Chem 8th Sem 2023
Chem 8th Sem 2023
Chem 8th Sem 2023
C M191o59
(Branch: Chemical Engineering)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
Min. PassMarks: 22
Note: Attemptany five questions. Each question carries equal marks.
La In detail discuss the role of chemicalengincer in a chemical process industry? 7
8 What are the process design steps for implementing a chemical process commercialy? 7
Explain each giving suitable example.
2(a) Present a check list for a typical chemical process plant layout. Also discuss the factors to 7
be considered for plant location.
(b) Discuss in detail the importance of pilot plant and scale-up in chemical process plant? 7
3(a) Write in brief on types of flow diagrams. Distinguish between process flow diagrams and 7
piping and instrumentation diagrams with examples.
(b) Draw the symbols used in PFD and PID for the following: Heater, Jacketed and Agitated 7
vertical reactor, reboiler, centrifugal and piston pumps, All control valves, pressure
4(a) Define: (i) net worth (ii) fixed capital (ii)working capital (iv) plant overhead costs. 7
(b) The fixed capital investment for an existing chemical plant is Rs 10,00,000. Annual 7
property taxes amount to 1% of fixed capital investment and the state income taxes are 5%
of gross earnings. The net income per year after all taxes is Rs 20,00,000 and the income
taxes amount to 34% of gross earnings. If the same plant had been constructed at a location
where property taxes were 4% of the fixed capital investment and thestate income taxes
were 2% of gross earnings, what would be the net income per year after taxes? Assume
that allother cost factors were unchanged.
5(a Discuss cost indices in chemical engineering cost estimation. Explain how will you use the 7
index method.
b) Explain about costs due to interest on investment. Write about different types of interest. 7
(b) What do you mean by crystallization? Give its application in pharma Industries? 7
5(2Y Discussthe role of sugar coading on tablet manufacturing. Give its applications? 7
.b) Give the classification of defects related to excipients?
6a) Write a note on excipients and additives used in capsule formulation. 7
Describe in detail the factors considered in the formulation of facial cosmetics? 7
8á) Give the essential features of material used in packaging of pharmaceutical products? 7