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Íleo biliar
AUTORES: Andrew P Keaveny, MD, FRCPI, Nezam H Afdhal, MD, FRCPI, Steven Paul Bowers, MD
EDITORES DE SECCIÓN: Stanley W. Ashley, MD, Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, MACP
EDITOR ADJUNTO: Wenliang Chen, MD, PhD

Todos los temas se actualizan a medida que hay nueva evidencia disponible y nuestro proceso de revisión por pares se

Revisión de la literatura vigente hasta: marzo de 2024.

Este tema se actualizó por última vez: 26 de agosto de 2022.


El íleo biliar es una causa importante, aunque poco frecuente, de obstrucción intestinal
mecánica, que afecta a pacientes adultos mayores que a menudo padecen otras afecciones
médicas importantes. Es causada por la impactación de un cálculo biliar en el íleon después de
pasar a través de una fístula biliar-entérica. El diagnóstico suele retrasarse ya que los síntomas
pueden ser intermitentes y las investigaciones no logran identificar la causa de la obstrucción.
La base del tratamiento es la eliminación del cálculo obstructivo después de reanimar al
paciente. El íleo biliar sigue estando asociado con tasas relativamente altas de morbilidad y

Otras causas de obstrucción intestinal se analizan en otra parte. (Ver "Etiologías,

manifestaciones clínicas y diagnóstico de obstrucción mecánica del intestino delgado en
adultos" .)


El íleo biliar es una complicación inusual de la colelitiasis y ocurre en menos del 0,5 por ciento
de los pacientes que presentan obstrucción mecánica del intestino delgado [ 1 ]. Las mujeres y
los pacientes mayores se ven afectados de manera desproporcionada [ 1,2 ].


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La forma habitual de entrada de los cálculos biliares al intestino es a través de una fístula
entérica biliar, que complica del 2 al 3 por ciento de todos los casos de colelitiasis con episodios
asociados de colecistitis. El sesenta por ciento son fístulas colecistoduodenales, pero las fístulas
colecistocolónicas y colecistogástricas también pueden provocar íleo biliar [ 3 ]. (Ver "Colecistitis
litiásica aguda: características clínicas y diagnóstico" .)

El síndrome de Mirizzi se refiere a la obstrucción del conducto hepático común causada por una
compresión extrínseca de un cálculo impactado en el conducto cístico. Se ha sugerido una
asociación entre el síndrome de Mirizzi y la presencia de una fístula colecistoentérica porque
cuando un cálculo impacta en el conducto cístico puede provocar un estrechamiento del
conducto hepático común, lo que puede conducir a una fístula colecistoentérica,
proporcionando así una vía de salida. para cálculos biliares [ 4 ].

In a surgical series that included 5673 cholecystectomies, 327 patients (5.7 percent) had Mirizzi
syndrome and 105 (1.8 percent) had a cholecystoenteric fistula [5]. Of patients who had a
cholecystoenteric fistula, 90 percent had Mirizzi syndrome. Thus, the presence of a coexisting
Mirizzi syndrome should be considered when a cholecystoenteric fistula is encountered. (See
"Mirizzi syndrome".)

The following sequence is probably responsible for most cases of fistula formation that lead to
gallstone ileus. Pericholecystic inflammation after cholecystitis leads to the development of
adhesions between the biliary and enteric systems. Pressure necrosis by the gallstone against
the biliary wall then causes erosion and fistula formation. In addition, cases of gallstone ileus
have occurred after endoscopic sphincterotomy. In this setting, the stone is presumed to have
passed into the small bowel through the sphincterotomy and to have been large enough to
cause obstruction [6]. Gallstone ileus can also complicate Crohn disease when a gallstone
obstructs a diseased segment of the bowel [7].

Gallstone ileus results in obstruction if the gallstone is of large enough size. Ninety percent of
obstructing stones are greater than 2 cm in diameter, with the majority measuring over 2.5 cm
[8]. Fifty to 70 percent of gallstones impact in the ileum, which is the narrowest segment of the
intestine. The jejunum and stomach are the next most frequently affected sites [2,9]. Colonic
obstruction tends to occur where there is preexisting pathology, such as a post-diverticulitis
stricture, since the normal colonic diameter usually permits passage of gallstones [9]. Multiple
gallstones may be found along the obstructed bowel.


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● Symptoms – The classic clinical presentation of gallstone ileus is in an older woman with
episodic subacute obstruction. The episodic obstruction or "tumbling obstruction" is a
result of the stone tumbling through the bowel lumen. Transient gallstone impaction
produces diffuse abdominal pain and vomiting, which subside as the gallstone becomes
disimpacted, only to recur again as the stone lodges in the more distal bowel lumen. As a
result, vague and intermittent symptoms may be present for some days prior to
evaluation. The mean symptom duration before hospital admission is approximately five
days [9]. Hematemesis is an occasional complication that is due to hemorrhage at the site
of the biliary enteric fistula [3].

Rarely, the gallstone becomes impacted within the pyloric channel or duodenum, causing
gastric outlet obstruction (Bouveret's syndrome). The offending stone travels from the
biliary tree via a cholecystoduodenal fistula, formed in the setting of cholecystitis and
pericholecystic inflammation. The presenting symptoms are abrupt onset of epigastric
pain, nausea, and vomiting. (See "Gastric outlet obstruction in adults", section on
'Bouveret syndrome'.)

● Signs – On physical examination, the patient may be febrile and often appears
dehydrated. Common abdominal signs include distension and increased bowel sounds.
Jaundice is uncommon, occurring in fewer than 15 percent of cases [9]. In addition, 20
percent of patients in one series had signs consistent with acute cholecystitis [10]. (See
"Acute calculous cholecystitis: Clinical features and diagnosis".)

● Laboratory – The biochemical abnormalities that accompany ileus are nonspecific and
may include leukocytosis, electrolyte imbalance due to dehydration, and elevated
aminotransferase levels [9].

● Comorbidities – Many affected patients have serious concomitant medical illnesses,

including coronary disease, pulmonary disease, and diabetes mellitus. In a series of 22
patients with gallstone ileus, 86 percent of patients belonged to the American Society of
Anesthesiology class 3 or 4 ( table 1) [2]. (See "Overview of anesthesia", section on 'Risk


Gallstone ileus should be suspected in older adult patients with the above clinical features
suggestive of acute or subacute small bowel obstruction and can be confirmed by either
radiologic evaluation or, in some patients, at the time of surgery for small bowel obstruction. In

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the latter setting, the removal of a gallstone from the site of the small bowel obstruction is

In the past, the diagnosis of gallstone ileus was not made until surgery in approximately one-
half of the patients, because such patients lacked a history of biliary disease [11]. However, in a
contemporary series, gallstone ileus was diagnosed in 77 percent of patients preoperatively
with computed tomography (CT), plain film, or ultrasound [2].

Confirm the diagnosis — In patients suspected of having gallstone ileus, abdominal imaging is
needed to confirm the diagnosis, identify the location of bowel obstruction, and look for
complications related to obstruction (ischemia, necrosis, perforation). Among available imaging
modalities, CT is the most widely used. When CT is not available, plain films or ultrasound can
been used.

Computed tomography — Abdominal CT is the imaging modality of choice for gallstone ileus.
On abdominal CT scan, findings consistent with gallstone ileus include ( image 1) [12-14]:

● Gallbladder wall thickening

● Pneumobilia
● Intestinal obstruction
● Obstructing gallstones

Pneumobilia occurs in 30 to 60 percent of patients with gallstone ileus but is a nonspecific

finding. Air can enter the biliary tree from the gastrointestinal tract via a patent cystic duct or
enterobiliary fistula. Alternatively, air in the biliary tree can also result from an incompetent
sphincter of Oddi or prior biliary procedure/surgery [9,11].

Plain radiography — When CT is not available, plain films or ultrasound can be used in
patients with suspected gallstone ileus. The classic findings of gallstone ileus on a plain
abdominal film are listed below. Two of the first three findings were found in up to 50 percent of
cases of gallstone ileus in one study. Rigler's triad is the appearance on plain radiograph of
pneumobilia, small bowel obstruction, and gallstone (usually in the iliac fossa) [15].

● Signs of partial or complete intestinal obstruction ( image 2).

● Pneumobilia ( image 3).

● Visualization of the gallstone (fewer than 15 percent of gallstones are visible on the plain
abdominal film due to two reasons: most stones are radiolucent, and bowel gas or bony
structures can obscure gallstones).

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● Change in position of a previously located stone.

When to obtain other tests — Other tests may be performed when CT scan and plain
radiography of the abdomen have been performed but are not diagnostic of gallstone ileus. In
addition, ultrasonography and cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan) may be used to monitor residual
gallstones or fistula in patients who undergo enterolithotomy alone without a concomitant
biliary procedure. (See 'Second stage: Risk dependent' below.)

● If ultrasonography is performed to evaluate a patient with right upper quadrant

abdominal pain, it can demonstrate fistulas, pneumobilia, impacted gallstones, and
residual cholelithiasis and choledocholithiasis in the biliary tract [16]. However, intestinal
gas reflects ultrasound waves, thereby limiting gallstone visualization [17].
Ultrasonography is not the preferred imaging modality to evaluate a patient with
suspected bowel obstruction.

● HIDA scan may reveal the presence of a gallbladder-enteric fistula, which can occur with
gallstone ileus. However, it is an insensitive test [18].

● Endoscopy is of limited value in diagnosing gallstone ileus. Gastroduodenoscopy may

rarely demonstrate an impacted gallstone in the duodenum (Bouveret's syndrome), and
therapeutic endoscopy with lithotripsy may be the preferred technique for treatment of
isolated Bouveret's syndrome [19]. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
(ERCP) may rarely show an enterobiliary fistula by filling the gallbladder with contrast
injected from the duodenum. In addition, patients who have Mirizzi syndrome diagnosed
by ERCP may have coexisting gallstone ileus. (See "Gastric outlet obstruction in adults",
section on 'Bouveret syndrome'.)


The treatment for gallstone ileus is primarily surgical. Gallstone ileus involves three key
elements, cholelithiasis, biliary-enteric fistula, and intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction
is typically addressed with an enterolithotomy (ie, enterotomy with stone removal).
Cholelithiasis and biliary-enteric fistula are typically addressed together with a combined biliary
procedure involving cholecystectomy and fistula closure.

Surgical candidates — All patients with gallstone ileus who are surgical candidates should
undergo an enterolithotomy with the goal of relieving intestinal obstruction. Low-risk patients
may also undergo the biliary procedure at the same time as the enterolithotomy. High-risk
patients may defer the biliary procedure until a later date or postpone the biliary procedure
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indefinitely unless they develop recurrences. In a retrospective study of a sample of inpatients

in the United States that included 3268 patients treated for gallstone ileus, 62 percent
underwent enterolithotomy alone, and 19 percent underwent enterolithotomy combined with a
biliary procedure [1].

First stage: Enterolithotomy — Patients with gallstone ileus are typically treated with an
enterolithotomy first, typically via a laparotomy. A bowel resection may be required where there
is perforation, significant ischemia, or a gallstone that cannot be dislodged. In one study, a
bowel resection was performed in 19 percent of patients treated for gallstone ileus [1].

Enterolithotomy can be performed via laparotomy or laparoscopy. Prophylactic antibiotics are

administered for both since the most common cause of postoperative morbidity is wound
infection [8]. (See "Antimicrobial prophylaxis for prevention of surgical site infection in adults".)

● Laparotomy – At laparotomy, a longitudinal enterotomy is made along the antimesenteric

border proximal to the point of impaction [3]. The stone is milked proximally and removed.
Careful transverse closure of the enterotomy is required to avoid residual bowel stenosis.
Manipulation of stones through the cecum has been associated with mucosal injury and
undetected serosal rupture and therefore should not be performed routinely [9].

The entire bowel should be carefully inspected for more gallstones, which occur in 3 to 16
percent of cases. These can be removed by milking the gut, thereby moving smaller stones
toward bigger ones. Faceted or cylindrical gallstones are considered to increase the
likelihood of multiple stones being present [11]. The majority of cases of recurrent
gallstone ileus are due to faceted stones, presumably missed at initial operation [20].

● Laparoscopy – Laparoscopic-guided enterolithotomy has been performed in selected

cases [2,21,22]. However, this approach can be technically challenging because of the
difficulty of examining a dilated small bowel and identifying the gallstone through the
laparoscope. Conversion to laparotomy is common [1]. The laparoscopic approach is best
confined to extremely experienced surgeons in highly selected patients [2,22].

If a laparoscopic approach is used, it is preferable to mobilize and identify the obstructed

loop of the bowel and perform the stone extraction after eviscerating the loop of the
bowel through a limited incision (hence laparoscopic-guided surgery). This minimizes the
spillage of enteral contents freely in the abdomen, as would likely result from laparoscopic
enterotomy of obstructed bowel.

Second stage: Risk dependent — Following a successful enterolithotomy with or without

bowel resection, the intestinal obstruction is relieved. Further management needs to be

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individualized based upon patient characteristics.

High-risk patients: Observe — For patients who are identified as high risk (American
Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA] class III or IV) ( table 1), who present in shock, or who have
significant intra-abdominal inflammation/dense adhesion, enterolithotomy alone should be
performed, followed by observation for resolution, persistence, or recurrence of symptoms
[23,24]. High-risk patients can be managed expectantly after enterolithotomy alone because
biliary-enteric fistulas may close or shrink spontaneously, especially if the cystic duct is patent or
there are no residual stones [11,24].

For individuals with residual or recurrent symptoms from cholelithiasis, an elective laparoscopic
cholecystectomy can be performed at a later time when the patient's condition permits. Other
high-risk patients can be managed expectantly unless recurrent gallstone ileus or cholecystitis
demands a definitive biliary procedure [8,9,11]. (See 'Recurrent symptoms' below.)

Low-risk patients: Biliary surgery — Low-risk patients (ASA class I or II) ( table 1) may
undergo the definitive biliary procedure at the same time as the enterolithotomy as a one-stage
procedure, if the operative findings in the right upper quadrant warrant biliary tract inspection
and cholecystectomy [2,25,26]. A one-stage procedure includes enterolithotomy,
cholecystectomy, and biliary-enteric fistula closure, with an optional common bile duct

Compared with enterolithotomy alone, the one-stage procedure reduces recurrences of

gallstone ileus; prevents malabsorption and weight loss from a persistent biliary-enteric fistula;
and prevents cholecystitis, cholangitis, and gallbladder carcinoma, but at the risk of higher
surgical morbidity and mortality [9]. (See 'Morbidity and mortality' below.)

Nonsurgical candidates — The mainstay of gallstone ileus treatment is surgical. It is rare that a
patient cannot tolerate any surgical treatment of such disease. Nevertheless, nonsurgical
treatments for gallstone ileus, such as extracorporeal and electrohydraulic lithotripsy of
obstructing stones (jejunum, stomach, colon), and endoscopic removal of gallstones (colon,
duodenum), have been described [17,27-30].


Morbidity and mortality — Since the majority of patients with gallstone ileus are older adults
and have other serious medical conditions, the mortality rate for gallstone ileus remains high;
the rate ranges from 4.5 to 25 percent in early series to between 5.5 and 6.7 percent in

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contemporary studies [1,11,31]. The mortality rate of gallstone ileus is 5 to 10 times higher than
those of other causes of mechanical small bowel obstruction.

Recurrent symptoms — Recurrent gallstone ileus may occur in 4.7 to 17 percent of patients
treated with enterolithotomy alone [11]. Fifty-seven percent of recurrences occurred within six
months of the original surgery. In addition to recurrent gallstone ileus, symptomatic biliary tract
disease developed in 15 percent of patients whose gallbladders were not removed, according to
one study [11].

It should be noted that cholecystectomy performed with enterolithotomy as a part of the one-
stage procedure does not preclude patients from recurrent gallstone ileus for two reasons:
retained common bile duct stones can migrate distally and produce intestinal obstruction, and
missed stones already in the bowel can lead to repeated obstruction.


Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions
around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Gallbladder surgery".)


● Definition – Gallstone ileus is an important, though rare, cause of mechanical bowel

obstruction, affecting older adult patients who often have significant comorbid conditions.
It is most commonly caused by impaction of a gallstone in the ileum after being passed
through a biliary-enteric fistula. (See 'Introduction' above.)

● Clinical features – The classic clinical presentation of gallstone ileus is episodic subacute
obstruction in an older woman. Transient gallstone impaction produces abdominal pain
and vomiting, which subside as the gallstone becomes disimpacted, only to recur again as
the progressively larger stone lodges in the more distal bowel lumen. As a result, vague
and intermittent symptoms may be present for some days prior to evaluation. (See 'Clinical
features' above.)

● Diagnosis – Gallstone ileus should be suspected in older adult patients with clinical
features suggestive of acute or subacute small bowel obstruction and is confirmed by
either radiologic evaluation or, in some patients, at the time of surgery for small bowel
obstruction. In the latter setting, the removal of a gallstone from the site of the small
bowel obstruction is diagnostic. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

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● Treatment – The treatment for gallstone ileus is primarily surgical. (See 'Treatment'

• In all patients, intestinal obstruction must be addressed first with an enterolithotomy

(ie, enterotomy with stone removal). (See 'First stage: Enterolithotomy' above.)

• A biliary procedure, including cholecystectomy and biliary-enteric fistula closure, can be

performed concomitantly with the enterolithotomy in low-risk patients (American
Society of Anesthesiologists class I or II, not in shock, no severe intra-abdominal
inflammation or adhesion). (See 'Low-risk patients: Biliary surgery' above.)

• High-risk patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists class III or IV, in shock, with
severe intra-abdominal inflammation or adhesion) can be managed expectantly after
enterolithotomy alone. In those patients who develop recurrent symptoms, a biliary
procedure can then be performed separately. (See 'High-risk patients: Observe' above.)

Nonsurgical treatments of gallstone ileus have been described but are rarely used. (See
'Nonsurgical candidates' above.)

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25. Rodríguez-Sanjuán JC, Casado F, Fernández MJ, et al. Cholecystectomy and fistula closure
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American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status (ASA PS) Classification


Adult examples, Obstetric examples,
ASA PS examples,
Definition including but including but not
classification including but
not limited to: limited to:
not limited to:

ASA I A normal Healthy, non- Healthy (no acute

healthy smoking, no or or chronic
patient minimal alcohol disease), normal
use. BMI percentile
for age.

ASA II A patient Mild diseases only Asymptomatic Normal pregnancy * , well

with mild without substantive congenital controlled gestational HTN,
systemic functional cardiac disease, controlled preeclampsia
disease limitations. Current well controlled without severe features,
smoker, social dysrhythmias, diet-controlled gestational
alcohol drinker, asthma without DM.
pregnancy, obesity exacerbation,
(30<BMI<40), well- well controlled
controlled DM/HTN, epilepsy, non-
mild lung disease. insulin
diabetes mellitus,
abnormal BMI
percentile for
OSA, oncologic
state in
remission, autism
with mild

ASA III A patient Substantive Uncorrected Preeclampsia with severe

with severe functional stable congenital features, gestational DM
systemic limitations; One or cardiac with complications or high
disease more moderate to abnormality, insulin requirements, a
severe diseases. asthma with thrombophilic disease
Poorly controlled exacerbation, requiring anticoagulation.
DM or HTN, COPD, poorly controlled
morbid obesity (BMI epilepsy, insulin
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≥40), active dependent

hepatitis, alcohol diabetes mellitus,
dependence or morbid obesity,
abuse, implanted malnutrition,
pacemaker, severe OSA,
moderate reduction oncologic state,
of ejection fraction, renal failure,
ESRD undergoing muscular
regularly scheduled dystrophy, cystic
dialysis, history (>3 fibrosis, history of
months) of MI, CVA, organ
TIA, or CAD/stents. transplantation,
brain/spinal cord
premature infant
PCA <60 weeks,
autism with
disease, difficult
airway, long term
nutrition. Full
term infants <6
weeks of age.

ASA IV A patient Recent (<3 months) Symptomatic Preeclampsia with severe

with severe MI, CVA, TIA or congenital features complicated by
systemic CAD/stents, cardiac HELLP or other adverse
disease that ongoing cardiac abnormality, event, peripartum
is a ischemia or severe congestive heart cardiomyopathy with EF <40
constant valve dysfunction, failure, active uncorrected/decompensated
threat to life severe reduction of sequelae of heart disease, acquired or
ejection fraction, prematurity, congenital.
shock, sepsis, DIC, acute hypoxic-
ARD or ESRD not ischemic
undergoing encephalopathy,
regularly scheduled shock, sepsis,
dialysis. disseminated
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severe trauma,
oncologic state.

ASA V A moribund Ruptured Massive trauma, Uterine rupture.

patient who abdominal/thoracic intracranial
is not aneurysm, massive hemorrhage with
expected to trauma, intracranial mass effect,
survive bleed with mass patient requiring
without the effect, ischemic ECMO,
operation bowel in the face of respiratory failure
significant cardiac or arrest,
pathology or malignant
multiple hypertension,
organ/system decompensated
dysfunction. congestive heart
failure, hepatic
ischemic bowel or

ASA VI A declared
organs are
removed for

The addition of "E" to the numerical status (eg, IE, IIE, etc) denotes Emergency surgery (an emergency is
defined as existing when delay in treatment of the patient would lead to a significant increase in the
threat to life or body part).

ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; BMI: body mass index; CAD: coronary artery disease; COPD:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVA: cerebrovascular accident; DIC: disseminated intravascular

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coagulation; DM: diabetes mellitus; HTN: hypertension; ESKD: end-stage kidney disease; MI: myocardial
infarction; PCA: post conceptual age; TIA: transient ischemic attack.

* Although pregnancy is not a disease, the parturient's physiologic state is significantly altered from
when the woman is not pregnant, hence the assignment of ASA 2 for a woman with uncomplicated

ASA Physical Status Classification System (Copyright © 2020) is reprinted with permission of the American Society of
Anesthesiologists, 1061 American Lane, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173-4973.

Graphic 87504 Version 10.0

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Gallstone ileus seen on computed tomography (CT) scan

CT scan in a 75-year-old woman with small bowel obstruction due to gallstone ileus. Left panel: Free air is
seen in the biliary tree and gallbladder (arrow). Right panel: Dilated loops of small bowel with large
gallstone with a calcified rim (arrow) impacted in the terminal ileum.

Courtesy of Nezam Afdhal, MD.

Graphic 80522 Version 5.0

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Small bowel obstruction on plain abdominal radiograph

Plain upright abdominal film shows a distended stomach and slightly dilated loops of small bowel with air
fluid levels and a paucity of colonic gas, consistent with small bowel obstruction.

Reproduced with permission from: Deborah Levine, MD. Copyright © Deborah Levine, MD.

Graphic 68029 Version 4.0

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Pneumobilia due to gallstone ileus

Plain film of the abdomen showing air in the intrahepatic biliary tree (arrows) and dilated loops of small
bowel. Pneumobilia implies either a patent cystic duct or a fistula involving the common bile duct. The
gallstone cannot be identified on this film. This is a common finding that is due to two factors: most
stones are radiolucent, and gas or bony structures can obscure gallstones outside the biliary tree.

Courtesy of Nezam Afdhal, MD.

Graphic 68491 Version 5.0

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Contributor Disclosures
Andrew P Keaveny, MD, FRCPI No hay relaciones financieras relevantes con empresas no elegibles para
revelar. Nezam H Afdhal, MD, FRCPI No hay relaciones financieras relevantes con empresas no elegibles
para revelar. Steven Paul Bowers, MD Titular de la patente: Suture Shield [sutura robótica]. Otro interés
financiero: GE/BK Medical [Consulta educativa – Ultrasonido intraoperatorio biliar]. Todas las relaciones
financieras relevantes enumeradas han sido mitigadas. Stanley W Ashley, MD No hay relaciones
financieras relevantes con empresas no elegibles para revelar. Sanjiv Chopra, MD, MACP No hay
relaciones financieras relevantes con empresas no elegibles para revelar. Wenliang Chen, MD, PhD No
hay relaciones financieras relevantes con empresas no elegibles para revelar.

El grupo editorial revisa las divulgaciones de los contribuyentes para detectar conflictos de intereses.
Cuando se encuentran, estos se abordan mediante un proceso de revisión de varios niveles y mediante
requisitos de referencias que se deben proporcionar para respaldar el contenido. Se requiere que todos
los autores tengan contenido con las referencias adecuadas y deben cumplir con los estándares de
evidencia de UpToDate.

Política de conflicto de intereses

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