11th IRC Brochure 2024 - 26th April 2024

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Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research (AIMSR)

Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research Students are exposed to industry focused inputs updated
(AIMSR) is amongst the leading B-Schools in India has with the latest changes in technology such as ML/AL,
created a unique identity for itself by challenging analytics, Blockchain, AR/VR etc. The emphasis is on
conventional thinking and learning in the global market. developing skills such as skill-oriented negotiation,
The Institute has completed the NAAC accreditation problem solving and decision making & creating a global
process successfully and has been awarded B+ Grade. outlook. The subjects at AIMSR fast track business
This accreditation has enabled the institute to focus on learning and prepares an entrepreneurial attitude vide live
quality culture in terms of “Quality Initiatives”, projects.
“Quality Sustenance” and “Quality Enhancement”. International study tours and summer internships in
There is an extraordinary appetite for leaders companies abroad enable students to immerse themselves
anticipating the leadership needs of being with purpose in another culture and gain exposure to the challenges and
& resilience to change in the VUCA world. Aditya opportunities in organizations outside India. In these times
Institute of Management Studies and Research of globalization, AIMSR has industry memberships with
(AIMSR) has distinguished itself in this respect by AIMA (All India Management Association), IMC (India
preparing students with innovative leadership skills in Merchants Chamber of Commerce), AIMS (Association
accordance with the challenges in the business of Indian Management Schools), AMDISA (Association
landscape. It is not surprising that AIMSR is amongst of Management Development Institutions in South Asia),
the leading B-Schools in India and ranked 4th amongst ICIB (Indian Chamber of International Business) and CII
the top private B-Schools in Mumbai according to the (Confederation of India Industries). To facilitate
Times B-School Survey 2023. collaborations in research, AIMSR has signed MoU’s with
Very recently the Institute received the Certificate of Lincoln University, USA, Swiss School of Management,
Accreditation by National Assessment and Switzerland, University of Economics, Bulgaria and
Accreditation Council (NAAC) as an endorsement of Paragon International University, Cambodia.
the Institute’s commitment towards promoting quality
in teaching-learning, research, consultancy, and student

Aditya School of Business Management (ASBM)

Aditya School of Business Management (ASBM) is an The Finance Lab at Aditya School of Business
emerging leader in management education in India. Management is equipped with state-of-the-art technology
Over the past eight years, ASBM has experienced and resources, providing students with hands-on
extremely rapid growth as a preferred institute by experience in financial analysis and decision-making.
recruiters and has created a unique identity for itself by Students can work on capstone projects, simulations, and
challenging conventional thinking through the global live projects, which provide them with real-world
exposure given to our students. Faculty across experience and help them develop key skills and
academics and the industry representing all business knowledge. Our faculty is highly experienced and includes
disciplines provide enriching experiences and teachings industry professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge
both in as well as outside the classroom. and experience to the classroom.

AIMSR Awards & Ranking

• Ranked 37th among the top Private B-School in the • Ranked 7th among the top Private B-Schools in
India by Times B-School Survey 2023. Mumbai, Times Top B-Schools Survey, 2021.

• Ranked 4th among the top Private B-Schools in • Ranked among the top 10 B-School in Mumbai by
Mumbai, Times Top B-Schools Survey, 2023. Times B-School survey 2020.

• Ranked 40th among the top Private B-School in the • Ranked among the top 10 B-School in Mumbai by
India by Times B-School Survey 2022. Times B-School survey 2019.

• Ranked 6th among the top Private B-Schools in • Received “Award of Excellence” by Navbharat
Mumbai, Times Top B-Schools Survey, 2022. Education, 2019.

Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University
Shri JJTU is an initiative by the trustees of Shri The University has developed a 'Distinguished Alumni’.
Rajasthani Seva Sangh Trust, (SRSS) Mumbai. The The university has regional, national, and international
University came into the existence in 2009 under the collaborations with educational and research
section of 22 of the UGC Act and Vide f2 (5) governmental, PSU's and private organizations. central
Vidhi/2/2009 of State Legislature of Rajasthan. The library of IIT Mumbai, library of Mumbai University,
University is established in semi-arid regions of Institute of Kolkata, British Council library, American
Rajasthan state in Jhunjhunu District. Since the library, National library, Indian Society for Technical
inception of the University, it has been expanding Education.
around higher education, to achieve its goals in
providing education-at certificate. Diploma, graduate The University has also several other collaborations with
and postgraduate, Ph.D. degree in almost all streams in 'Synthetic and Art Silk Mills Research Associations',
demand and beneficial to learners. The University is Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
expanding and adding the streams and interdisciplinary Industry; Computer Society of India; and Confederation of
/ multidisciplinary skill developing courses for the Indian Industry.
aspiring students.
The University has taken step for women empowerment.
The University is fully equipped with its magnificent 75% fee concession for UG & PG courses to all girls’
buildings containing all state-of-the art infrastructure students irrespective of caste, creed, religion from any part
facilities. The University is well equipped with ultra- of the country 100% fee concession for UG & PG courses
modern laboratories, Library, Sports Complex, to girls who secured 80% marks. 25% fee concession is
Hospital, Naturopathy and Yoga Centre and an excellent also provided to boys’ students under UG & PG courses
5G/4G wireless internet connectivity and huge server. who have secured 80% marks. 10% tuition fee concession
The University has emeritus, educated and years of for UG & PG courses to Chudela native students. Fees are
experience faculty to guide research scholars. relaxed as per Rajasthan Govt. Norms for SC/ST and
minority students.
Many professors, emeritus professors & acclaimed
researchers from various parts of the country are “The inception and growth of our university is closely
associated with us as research supervisors. The entwined with the saga of rebuilding of Modern India and
university proudly declared more than 3100 publications to see India as an economically resurgent country. The
in different streams of the research by the scholars University is not merely an examining body-it is primarily
and/or the faculty members. a 'nursery of good citizens’.

According to UGC regulation 2016/2022, University

has separate electronic versions of thesis for
'Shodhganga' the digital repository of Indian Electronic
Thesis and Dissertation. Moreover, the University has
also initiated its own publication of Research Journals
and books having ISSN/ISBN in various discipline of
research program and an active memberships of various
trade associations like, ISO 9001:2008, FICCI, COSIA,
AIU and CSI etc.

Shri JJTU Achievements

• The university has won UNESCO special service prize for its works and contribution in the field of education in
August 2010.

• Certified by ISO 9001: 2008.

• Awarded with a certificate of Excellence in "Excellent University for Ph.D. programs" by CMAI CCI
Technology Education.

11th International Research Conference
In the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, the only The Conference shall also discuss the strategies which
constant is change. The world is experiencing should be adopted, at both macro and micro levels, by all
unprecedented disruptions across various facets, from types of organizations, viz. government, business and not-
technological advancements to global pandemics. for-profit. The Conference will provide the participants
Amid these challenges, Aditya Institute of with an excellent avenue to receive feedback on their
Management Studies, and Research (AIMSR) and research and an opportunity for networking and
Aditya School of Business management (ASBM) are publishing. Selected research papers shall be published in
organizing the 11th International Research Conference AIMSR’s Annual Research Journal, “SHODHADITYA”.
with the theme "Shaping Future Leaders to Navigate
The Journal is ISSN-indexed. This year’s Conference aims
to explore the digital transformation and forecast the
The Conference underscores the pressing need to
prepare leaders who can adeptly navigate the changing expectations of the stakeholders of organizations
complexities of our ever-evolving world. This theme in different management disciplines - Finance, HR, IT,
acknowledges that leadership is not a static concept but Marketing and Operations, and have insightful
a dynamic force that must evolve to meet the demands deliberations by the researchers.
of contemporary disruptions.
The Conference aims at creating a platform that fosters
meaningful dialogue, promote innovative research, and
provides a space for networking and collaboration. It
aims at bringing together industry practitioners,
academicians, doctoral students, UG & PG students,
and research organizations to deliberate on theoretical
work, and empirical findings related to the ways in
which organizations are transforming digitally.

Objectives of the Conference

• Explore evolving leadership models responsive to dynamic disruptions, fostering agility, innovation, and
• Provide practical insights for leaders to enhance adaptability skills and thrive in rapidly changing environments.
• Investigate psychological and strategic aspects of building resilience in leaders to navigate challenges with
• Facilitate discussions on global connectivity, encouraging cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in
• Explore the intersection of technology and leadership, addressing ethical considerations and challenges.
• Emphasize human-centric leadership, promoting empathy, diversity, and inclusivity as foundational principles.
• Create a platform for knowledge exchange, sharing experiences, best practices, and case studies.
• Showcase successful case studies to inspire participants and encourage creative thinking for innovative solutions.
• Promote a culture of continuous learning among leaders, staying informed about emerging trends and technologies.
• Summarize key takeaways and provide actionable insights for participants to implement effective leadership

Conference Theme
Given the profound technological shifts, organizations are undergoing substantial transformations in work design and
leadership. Consequently, predicting the essential skill sets and traits that future leaders must embody becomes imperative
for strategic preparation in navigating disruptions brought forth by the digital age. The conference theme guides us in
precisely that direction. Therefore, the main theme is divided into six parts that are appended below:
• General Management
• Finance Management
• Marketing Management
• Human Resource Management
• Systems and Technology
• Operation Management

Specialization Subthemes

1. Nurturing leaders with skills to navigate change.
2. Leaders V/s Managers- Who is needed most for navigating disruptions?
3. Skills/Competencies needed to disrupt the existing status of the organization.
4. VUCA/ BANI- Which framework do we need today!
5. Can B-Schools teach/train future leaders for navigating disruptions?
1. Rise of Social Commerce.
2. Distributed Finance.
3. AI-ML in Credit.
4. Algo Trading.
5. Metaverse Real Estate.
6. NFT and Smart Contracts in Finance.
7. ONDC (Open Network Digital Commerce).
8. CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
9. Financial Crisis Management and Leadership Disruptive Environment.
10. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Impact on Financial Leadership.
11. Fintech Innovation and Leadership Strategies.
12. Sustainable Finance Leadership.
13. Risk Management in the Disruptive Environment.
1. Innovative Leadership in a Changing Landscape.
2. Global Leadership in a Connected World.
3. Technological Innovation and Leadership.
4. Resilience and Crisis Management.
5. Changing Leadership roles in Brand Building through Digital Initiative.
6. Leadership Challenge, Embracing diversity in the context of tech trends.
7. Innovation and Agility.
8. Sustainable Leadership Practices.
1. Leadership in the Era of AI and Automation.
2. Role of IT in creating innovative ecosystems.
3. Strategies for fostering virtual collaboration.
4. Significance of data literacy for leaders.
5. Technological Literacy on IoT.
1. Trends in collecting employees who can navigate disruptions.
2. Performance appraisals help in developing talented leaders.
3. Competency matrix used for measuring the impact of employees on disruptions.
4. Training leaders for navigation competency.
5. Recently evolved HR trends to enable managing disruptions.
1. Opportunity In supply chain due to disruptions.
2. Resilience in Regional supply chain.
3. Agile and adaptive leadership in operations.
4. Leadership Development strategies in uncertain environment.
5. Cross functional collaboration leadership.

Guidelines for Abstract and Research paper Submission
Those who wish to submit the paper will have to • The abstract should not exceed the limit of 200
submit an abstract for selection by 18th May 2024. words, Font - Times New Roman, 12 points,
Please mark your abstract with “Paper for the single- spaced.
AIMSR Research conference 25th May 2024”. • Please send your abstract in pdf format.
• All abstracts received will be acknowledged.
State the name(s) of the author(s), institutional • On selection of the abstract, selected authors will
affiliation(s) and e-mail address and phone numbers have to submit the manuscript.
at the top of the page. The abstract should carry the • The manuscript is to be typed in MS Word in
sub theme on the top of the page. All Abstracts and Times New Roman, font size 12 with spacing
Full Paper should be submitted through e-mail to: 1.5. The References should be in APA format.
“research@aimsr.edu.in” • All abstracts will be published in the Conference
• Post Conference: The selected research papers in
each category will be published in our Research
Journal - “SHODHADITYA” with ISSN No:

Important Dates
• 18th May 2024 (Saturday): Abstract Submission
• 25th May 2024 (Saturday): Final Paper Submission
• th
25 May 2024 (Saturday): International Conference Day
• Conference Venue: Aditya Educational Campus, Borivali West,
Mumbai – 92.
• Timing: 09:30 am to 05:30 pm

Registration Fees (Each Author needs to register separately)

Participation Only ISSN Journal – Per paper per author
Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign
(₹) ($) (₹) ($)
Corporates 1,500 20 1,500 20
Academicians/PHD Scholars 1,000 15 1,000 15
Students 500 10 500 10

Registration Details
• Registration fees once paid will not be refunded.
• Registration fees in case of National Registration to be paid through Paytm/NEFT/ Cheque /DD/ Pay
Order, in favor of ‘Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research’ payable at Mumbai.
• Registration fees in case of international registration to be paid through PayPal.

Best Research Paper Award

• Corporate and Academicians: 1 Best Research Paper will be rewarded.
• Students: 3 Best Research Papers will be rewarded.
Conference Patrons

Dr. Shri. Harishchandra Mishra, Founder Trustee & Chairman – Aditya Group of Institutions
Shri. Ashish Mishra, Trustee - Aditya Group of Institutions
Shri. Aditya Mishra, Trustee - Aditya Group of Institutions

Conference Conveners


Dr. Sunita Srivastava, Dean & Director AIMSR Dr. Anju Singh, Dean Languages, Shri JJTU
Dr. A.S. Suresh, Director ASBM

Dr. Sonali Kale, Associate Professor Dr. Swati Desai, Head Statistics
CA Sandhya Menon, Assistant Professor Dr. Madhu Gupta, Member of Advisory Board

Committee Members
Dr. Vrittee Parikh Dr. Jayshree Parikh
Prof. Parag Nivsarkar Mr. Bhanu Pandia
Dr. Krati Sharma Dr. Anita Kumar
Dr. Neeta Bhatt Dr. Manisha Mehta
Dr. Pinkey Bhardwaj Dr. S. S. Naikwadi
CA Vinay Tiwari Dr. B. S. Gaikwad
Prof. Dinesh Mehra Dr. Prabha Rastogi
Prof. Ajeet Mishra Dr. Deendayal Murarka
Prof. Amit Kamkhalia Dr. D. K. Singh
Prof. Sweta Nigam Dr. Ikram Qureshi
Prof. Rashmi Pathak Dr. Faiyyaz Shaikh
Prof. Ramakrishnan Iyer Mr. Tabrez Pathan
Prof. Hitesh Kaushal Mr. Sandeep Pandey
Prof. Pranav Bhhatia Mrs. Neelam Bhartiya
Conference Contacts
Dr. Sonali Kale Ms. Neelam Bhartiya: +918003595434
CA Sandhya Menon Mr. Bhanu Pandia: +919769745119
Email: research@aimsr.edu.in Email: dr.anju@jjtu.ac.in,
Phone: 022-35206111/6112, Extn: 102 jjtu@jjtu.ac.in
Knowledge Partners International Partner



Theme: “Shaping Future Leaders to Navigate

Registration Form


Organization: Address:

Email: Phone:

Mode of Payment: Paytm/ Cheque /DD/ Pay Order/PayPal (Please tick the mode of payment)

Date of Payment/DD/Pay Order No.:

Drawee Bank:
• Registration Fees in case of National Registration to be paid through Paytm/ Cheque/DD/Pay Order, in
favor of ‘Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research’ payable at Mumbai.
• Registration Fees in the case of international registration are to be paid through PayPal. Each author
needs to register separately.

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