70 changes and coherence analysis in theta and alpha bands.81
Moreover, some studies have also indicated the potential harm- Specific to Transcendental Meditation (TM), individuals
ful effects of yoga and meditation practices in some psycholo- practicing this routine have been observed to have increased
gical disorders such as clinical or sub-clinical epilepsy frontal theta and alpha activity along with decreased levels of
highlighting the increased incidence of epileptic seizures post anxiety and stress.82,83 A significant increase in alpha and theta
meditation practice.71,72 Thus, novel tools such as brain waves wave activity was also found after 20 minutes practice with
analysis using EEG signal processing could potentially provide non-directive acem meditation. Mean spectral power values of
therapeutic clues among the patients suffering from neuropsy- all brain waves were analyzed for all the regions of brain such
chiatric disorders regarding their contraindications. as frontal, temporal, central, and occipital.84 In another study,
the effects of Zen meditation was examined among healthy
subjects by observing any increase in theta and alpha power
Brain Waves as a Tool for Assessing Potential of brain wave within the frontal regions using Fast Fourier
Transform analysis.85 Mindfulness meditation typically acti-
of Yoga and Meditation as Complementary
vates the left anterior region of brain as found after examining
Therapies changes in 4 anterior electrode sites (Table 2), and alteration of
When complementary therapies such as yoga and meditation the gamma and delta waves.86 Further, 20 minutes of breathing
are practiced, positive alteration in brain waves is observed. meditation has been reported to be associated with a significant
Brain relaxation exercises are known to elevate the activity of increase in the level of alpha bands among other rhythmic
brain waves. For example, a study conducted on healthy yoga oscillatory bands of beta, theta, and delta waves.87
practitioners practicing Bhramari pranayama found an increase As discussed in previous section, yoga and meditation when
in gamma activity in the left temporal lobe. Paroxysmal gamma performed together, complements the effects of each other. For
activity was detected using 128 channels EEG, recorded in 1 or example, Sudarshan Kriya yoga along with Sahaja Samadhi
2 consecutive sessions of Bhramari pranayama.73 In another Meditation enhance the theta activity in frontal region of brain
study, Ujjayi breathing pranayama was found to elevate the along with increased theta coherence as indicated in a study
activity of alpha waves in 40% of healthy subjects with a conducted on healthy subjects. These routines have been found
30% decline in beta activity.74 The activity of brain waves was to improve the overall health of an individual along with
calculated using the power of alpha, beta, theta, and delta by improved sleep patterns, depression symptoms, and anxiety.
fast Fourier transform and independent component analysis EEG data was analyzed for spectral and coherence analysis for
(Table 2). various extracted blocks from different portions of Sudarshan
Table 2. Overview of the Effects of Complementary Therapies on Brain Waves of Healthy Subjects. Studies Under This Class Were Conducted Only for Healthy Subjects and Brain Waves Analysis
Was Not Done for the Depressed and Anxious Patients Along With the Intervention Practices.

Type of complemen-
tary therapy Subjects Period of intervention EEG recording and analysis Key findings Study reference

Bhramari Pranayam 3 healthy meditators 20 breathing episodes; short 128 electrodes; recorded in 1 or 2 Increase in gamma activity in the left Vázquez et al., 2013
(Beginner, inhalation and long exhalation consecutive sessions of Bhramari temporal lobe
Intermediate and period during which subjects Pranayam; detection of paroxysmal
Expert) produced a typical humming gamma waves
Ujjayi Breathing 10 healthy subjects 3 cycles of pranayam of 2 minutes 10-20 electrode system; 32 channels Increase in alpha and beta (40% Vijayalakshmi et al., 2014
Pranayam each EEG; Calculation of power of alpha, subjects); decrease in beta (30%
beta, theta and delta using FFT; subjects)
independent component analysis of
EEG signals
Alternate Nostril 18 healthy yoga 3 minutes alternate nostril EEG recorded during 3-5 minutes of Increase in mean power of beta and Stančák and Kuna, 1994
Breathing practitioners; 27- breathing exercise according to exercise; spectral power and spectral alpha bands during exercise;
32 years age group classical hatha yoga description maps of various frequency bands hemisphere asymmetry in beta1 band
during EEG recording were analyzed decreased; exercise had balancing
effect on the functional activity of the
left and right hemisphere
Alternate Nostril 20 male adult yoga 40 minutes intervention involving Peak amplitude and peak latency of P300 Significant increase in P300 peak Telles et al., 2013
Yoga Breathing practitioners; 21- alternate nostril yoga breathing were measured at 3 electrode sites, amplitude and significant decrease in
(Nadisuddhi 38 years age group and breath awareness Fz, Pz, Cz; statistical data analysis peak latency at Fz
Yoga Nidra 40 students; 18-25 40 days practice of yoga nidra for
Statistical analysis of pre and post values Mental relaxation and alpha dominance Kumar and Joshi, 2009
years age group 30 minutes daily of alpha EEG
Sahaja Yoga 20 experienced Regular practitioners Recorded during eyes closed, rest and Theta-1, theta-2 and alpha-1 waves are Aftanas and Golocheikine,
meditators; 20-40 meditative state; 62 channel EEG; increased in midline frontal and 2002
years age group Non-linear dynamic complexity of central regions in the meditative state
human EEG; EEG maps at rest and
meditating states; comparison of
mean values of theta and alpha (1 and
2) waves in rest and meditation state
Sahaja Yoga 27 regular Sahaja yoga meditation practice Pre, during and post meditation; EEG Increased anterior frontal and midline Aftanas and Golocheikine,
practitioners (2 during recording spectral power and coherence theta synchronization; increased alpha 2001
groups: short term analysis; spectral power changes b/w synchronization
and long-term eyes closed and meditation conditions
practitioners) in theta, alpha-1 and alpha 2 bands
Non-Directive 18 acem meditators; 20 minutes acem meditation and 20 Recorded during meditation and Increased theta in frontal and temporal- Lagopoulos et al., 2009
Meditation (Acem 28-63 years age minutes quiet rest condition relaxation periods; 20 scalp electrode central regions during meditation;
Meditation) group sites; Mean spectral power values for Increased alpha in posterior region in
all brain waves in meditation and meditation state
resting state as well as in different
regions of the brain such as frontal,
temporal- central and parietal

Table 2. (continued)

Type of complemen-
tary therapy Subjects Period of intervention EEG recording and analysis Key findings Study reference

Zen Meditation (Su- 20 healthy subjects; Counting of breaths till 100 while During meditation; spectral power Increased theta and alpha power in Takahashi et al., 2005
soku Meditation) 21-26 years concentrating the mind analysis of brain waves with FFT using frontal region
a hamming window; spectral
components assigned to 3 power
bands based on their frequency- very
low, low and high frequency band
Mindfulness 25 healthy subjects 8-weeks practice of mindfulness Pre and post practice recording; Left-sided anterior activation Davidson et al., 2003
Meditation meditation examined changes in 4 anterior
electrode sites (F3/4, FC7/8, T3/4 and
C3/4) and performed multivariate
Breathing Meditation 8 subjects; 31-62 20 minutes of breathing meditation Statistical analysis of values of alpha, Increased alpha and SMR bands Van Heerden et al., 2013
years beta, theta and delta waves
Yoga and Twin Heart 20 students 20 days practice of yogic exercise Statistical analysis of pre and post values Increase in alpha waves post practice Singh and Singh, 2016
Meditation and twin heart meditation for 45 of alpha EEG
minutes daily
Sudarshan Kriya 20 healthy subjects Sahaja Samadhi meditation during Spectral and coherence analysis for the Enhanced theta activity in the frontal Baijal and Srinivasan, 2010
Yoga and Sahaja EEG recording whole duration and specific blocks areas; Increased theta coherence
Samadhi extracted from the initial, middle and
Meditation end portions of meditation
Abbreviations used: EEG: Electroencephalography; FFT: Fast Fourier Transform; ANOVA: Analysis of Variance; SMR: Sensory-Motor Activity
Kaushik et al 9

Kriya yoga in a prior study.88 In a similar study, analysis of pre of patients as well as decreased levels of anxiety and depres-
and post intervention data values of alpha EEG after 20 days sion.90 Apart from breathing exercises, various yoga asanas and
practice of yoga exercises, and twin heart meditation indicated meditation practices have also been reported to reduce symp-
a significant increase in alpha activity of brain waves post- toms of anxiety and depression. Studies, when examined for the
intervention.89 changes in brain waves, also concluded a significant increase in
In conclusion, numerous studies have shown significant the levels of brain wave activity.91 Meditation practices such as
changes in the level of brain waves among healthy adults fol- mindfulness meditation, non-directive meditation, and breath-
lowing the regular practice of yoga and meditation. However, ing mediation increase the alpha and theta waves activity in the
additional studies are warranted to further study the brain wave frontal region of the brain as well as results in extensive
changes after practicing relaxation exercise by patients suffer- changes in gamma waves frequency.92 In addition, yoga has
ing from different stress-related disorders. been found to contribute to a prominent level of increased alpha
and theta waves activity in the brain.93 In conclusion, yoga and
meditation have been reported to exhibit a positive effect for
Future Perspective treating stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression
A majority of studies have examined the effects of yoga and through positive changes in a participants’ functioning as well
meditation on stress-related disorder among patients of moder- as by significantly altering the activity of brain waves among
ate to severe anxiety and depression. However, other types of the tested subjects.
stress-related disorders such as chronic tension headache,
migraine, and psychogenic epilepsy have not been studied in Acknowledgments
details for their improvement after practicing such relaxation Authors would like to acknowledge Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi,
therapy. It is possible that participants with these disorders India for allowance of conducting the proposed research work.
might also show improved levels of symptoms after regularly
practicing yoga and meditation therapy. In addition, prior stud- Author Contributions
ies have not examined the detailed changes in participants’ Medha Kaushik:
brain waves. There is a missing gap in the existing literature Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Investigation,
as the effects of yoga and meditation on changes in brain waves Writing Original Draft.
have been examined only among healthy individuals and not Akarshi Jain:
among patients of stress-related disorders. Thus, additional Data curation, Formal Analysis, Writing Original Draft.
Puneet Agarwal:
studies can be beneficial where patients with stress-related
Conceptualization, Writing-Review and Editing, Supervision.
neuropsychiatric disorders are examined for the changes in Shiv Dutt Joshi:
brain waves pre- and post-intervention of yoga and meditation Conceptualization, Writing-Review and Editing, Supervision.
therapy for more insight into the mechanism of these comple- Suhel Parvez:
mentary therapies. Conceptualization, Writing-Review and Editing, Supervision and
approved the version to be published.

Conclusion Declaration of Conflicting Interests

In the present review, we observed that stress is the major The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
contributor to various physical and mental health disorders in the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
the current lifestyle. A stressor directly stimulates a cascade of
neurohormonal and inflammatory changes in the body, which Ethical Approval
further induces a secondary response of physiological changes Since this is a review article and no sample collection was done for the
such as cardiovascular disorders, respiratory disorders, lower same, hence ethical approval was not required.
immunity, and more prominently, neuropsychiatric disorders
like depression and anxiety. It was found that although drugs Funding
like anti-depressants and anxiolytics reduce the symptoms of The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship,
these disorders, they also create long-term side effects. Thus, and/or publication of this article.
complementary therapies such as yoga and meditation must be
studied to counteract the side effects of these drugs. Evidence ORCID iD
from the existing studies on alternative therapies provide evi- Suhel Parvez
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