en Students Perception On English Club Extr
en Students Perception On English Club Extr
en Students Perception On English Club Extr
Aida Yuliandasari
Wendi Kusriandi
ISSN: 2354-7340
Yuliandasari, A. &Kusriandi, W.
speaking skill. In this school, the English communication. Woods (2005) states
club program is a language program that WKDW ³2UDO FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VNLOOV GHSHQGV
is to enhance the students achievement in on listening skill which listening requires
mastering English skill, there are four reading and writing skill because skill
skills that should be mastered in learning are interGHSHQGHQW´ ,W PHDQV WKDW RUDO
English. They are listening, speaking, skill cannot be separated from other skill
reading and writing. By mastering and it is proved by the teaching and
listening and reading, students can get learning activity in English club
some information from what they program. The writer examined the
listening and read. Meanwhile, speaking impact Students Perception on English
and writing are kinds of output skills FOXE H[WUDFXUULFXODU WRZDUG VWXGHQWV¶
which mean that the students will speaking perception
produce ideas, but in this research will
speaking skill because in the English The research was dealt by
club extracurricular more dominat to ChandraYuliasman (2012) entiled
HQULFKLQJ VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ VNLOO Students Perception toward drama
Enriching students language program is activity in Improving Student Ability in
needed to enhance students language Speakingof the second semester students
profiency in school. Another aim English of English Department STAIN
club program is to support the students Batusangkar.The subjects were the
academic achievement and improve students in the second semester of TBI B
students ability in English. students of English department STAIN
The benefits joining English club Batusangkar. The researcher employed
are students will be able to participate the the research using descriptive-qualitative
various activities based on the club design. The data in this study were
objectives, students will have an obtained by using questionnaires. The
opportunity to take part in the national findings of the research were as follows:
and international English competition, 1) The perception that states drama
students will be able to develop their activity are very helpful in improving
listening and speaking skill through students speaking ability.
formal and informal situations and the 2) The perception that states are drama
last is students will have a chance to go activity less effective in improving
aboard and learn different cultures. To students speaking ability.
achieve the benefits, the students are 6WXGHQWV¶VSHDNLQJ VNLOO LV WKH
required to be able to use English as a students can use the skill for
language communication. It means communication in their daily activities.
students are able to produce and use :H FDQ ILQG RXW VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ
English text, in spoken and written form. DFKLHYHPHQW IURP VWXGHQWV¶
The standart of the students English performance. The definition of
ability at madrasah aliyah is the students performance based on the logman
are expected to be able to use English in dictionary of Language Teaching and
use of verbal and non verbal symbols in a sharing meaning through the use of
variety of context (Chaney and Bruk, verbal and non verbal symbol in a variety
1998 : 13). Speaking is a critical part of of context. Considering the needs of
foregin language teaching and learning. mastering speaking as one of the ways
Therefore, today world requires that the for mastering English, teacher need to
goal of teaching speaking should improve LPSURYH WKH VWXGHQWV µ SURQRXQFLDWLRQ
studentscommunicative skills, because fluency, vocabulary, grammar and
only in that way studentscan express comprehension.
themselves and learn how to follow the According to davidson and
social and cultural rules appropriate in Downson (2003 :107)
each communicative circumtance.
Speaking skill is a skill the ³ $FWLYLWLHV RIWHQ QHHG WR EH
students less in learning compared to the carefully ordered and classroom
deliberately arranged to maximize
other language skill. Speaking defined as
the Face of all pulpils being able to
an ability to express, ideas, through and communicate to the best of their
feelings orally. Speaking is the most DELOLW\ ´
important skill of the four English skills,
Esther Uso-Juan and Alicia Martinez ± In addition Davinson and
Flor (2006 ± VDWHV WKDW ³VSHDNLQJ LQ Dowson also states that students skill
a second language is the most achievements in speaking activities need
challenging skill of the four skills, which to be communicated to them both in
involves complex process of constructing general term and in relation to specific
PHDQLQJ ´ ,Q DGGLWLRQ )LVKHU DQG IUH\ assessment criteria to be fluency in
(2007 : 16) sates that speaking is the speaking, students need to get a chance
uniquely human act or process of sharing opportunity to practice their speaking in
and exchanging information, ideas and the comport classroom arranged by
in daily information interactions or in Furthermore, speaking skill
more formal settings , communication becomes an important part in teaching an
arerequired to organize coherent learning. It stated by Sari Luoma (2004 :
messages, deliver them clearly, and adapt WKDW ³6SHDNLQJ VNLOO LV DQ LPSRUWDnt
them to their listeners. It means that part in curriculum in language teaching
speaking is an important skill in daily DQG DQ LPSRUWDQW RI DVVHVVPHQW ´ 7R
interaction because people use speaking NQRZ WKH UHVXOW RI VWXGHQWV µ
more than written form. In habitual performance, we have to measure
action, speaking is used to share and through assessment. Shermis and Vesta
exchange information to other people. (2011 : 2) give definition about
According to Chaney in Kayi assessment, as follows :
(2006), teaching speaking should provide a. A set procedures
the students with chance to express and b. Designed to provide information
share their idea and thoughts orally DERXW VWXGHQWV¶ GHYHORSPHQW JURZWK
because it is the process of building and and achievement.
English in the classroom, teachers should from the other English skillsactivities. In
have good and interesting technique. The the case, it gives benefit for students that
teaching techniques used during the they could learn English skill in deep
teaching learning process are supposed to besides in regular English class.
make students more interested in learning In the speech activity, the teacher
English. Besides more interested in used three phase technique. The teacher
learning English, teaching techniques will gave a warming up activity such as
help students to avoid boredom. In asking question about the topic that they
general, teaching techniques can be were going to learn. In storytelling, the
defined as any of wide variety of exercise, teacher asked the students to prepare
activities or tasks used in the language their own story and also the properties in
classroom for realizing lesson objectives advance. The teacher gave freedom to
(Brown, 2007 : 16). It means that the the students to choose the materials by
teachers are required to create an themselves. The teacher just gave the
appropriate learning strategy. Creative topic to the students and they browsed
WHDFKHUV ZRUN WR H[WHQG VWXGHQW¶V DELOLWLHV and sought the information about the
as readers, writers , speakers and listeners particular issues.
and help them to express themselves For evaluated the students, the
effectively, to create as well as critically WHDFKHU HYDOXDWHG WKH VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\
evaluate their own work. EDVHG RQ VWXGHQWV¶ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ
In the learning and teaching SHUIRUPDQFH LQ WKH FODVV 6WXGHQWV¶
process in conversation class of English participation included their participation
club program the Some teachers tend to in group work, persentation, and
use fun activities and method in order to performance and also individual work.
catch student interests to learn English. )URP WKH VWXGHQWV¶ ZRUN WKH WHDFKHU
Teacher tried to invite them to learn while decided whether that student had good
playing or doing fun activities. They ask score or bad score. The teacher gave
students to watch video, singing, and quizzes to students but it was tentative
playing games in teaching learning test. It means the schedule of quize was
process. Many activities are applied in not decided by the teacher at the
conversation class, e.g dialogue, debate, beginning of the semester. The teacher
speech, comic writing, story telling, XVHG WKH VFRUH WR PHDVXUH WKH VWXGHQWV¶
drama, students simple oral translation ability in English and to know the
activity, presentation, game, etc. From the progress the students.
teaching and learning activities, English club program and teacher
conversation class contain not only teaching creatively helps students to be
speaking activities, but also other skill of more confident to have conversation in
(QJOLVK DFWLYLWLHV $V :RRGV¶V English. It facilitates students to explore
24) statement that oral skillrequires their English ability continuously. Then, it
listening skill, which listening requires also makes students more active to speak
reading and writing skill. It means that in English. It can help teachers to achieve
speaking skill activity cannot be separated the goals of teaching and learning English
About authors:
Aida Yuliandasari, S.Pd. is a fresh graduate of Department of English Education,
Unswagati Cirebon