en Students Perception On English Club Extr

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ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015



Aida Yuliandasari
Wendi Kusriandi

Department of English Education, Unswagati Cirebon


Speaking is one of skills which should be mastered by students in studying English.

However in Indonesian school hours the chance to practice speaking is limited. One
way to obtain more practices to speak outside of school hours is by joining English club
extracurricular program. English club as an English extracurricular program in state
Madrasah Aliyah Pembangunan Mandirancan gives chance to students to speak in more
flexible condition with their peers. Thus, it is interesting to investigate the impact
26 students joined English club extracurricular as the sample. The techniques used
obtaining the data were observation, questionnaire and speaking test. It is suggested that
speaking skill.

Keyword :English Club, Extracurricular Activities, Speaking skill

INTRODUCTION students in developing their talent and

interest. Since it is not a compulsory
The teaching and learning in this subject, students have right to join it or
school is supported by several not. The point of the English club
extracurricular activities. Those are program held by school is to give
English club program, sport, scout, choir, students chance to improve their English
flag hoisting unit. Based on Government especially their speaking skill and have
Regulation no 19/25 on National more exposures and time in learning
Education Standart stated that every EnglisK EHFDXVH WKH\ GRQ¶W JHW H[WUD
school may give an opportunity to time in regular class.
GHYHORS VWXGHQWV¶ FRPSHWHQFH E\ As Mulyasa (2007) states that an
applying an extracurricular program. extracurricular program in a certain
Extracurricular is a program which is no program held outside the school regular
part of thecourse that a student doing at time for supporting and improving
school, the main reason of the students competence. In this research, the
establishment of extracurricular program researcher will more focused on English
to accomodate or give spaces for club extracurricular toward students

ISSN: 2354-7340
Yuliandasari, A. &Kusriandi, W.

speaking skill. In this school, the English communication. Woods (2005) states
club program is a language program that WKDW ³2UDO FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VNLOOV GHSHQGV
is to enhance the students achievement in on listening skill which listening requires
mastering English skill, there are four reading and writing skill because skill
skills that should be mastered in learning are interGHSHQGHQW´ ,W PHDQV WKDW RUDO
English. They are listening, speaking, skill cannot be separated from other skill
reading and writing. By mastering and it is proved by the teaching and
listening and reading, students can get learning activity in English club
some information from what they program. The writer examined the
listening and read. Meanwhile, speaking impact Students Perception on English
and writing are kinds of output skills FOXE H[WUDFXUULFXODU WRZDUG VWXGHQWV¶
which mean that the students will speaking perception
produce ideas, but in this research will
speaking skill because in the English The research was dealt by
club extracurricular more dominat to ChandraYuliasman (2012) entiled
HQULFKLQJ VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ VNLOO Students Perception toward drama
Enriching students language program is activity in Improving Student Ability in
needed to enhance students language Speakingof the second semester students
profiency in school. Another aim English of English Department STAIN
club program is to support the students Batusangkar.The subjects were the
academic achievement and improve students in the second semester of TBI B
students ability in English. students of English department STAIN
The benefits joining English club Batusangkar. The researcher employed
are students will be able to participate the the research using descriptive-qualitative
various activities based on the club design. The data in this study were
objectives, students will have an obtained by using questionnaires. The
opportunity to take part in the national findings of the research were as follows:
and international English competition, 1) The perception that states drama
students will be able to develop their activity are very helpful in improving
listening and speaking skill through students speaking ability.
formal and informal situations and the 2) The perception that states are drama
last is students will have a chance to go activity less effective in improving
aboard and learn different cultures. To students speaking ability.
achieve the benefits, the students are 6WXGHQWV¶VSHDNLQJ VNLOO LV WKH
required to be able to use English as a students can use the skill for
language communication. It means communication in their daily activities.
students are able to produce and use :H FDQ ILQG RXW VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ
English text, in spoken and written form. DFKLHYHPHQW IURP VWXGHQWV¶
The standart of the students English performance. The definition of
ability at madrasah aliyah is the students performance based on the logman
are expected to be able to use English in dictionary of Language Teaching and

306 ISSN: 2354-7340

ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015

$SSOLHG /LQJXLVWLFV LV ³ D by using language. Speaking has been

SHUVRQ¶V DFWXDO XVH RI ODQJXDJH ³ LQ taught at elementary school until English
addition, Brown (2000 : 8) states that department of university, nevertheless
³3HUIRUPDQFH LV WKH DFWXDO GRLQJ RI there are many problems faced by senior
something : listening, speaking, reading high school or Madrasah Aliyah school
DQG ZULWLQJ ´ ,W means that performance students in speaking. First, students often
is person doing in using language to have incorrect pronounciation. Second,
present the language proficiency. students have lack of confidence to share
While, Brown (2000 : 31) in the their opinions and ideas. They are also
book entitled Principle of Language afraid to make mistake in their
Learning and Teaching explains that performance. The next problem faced by
³3HUIRUPDQFH LV D IRUP RI SURGXFWLRQ RU the learner is the lack of imagination and
comprehension in linguistics events critical thinking. On other hand, teachers
which production refers to speaking and also teach speaking by only repeat or
writing skills, and comprehension refers drill and memorization of the dialogue.
WR OLVWHQLQJ DQG UHDGLQJ VNLOOV ³ LW PHDQV Speaking is a complex skill
WKDW WKH VWXGHQWV¶ SHUIRUPDQFH RI which involves an interaction between
speaking and writing skills is classified the speaker and the listener in an active
DV VWXGHQWV¶ SURGXFWLRQ RI OLQJXLVWLcs process..there are several essential
while the performance of listening and components of speaking skill. Brown
UHDGLQJ LV FODVVLILHG DV VWXGHQWV¶ (2004 : 157) states that the speaking skill
comprehension of linguistics. In consist of six components: grammar,
addition, Brown (2000-30) explain that vocabulary , fluency, comprehension,
performance is observable and concrete pronounciation and task. Thus the
manifestation or realization of students have to master the entire
FRPSHWHQFH ´ ,W LQGLFDWHV WKDW VWXGHQWV¶ components to achieve the aim of
SHUIRUPDQFH LV VWXGHQWV¶ PDQLIHVWDWLRQ RI speaking skill andtobe communicate.
their competence in realization such Furthermore, speaking is a skill
practice in the class and it can be that need practices, the more students
REVHUYHG E\ RWKHU VWXGHQWV 6R VWXGHQWV µ practice through sharing their idea, the
SHUIRUPDQFH UHIHUV WR WKH VWXGHQWV¶ better speaker they become. In addition
performance in speaking skill of English. Davison and Downson (2003 : 107) say
Performance is speaking skill is defined that students need opportunities to speak
to produce something. Brown(2007 : 36) and listen in wide variety of context and
VWDWHV WKDW ³3HUIRUPDQFH LV FDWHJRULHV DV for a wide range of purpose, in order to
production which includes speaking and increase their thinking ability to develop
writing skills or comprehension which their powers of communication and to
includes listening and reading skills of provide example of language in use
OLQJXLVWLF HYHQWV ´ through which to develop their explicit
The purpose of teaching English knowledge about speaking and listening.
is to enable the students to express or Speaking is the process of
communicate ideas, through and issues building and sharing meaning through the

ISSN: 2354-7340 307

Yuliandasari, A. &Kusriandi, W.

use of verbal and non verbal symbols in a sharing meaning through the use of
variety of context (Chaney and Bruk, verbal and non verbal symbol in a variety
1998 : 13). Speaking is a critical part of of context. Considering the needs of
foregin language teaching and learning. mastering speaking as one of the ways
Therefore, today world requires that the for mastering English, teacher need to
goal of teaching speaking should improve LPSURYH WKH VWXGHQWV µ SURQRXQFLDWLRQ
studentscommunicative skills, because fluency, vocabulary, grammar and
only in that way studentscan express comprehension.
themselves and learn how to follow the According to davidson and
social and cultural rules appropriate in Downson (2003 :107)
each communicative circumtance.
Speaking skill is a skill the ³ $FWLYLWLHV RIWHQ QHHG WR EH
students less in learning compared to the carefully ordered and classroom
deliberately arranged to maximize
other language skill. Speaking defined as
the Face of all pulpils being able to
an ability to express, ideas, through and communicate to the best of their
feelings orally. Speaking is the most DELOLW\ ´
important skill of the four English skills,
Esther Uso-Juan and Alicia Martinez ± In addition Davinson and
Flor (2006 ± VDWHV WKDW ³VSHDNLQJ LQ Dowson also states that students skill
a second language is the most achievements in speaking activities need
challenging skill of the four skills, which to be communicated to them both in
involves complex process of constructing general term and in relation to specific
PHDQLQJ ´ ,Q DGGLWLRQ )LVKHU DQG IUH\ assessment criteria to be fluency in
(2007 : 16) sates that speaking is the speaking, students need to get a chance
uniquely human act or process of sharing opportunity to practice their speaking in
and exchanging information, ideas and the comport classroom arranged by
in daily information interactions or in Furthermore, speaking skill
more formal settings , communication becomes an important part in teaching an
arerequired to organize coherent learning. It stated by Sari Luoma (2004 :
messages, deliver them clearly, and adapt WKDW ³6SHDNLQJ VNLOO LV DQ LPSRUWDnt
them to their listeners. It means that part in curriculum in language teaching
speaking is an important skill in daily DQG DQ LPSRUWDQW RI DVVHVVPHQW ´ 7R
interaction because people use speaking NQRZ WKH UHVXOW RI VWXGHQWV µ
more than written form. In habitual performance, we have to measure
action, speaking is used to share and through assessment. Shermis and Vesta
exchange information to other people. (2011 : 2) give definition about
According to Chaney in Kayi assessment, as follows :
(2006), teaching speaking should provide a. A set procedures
the students with chance to express and b. Designed to provide information
share their idea and thoughts orally DERXW VWXGHQWV¶ GHYHORSPHQW JURZWK
because it is the process of building and and achievement.

308 ISSN: 2354-7340

ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015

c. As compared with a standard. It means 7R NQRZ VWXGHQWV¶ speaking skill

that assessment is important for we can find out their ability from the
measuring students in learning scales in assessing speaking skill. These is
process.It indicates that assessment is WKH UXEULF VFRULQJ VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ VNLOO
the measurement during teaching and According Bimo (1980: 89),
learning process and a way to collect perception is,a process that preceded by
WKH VWXGHQWV¶ OHDUQLQJ UHVXOW 5XVVHOO the five sense process, which is constitute
and Airasian (2012 : 201) state that process was accepted by it stimulus by
³3HUIRUPDQFH DVVHVVPHQW LV D NLQG RI D individual via indera's tool or also so-
assessment which requires students to
demonstrate skill and knowledge by
Rakhmat in Alex (2003: 446) states that
producing a formal product or
perception is the experience about objects,
events, or the relations that are gotten by
explanation, Shermis an vesta (2011 :
concluding the information and
assessment in a excercise which a interpreting the message. The more
student demonstrates specific skills and complex definition is given by Pareek in
competencies of proficiency or Alex (2003: 446) who states that
H[FHOOHQFH ´ ,W PHDQV WKDW SHUIRUPDnce perception is a process of receiving,
assessment is an assessment which selecting, organizing, interpreting,
needs the students demonstrate specific evaluating, and giving reaction to stimuli
skill with performance. of the senses or data.
Kim (2010 : 1 ) in his journal In this research, Madrasah Aliyah
H[SODLQV WKDW ³6SHDNLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH Pembangunan has extracurricular
assessmentshave focused on eliciting activities, one of them is English club
examines underlying language ability program , this program become facilitates
through their actual oral performance on a for students to improve their ability to
JLYHQ WDVN ´ ,W PHDQV WKDW VSHDNLQJ mastering English skill especially
performance assessment is given to speaking skill.
oral performance. extracurricular activities contribute to
7KH VWXGHQWV¶ SHUIRUPDQFH students¶ success at school. In 1999
DVVHVVPHQW LV WR DVVHVV VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ column extracurricular activities : the path
skill. Hughes (2003 : 130) mention the to academic success for educational
scales in assessing speaking skill based on leadership, Holloway said that,
American FSI (Foregin Service Institute) extracurricular activities suggest that they
procedure,there are five point scales in have positive effects on students who
speaking performance, and those are : participate. Those effect can be
1. Grammar particularly important for students who
2. Vocabulary belong to ethnic minorities, students with
3. Fluency disabilities and students at risk of
4. Comprehension dropping out of school.
5. Pronounciation

ISSN: 2354-7340 309

Yuliandasari, A. &Kusriandi, W.

Such involment in extracurricular teach students how to discipline

activities help students discover and themselves through drills, practices, or
share talents, develop character and rehearsals (Rombokas 8). The students
competence and often provide the added have a responsibility to the activity and
benefit of close relationship with caring, must perform the tasks assigned to them
principled adults outside the home. whether it be to run, sing, act or organize
Students who are involved in an event. By participating and
organizations are more likely to show persevering in any of these activities, the
leadership abilities and more likely to students gain extracurricular activities
become leaders, compared non- give them pride in their
participants. The participant who joined accomplishments, and they learn that if
extracurricular activities were more an activity is worth doing, it is worth
willing to work difficult task to doing well (Rombokas 11).
completion without adult supervision, In this research is limited to
and more likely to voice their opinions GHVFULEH WKH VWXGHQWV¶ SHUIRUPDQFH DQG
wheather others agreed with them or not. the impact English club extracurricular
That showed that membership in program on their speaking skill. The
extracurricular activities made a activity is related speaking is
difference compared to nonmembers, in conversation class, because in the
terms of life skill. The key points that teaching and learning activities in
will be made in this claim of fact are that English club more dominant practice
students involved in extracurricular conversation in the class.
activities recipe better grades than those Bailey (2005 : 42) sates that
who are not involved in extracurricular ³&RQYHUVDWLRQ LV RQH RI WKH PRVW EDVLF
activities. In addition, activities improve and persuasive forms of human
the overall student. LQWHUDFWLRQ ´ ,Q WKLV FDVH WKH
Therefore, the help students to conversation itself contains the various
receive better grades by teaching them activities which build the interaction
character building lessons, teaching them between each person. The main goal of
lifelong skills, saving some at risk FRQYHUVDWLRQ FODVV LV WR GHYHORS OHDUQHUV¶
students who would possibly drop out to ability to communicate and the teacher
school and helping students develop can be more effective in building
social skill. Extracurricular manage of conversational skills of their students. It
VWXGHQW¶V FKDUDFWHU EXLOGLQJ D P\ULDG RI means that conversation class is a kind of
components contribute to the reasons language learning program which aimed
why extracurricular activities benefit to build the students communication skill
students academically. One of this which include speaking skill.
reasons is that students learn character- Conversation class is a language
building lessons that they can apply to learning program which is made by a
their study habits and to their lives. school or an institution, the conversation
Activities such as athletics, music, class is held outside the English class.
theater, English club and organizations Therefore, to guide the students speak

310 ISSN: 2354-7340

ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015

English in the classroom, teachers should from the other English skillsactivities. In
have good and interesting technique. The the case, it gives benefit for students that
teaching techniques used during the they could learn English skill in deep
teaching learning process are supposed to besides in regular English class.
make students more interested in learning In the speech activity, the teacher
English. Besides more interested in used three phase technique. The teacher
learning English, teaching techniques will gave a warming up activity such as
help students to avoid boredom. In asking question about the topic that they
general, teaching techniques can be were going to learn. In storytelling, the
defined as any of wide variety of exercise, teacher asked the students to prepare
activities or tasks used in the language their own story and also the properties in
classroom for realizing lesson objectives advance. The teacher gave freedom to
(Brown, 2007 : 16). It means that the the students to choose the materials by
teachers are required to create an themselves. The teacher just gave the
appropriate learning strategy. Creative topic to the students and they browsed
WHDFKHUV ZRUN WR H[WHQG VWXGHQW¶V DELOLWLHV and sought the information about the
as readers, writers , speakers and listeners particular issues.
and help them to express themselves For evaluated the students, the
effectively, to create as well as critically WHDFKHU HYDOXDWHG WKH VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\
evaluate their own work. EDVHG RQ VWXGHQWV¶ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ
In the learning and teaching SHUIRUPDQFH LQ WKH FODVV 6WXGHQWV¶
process in conversation class of English participation included their participation
club program the Some teachers tend to in group work, persentation, and
use fun activities and method in order to performance and also individual work.
catch student interests to learn English. )URP WKH VWXGHQWV¶ ZRUN WKH WHDFKHU
Teacher tried to invite them to learn while decided whether that student had good
playing or doing fun activities. They ask score or bad score. The teacher gave
students to watch video, singing, and quizzes to students but it was tentative
playing games in teaching learning test. It means the schedule of quize was
process. Many activities are applied in not decided by the teacher at the
conversation class, e.g dialogue, debate, beginning of the semester. The teacher
speech, comic writing, story telling, XVHG WKH VFRUH WR PHDVXUH WKH VWXGHQWV¶
drama, students simple oral translation ability in English and to know the
activity, presentation, game, etc. From the progress the students.
teaching and learning activities, English club program and teacher
conversation class contain not only teaching creatively helps students to be
speaking activities, but also other skill of more confident to have conversation in
(QJOLVK DFWLYLWLHV $V :RRGV¶V English. It facilitates students to explore
24) statement that oral skillrequires their English ability continuously. Then, it
listening skill, which listening requires also makes students more active to speak
reading and writing skill. It means that in English. It can help teachers to achieve
speaking skill activity cannot be separated the goals of teaching and learning English

ISSN: 2354-7340 311

Yuliandasari, A. &Kusriandi, W.

in curriculum that students are excepted to Location of the research is at

be able to access the language in Madrasah Aliyah Pembangunan.
communication. Students who join Madrasah AliyahPembagunan is on of
English club can get some benefits in senior high school in mandirancan. The
their ability mastering English skill, there teaching and learning in this school is
are students will be able to participate in supported by several extracurricular
the various activities based on the club activities, those are English club
objectives, students will have an program, sport, choir, scout, and flag
opportunity to take the part in the national hoisting unit. In this school, the English
and international English competition, club program is a language learning
students will be able to develop their program that is to enhance the students,
listening and speaking skills through both English achievement, especially in
formal and informal situations and the mastering their English skill.
finally is students will have a chance to go
aboard and learn different cultures. Instrument of the Research
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Fraenkel, wallen and hyun
English in Madrasah: The English VWDWH WKDW ³FHUWDLQ Ninds of
club Program research questions can best be answer by
Base on the minister of National observing how people act or how things
Education Regulation (Permendiknas) ORRN ´ 5HVHDUFKHU REVHUYH SHRSOH DV WKH\
(2006: 10- WKDW ³7KHUH DUH go about their daily activities and
compulsory subjects that should be recording what they do.To obtain the
taught in Senior high school and one of data about the English club program
the subjects is English subject. While the contributions on the use English. The
for senior high school is only two carried out to collect the data from 26
meetings in a week which 80 minutes for respondents who were students to twelve
each meeting. It means that English is an grade of Madrasah Aliyah Pembangunan.
important subject to be taught in senior
high school, but the learning time given Questionnaire
for the students is limit. In this research, the writer would
In this research, the English club conduct the data analysis through the
SURJUDP LV GHILQHG DV VWXGHQWV¶ H[WUD following steps. The questionnaire is
learning program besides regular English designed in this study as one of the
class, which more focuses on mastering LQVWUXPHQWV WR UHYHDO VWXGHQWV¶
skills of English in teaching and learning perception form, namely an attitude scale
activities. English club program in in an instrument that measures what an
Madrasah Aliyah Pembangunan individual believes, activities, or
Mandirancan consist of 26 students for situation. The writer used to measure
twelfth (XII IPA) grade and held every attitudes, namely LikertSclae. A likert
Saturday at 13.00 PM. scale requires an individual to respond to

312 ISSN: 2354-7340

ELT Perspective 3(2), September 2015

a series of statement. There are five Table 4.1.3

optional answers: Strongly Agree Frequency and Percentage of
(SA), Agree (A),, Disagree (DA), and Respondents Answers Against Variable
X (Students Perception on English Club
Strongly Disagrees (SDA). This form
arranged with the scale of attitude
because attitude scale is used in opinions
Category Frequency Percentage
rather than facts are desired. The
High 3 90,84%
participant is giving score toward
and each statement in the questionnaire Low 1 3,4%
consist of values from 1-4. Likert Scale
is very easy constructed and scored for
In this study, can be viewed
measuring perception (Gay, L.R.
frequency and percentage of respondents
Geofrey. E. Mills and peter Airusian,
against Students Perception on English
2009; 150 &151. Based on the Likert
club extracurricular answer about the
Scale each statement in the questionnaire
table, in the high category there are 22
consist of values from 1-4 which 4 is the
frequency with percentage reached
most positive one.The questionnaire was
84,61% and the category of being found
consisted 20 items. The time to do it was
with a frequency of 3 percentage reaches
30 minutes, they had more than a half
11, 54% and the last in the low category
minute for each item.
are a frequency of 1 percentage reaches
3,85%. That means students in the IPA
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION class have perception positively to the
Questionnaire analysis English club activities with the highest
As can be seen in the table above
percentage reached 84,61%.
appear various values of the results were
in accordance with item option on the 7KH 3HUFHQWDJHV RI 6WXGHQWV¶ 6SHDNLQJ
content of the students. Of the total score Performance
of each students reaches 1700. Value in
get from filling the questionnaire by Scale of Number Categor Percentag
Score Students y es
students can be categorized into
categorize of high, medium and low 22 91-100 2 Excellent 7,70%
students who completed a questionnaire 81-90 4
has high category (33% score above). It
means the score is between 54-80. 3 71-80 13 Good 50%
students who completed a questionnaire 61-70 7 Fair 26,92%
with medium category (33% middle
score) it means the score is between 35- 50-60 Poor
53. And 1 students completed a Less Very
Than 50 poor
questionnaire with low category (33%
lower score) it means the score between N 26 100%

ISSN: 2354-7340 313

Yuliandasari, A. &Kusriandi, W.

The result of the test indicates Qualitative Research, 4thed Boston ;

that 2(7,70%) students has excellent, 4 Pearson Education, Inc.
(15,38%) students has very good score,
Fisher, Douglas and Frey, Nancy. 2007.
13(50%) students have good score, 7
Checking For Understanding
(26,92%) students have fair score of Formative Assessment Techniques for
speaking skill.According to the criterion Your Classroom.USA: Assessment for
of Madrasah Aliyah Pembangunan taken Supervision and Curriculum
from English curriculum 2013, the Development (ASCD)
students are considered to be success if
they get the least 70 of the highest Fraenkel, Jack, R.Wallen, Norman, E
and Hyun, Helen, H.2012 How to
possible score 100 and they are
Design and Evaluate Research, 4th
considered to be failed if the score they Ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill
get under 70. In this case, 19 (73,08%) Companies, Inc.
students got successful result in speaking
test and 7 (26,9%) students failed in Hughes, Arthur.2003.Testing for
speaking test. So, we can give conclusion Language Teachers, 2nd Ed.
that the average of students score in Cambridge: Cambridge University
speaking can do the test.
Jackson, Acy, L.2012. The Conversation
Class English Teaching Form:
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Principles: an Interactive Approach 01/50 19 pp29-31-reflections-
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Addition Wesley Longman, Inc.
Kim, Hyun, Jung.2010.Investigating the
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Education, Inc. 6WXGHQWV¶ $FDGHPLF 6HOI-
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Research : Planning, Conducting, and English Club Program Implemented
Evaluating Quantitative and

314 ISSN: 2354-7340

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in SMPN 7 Bandung ).Bandung:

University Pendidikan Indonesia. Nunan, David.2004.Task-Based
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About authors:
Aida Yuliandasari, S.Pd. is a fresh graduate of Department of English Education,
Unswagati Cirebon

Wendi Kusriandi, M.Pd. is a lecturer of Department of English Education, Unswagati


ISSN: 2354-7340 315

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